Changelog for stratagus-2.4.1-3.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Sep 21 14:00:00 2017
- Fixed build with Leap 42.3 and Tumbleweed. (tolua++)

Fri Feb 17 13:00:00 2017
- Fixed build on Leap (need gcc >= 5)
- Install man page

Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 2.4.1

Sat Jan 16 13:00:00 2016
- Added fix-findtolua++.patch to fix build on openSUSE > 13.2
- Some spec file cleanup

Wed Sep 16 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 2.3.0:

* FluidSynth support.

* Some new image controls for Guichan widgets.

* Lots of AI improvements.

* Improved netcode stability.

* Spell casting improvements : a lot of additions to control
spell autocasting.

* Some new features to animation scripting, such as ability
to call Lua functions.

* Grayscale icons feature support.

* Cutom in-game buttons.

* A lot of minor feature additions (their amount is really
too big to list all of them here, see changelog)

* And huge amount of old bugs fixed.

Sat Oct 20 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.2.7:

* Added CclCreateMissile function to create missiles from Lua code. from Cybermind)

* Added MissileType::SmokeParticle (same use as SmokeMissile).(from Cybermind)

* Alllow same units to get upgrade-to in one click.(from Cybermind)

* CclGetUnitVariable and CclSetUnitVariable now can get and set the Max, Increase and Enable fields.(from Cybermind)

* Added OnHit Lua callback parameter for UnitType to create some effects if unit is hit. (from Cybermind)

* Reworked the button\'s popup system to achieve more flexibility (from Cybermind)

* Added Preference.ShowNameDelay and Preference.ShowNameTime to show a popup for unit under cursor (from Cybermind)

* Code compile now with Lua 5.2 (from Joris Dauphin).

* Fix bug #901393: Always \"network out of sync\" in multiplayer mode (from Cybermind)

* Fix bug #710187: OpenGL is slower than without OpenGL (from Cybermind)

* Fix bug #909454: compile errors on OpenBSD. (from Pali Rohár)

* Fix compilation for maemo. (from Pali Rohár)

* Fix bug #910078: worker unable to do anything after building structure. (patch from Neil Tan)

* Fix bug #912904: Fix pathfinfing problem with unit near of goal. (patch from Neil Tan)

* Fix bug #911062: Fix segfault. (patch from Neil Tan)

* Fix bug #841133: Fix Action resource and DeassignWorkerFromMine. (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix some regression in pathFinding. (from Joris Dauphin)

* Rearchitecturing of COrder and CAnimation. (from Joris Dauphin)

* Add DefineDefaultResourceMaxAmounts() to define max value per resource (like tiberium from C&C). Add \"Storing\" in UnitType to increase MaxResourceAmount (from Cybermind)

* New unitType flag:\"Wall\" which create \"connection\" with its neighboors. (from Cybermind)

* New unitType flag:\"NonSolid\" for unit which don\'t forbid other unit to be in the same place. (from Cybermind)

* New missile class \"missile-class-treacer\" which seek towards its target. (from Cybermind)

* New missile class \"missile-class-clip-to-target\" which is clipped to the target, then animate once before deal the damege. (from Cybermind)

* Add parameter \"use-unit-var\" to \"spawn-missile\" spell to use caster\'s damage. (from Cybermind)

* Rework animation parser to have access to some variables. (from Cybermind)

* Add impact by type. (from Cybermind)

* Add \"AlwaysFire\" flag to missile to shoot even if target is dead.(from Cybermind)

* Fix some saving issues.(from Joris Dauphin)

* Activate AutocastSpell for non moving unit. (from Cybermind)

* Disable buggy multithreading support. (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed mouse scroll speed (from Pali Rohár)

* Fix bug #913621: Replace the abort and core dump by a lua_Error when unitType is unknown (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix bug #976937: Fix crashing issue when loadnig a game with more than 3 ai-forces (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix bug #993364: Fix compilation when using lua 5.2 (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix bug #1001999: Do not overwrite CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS variables, make install paths configurable (from hasufell)

* Fix bug #1013694: Fix compilation when MNG support is active (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix bug #1020858: Fix Assert in Action_Attack (from Joris Dauphin)

* Fix bug #1022272: Fix Assert in pathfinding (from Joris Dauphin)
- changes from 2.2.6:

* Changed directory structure for CMake, DoxyGen and platform code (from Pali Rohár)

* Rewrited Stratagus build system to CMake (from Pali Rohár)

* Updated debian scripts to CMake, better Maemo section (from Pali Rohár)

* Updated Stratagus DoxyGen documentation (from Pali Rohár)

* Removed tolua++ source code from Stratagus tree, instead use system library (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed crashing if editor configuration script not exists (from Pali Rohár)

* Added support for touchscreen input method at compilation time (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed bug #730283 - Fixed crashing when 2 workers enter the mine which have resources only for 1 worker (from Pali Rohár)

* Added support for animating resource container when harvesting (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed crashing metaserver at first start (from Pali Rohár)

