Changelog for
icinga-idoutils-1.13.3-13.26.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version 1.13.3 (bsc#949785)
* Bug #7337: Only use SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME command for Icinga 2.x
* Bug #8130: Wrong values for percent_
* when using hostgroup in availability report
* Bug #9020: Solaris package behaves badly upon uninstall
* Bug #9106: Icinga no longer sending acknowledgement notifications
* Bug #9240: invalid JSON for flapping threshold configuration
Tue May 26 14:00:00 2015
- prevent changing of tmp_path permissions (bnc#923928)
- update to upstream version 1.13.2
* Bug #9010: icinga.spec: broken path to downtimes scripts and not packaged config files
Tue Apr 7 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version 1.13.1
* Bug #8986: wrong fd initilization preventing checks using file descriptors
Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version 1.13
* Remove deprecated event_profiling_enabled from icinga.cfg
* Remove deprecated broker_module from icinga.cfg (use module object configuration instead)
* Add module config examples in modules/ directory (livestatus, mod_gearman, pnp4nagios, flapjack)
* Move contrib/downtimes to tools/downtimes and add \'make install-downtimes\'
* Feature #1867: Recurring Downtimes
* Feature #6353: deprecate icinga.cfg:broker_module; add more module examples
* Feature #8007: Implement an option to disable transactions
* Feature #8139: Add functions for registering file descriptors closed on fork()
* Feature #8140: Add Check Result List Mutex for NEB modules
* Feature #8426: Remove constraint from
*dependencies tables
* Feature #8440: Enhance idomod logging
* Bug #6263: Race condition in init.d scripts\' stop
* Bug #6762: Icinga crashes when \"args\" attribute is not specified for modules
* Bug #7004: GET form param has no effect on cmd.cgi acks (again)
* Bug #8202: Cool tip text for refresh of hosts and services says \"I\'m so lonely up here. Where should I go?\"
* Bug #8441: require the \'config_file\' argument in idomod modules configuration
* Bug #8445: cmd.cgi use_ack_end_time param does not enable tickbox in form
* Bug #3305: Duplicate service definitions are not generating a config validation error
Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version 1.12.2
* Bug #3305: Duplicate service definitions are not generating a config validation error
* Docs - Bug #7801: Add a minified js library for the html docs
Tue Feb 17 13:00:00 2015
- fix systemd service alias
Thu Jan 29 13:00:00 2015
-update to upstream version 1.12.0
* core/idoutils: Populate long_output column on notification history neb events #7362 - MF
* classic ui: start with unhandled problems view instead of TAC #4817 - MF
* classic ui: Adding alias to title in host/service overview #5900 - WN
* classic ui: Add display of extra icons in status overview of hosts and services #6829 - RD/RB
* classic ui: Add config option to set Sticky Acknowledgment checkbox default #6237 - CF
* classic ui: Add config option to sort status data by default #5965 - RB
* classic ui: Add sorting of comments and downtimes #5339 - RB
* classic ui: Add link to online documentation #6606 - RB
* idoutils: Add program_version column to programstatus table #7390 - MF
* idoutils: Extend size of column \'alias\' for MySQL tables hosts & contacts #6382 - MF
* idoutils: Import \'is_json\' for custom vars into schema (Icinga 2) #7568 - MF
* classic ui: Fix grammatical errors in popup text #7451 - CF
* classic ui: Fix order of hosts and service checks in tac.cgi #6965 - RB
* idoutils: check for undersized data-packets and ignore them to eliminate null transactions to the database #4221 - CF
* initscript: Correct bash-specific syntax in startup script #7450 - CF
* spec: Use versioned dependencies in the RPM spec file #7017 - GB
* core/idoutils: Populate long_output column on notification history neb events #7362
* idoutils: Add program_version column to programstatus table #7390
* required for Icinga Web 2 and Icinga 2
* idoutils: \'alias\' column is now TEXT in MySQL #6382
* idoutils: Import \'is_json\' for custom vars into schema (Icinga 2) #7568
Wed Jan 28 13:00:00 2015
- add Alias=monitoring_daemon.service to systemd file to have a
similar virtual provides like in the old times
- rebased icinga-1.11.7-fix-bashisms.patch
Sat Dec 20 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashism in scripts
- add patches:
* icinga-1.11.7-fix-bashisms.patch
Sat Dec 13 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashisms in post scripts
Thu Dec 4 13:00:00 2014
- use a bash script for rcicinga to integrate some additional
options from old sysvinit script (check, check_verbose)
Thu Nov 27 13:00:00 2014
- remove patch source condition
Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2014
- restrict apache conf patch only to openSUSE 13.1 since it seems to be the only affected version
- renamed icinga-fix-apache-issues-by-using-old-conf.patch to icinga-workaround-131-apache-conf-issue.patch
Fri Nov 14 13:00:00 2014
- use icinga-fix-apache-issues-by-using-old-conf.patch only for openSUSE 13.1 and older versions
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.7
* Use versioned dependencies in the RPM spec file #7071 - GB
* Import 1.11.7 schema changes from Icinga 2 #6939 - MF
* New programstatus column \'endpoint_name\' requires schema update to 1.11.7! #6939
Mon Sep 1 14:00:00 2014
- add util-linux-systemd as build require for newer SUSE distributions (> 13.1)
Thu Aug 7 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.6
* idoutils: Fix customvariable
