Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-puppet-testsuite-3.8.7-15.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Dec 12 13:00:00 2017
- Add patch for PUP 7383 so that puppet works with openssl 1.1
Thu Aug 10 14:00:00 2017
- Update filename in /var/adm/update-messages to match documentation,
and build-compare pattern
Fri Jul 14 14:00:00 2017
- add puppet-CVE-2017-2295.patch to fix a security vulnerability
where an attacker could force YAML deserialization in an unsafe
manner, which would lead to remote code execution
[bsc#1040151], [CVE-2017-2295]
Mon Oct 3 14:00:00 2016
- fix sysconfig_filename parameters in %fillup_only macros
Tue Aug 16 14:00:00 2016
- set the perms of the unicorn.conf to 644
Wed Aug 3 14:00:00 2016
- Replace the greps with fillup-template to update the sysconfig files.
Fixes properly boo#916005
Fri Jul 29 14:00:00 2016
- Run fdupes over practically everything that was installed,
fixing \"files-duplicate /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.2.0/doc/
/puppet-3.8.7/ri/Puppet/Pops/Types/TypeFactory/any-c.ri\" etc.
Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 3.8.7:
- Add -master-unicorn subpackage with unicorn systemd unit file and config
Mon Apr 11 14:00:00 2016
- add puppet-non_ASCII_user_comment.patch to fix non-ASCII
user comment with ruby >= 2.1 [bnc#971223]
Fri Jan 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 3.8.5
Wed Dec 2 13:00:00 2015
- Do not touch /etc/sysconfig/puppet in systemd environments, boo#916005
Fri Nov 20 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.8.4
Thu Sep 3 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.8.2
Wed Sep 2 14:00:00 2015
- Added puppet-systemd-default-on-new-suse.patch, rebased from the
master branch, that uses the systemd provider on a SuSE variants
with version >= 12 ( boo#931703 )
Thu May 28 14:00:00 2015
- Updated the change file
Thu May 14 14:00:00 2015
- Add puppet-ruby-2_2.patch that fixes the ruby 2.2 support
Tue May 12 14:00:00 2015
- Re-run g2r
- Fix the systemd patch to actually apply
- Remove the ext/{debian,gentoo} dirs for all ruby versions
Mon May 11 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.7.5
- Add upstream patch puppet-zypper-lu.patch to cache the output of zypper list-updates
- Add upstream patch puppet-systemd-default.patch to make systemd default on SLE12 and openSUSE >12.x
- Add runtime dependency on tar, needed by the \"puppet module\" command to
unpack tarballs that it fetches from the forge
Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2015
- Replace rubygem(augeas) with rubygem(ruby-augeas), since the former is not working with puppet, boo#911083
Thu Dec 11 13:00:00 2014
- Install the master-related sample config files with puppetmaster package
Tue Dec 2 13:00:00 2014
- Switch installation from tarball to gem, using the new packaging schema
- Rename puppet to rubygem-puppet for the above reason
- Rename puppet-server to puppet-master / puppetmaster, since PuppetLabs has a
new product out that is called Puppet Server
- Install more sample config files (auth.conf, fileserver.conf, tagmail.conf)
- Add rubygem(ruby-shadow) and rubygem(augeas) as Recommends
- Separate emacs syntax files to different subpkg
Sat Nov 8 13:00:00 2014
- update to 3.7.3
* PUP-3601: Bump facter dependency to 2.3.0
* PUP-3471: Windows Puppet x86 Installer Expands Environment Variables in Path
* PUP-3302: Puppet resource broken when directory environments enabled
* PUP-3500: Adding a setting to puppet.conf that has a :hook handled on define preloads incorrect directory environment settings.
