Changelog for
gegl-0_3-lang-0.3.20-40.4.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Update to version 0.3.20: + Core: Increased max thread limit to 64 threads, and improvements to both buffer and progress reporting thread safety, point sized buffers are handled better and COW-tiles are now lock free. Serialization and parsing has been made more robust. + Operations: - Improved property meta data for many opertions, two new operations gegl:spiral and gegl:mix. - ff-load/ff-save: make audio frame handling more generic. - c2g, avoid possible infinite loop on transparent areas. - Fixes to gaussian-blur and ops core for multi-threaded blurring. + New binary: gcut, a video editing engine for GEGL has also been added to the repo. It permits reusing image filters written as GEGL operations for video, and basic motion graphics. The engines data model is currently fully functional for text-file based input and offline rendering, an experimental user interface for this video editing system is also currently being worked on.- Changes from version 0.3.18: + Operations: - warp: performance improvements. - displace, map-absolute, map-relative: abyss handling and more. - buffer-source: improved invalidation signalling. - text,path: use endian agnostic cairo pixel formats. - opencl implementations of: noise-hsv, diffraction-patterns, gaussian-blur-selective and motion-blur-linear. + Core: - rerrange connection handling for nodes when changing operation. - gegl-path: improvements for corner cases found in warp. - Add validation of roi in gegl_operation_get_bounding_box.
* Thu May 18 2017 Update to version 0.3.16: + Many operations have gotten an additiona meta-ui description layer sprinkled on top. And The C source code of the operations is no longer kept as a meta-data key on the binary, with a shrink of ~10mb it might even impact startup time. + Updated translations.- Drop gegl-move-log_domain.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Tue Apr 25 2017 Add gegl-move-log_domain.patch: move G_LOG_DOMAIN define to a as suggested in glib docs. Fixes build with recent gobject-introspection versions.
* Tue Feb 28 2017 Update to version 0.3.14: + Transforms: - pass roi to inner working functions. - mipmap corrections for generic code path. - fix affine mipmapping. + Operations: - Clean up the prepare implementation. - Use a faster API to read the pixels. - Use the GdkPixbuf\'s rowstride. - Don\'t waste memory. - Simplify the stride calculation. - Try to avoid integer overflow. + gblur-1d: make mipmap aware. + sinus: fix mipmap scaling. + gblur-1d: remove now unneeded rect scaling code. + snn-mean: handle mipmap rendering. + exposure: remove gamma property. + noise-perlin: remove unused seed property. + Updated tests. + Updated documentation. + Updated translations.
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Update to version 0.3.12: + Core: - Make some serializations/parameters less locale dependent. - Cache some babl_format and babl_type return values. - Clean up the way we drop references and free memory. - Detect local ARW and CR2 files as raw, not TIFF. - Mipmap preview rendering code improvements. - Performance improvement to gegl_memset_pattern. + Operations: - New ops: edge-neon, image-gradient, slic, wavelet-blur. - Moved from workshop to common: color-warp, component-extract. - Text: remove now unneeded work-around, ability to control vertical positioning, permit <1.0 font-sizes, handle text-color alpha, other improvements. - Lens-distortion: default to transparent background; fix transparency fringing glitch. - Crop: bounding box computation simplifications. - Noise-rgb: add gamma and distribution properties. - Dither: renamed from color-reduction, now with levels instead of bits property controls. - High-pass: do inversion, over and contrast in a non-linear space. - Noise-rgb: add linear and gaussian properties. - Transform: add a clip-to-input property, needed for some GIMP corner-cases involving degenerate matrices. - Raw-load: improvements and fixes, handle Sony\'s ARW files. - Exposure: replaced offset with black-level. - Moved from common to workshop: bilateral-filter-fast. - New workshop ops: watershed, waterpixels, bayer-matrix, linear-sinusoid, shadows-highlights, integral-image, segment-kmeans. - Removed ops: gaussian blur old. + Updated translations.
* Wed Feb 01 2017 Replace -devel for their pkgconfig() replacements aligning with what configure checks for, and also version several of them: + Replaced -devel packages: OpenEXR-devel, babl-devel, glib2-devel, libexiv2-devel, libjasper-devel, libpng-devel, librsvg-devel, lua-devel. + Replacements: pkgconfig(OpenEXR), pkgconfig(babl), pkgconfig(exiv2), pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0), pkgconfig(gio-2.0), pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0), pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0), pkgconfig(gobject-2.0), pkgconfig(gthread-2.0), pkgconfig(jasper), pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0), pkgconfig(pango), pkgconfig(pangocairo), pkgconfig(libpng), pkgconfig(librsvg-2.0), pkgconfig(lua).- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec.- Add gobject-introspection-devel, pkgconfig, pkgconfig(lcms2): Build support for introspection and lcms, pkgconfig comes from spec-cleaner.- Add new subpackage typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3: Package the new introspection support.- Remove asciidoc, gd, gtk-doc, gtk2-devel, liberation-fonts: No longer build gegl website support, gd and liberation-fonts makes no sense, gtk-doc is currently broken.- Following removal of gtk-doc and passing --disable-doc to configure, temporary disable gegl-0.3-docs subpackage.- Correct Group for devel subpackage.- Stop passing --disable-silent-rules to configure, we do debugging locally.
