Changelog for qxmledit- :
Wed Jan 10 13:00:00 2018
- Update to

* Fixed a source compatibility problem with Qt 5.10.

Sun Dec 17 13:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.9.9

Thu Nov 2 13:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.9.8.

* Outline mode for XSD view.

* Added attributes statistics to data visualization dialog.

Wed Jun 28 14:00:00 2017
- Ensure neutrality of descriptions.

Fri Jun 23 14:00:00 2017
- Fix downlad url
- Small cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Switch to Qt5 of Factory

Thu Jun 22 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.9.7-1:

* Fixed build with GCC 7 (boo#1041272).

Thu May 18 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.9.7.

* Inserted common formatting presets.

* Support for formatting processing instructions.

* New help dialog with main edit shortcuts.

* Direct edit of text or elements.

* Textual edit of elements.

* More details on file errors.

* New option to open all the siblings of the selected element closing

* Fix hard crash when trying to open XML file with weird schema

* and auto schema loading.

* Simplified char encoding display.

* Options to invoke an external jar to execute XSL transformations.

* Integrated a XSL executor.

* Removed QApplication parameter from MainWindow creation. Only
ApplicationData really needed.

* Optimized the split result structure.

* Open the split results in a new window.

* Added attributes size statistics to data visualization.

* New option to break base64 strings at the desired column in base64

* Inserting a child element in a rootless tree, inserts the root.

* The View Data panel can copy the resulting image in the clipboard.

* Optionally calcluated the View Data panel data using threading.

* New options to enable multithreading processing data.
- Changes in 0.9.6.

* New dialog to advise the user to use the streaming method for saving.

* New option to remove the decoration from elements display.

* Fixed a bug in the configuration dialog setting display.

* Sorted alphabetically the attributes in \"Copy Attributes\" dialog.

* When copying attributes, the textual representation is copied to
the clipboard.

* Added a menu for copying only the current element, without children.

* Repositioned the selection after an element deletion.

* Changed default colors.

* Fixed UI issues in attributes display.

* New shortcuts for insert and remove of elements.

* Engine to insert specialized elements depending on the current

* Infrastructure to edit specialized elements.

* Handling of XInclude and fallback elements.

* Inserted a shortcut to append siblings (shift Ins).

* Fixed an insert problem with read only enabled.

* New options to copy file path in the load error handling dialog.

* Removed the option to load files using DOM.

* New warning panel if loading incomplete data.

* Details on error loading data, giving the option to load
the incomplete file.
- Build against Qt4 libraries because of missing some Qt5

Thu Nov 10 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.9.5.

* Fixed some memory leaks.

* Manipulation of namespaces: set, remove, replace, normalize.

* Manipulation of prefixes: set, remove, replace.

* Fix #37 (

* Autocompletion editing attributes (activated with ctrl+space).

* Added error message in splitting files operation.

* New options for splitting files: extract and group, even in CSV

* Fixed a bug on schema choose dialog.

Tue Jun 7 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.9.4.

* Option to override stream saving to handle 8 bit non ASCII like
encodings (EBCDIC) when Qt has problems.

* Fixed an issue with contribution module and isnan definition.

* Fixed issue #36 Compilation error in openSUSE c++11

* Fixed a problem with file encoding with multibyte characters
and attribute alignment.

* New editor for XSD facets.

* Changed the formatting of the data in binary viewer.

* New dialog box to choose the detail level of the editor at the
startup and recalled via menu.

* Created the \"Task\" menu.

* Enforced limits in the data extraction panel.

* Enriched the export statistics of view data panel.

* Attributes sorted case insensitive.

* Asynchronous loading of data in Data Visualization dialog.
- Drop qxmledit-c++11_compatibility.patch: fixed upstream.

Thu May 26 14:00:00 2016
- Add qxmledit-c++11_compatibility.patch: fix compilation error in
openSUSE c++11 compatibility.