* PUP-3505: Future parser handling undef’s incorrectly
* PUP-3514: Future parser not showing line/column for error
* PUP-3558: Future parser, square brackets in references cause syntax errors related to non-ASCII characters
* PUP-3602: Do not convert strings that are on the form “0e\" to floating point
* PUP-3555: introduce override-able factory pattern for constructing environment cache entries
See release notes for update information:
For a full list of bugs fixes see:
- remove old .changelog
- fix invalid arg in init script for SLE
Tue Oct 28 13:00:00 2014
- updated buildrequires to use rubygem(xxx) syntax as that is correct syntax
Thu Oct 23 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.7.2
* PUP-3467: Reject SSLv3 connections in Puppet
* PUP-3345: Puppet Master Memory Leak
* PUP-643: Solaris pkg package provider does not handle expiring
* PUP-1165: Spurious ‘trigger changed’ messages generated by scheduled
task provider
* PUP-3203: scheduled_task triggers cannot be updated
* PUP-3357: Unexpected error with multiple SSH keys without comments
* PUP-3351: Puppet evaluates classes declared with parameters before
classes declared without parameters
* PUP-3258: puppet apply + ENC + 3.7.x: does not read the .pp file
* PUP-3244: ENC returned environment ignored when using directory environments
* PUP-3334: Changes to environment.conf are not being picked up, even
when environment timeout is set to 0.
* PUP-3363: future parser give weird error in trailing comma after assignment
* PUP-3366: type system does not handle Enum/String compare correctly
* PUP-3401: Type system does not handle Pattern correctly
* PUP-3365: consider not doing deep undef to empty string map in 3xi
function API
* PUP-3364: Attempt to use Numeric as title in a Resource type causes
internal error
* PUP-3201: Validation thinks that an Undef instance is of type Runtime
* PUP-3315: Windows agent installer should specify that FQDN is expected
* PUP-3227: Upgrade conflict: puppetmaster-common and puppet-common
See release notes for update information:
For a full list of bugs fixes see:
Sat Sep 27 14:00:00 2014
- Also create user/group when only installing the puppet client
Wed Sep 24 14:00:00 2014
- Updated systemd coding style
Thu Sep 18 14:00:00 2014
- Fix packaging for SLE_11
Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.7.1
* PUP-3222: Windows service provider references a non-existent class
* PUP-3190: “each” no longer supported in Puppet 3.7.0
* PUP-3191: Symlinks to missing targets cause a File Not Found error
instead of a warning
* PUP-3231: Specifying –tags doesn’t cause suitability check to be
skipped for skipped resources
* PUP-894: Too easy to hit “CRL not yet valid for
(and not very informative)
* PUP-1680: “incorrect header check” using Ruby 2
* PUP-3177: Resource titles ending with square brackets fail
* PUP-3174: After enabling directory environments the manifestdir
setting is still required to be valid
* PUP-3162: Block $environment in directory based environment
configuration settings
* PUP-3186: Puppetmaster removes /etc/puppet/environments/production
if it’s a link rather than a directory
See release notes for update information:
For a full list of bugs fixes see:
Fri Sep 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.7.0
* A nearly-final implementation of the Puppet 4 language
* Preview support for a new, fast, natively compiled Facter
* 64-bit Puppet packages for Windows
* Lots of deprecations to prepare for Puppet 4.0
See release notes for update information:
For a full list of bugs fixes see:
Sun Aug 3 14:00:00 2014
- Add Supplements: packageand(vim,puppet), in order to trigger automatic
installation for users of both packages. Suggested by dimstar
Sat Jul 26 14:00:00 2014
- Split the vim syntax files to separate subpackage, puppet-vim
Wed Jun 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.2
Security Fixes
* CVE-2014-3248
(Arbitrary Code Execution with Required Social Engineering)
* CVE-2014-3253
(Apache 2.4+ does not enforce CRL checks by default)
* [PUP-2635] - user purge_ssh_keys not purged
* [PUP-2639] - Increase environment_timeout default.
* [PUP-2650] - 3.6.1 issues \"warning\" message for deprecation
* [PUP-2659] - Puppet stops working with error \'Attempted to pop,
but already at root of the context stack.\'
* [PUP-2660] - purging ssh_authorized_key fails because of missing user value
* [PUP-2689] - A node can\'t always collect its own exported resources
* [PUP-2692] - Puppet master passenger processes keep growing
* [PUP-2705] - Regression with external facts pluginsync not preserving
executable bit
Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- Puppet 3.6.1 is a bug fix release in the Puppet 3.6 series.
