Changelog for libcmark0_27_1-0.27.1-15.2.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Nov 20 13:00:00 2016
- update to 0.27.1

* Set policy for CMP0063 to avoid a warning

* Use VERSION_GREATER to clean up cmake version test

Fri Nov 18 13:00:00 2016
- update to 0.27.0

* Fix CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET for cmake versions greater than 1.8

* Fix for non-matching entities

* Modified print_delimiters (commented out) so it compiles again.

* make format: don\'t change order of includes.

* Changed logic for null/eol checks
only check once for \"not at end of line\"
check for null before we check for newline characters (the previous
patch would fail for NULL + CR)

* Fix by not advancing past both \\0 and \

* Add test for NUL-LF sequence

* Fix memory leak in list parsing

* Use cmark_mem to free where used to alloc

* Allow a shortcut link before a

* Allow tabs after setext header line

* Don\'t let URI schemes start with spaces.

* Fixed h2..h6 HTML blocks

* Autolink scheme can contain digits

* Fix nullary function declarations in cmark.h

Sun Oct 16 14:00:00 2016
- Use current cmake macros

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2016
- Fix building with different release types set via cmake

Sat Jul 16 14:00:00 2016
- update to 0.26.1

* Removed unnecessary typedef that caused build failure on some platforms.

* Use $(MAKE) in Makefile instead of hardcoded make

Sat Jul 16 14:00:00 2016
- update to 0.26.0

* Implement spec changes for list items:
+ Empty list items cannot interrupt paragraphs.
+ Ordered lists cannot interrupt paragraphs unless they start with 1.
+ Removed \"two blank lines break out of a list\" feature.

* Fix sourcepos for blockquotes.

* Fix sourcepos for atx headers).

* Fix ATX headers and thematic breaks to allow tabs as well as spaces.

* Fix chunk_set_cstr with suffix of current string

* Export targets on installation

* Fix cmake warning about CMP0048

* commonmark renderer: Ensure we don\'t have a blank line before a code block when
it\'s the first thing in a list item.

* Change parsing of strong/emph in response to spec changes. process_emphasis now
gets better results in corner cases. The change is this: when considering
matches between an interior delimiter run (one that can open and can close)
and another delimiter run, we require that the sum of the lengths of the two
delimiter runs mod 3 is not 0.

* Ported Robin Stocker\'s changes to link parsing in jgm/CommonMark#101. This uses
a separate stack for brackets, instead of putting them on the delimiter stack.
This avoids the need for looking through the delimiter stack for
the next bracket.

* cmark_reference_lookup: Return NULL if reference is null string.

* Fix character type detection in commonmark.c
+ Implement cmark_isalpha.
+ Check for ASCII character before implicit cast to char.
+ Use internal ctype functions in commonmark.c.

* Better documentation of memory-freeing responsibilities. in cmark.h and
its man page

* Use library functions to insert nodes in emphasis/link processing. Previously we
did this manually, which introduces many places where errors can creep in.

* Correctly handle list marker followed only by spaces. Previously when a list
marker was followed only by spaces, cmark expected the following content to be
indented by the same number of spaces. But in this case we should treat the
line just like a blank line and set list padding accordingly.

* Fixed a number of issues relating to line wrapping.
+ Extend CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS to all renderers and add --nobreaks.
+ Do not autowrap, regardless of width parameter, if CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS is set.
+ Fixed CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS for LaTeX and man renderers.
+ Ensure that no auto-wrapping occurs if CMARK_OPT_NOBREAKS is enabled, or if
output is CommonMark and CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS is enabled.

* Set stdin to binary mode on Windows

* Add library option to render softbreaks as spaces. Note that the NOBREAKS option
is HTML-only

* renderer: no_linebreaks instead of no_wrap. We generally want this option to
prohibit any breaking in things like headers (not just wraps, but softbreaks).

* Coerce realurllen to int. This is an alternate solution for pull request, which
introduced a new warning on the comparison.

* Remove unused variable link_text.

* Improved safety checks in buffer.

* Add new interface allowing specification of custom memory allocator for nodes.
Added cmark_node_new_with_mem, cmark_parser_new_with_mem, cmark_mem to API.

* Reduce storage size for nodes by using bit flags instead of separate booleans.

* cmake: Global handler for OOM situations.

* Add tests for memory exhaustion.

* Document in man page and public header that one should use the same memory
allocator for every node in a tree.

* Fix ctypes in Python FFI calls (Nick Wellnhofer). This didn\'t cause problems
so far because all types are 32-bit on 32-bit systems and arguments are passed
in registers on x86-64. The wrong types could cause crashes on other
platforms, though.

* Remove spurious failures in roundtrip tests. In the commonmark writer we separate
lists, and lists and indented code, using a dummy HTML comment.
So in evaluating the round-trip tests, we now strip out these comments.
We also normalize HTML to avoid issues having to do with line breaks.

* Added to_commonmark in test/ (for round-trip tests).

* - parameterize do_test with converter.

* exit code is now sum of failures and errors. This ensures that
a failing exit code will be given when there are errors, not just with failures.

* Fixed round trip tests. Previously they actually ran cmark instead of
the round-trip version, since there was a bug in setting the ROUNDTRIP variable.

* Added new This replaces the old use of simple shell scripts.
It is much faster, and more flexible. (We will be able to do custom
normalization and skip certain tests.)

* Fix leak in api_test.

* Makefile: have leakcheck stop on first error instead of going through all
the formats and options and probably getting the same output.

* Add regression tests.

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- update to 0.25.2

Sun Oct 18 14:00:00 2015
- Initial package for version 0.22.0