Changelog for
testdisk-7.0-6.3.x86_64.rpm :
Sat May 2 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 7.0:
* General Improvements:
Various fix including security fix, thanks to
+ Coverity scan (Static Analysis of source code)
+ afl-fuzz (security-oriented fuzzer)
+ Denis Andzakovic from Security Assessment for reporting an
exploitable Stack Buffer Overflow
* TestDisk
+ Improvements:
- exFAT: better support
- ext4: handle 64 bit blocks or 64 KiB blocksize
Fix detection and file listing
+ Bug fixes:
- Avoid erroneous error when writing 512 bytes on hard disk
using 4k sector
- FAT, NTFS: avoid NULL pointer dereference if localtime()
returns NULL
* PhotoRec & QPhotoRec
QPhotoRec is a Graphical User Interface (Qt based GUI) version
of PhotoRec. More user friendly, it recognizes the same file
+ Improvements:
- Reduced false positives for more than 80 file formats.
- .gif: fix filesize detection
- .flv: add Flash filesize detection
- .mpg: detect filesize for MPEG
- .ra: detect filesize for RealAudio3
- Improved algorithm to deal with data fragmentation
resulting in a general speed increased
- Speedup brute-force mode. Brute-force mode can recover more
fragmented files, but it\'s still slow and not 100% reliable
+ New file formats recovered by PhotoRec:
- .3dm: Rhino / openNURBS
- .ari: ARRI Raw Video
- .camrec: Camtasia Studio
- .dad: Micae DVR
- .dcm: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
- .fp12: File Maker Pro 12
- .kra: Krita
- .mlv: Magic Lantern Video
- .notebook: SMART notebook
- .ora: Mypaint
- .red: RED2 video format
- .rlv: Revelation password
- .vbm: Veeam Backup Metadata
- .woff: Web Open Font Format
- drop testdisk_614_fix_ext2_check.patch: fixed upstream
- fix documentation path in %install
- add new subpackage for qphotorec:
* add build dependencies hicolor-icon-theme, libqt4-devel
and update-desktop-files
* run suse_update_desktop_file on qphotorec
- add translated (zh_CN) manpages to each package
Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 6.14:
General Improvements
* The log file generated by the Windows version (cygwin) reports bad sectors
in a more readable fashion, example
ReadFile Data error (cyclic
redundancy check)
* As openssl isn\'t used, don\'t link with this cryptographic library (Debian
tries to avoid mixing GPL code and openssl)
+ TestDisk
testdisk /list
now displays the disk model, serial number,
firmware version and hpa or dco presence if detected
* Recover WBFS (Wii Backup File System) partition
* Make FAT RebuildBS works when there is a single FAT table
* Interface: Display the partition table type if autodetected
* Interface: modified warning about mismatching geometry between FAT or NTFS
boot sector and HD geometry information
([ Debian #651756])
* Interface: Remove \"Allow partial last cylinder\" option
Bug fixes
* Fix crc in EFI backup GPT
* Rewrote how TestDisk aligns partition on cylinder or 1MB boundary. It
avoids to create partition entry where the partition ends after the end of
the disk.
+ PhotoRec
* Improve Olympus .orf recovery
* Improve WP Mac/WP5/WP6 Corel Documents .wpd files recovery
* Fix thumbs.db recovery, avoid some false positive with .doc
* Interface: if less than 10 file families are enabled, display the results
even if zero has been found yet
New file formats:
* .aep After Effects
* .axx AxCrypt
* .dp Designer, a Photobook Designer Software
* .lzh archive
* .mmap MindManager
* .plt Gerber Graphix Advantage
* .prproj Adobe Premiere project
* .psb Adobe Photoshop Image
* .pts PTGui, panoramic stitching software
* .qcp The QCP File Format and Media Types for Speech Data (RFC3625)
* .shn Shorten audio file
* .snt Windows Sticky Notes
* .ttd TinyTag Data
* .wallet Armory bitcoin wallet
* .wim Windows imaging (WIM) image
Bug fixes
* Fix an endless loop during .caf file recovery
* Fix tiff recovery including some raw file formats, 64-bit version wasn\'t
- Renamed the package from photorec to testdisk (as the original package name).
