Changelog for
mozjs60-60.4.0-4.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Feb 01 2019 Dead Mozay
- Update to version 60.4.0:
* Bug fix release.- Drop patch mozjs60-xulrunner-24.0-s390-inlines.patch
* Wed Oct 24 2018 Update to version 60.2.2:
* Bug fix release.- Drop mozjs60-fix-memory-leak-in-LCovCompartment-esr60.patch and mozjs60-prevent-an-internal-gcc-8_0_1-error.patch: Fixed upstream
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Use memory-constraints to avoid OOM errors
* Wed Aug 01 2018 Initial package (based on mozjs52), version 60.1.0:
* New syntax: - `for await (... of ...)` syntax is used for async iteration; - The rest operator is now supported in object destructuring: e.g. `({a, b,} = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4});`; - The spread operator is now supported in object literals: e.g. `mergedObject = {...obj1, ...obj2};`; - Generator methods can now be async, using the `async function
*` syntax, or `async
* f() {...}` method shorthand; - It\'s now allowed to omit the variable binding from a catch statement, if you don\'t need to access the thrown exception: `try {...} catch {}`.
* New APIs: - Promise.prototype.finally(), popular in many third-party Promise libraries, is now available natively; - String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase() and String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase() now take an optional locale or array of locales; - Intl.PluralRules is now available; - Intl.NumberFormat.protoype.formatToParts() is now available; - Intl.Collator now has a caseFirst option; - Intl.DateTimeFormat now has an hourCycle option.
* New behaviour: There are a lot of minor behaviour changes as SpiderMonkey\'s JS implementation conforms ever closer to ECMAScript standards.
* Backwards-incompatible changes: - Conditional catch clauses have been removed, as they were a Mozilla extension which will not be standardized; - The nonstandard `for each (... in ...)` loop was removed; - The nonstandard legacy lambda syntax (`function(x) x
*x`) was removed; - The nonstandard Mozilla iteration protocol was removed, as well as nonstandard Mozilla generators, including the Iterator and StopIteration objects, and the Function.prototype.isGenerator() method. - Array comprehensions and generator comprehensions have been removed. - Several nonstandard methods were removed: ArrayBuffer.slice() (but not the standard version, ArrayBuffer.prototype.\\ slice()), Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat(), Function.\\ prototype.isGenerator(),, and Object.prototype.unwatch().- Drop bmo1176787.patch inherited from mozjs52: fixed upstream.- Add patches: mozjs60-fix-memory-leak-in-LCovCompartment-esr60.patch (bmo#1478679) and mozjs60-prevent-an-internal-gcc-8_0_1-error.patch (bmo#1458382).