* Tue Jan 24 2017 Update to version 0.3.10: + buffer: - Stop caching tiles in a singly-linked list; use a hash table only. - Adjust box filtering threshold of linear/cubic samplers. - Add const qualifier to input rect parameter of gegl_tile_backend_set_extent(). - Don\'t acquire tile storage lock in NN sampler when not using multithreading. + operations: - rgbe-load: Add image/x-hdr mimetype. - map-relative: Sample from the pixel centers for integer vectors. - warp: Fix and rework the operation, now matches more closely the iWarp behaviour. - color-reduction: Add arithmetic dithers; inline for loop for each different method. + bin: Speed up some commands by not intializing opencl. + json: Make bundleable. + Updated translations.- Drop gegl-unstable-include-stdlib.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Wed Aug 31 2016 Add gegl-unstable-include-stdlib.patch: include stdlib.h for realpath().
* Tue Jul 19 2016 Update to version 0.3.8: + buffer: - Add box filtering downsampling paths to linear and cubic resamplers to improve default results. - Clear hot tile when removing a tile from the cache. + operations: - Added: vhsfix (workshop), gegl-gegl (commandline syntax). - exr-save: port from deprecated chanting system. - ff-save: increase max output packet size from 200kb to 1mb. - gegl-path: add ability to compute y coordinate for a given x. - transform: treat infinite and empty rectangles correctly. - webp: port webp-save to GIO for URI handling. + ops progress: - add gegl_operation_progress function to report processing progress. - use the new function in cartoon and distance-transform ops. + ops metadata: - remove custom multiline paramspec. - set multiline ui_meta on more ops. - add reference meta and use it in various ops. + gegl-binary: - add simple video filtering. - encode audio with video. - permit dragging and zooming in more ui states. - deal correctly with integers in ui. - show prop editor for operation if op chain passed at commmandline. + gegl-chain: - implement keyframing of strings. - suggest possible ops in warninge/errors. + gegl-node: relay property change notifies from operation to node. + gegl-serialize: - improve error handling for parsing of properties. - start handling relative coordinates. - use path instead of curve. + json: misc improvements and fixes. + opencl: fix RGB luminance constants. + docs: fixes, update some info in directory overview. + handlers: - allow registration of operations by MIME type. - register MIME types for loaders. - guess file types by sniffing content. + build: fix luajit detection. + Updated translations.- No longer rm tester dirs, they are removed upstream.
* Tue Mar 15 2016 Update to version 0.3.6: + gegl-binary: make ops chain pass to mrg ui. + git-binary: rename mrg-ui to ui. + gegl-binary: factor out commandline to chain builder in a function. + gegl-binary: assume gegl: prefix for unprefixed ops. + gegl-binary: permit specifying pads on commandline. + gegl-binary: document property assignment. + bin: Fix compilation error in previous commit. + Updated Polish translation. + gegl-binary: support specifying more complex DAGs than linear chains from commandline. + tests: Re-connecting connected nodes should not cause invalidation. + tests: Sources shouldn\'t be invalidated when connecting & disconnecting. + Updated Slovenian translation. + gegl-binary: add scroll-wheel based zoom. + gegl-binary: center scroll-wheel zoom on cursor. + gegl-binary: refresh mrg scroll api. + bin/gegl: add unsharp-mask as an op. + bin/gegl handle GeglColor and enums. + Updated Slovenian translation. + tests: remove webm part of ff-save smoketest. + release 0.3.6.
* Fri Mar 11 2016 Update to version 0.3.5~20160303: + Rename insta-curve and insta-filter to retro-curve and retro-filter. + Move retro-curve/-filter out of workshop. + Remove retro look filter presets. + Updated + GeglNode: Clean up. + Short circuit gegl_node_connect_from if the nodes are already connected.
* Wed Mar 02 2016 Update to version 0.3.5~20160229: + operations/workshop/insta-curve: Fix crash while building. + operations/core/nop: Remove a needless and wrong cast. + tiff: Fix inversion between case and return values. + point-coposer3: skip some multi-threading for opaque buffers. + video-degradation: add opencl support. + gegl: set properties on = arguments. + Updated translations.- Use _service, as we require a git snapshot for GNOME Photos. It is not clear when the next release will happen.- Call, as the git-checkout is not bootstrapped.- Drop gegl-unstable-0_3-orig-addon subpackage: this was purely split so that 3rd party OBS instances could build gegl against ffmpeg/libav. As openSUSE ships ffmpeg by now, this is no longer required. Accordingly, provide and obsolete gegl-unstable-0_3-orig-addon.- Remove traces of ?BUILD_ORIG / ?BUILD_ORIG_ADDON.- Replace (prior conditional, now unconditional) ffmpeg-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libavcodec), pkgconfig(libavformat) and pkgconfig(libswscale): follow what configure is looking for.- Drop babl-devel, glib2-devel, glibc-devel and pcre-devel Requires from the -devel subpackage: they are auto-detected.