- Added photorec as a subpackage.
- Added a patch (testdisk_614_fix_ext2_check.patch) to fix ext2 check.
- Added libewf-devel as build requirement.
- Removed libopenssl-devel build requirement (not needed anymore).
Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- testdisk-file-contains-date-and-time.patch avoid endless
republish by removing timestamps from the resulting binaries.
Fri Dec 27 13:00:00 2013
- license update: GPL-2.0
src/ufs.h and src/xfs.h are GPL-2.0 (only) licensed
Wed Jun 20 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 6.13:
General Improvements
- Fix UAC manifests for Windows, so users don\'t need to use right-click \"Run As Administrator\"
- TestDisk & PhotoRec are now compatible with both libewf and libewf2, the new version of a library to support the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF).
- Fix image creation, image.dd file wasn\'t created (Regression introduced in 6.12)
- Detect Vmware VMFS partition
- Locate lost GFS2 partition but not yet the size
- Log HDD serial number and firmware revision
- List NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS)
- Session recovery restarts at the previous location
- Better MPEG recovery, there should be less concatenated videos.
- Better JPG recovery, there should be less cases where thumbnails were recovered instead of the picture itself.
- Handle large avi files using \"AVIX\" or mov files using 64-bit chunk size.
- Rename recovered pdf using the title (not perfect)
- Major cleanup of PhotoRec core code
New file formats:
- .caf Core Audio Format
- .dardar3 archive
- .ddf Didson Data File (v3 and v4)
- .gcs GCstart (personal collections manager)
- .gam Games Factory
- .hdf Hierarchical Data Format 4
- .hdr ENVI
- .max 3ds
- .oci OpenCanvas Image .oci
- .par2 archive
- .psmodel Delcam PowerSHAPE
- .save Assassin\'s Creed II backup
- .sh3d Sweet Home 3D
- .TiVo video record
- .vmg Nokia Text Message
- .wpb OpenCanvas files
Fri Aug 12 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 6.12:
* Support for exFAT has been enhanced.
* More than 60 new file formats have been added to PhotoRec.
* PhotoRec now generates Digital Forensics XML reports.
* support for ntfs-3g
* binaries moved to /usr/bin
More details in
Thu Apr 15 14:00:00 2010
- Updated to version 6.11
- TestDisk & PhotoRec 6.11 should use less CPU.
- testdisk: This new TestDisk version can undelete files for NTFS
filesystem and recover deleted exFAT and ext4.
- photorec: Performance improvement when scanning for numerous
file type
- Fix several bugs including an endless loop, several memory leaks
and several out-of-bound memory access
- lots of new file formats are supported
See also
Fri Feb 29 13:00:00 2008
- update to version 6.9:
TestDisk & PhotoRec 6.9 comes with numerous improvements:
- They are compatible with ntfsprogs 2.0, the latest library version for
accessing NTFS partitions, e2fsprogs 1.40.6, the latest library for accessing
ext2/ext3 partitions.
- EFI GUID Partition Table is now supported. EFI GPT is mainly used on Itanium,
MacBook and Mac Pro.
- Both utilities can use sudo if the user is not root, this functionnality will
be enabled for at least MacOSX, so users won\'t have to go into a command line.
- Improved Windows disk support, most internal USB card reader should now work.
- Disk model (ie. ATA ST3120026AS, _NEC DVD_RW ND-4550A...) are now reported
under Linux.
- update to version 6.8:
Version 6.8 is mainly a bugfix but some small improvements has been made to
both TestDisk and PhotoRec:
- Partition type is now autodetected.
- TestDisk and PhotoRec can now be used under screen, the screen manager with
VT100/ANSI terminal emulation.
Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2007
- New package:
- testdisk: recovers deleted partitions
- photorec: recovers lost files (images, videos, etc.)