It also makes the transaction_uuid more reliably available to extensions.
Wed May 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.0
Bug Fixes
* [PUP-530] - Installer for Puppet 3 does not check for hiera
* [PUP-748] - PR (2067): Zypper provider install options - darix
* [PUP-1041] - PR (2385) naginator not parsing blank parameters
* [PUP-1114] - Deprecate environment configuration in puppet.conf
* [PUP-1332] - \"puppet resource service\" fails on Ubuntu
* [PUP-1547] - PR (2311) Undefined method `groups\' for nil:NilClass
* [PUP-1552] - V2.0 API reports Not Authorized as a \"RUNTIME_ERROR\"
* [PUP-1585] - PR (2342) cron resources with target specified generate
duplicate entries
* [PUP-1586] - PR (2331) Cron Type sanity check for the command parameter
is broken
* [PUP-1624] - PR (2342) Cron handles crontab\'s equality of target
and user strangely
* [PUP-1749] - Puppet module tool does not work on Solaris
* [PUP-1751] - PR (2383): Suse chkconfig --check boot. always
returns 1 whether the service is enabled/disabled. - m4ce
* [PUP-485] - Add assert_type functions for type checks
* [PUP-620] - (PR 2429) Add install_options to gem provider
* [PUP-740] - Validator
* [PUP-1174] - PR (2247) Ability to purge .ssh/authorized_keys
* [PUP-1596] - Make modulepath, manifest, and config_version configurable
* [PUP-1699] - Cache environments
* [PUP-1769] - PR (2414) yum provider to support install_options
* [PUP-1799] - New Function API
For a full list of fixes and improvemtnts see:
- removed puppet-3.3.1-systemd-units.patch
Wed May 21 14:00:00 2014
- Set proper ownership permission on /var/{lib,log}/puppet
Fri Apr 25 14:00:00 2014
-Version update: 3.5.1 is a backward-compatible features and fixes release in the Puppet 3 series. It fixes the problems that 3.5.0 caused with dynamic environments and the yumrepo provider, as well as a couple of smaller bugs.
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014
- display update message about systemd service rename only when relevant
Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2014
- update to puppet 3.5.0, see
- replaced puppet-3.3.1-systemd-units.patch with puppet-3.5.0-systemd-units.patch
* adopted to the latest version
- drooped puppet-2.6.6-yumconf.diff
* doesn\'t apply anymore and upstream reworked yum module quite extensively
* AFAIK we don\'t use yum anywhere
- require facter > 1.6.0 as upstream does
Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2014
- finish migration to systemd
- drop puppet-3.0.2-client-init-masterport.patch as there is no init
script anymore
- drop useless sysconfig files and provide compatibility %post scripts
- puppet user is needed only for server
- use upstream service names (and warn users)
- little bit polished upstream unit files
* added puppet-3.3.1-systemd-units.patch
Thu Jan 2 13:00:00 2014
- removed patch puppet-3.0.2-init.patch, and replaced with
puppet-3.0.2-client-init-masterport.patch because the original
caused shutdown of puppet client on a puppetmaster to shutdown
the puppet master.
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- refreshed puppet-2.6.6-yumconf.diff to make it apply cleanly
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- add puppetx to filelist
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- update to 3.3.1
for details see /usr/share/doc/packages/puppet/ChangeLog
Tue Sep 10 14:00:00 2013
- more specificity in packaging the extensions
Fri Sep 6 14:00:00 2013
- Install puppet extension data from ext/
- vim syntax and emacs-mode
- openldap schema
- rack and apache2.conf examples
Mon Sep 2 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version 3.2.4
- Security update to 3.2.x series
- CVE-2013-4761 (resource_type Remote Code Execution Vulnerability)
- CVE-2013-4956 (Puppet Module Permissions Vulnerability)
Sun Aug 4 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version 3.2.3
- Bugfix and performance release for Puppet 3.2 series
- Bring back helpful error messages like prior to Puppet 3
- tagmail triggers in –onetime mode without changes after
upgrade from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1
- Logging behaviour issues in 3.2.1
This was a regression in 3.2.0/3.2.1
Thu Jun 20 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version 3.2.2
- Fix for CVE-2013-3567, see bnc#825878
- 3.2.2 is a security fix release of the Puppet 3.2 series.
