Changelog for libisl19-0.20-40.10.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Aug 9 14:00:00 2018
- Update to 0.20

* keep track of domain in 0D isl_multi_pw_aff and

* add isl_aff_eval and isl_pw_aff_eval

* add fixed-size rectangular box hull

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2018
- Update to 0.19

* minor improvements to coalescing

* minor improvement to parametric integer programming

* try harder to avoid large coefficients in scheduler

* support kill accesses in dependence analysis

* drop deprecated isl_int

* drop deprecated band forests

* drop deprecated functions

Wed Jan 31 13:00:00 2018
- Set shared library RPM group. Use %make_install.

Mon Jan 29 13:00:00 2018
- Include pkgconfig files in isl-devel package.
- Do not build static libraries (instead of deleting them after).

Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.18

* improve elimination of redundant existentially quantified variables

* improve coalescing

* improve parametric integer programming

* preserve isolate option in isl_schedule_node_band_split

* print AST nodes in YAML format

* minor improvements to Python bindings
- Inherits update to 0.17.1

* fix bug in coalescing treatment
- Inherits update to 0.17

* optionally combine SCCs incrementally in scheduler

* optionally maximize coincidence in scheduler

* optionally avoid loop coalescing in scheduler

* fix handling of nested integer divisions

* optionally detect min/max expressions during AST generation

* minor AST generator improvements

* simplify stride constraints

* improve support for expansions in schedule trees

Sun Feb 7 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.16.1

* fix bug in simplification
- Changes for 0.16

* add 32 bit integer optimization for IMath

* minor AST generator improvements

* add isl_union_flow_get_full_{may,must}_dependence

* minor improvements to Python bindings

* minor improvements to set and map printing

Sun Jan 31 13:00:00 2016
- Use url for source
- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Make building more verbose

Thu Dec 3 13:00:00 2015
- Update to ISL version 0.15

* improve coalescing

* add isl_union_access_info_compute_flow

* add mark nodes in AST

* add isl_union_pw_aff and isl_multi_union_pw_aff

* add schedule trees

* deprecate band forests

* deprecate separation_class AST generation option

* introduce isl_bool and isl_stat types
- Removes no longer needed isl-0.14-fixes.patch.

Thu Dec 4 13:00:00 2014
- Update to ISL version 0.14

* support IMath as an optional replacement for GMP

* minor AST generator improvements
- Inherits changes from ISL version 0.13

* deprecate isl_int

* improved support for multi piecewise quasi-affine expressions

* allow the user to impose a bound on the number of low-level operations

* add isl_id_to_ast_expr and isl_id_to_pw_aff

* add isl_schedule_constraints

* hide internal structure of isl_vec

* remove support for piplib
- Add isl-0.14-fixes.patch to fix function returning without value.

Thu Feb 13 13:00:00 2014
- Update to ISL version 0.12.2

* isl_int has been replaced by isl_val

* some of the old functions are still available in isl/deprecated/
but they will be removed in the future

* The functions isl_pw_qpolynomial_eval, isl_union_pw_qpolynomial_eval,
isl_pw_qpolynomial_fold_eval and isl_union_pw_qpolynomial_fold_eval have
been changed to return an isl_val instead of an isl_qpolynomial
- Remove obsolete config-guess-sub-update.diff patch

Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to ISL version 0.12

* adds isl_val abstraction

Thu Feb 7 13:00:00 2013
- Add config-guess-sub-update.diff:

* Update config.guess/sub for aarch64

Mon Dec 17 13:00:00 2012
- Update to ISL version 0.11.1

* fixes endianess issue

* now comes with a LICENSE file

Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012
- Update to ISL version 0.11

* license change to MIT

* add support for code generation

Thu Sep 27 14:00:00 2012
- Add baselibs.conf, needed by cloog-isl-32bit

Thu Jun 21 14:00:00 2012
- ISL 0.10