Sat May 21 14:00:00 2016
- Update to

* No changes for Linux users.
- Correct the source URL.

Tue May 3 14:00:00 2016
- Do not rename the desktop file and appdata.xml while installing
them: the .desktop name is referenced in the .appdata.xml file
and is in fact an ID for the application.

Sun Mar 6 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.9.3.

* Added an option to show or hide the element icon in the editor.

* Added man page.

* Added a command line option for anonymization.

* Added a delete siblings feature.

* Fixed small memory leaks.

* Fixed a bug in the save search terms that was writing more than
one time the same item.

* Implemented the sorting of attributes in the current element or
in all the file.

* New option to limit the attributes line length to a given

* Option to show the attributes alphabetically sorted.

* Fixed a bug on the single instance application option saving.

* Export the selected element to file.

* New menu to show the containing folder in system browser.

* Fixed a bug on XSLT element insert.

* New option for set attribute maximum offset from element tag
when saving.

* New tool button for indentation settings.
- Install a man page manually.

Fri Jan 8 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.9.2.

* After a search operation the menu status is evaluated.

* Fixed a regression on \"New\".

* The search panel on session data is now opening on request.

* New close window menu item.

* Project option to disable precompiled headers.

* New flags for fill data.

* Clone elements tool.

Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.1.

* New tool: fill serie to fill a set of elements with consecutive

* Variants of base 64 handled in the base 64 dialog.

* Fixed some behavior on file reopen.

* Enabled the application single instance via a configuration

* Inserted a menu to raise all the windows.

* Parified the behavior of the first windows to the other ones.

* Fixed a bug that did not show an error message when opening an
invalid XML file.

* The application is now single instance when invoked from
command line.

* New option to show text in tooltip as a base 64 coded image.

Thu Oct 1 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.9.0.

* Enabled source code compatibility with Qt 4.7.3.

* Disabled edit of text elements when clicking on CDATA checkbox
in edit element panel.

* Added a new menu item for closing the siblings of the

* DTD declaration editable in the \"Info\" dialog.

* Handled the DTD declaration on load and save.

* Added an option to preserve attributes order when saving.

* Added an option to open a file using the current editor or a
new window reversing the settings.

* Open a new file by default happens in a new editor windows.
Options to revert this behaviour.

* Added a library of predefined namespaces.

* Accepted drop files on Base64 dialog.

* Matched tag names and structure to GitHub conventions.

* Namespace management in edit element.

* User defined namespace management and storage in embedded

* Moved the I/O to StAX using QXmlStream.

Sun Aug 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.17.

* Updated the license on some header files.

* New mennu for XSI related commands.

* New feature: insert xsi type attribute.

* New feature: remove xsi type attribute.

* New feature: insert xsi nil attribute.

* New feature: remove xsi nil attribute.
- Correct License tag.

Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 2015
- Enable build against Qt5 for openSUSE Tumbleweed

Sun Jul 12 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.16.

* Changed the default for display children size to false.

* Restored indentation settings after reload operation.

* Optionally versioned libraries.

* Dashed border on optional attributes and elements in the XSD

* Added information about the current file.

* Option to show/hide main the staus bar.

* Option to show/hide main window buttons.

* Added double click action on labels on the status bar (Read
Only, Sessions and Indentation).

Sun Jun 14 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.15.

* Added an information function to detect XML Schema references
and namespaces.

* Added shortcuts for insert and delete elements.

* Removed validation error dialog, highlighted the target object
in the editor.

* Updated shortcuts for new functions and avoid MacOS key binding

* Updated Desktop file.

* Added a tooltip with annotations in the XSD view.

* Per editor indentation settings.

* Used the same options for compiler for the main project and

* Removed unsupported display mode and option.

* Added scripts to work with git.

* Added a selective replacement feature.

* Added XSD toolbutton to the main toolbar.

* Enabled by default precompiled headers on all projects.

* Renamed the application qmake project.

* Changed the target name to all lowercase for better Linux

* Added a edit XSD annotation panel.