* tables are not case sensitive (mysql) #6788 - MF
* installation: Fix misspelled systemd configure options, added hint in Makefile #6710 - SS
* spec: Add shadow-utils as a dependency for Redhat packaging #4495 - SS
* spec: Build dependency for \"make\" is missing - GB
* Fix comments in cgiutils.c #6712
* Fix customvariable tables requires schema version update to 1.11.6! #6788
Tue Jul 8 14:00:00 2014
- use systemctl to restart Apache on modern distributions
Tue Jun 24 14:00:00 2014
- require latest nagios-rpm-macros package to allow building on openSUSE Factory
- make the classic ui package icinga-www independent from Icinga 1
- move config files from the package icinga-www to icinga-www-config
Fri Jun 20 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.5
* classic-ui: fix status.cgi gets stuck in loop when sorting on \"All Unhandled Problems\" #5886 - RB
* classic ui: Only show command expander if backend is Icinga 1.x (incompatible with Icinga 2) #6408 - MF
* classic ui: Fix CSRF protection in cmd.cgi matches only compiled in URL #6459 - MF
* classic-ui: config.cgi missing new option #6502 - RB
* initscript: Fixed Typo in ido2db and icinga init scripts preventing them to kill -9 their processes #6410 - MaH
* cgi.cfg: Add url_cgi_path allowing to override the default \'$htmurl/cgi-bin\' required for CSRF checks #6459
* Required for icinga2-classicui Debian package
Mon Jun 2 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.4
* core: Icinga should warn about deprecated configuration objects and attributes #6075 - MF
* core: Fix config parser with object custom variables #6330 - MF
* core: Allow Classic UI config parser to ignore unknown objects #5826 - MF
* classic ui: Fix jquery.dd source file, update to 2.38 #6324 - MF
* config parser now marks the following attributes and objects as DEPRECATED (they have been since 0.8.0)
* retry_check_interval (hosts, services)
* normal_check_internal (hosts, services)
* checks_enabled (hosts)
* hostextinfo object
* serviceextinfo object
Mon May 12 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.3
* classic ui: add \'is_reachable\' attribute to extinfo details (Icinga 2 only) #6186 - MF
* core: Revert \"add colon to illegal_object_name_chars\" (#4227) #5931 - MF
* core: Remove t-tap/ #6022 - MF
* core: Remove json checker #6023 - MF
* core: Revert \"add colon to illegal_object_name_chars\" (#4227) #5931
* idoutils: Add {host,service}{groups,status] columns: notes, notes_url, action_url, is_reachable. (Icinga 2) #6060
* bump schema version to 1.11.3
* core: Remove json checker
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.2
* core: fix regex using servicegroup members
*,service fails to expand after lookup (Ricardo Melo) #3881 - MF
* classic ui: fix parser bailing on command object custom variables (Icinga 2 only) #5940 - MF
* classic ui: fix CGIs don\'t work on OS X #5943 - GB
* classic ui: drop experimental \'check_service\' attribute (Icinga 2 only) #5841 - MF
Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.11.1
* classic ui: add \'check_service\' attribute to extinfo details (Icinga 2 only) #5841 - MF
* classic ui: CVE-2014-2386: fix small buffer overflows when checking strlen against MAX_INPUT_BUFFER (Tim Landscheidt, Wikimedia) #5873 - RB
* idoutils: oracle: fix missing programstatus config_dump_in_progress #5080 #5776 - TD
* idoutils: oracle: fix missing symbol for startup schema checks #5777 - TD
* idoutils: pgsql: fix table creates for icinga 2 endpoints #5850 - GB
Thu Mar 13 13:00:00 2014
- removed init services on systemd distributions
- removed obsolete rpmlint entry
- removed man page for convertcfg because it was removed upstream
- update to upstream version 1.11
* core: add commands for {en,dis}able freshness checks per host/service (Philip Matuskiewicz) #5422 #4430 - MF
* core: add statehistory entries for newly added services (checkresult with OK state) #3854 - MF
* core: add option to anonymize external command user in icinga log #5689 - RB
* classic ui: add status.cgi modifed_attributes filter parameter #4880 - RB
* classic ui: add \"current_notification_number\" to jsonoutput of hosts and services in status.cgi #5370 - RB
* classic ui: add groups Notes and Action URL links to status summary, overview and grid #5301 - RB
* classic ui: include more logos #4057 - CF/RB
* classic ui: add Support for gzip compressed logs #4519 - RB
* idoutils: ido2db should check db schema on startup, and bail early on errors #5272 - MF
* docs: Define SELinux contexts rather than using chcon command #3555 - WN
* docs: explain \"Check results for service x on host y are stale by 0d 0h 0m 10s (threshold=0d 0h 10m 0s). Forcing an immediate check of the service...\" #5252 - WN
* docs: addons: suggest nsca-ng as nsca alternative #5253 - WN
* docs: rename nagios plugins to monitoring plugins #5460 - WN/MF
* core: allow exclude (!) to work for regexp matches for hosts (Franky Van Liedekerke) #5324 - MF
* core: fix retained host check attempts being 0/1 #5061 - MF
* core: fix passive check result processing for host checks is not working (Marco Hoyer) #5671 - MF
* core: fix service escalations with no host mapping are not accepted (Tomas Dubec) #5687 - MF
* classic ui: getcgivars() fails to produce proper key/value list causing a potential buffer-overflow condition #5276 - CF
* classic ui: fix vulnerability against CSRF attacks CVE-2013-7107 #5346 - RB
* classic ui: fix timepicker is resetting time in input field #5239 - RB
* classic ui: fix small buffer overflows when checking strlen against MAX_INPUT_BUFFER #5663
* ...