It has no other bug fixes or new features.
- 3.2.0 (Not released version)
- Experimental \"Future\" Parser With Iteration
- Ruby 2.0 Support
- OpenWRT OS Support
- External CA Support
- Better Profiling and Debugging of Slow Catalog Compilations
- Splay Fixes for Puppet Agent
- Cron Fixes
- Module Tool Improvements
- Hiera-Related Fixes
- puppet:/// URIs Pointing to Symlinks Work Now
- Puppet Apply Writes Data Files Now
Wed Mar 20 13:00:00 2013
-Update to 3.1.1
-This fixes a lot of CVEs, see bnc#809839
Thu Mar 14 13:00:00 2013
- The puppet agent unit file needs to take into account the settings
from /etc/sysconfig/puppet.
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Install puppet
*.service accordingly (/usr/lib/systemd for 12.3
and up or /lib/systemd for older versions).
Sat Feb 16 13:00:00 2013
- Updated to Puppet 3.1.0 which is a feature release for the 3.x series of Puppet:
* Improvements When Loading Ruby Code
* YARD API Documentation
* YAML Node Cache Restored on Master
Other bugfixes and improvements:
* The Solaris package manager now supports the `holdable` feature (aka
\"freezing\") (#16120)
* `managehome => true` now works on Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (#18298)
* `create_resources` can now create virtual and exported resources (#15081)
* SRV record improvements for fileserving and certificate service
(#18161, #18162)
Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- Modify puppet-3.0.2-init.patch: Don\'t use lock file and pid file
at all - bnc#714649
- Do not use puppet-3.0.1-arg-err.patch and puppet-3.0.1-init.diff,
since they have been upstreamed already.
Fri Jan 11 13:00:00 2013
- Add puppet-3.0.2-init.patch: fix lock file and pid file names
Sat Jan 5 13:00:00 2013
- Updated to latest upstream version 3.0.2
- Bugfix release
* Full list of bugs can be found at:
Notable bugs:
- Bug #15513: Resource type \'cron\' fails with \'target\' parameter
- Bug #16178: Boolean false in a variable causes the puppet backend lookup to fail
- Bug #17445: Race condition in logrotate config makes puppet agent crash.
- Bug #17447: Puppet sysv init script faulty
- Bug #17488: Puppet needlessly crashes when run unptivileged even with --noop
Fri Dec 7 13:00:00 2012
- Add puppet-3.0.1-arg-err.patch: fix
Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2012
- do not use /var/lock/subsys for puppetmaster
Mon Nov 12 13:00:00 2012
- revert back from ruby-shadow to rubygem-ruby-shadow as required
by openSUSE ruby packaging policies
Wed Oct 31 13:00:00 2012
- changed requirement of package back from rubygem-ruby-shadow to
more common named ruby-shadow
Wed Oct 24 14:00:00 2012
- Updated requirements for package puppet to include rubygem-ruby-shadow
This is needed to make puppet modules to change passwd file
Tue Oct 23 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to 3.0.1
- Updated puppet-3.0.1-init.diff so it functions with client.init from ext/suse/client.init
- Fixed puppet.conf not in /ext/suse/ so got puppet.conf from
- Bug #15717: puppet kick returns \"Error: Could not find indirection \'run\' / finished with exit code 2\"
- Bug #16585: Remove dead \"ldapnodes\" setting
- Bug #16698: external node classifier script is not being called when storedconfigs is on
- bug #16757: user cannot control loading of rubygems
- Bug #16769: Apache \"SSLOptions +ExportCertData\" causes \"header too long\" error
- Bug #16801: Puppet 3 debian init script has code using removed --servertype=mongrel option
- Bug #16922: Could not intern from b64_zlib_yaml when fact value ends with a colon
- Bug #17000: Puppet acceptance suite will get caught in a loop if agent fails to terminate for kick test
- Refactor #16643: sample-module has hyphen in name which is only unofficially supported
Wed Aug 29 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 2.7.19