* Inserted a search next/previous.
- Correct the project URL.

Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.14.

* Now XML Schema menu is a tear off for faster access.

* Moved the menu for compare to \"Tools\".

* New search types: comments and base64 coded text.

* Inserted an export to C raw data or Java characters in Unicode
from the encoding dialog.

* Added a dialog for an anonymization of a file without loading
it in the editor.

* Added an import exceptions from CSV for the anonymize dialog.

Tue Jan 6 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.8.13.

* Completed the anonymization module with exceptions and a

* Moved the anonymization module to the main application.

Fri Nov 28 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.8.12.

* Added a quick reference for xsd elements structure.

* Created a basic anonymize feature.

* Added a license agreement dialog on the first program usage.

* Added a XSD wizard to insert or modify types of attributes or

* Added a non modal behavior for dialogs called from the
application desktop menu.

* Added some XSD validations for attributes, elements and types.

* Fixed a bug on annotations display in XSD window.

* Added an Unicode character details view.

* Added some tools menu to the tray icon.

* Selection between the editor and XSD windows.

* Aligned the text in the encoding dialog.

* Added the possbility to display the unicode character name in
the encoding dialogs.

* Added a support for desktop icon notifications.

* Sorted the attributes by name in the tooltip.
- Remove BuildRequires: appdata-tools.
- Change download URL to

Sat Jul 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.8.11.

* Added an appdata file.

* Removed the explore mode.

* Fixed some problems in compare XSD files.

* Added an option to show all the comment\'s text in the compact

* Added an option to show imported and included schema in the XSD

* Shown the attribute groups in the XSD navigator.

* Handled the namespaces in the XSD viewer.

* Fixed the search using XPath that did not close the unaffected

* Fixed some XSD error message.

* Changed the xsd visualization direction from vertical to

* Added \"insert parent\" and \"remove parent\" methods.

* Added insert child container undoable method.
- Rename libxmledit to libqxmledit.
- BuldReqires: appdata-tools for openSUSE >= 13.2.

Sat Apr 5 14:00:00 2014
- Correct baselibs.conf.

Thu Apr 3 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.8.10.

* Simplified display type configuration.

* Fixed read only toolbar enabling.

* Added a configuration dialog for color configuration.

* Removed a limit on attributes length in the element editor.

* Updated XSD visualization.

* Added a custom delegate to display elements in one column.

* Added a codepage info dialog.

* Fixed a problem with default data when no session was open.

* Fixed a bug about the maximum number of last open files.

* Fixed a problem with update indicator painting.
- Changes in

* Fixed a problem with long text in edit text node from inside
the edit element dialog.
- Changes in 0.8.9.

* Encoding support.

* Added an export to clipboard option.

* Implemented a default session to show last files when no real
sessions exist.

* Save command now behaves as \"save as\" on new documents.

* Added an option to automatically insert XML prolog on new
document creation.

* Added an insert XML prolog option.

* Added an export to Java/JavaScript feature to save the XML as a
string literal.

* Added an export to C/C++ feature to save the XML as a string

* Added metadata as Processing Instruction with \'qxmledit\'

* Implemented optional background color in styles.

* Fixed a problem with attributes containing special characters
and html view.

* Added a read only option to protect the document from casual

* Added a feature to load a binary file in the Base 64 panel.

* Searchlets.

* Binary files viewer.

* Full support for Qt5.2.
- Rename a libqxmledit-devel subpackage to qxmledit-devel.
- Change a source URL.
- Update Description.

Tue Nov 19 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8.8-1

* Limited the amount of information shown on the main window.

* Simplified the XSLT context menu.

* Edit dialogs modality set to Qt::WindowModal.

* Used the user\'s document folder as default folder for open
files if none previously open.

* Added a menu to create a document from a snippet.

* Added a Snippet Manager class for testability.

* Added a Maven POM template.

* Added a context menu on the items in the result panel.