Wed Feb 19 13:00:00 2014
- optimized order of icinga-exec-start-pre script
Tue Feb 18 13:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version 1.10.3
* initscript: implement IcingaPrecacheFallback option for the init script (thx Immobilienscout24) #4968 - GB
* core: fix passive host check commands check service\'s passive check acceptance (thx Naemon) #5568 - MF
* core: fix host state translation for passive host check results #5575 - MF
* classic ui: aggressively check for possible buffer overflows in cmd.cgi (thx GitHub) #5434 - MF
* classic ui: add missing jquery and jquery-ui-timepicker-addon sources #5564 - MF
* idoutils: wait for child processes on exit preventing zombies (thx Laurent Bigonville) #4427 - MF
* initscript: fix ido2db returning invalid lsb codes (Marco Hoyer) #4825 - MF
* spec: only add apache user to the icingacmd group if existing #5263 - MF
* spec: fix usermod error on SUSE #5430 - GB
* spec: backport fedora spec file fixes (thx Fedora & Shawn Starr) #5545 - MF
- add systemd service files on systemd systems (the init scripts will be removed in the future on these systems)
- added icinga-exec-start-pre and ido2db-exec-start-pre scripts to set up the environment before the icinga processes are started by systemd
- added icinga-fix-systemd-services.patch - make sure that the ExecStartPre script are called and there is no need for a separate sysconfig file for the icinga systemd service
- added icinga-fix-apache-issues-by-using-old-conf.patch - Apache 2.4 has issues with the new Icinga apache conf.d file so staying with the old for now
- removed 0001-classic-ui-fix-CVE-2013-7107.patch - because of upstream fix
- removed icinga-fix-create-mysql-script.patch - because of upstream fix
- removed icinga-add-ifdefine-to-apache.patch - superseeded by icinga-fix-apache-issues-by-using-old-conf.patch
- icinga-www now requires icinga-doc to provide the language flag images and documentation
- consistently use spaces instead of tabs in icinga.spec
Tue Feb 4 13:00:00 2014
- added 0001-classic-ui-fix-CVE-2013-7107.patch - fixed vulnerability against CSRF attacks CVE-2013-7107 (bnc#859424)
Thu Jan 9 13:00:00 2014
- updated the required nagios-rpm-macros version
Tue Jan 7 13:00:00 2014
- imported upstream version 1.10.2
- includes fix for possible denial of service in CGI executables: CVE-2013-7108 (bnc#856837)
* core: Add an Icinga syntax plugin for Vim #4150 - LE/MF
* core: Document dropped options log_external_commands_user and event_profiling_enabled #4957 - BA
* core: type in spec file on ido2db startup #5000 - MF
* core: Build fails: xdata/xodtemplate.c requires stdint.h #5021 - SH
* classic ui: fix status output in JSON format not including short and long plugin output properly #5217 - RB
* classic ui: fix possible buffer overflows #5250 - RB
* classic ui: fix Off-by-one memory access in process_cgivars() #5251 - RB
* idoutils: idoutils oracle compile error #5059 - TD
* idoutils: Oracle update script 1.10.0 failes while trying to drop nonexisting index #5256 - RB
- imported upstream version 1.10.1
* core: add line number information to config verification error messages #4967 - GB
* core/idoutils: revert check_source attribute due to mod_gearman manipulating in-memory checkresult list #4958 - MF
* classic ui/idoutils schema: functionality is kept only for Icinga 2 support
* classic ui: fix context help on mouseover in cmd.cgi (Marc-Christian Petersen) #4971 - MF
* classic ui: correction of colspan value in status.cgi (Bernd Arnold) #4961 - MF
* idoutils: fix pgsql update script #4953 - AW/MF
* idoutils: fix logentry_type being integer, not unsigned long (thx David Mikulksi) #4953 - MF
Mon Dec 2 13:00:00 2013
- fixed file permission of icingastats - bnc#851619
Wed Oct 30 13:00:00 2013
- switch to all unhandled problems per default in index.html
Tue Oct 29 13:00:00 2013
- imported upstream version 1.10.0
* idoutils: slahistory table must be removed manually after enable_sla removal #4363
- DROP TABLE icinga_slahistory
* idoutils: timedevents & timedeventqueue tables are deprecated and removed #4482
* core: allow exclude (!) to work for regexp matches as well (Matthias Kerk) #3720 - MF
* core: make logging of external command errors more verbose (Anton Lofgren, op5 team) #4402 - MF
* core: avoid unnecessary ctime() calls when debugging is disabled, increase performance (Opsview Team) #4681 - MF
* core: add check source to checkresult/status data #4709 - MF
* core: fix check fails when using environment variables (Sven Nierlein) #2647 - MF
* classic ui: add display filter modification for status.cgi #852 - RB
* classic ui: log errors into cgi log (use_logging=1) #4389 - MF
* classic ui: show custom variables in extended info #4390 - MF
* classic ui: allow to exclude custom variable name/value based on pattern #4390 - MF
* classic ui: add make install-classicui-standalone-conf as seperated config installation #4664 - MF
* classic ui: added performance data to extinfo json output #4728 - RB
* classic ui: show backend version info from status file (1.x or 2.x) #4737 - MF
* classic ui: added option for partial servicegroups #2740 - RB
