Changelog for
python2-libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.6-113.2.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Jan 4 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 1.1.6:
* Deprecate save_encryption_settings (they are part of the normal settings).
* Add getters for peer_class_filter and peer_class_type_filter.
* Make torrent_handler::set_priority() to use peer_classes.
* Fix support for boost-1.66 (requires C++11).
* Fix i2p support.
* Fix loading resume data when in seed mode.
* Fix part-file creation race condition.
* Fix issue with initializing settings on session construction.
* Fix issue with receiving interested before metadata.
* Fix IPv6 tracker announce issue.
* Restore path sanitization behavior of \":\".
* Fix listen socket issue when disabling \"force_proxy\" mode.
* Fix full allocation failure on APFS.
- Remove fix-build-against-boost-1.66.patch: fixed upstream.
Sat Dec 30 13:00:00 2017
- Add fix-build-against-boost-1.66.patch to fix build with the
latest boost in Factory
Sat Oct 21 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 1.1.5:
* Fix an infinite loop when parsing certain invalid magnet links.
* Fix parsing torrents with certain invalid filenames.
* Fix a leak of torrent_peer objecs (entries in peer_list).
* Fix a leak of peer_class objects (when setting per-torrent rate
* Expose peer_class API to python bindings.
* Fix integer overflow in whole_pieces_threshold logic.
* Fix python bindings for torrent_handle, to be hashable.
* Fix IPv6 tracker support by performing the second announce in
more cases.
* Fix utf-8 encoding check in torrent parser.
* Fix an infinite loop when parsing maliciously crafted
* Fix an invalid read in parse_int in bdecoder.
* Fix an issue with very long tracker- and web seed URLs.
* Do not attempt to create empty files on startup, if they
already exist.
* Fix force-recheck issue (new files would not be picked up).
* Fix an inconsistency in file_priorities and
override_resume_data behaviour.
* Fix paused torrents not generating a state update when their
ul/dl rate transitions to zero.
- Remove boost-1_65-fix.patch: fixed upstream.
Mon Oct 9 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 1.1.4:
* Corrected missing const qualifiers on bdecode_node.
* Fix changing queue position of paused torrents (1.1.3 regression).
* Fix re-check issue after move_storage.
* Handle invalid arguments to set_piece_deadline().
* Move_storage did not work for torrents without metadata.
* Improve shutdown time by only announcing to trackers whose IP we know.
* Fix python3 portability issue in python binding.
* Delay 5 seconds before reconnecting socks5 proxy for UDP ASSOCIATE.
* Fix NAT-PMP crash when removing a mapping at the wrong time.
* Improve path sanitization (filter unicode text direction characters).
* Deprecate partial_piece_info::piece_state.
* Bind upnp requests to correct local address.
* Save resume data when removing web seeds.
* Fix proxying of https connections.
* Fix race condition in disk I/O storage class.
* Fix http connection timeout on multi-homed hosts.
* Removed depdendency on boost::uintptr_t for better compatibility.
* Fix memory leak in the disk cache.
* Fix double free in disk cache.
* Forward declaring libtorrent types is discouraged. a new fwd.hpp header is
- Add boost-1_65-fix.patch: fix building with boost 1.65.
- Drop libtorrent-rasterbar-fix-build-boost-1.54.patch.
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017
- Fix Python3 bindings.
Sat Apr 22 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 1.1.3:
* Remove (broken) support for incoming connections over socks5.
* Restore announce_entry\'s timestamp fields to posix time in
python bindings.
* Deprecate torrent_added_alert (in favour of add_torrent_alert).
* Fix python bindings for parse_magnet_uri.
* Fix a minor robustness issue in DHT bootstrap logic.
* Fix an issue where torrent_status::num_seeds could be negative.
* Document deprecation of dynamic loading/unloading of torrents.
* Include user-agent in tracker announces in anonymous_mode for
private torrents.
* Add support for IPv6 peers from udp trackers.
* Correctly URL encode the IPv6 argument to trackers.
* Fix a bug where settings_pack::file_pool_size setting was not
being honored.
* Add a feature to periodically close files (to make windows
clear disc cache).
* Fix a bug in torrent_handle::file_status.
* Fix an issue with peers not updated on metadata from magnet
- Remove libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.2-fix-python-timestamp.patch.
Wed Mar 29 14:00:00 2017
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.2-fix-python-timestamp.patch:
Restore announce_entry\'s timestamp fields to POSIX time in
Python bindings (commit 852fada, boo#1031510).
