Changelog for speed-dreams-data-2.2.1-4.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2018
- Fix build, add fix_bad_char_assignments.patch
- Fix build on Arm, use_gcc_builtins_for_all_archs.patch
- Increase disk _constraints to 12 GByte
- Package appdata

Sat Jul 30 14:00:00 2016
- Update description and license field.
Use shorter source URLs.

Tue Jul 26 14:00:00 2016
- new upstream release 2.2.1 (see CHANGES.txt)

Sun Jun 26 14:00:00 2016
- Removed my speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc-isnan.diff.
- Added speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc6-isnan.diff from upstream instead.
- Added _constraints to prevent \"error: Unable to write payload\".

Thu Jun 23 14:00:00 2016
- Added speed-dreams-2.1.0-gcc-isnan.diff to prevent
error: \'isnan\' was not declared in this scope.

Mon May 18 14:00:00 2015
- 2.1.0 release:

* see CHANGES.txt
- More pkgconfig() to avoid unresolvable state.
- Let make be verbose.

Sun Aug 25 14:00:00 2013
- Rpath disabling was fixed.

Tue Aug 13 14:00:00 2013
- Another cmake rpath disabling option to be built via 13.1\'s cmake.

Tue Jun 25 14:00:00 2013
- Build against libpng-devel instead of libpng-compat-devel

Mon Nov 26 13:00:00 2012
- Use libpng15-compat-devel for openSUSE > 12.2

Fri May 4 14:00:00 2012
- Build improvements

* Requires libjpeg-devel instead of libjpeg62-devel or libjpeg8-devel.

* Cmake makes verbose makefile.

* Cmake build gets type \"RelWithDebInfo\" in order to save the debug information.

* Cmake builds without rpath.

* Desktop file category is \"Simulation\".

* Direct \"libSDL >= 1.2.13\" requirement was removed.

Tue May 1 14:00:00 2012
- 2.0.0 release

* New \"shinning\" menu style with blurry backgrounds and button animations

* More user-friendly menu system, through improved labels, tips and control behavior

* Improved options menus (mostly graphics and display)

* New Garage menu to get preview and technical data about the chosen car

* Reworked / enhanced Driver Select menu with preview image for all cars / liveries

* Many fixes / improvements to the various race results menus
Graphics :

* Realistic dynamic sky dome (with background landscape) and rain rendering

* Improved world reflexions on car bodies

* New skinning system for all car components (body, driver, wheels, ...) and pit door

* Added glance left / right commands / views

* Added support for ultra-wide screen configurations (dual/triple panel)

* Reworked graphics and Open GL capability detection, with crash recovery

* Added support for JPEG textures (when relevant, for reducing package size)
Input control

* Improved throttle and clutch management when shifting

* WIP optimum auto-shift engine speeds

* Allow gear shifts to override auto-gearbox

* Fixed speed-correction so that is does not alter when car is spinning (easier recovery)

* Added e-brake command (might get useful for RS cars ;-)

* Fixed non-symetrical joystick calibration

* Added support for button/pad grid shifting

* Added support for gamepads with pressure sensitive buttons

* Added support for Mouse Wheel and extra buttons

* Fixed Mouse calibration lost in Ready-Set-Go stage

* USR, Simplix : Reworked setups for LS1 and 36GP cars

* Kilo2008 : New robot driving TRB1 Taipan and Cavallo

* USR : Improved avoidance, Situation-aware headlights

* Simplix : Better skilling and faster opponents for the Career mode

* Simplix : Optimized loading time

* Simplix : Added support for wet track (but no change supported during the race)

* Simu V2.1 : a better Simu V2

* added emergency brake

* added gyroscopic forces

* added bump and rebound limit velocities to dampers

* improved engine brake calculation

* fix the downforce calculation for the rear wing

* fix the handling of gear and differential efficiencies

* fix the cars roll on highly banked tracks

* Reworked sounds by Audio Berlin profesionals
(but all LS1, 36GP and half of Supercars engine sounds left untouched :-)

* Pause sound when pausing a race, however

* Open AL back-end : Simulate low-pass filter for engine sound by
simply lowering the gain when releasing the throttle
Race engine

* New career racing mode (limided contents for the moment)

* New TRB1, LS1, 36GP and MP5 championship, and LS1, 36GP and MP5 single-event race modes,

* Added support for real life championship race session layouts

* Dual-threading support for improved frame rates when many opponents

* Added support for saving, loading and resuming a race / race mode to / from a file

* On-screen \"wrong way\" notification

* Not released : network racing mode (does not work correctly)

* From scratch rework of LS1 and 36GP car physics, for more realism

* Slightly Updated physics for TRB1 (Simu V2.1 compatibility)

* Supercars physics left untouched (Simu V2.1 compatible)

* New MP5 car set (kind of Formula Ford) with 3 models and realistic physics

* Many new / reworked HQ liveries for LS1, Supercars and MP5 cars

* Improved 3D models for LS1

* New WIP LS-GT2 car set (WIP physics and USR robot setups)

* New WIP RS car set (Rally Series, WIP physics and Simplix robot setups)

* New WIP TRB1 Vieringe 5 RB (WIP physics, copy of Silber RBLK)

* New tracks :

* Road : Salty,

* Circuit : Brondehach, Goldstone Sand

* Speedway : Arizona Mile Speedway, Long Pond Superspeedway, Caddo Speedway,
Sunshine State Superspeedway

* HQ texture rework for most tracks (a huge work !)

* Gave better and fictive names and locations to many tracks

* Reworked preview images for all HQ tracks

* Added support for no-building / low-wall pit \"building\"

* Fixed too high friction coefficients in many tracks (towards realism)
Build system / Packaging

* Moved to CMake-based build system

* Multi-package deployement scheme, contents based

* New Windows binary multi-package system :

* the small base package is enough for trying the game (kind of demo)

* it can download and installation the other packages, for much more contents

* Fixed non GPL 2+ compatible bundled code
+ other steps towards official packaging by 100%-OSS Linux distros.

* New command line options for straight starting of a given race, with or without a GUI
(suitable for headless computers, for robots tuning, as an ex.).

* Improved overall code modularity (separating the race engine and the user interface,
making the user interface a loadable module)

* New C++ API for loadable module system (only robots left untouched)

* New tgfdata library for isolating the menu code from the XML files

* Replaced GLUT library by SDL

* Moved Windows build to modern DLL interface (no more .def files)