* classic ui: show check source in extinfo #4709 - MF
* classic ui: added live search #1657 - Kepi/RB
* idoutils: add a table trimming option for \'downtime history\' #3989 - MF
* idoutils: allow to disable customvar status updates with dump_customvar_status=0|1 in idomod.cfg #4479 - MF
* idoutils: add check_source to status tables #4709 - MF
* idoutils: add object_id (host, service) to logentries status updates/state changes #4754 - MF
* install: allow enable perfdata config switch via configure #3996 - MF
* install: add --enable-debug=yes/no to set specific compiler flags for gdb, valgrind #4387 - MF
* install: detect /etc/apache2/conf-available on debian with apache2.4 #4509 - MF
* install: add manpages from debian upstream #4055 - MF
Thu Oct 10 14:00:00 2013
- use correct variable for checking the status of the icinga-binary
in rcicinga
Sun Sep 22 14:00:00 2013
- add favicon.ico from Icinga webside to avoid messages in apache
Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013
- provide and obsolete renamed icinga-monitoring-tools in
subpackage monitoring-tools
Wed Sep 11 14:00:00 2013
- Remove conflicts: nagios for new subpackage monitoring-tools and
remove the (identical) binaries in Nagios package instead, so
nagios can recommend the new subpackage as icinga does
- added log2ido manpage
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- add libperl_requires, as we link against libperl and thus
need a specific version of perl
- conflict icinga-monitoring-tools with nagios
Tue Aug 27 14:00:00 2013
- updated fix for bnc#834828 to use the default password if none provided
Tue Aug 27 14:00:00 2013
- fixed bnc#834828 by asking for the password and changing the log permissions
Mon Jul 8 14:00:00 2013
- imported upstream version 1.9.3
* core: fix init script status exit codes on not running daemon and present pid file #4243 - MF
* idoutils: fix workaround on libdbi fetch_next_row() bug applied for postgresql too, causing faulty queries #4367 - MF
Fri Jul 5 14:00:00 2013
- moved convertcfg, mini_epn and new_mini_epn to the sub package
icinga-monitoring-tools so that it could be also used by Nagios
Sun Jun 30 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.9.2:
* core: fix bug with non-ASCII (> 127) illegal macro output
characters on char-to-int cast (Jason Young) #4211 - MF
* core: bail early if main config file cannot be read - MF
* classic ui: fixed searching hostgroup results in wrong \'all\'
view filter urls #4206 - RB
* classic ui: fix URL construction issue in icinga_reload_scroll_position()
javascript (Karsten Sühring) #4233 - MF
* idoutils: fix mysql: output/perfdata limits cut escaped string
leaving \'\\\' at the end (Yannik Charton) #4196 - MF
* idoutils: bugfixes for socket queue, transactions and libdbi
handling #4049 - GB
* idoutils: fix ido2db gradually consumes more and more CPU time
with time #4210 - CF
* idoutils: fix wrong clob freeing in eventhandlers #4357 - TD
Wed May 22 14:00:00 2013
- imported upstream version 1.9.1
* core: fix objects.cache does not get updated on (re)start, but config verify (Christian Ruppert) #4155 - MF
* classic ui: fixed UNICODE characters in JSON output from getting discarded #4193 - RB
* idoutils: fix segfaults on reload with multiple neb modules of the same binary #4033 - MF
Tue May 7 14:00:00 2013
- imported upstream version 1.9.0 (check the official changelog for further details)
* idoutils uses a socket queue and transactions for large object dumps! #3527 #3533
* ido2db.cfg enable_sla is now deprecated! #3450
* icinga.cfg event_profiling_enabled is now deprecated! #4054
* core: increase performance with hash comparing hosts/services on config read #3722 - GB
* core: introduce warning level -vv on config verification #3510 - MF
* core: refuse to start if neb modules fail to load (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3812 - MF
* core: keep logfile open, reducing open/close performance decreases (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3390 - MF
* core: enhance illegal macro character processing performance (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3389 - MF
* core: add the notification type by string to debug logs; set CUSTOM=8, STALKING=9 (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3818 - MF
* core: skip writing status.dat if explicitely set to /dev/null (e.g. when using alternate data retrieval methods like IDOUtils) (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3819 - MF
* core: avoid writing objects.cache if set to /dev/null (Andreas Ericsson, op5 Team) #3819 - MF
* core: increase performance on host->service relation counter (config reading, flapping) #3820 - MF
* core: fix unable to exclude hostgroups when using nested hostgroups (Alexander Sulfrian) #2619 - MF
* classic ui: increase performance with hash comparing hosts/services to show/filter #3722 - GB
* classic ui: Add \"set_expire_ack_by_default\" to cgi configuration #3476 - CF
* classic ui: Add \"send_ack_notifications\" to cgi configuration (TheCry) #3467 - CF
* classic ui: Changed field size for hours to 4 when setting flexible downtime #3484 - RB
* ...