Tue Mar 7 13:00:00 2017
- Explicitly require libboost_python3-devel on openSUSE later than
Leap 42.x.
- Rename python-libtorrent-rasterbar to
python2-libtorrent-rasterbar to follow Python packaging policies.
Sat Mar 4 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 1.1.2:
* Default TOS marking to 0x20.
* Fix invalid access when leaving seed-mode with outstanding hash
* Fix an ABI compatibility issue introduced with preformatted
entry type.
* Add web_seed_name_lookup_retry to session_settings.
* Slightly improve proxy settings backwards compatibility.
* Add a function to get default settings.
* Updating super seeding would include the torrent in
* Fix an issue where num_seeds could be greater than num_peers in
* Finished non-seed torrents can also be in super-seeding mode.
* Fix an issue related to unloading torrents.
* Fix finished-time calculation.
* Add missing min_memory_usage() and high_performance_seed()
settings presets to Python.
* Fix a stat cache issue that sometimes would produce incorrect
resume data.
* Storage optimisation to peer classes.
* Fix the torrent name in alerts of builds with deprecated
* Make torrent_info::is_valid() return false if a torrent failed
to load.
* Fix per-torrent rate limits for >256 peer classes.
* Don\'t load user_agent and peer_fingerprint from session_state.
* Fix the file rename issue with name prefix matching torrent
* Fix division by zero when setting tick_interval > 1000.
* Fix move_storage() to its own directory (would delete the
* Fix the socks5 support for UDP.
* Add a setting urlseed_max_request_bytes to handle large web
seed requests.
* Fix Python bindings crash with non-default C++11.
* Add trackers from the add_torrent_params/magnet links to
separate tiers.
* Fix a resumedata check issue with files with priority 0
* Deprecate the mmap_cache feature.
* Add an utility function for generating the peer ID fingerprint.
* Fix a bug in last-seen-complete.
* Remove a file size limit in the torrent_info filename
* Fix tail-padding for the last file in create_torrent.
* Don\'t send the user-agent in metadata http downloads or UPnP
requests when in the anonymous mode.
* Fix the internal resolve links lookup for mutable torrents.
* Hint DHT bootstrap nodes of actual bootstrap request.
- Dropped libtorrent-rasterbar-python-cxxflags.patch (accepted
Wed Feb 1 13:00:00 2017
- use individual libboost-
*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
Mon Dec 5 13:00:00 2016
- Require boost 1.54+ instead of 1.61+ again.
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-fix-build-boost-1.54.patch: Fix
building with Boost 1.54.
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-python-cxxflags.patch: Fix Python
bindings crash with non-default C++11 (boo#1013570).
Mon Oct 10 14:00:00 2016
- Require boost => 1.61 to fix build failures.
Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 1.1.1:
* Update puff.c for gzip inflation.
* Add dht_bootstrap_node a setting in settings_pack (and add
* Make pad-file and symlink support conform to BEP47.
* Fix piece picker bug that could result in division by zero.
* Fix value of current_tracker when all tracker failed.
* Deprecate lt_trackers extension.
* Remove load_asnum_db and load_country_db from python bindings.
* Fix a crash in session::get_ip_filter when not having set one.
* Fix filename escaping when repairing torrents with broken web
* fix a bug where file_completed_alert would not be posted unless
file_progress had been queries by the client.
* Move files one-by-one when moving storage for a torrent.
* Fix bug in python bindings of announce_entry.
* Fix a bug related to flag_merge_resume_http_seeds flag in
* Fixed inverted priority of incoming piece suggestions.
* Optimise allow-fast logic.
* Fix an issue where FAST extension messages were not used during
* Fix a crash on invalid input in http_parser.
* Upgrade to libtommath 1.0.
* Fix parsing of an IPv6 endpoint with invalid port character
* Add a limited support for new parameter from BEP 9.
* Fix dht stats counters that weren\'t being updated.
* Make sure add_torrent_alert is always posted before other
alerts for the torrent.
* Fix a peer-class leak when settings per-torrent rate limits.
* Add a new \"preformatted\" type to bencode entry variant type.
* Improve Socks5 support and test coverage.
* Fix set_settings in python bindings.
* Add missing alert categories in python bindings.
* Add dht_get_peers_reply_alert alert in python bindings.
* Fix updating the node id reported to peers after changing IPs.
- Remove libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-fix-get-ip-filter.patch: merged
- Remove libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-remove-x86-only-flag.patch,
libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-python-fixes.patch: fixed upstream.
Wed Aug 17 14:00:00 2016
- Append commit f05fad0 to
libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-python-fixes.patch from upstream.
