Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-travis-1.8.9-1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Sep 18 2018 updated to version 1.8.9
* no changelog found for this version
* Sat Mar 04 2017 updated to version 1.8.8 see installed history.rb
* Fri Jan 27 2017 updated to version 1.8.6 see installed history.rb
* Fri Dec 09 2016 updated to version 1.8.5 see installed history.rb
* Thu Nov 10 2016 updated to version 1.8.4 see installed history.rb
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 1.8.2 see installed history.rb
* Thu Jul 16 2015 updated to version 1.8.0 see installed history.rb
* Thu May 28 2015 updated to version 1.7.7 see installed history.rb
* Thu Apr 09 2015 updated to version 1.7.6
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 1.7.5
* Add support for url.
* Fix packaging error with 1.7.4, in which Code Deploy setup code was not included
* Thu Jan 01 2015 update to version 1.7.4
* Add `travis setup codedeploy`
* Add `travis setup biicode`
* Add `travis env clear`
* Print error message if `travis login` is run for a GitHub account unknown to the Travis CI setup.
* Fix bug in S3 ACL settings.
* Make `travis console` work with newer pry versions.
* Add `travis setup elasticbeanstalk`.
* Properly display educational accounts in `travis accounts`.
* Upgrade go version default for `travis init`.
* Fix SSL verification issue on OS X Yesomite and certain Linux setups.
* Be more forgiving with outdated API version (Enterprise).
* Better handling of multibyte characters in archived logs.
* Use more restricitve permissions for the config file.
* Better error message when trying to encrypt a string that is too long.
* Fix Validation failed error using `travis sshkey --upload`.
* Add `travis encrypt-file`.
* Add `--store-repo`/`-R` to repository commands to permanently store the slug for a repository.
* Announce repository slug when first detected, ask for confirmation in interactive mode.
* Have `travis repos` only print repository slugs in non-interactive mode.
* Add `travis/auto_login` and `travis/pro/auto_login` to the Ruby API for easy authentication.
* Add `--fingerprint` to `pubkey` command.
* Add `fingerprint` to `Repository#public_key`.
* Display better error messages for user errors (user data validation failing, etc).
* Have `travis sshkey --upload` check that the content is a private key.
* Make `travis sshkey --upload` prompt for and remove the pass phrase if the key is encrypted.
* Add `travis sshkey` and corresponding Ruby API.
* Make desktop notifications work on Mac OS X 10.10.
* Fix check for updates.
* Add `travis env [list|add|set|copy]`.
* Add `Repository#env_vars`.
* Add `travis setup ghc`.
* Add `Log#delete_body`, `Job#delete_log` and `Build#delete_logs` to Ruby API.
* Add `--delete`, `--force` and `--no-stream` options to `travis logs`.
* Add `acl` option to `travis setup s3`.
* Add `--set` option to `travis settings`, support non-boolean values.
* Expose `maximum_number_of_builds` setting.
* Give GitHub OAuth token generated by `travis setup releases` a proper description.
* Proper handling for empty or broken config files.
* Reset terminal colors after `travis logs`.
* Add `travis lint` command and Ruby API.
* Added Deis and Hackage setup support.
* Added artifacts setup support.
* Fri Oct 03 2014 update to new packaging scheme
* Sun May 18 2014 updated to version 1.6.11
* Added Cloud 66 and Ninefold setup support.
* Require typhoeus 0.6.8 and later.
* Better CloudFoundry support
* Update Faraday to version 0.9.
* Add `--limit` to `travis requests`.
* Add `--committer` option to `travis history`.
* Avoid error when running `travis login` with a revoked token.
* Add `travis setup releases`.
* Desktop notifications via libnotify are now transient (disappear on their own if the user is active).
* Update Rubinius version generated by `travis init ruby`.
* Improve setup when running `travis` executable that has not been installed via RubyGems.
* Sat Mar 15 2014 updated to version 1.6.8
* Display annotations in `travis show`.
* Add `travis requests` to see build requests Travis CI has received.
* Improve annotation support in the Ruby library.
* Add `Repository#requests` to Ruby library.
* Fix behavior for missing entities.