Sun Mar 10 13:00:00 2013
- move temp_file and temp_dir below /var/run/icinga as this location
is tmpfs on newer systems which speeds up tempfile creation and
\"handles\" the removal during shutdown automatically
- use daemonchk.cgi for \"rcicinga status\", if possible
Thu Feb 14 13:00:00 2013
- provide \'monitoring_daemon\' in the init script to allow other
init scripts to depend on it
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- imported upstream version 1.8.4
* core: add fix for CVE-2012-6096 - history.cgi remote command execution (Eric Stanley, Markus Frosch) #3532 - MF
* classic ui: Changed field size for hours to 4 when setting flexible downtime #3484 - RB
* classic ui: fixed Warning and Unknown States are mixed up in Alert Summary Report #3488 - RB
* idoutils: fix empty output/perfdata segfaults for mysql string truncate #3516 - MF
* idoutils: unlink leftover socket on startup, if using unix sockets - MF
* idoutils: fix long output data causes wrong data in database #2342 - MF
Tue Dec 18 13:00:00 2012
- Package links to so it must use exact perl
version as requires.
Mon Dec 17 13:00:00 2012
- Use usermod instead of groupmod when suse_version > 1220 due to
pwdutils/shadow switch.
- move macro definition to a place where the macro %%name is defined
- added man pages for new_mini_epn, convertcfg and mini_epn
=> conflicts with nagios manpages
Wed Dec 12 13:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.8.3
* idoutils: fix unknown column contactaddress_id (thx fmbiete) #3483 - MF
Wed Nov 28 13:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.8.2
* core: fix macro escaping logs incorrect warning for $$escapes #3404 - MF
* core: fix wrong escalation notification due to state based escalation range behaviour changes #3441 - MF
* idoutils: fix many memory leaks in ido2db on dbi_result_free and others (thx Klaus Wagner) #3406 - MF
* idoutils: fix ido2db crashes when Oracle queries fail #3324 - GB
* idoutils: fix ORA-1461 writing data to varchar2 exceeding field size limit output, command_arg and commandline data written to Oracle #3324 #3325 - TD
* idoutils: fix unsafe handling of dbi_conn_sequence_last, rewrite last_insert_id/sequence fetching #3408 - MF
* idoutils: fix ido2db does not cleanly exit the client on wrong schema version check in db_hello #3419 - MF
* idoutils: fix FROM_UNIXTIME(NULL) does not work with MySQL 5.0.x #3399 #3466 - CF
* install: drop unused daemon-init-readhat script (spec uses daemon-init) #3402 - MF
* install: fix broken configure ssl detection for idoutils on ubuntu/debian (Oliver Skibbe) #3413 - MF
* classic ui: fix cmd.cgi does not honor commandpipe location; overwrites from empty environment variable #3418 - MF
* classic ui: fixed double-listed host dependencies in host extinfo.cgi #3295 - RB
* classic ui: fixed sort_icinga_logfiles_by_name() in readlogs.c fails to take NULL pointers into consideration #3398 - CF
* classic ui: fixed committing acknowledgement cmd negates flags for send_notification and sticky_ack #3329 - RB
* classic ui: fixed backtrack_archives only getting calculated on a daily log rotation basis #3416 - RB
* classic ui: fixed invalid freeing of last_check in \'scheduling queue\' for first time checks #3444 - RB
* docs: add missing cmd_mod description in cgi params #3438 - MF
* docs: search_string as cgi GET param works also for status.cgi #3451 - MF
* docs: fix typo pqsql -> pgsql #3461 - WN
* icinga.cfg - enable_state_based_escalation_ranges=0 (disabled if not set) fix for #3441
Tue Nov 6 13:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.8.1
* core: fix faulty macro cleaning, replacing spaces with pluses where they shouldn\'t be cleaned #3397 - MF
Fri Oct 26 14:00:00 2012
- icingastats is created with 754 (root,icinga) privilegs, cause
it\'s mostly running under icinga group
Thu Oct 18 14:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.8.0
* core: pass long_output to neb api for statechange data #2650 - MF
* core/classic ui: make hashfunc more efficient by using sdbm #2761 - MF/GB
* core: try the most common macros ($ARGn$, $USERn$) first (Andreas Ericsson) #2674 - MF
* core: use binary search when looking up macro names, instead of insane strcmp() loops (Andreas Ericsson) #2675 - MF
* core: add useful message to when epn plugin does not call exit() (Sven Nierlein) #2431 -MF
* core: re-enable state based escalation ranges, using cast tricks #2878 - MF
* livestatus and other neb modules not using the icinga headers won\'t see those
* core: add a command to disable notifications program-wide with expire time as scheduled event #905 - MF
* DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_EXPIRE_TIME, works for global notifications
* core: add hint on icinga.cfg package location, and tip to read Changelog CHANGES on upgrades #2879 - MF
