Changelog for
xf86-input-evdev-devel-2.10.4-76.1.i586.rpm :
Sat Oct 1 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 2.10.4
* Support XINPUT ABI version 23 and 24
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 2.10.3
* Only one fix over 2.10.2 restoring tablets\' functionality. A
bug in the wheel emulation rework caused non-x/y axes to stop
updating. Interaction with tablets thus resulted in a zero
pressure sent to the clients an the tablet being unable to draw.
Mon May 23 14:00:00 2016
- u_01-Add-a-kiosk-mode-for-touch-screens.patch
Mon May 2 14:00:00 2016
- u_01-Add-a-kiosk-mode-for-touch-screens.patch
Add click on touch (FATE#320263).
Fri Apr 29 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 2.10.2
This release restores wheel emulation on absolute devices and drops the
forced direction locking for scroll buildup during wheel emulation since it
made it almost impossible to actually scroll in both directions. Since
horizontal scrolling is disabled by default anyway, we don\'t need this lock.
Fri Jan 8 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 2.10.1
Only one change over 2.10, affecting some devices with absolute axes but not
ABS_X/ABS_Y. Previously, those devices had the first to axes mapped to axes
0 and 1 and thus some random axes was interpreted as x/y coordinate. With
this release, axes 0 and 1 are reserved for x/y axes only.
Fri Nov 13 13:00:00 2015
- Use url for source
- Add gpg signature
- Make building more verbose
Wed Oct 28 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 2.10.0
Plenty of bugfixes accumulated over time, one new option is now
available: Resolution. This enables a user to set a mouse device\'s
native resolution, if set the device\'s deltas are scaled to a
normalized 1000dpi resolution. This can be used to make
high-resolution mice less sensitive without having to actually
change the acceleration in the desktop environment. The default
for this option is 0 and no scaling is performed.
Fri Jul 31 14:00:00 2015
- Ignore absence of udevadm, it won\'t be present in the build env.
Tue Mar 31 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 2.9.2
* Two fixes in this release, one to support Android MT devices,
one to avoid an array index overflow.
Sat Nov 29 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2.9.1:
This release fixes a couple of bugs with absolute devices that
have scroll wheels (such as the qemu tablets devices) and avoids
the \"unable to find touch point 0\" warnings previously caused by
a touch starting before the device was enabled.
Wed Jul 30 14:00:00 2014
- enable multitouch support (missing libmtdev build dependency),
fixes bnc#889469
Tue May 20 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2.9.0:
Use the server\'s device list for duplicate detection (FDO#78309)
Wed May 7 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version (2.9RC1)
The first evdev 2.9 Snapshot.
The biggest changes are the switch to libevdev and support for
server-managed fds. The latter needs server support, so don\'t
expect it to work on anything but git master.
Wed May 7 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 2.8.3
* Only two changes, the REL_DIAL fix restores proper horizontal
scrolling behaviour to a set of Microsoft mice.
Wed Mar 19 13:00:00 2014
- 11-evdev.conf: enable emulate3buttons on trackpoint devices
Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2014
- 11-evdev.conf: emulate wheelbutton for another trackpoint device
Fri Dec 20 13:00:00 2013
- provides/obsoletes x11-input-mtrack, since multitouch devices
are now covered via mtdev library; drop request for
x11-input-mtrack has been filed
Mon Oct 14 14:00:00 2013
- added 11-evdev.conf xorg.conf.d snippet, since apparently some
tweaks are still required (bnc#843333)
Sun Oct 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2.8.2:
Second release for evdev 2.8 is now available. Two minor but important
fixes. Evdev now writes SYN_REPORT after toggling LEDs, so other processes
listening in on the device can see the change immediately. The other fix
addresses an inconsistency in the mapping of REL_DIAL.
- Remove upstream patches:
+ Patch1: U_0001-Write-a-SYN_REPORT-after-the-last-LED.patch
+ Patch2: U_0002-Don-t-use-mtdev-for-protocol-B-devices.patch
+ Patch3: U_0003-Remove-a-comment.patch
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- U_0001-Write-a-SYN_REPORT-after-the-last-LED.patch
* Write a SYN_REPORT after the last LED
- U_0002-Don-t-use-mtdev-for-protocol-B-devices.patch
* Don\'t use mtdev for protocol B devices
- U_0003-Remove-a-comment.patch
* Remove a comment
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- build driver with mtdev support (multitouch devices)
Thu Jul 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2.8.1:
A new option was added, \"TypeName\" defines the
XI device type provided in the XListInputDevices() reply.
Two fixes, one for a set of MT devices without legacy axes, one for a
misconfiguration (inertia of 0 should be no inertia).
Switch default model to pc104, but the switch to pc104 has no effect,
it\'s merely to make it more explicit.
Tue Mar 26 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2.8.0:
Not a whole lot of new things happening here, mostly
cleanup and various misc fixes. Most bugfixes have already found their way
into the 2.7.x releases.
- Notable changes:
+ axis swap/inversion and calibration is now possible for touch events too
+ maintainer-mode is now always enabled
+ evdev uses sigsafe logging if available
- Remove upstreamed patches:
+ evdev_move-valuator-swapping-into-a-helper-function.patch (patch0)
+ evdev_move-calibration-asjustments-to-helper-function.patch (patch1)
+ evdev_handle-axis-swap-calibration-and-inversion-for-touch-events.patch (patch2)
Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2013
- evdev_handle-axis-swap-calibration-and-inversion-for-touch-events.patch,
* Handle axis swap, calibration and inversion for touch events
Thu Nov 22 13:00:00 2012
- Use static tarballs instead of git created ones and remove
unneeded dependencies!
Mon Aug 13 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.7.3:
+ Three bugfixes, one fixes a regression introduced in 2.7.2.
Sat Aug 4 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.7.2:
+ This update fixes a few compiler warnings and a memory leak.
Tue Jul 24 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.7.1:
+ First update to the evdev 2.7 series. This update fixes a couple
of bugs and memory leaks.
Thu Apr 19 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.7.0:
+ Only force REL_X/Y if no ABS_X/Y exists
+ Copy last valuator values into new touch valuator masks
+ Prefere relative axis labelling over absolute axis labelling
+ Force x/y axes to exist on devices with any other axes
- Add pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires: New dependency
- Add pkgconfig(mtdev) BuildRequires: Support Multi-Touch.
- Use %x11_abi_xinpot_req instead of static ABI Requires.
Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012
- Split xf86-input-evdev from xorg-x11-driver-input.
Initial version: 2.6.0.