Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-exception_notification-4.3.0-34.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Dec 08 2018 Stephan Kulow
- updated to version 4.3.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.3.0
* enhancements
* Add Microsoft Teams Notifier (by AATTphaelin)
* Add SNS notifier (by AATTFLarra)
* Add Google Chats notifier (by AATTrenatolond)
* Align output of section-headers consistently (by AATTkronn)
* ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception receives block & pass it to each notifier (by AATTpocke)
* Update Travis to latest rubies (by AATTlostapathy)
* bug fixes
* Replace all before_filter to before_action on readme (by AATTpastullo)
* Fix error when using error grouping outside of rails (by AATTgarethcokell)
* Fix missing MissingController Mattermost class (by AATTn-rodriguez)
* Sun Sep 03 2017 updated to version 4.2.2 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.2
* enhancements
* Error groupiong (by AATTMartin91)
* Additional fields for Slack support (by AATTschurig)
* Enterprise HipChat support (by AATTseanhuber)
* Tue Jul 19 2016 updated to version 4.2.1 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.1
* enhancements
* Allow customizable backtrace for Slack (by AATTaried3r)
* Add `Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound` to ignored_exceptions (by AATTnazarok)
* Improved text in Slack notifier (by AATTvojtad)
* bug fixes
* Fix data being sent on webhook notifier
* Wed Jul 13 2016 updated to version 4.2.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.2.0
* enhancements
* update URL in gemspec (by AATTktdreyer)
* Add `hostname` to Slack notifier (by AATTjuanazam)
* Allow `exception_recipients` to be a proc (by AATTkellyjosephprice)
* Add Mattermost integration (by AATTAschen)
* Rails 5 compatible
* bug fixes
* Fix error when showing timestamp on non Rails apps
* Fix delivery failure when deliver_with specified (by AATTgrzuy)
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 4.1.4 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc
* Wed Dec 23 2015 updated to version 4.1.3 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == undefined
* enhancements
* Add a way to have a backtrace callback on notifiers (by AATTpcboy)
* bug fixes
* Fix incompatible character encodings error (by AATTsan650)
* Sat Dec 05 2015 updated to version 4.1.2 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.1.2
* enhancements
* Change format of Slack notifications (by AATTeldano)
* Wed Jun 10 2015 updated to version 4.1.1 see installed CHANGELOG.rdoc == 4.1.1
* bug fixes
* Alternate way to monkeypatch (by AATTjoshco)
* Fix BacktraceCleaner namespacing (by AATTesdlocomb)
* Sat Apr 11 2015 updated to version 4.1.0
* enhancements
* Add support for Sidekiq 3.0 (by AATTmbrictson)
* Add IRC notifier (by AATTnathanjsharpe)
* Add ActionController::UnknownFormat to default ignored exceptions (by AATTrezwyi)
* Add message_template option to HipChat notifier (by AATTmakimoto)
* Add support for HipChat APIv2 (by AATTmichaelherold)
* Add Slack notifier (by AATTmartin1keogh)
* Add option for notifying on `X-Cascade` header (by AATTetipton)
* Improve backtrace data (by AATTmunkius)
* bug fixes
* Fix `Rails.root` exception (by AATThovatterz)
* Fix email notifier in Sinatra (by AATTbetesh)
* Mon Sep 23 2013 updated to version 4.0.1
* enhancements
* Add HipChat notifier (by AATTj15e)
* Log backtrace when notification fails
* Send more info in Webhook notifier
* Add HTTP method to request section
* Tue Jul 30 2013 updated to version 4.0.0
* enhancements
* Be able to override delivery_method (by AATTjweslley)
* Add logger to log when notifications cannot be shiped (by AATTjweslley)
* Add Rails generator to create an initializer file (by AATTjweslley)
* Add rails engine (by AATTjweslley)
* Add sidekiq support (by AATTjweslley)
* Add resque support (by AATTjweslley)
* Better style for html views (by AATTjweslley)
* Support customizable Mailer class (by AATTBishop)
* Turn ExceptionNotification Rails agnostic (by AATTjweslley)
* Support custom ignore exceptions for background notifications (by AATTjweslley)
* Be able to implement custom notifiers (by AATTjweslley)
* Add Webhook notifier (by AATTjweslley)
* Rails 4 compatible
* bug fixes
* Don\'t error if Rails isn\'t defined. (by AATTdpogue)
* Fix call to #normalize_digits (by AATTghiculescu)
* Sun Feb 03 2013 updated to version 3.0.1
* enhancements
* Custom Headers (by AATTDouweM)
* Make Tinder a soft-dependency (by AATTfgrehm)
* bug fixes
* Fix `code converter not found` (by AATTalanjds)
* Sun Oct 28 2012 updated to version 3.0.0
* enhancements
* Campfire integration
* Support fot HTML notifications (by AATTXenofex)
* Be able to override SMTP settings (by AATTpiglop and AATTMacint)
* bug fixes
* Fix encoding issues
* Allow default sections to be overridden (by AATTjfarmer)
* Don\'t automatically deliver background notifications
* Tue Apr 24 2012 update to 2.6.1
* bug fixes
* Fix finding custom sections on Background notifications. Fixes [#68]
* Tue Apr 17 2012 update to 2.6.0 enhancements Avoid raising exception on dev mode Add ignore_if option to avoid sending certain notifications. Add normalize_subject option to remove numbers from email so that they thread (by AATTjjb) Allow the user to provide a custom message and hash of data (by AATTjjb) Add support for configurable background sections and a data partial (by AATTjeffrafter) Include timestamp of exception in notification body Add support for rack based session management (by AATTphoet) Add ignore_crawlers option to ignore exceptions generated by crawlers Add verbode_subject option to exclude exception message from subject (by AATTamishyn) bug fixes Correctly set view path at the right time so that new sections are properly available (by AATTscrozier) Fix handling exceptions with no backtrace Fix issue on Solaris with hostname (by AATTbluescripts) Ensure exceptions in view templates doesn’t cause problems, allowing the notification to be sent anyway (by AATTsce)
* Mon Mar 26 2012 update to version 2.5.2- Require rubygem-actionmailer-3_2, 3_0 is not in Factory
* Fri Jun 11 2010 update to
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Wed Dec 23 2009 created package