- Set boost requirement version to 1.53+ as in commit 633d062.
Fri Jul 29 14:00:00 2016
- new libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-add_ppc64le_as_64_bit_system_libraries.patch
to allow ppc64le build.
provided upstream
Sat Jul 23 14:00:00 2016
- Remove useless duplicate pkgconfig dependency
Wed Jul 20 14:00:00 2016
- Add _constraints, specify 3.5G as a minimal RAM requirement
(but 2G on arm6l/arm7l): that\'s somewhat around what is needed
for the build not to fail.
Sun Jul 17 14:00:00 2016
- Add a bcond to enable tests build (disabled by default).
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-fix-get-ip-filter.patch: fix Deluge
crashing when IP filters are used without patching Deluge
(commit 66e5994) (boo#978600).
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-python-fixes.patch from upstream:
fixes for Python bindings (commits e4fd45e, 80710ab, f01ac8f,
42c6376) (boo#988986).
Sun Jul 3 14:00:00 2016
- Remove \"-lrt\" link hack.
- Don\'t force C++11 on openSUSE newer than Leap 42.x.
Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2016
- Disable Python3 support for openSUSE Leap 42.x after all.
Tue Jun 21 14:00:00 2016
- Added explicit linking of libboost_devel for aarch64, see
Mon Jun 20 14:00:00 2016
- Updated version requirement for boost-devel
and added -std=c++11 in CXXFLAGS to address
a build problem with qbittorrent 3.3.5
Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2016
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-1.1.0-fix-invalid-input-crash.patch: fix
crash on invalid input in http_parser (commit 3624ce6, boo#983228).
Mon May 16 14:00:00 2016
- Build Python3 bindings for openSUSE Leap 42.2 and newer.
- Remove GeoIP support remnants, was removed in 1.1.0.
- Replace fix-sse-only-on-x86.patch with
(commit 680eddf) and apply unconditionally.
Fri Apr 15 14:00:00 2016
- Added fix-sse-only-on-x86.patch to fix build on
non x86 architectures.
Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 1.1.0:
* fix duplicate ACK issue in uTP
* experimental support for BEP 38, \"mutable torrents\"
* replaced lazy_bdecode with a new bdecoder that\'s a lot more efficient
* General speed improvements.
* support SSL over uTP connections
* Removed built-in GeoIP support (this functionality is orthogonal to libtorrent)
* General better multithreading support.
* Added support for hashing pieces in multiple threads
* Fix division by zero in super-seeding logic
Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 1.0.9:
* Fix issue in checking outgoing interfaces (when that option is
* Python binding fix for boost-1.60.0.
* Improve reliability of binding listen sockets.
* Support SNI in https web seeds and trackers.
* Fix unhandled exception in DHT when receiving a DHT packet over
Thu Feb 11 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 1.0.8:
* Fix web seed request size.
* Fix bug where web seeds were not used for torrents added by URL.
* Fix long filename issue.
* Fix performance bug in DHT torrent eviction.
* Fix bug when deleting files for magnet links before they had
- Remove libtorrent-rasterbar-boost-1.60.patch: fixed upstream.
Thu Jan 14 13:00:00 2016
- Add libtorrent-rasterbar-boost-1.60.patch: register_ptr_to_python
for boost::shared_ptr
(by Andrew Resch).
Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.0.7
* fix bug where loading settings via load_state() would not trigger all
appropriate actions
* fix bug where 32 bit builds could use more disk cache than the virtual
address space (when set to automatic)
* fix support for torrents with > 500\'000 pieces
* fix ip filter bug when banning peers
* fix IPv6 IP address resolution in URLs
* introduce run-time check for torrent info-sections beeing too large
* fix web seed bug when using proxy and proxy-peer-connections=false
* fix bug in magnet link parser
* introduce add_torrent_params flags to merge web seeds with resume data
(similar to trackers)
* fix bug where dont_count_slow_torrents could not be disabled
* fix fallocate hack on linux (fixes corruption on some architectures)
* fix auto-manage bug with announce to tracker/lsd/dht limits
* improve DHT routing table to not create an unbalanced tree
* fix bug in uTP that would cause any connection taking more than one second
to connect be timed out (introduced in the vulnerability path)
* fixed falling back to sending UDP packets direct when socks proxy fails
* fixed total_wanted bug (when setting file priorities in add_torrent_params)
* fix python3 compatibility with sha1_hash
Sun Aug 2 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 1.0.6:
* Fix µTP vulnerability.
* Make UTF-8 conversions more lenient.