Wed Jul 11 14:00:00 2012
-Update to 2.7.18
CVEs fixed:
-bnc#770828 - VUL-0: CVE-2012-3864: puppet: authenticated clients can read arbitrary files via a flaw in puppet master
-bnc#770829 - VUL-0: CVE-2012-3865: puppet: arbitrary file delete / Denial of Service on Puppet Master by authenticated clients
-bnc#770827 - VUL-1: CVE-2012-3866: puppet: last_run_report.yaml left world-readable
-bnc#770833 - VUL-1: CVE-2012-3867: puppet: insufficient input validation for agent certificate names
Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2012
- update to 2.7.17
* (maint) Add symlink stub to gentoo service provider spec
* Add comment to upstart provider explaining exclusion of
* Upstart code cleanup, init provider improvement
* Add spec test for network-interface-security
* Add basic service resource test to upstart acceptance
* Handle network-interface-security in upstart
* Add exclude list to upstart provider
* (#15027, #15028, #15029) Fix upstart version parsing
* (maint) Add --test to puppet run
Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2012
- Copy from devel:openSUSE:Factory
Tue Jun 19 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 2.7.16 version
* Significantly improve compilation performance when using modules
* Add Puppet::Util::Platform to abstract platform checks
* Default autoflushing of log files to true
* Add Module Tool
* bugfix releases for all bugs please read
Thu Jun 14 14:00:00 2012
- updated to new upstream 2.7.11 version
* for bugfixes informations please look in
Wed Jun 13 14:00:00 2012
- no need for vendor-specific
Tue Oct 25 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2.7.6
Security Fixes
CVE-2011-3872 (AltNames vulnerability)
Features and Enhancements
User/group management on Windows
Better file support on Windows
Support plaintext password in Windows
Bug Fixes
Recognize more duplicate resources
Allow multi-line exec resources
Remove unnecessary deprecation warning in puppet resource
Update pluginsync to only load ruby files.
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2.7.4
- enhancement + security release:
fixed CVE-2011-3848
(Resist directory traversal attacks through indirections)
GigabitEthernet/TenGigabitEthernet are uncorrectly parsed
Don’t rely on error message to detect UAC capable platform
Allow cron vars to have leading whitespace
Thu Jun 23 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2.7.1
- a major feature release:
Ruby 1.9 Support
Deterministic Catalog Application
Puppet Faces - a new API for creating new Puppet subcommands
Manage Network Devices
Dependency cycle reporting produces graph of the cycle
- license changed to Apache-2.0
- see
Thu May 19 14:00:00 2011
- using correct port for puppet in the firewall rules (bnc#694825)
Tue Apr 5 14:00:00 2011
- fix logging setting (bnc#683441)
Mon Mar 14 13:00:00 2011
- update to 2.6.6
* fixed many bugs
* licence has changed to GPLv2 (was GPLv2+)
* some of the new features:
- Manifests can now specify arbitrary data for file contents
- Managed resource attributes can now be audited
- Parameterised class support in external node classifiers
- New puppet inspect application
Fri Jan 28 13:00:00 2011
- update to 2.6.4
* bugfixes: bnc#667867
Ship auth.conf as part of installing from source
Tue Oct 5 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.6.1
* bugfixes, manpage fixes
Thu Aug 19 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.6.0
* major release with many new configuration options and new
language features
Mon Aug 16 14:00:00 2010
- respect sysconfig settings (bnc#620808)
Tue Jul 20 14:00:00 2010
- create puppet user not only for server package (bnc#623884)
Tue Mar 2 13:00:00 2010
- update to 0.25.4
* bugfixes
- create user puppet (fixes bnc#576453)
Wed Apr 15 14:00:00 2009
- update to 0.24.8
Mon Apr 6 14:00:00 2009
- add zypper.rb plugin by Leo Eraly