* Added Lua function DebugPrint (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed bug #816573 - Fixed compilation on Mac (from ASDF)

* Created Game header files for Launcher and Maemo extractor (from Pali Rohár)

* Rewritten Debian control files to debhelper 7 (from Pali Rohár)

* Fixed bug #821210 - Fixed compilation with png 1.5 (from Thomas Klausner)

* Updated WinAPI AttachConsole, fixed for MSVC

* Reverted back Color Cycling support (from Joris Dauphin)

* On Windows moved Stratagus user save and logs directory to user profile directory

* Fixed bug #685144 - Added support for any resolution from command line (from Pali Rohár)
- changes from

* Fixed crashing in OpenGL mode (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed crashing when unknown button input was pressed (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed bug #645194 - oil tanker disappears when it builds a oil platform (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed problem with building oil platform (from Pali Rohar)

* Do not drop goods after unit stop working (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed bug #622210 - Fixed memmory corruption in multiplayer network mode (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for more game sound parts (from cybermind)

* Fixed bug #621815 - Fixed input problem with stylus on Nokia N900 (from Pali Rohar)

* Revert back mng support (from Pali Rohar)

* Updated manpages (from Pali Rohar)

* Added tag Editor to TitleScreen in LUA (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed Debian scripts on Maemo (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed bug #621820 - Fixed draining battery poer on Nokia N900 (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed bug #650987 - Decrease scrolling speed on Maemo (from Pali Rohar)

* Include debug version of stratagus to debian package and Windows NSIS Installer (from Pali Rohar)
- changes from

* Fixed bug #616486 - Fixed function CursorByIdent in src/video/cursor.cpp (from Pali Rohar)

* Added Lua function SetMenuRace which set race of cursor in main menu (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed deleting OpenGL textures (from boswars upstream)

* Fixed bug #633863 - Do not show waypoints for enemy units (when SHIFT key is down) (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed autoconf/automake scripts (form Pali Rohar)

* Fixed a lot of gcc warnings while also extending the warnings flags (from Martin Gerhardy)
- changes from

* Fixed Debian control files for Maemo (from Pali Rohar)

* Added LUA function IsMusicPlaying - check if music is playing (from Pali Rohar)

* Added LUA function SetFogOfWarColor - Configurable Fog of War color (from sourceforge tracker)

* Added command line params -I for setting the address when binding the sockets (from sourceforge tracker)

* Compile fix using VC2008 (from sourceforge tracker)

* Added function GetStratagusVersion to LUA scripts (from Pali Rohar)

* Added function GetStratagusHomepage to LUA scripts (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for playing music in menu (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed Windows NSIS Installer (use relative jumps, do not allow start instaler twice, register games, ...) (from Pali Rohar)
- changes from

* Fixed Debian scripts for Maemo (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed OpenGL textures (from upstream svn boswars)

* Rewrited Windows NSIS Installer again (from Pali Rohar)

* Ported OpenGL engine to OpenGL ES 1.1 for Maemo systems (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed saving campaign game - multiline lua strings and lua triggers (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed compilation in Debug mode (from Pali Rohar and sourceforge tracker)

* Added LUA function SetUseOpenGL for setting OpenGL state from scripts at startup (insted changing variable UseOpenGL) (from Pali Rohar)

* Added command line params -O and -o for force using OpenGL (from Pali Rohar)

* Added LUA function SetFullGameName - use name for WM icon and title (from Pali Rohar)

* Keep backlight alive on Maemo using libosso (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for playing movies when OpenGL mode is active (from Pali Rohar)
- changes from

* Fixed playing movies (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed minimap (from upstream svn boswars)

* Added support patches for Maemo (from Bundyo N8x0 stratagus code)

* Fixed Debian scripts/configs (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for cross compile (from Pali Rohar)

* Use WINAPI_AttachConsole for stdout/stderr output messages to windows cmd console instead temp. files (from Pali Rohar)

* Fixed compilation and automake/autoconf scripts (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for 64bit Windows version (from Pali Rohar)

* Rewrited new Windows NSIS Installer (from Pali Rohar)

* Added info for Hildon Application Manager for Maemo (from Pali Rohar)

* Added support for more graphics resolutions (from Pali Rohar)

* Added function PlayMovie to LUA scripts - play movies from game (from Pali Rohar)

* Clean SDL video output before strating movie file (from Pali Rohar)

* Ported stratagus to Maemo systems - Nokia N900 (from Pali Rohar)
- changes from 2.2.5:

* Fixed attack range off by 1 bug (from Jimmy Salmon)

* Fixed bug releasing the same resource twice (from Jimmy Salmon)

Wed May 2 14:00:00 2012
- Added missing BuildRequires automake
- Added lua 5.2 patch
- Passed the spec file through spec cleaner

Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2007
- stratagus 2.2.4:

* several bug fixes

Sat May 12 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.2.3:

* several bug fixes and support for Lua 5.1

Wed Apr 11 14:00:00 2007
- Require just created libmikmod-devel instead of libmikmod.