Changelog for
cups154-ddk-1.5.4-2.5.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2014
- Split those filters, backends, and banners from CUPS 1.5.4
into a cups154-filters sub-package so that CUPS 1.5.4 can be
installed without cups154-filters and instead with cups-filters.
Those filters, backends, and banners are not strictly required
so that the cups154-filters sub-package is only recommended.
- Do no longer obsolete cups-filters because now CUPS 1.5.4
can be used with cups-filters (instead of cups154-filters).
This way it is possible to use traditional CUPS 1.5.4
even with the new PDF printing workflow from cups-filters
(instead of the PostScript printing workflow from CUPS 1.5.4).
Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2014
- CUPS traditional version 1.5.4 for the SLE12 \"legacy\" module.
For SLE12 we provide the last traditional CUPS version 1.5.4
as \"cups154\" RPMs in the SLE12 \"legacy\" module.
This way users where the SLE12 default CUPS version 1.7 does not
support their particular needs (in particular users who need a
traditional CUPS server with original CUPS Browsing features)
can still use CUPS 1.5.4 on SLE12.
For those users any (semi)-automated CUPS version upgrade must
be prohibited because CUPS > 1.5.4 has major incompatible changes
compared to CUPS <= 1.5.4 (see the SLE12 release notes).
Therefore the CUPS 1.5.4 RPM package name contains the version
and it conflicts with higher versions to avoid that an installed
CUPS 1.5.4 gets accidentally replaced with a higher version.
It is not possible to have different CUPS libraries versions
installed at the same time.
The API in the SLE12 default CUPS 1.7 version is compatible
with the CUPS 1.5.4 API (existing functions are not changed)
but newer CUPS libraries provide some new functions.
In openSUSE 13.1 and openSUSE Factory (as of this writing)
we still have the traditional CUPS version 1.5.4
so ensure that applications that are built on openSUSE
work with the traditional CUPS version 1.5.4 libraries, see
But there could be third-party applications or applications
built on SLE12 that might use newer CUPS library functions
via configure magic so that such applications would
require the current CUPS 1.7 libraries.
On SLE12 it is not possible to use CUPS 1.5.4 together with
applications that require the current CUPS 1.7 libraries.
- Traditional CUPS 1.5.4 obsoletes any version of cups-filters
because CUPS 1.5.4 provides equivalents for those filters
via the traditional PostScript workflow.
- CUPS 1.5.4 for SLE12 provides the same simple, safe, and
reliably working way how cupsd is launched by systemd
as CUPS 1.7 for SLE12 via one same single cups.service
systemd unit file so that launching cupsd for SLE12
is compatible with how it had worked for SLE11.
Therefore optional fancy systemd features from openSUSE in
cups-0003-systemd-secure-cups.service-unit-file.patch and
are dropped in CUPS for SLE12 to avoid various issues
as described in bnc#857372 - see in particular
- str4450.CVE-2014-3537.str4455.CVE-2014-5029.CVE-2014-5030.CVE-2014-5031.CUPS-1.5.4.patch
fixes that the web interface incorrectly served symlinked files
and files that were not world-readable, potentially leading to
a disclosure of information (CVE-2014-3537 STR #4450 plus the
subsequent CVE-2014-5029 CVE-2014-5030 CVE-2014-5031 STR #4455
all in bnc#887240).
Thu May 22 14:00:00 2014
- Add build require pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon) to allow to move
systemd.pc back to systemd package
Fri Apr 11 14:00:00 2014
- cups-1.5.4-strftime.patch fixes CUPS upstream STR #4388:
no or malformed output from lpstat in charset other than utf-8
Thu Feb 20 13:00:00 2014
- Cautious clean up of systemd units via RPM scriptlets
(see the entry below dated \"Wed Feb 19 15:05:44 CET 2014\")
does not work reliable because it would leave a messsed up
systemd setup for cupsd when YaST was used before
to start/stop/enable/disable the cupsd, see
so that now cups.socket and cups.path are stopped and disabled
in any case to ensure starting/stopping/enabling/disabling
of the cupsd also works with YaST, see
- str4351.patch from CUPS upstream fixes
\"STR #4351 cups-lpd hugh jobs (>2G) fail\"
Wed Feb 19 13:00:00 2014
- Cautious clean up of systemd units via RPM scriptlets:
* When /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.path and/or
/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket are in use
stop and disable them because they are no longer provided
but keep manually set up cups.path and/or cups.socket units.
