Changelog for libboost_locale1_66_0-1.66.0-229.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Jan 19 13:00:00 2018
- Multibuild requires versioned Name: tag and doesn\'t seem to do
this automatically. (bnc#1076640)

Mon Dec 18 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 1.66.0
+ Beast: new portable HTTP, WebSocket and network operations
using Boost.Asio. Header-only library.
+ Callable Traits: new library and successor to
Boost.FunctionTypes. Header-only library.
+ Mp11: new metaprogramming library
+ Asio:

* implemented interface changes to reflect the Networking TS

* functions and classes that have been superseded by
Networking TS functionality have been deprecated.

* added support for customized handler tracking

* removed previously deprecated functions
+ Atomic: improved compatibility with GCC 7. 128-bit operations
on x86_64 no longer require linking with compiled library.
+ DateTime: Fixed an integral overflow that could cause incorrect
results when adding or subtracting many years from a date.
+ Format: New format specifiers added and volatile arguments
can not be safely used with operator%
+ Fusion:

* fix compile error with std::array

* remove circular preprocessor include
+ PolyCollection: backported to GCC 4.8 and 4.9 with some
+ Uuid: added RTF-4122 namespaces in boost::uuids::ns
+ for complete changelog, see
- refreshed patches: boost-rpmoptflags-only.patch

Wed Nov 29 13:00:00 2017
- re-enable Python 2 by default. It\'s still conditional, but
remains enabled by default. This can be disabled in project

Tue Oct 24 14:00:00 2017
- build Python 2 conditionally

Tue Oct 10 14:00:00 2017
- Use multibuild setup - build no-dependency libraries in the
base package and build the rest of the compiled libraries in
the main variant. This should speed up bootstrapping.
- boost-devel not built by default anymore.
- libboost_headers-devel now provides boost-devel for legacy
dependencies. If you need compiled boost libraries depend on
the current compiled devel subpackage.
- run %fdupes only on the header files and documentation
- drop build dependencies on gcc-fortran, chrpath.

Mon Oct 9 14:00:00 2017
- Setup MPI environment prior to building boost.
- Switch to OpenMPI2 as OpenMPI1 is becoming deprecated.

Wed Sep 20 14:00:00 2017
- New upstream version 1.65.1
+ config, fiber - Return a continuation from functions executed
by resume_with.
+ stacktrace - Change preprocessor file extensions to work with
the installation system.
- Changes in version 1.65.0
+ stacktrace - new library providing call sequence in human
readable format.
+ polycollection - new library providing fast containers of
polymorphic objects, from Joaquín M López Muñoz.
+ For full list of changes, see
- 1d862615.patch: upstreamed and removed
- gcc_path.patch: obsolete, tr1 module is removed
- mpi_upstream.patch: upstreamed and removed
- boost-1.57.0-python-abi_letters.patch: refreshed
- python_library_name.patch: refreshed and reverted upstream
changes to mpi/build/Jamfile as we are building python2 and
python3 versions of MPI separately.
- baselibs.conf
+ add libboost_stracktrace
+ update to version 1.65.1

Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017
- 1d862615.patch: Fix regression caused by refactoring of
serialization code (bnc#1038083)

Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017
- make python-numpy optional build dependency
- fix building of mpi python3 plugin

Thu Apr 20 14:00:00 2017
- New upstream version 1.64.0
+ process - new library providing cross platform methods to
- create child processes
- setup stream for child processes
- sync and async communication streams with children
- sync and async wait
- process termination
+ geometry library had some breaking changes,
- ublas_transformer is renamed to matrix_transformer
- explicit modifier is added to constructors of rtree
* parameters
- strategy::area::huiller replaced by strategy::area::spherical
+ context library updates
- deprecated API:execution-context
- fixed bad assembly for fcontext on ppc64/sysv/elf
+ Updated libraries: any, atomic, config, container, context,
conversion, core, coroutine2, fiber, hash, interprocess,
intrusive, lexicalcast, math, multi-index containers,
multiprecision, predef, program options, regex, smart pointers,
test ,typeindex, typetraits, unordered, variant
+ for details, see
- Build PyNumpy module
+ add build requires on python-numpy
- test_lowcase.patch: upstreamed
- refreshed patches: boost-strict_aliasing.patch, gcc_path.patch,
- mpi_upstream.patch: pending upstream fixes to OpenMPI build
- python_library_name.patch: we are building python versions in
different stagings so drop library renames.
- python_numpy_retfunc.patch: rpmlint fixes

Fri Feb 10 13:00:00 2017
- update python macros

Fri Feb 3 13:00:00 2017
- baselibs.conf: (re)add python 2.7 and 3.x libraries

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2017
- Fix dependency typos.

Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2017
- test_lowcase.patch: downcase Boost::Test usage of uppercase
variables. VERSION was clashing with GNU Autotools define
resulting in compilation errors of various packages.
- recombine headers from various devel subpackages under the
libboost_headers-devel package. Not all usage of headers that
have compiled parts pull in their associated compiled symbols.
- general cleanup of the spec file from old, commented stuffs

Sun Jan 15 13:00:00 2017
- remove non-existent dependency in the boost mpi python package

Wed Jan 4 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.63.0

* updated libraries: atomic, container, context, fiber,
fusion, geometry, hash, interprocess, intrusive, lexical cast,
log, metaparse, move, optional, phoenix, python, test,
typeindex, units, unordered

* see
for complete list of changes
- refresh patches

* boost-1.55.0-python-test-PyImport_AppendInittab.patch

* boost-strict_aliasing.patch, and enable -fno-strict-aliasing
for python module
- baselibs.conf:

* add libboost_locale

* rename python to include new soname
- remove python-2059618.patch, not needed
- make build condition --without buil_mpi work
- allow building without python3 bindings, for SLE11SP4
- remove versioned build dependency on libicu-devel, apparently
not needed.
- split out the boost-devel package into individudal compiled
libraries and their -devel subpackages and libboost_headers-devel
package for header-only libraries.
- remove all the symlinks, probably not needed anymore.
- ship MPI python bindings for both Python 2.7 and 3.x

* add python_mpi.patch to allow proper compiled library loading
- dynamic_linking.patch: first attempt to remove static library
generation during build process.

Tue Nov 8 13:00:00 2016
- Revert upstream change that set default python version and
ignored user configuration.
python-2059618.patch (boo#1006584)

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2016
- Rectify groups and description

Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2016
- package boost-jam
- add missing ldconfig for libboost_type_erasure
- fix EOL encoding for documentation files

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.62.0

* new library: fiber: framework for userland-threads/fibers

* new library: QVM: library for working with quaternions,
vectors and matrices of static size

* see
for complete changelog
- remove boost-fix_include_config.patch - upstreamed
- gcc_path.patch - fix GCC search paths (bnc#996917)
Boost assumes /usr/include/c++/x.y.z/ existence for GCC 4.x
onward while our version of GCC only has /usr/include/c++/x.y
for 4.x GCC and /usr/include/c++/x/ for 5.x onward.
- migrate to using %bcond_ instead of hardcoding macros
for different Boost features
- better way to limit max number of compilation units than
by reading /proc/meminfo and guesstimating.

Thu Aug 18 14:00:00 2016
- Fix boo#994378, boo#994381, boo#994382 boo#994383:
Fix build issues when optional_fwd.hpp is used before
including boost/config.hpp
- Add boost-fix_include_config.patch from

Fri Aug 12 14:00:00 2016
- build it from \"boost.spec\", but create versioned \"boost-1_61-devel\"

Fri Jun 17 14:00:00 2016
- build quickbook also in versioned package

Tue Jun 14 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.61.0
Details on
Obsolete patches:

* boost-1.59-test-fenv.patch

* boost-deprecated-type_traits.patch

Tue Jun 14 14:00:00 2016
- rename package to boost-1_60 to allow multiple versions

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- Fix build on systems with GCC4

Sun Feb 14 13:00:00 2016
- Added libboost_python3 to the dependency macro.

* boost-devel will now correctly requires libboost_python3.

Mon Jan 18 13:00:00 2016
- Add boost-deprecated-type_traits.patch to fix deprecated
type_traits usage in boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp header.

Mon Jan 4 13:00:00 2016
- Add the following patches from Fedora to fix underlinking in
boost::python code

* boost-1.57.0-python-abi_letters.patch

* boost-1.57.0-python-libpython_dep.patch

* boost-1.55.0-python-test-PyImport_AppendInittab.patch

Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2015
- Updated to version 1.60.0

* New library: VMD.