* Added an option to expand the selected element in the editor.

* When pressing the CTRL key with the \"128..255 sequence\" button
of the encoding dialog, the sequence start from 32.

* Attributes are alphabetically sorted in the edit element

* Centralized the clipboard handling. Now is possible to copy
elements between windows and paste text.

* Added base 64 translation in attribute editing.

* Modified all the projects for Qt5.1.1 support.

* Added a copy of an element representation in XML in the XSD

* Added a copy of a facet in a simple type restriction in the XSD

* Parameters of call-template handling in XSLT properties dialog.

* Ordered alphabetically the attributes in edit element dialog.

* Tooltips in the main editor.

* Rules in custom display styles acting on data.

* Use of icons in custom display styles.

* Disabled in the XSD navigation view editor the expansion of
items when double clicking on categories.

* Disabled in the editor the expansion of items when double

* Addes shortcuts to the edit element dialog.

* Added options to XSD viewer context menu.

* Added a command to paste the selected element as sibling.

* Fixed issues: #31
- Update Description.

Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8.7.

* Changed some icons in XSD viewer.

* Added a search results panel where only the elements that match
the query are shown.

* XSLT elements insert context menu suggestion.

* Creation of new file from templates for XSL-FO, XSD and XSLT.

* XSLT edit mode.

* Autocomplete in the find box.

* Raised all the compiler warnings to error level.

* Fixed the uri comparison method in the schema loader.

* Fixed file selection logic in compare files.

* Fixed issues: #25
- Add baselibs.conf as a source.
- Add docs to the -devel package.
- Add \"How to use xslt edit mode\" manual to the docs.
- Add manuals to the qxmledit package (as asked in the DISTRIBUTING
- Update Description.

Tue Jun 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to

* Changed the modality of windows.

* Added new errors to the compiler.

* Fixed issues:
- Changes in 0.8.6.

* Copy attributes.

* Search panel can use XPath expressions.

* Fixed a bug in the compare panel.

* Fixed issues:

Fri Mar 15 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8.5.

* Fixed a bug on mixed contents editing.

* Added a XML structure display dialog based on force-directed

* Added a compare function without need to load one of the files
into the editor.

* Added a panel to show xml structure as a force directed graph.
- Build doesn\'t require fdupes.
- Rename binary QXmlEdit to qxmledit.

Fri Feb 8 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8.4.

* Changed default view options and style.

* Changed the default style.

* Implemented a brand new compare window.

* Implemented a filter on attributes display.

* Fixed issues:

Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2012
- Update to

* Fixed an alignment in the session drawer widget.

Wed Sep 19 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.8.3.

* Added a background configuration for the diagram.

* Added a table with the details of the XSD differences.

* Added an invitation to the session tree widget.

* Changed XSD item graphics.

* Added explanation of the cause that prevent the load of an XML

* Implemented visual compare of xsd.

* Removed use of stdout from the test project to emit xml output
compatible with xUnit.

* Commented some unused parameters.

* Deactivated a log.

* Added formats to output messages utility functions.

* Fixed issues:

Wed Jun 6 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.8.2.

* Added a dialog to examine encodings.

* Added a dialog to convert text from and from base 64.

* Fixed an issue on base 64 encoding with UTF-8 encoding.

* Enlarged the space for tag editing.

* Added tests for undo.

* The current path is shown in the edit element dialog.

* Enabled undo on edit text nodes.

* Enabled undo on edit elements.

* Enabled undo on delete elements.

* Enabled undo on move elements.

* Fixed a bug in the copy element method.

* Optionally link with qwtplot3d library for display of XML data

* New highlighting methods in data display: dilate and max.

* New measure type: payload.

* Accept drop actions in data visualization widget.

Mon Apr 9 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.8.1.

* Added an icon 48x48 as stated in Freedesktop standards.

* New extraction split type using depth.

* Added new include folder for widget only release.

* Added visualization option to the welcome dialog.