* Enforce systemd to use the cups.service file in this package
by \"systemctl reenable cups.service\" if it was enabled
(intentionally this does not restart a running cupsd).
For details see \"rpm -q --scripts cups\" and have a look at
Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2014
- Added Begin/End comments in scriptlets for RPM macros
so that it is easier to see in the \"rpm -q --scripts cups\"
output what each RPM macro actually does.
Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2014
- Clean up how cupsd is launched (via SysVinit or systemd)
by maintaining strictly separated sections in cups.spec:
Either for launching cupsd via systemd (if have_systemd is set)
or for launching cupsd via SysVinit (if have_systemd is not set).
SysVinit support cannot be removed because CUPS 1.5.4
is provided for SLE11 in the OBS devel project \"Printing\".
Wed Feb 5 13:00:00 2014
- cups-1.5.4-CVE-2012-5519.patch adds better default protection
against misuse of privileges by normal users who have been
specifically allowed by root to do cupsd configuration changes
(CUPS STR#4223 CVE-2012-5519 Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#789566).
The new ConfigurationChangeRestriction cupsd.conf directive
specifies the level of restriction for cupsd.conf changes
that happen via HTTP/IPP requests to the running cupsd
(e.g. via CUPS web interface or via the cupsctl command).
By default certain cupsd.conf directives that deal with
filenames, paths, and users can no longer be changed via
requests to the running cupsd but only by manual editing
the cupsd.conf file and its default file permissions
permit only root to write the cupsd.conf file.
Those directives are: ConfigurationChangeRestriction,
AccessLog, BrowseLDAPCACertFile, CacheDir, ConfigFilePerm,
DataDir, DocumentRoot, ErrorLog, FatalErrors, FileDevice,
FontPath, Group, JobPrivateAccess, JobPrivateValues,
LogFilePerm, PageLog, Printcap, PrintcapFormat, PrintcapGUI,
RemoteRoot, RequestRoot, ServerBin, ServerCertificate,
ServerKey, ServerRoot, StateDir, SubscriptionPrivateAccess,
SubscriptionPrivateValues, SystemGroup, SystemGroupAuthKey,
TempDir, User, WebInterface.
- The default group of users who are allowed to do cupsd
configuration changes via requests to the running cupsd
(i.e. the SystemGroup directive in cupsd.conf) is set
to \'root\' only.
- In this context a general security advice:
When root allows normal users to do system administration tasks
(in particular when root allows normal users to administer
system processes - i.e. processes that run as root), then
this or that kind of privilege escalation will be possible.
Only trustworthy users who do not misuse their privileges
may get allowed to do specific system administration tasks.
Wed Jan 29 13:00:00 2014
- cups-0003-systemd-secure-cups.service-unit-file.patch changes
the cups.service systemd unit file to be more secure and
to let the cupsd again work as it did all the time for printing
in a network (bnc#857372 in particular comment #61 therein).
- cups-1.5-additional_policies.patch was updated to avoid
cupsd warning messages of the form \"No limit for ... defined
in policy allowallforanybody and no suitable template found\"
(bnc#857372 in particular comment #48 therein).
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014
- Fix how to use CUPS\' own fonts (bnc#856731). In ancient times
(see the below entry dated \"Thu Aug 16 17:05:19 CEST 2001\")
there was the idea to deviate from CUPS upstream and save
some disk space and do not install CUPS\' own fonts.
CUPS\' own fonts were removed and the CUPS font
directory was replaced by a symbolic link
/usr/share/cups/fonts -> ../ghostscript/fonts
because at that times the Ghostscript fonts had been the same
as CUPS\' own fonts. In any case such a link is a fragile
non-future-proof interference because when either the Ghostscript
fonts or CUPS\' own fonts change, linking them as same is wrong.
Since a long time the Ghostscript fonts do no longer work
for CUPS\' particular needs but nobody noticed it until now.
But it is not possible with RPM to replace a directory by a
symbolic link or vice versa. This means /usr/share/cups/fonts
must stay forever as a symbolic link and the only way out is
to move CUPS\' own fonts to an artificial surrogate directory
/usr/share/cups/CUPSfonts and have the symbolic link now
/usr/share/cups/fonts -> /usr/share/cups/CUPSfonts
Wed Jan 8 13:00:00 2014
- cups-0002-systemd-listen-only-on-localhost-for-socket-activation.patch
fixes the systemd cups.socket file so that systemd listens only
on localhost (bnc#857372).