* Fix loading of piece priorities from resume data.
* Improve seed-mode handling (seed-mode will now automatically be
left when performing operations implying it\'s not a seed).
* Fix issue with file priorities and override resume data.
* Fix request queue size performance issue.
* Slightly improve UDP tracker performance.
* Fix HTTP scrapes.
* Add missing port mapping functions to Python binding.
* Fix bound-checking issue in bdecoder.
* Expose missing dht_settings fields to Python.
* Add function to query the DHT settings.
* Fix bug in \'dont_count_slow_torrents\' feature, which would
start too many torrents.
Mon Jun 8 14:00:00 2015
- Change Group of shlib to System/Libraries
Fri May 29 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 1.0.5:
* Improve ip_voter to avoid flapping.
* Fix bug when max_peerlist_size was set to 0.
* Fix issues with missing exported symbols when building dll.
* Fix division by zero bug in edge case while connecting peers.
- Spec cleanup.
Mon Apr 6 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 1.0.4:
* so many changes since last package version, all of them can be found in
ChangeLog file.
* Bump so version to 8.
Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 0.16.19
* python binding build fix for boost-1.57.0
* add --enable-export-all option to configure script, to export
all symbols from libtorrent
* python bindings fixes
* handle overlong utf-8 sequences
* fix bug in error handling in protocol encryption
- Remove obsolete conditional macros
Tue Jul 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.16.17:
* don\'t fall back on wildcard port in UPnP
* fix local service discovery for magnet links
* fix bitfield issue in file_storage
* added work-around for MingW issue in file I/O
* fixed sparse file detection on windows
* fixed bug in gunzip
* fix to use proxy settings when adding .torrent file from URL
* fix resume file issue related to daylight savings time on windows
* improve error checking in lazy_bdecode
Sat Mar 29 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.16.16 (changes since 0.16.12):
* add missing add_files overload to the python bindings
* improve error handling in http gunzip
* fix debug logging for banning web seeds
* improve support for de-selected files in full allocation mode
* fix dht_bootstrap_alert being posted
* SetFileValidData fix on windows (prevents zero-fill)
* fix minor lock_files issue on unix
* fix mingw time_t 64 bit issue
* fix use of SetFileValidData on windows
* fix crash when using full allocation storage mode
* improve error_code and error_category support in python bindings
* fix python binding for external_ip_alert
* make lt_tex more robust against bugs and malicious behavior
* HTTP chunked encoding fix
* expose file_granularity flag to python bindings
* fix DHT memory error
* change semantics of storage allocation to allocate on first write rather
than on startup (behaves better with changing file priorities)
* fix resend logic in response to uTP SACK messages
* only act on uTP RST packets with correct ack_nr
* make uTP errors log in normal log mode (not require verbose)
* deduplicate web seed entries from torrent files
* improve error reporting from lazy_decode()
* fix auto-manage issue when pausing session
* fix bug in non-sparse mode on windows, causing incorrect file errors to
be generated
* fix set_name() on file_storage actually affecting save paths
* fix large file support issue on mingw
* add some error handling to set_piece_hashes()
* fix completed-on timestamp to not be clobbered on each startup
* fix deadlock caused by some UDP tracker failures
* fix potential integer overflow issue in timers on windows
* minor fix to peer_proportional mixed_mode algorithm (TCP limit could go
too low)
* graceful pause fix
* i2p fixes
* fix issue when loading certain malformed .torrent files
* pass along host header with http proxy requests and possible
http_connection shutdown hang
Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 2013
- Strip down content of -tools subpackage to the most useful tools.