* Updated libraries: Atomic, Chrono, Container, Context, Core,
Filesystem, Flyweight, Fusion, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical
Cast, Locale, log, Move, Multi-index Containers, odeint,
Optional, Predef, Test, Thread, UUID

* See for
complete changelog.
- Modified patch:

* boost-disable-pch-on-aarch64.patch
- rediff to a new context
- Removed patch:

* boost-1.59-python-make_setter.patch
- integrated upstream
- Add libboost_type_erasure subpackage

Sun Dec 13 13:00:00 2015
- Add support to Boost:Python3 (boo#951902)

* New library: python3

Tue Dec 8 13:00:00 2015
- Add boost-visibility.patch to make members of basic_xml_grammar
visible (boo#958150).
- Fix redefinition of _docdir.

Thu Nov 26 13:00:00 2015
- coroutine2 depends on context, disable it if context is not built

Fri Oct 23 14:00:00 2015
- Updated to version 1.59.0:

* New libraries: Convert, Coroutine2

* Updated Libraries: Container, Context, Coroutine, Fusion,
Geometry, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Move,
Multi-index Containers, Predef, Program Options, Property Tree,
Boost.Test v3, TypeIndex, Variant

* See for
complete changelog.
- context now builds on aarch64
- Import two patches from Fedora: boost-1.59-python-make_setter.patch,
- Drop 0001-Fix-exec_file-for-Python-3-3.4.patch,
boost-uuid-comparison.patch, boost-unrecognized-option.patch.
Fixed upstream.

Thu Jun 11 14:00:00 2015
- Remove unneeded dependency on xorg-x11-devel

Thu May 21 14:00:00 2015
- boost-unrecognized-option.patch: remove unrecognized option -m32

Sat May 9 14:00:00 2015
- update to 1.58.0:
boost docs remain at 1.56 since upstream hasn\'t updated yet

* New Libraries: Endian, Sort.

* Updated Libraries: Asio, Chrono, Container, Context, Conversion,
DateTime, Flyweight, Function, Functional/Factory, Fusion, Geometry,
Hash, Interprocess, Intrusive, Lexical Cast, Log, Math, Move,
Multi-index Containers, Multiprecision, Optional, Phoenix,
Predef, Random, Thread, TypeErasure, TypeIndex, Units,
Unordered, Variant.
- add 0001-Fix-exec_file-for-Python-3-3.4.patch ,
0002-Fix-a-regression-with-non-constexpr-types.patch: Fixes regressions
in 1.58
- drop bjam-alignment.patch, boost-gcc5.patch: Already fixed upstream
- add boost-rpmoptflags-only.patch: Build only with optflags
- add boost-aarch64-flags.patch: Avoid using -m64
- add boost-uuid-comparison.patch: Fix regression in UUID operator<
- add boost-disable-pch-on-aarch64.patch: Disable pch on math library
to avoid compiler segfault

Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2015
- Add quickbook subpackage

Mon Feb 23 13:00:00 2015
- Use $RPM_OPT_FLAGS for building, force use of the GCC toolset.
Be more verbose and fail building with the first error.
- Add boost-gcc5.patch to use -std=c++11 when building the coroutines
module which fixes build with GCC 5.

Fri Dec 5 13:00:00 2014
- Revert the python3 building: it resulted in BOTH libboost_python
libraries to be using python 3 instructions, resulting in
failures of all Py2 related packages.

Thu Oct 2 14:00:00 2014
- Added boost_python3 for boost 1.56.0, config based on

Sat Sep 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update documentation tarball (source was changed)
- Fix aarch64 build

Thu Aug 14 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.56.0. Major changes since 1.54.0:
New libraries:

* Predef: This library defines a set of compiler, architecture,
operating system, library, and other version numbers from the
information it can gather of C, C++, Objective C, and Objective
C++ predefined macros or those defined in generally available
headers, from Rene Rivera.

* Align: Memory alignment functions, allocators, and adaptors.

* Type_Index: Runtime/Compile time copyable type info.
For a detailed descriptions see:
- Rebase boost-thread.patch
- Rabase boost-use_std_xml_catalog.patch
- Rebase bjam-alignment.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-glibc-2.18.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-1.54-001-coroutine.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-1.54-002-date-time.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-1.54-003-log.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-1.54-change85160.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-1.54.0-thread-link_atomic.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-ppc64-abiv2-context.patch
- Remove obsolete boost-ppc64-abiv2-coroutine.patch
- Remove outdated man pages boost_1_54_man.tar.bz2

Wed Jul 30 14:00:00 2014
- add baselibs.conf as source

Tue Jul 22 14:00:00 2014
- Ensure there is enough disk space available for build.