- Do no longer use the Ghostscript fonts for CUPS. Instead be
in compliance with upstream and use CUPS\' own Monospace fonts
in /usr/share/cups/fonts because those fonts are hardcoded
used by the CUPS filters bannertops (for CUPS banner pages and
the CUPS test page that is a special kind of banner page)
and texttops (when printing plain text files). Without CUPS\'
own Monospace fonts bannertops and texttops create PostScript
that uses those fonts but without those fonts embedded which
results that PostScript interpreters use a (different) fallback
font or fail to print for some PostScript printers (bnc#856731).
Wed Oct 9 14:00:00 2013
- patch cups-move-everything-to-run.patch missed to move
CUPS_STATEDIR to run, so systemd sockets are still created
in /var/run
- Add required tmpfiles.d config snippet to ensure /run/cups
is always available.
Fri Jul 5 14:00:00 2013
- cups-polld_avoid_busy_loop.patch avoids any possible busy loop
in cups-polld in case of unusual issues by sleeping interval
seconds (bnc#828228).
Fri Jun 28 14:00:00 2013
- Fix endless loop if IPP server does not accect job (bnc#827418)
see also (STR#4190,
patch str4190.patch).
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- Changed Source0 URL from
to its currently valid location
so that the factory-auto check script does no longer error out
with \"Failed to download ... Source URLs are not valid.\"
Wed Jun 26 14:00:00 2013
- Use BuildRequires krb5-mini-devel to avoid this build cycle:
cups -> krb5 -> python-Jinja2 -> vim -> gtk2 -> cups
(according to OBS request 180870).
Because krb5-mini-devel is not available for SLE11
krb5-devel must still be used for SLE11 builds
(required addition to OBS request 180870).
Fri Mar 22 13:00:00 2013
- Added url as source.
Please see
Wed Jan 30 13:00:00 2013
- Move everything (pid, lock, socket files) to /run only for 12.3.
Added: cups-move-everything-to-run.patch
See also
Thu Dec 20 13:00:00 2012
- Added \"BuildRequires: poppler-tools\" which installs
/usr/bin/pdftops for the build-time check in cups-pdf.m4
regarding HAVE_PDFTOPS_WITH_ORIGPAGESIZE that makes sure
that the CUPS filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops calls
/usr/bin/pdftops with \"-origpagesizes\" otherwise it would
result wrong PostScript output for poppler > 0.18.0 (bnc#776080)
see also (STR #3689).
- Changed \'configure --with-pdftops=/usr/bin/pdftops\' back to
the upstream default \'configure --with-pdftops=pdftops\'
(compare the entry dated \'Fri Jul 31 15:08:41 CEST 2009\').
- Removed leftover and since a longer time obsolete
\"BuildRequires: avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel\".
Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2012
- Add cups-provides-cupsd.service: ensure cupsd.service is provided
by cups.service.
Thu Oct 18 14:00:00 2012
- buildrequire systemd through the pkgconfig provide to get
systemd-mini in build environment (to break cycle)
Thu Sep 27 14:00:00 2012
- Version upgrade to 1.5.4 (mainly a bugfix release) that fixes
some IPP printing issues.
* The IPP backend no longer tries to get the job status for
printers that do not implement the required operation
(STR #4083).
* Sending a document in an unsupported format to an IPP printer
now automatically cancels the job (STR #4093).
* The IPP backend now treats the client-error-not-possible
status code as a job history issue, allowing IPP printing to
Windows to work(STR #4047).
For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- revert_cups-ssl.m4_to_1.5.2.patch is now obsolete because of
an upstream fix.
Tue Sep 4 14:00:00 2012
- license update: SUSE-GPL-2.0-with-openssl-exception and LGPL-2.1
Apple grant an openssl linking exception (and an exception for
linking on Apple owned operating systems).
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Save /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default
from becoming hardlinked via the fdupes run in cups.spec
(see the \'Wed Aug 26 21:43:03 CEST 2009\' entry below)
by making their content different and at the same time
fix the misleading comment (openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#773971).
- Minor clean-up in cups.spec (the \"Remove unpackaged files\"
via \"rm -rf
\") is no longer needed because
those man pages are no longer installed.
Wed May 16 14:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.5.3 (mainly a bugfix release) that fixes
a number of PostScript, SSL, authenticated printing,
and networking issues.