* Fixed a typo in the format string of paused session in the
state widget.

* Added command line parameter to load a file into visualization

* Added data visualization.

* Added multiple windows management.

* Added a split to the columnar view.

* Fixed issues:
- Changes in 0.8.0.

* Added a check if current file is modified when selecting a
recent file from menu.

* Enabled XSD suggestions.

* Added a session handler subproject.

* Put configuration classes in the application project.
- Changes in 0.7.2:

* Fixed issues:
- Changes in 0.7.1.

* Put the library version number under Unix configuration.

* Fixed issues:
- Drop \"install\" patch (fixed upstream).
- Use pkgconfig(
*) as build dependencies.
- Split off libraries and development files.
- Recommends doc package.

Sat Feb 4 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.7.0.

* Added a library test project.

* Added a modification indicator in the edit element dialog.

* Added icons to main widget.

* Transformed Regola into a read only tree model.

* Added a window title for the library as global data.

* Added a columnar view.

* Split the project into an application and a library.

Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.2.

* New comparison option in XML extraction.

* New filtering option in XML extraction.

* Fixed issues:
- Update \"install\" patch.

Tue Jan 3 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.6.1.

* New structure visualization.

* Fixed issues:

Sat Dec 24 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.6.0.

* License changed to GNU Library General Public License v2 or

* Added binary file loading and saving in text noded via base 64

* Added a \'space\' token as option in file splitting naming.

* Mixed content handling.

* Added \"New with Schema\" menu and dialog.

* Added Schema files cache.

* Added help icon.

* Redesigned toolbar.

* Added new tests.

* Default fonts made configurable.
- Added Development;Documentation desktop category. Removed
incorrect XMLUtility category.

Sun Nov 13 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.5.4.

* Czech translation updated.

* Improved fragments extraction dialog with tooltips.

* Trimmed split files input values.

* Handled unusual cases on XML fragments navigation.

* Added some images.

* Fixed issues:

Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.5.3.

* Changed a system field in the extraction dialog.

* Double clicking on recent files of welcome dialog load the

* Forbid overwriting original file if mixed contents are

* Used a separate version for welcome dialog.
- Split off PDF manual.
- Make a symlink to name a binary the same as a package name.
- Removed obsolete \"clean\" section from spec.

Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.5.1.

* Export of the XSD diagram as SVG or PDF.

* Added grouping option on last item in search in file dialog.

* Added a navigation pane to XSD viewer.

* Czech language localization.
- Build requires libqt4-devel >= 4.7.
- \"install\" patch replaced with the new one.

Sun Jul 24 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.5.0.

* Added a xsd file viewer accessible through the plugins menu.

* Added a \'explore structure\' mode to scan a large file.

* Added a shortcut for the enter key in find edit box.

* Added a delete bookmarked items command.

* Added the option to show element size.

* Added the option to show element text length.

* Added an option to show elements modified in the work session
with a colored marker on the margin of the first column.

* Fixed issues::
- Build requires libqt4-devel >= 4.6 and hicolor-icon-theme.
- Updated install patch.
- Corrected License tag.
- Use full URL for source.
- Added qmake optflags.
- Added %desktop_database_post/un and %icon_theme_cache_post/un

Sun Oct 24 14:00:00 2010
- Update to

* Implemented w3c syntax compliant check on attribute and element
names with the following limitation: only the Unicode Basic
Multilingual Plane (BMP) is used.

* Fixed issues:

Tue Sep 21 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 0.4.9

* XML Snippets.

* Transform selection in snippet.

* Balsamiq Plugin.

* Auto test feature.

* Set buddies in EditElement dialog.

* Set correct viewer protocol and path in ConfigStyle dialog.

* Fixed clone element bug on text nodes.

* Fixed some dialogs alignments and layouts.

* Fixed issues:
[#3] (
[#4] (
[#5] (
- Install patch to fix path.

Wed Jul 21 14:00:00 2010
- Initial package created - 0.4.7.