Tue Jul 22 14:00:00 2014
- use only JOBS=2 to avoid gcc being killed with OOM when memory is
between 4G and 7G.

Tue Apr 29 14:00:00 2014
- ppc64 ABIv2 support
- enable build_context for ppc64le
- added patches:

* boost-ppc64-abiv2-context.patch

* boost-ppc64-abiv2-coroutine.patch

Sat Apr 19 14:00:00 2014
- Fix quoting while creating shared build instructions
- Properly configure library list
- bjam-alignment.patch: fix alignment check in bjam

Tue Apr 1 14:00:00 2014
- buildignore python, python-base is enough

Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2014
- further improved the use of supplied b2 /,
include user-config.jam, and remove superfluous python
and gcc instructions from user-config.jam

Mon Mar 10 13:00:00 2014
- fix problem with executable .pdf in doc by correcting
permissions after install (%attr with a dir failed on
- add dependency on zlib-devel and libbz2-devel and use the
supplied script in building. This adds
on-the-fly compression to boost-iostreams

Thu Feb 27 13:00:00 2014
- remove broken python module
- trying to make the build more reliable:

* use -fno-var-tracking in cxxflags as recommended by richi

* disable parallel build on low memory

Sat Feb 8 13:00:00 2014
- Add post and postun sections for libboost_graph_parallel.

Fri Feb 7 13:00:00 2014
- add boost-1.54.0-thread-link_atomic.patch fixing upstream issue
(fixes compilation failure of snapper on various platforms)

Wed Feb 5 13:00:00 2014
- enable build_mpi on s390/s390x

Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- Disable coroutine library together with context

Sat Jan 4 13:00:00 2014
- fix build of libzypp - patch from boost\'s track
- added patches:

* boost-1.54-change85160.patch

Tue Nov 26 13:00:00 2013
- Add boost-pool_check_overflow.patch: Prevent possible overflow when
calculating the amount to malloc (bnc#765443).
Fix from

Sun Oct 20 14:00:00 2013
- Split libboost_graph so that the MPI components are not forced

Wed Sep 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.54.0. Major changes since 1.53.0:
New libraries:

* Log: Logging library, from Andrey Semashev.

* TTI: Type Traits Introspection library, from Edward Diener.

* Type Erasure: Runtime polymorphism based on concepts.
For a detailed descriptions see
- Update broken patch:

* boost-use_std_xml_catalog.patch
- Delete merged patch:

* boost-fix_ppc64_asm.patch
- Add post-release fix patches:

* boost-1.54-001-coroutine.patch

* boost-1.54-002-date-time.patch

* boost-1.54-003-log.patch
- build_pdf define was deleted as unused;
package_pdf was refactored.
- _constraints was added to request more memory to build.

Sun Aug 18 14:00:00 2013
- Fix build with updated glibc:

* boost-glibc-2.18.patch - taken from upstream scm

Sat Jun 8 14:00:00 2013
- Build context library only on supported architectures
- Reenable mpi on aarch64
- Avoid duplication between %build and %install

Wed Apr 3 14:00:00 2013
- Apply upstream patch that fixes the ppc64 code in boost::context
(boost#8374): boost-fix_ppc64_asm.patch

Fri Mar 22 13:00:00 2013
- Rename manpages to avoid conflict with other packages

Thu Mar 21 13:00:00 2013
- Added url as source.
Please see

Sat Mar 16 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.53.0. Major changes since 1.49.0:
New libraries:

* Algorithm: A collection of useful generic algorithms.

* Context: Context switching library.

* Functional/OverloadedFunction: Overload different functions.

* LocalFunction: Program functions locally, within other functions.

* Utility/IdentityType: Wrap types within round parenthesis.
For a detailed descriptions see
- Delete unneeded patches:

* boost-chrono_add_function_return.patch

* boost-fix_documentation.patch

* boost-time_utc.patch

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013
- build without openmpi on aarch64 for now

Wed Jan 23 13:00:00 2013
- Require package for ICU having same minimum version that the build requires.
- Avoid obsoleting older versions of boost documentation to allow multiple boost package versions in same environment.

Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2013
- use bzip2 instead of xz to support older SUSE releases

Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012
- license update: BSL-1.0
Boost Software License 1.0 is available in SPDX format on as BSL-1.0

Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2012
- Add patch from upstream to use TIME_UTC_ instead of TIME_UTC since
the later is part of ISO C11.

Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- Fix timer post script, it used the comment as content.

Fri May 11 14:00:00 2012
- fixing the previous fix

Wed May 9 14:00:00 2012
- fixing baselibs.conf after version bump

Sat Mar 17 13:00:00 2012
- Adjust Require for new libxslt-tools

Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.49.0. Major changes since 1.46.1:
New libraries:

* Heap.

* Container

* Locale

* Move

* Chrono

* Geometry

* Phoenix

* Ratio
For a detailed descriptions see
- Rebuilt the man documentation with gcc 4.5 as the current gcc
segfaults when building quickbook.
- Package PDF documentation independent of whether we build it
- Fix missing function return in Boost::Chrono\'s process_cpu_clocks.hpp

Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- patch license to follow standard

Tue Dec 6 13:00:00 2011
- Do not package NEWS and LICENSE twice.

Fri Nov 25 13:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines)

Thu Nov 24 13:00:00 2011
- dropped visit_each patch (bnc#714373)

Mon Oct 3 14:00:00 2011
- disable openmpi on %%arm

Mon Apr 18 14:00:00 2011
- update baselibs.conf

Mon Mar 21 13:00:00 2011
- Fix attribute handling problem in spirit library,

Mon Mar 21 13:00:00 2011
- Prefix bug numbers.

Fri Mar 18 13:00:00 2011
- Make packaging of the pdf documentation configurable.

Fri Mar 18 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.46.1, a bugfix release:
• Asio:
- EV_ONESHOT seems to cause problems on some versions of Mac OS X, with
the io_service destructor getting stuck inside the close() system call.
Changed the kqueue backend to use EV_CLEAR instead (boost#5021).
- Fixed compile failures with some versions of g++ due to the use of
anonymous enums (boost#4883).
- Fixed a bug on kqueue-based platforms, where some system calls that
repeatedly fail with EWOULDBLOCK are not correctly re-registered with
- Changed asio::streambuf to ensure that its internal pointers are
updated correctly after the data has been modified using std::streambuf
member functions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the linger socket option from working on
platforms other than Windows.
For the rest see NEWS or the boost web site

Wed Mar 16 13:00:00 2011
- Remove comment chars from doc-pdf description.

Mon Mar 14 13:00:00 2011
- Use xz to compress tarballs.
- Generate new man pages tarball.
- Update pdf tarball.
- Update to 1.46:
New Libraries
Icl: Interval Container Library, interval sets and maps and
aggregation of associated values, from Joachim Faulhaber.
For the rest of the changes see NEWS in the package documentation
directory or see .

Thu Nov 25 13:00:00 2010
- Remove the boost specific autoconf macros now that we have the
complete autoconf archive packaged (bnc#655747).
- Move the lib64 patch over to autoconf-archive.

Mon Oct 25 14:00:00 2010
- take care of random library (build 32bit on x86_64 and
require it in boost-devel)

Wed Sep 29 14:00:00 2010
- fix baselibs.conf

Fri Sep 3 14:00:00 2010
- Shorten the list of update items.
- Fix typo in spec.

Thu Aug 26 14:00:00 2010
- Redo the lib64 patch for the boost autoconf macros so that
lib64 is used on all archs that need it.
- Remove the ICU patch.

Thu Aug 26 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 1.44.0:
New Libraries:

* Meta State Machine: High-performance expressive UML2 finite
state machines

* Polygon: Booleans/clipping, resizing/offsetting and more for
planar polygons with integral coordinates
Updated Libraries:

* Accumulators:

* Asio:

* Foreach:

* Fusion:

* Hash:

* Math:

* MPL:

* Multi-index Containers:

* Proto:

* Regex:

* Thread:

* Type Traits:

* uBLAS:

* Utility:

* Uuid:

* Config:

* Xpressive:

* Filesystem:
o This release contains both version 2 and version 3 of the
library. Version 3 is a major upgrade that will break some
existing user code, so version 2 is the default. Users are
encouraged to migrate to version 3. See \'Version 2\' and
\'Version 3\' for more information.