* The scheduler could crash if a PPD file contained
an invalid paper size (STR #4049).
* Missing localizations caused empty output (STR #4033).
* Changed how timeouts are implemented in the LPD backend
(STR #4013).
* The default InputSlot setting was never used (STR #3957).
* Fixed the IPP backend\'s handling of HTTP/1.0 compatibility
(STR #3988).
For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- revert_cups-ssl.m4_to_1.5.2.patch reverts cups-ssl.m4 to what
it was in CUPS 1.5.2 so that autoconf produces a syntactically
correct configure script otherwise \"bash -n configure\" fails
with \"syntax error: unexpected end of file\",
Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2012
- No longer require Ghostscript but only \"Recommends: ghostscript\"
because the Ghostscript device \"cups\" is needed by several CUPS
filters (in particular the \"rasterto...\" filters) but those
filters are not used on all systems (e.g. on a print server
with only \"raw\" queues) so that a weak Recommends fits better.
Furthermore this avoids a build dependency cycle between the
main-packages cups and ghostscript.
- No longer require /usr/bin/pdftops but only a \"Recommends\"
because the CUPS filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops
(which calls /usr/bin/pdftops) is not used on all systems
(e.g. on a print server with only \"raw\" queues) so that
a weak Recommends fits better.
Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2012
- In cups.spec only \"Requires: ghostscript\" but no longer require
ghostscript-fonts-std in cups.spec because in ghostscript.spec
there is already \"Requires: ghostscript-fonts-std\"
(related to openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#735824).
- In cups.spec remove the Obsoletes/Provides cups-SUSE-ppds-dat
because cups-SUSE-ppds-dat.rpm existed only up to SLE10
but it does no longer exist since 11.1/SLE11
and CUPS 1.5.x is not provided for SLE10.
- Use traditional bash scriptlets for post/postun with
an explicite \"exit 0\" line at the end to be fail safe and
therefore also \"PreReq: /sbin/ldconfig\" explicitly for the
cups-libs sub-package, see the \"Shared_libraries\" section in
Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.5.2 (mainly a bugfix release). This release
fixes a number of printing, encryption, and ipptool issues.
* The scheduler incorrectly used free() on a POSIX ACL value,
which could cause a crash (STR #3970).
* Encryption was broken with OpenSSL (probably STR #3933
and bnc#739410 ).
* Badly formed GIF files could cause the image filters
to crash (STR #3914).
For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Tue Jan 10 13:00:00 2012
- Use explicit buildrequires on the needed libraries.
otherwise build will fail after libtiff-devel deps cleanup
- Cleanup requires of -devel package, which only needs glibc-devel
- Fix up, cups-config script, which with option --libs adds:
LIBS=\"-lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lssl -lcrypto
- lz -lpthread -lm -lcrypt \"
IMGLIBS=\"-ltiff -ljpeg -lpng\"
This only makes sense when using static linking but we don\'t ship
static libraries and will only help bloating dependant packages.
Sat Dec 17 13:00:00 2011
- Update systemd patch, Bind to datagram socket as well in
systemd cups.socket unit file, to prevent that port being
stolen by another service (from RH).
- There is no need to use -fno-strict-aliasing
in cflags any longer.
Sat Dec 3 13:00:00 2011
- Update systemd patch to a newer version that uses
libsystemd-daemon instead of bundling sd-daemon wrappers.
Sat Dec 3 13:00:00 2011
- Add complete systemd support, the hardware stuff is handled in
builtin udev rules (see /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules).
See also
Thu Oct 6 14:00:00 2011
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.5.0 (openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#722057)
Backward incompatible changes:
* The main header cups/cups.h no longer includes the PPD header
cups/ppd.h which may require code changes to applications.
* CUPS no longer supports the old ~/.cupsrc or ~/.lpoptions files
from CUPS 1.1.x. The ~/.cups/client.conf and ~/.cups/lpoptions
files that were introduced in CUPS 1.2 must now be used.
* The scheduler now requires that filters and backends
have group write permissions disabled (security).
* The HP-GL/2 filter is no longer included (STR #3322).
* The SCSI backend is no longer included (STR #3500).
Other changes:
* Updated the PostScript filter to support IncludeFeature
in more circumstances (STR #3417).
* The scheduler now sets the process group for child processes
and manages the group (STR #2829).