* core: add new callback NEBTYPE_CONTACTNOTIFICATIONMETHOD_EXECUTE to allow override of sending notifications #2041 - MF
* core: only reap results when checkresult_list is not overloaded (max_check_result_list_items) (thx Thomas Gelf) #3099 - MF
* core: log a message when reaper max time is reached #3159 - MF
* classic ui: Dropped statuswml.cgi #2654 - RB
* classic ui: Dropped statuswrl.cgi #2359 - RB
* classic ui: Added action_url/notes_url to status.cgi for csvoutput and jsonoutput #2553 - RB
* classic ui: Added pagination to various cgi\'s (thx to ideas and partly source from Nagios, Thruk, Icinga Web) #2725 - RB
* classic ui: Changed search in config.cgi to regex #2884 - RB
* classic ui: Added config option to let read-only users see comments and downtimes #2699 - RB
Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2012
- add virtual provides \'monitoring_daemon\' and
\'monitoring_webfrontend\' to allow 3rd party packages to run also
with nagios compatible solutions like icinga
Wed Sep 26 14:00:00 2012
- added upstream patch to fix the segfault caused by the epn rewrite in #2197 (bnc#780107)
Mon Aug 27 14:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.7.2
* core: fix duplicated events on check scheduling logic for new events (Andreas Ericsson) #2676 #2993 - MF
* core: avoid duplicate events when scheduling forced host|service check (Imri Zvik) #2993 - MF
* core: get rid of the instame macro usage while logging alerts and states (Andreas Ericsson) #2665 - MF
* core: revamp the detection of embedded perl usage directive \"# icinga: +epn\" (Andreas Ericsson) #2197 - MF
* core: fix whitespaces are not stripped using multiple templates (\"use abc, def, ghi\") #2701 - MF
* core: add hint on icinga.cfg package location, and tip to read Changelog CHANGES on upgrades #2879 - MF
* core: bail out early with config error if resource.cfg macros contain NULL values #2879 - MF
* core: fix logical bug on icinga.cfg detection on config read #2879 - MF
* core: fsync() files before fclose() (Andreas Ericsson) #2948 - MF
* core: remove weird switch() statement when scanning checkresult queue (Andreas Ericsson) #2950 - MF
* core: fix deleting too old check result files (Andreas Ericsson) #2951 - MF
* idoutils: fix icinga mysql db creation script grants access to all dbs #2917 - MF
* idoutils: fix ignoring mysql password in #2994 - MF
* icinga.spec: forced update on icinga.cfg change package locations #2923 -MF
* icinga.spec: fix permissions on ido2db.cfg potentially world readable (Aaron Russo) #2897 - MF
- removed obsolete create_mysqldb script paches
Mon Aug 20 14:00:00 2012
- fixed create_mysqldb script - provided mysql password wasn\'t passed on
Thu Aug 16 14:00:00 2012
- cleaned up init files
Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2012
- reverted icinga home directory change
Sat Aug 4 14:00:00 2012
- added missing dependency to the new recurring downtimes plugin
Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2012
- added a new package which provides the recurring downtimes scripts from contrib
- updated the icinga user home directory - /var/lib/icinga is not needed anymore
Wed Jun 20 14:00:00 2012
- imported upstream version 1.7.1
* core: use prefix in solaris service definition #2609 - TD/CF
* core: fix various memory leaks in downtime eventhandling on SIGHUP (Carlos Velasco) #2666 - MF
* classic ui: Fixed status.cgi time out when displaying hostgroups in large environments #2617 - RB
* classic ui: Fixed Invalid JSON output for hostgroup overview (Torsten Rehn) #2680 - RB
* classic ui: Fixed Confusing use of display_name in JSON and CSV output (Torsten Rehn) #2681 - RB
* classic ui: Fixed wrong totals in \"Service Status Summary\" on Status Summary page (Mark Ziesemer) #2689 - RB
* idoutils: fix small compiler issues #2620 - TD/CF
* idoutils: fix upgradedb script typos & past changes #2682 - MF
* config: check_ido2db_procs.cfg should not depend on local-service template #2616 - MF
* install: adapt lsb headers for icinga and ido2db #2637 - MF
* install: fix typo in contrib/eventhandlers/redundancy-scenario1/handle-master-proc-event (thanks uosiu) #2671 - MF
Tue Jun 19 14:00:00 2012
- cleaned up rcicinga and added checkresult directory creation before start
- added patch to fix wrong fsf address in some license files
- extracted update_path_script parts from %post to a separate file located under doc
Fri Jun 15 14:00:00 2012
- fixed - it granted icinga access to all dbs - so please check the permissions of your mysql icinga user
- removed all other ido2utils scripts since they are not supported by upstream
- updated readme - better distinguishable topics
Fri Jun 15 14:00:00 2012
- updated readme - mysql example command granted icinga access to all dbs
