Changelog for qbzr-0.23.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Dec 14 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.23.2:

* Maintenance release, should work with bzr 2.5-2.7.
+ More robust against unicode help from some hidden commands.
+ New command line option --all to start with all changes selected.
+ New command line option --message (-m) to set the message string.
+ Better compatibility with bzr 2.6+: fixed warning message.

Tue Jun 30 14:00:00 2015
- Add source URL and verify source signature

Wed Oct 30 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.23.1

* Compatibility with the bzr 2.6.X series

Wed Sep 7 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.21.1

Tue Apr 26 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.20.1

* Compatibility with patched bzrlib on debian without copy of configobj
library inside it. (Bug #715067, Alexander Belchenko)

* qbranch:

* Fixed problem with very small width of input fields in the dialog
on Mac OSX. (Timothy Reaves, Bug #667090)

* qsubprocess:

* Reliable exception encoding to pass exception attributes
from subprocess to the GUI process. (Martin [gz], Bug #686735)

Fri Feb 4 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.20.0

* Refactor the config code:

* Remove the QBzrGlobalConfig class so that we only have one class
that writes to qbzr.conf.

* Have a global cache for the QBzrConfig, like we have for bzr
GlobalConfig, to reduce reading the config from disk.

* Refactor the window.saveSize methods, so that we only have to
write the config to disk once.

* Lock the config dir when when saving the config file.
(Gary van der Merwe)

* qrun: fixed \'--execute\' mode. (Bug #590229, Simon Kersey)

* qlog:

* Refactor loggraphprovider so that the state and computed data is
separated from the cache. Rename to loggraphviz.

* Write lots of tests for loggraphviz.

* Remove LogFilterProxyModel which improves performance.

* --no-graph mode now shows nodes per revision, indented by merge

* Fix the layout of octopus merges. (Bug #489383)

* Add a option --show-trees that shows working tree changes as a node
in the graph.

* Fix bug with show log form the tree widget with remote branch.
(Bug #621934)

* qcommit: added option to load commit message from a file.
(Bug #640071, Philip Peitsch)

* qconflicts: fix bug with access to QBzr configuration. (Bug #675894)

* When a interupt signal is recived, close rather than showing a error
message. (Gary van der Merwe)

* qpush: fixed smart suggestion of new push URLs for lp branches.
(Bug #710767, Alexander Belchenko)

Mon Sep 13 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18.7:

* Don\'t break when bzr-search tries to import bzr-svn, and
bzr-svn is incompatible with bzrlib.
(Bug #546843, Gary van der Merwe)

* Treewidget: Fix bug in treewidget where folders are repeated.
(Bug #580798, Gary van der Merwe)

* Added Thai translation.

Fri Apr 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18.4:

* qsubprocess: pass command line with double and multiple backslashes
via temporary file. (Bug #528944, Alexander Belchenko)

* qlog, qbrowse: Fix a bug when using with pyqt 4.7.2.
(Bug #544928, Gary van der Merwe)

Mon Mar 22 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18.4:

* Improved support for Redmine bugs URL. (Bug #538414, Alexander

* TreeWidget: Fix a bug where refreshing may result in data
inconsistencies. This bug was causing a number of knock on bugs.
(Bug #538753, Gary van der Merwe)

* qcommit: better support of commit directly into SVN tree.
(Bug #540363, Alexander Belchenko)

Fri Mar 5 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18.3:

* Fixed problem with running diff from qannotate from qbrowse.
(Bug #505987, Alexander Belchenko)

* Rollback changes to qadd made in 0.18.2 which caused regression.
(Bug #526933, Alexander Belchenko)

* Handle FileTimestampUnavailable error when diffing file with ghosts
in history. (Bug #513096, Alexander Belchenko)

* Change dialogs to have normal window flags. This fixes a bug where on
some window managers (metacity, Mac OSX) windows opened from a dialog
would be behind the dialog. (Bug #421039, Gary van der Merwe)

* TreeWidget: emit layoutAboutToBeChanged signal while we remove old items
to ensure model data consistency.
(Bug #513066, Bug #515908, Gary van der Merwe)

* TreeWidget: When renaming a file, pressing enter should not cause the
default action to be run. (Bug #513107, Gary van der Merwe)

* Sub processes dialogs: Fix usability bugs with the Retry button:

* The button position changes on Linux when the Retry button appears.

* The Enter key does not work after the Retry button appears.
(Gary van der Merwe)

* TreeWidget: Add more comprehensive tests. Fix some minor bugs found by
these tests. (Gary van der Merwe)

* TreeWidget: Fix a bug where the TreeWidget if there was a conflict, for
which the file does not exist. (Bug #528548, Gary van der Merwe)

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18.1:

* Treewidget: Fix a crash when refreshing tree with a checked item
that has a parent that is ungrouped.
(Bug #512006, Gary van der Merwe)

* Avoid importing Qt libs when `bzr help commands` invoked.
(Bug #515636, Alexander Belchenko)

Tue Jan 26 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.18:

* Fixed problems with rename items in subdirectory. (Bug #495519, INADA Naoki)

* Flush clipboard on exit, so data copied there is available after closing of
q-window. (Bug #503401)

* Fixed problem with insufficient width of revno column in qannotate and
qbrowse (for revision tree) if revno bigger than 9999.
(Bug #505990, Alexander Belchenko)

* Changed buttons behavior in subprocess-based dialogs: if the operation
failed then show Retry button (instead of OK), at the successfull finish
show only Close button. (Simon Kersey)

* qrun has new option --execute which allows to run the supplied command
immediately. If the command failed user can edit the command and its
arguments in usual way. (Simon Kersey)

* Fixed a bug in the new SyntaxHighlighter used in qannotate and qcat
so that it correctly handle tokens without styles.
(Bug #508281, Gary van der Merwe)

* Fixed a bug in TreeWidget were some times duplicated in parent
directories. (Gary van der Merwe)

* qbranch has a new --bind option for convenient binding to the parent
location while branching.