* The scheduler now more carefully creates and removes
configuration, cache, and state files (STR #3715).
* The lpadmin command now allows default option values
to be deleted (STR #2959).
* Restored support for GNU TLS and OpenSSL with threading
enabled (STR #3605, STR #3461).
Therefore cups-1.4.4-str3461-1.4.reverted.patch
is no longer needed (openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#617026).
* Increased the default RIPCache value to 128MB (STR #3535).
Therefore cups-1.4.4-set_default_RIPCache_128m.patch
is no longer needed (openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#628233).
* Updated PDF filter to support Ghostscript ps2write (STR #3766).
* Updated PDF filter to support Poppler option to preserve page
sizes in PDF files when the user has not selected a particular
media size (STR #3689).
* Added new PWG Raster filter for IPP Everywhere printer support.
* Added support for a new cupsFilter2 keyword in PPD files
to allow for the propagation of the actual MIME media type
produced by a filter.
* Name resolution errors no longer no longer cause
queues to stop (STR #3719, STR #3753). See also
* Added a new cups-exec helper program that applies security
profiles to filters, port monitors, backends, CGI programs,
and mini-daemons.
* The web interface can now be disabled using the WebInterface
directive in cupsd.conf (STR #2625).
* The ipptest tool is now a first-class user program (STR #3484).
For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- cups-1.4.4-str3461-1.4.reverted.patch (bnc#617026) and
cups-1.4.4-set_default_RIPCache_128m.patch (bnc#628233)
are no longer needed because the issues are fixed upstream.
cups-1.5-additional_policies.patch (fate#303515) replaces the
cups-1.4-additional_policies.patch which does no longer apply.
Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2011
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- Reverted the change from meissner below dated
\"Fri Sep 23 09:54:39 CEST 2011\" so that baselibs.conf again
contains only one line \"cups-libs\" as before because the
submitrequest 85423 Printing/cups -> openSUSE:Factory/cups
was declined by coolo with the following reason:
\"cups-devel-32bit requires cups-32bit (default requires),
which does not exist\".
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.8
* network backends could crash if a printer returned a value
of 0 for the maximum capacity for a supply (STR #3875)
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.7
* imageto
* filters could crash with bad GIF files (STR #3867)
* CUPS did not work with some printers that incorrectly
implemented the HTTP/1.1 standard (STR #3778, STR #3791)
* Fixed crash in scheduler when the application/octet-stream
MIME type was not defined (STR #3690)
* The web interface no longer tries to use multi-part delivery
when adding printers (STR #3455) using Epiphany or IE
* \"lp\" and \"lpr\" failed with Kerberos enabled (STR #3768)
* Remote printer URIs with options did not work (STR #3717)
* The scheduler now only looks up interface hostnames
if HostNameLookups are enabled (STR #3737)
* The scheduler could crash if a browsed printer times out
while a job is printing (STR #3754)
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- cups-1.4.4-set_default_RIPCache_128m.patch enlarges
the CUPS upstream default RIPCache from 8m to 128m
to avoid various kind of printout failures
(STR #3535, and Novell/openSUSE Bugzilla bnc#628233).
Fri Sep 23 14:00:00 2011
- cups-devel baselibs package for Wine 32bit on 64bit building
(added \"cups-devel requires cups-libs...\" to baselibs.conf).
Sun Sep 18 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
(removed \"norootforbuild\" and the \"clean\" section).
Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2011
- \"no\" locale is \"nb\" (norwegian bokmal) these days
(move /usr/share/locale/no to /usr/share/locale/nb).
- \"zh\" is probably meant as \"zh_CN\", as \"zh_TW\" exists
(move /usr/share/locale/zh to /usr/share/locale/zh_CN).
Thu Feb 10 13:00:00 2011
- Cleaned up the RPM Requires:
Removed the needless \"Suggests: poppler-tools\" because there
is \"Requires: /usr/bin/pdftops\" which should be sufficient.
Replaced the RPM Requires for foomatic-filters by Recommends
because foomatic-rip is only needed by CUPS in a few cases
and printer driver packages which need foomatic-rip require
foomatic-filters on their own.
Fri Jan 14 13:00:00 2011
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.6
CUPS 1.4.6 fixes in particular a regression:
* A change was made in CUPS 1.4.5\'s pstops filter
that it did not support landscape printing
of PostScript files (STR #3722)
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010
- Fixed coolo\'s quick and ditry unconditioned
\"PreReq: sysvinit(syslog)\" stuff from below because build fails
everywhere except openSUSE:Factory (i.e. openSUSE 11.4)
because sysvinit(syslog) is nowhere else provided.