Wed Jun 13 14:00:00 2012
- added \'show-errors\' to icinga init script as documented in the
Tue Jun 5 14:00:00 2012
- changed eventhandlers directory from /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/eventhandler to /lib/icinga/eventhandler (unpackaged files do not get copied)
- moved remaining files and the checkresults directory from /var/lib/icinga to /var/spool/icinga
- moved /var/lib/icinga to /var/spool/icinga/
- removed nagios directories from the packages (/var/lib/nagios/
- changed /var/spool/icinga/icinga.cmd to /var/run/icinga/icinga.cmd
- changed /var/spool/icinga/ido2db.sock to /var/run/icinga/ido2db.sock
- added post scripts to update the existing configuration files accordingly
- replaced the existing default http-passwd file with the one from upstream - user icingaadmin with password icingaadmin
- adapted the RHEL upstream icinga and icinga-idoutils readmes for SUSE and packaged them
- idoutils db schema has changed, check /usr/share/doc/packages/icinga-idoutils/README.SUSE.idoutils how to upgrade it
- imported upstream version 1.7.0
* core: notifications: Create contact list after eventbroker callbacks (Andreas Ericsson) #2110 - MF
* core: fix event removal from queues with O(1) removal from doubly linked lists (Andreas Ericsson) #2183 - MF
* core: avoid senseless looping when free()\'ing macros (Andreas Ericsson) #2184 - MF
* core: avoid insane looping through event list when rescheduling checks (Mathias Kettner, Andreas Ericsson) #2182 - MF
* core: allow empty host groups in service and host dependencies if allow_empty_hostgroup_assignment flag is set (Daniel Wittenberg) #2255 - MF
* core: fix compatibility problems on solaris 10 (affects core, cgis, ido) (Carl R. Friend) #2292 - MF/RB/TD
* core: add trigger_time to downtimes to allow calculating of flexible downtimes endtime #2537 - MF
* core: add nebmodule version/name check for idomod (this allows future version dependencies) #2569 - MF
* classic ui: Added option for max log entries displayed in showlog.cgi #2145 - RB
* classic ui: Added config option for status totals in status.cgi #2018 - RB
* classic ui: Added multiple hosts/services to status.cgi GET #1981 - RB
* classic ui: Added nostatusheader in status.cgi as config option #2018 - RB
* classic ui: Added statusmap resizing with exclude/include button (thanks to Mat) #2186 - RB
* classic ui: Added Select hosts or services by clicking on line instead of box #2118 - RB
* classic ui: include graph icons by default in logos #2222 - MF
* classic ui: added missing comment tool tip box to outages.cgi #2396 - RB
* classic ui: add javascript to refresh page/pause easier #2119 - RB
* classic ui: Added Scheduling queue filter for specific host or service #2421 - RB
* classic ui: add display_status_totals as cgi.cfg option in order to allow the status totals to be shown again #2443 - RB
* classic ui: Changed reading of auth information from cgiauth.c to cgiutils.c #2524 - RB
* classic ui: Added readonly cgi.cfg view into the config section #1776 - RB
* classic ui: add is_in_effect and trigger_time to downtime view for html, csv, json #2538 - MF
* classic ui: add modified attributes row to extinfo.cgi showing diffs to original config (thx Sven Nierlein for the idea) #2473 - MF
* classic ui: add modified attributes reset command to extinfo.cgi allowing to reset to original config #2474 - MF
* idoutils: add new index for state in table statehistory #2274 - TD
* idoutils: add is_in_effect and trigger_time to scheduleddowntime and downtimehistory tables #2539 - MF
* idoutils: change varchar(255) to TEXT in mysql (not cs and address rfc columns) #2181 - MF
* idoutils: enhance dbversion table with modified and created columns #2562 - MF
* idoutils: set module info in idomod, to be checked on neb module load in future versions #2569 - MF
Sun May 27 14:00:00 2012
- init script: check configuration before restart to avoid a
non running service on config problems
Fri Mar 2 13:00:00 2012
- Changed the spec file to use the nagios-rpm-macro variables
- Fixed a rare bug in rcido2db when the pid directory was missing during first start
Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2012
- Added changelog entry about the icinga-api removal
Thu Feb 16 13:00:00 2012
- Added some detail about the last version updates
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- patch license to follow standard
Fri Dec 2 13:00:00 2011
- Imported Upstream version 1.6.1:
* core: fix freshness checks are generating stale alerts, even
if result was received in time
Thu Dec 1 13:00:00 2011
- imported Upstream version 1.6.0
* package: complete remove icinga-api as module #1935
* Development is being discontinued for now, 1.5.0 was last combined release.