* qcommit: Non versioned files are now selected by select all when
they areshown. (Bug #490864, Gary van der Merwe)

* Serbian translations added.

Thu Dec 31 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.17:

* New encoding selector added to qdiff, qannotate, qcat and qviewer.
This selector allows change of the text encoding \"on the fly\". See:

* qpush can auto-suggest push location for feature branches when master
branch hosted on remote server. In the case of Launchpad it suggests
location lp:~user/project/branch.

* Now it\'s possible to tag a revision while browsing history in qlog.

* Details on revision in qlog now have fancy dots for parent/children
revisions, dots have the same color as in main qlog graph.

* qcat/qviewer: show line numbers for text lines.

* qannotate: new feel & look, you can copy text from annotated view now.

* qrun now groups the commands into several categories (All, Core,
and separate for each installed plugin)

* New translations added: Arabic, Czech, Danish, English (United Kingdom).

* And many other bugfixes as well.

Mon Nov 9 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.16:

* qswitch:

* Added support for --create-branch option to \"bzr switch\". (A. S. Budden)

* SubprocessUIFactory and QUIFactory now both support get_username, and
get_boolean. (Bug #421851, Gary van der Merwe)

* Save the size of Dialogs when the user press Esc. (Bug #417809,
Gary van der Merwe)

* qlog:

* Get the max main_line digets in a different way so that we don\'t break
- -no-graph. (Bug #455867, Gary van der Merwe)

* Corrected the margin for the revision number column. (Gary van der Merwe)

* When loading the file list delta, only lock the repositories that are
being used. If the 2 trees are from the same repositories, load them
together. (Gary van der Merwe)

* When viewing a svn repo, only show the file list if 1 revision is selected,
and if so, use a optimized method to do so. (Bug #450225,
Gary van der Merwe)

* Show a throbber above the file list while a delta is being loaded.
(Gary van der Merwe)

* Fix a bug when refreshing a branch with revisions that have been removed.
(Bug #435486, Gary van der Merwe)

* qlog/qannotate:

* Preserve leading whitespace in the lines of the log message.
(Max Bowsher)

* qadd:

* Don\'t show unchanged directories that contain ignored files.
(Bug #462435, Gary van der Merwe)

* qcommit, qadd, qrevert:

* Directoies with 4 or more sub items are grouped in the tree view.
(Bug #456198, Gary van der Merwe)

* Correct the old path shown for renamed files. (Bug #432572,
Gary van der Merwe)

* Passing a directory via the command line now correctly checks the
directory. (Bug #435034, Gary van der Merwe)

* For qcommit, It is now possible to select unversioned file and directories
via the command line. (Gary van der Merwe)

* Automaticly expand to the check items on load. (Gary van der Merwe)

* Fix View for unversoined files when run from a sub directory of the
working tree. (Gary van der Merwe)

* qcommit/qbrowse:

* Conflicts are shown in the status column. External merge applications
can be launched to resolve these conflicts, and the conflicts can be
marked as merged. (Bug #174509, Gary van der Merwe)

* Improved the usibility of the context menu add, and revert actions.
These now directly use the api, rather than via subprocess. There is
now no prompt for add. With large trees, there is less flicker when the
tree is refreshed, and the scroll position is remembered.
(Gary van der Merwe)

* It is now possible to rename and move files or directories, and to mark
files or directories that have allready been renamed or moved as such.
(Gary van der Merwe)

* It is now possible to remove files from the branch. (Gary van der Merwe)

* Show blank icon for missing files. (Bug #418471, Gary van der Merwe)

* qcommit/uncommit:

* Catch AttributeError in save of commit_data during qcommit and/or uncommit
in lightweight checkout from branch accessed via smart-server
(lp, bzr+ssh://, bzr:// etc).
(Bug #434034 Bug #430382 Bug #463296, Alexander Belchenko)

* qsubprocess:

* Show actual command-line to user when we invoke action via qsubprocess.
(Bug #476025, Alexander Belchenko)

* qcommit:

* Don\'t run `bzr add --no-recurse` before commit if there is nothing to add.
(Alexander Belchenko)

* qplugins:

* Format plugin version nicely even if it does not follow bzr standards on
version_info tuple. (Bug #475286, Alexander Belchenko)

Fri Oct 23 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.15:

* Compatible with bzr >= 1.17 (works fine with 2.0.x and 2.1.x series).

* New qrun dialog to launch any (non-interactive) bzr command.

* Improved speed of qcat, qdiff, qlog.

* Added Browse button for editor selection in qconfig.

* qconflicts: Enable multiple selections of conflict items to resolve
or launch merge tool for them.

* qgetupdates and qupdate dialogs now properly support all 3 cases:

* update tree

* update bound branch

* update lightweight checkout

* qlog can display foreign revision info if available.

* Sort tags alphabeticaly and case-insensitive in qtag dialog.

* qexport now has sensible defaults and more user-friendly archive
types (e.g. tar.gz instead of tgz) displayed in the combo box.
On windows, the default archive type is now zip as well.

* And more than 37 bugfixes (plus all critical bugfixes from 0.14.x releases).

Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.14.3

Mon Sep 14 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.14.1
- bzipped sources

Mon Aug 17 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.13.1

Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.12

Mon Jun 22 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.11