* Fri Feb 12 2016 Replace libopenraw-devel for pkgconfig(libraw) BuildRequires, really build libraw support, as configure was not satisfied with libopenraw-devel.- Add pkgconfig(gexiv2), pkgconfig(libtiff-4), pkgconfig(libv4l2), pkgconfig(libwebp) and pkgconfig(vapigen) BuildRequires, configure looks for these optional dependencies.
* Tue Dec 15 2015 Add missing post/postun handling for gegl-0_3.
* Thu Nov 26 2015 Update to version 0.3.4: + build: do not install examples in path + ff-save fully store all in-flight codec contexts before closing files + ff-load improvements to seeking accuracy + transform: make fast paths skip pixel format conversions- Changes from version 0.3.2: + Operations: - new operations: libraw based raw loading op, tiff-save and tif-load, maze, sepia - ff-load and ff-save revived, with support from - apply-lens uses less memory, higher precision computation - disable automatic threading on many ops where it fails - force more operations to prefer operating on linear RGB data for more accurate/physical processing + Buffer: implement abyss paremeter on gegl_buffer_copy and gegl_buffer_blit + Added start of a microraptor gui based image viewer/non destructive editor. + Optimizations to scaled blitting (speeds up most GEGL UIs a bit).- Change %define debug_package_requires libgegl-0_2-0 to %define debug_package_requires libgegl-0_3-0.- Stop removing no longer existing examples.
* Wed Jun 10 2015 Update to version 0.3.0: + Improvements to thread safety and parallelism. + Lower overhead graph travesal due from rewrite of visitors. + OpenCL support now enabled by default when detected. + Experimental multithreading, enable by setting GEGL_THREADS=
in the environment. + Experimental mipmap rendering, which permits transparent rendering of previews on smaller sized versions, enable by setting GEGL_MIPMAP_RENDERING=true in the environment. + Buffer: New default tile backend, doing disk writes in a separate thread.- Temp stop passing --enable-workshop=yes to configure as it break the build atm.
* Sun May 03 2015 move to the plugin package, it is a support library for the seamless-clone plugin
* Wed Apr 22 2015 Be more accurate with the BuildRequire versions.
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Update to version 0.3.0~20150218: + configure: bump babl requirement to 0.1.12 + Updated Basque language + Updated Basque language + fix: undefined string comparison in gegl:load operation + Change sRGB Y values to match sRGB built-in profiles + operations: string fixes/changes in gegl:distance-transform + Bug 698380 - Add gegl_module_error_message() which sets and displays... + Fix errors in Catalan translation + Updated Polish translation + operations/workshop/external: distribute generated header files
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Split to gegl-unstable, following git master branch (based on _service). GNOME 3.16 requires a newer version of gegl, but many other packages are not ready for that (e.g. gimp).
* Sat Oct 25 2014 fix build for factory
* add patch: gegl-UF_long.patch
* newer suitesparse abandoned UF_long in favor for SuiteSparse_long- fix build for graphics repo
* ugly fix, multiple provides of gd by gd and gd-tools from libgd2
* Mon Feb 04 2013 update license to new format
* Fri May 18 2012 Add gegl-ruby19.patch: Fix build with ruby 1.9.- Add liberation-fonts: the documentation references bitstream vera sans font, so we need to provide it for the build.
* Tue Apr 03 2012 Update to version 0.2.0: + OpenCL support + Build improvements. + High level API to apply ops directly to buffers with arguments. + Final bits of translation infrastructure. + Invalidate regions when disconnecting input pads. + Operations: - New operation: global-matting - Allow transform core to do perspective transforms. - Added string based key/value pairs to operations. - Added arguments for dealing with scaled down preview rendering. + Added human interaction ranges and non-linear mapping to properties. + Buffer: - Removed broken lanczos sampler. - Add gegl_buffer_set_color and gegl_buffer_set_pattern - Added ability to drop cached tiles. - Added API for handling abyss policy (not implemented yet) - Avoid iterating global tile cache when flushing/destroying buffers that have no tiles in the cache.- Add intltool BuildRequires: new dependency upstream, for translations.- Add lensfun-devel BuildRequires to build with lensfun support.- Add libexiv2-devel BuildRequires to build with libexiv2 support.- Add libjasper-devel BuildRequires to build with Jasper support.- Add libspiro-devel BuildRequires to build with SPIRO support.- Add suitesparse-devel BuildRequires to build with UMFPACK support.- Uncomment ruby BuildRequires: it was commented out because a file was missing in a earlier tarball.- Rename subpackages from gegl-0_1/libgegl-0_1-0 to gegl-0_2/libgegl-0_2-0 following the upstream soname change.- Create a gegl-0_2-lang subpackage for new translations.