* Iostreams:
o Several fixes for file descriptors class, including a
breaking change to the constructors and open methods for
file_descriptor, file_descriptor_source and
file_descriptor_sink. See the documentation for details.
The old methods are still available if you define

* Spirit: Spirit V2.4, see the \'What\'s New\' section for details.

* System:
o Change system_category and generic_category to functions, to
conform to the C++0x FCD. This change may cause compile
errors some user code; the fix is add \"()\" to references to
system_category and generic_category, so that they become
function calls.

* Wave: See the Changelog for details.
Major Changes in 1.43.0:
New Libraries

* Functional/factory: Function objects for dynamic and by-value

* Functional/forward: Function object adapters to address the
forwarding problem
For a complete list of changes see and

Fri Jul 9 14:00:00 2010
- Rename patch to be identical to the one checked in for 11.3.
The patch adds an explicite specialization to the call to prevent
unwanted temporary instantiations.

Fri Jul 9 14:00:00 2010
- fix bug that shows with gcc 4.5 (bnc#621140)

Wed Jun 16 14:00:00 2010
- Noarch sub packages only doable from 11.2 on up.

Thu Jun 10 14:00:00 2010
- build 32bit-packages

Mon May 24 14:00:00 2010
- disable long double support for hppa

Thu May 20 14:00:00 2010
- openmpi does not build on hppa

Thu Apr 29 14:00:00 2010
- Move provides/obsoletes for boost-license to the right section

Mon Apr 26 14:00:00 2010
- Delete unneeded patches.

Wed Apr 14 14:00:00 2010
- Readd those patches that are still needed.
- Try to fix an aliasing bug in function_base.hpp
- Build man pages locally and only include them as a tarball.
- Split documentation in in format specific packages.

Fri Apr 2 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.42.0:
New Libraries

* Uuid: A universally unique identifier, from Andy Tompkins.
Updated Libraries (see README for details)

* Asio:

* Circular Buffer:

* Fusion:

* Graph:

* Integer:

* Iostreams:

* Program.Options:

* PropertyMap:

* Proto:

* Regex:

* Spirit:

* Unordered:

* Xpressive:
- update to 1.41.0:
New Libraries

* Property Tree: A tree data structure especially suited to storing
configuration data, from Marcin Kalicinski and Sebastian Redl.
Updated Libraries (see README for details)

* DateTime:

* Filesystem:

* Iostreams:

* Math:

* Multi-index Containers:

* Proto:

* Regex:

* Spirit:

* System:

* Thread:

* Unordered:

* Utility:

* Wave:

* Xpressive:
- update to 1.40.0:
Updated Libraries (see README for details)

* Accumulators:

* Asio:

* Circular Buffer:

* Foreach:

* Function:

* Fusion:

* Graph:

* Hash:

* Interprocess:

* Intrusive:

* MPL:

* Program.Options:

* Property Map:

* Proto:

* Random:

* Serialization:

* Unordered:

* Xpressive:
- removed patches no longer needed

Wed Jan 6 13:00:00 2010
- documentation change needed to be done in
(not boost.spec)
- openmpi change was missing too; add it now

Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009
- add baselibs for SPARC
- add baselibs.conf as a source
- deactivate use of openmpi on SPARC, as compat-dapl is not
- package documentation as noarch

Mon Oct 19 14:00:00 2009
- Provide/Obsolete boost-license (bnc#544958)

Thu Aug 6 14:00:00 2009
- Add a fix from boost bugtracker that fixes the hash resizing
- Add a test for cancelling deadline timers from the same changeset.

Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2009
- Readd the patch to fix the misplaced ifdef in

Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.39.0:
New Libraries

* Signals2: Managed signals & slots callback implementation (thread-safe version 2),
from Frank Mori Hess.
Updated Libraries (see README for details)

* Asio:

* Flyweight:

* Foreach:

* Hash:

* Interprocess:

* Intrusive:

* Program.Options:

* Proto:

* PtrContainer:

* Range:

* Unordered:

* Xpressive:
- removed patches no longer needed (hoping the best for ppc asm)

Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2009
- as agreed with maintainer, get rid of static libraries

Wed Apr 15 14:00:00 2009
- buildfix: fix typo in specfile

Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Don\'t rely on system default mpi implementation being set. This
fixes building boost on systems before openSUSE 11.0.

Tue Mar 3 13:00:00 2009
- Fix misplaced ifdef in template_function.hpp:move_assign. Fixes
building software that defines BOOST_NO_EXCEPTION (bnc#479659).