Now the PreReq is only if suse_version > 1130.
Tue Dec 7 13:00:00 2010
- prereq init script syslog
Fri Nov 12 13:00:00 2010
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.5
CUPS 1.4.5 fixes several scheduler and printing bugs
as well as a reported security bug, in particular:
* Fixed a IPP parsing memory corruption bug
(CVE-2010-2941, STR #3648, Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#649256)
* Fixed a PPD loader bug that could crash the cupsd (STR #3680)
* The scheduler restarts jobs while shutting down (STR #3679)
* Did not initialize Kerberos in all cases (STR #3662)
* The socket backend could go into an infinite loop
with certain printers (STR #3622)
* Moving a job via the web interface failed without
asking for authentication (STR #3559)
* The web interface did not allow a user to change
the driver (STR #3537, STR #3601)
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Thu Jul 15 14:00:00 2010
- Fixed /etc/init.d/cups (cups.init source file) so that stopping
the cupsd waits up to 10 seconds until the cupsd had actually
finished (if not SIGKILL would be sent to it) to make sure
that \"rccups restart\" and \"rccups stop ; rccups start\" work
correctly (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#622058).
Fri Jun 25 14:00:00 2010
- cups-1.4.4-str3461-1.4.reverted.patch reverts changes
by CUPS STR #3461 as band-aid workaround for now to avoid
that applications crash when they try to print
(STR #3461, STR #3605, and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#617026).
Fri Jun 18 14:00:00 2010
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.4
CUPS 1.4.4 fixes several security, scheduler, printing,
and conformance issues, in particular:
* The web interface now includes additional CSRF protection
(CVE-2010-0540, STR #3498, STR #3593, and
Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#601830)
* The texttops filter did not check the results of allocations
(CVE-2010-0542, STR #3516, Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#601352)
* The web admin interface could disclose the contents of memory
(CVE-2010-1748, STR #3577, Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#604271)
* The fix for CVE-2009-3553 (STR #3200) was incomplete
for systems that use kqueue or epoll (STR #3490)
* CUPS could overwrite files as root in directories owned or
writable by non-root users (STR #3510)
* The OpenSSL interfaces have been made thread-safe and
the GNU TLS interface is explicitly forbidden
when threading is enabled (STR #3461)
* The scheduler could crash on restart if classes
were defined (STR #3524)
* The socket backend no longer waits for back-channel data
on platforms other than Mac OS X (STR #3495)
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Mon Jun 14 14:00:00 2010
- Update cups-1.3.9-desktop_file.patch: add the Settings category
(required since we use HardwareSettigns) and add NotShowIn=GNOME:
in GNOME, the configuration tool we want to use is
Wed Jun 2 14:00:00 2010
- Explicitly set configure option \'--enable-debug\' because
otherwise the cups-debuginfo RPM would be empty.
- Removed no longer recognized configure option \'--enable-pie\'
(it compiles and links with \'-pie -fPIE -fPIC\' by default).
- Disabled .SILENT in so that make is verbose as usual.
Mon May 10 14:00:00 2010
- In cups.spec removed \'-r\' from the suse_update_desktop_file call
to not replace valid (and previously patched via
cups-1.3.9-desktop_file.patch) categories of the desktop file
so that it shows up in the right place (this is particularly
an issue with the LXDE/XFCE menu).
Thu May 6 14:00:00 2010
- cups-1.4.3-default-webcontent-path.patch changes the default path
whereto the web content is installed from /usr/share/doc/...
to /usr/share/cups/webcontent because the files of the CUPS
web content are no documentation (see CUPS STR #3578 and
Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#546023 starting at comment#6).
- In cups.spec replaced usage of the RPM macro \'name\' by the
explicite value \'cups\' (except for the BuildRoot) so that
CUPS could be built as well with a different package name
(e.g. when someone likes to provide a CUPS SVN revision
as \'cupsSVN\' or a specifically adapted CUPS as \'cups4me\').
Tue Apr 27 14:00:00 2010
- cups-krb5-config wrapper script for krb5-config is no longer
needed because since April 2008 krb5-config works correctly
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#378270 and compare STR #3556).
