Changelog for :
Mon Apr 11 14:00:00 2016
- Update to

* Added spell checker.

* Created the groups for the icons.

* Now users can add custom icons.

* The choice of colors for the tag cloud.

* The choise the action when you make left or middle mouse click
on the tag.

* The choise the action when you make double mouse click on the
attached file.

* Added the new wiki commands for the table creation: (:table:),
(:row:), (:cell:), (:hcell:).

* Improved search het keys for the actions.

* Added new icons.

* Added new page styles.

* Now in the link inserting dialog you can select an attached
file to create link to it.

* Added help.
- Rebase outwiker-fonts.patch.
- Add runtime dependencies: python-pyenchant, python-Pillow.
- Add %icon_theme_cache_post/un macros.
- Split off and recommend -lang subpackage.
- Update description.

Sat Aug 1 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 1.8.1.

* Bugs fixed.
- Changes in 1.8.0.

* Added the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts.

* Added the ability to refer to a page using unique identifiers.

* Added the ability to navigate through the links to pages with
the anchors (page://bla-bla-bla/#anchor).

* Added the ability to use relative paths in the links on the
pages (../../page 1/page 2).

* Added the ability to change the page style for branch of the
pages at the same time.

* Added the ability of search and replace on the page.

* Added the buttons \"Forward\" and \"Back\" for the return to the
previous pages.

* Added the ability to change the editor colors.

* Added the ability to change the behaviour of the Home / End
keys id the editor (go to begin / end of the string or the

* Added a new tag of the wiki syntax for quoting: [>...<].

* Added the button and menu item insertion the current date and

* Added the commands (:crdate:) and (:eddate:) for insertion the
creation and edition dates of the page respectively.

* Added the dialogs for the comands (:attachlist:), (:childlist:)
and (:include:).

* Added the ability to sort child pages for the creation and
edition date in the command (:childlist:).

* On the global search page added the ability to sort child pages
for the creation date.

* Added new command line parameter \"-r\" or \"--readonly\" for the
opening the notes tree readonly.

* Added the popup tooltips for icons in the property dialog for

* Added a new styles for page design.

* Added the button and menu item for opening a folder with a
attached files in a system file manager.

* Added the saving recent used page style.

* Added the saving cursor position for page before closing.

* Added the Italian localization.

* Now in the attachments panel showed the files icons.

* Changed the hyphenation algorithm (\"br\" tags instead of \"p\").

* Now opening the notes tree and global search cunduct in a
separate thread.

* Now for every page saved the creation date.

* Now all HTML tags, which the wiki parser create, in a

* Now help will be open in a separate window.

* Settings moved from ~/.outwiker more ideologically correct
place (depending on the operating system).

* Added new icons for pages.

* Many accelerations.

* Bug fixes and improvments.
- Don\'t build plugins (install them yourself, if you need).

Thu Dec 13 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.7.0.

* Added the ability to open the notes in separate tabs.

* The toolbar is divided into several floating toolbars.

* Saved and displayed date of the last changes in the page.

* Greatly accelerated parsing and coloring of wiki syntax
(bacceleration from 2 to 10 times).

* Added interface to insert some elements of wiki syntax.

* Added ability to larger and smaller font on wiki pages.

* Added ability to force rebuilding HTML-code on the wiki

* Fixes in page templates.

* The distribution for Linux adds vector and large icons.

* Changes in the appearance of the search page.

* Fixed a bug where thumbnails were not created to wiki pages if
extensions image files was recorded in capital letters.

* Fixed a bug that did not keep the size of internal windows
(tree notes, attachments, etc.)

* Fixed other bugs.
- Merge laguage subpackage into the main one (doesn\'t work without
- Package plugins.
- Add BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme, xz.

Fri Jun 1 14:00:00 2012
- Initial package created - 1.6.0.
- Add outwiker-1.6.0-fonts.patch: don\'t use MS fonts.