* Thu Feb 06 2014 updated to version 1.6.7
* Properly display OS for projects tested on multiple operating systems.
* Better error message when using an invalid access token.
* Fix desktop notifications using libnotify (Linux/BSD).
* `travis branches` preserves branch name when displaying Pull Request builds.
* Add `travis setup modulus`.
* Ruby library now supports build annotations.
* Document plugin support.
* Do not have the client raise on unknown API entities.
* Do not try and resolve missing commit data (as it will lead to a 404).
* Fri Dec 20 2013 updated to version 1.6.6
* Fix `travis login --pro` for new users.
* Add `travis settings` command for accessing repository settings.
* Add `travis setup opsworks`.
* Add `travis console -x` to run a line of Ruby code with a valid session.
* Add authentication and streaming example for Ruby library.
* Add Ruby API for dealing with repository settings.
* Improve `travis login` and `travis login --auto`. Add ability to load GitHub token from Keychain.
* Only ask for GitHub two-factor auth token if two-factor auth is actually required.
* Fix access right check for `travis caches`.
* Fri Nov 29 2013 updated to version 1.6.3
* Fix OS detection on Windows.
* Add `travis repos` command.
* Add `travis setup cloudfiles`.
* Add `travis setup divshot`.
* Add `--date` flag to `travis history`.
* Add upload and target directory options to `travis setup s3`.
* Include commit message in desktop notifications.
* Check if Notification Center or Growl is actually running before sending out notifications.
* Better documentation for desktop notifications.
* Improved handling of pusher errors when streaming.
* Add ability to load archived logs from different host.
* User proper API endpoint for streaming logs, as old endpoint has been removed.
* Make tests run on Rubinius 2.x.
* Fri Nov 22 2013 updated to version 1.6.2
* Remove worker support, as API endpoints have been removed from Travis CI.
* Improve OS detection.
* Fix `travis report`.
* Fix issues with new payload for permissions endpoint (used by `travis monitor`).
* Improve default logic for whether `travis monitor` should display desktop notifications.
* Make desktop notifications work on Mac OSX 10.9.
* Increase and improve debug output.
* Only load pry if console command is actually invoked, not when it is loaded (for instance by `travis help`).
* Wed Nov 06 2013 updated to version 1.6.1
* Update autocompletion when updating travis gem.
* Add `travis cache` to list and delete directory caches.
* Add `travis report` to give a report of the system, endpoint, configuration and last exception.
* Add `Cache` entity.
* Keep `travis monitor` running on API errors.
* Fri Oct 25 2013 Updated to version 1.5.8
* Fix bug in completion code that stopped command line client from running.
* Thu Oct 24 2013 updated to version 1.5.7
* Improve logic for automatically figuring out a repository slug based on the tracked git remote.
* Display error if argument passed to `-r` is not a full slug.
* Do not automatically install shell completion on gem installation.
* Add Travis CI mascot as logo to desktop notifications.
* Improve OSX and Growl notifications.
* Require user to be logged in for all commands issued against an enterprise installation.
* Improve error message when not logged in for enterprise installations.
* Fix API endpoint detection for enterprise installations.
* Make streaming API, and thus the `monitor` and `logs` command, work with enterprise installations.
* Add `--build`, `--push` and `--pull` flags to monitor command to allow filtering events.
* Wed Oct 23 2013 updated to version 1.5.6
* Add `travis setup appfog` and `travis setup s3`.
* Use new API for fetching a single branch for Repository#branch. This also circumvents the 25 branches limit.
* Start publishing gem prereleases after successful builds.
* Have `travis logs` display first job for a build if a build number is given (or for the last build if called without arguments)
* Add support for branch names to `travis logs`.
* Add support for just using the job suffix with `travis logs`.
* Improve error message if job cannot be found/identified by `travis logs`.
* Add `travis logout` for removing access token.
* Improve error message for commands that require user to be logged in.
* Add `account` method for fetching a single account to `Travis::Client::Methods`.
* Allow creating account objects for any account, not just these the user is part of. Add `Account#member?` to check for membership.
* Add `Account#repositories` to load all repos for a given account.
* Add `Repository#owner_name` and `Repository#owner` to load the account owning a repository.