Tue Apr 20 14:00:00 2010
- In cups.xinetd replaced \'AATTLIBAATT\' by \'/usr/lib\' and removed
the perl substitute calls regarding \'AATTLIBAATT\' in cups.spec because
since the upstream compliant CUPS 1.4 it is \'/usr/lib/cups/\'
on all platforms (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#575544).
Wed Mar 31 14:00:00 2010
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.4.3:
* The scheduler could try responding on a closed client
connection, leading to a crash
(CVE-2009-3553, STR #3200, and bnc#554861).
* The lppasswd program allowed the localization files
to be overridden when running in setuid mode
(CVE-2010-0393, STR #3482, and bnc#574336).
* The scheduler would crash when an active printer was deleted.
* The DBUS notifier did not build (STR #3447).
* The scheduler did not reset the SIGPIPE handler
of child processes (STR #3399).
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- cups-1.3.9-CVE-2009-3553.patch has become
obsolete because it is fixed in the source.
Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2010
- CUPS 1.3 -> 1.4 version upgrade and major cleanup:
For the CUPS upstream changes see the CHANGES.txt file.
Such a major version upgrade is the perfect chance
to drop almost all our own patches to enforce a
reset to almost 100% compliance with upstream.
Here our openSUSE CUPS versions and their number of patches
(i.e. the \"Patch\" entries in the cups.spec files):
CUPS version 1.2.12 in openSUSE 10.3: 37
CUPS version 1.3.7 in openSUSE 11.0: 29
CUPS version 1.3.9 in openSUSE 11.1: 26
CUPS version 1.3.11 in openSUSE 11.2: 17
Of course this includes patches with backported bug fixes
via our maintenance but nevertheless there were really
too much openSUSE specific patches.
Therefore I would like to provide CUPS 1.4 \"as is\" to the
furthest possible extent (there are still 6 patches left).
Then let\'s see if we get bug reports because of this.
I did such a reset to 100% compliance with upstream
already in the past for sane-backends and guess what:
I got no single bug report at all because of this.
I guess what they do at upstream is actually not so bad ;-)
- Added the explicite path to \'--with-cachedir=/var/cache/cups\'
in cups.spec to avoid that the fallback value \'yes\' results
the cache directory \'/etc/cups/yes/\'.
- cups-1.3.11-CVE-2009-2820-regression-fix.patch and
cups-1.3.11-CVE-2009-2820.patch have become
obsolete because it is fixed in the source.
- cups-1.4-full_path_to_configure_with-pdftops.patch has become
obsolete because it is fixed in the source.
Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009
- add baselibs.conf as a source
- enable parallel building
Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009
- Fixed the URL and MD5 sum comments for Source0 in cups.spec.
- cups-1.3.9-CVE-2009-3553.patch fixes a use-after-free bug
in the scheduler which leads to remote denial of service,
(CVE-2009-3553, CUPS STR #3200,
and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#554861)
Wed Nov 11 13:00:00 2009
- cups-1.3.11-CVE-2009-2820-regression-fix.patch
fixes a regression which was introduced by
the previous cups-1.3.11-CVE-2009-2820.patch
which lets adding a class via CUPS Web Interface fail
with an \'Unknown operation \"{op}\"\' error message
(CUPS STR #3401 and
Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#548317 starting at comment #24).
- cups-1.3.11-CVE-2009-2820.patch fixes CUPS Web Interface
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and CRLF injection in HTTP headers
(CVE-2009-2820 and CUPS STR #3367 and
Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#548317).
Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2009
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
Wed Aug 26 14:00:00 2009
- Fixed as-needed issues when compiling additional tools
by using the right ordering of source and linked library
in \'gcc -opoll_ppd_base ... SOURCE1 -lcups\'
and \'gcc -olphelp ... SOURCE2 -lcups\' which
obsoletes the \'export SUSE_ASNEEDED=0\' workaround,
see the \'Fri Jul 10 12:34:54 CEST 2009\' entry below.
- Run fdupes.
Fri Jul 31 14:00:00 2009
- full_path_to_configure_with-pdftops.patch
adds support to specify a full path in
\'configure --with-pdftops=/usr/bin/pdftops\'
to avoid \'BuildRequires: xpdf-tools\' which would
bloat the build system but would be only needed to
satisfy \'AC_PATH_PROG(CUPS_PDFTOPS, pdftops)\'
in cups-pdf.m4 if only \'configure --with-pdftops=pdftops\'
was possible (Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#526847).
Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2009
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.3.11:
* The scheduler and cupsfilter utility would crash with
certain MIME .types rules (CUPS STR #3159).
* cups-1.3.10-fix-DNS-rebinding-protection.patch
(Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#516511 and CUPS STR #3238)
is obsolete since CUPS 1.3.11 because it is fixed
in the source (it is fixed via CUPS STR #3164).
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2009
- Set \'export SUSE_ASNEEDED=0\' in cups.spec because build fails
with --as-needed so that this is for now simply disabled.
Fri Jun 26 14:00:00 2009
- cups-1.3.10-fix-DNS-rebinding-protection.patch fixes
a regression of the CUPS 1.3.10 DNS rebinding protection which
lets e.g. \"lpoptions -h localhost -p -l\" fail with
\"lpoptions: Unable to get PPD file for : Bad Request\"
and in /var/log/cups/error_log there is the warning
W ... Request from \"localhost\" using invalid Host: field \"::1\"
but \"::1\" is the IPv6 loopback IP address for \"localhost\"
(Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#489624 comment#19 and bnc#516511).
Wed Jun 24 14:00:00 2009
- Upgraded to CUPS 1.3.10:
* Use a wrapper program filter/pdftops.c which only calls
/usr/bin/pdftops (via configure --with-pdftops=/usr/bin/pdftops)
instead of the CUPS fork of the Xpdf source code which was in
the pdftops directory (CUPS STR #3129). Because of this
cups-1.4svn-pdftops_as_filter.patch and
cups-1.4svn-pdftops_dont_fail_on_cancel.patch are obsolete
since CUPS 1.3.10 (the latter was fixed via CUPS STR #2808).
* The scheduler now protects against DNS rebinding attacks
(CUPS STR #3118 and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#489624).
* cups-1.3.9-cupstestppd.patch is obsolete since CUPS 1.3.10
because it is fixed in the source (CUPS STR #2979).
* cups-1.3.9-max_subscription.patch is obsolete
since CUPS 1.3.10 because it is fixed in the source
(no CUPS STR but mentioned in CHANGES.txt \"The scheduler
would crash if you exceeded the MaxSubscriptions limit\").
* cups-1.3.9-filter_png_overflow2.patch is obsolete
since CUPS 1.3.10 because it is fixed in the source
(CUPS STR #2974 and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#448631).
* cups-1.3.9-hpgltops2.patch is obsolete since CUPS 1.3.10
because it is fixed in the source (CUPS STR #2966 which is the
successor of CUPS STR #2911 and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#430543).
* cups-1.3.9-cupsImageReadTiff.patch is obsolete
since CUPS 1.3.10 because it is fixed in the source
(CUPS STR #3031 and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#485895).
* For a complete list see the CHANGES.txt file.
- cups-1.1.21rc2-preauth_security.patch and
cups-1.1.21rc2-usermode.patch and
cups-1.1.21-umlaut_printer.patch and
cups-1.1.23-testpage.patch are finally removed
since CUPS 1.3.10 because they were made for CUPS 1.1 and
were no longer applied since CUPS 1.2 in Suse Linux 10.3.
In particular cups-1.1.21rc2-usermode.patch can no longer
apply since CUPS 1.2 because RunAsUser in cupsd.conf is
no longer supported since CUPS 1.2, for more info see e.g. the
\"RunAsUser removed; reassurance wanted\" mails on
Furthermore we neither got any Suse Linux/openSUSE user request
nor any SLE11 beta-tester/customer request for them.
Mon Jun 8 14:00:00 2009
- Replaced \"--enable-static\" by \"--disable-static\" in configure
so that the static libraries /usr/lib[64]/libcups.a and
/usr/lib[64]/libcupsimage.a are no longer built and included
in the cups-devel package to enforce detection of other software
which might be built with static CUPS libraries so that those
other software could be fixed to use the dynamic libraries
(see also Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#509945).
Wed Jun 3 14:00:00 2009
- Set BROADCAST=\"ipp\" in cups.SuSEfirewall2 source file (which
gets installed as /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/cups)
so that adding \"cups\" to allowed services in the firewall
also allows CUPS Browsing information via UDP broadcasts
(Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#498429).
Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009
- cups-1.3.9-cupsImageReadTiff.patch fixes an integer overflow
in the \"_cupsImageReadTIFF()\" function CVE-2009-0163
(CUPS STR #3031 and Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#485895).