* Wed Jan 11 2012 Add gegl-lua52.patch: fix build with lua 5.2, while still being compatible with lua 5.1.
* Sun Nov 27 2011 Update to version 0.1.8: + New operations: spread, vignette, map-relative, noise-reduction, plasma, fractal-trace, exr-save, lens-correct, emboss, cubism, ripple, color-to-alpha, color-rotate, red-eye-removal, convolution-matrix, deinterlace, polar-coordinates, lens-distortion, pixelise. + Split GeglView GTK Widget into separate utility library + build/test improvements. + Buffer: - Added lohalo resampler, API and infrastructure for doing non affine resamplings.- Clean spec-file using spec-cleaner.- Drop docs-build-fix.diff: fixed upstream.
* Mon Jun 20 2011 update to 0.1.6 (see NEWS) • New operations: max-rgb, pixelise, motion blur. • Fixed a bugs in matting-levin that made GEGL halt due to errors detected by babl sanity code, this made 0.1.4 be unusable if you had all dependendency when building. • build/test improvements. • Buffer: Added API to use external tile backends, allowing to plug-in alien tilebackends, for GIMP/Krita/OSM or similar.- remove upstreamed patches bgo609706 bgo610680 (thanks, Vincent)
* Thu May 05 2011 BuildRequire graphviz-gd instead of graphviz: we do require png capabilities, which are split out of the main package. Theoretically, we should require graphviz-devel, but this package also does not drag in -gd.
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Add gegl-fix-overflow.patch to fix overflow found by gcc 4.5.
* Wed Feb 10 2010 Update to version 0.1.2: + GeglLookup, configurable floating point lookup tables for lazy computation. + Use GFileIOStream in GeglTileBackendFile. + Optimizations: in-place processing for point filters/composers, SIMD version of gegl:opacity, avoid making unneccesary sub-buffers, removed some manual instrumentation from critical paths, improved speed of samplers. + Added xml composition/reference image based regression tests. + Added performance tracking framework. + Syntactic sugar using varargs for constructing gegl graphs from C. + Build fixes on cygwin. + Gegl# fixes. + Initial, but unstable code towards multithreading. + Improvements to lua op in workshop. + Added new resamplers upsize, upsharp, upsmooth, downsize, downsharp and downsmooth. + Removed gegl:tonemap and gegl:normal ops.- Drop gegl-new-babl.patch: fixed upstream.- Add gegl-fix-build.patch: remove printf that breaks build because of missing include.- Rename package from gegl-0_0 and libgegl-0_0-0 to gegl-0_1 and libgegl-0_1-0 following soname bump.
* Thu Jan 28 2010 Add gegl-new-babl.patch to fix build with babl 0.1.2.
* Mon Jul 20 2009 Update to version 0.1.0: + Renamed gegl:load-buffer to gegl:buffer-source and gegl:save-buffer to gegl:buffer-sink (but the old names still work) + Represent colors using doubles instead of floats (this change is independent from internal processing) + Removed the GTK+ UI parts of the gegl binary and turned gegl into a pure command line tool (which can still visualize stuff with help help the SDL based display operation) + Consider {x=G_MININT/2, y=G_MININT/2, width=G_MAXINT, height=G_MAXINT} as the only valid region wichin processing may occur. Processing outside of this region is undefined behaviour. + Added support for storing allocation stack traces for GeglBuffers so that debuging buffer leaks becomes much easier + Made small changes and cleanups of the public API, e.g. - Removed gegl_node_adapt_child() - Made GeglConfig an explicit object - Removed most of the ifdeffed stuff to mask away internal structures - Added gegl_rectangle_infinite_plane() and gegl_rectangle_is_infinite_plane() + Added new sampler GeglSamplerSharp + Added format property go gegl:buffer-sink + Cleaned up and made gegl:introspect work again + Add a bunch of test cases using the automake test sytem (make check) and also port buffer tests to automake + General cleanups, bug fixes, increased robustness and improved documentation- Drop gegl-babl_api_change.patch: fixed upstream.- Temporarly remove ruby BuildRequires as the build is broken when it\'s there right now.
* Thu Jun 11 2009 Add gegl-babl_api_change.patch to make gegl build with babl 0.1.0. Patch taken from Fedora.- Remove autoreconf call.- Do not make gegl0_0 explicitly Requires libbabl-0_0-0.