* Add `Repository#member?` to check if the current user is a member of a repository.
* Add `Build#pull_request_number` and `Build#pull_request_title`.
* Remove trailing new lines from string passed to `travis encrypt`.
* Fix double `provider` entry generated by `travis setup engineyard`.
* Only load auto-completions if available.
* Fix and improve growl notifications.
* Fix GitHub host detection `travis login --auto`.
* API endpoint may now include a path all the requests will be prefixed with.
* Allow overriding SSL options in Ruby client.
* Add `--insecure` to turn off SSL verification.
* Add `--enterprise`/`-X` option for Travis Enterprise integration.
* Sun Oct 20 2013 updated to version 1.5.5
* Add `travis setup pypi`
* Add `travis setup npm`
* When loading accounts, set all flag to true.
* Fix bug where session.config would be nil instead of a hash.
* (September 7, 2013)
* Make `travis monitor` send out desktop notifications.
* List available templates on `travis init --help`.
* List available services on `travis setup --help`.
* Make `travis setup cloudfoundry` detect the target automatically if possible
* Have `travis setup` ask if you want to deploy/release from current branch if not on master.
* Give autocompletion on zsh [superpowers](
* Add `Repository#github_language`.
* `travis init` now is smarter when it comes to detecting the template to use (ie, \"CoffeeScript\" will be mapped to \"node_js\")
* Running `travis init` without a language will now use `Repository#github_language` as default language rather than ruby.
* Make `travis login` and `travis login --auto` work with GitHub Enterprise.
* Make `travis login` work with two factor authentication.
* Add `travis endpoint --github`.
* Make `travis accounts` handle accounts without name better.
* (August 22, 2013)
* Fix issues on Windows.
* Improve `travis setup rubygems` (automatically figure out API token for newer RubyGems versions, offer to only release tagged commits, allow changing gem name).
* Add command descriptions to help pages.
* Smarter check if travis gem is outdated.
* Better error messages for non-existing build/job numbers.
* (August 18, 2013)
* Add `travis cancel`.
* Add `Build#cancel` and `Job#cancel` to Ruby API.
* Add `travis setup cloudfoundry`.
* Add `--set-default` and `--drop-default` to `travis endpoint`.
* Make it possible to configure cli via env variables (`$TRAVIS_TOKEN`, `$TRAVIS_ENDPOINT` and `$TRAVIS_CONFIG_PATH`).
* Improve `travis setup cloudcontrol`.
* (August 15, 2013)
* Add `travis setup engineyard`.
* Add `travis setup cloudcontrol`.
* Silence warnings when running `travis help` or `travis console`.
* (August 7, 2013)
* Add `travis setup rubygems`.
* Add `travis accounts`.
* Add `travis monitor`.
* Make `travis logs` stream.
* Wed Jul 31 2013 Updated to version 1.4.0
* Add `travis init`
* Improve install documentation, especially for people from outside the Ruby community
* Improve error message on an expired token
* Add Account entity to library
* Switch to Typhoeus as default HTTP adapter
* Fix tests for forks- Updated to version 1.3.1
* Add `travis whatsup --my-repos`, which corresponds to the \"My Repositories\" tab in the web interface
* It is now recommended to use Ruby 2.0, any Ruby version prior to 1.9.3 will lead to a warning being displayed. Disable with `--skip-version-check`.
* Add `--override` and `--append` to `travis encrypt`, make default behavior depend on key.
* Add shorthand for `travis encrypt --add`.- Updated to version 1.3.0
* Add `travis setup [heroku|openshift|nodejitsu|sauce_connect]`
* Add `travis branches`
* Add Repository#branch and Repository#branches
* Improve `--help`
* Improve error message when calling `travis logs` with a matrix build number
* Check if travis gem is up to date from time to time (CLI only, not when used as library)- Updated to version 1.2.8
* Make pubkey print out key in ssh encoding, add --pem flag for old format
* Fix more encoding issues
* Fix edge cases that broke history view- Updated to version 1.2.7
* Add pubkey command
* Remove all whitespace from an encrypted string
* Wed Jul 10 2013 Initial packaging of version 1.2.6