* core: fix downtime and comments delete with wrong loop pointers
causing segfaults
* core: fix $NOTIFICATIONRECIPIENTS$ macro contains all contacts
assigned to host|service, not only notified contacts
* core: plug memory leak in downtimes comment add
* core: make first_notification_delay depend on the first !OK hard state
change and don\'t reset timer for new hard states which would replace it
* core: fix memory leak in xodtemplate.c
* classic ui: fix for Classic-UI displays bad timeperiods
* classic ui: fixed wrong color in histogram and trends for unknown/unreachable
* classic ui: fixed search not returning all results, only first match
* classic ui: fixed wrong output from status.cgi with option hostservicedetail
* classic ui: fix typo in histogram.c
* idoutils: host state change last_hard_state overrides last_state,
last_hard_state always -1
* idoutils: extend conninfo.agent_version field to varchar(16)
* idoutils: terminate threads cleanly, including db connection
* install: rework the version updates in icinga and idoutils
- See ChangeLog for more details
Thu Oct 13 14:00:00 2011
- remove fragile service
Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011
- fixed incorrect rcicinga meta data
Tue Sep 20 14:00:00 2011
- imported Upstream version 1.5.1
- ran spec-cleaner and added patch tags
Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 2011
- removed unnecessary testing source files because of conflicting licenses
- little spec file optimizations
Fri Sep 9 14:00:00 2011
- cleaned up icinga.spec
- removed specs for other distributions
Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2011
- made icinga-api building optional but disabling it by default
just set build_api to 1 to build the packages
Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2011
- removed obsolete icinga-api
- added icinga-remove-api.patch
- little spec file optimizations
Sat Aug 27 14:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.5.0
- removed obsolete patch with-p1-file-dir
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2011
- activated Fedora 15
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.4.2
- added 1.5 with-p1-file-dir.patch
- created new ido2db init script
- updated icinga init script (no spool sgid needed anymore)
- major spec file changes
- fixed wrong var pathes
Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2011
- changed cron job according to bnc#701208
Tue Jun 21 14:00:00 2011
- remove ido2db lock and socket files while stopping the init script
Fri Jun 17 14:00:00 2011
- using the Build Service SourceService for the tarball
- using the default spec for other distributions
Thu Jun 9 14:00:00 2011
- added db update notification for idoutils
Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.4.1
Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011
- reverted idoutils db path
Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011
- fixed a wrong cmd configuration entry
- fixed some rpmlint warnings
Thu May 19 14:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.4.0
- removed db creation scripts - 1.4.0 has its own now
- removed openssl patch - now obsolete
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- SLES 10 Perl issue fixed
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- added fix for ssl support and enabled it
- updated mysql db creation script
- fixed some rpmlint warnings
Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.3.1
Thu Mar 3 13:00:00 2011
- fixed ido2db db initializiation scripts
- fixed /var/run/spool/icinga permissions
Mon Feb 28 13:00:00 2011
- fixed SLES 10 building problem
- fixed empty file warnings
Mon Feb 28 13:00:00 2011
- fixed icinga-api permissions
- replaced the ido2db init script with a basic version because of problems
- added simple db creation script for mysql and pgsql for idoutils
- moved icinga-api docs to icinga-api-doc
- fixed idoutils oracle dependency
Tue Feb 22 13:00:00 2011
- fix pathname to database in icinga-installdb
- require perl(DBD::mysql) in icinga-idoutils-mysql
Sat Feb 19 13:00:00 2011
- package documentation and SQL statements in
- create two subpackages icinga-idoutils-{mysql,postgresql} for
the two supported databases
- also package php files in %{_datadir}/%{name}/icinga-api/
Fri Feb 18 13:00:00 2011
- initial version 1.3.0
- fixed ido2db init script removal problem
- fixed some warnings
Mon Feb 14 13:00:00 2011
- enable ICINGA via a2enflag on initial installation
Mon Feb 14 13:00:00 2011
- install icinga.conf instead of and add an
, so users can enable the apache configuration
via /etc/sysconfig/apache2 (APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS=\"ICINGA\")
Sat Feb 12 13:00:00 2011
- fix path to traceroute
- split off different packages:
+ icinga-doc
+ icinga-api
+ icinga-plugins-eventhandlers
- patch (mini-)epn to use full path to
- add Requires/Recommends to packages
Sun Feb 6 13:00:00 2011
- fix ido2db init script
- fix non_void function
- add rpmlintrc
- place the apache config file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ and mark it
as not included by default
- added manpages from Debian
- move to /usr/sbin
- added pre/post scripts for idoutils
Thu Nov 11 13:00:00 2010
- initial version 1.2.1 based on nagios package