Tue Nov 12 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.16.12:
* fix building with C++11
* fix IPv6 support in UDP socket (uTP)
* increase max allowed outstanding piece requests from peers
* uTP performance improvement. only fast retransmit one packet at a time
* improve error message for \'file too short\'
* fix piece-picker stat bug when only selecting some files for download
* fix bug in async_add_torrent when settings file_priorities
* fix boost-1.42 support for python bindings
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.16.11:
* fix web seed URL double escape issue
* fix string encoding issue in alert messages
* fix SSL authentication issue
* deprecate std::wstring overloads. long live utf-8
* improve time-critical pieces feature (streaming)
* introduce bandwidth exhaustion attack-mitigation in allowed-fast pieces
* python binding fix issue where torrent_info objects where
destructing when their torrents were deleted
* added missing field to scrape_failed_alert in python bindings
* GCC 4.8 fix
* fix proxy failure semantics with regards to anonymous mode
* fix round-robin seed-unchoke algorithm
* add to generage configure script and run configure
* fix bug in SOCK5 UDP support
* fix issue where torrents added by URL would not be started immediately
Tue Jun 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.16.10:
* fix encryption level handle invalid values
* add a number of missing functions to the python binding
* fix typo in Jamfile for building shared libraries
* prevent tracker exchange for magnet links before metadata is
* fix crash in make_magnet_uri when generating links longer than
1024 characters
* fix hanging issue when closing files on windows (completing a
* fix piece picking edge case that could cause torrents to get
stuck at hash failure
* try unencrypted connections first, and fall back to encryption
if it fails (performance improvement)
* add missing functions to python binding (flush_cache(),
remap_files() and orig_files())
* improve handling of filenames that are invalid on windows
* support \'implied_port\' in DHT announce_peer
* don\'t use pool allocator for disk blocks (cache may now return
pages to the kernel)
Thu Apr 25 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.16.9:
* fix long filename truncation on windows
* distinguish file open mode when checking files and downloading/seeding with bittorrent.
updates storage interface
* improve file_storage::map_file when dealing with invalid input
* improve handling of invalid utf-8 sequences in strings in torrent files
* handle more cases of broken .torrent files
* fix bug filename collision resolver
* fix bug in filename utf-8 verification
* make need_save_resume() a bit more robust
* fixed sparse flag manipulation on windows
* fixed streaming piece picking issue
- do not hide symbols (drop -fvisibility=hidden) to fix qbittorrent
Thu Feb 21 13:00:00 2013
- update to 0.16.8:
+ support torrents with more than 262000 pieces
+ make tracker back-off configurable
+ improve SSL torrent support by using SNI and a single SSL listen socket
+ improved peer exchange performance by sharing incoming
connections which advertize listen port
+ add web seed support for torrents with pad files
+ introduced a more scalable API for torrent status updates
+ updated the API to add_torrent_params turning all bools into
flags of a flags field
+ added async_add_torrent() function to significantly improve
performance when adding many torrents
+ deprecated compact storage allocation
+ feature to encrypt peer connections with a secret AES-256 key
stored in .torrent file
+ added support for fadvise/F_RDADVISE for improved disk
read performance
- removed libtorrent-rasterbar-boost-time_utc.patch
- removed libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.9-missing-return.patch
- specfile cleanup: remove tags and allow to build on SLE-11-SP2
Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2012
- Fix build with updated boost
Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2012
- Upstream update to 0.15.10, bugfix release:
+ fixed peer_tos (type of service) setting
+ fix connection queue issue causing shutdown delays
+ fix overflow bug in progress_ppm field
+ don\'t filter local peers received from a non-local tracker
+ fix python deadlock when using python extensions
+ fixed small memory leak in DHT
Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- Usage of symbols visibility is supported but needs either
using cmake or passing the relevant CXXFLAGS.
Thu Jan 19 13:00:00 2012
- Upstream update to 0.15.9, bugfix release.
Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines)
Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2011
- fix license to be in format
Tue Oct 18 14:00:00 2011
- Upstream update to 0.15.8, bugfix release.
- Reworked missing-return patch.
Sun Oct 16 14:00:00 2011
- fix build for factory
Tue Jun 7 14:00:00 2011
- added back the support to build the examples. they are very
useful for debugging. they are guarded by a %bcond_with so they
wont be build by default.
- disable silent rules to make the check_gcc_output scripts work
Fri Jun 3 14:00:00 2011
- Disable building examples.
Sun Apr 10 14:00:00 2011
- Upstream update to 0.15.6, bugfix release.
Fri Apr 8 14:00:00 2011
- spec cleanup
Mon Jan 10 13:00:00 2011
- Upstream update to 0.15.5
Sat Oct 9 14:00:00 2010
- upstream update to 0.15.4
Sun Apr 4 14:00:00 2010
- revert to version 0.14.10 due to other bugs with current glibc
Sat Apr 3 14:00:00 2010
- fixed issues with glibc, use posix_memalign() instead of valloc()
Tue Mar 23 13:00:00 2010
- upstream update to 0.15.0
- cleaned up spec file
- enabled python bindings
- soname gets 6
Mon Jan 11 13:00:00 2010
- upstream update to 0.14.8
Tue Nov 24 13:00:00 2009
- upstream update to 0.14.7
Thu Oct 22 14:00:00 2009
- upstream update to 0.14.6
Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2009
- upstream update to 0.14.4
Tue Apr 28 14:00:00 2009
- upstream update to 0.14.3
Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2009
- upstream update to 0.14.2