Changelog for
texmaker-4.5-lp150.2.9.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Jul 26 2016 Add texmaker-appdata.patch to install an appstream metadata file.- Remove references to %{buildroot} during the %build stage, this is no loger required.- Pass METAINFODIR=%{_datadir}/appdata to install the metainfo to openSUSE\'s currently preferred metainfo dir; the default upstream specification for appdata recommends /usr/share/metainfo instead, and is also the default metainfo path set in texmaker-appdata.patch.- Run fdupes only inside the %{_datadir}/texmaker dir to prevent /usr/share/pixmaps/texmaker.png from becoming a link; if this happens, appstream generator fails to extract the icon and promptly fails to generate the appdata.
* Thu Nov 05 2015 Update to version 4.5: + The content of the \\cite{} command is no more scanned while the spell checking. + A compilation trouble has been fixed with Qt 5.5.x. + A new option allow the svn users to display the uncommitted lines with a different color in the line number widget (Configure Texmaker -> Editor). + Two more options for the pdf internel viewer contextual menu (user request): number of words in the current pdf page and open the file browser at the pdf file location. + De, hu, it, nl, pl, se and zh_CN translations have been updated.- Drop texmaker-include-qdatastream-header.patch: incorporated by upstream.
* Mon Oct 19 2015 Add texmaker-include-qdatastream-header.patch to include the QDataStream header where appropriate; fixes build failures with Qt >= 5.5 (now in Factory).
* Sat Aug 15 2015 Build against qt4 for openSUSE:42 (old poppler in openSUSE:42 does not support qt5 bindings).
* Wed Apr 29 2015 Honour RPM_OPT_FLAGS.- switch to QT5, no source code changes needed.
* Mon Dec 01 2014 Update to version 4.4.1: + Bugs fixed : - Fix crash if the \"% !TEX encoding=\" meta tag is not valid - Fix bug related to some shorctuts (ctrl+shift+?).- Changes from version 4.4: + Features : - New wizard for a standard XeLaTeX document - A script (\"User\" menu to execute it) to apply a hard word wrap at 80 columns to the selected text - List of furnished scripts is displayed in the \"Run Script\" sub-menu of the \"User\" menu - Add support for the meta tags \"% !TEX encoding=\" and \"% !TEX spellcheck\" - Add .vrb,.listing and .spx extensions to the \"Clean\" command + Bugs fixed : - Include xelatex command in the \"Tools\" menu - Fix a bad behavior when spelling the document while a text is selected (issue 1393) + Updated translations.
* Mon Sep 01 2014 Update to version 4.3: + A visual diff view has been added to the \"source viewer\" (differences between the current files loaded in the editor and in the \"source viewer\") based on jsdifflib from Chas Emerick (BSD license) + When a command fails, the command is now displayed with the error message \"Could not start the command\" + An \"reload all documents from file\" option has been added to the \"File\" menu + If a \"completion.txt\" file is found in the same directory than texmaker.exe on windows, in the \"/usr/share/texmaker/\" folder on linux and in the \"Resources\" subdirectory of the .app on macosx, all items from this file will be added automatically for the autocompletion + An option to launch the \"Clean\" tool when exiting the program has been added + The cs, el, es, hu and se translations have been updated.
* Fri May 02 2014 Update to version 4.2: + Script support has been added (text editor -> \"User\" menu) + New command line option \"-n\" for launching a new instance of Texmaker + hu and nl translations have been updated + Bugs fixed : - While loading the last session, a bug about the focus has been fixed - A bug about the \"commands\" combo box in the main toolbar has been fixed - A typo in the russian translation has been fixed - A bad trigger detection for the snippets has been fixed- Minor rebase of texmaker-correct-doc-location.patch to apply cleanly with updated version.
* Mon Jan 06 2014 Update to version 4.1.1: + The latex reference manual has been updated + ca and pt dictionaries have been added + ca, cs, de, es, pl and se translations have been updated + The math mode \\( \\) is now supported by the syntax highlighting + Double latex and pdflatex compilation has been added for the \"Quick build\" modes with asymptote (required for the cross references) + While autocompletion, if the inserted item doesn\'t contain a placeholder the cursor will no more jump to the next placeholder [user request] + The delay after regaining focus while the \"check for external changes\" option is used has been reduced [user request] + Autocompletion with an underscore character is no more stopped after reaching the undescore [user request] + .snm and .nav files are also deleted while using the \"Clean\" command [user request] + If the log report an error for the line 1, the cursor doesn\'t jump anymore to the top of the document [user request] + \"user\" completion items can now be directly modified [user request]
* Tue Nov 05 2013 Update to version 4.1 + \"Beamer presentation\" wizard has been added + LuaLaTeX support has been added + new predefined \"Quick build\" modes have been added : - lualatex + view pdf - pdflatex + bib(la)tex + pdflatex + pdflatex + view pdf - latex + bib(la)tex + latex + latex + dvips + ps2pdf + view pdf - sweave + pdflatex + view pdf + Detection of utf8 encoding without BOM has been added + The \"two pages\" mode for the pdf viewer is no more reseted after a new compilation (patch from Andreas Volk) + \"patent\" entry to the biblatex menu has been added + Placeholders have been added to the \"Tabbing\" wizard + de, el, it and uk translations have been updated + A link to the english wikibook about LaTeX has been added to the \"Help\" menu (for non french users) + A trouble about the \"most used symbols\" panel has been fixed
* Fri Aug 30 2013 Update to 4.0.4: + poppler-0.24 support has been added + a compilation trouble on arm system has been fixed + the \"Enter\" key on numeric pad can now also be used to activate the default button in the \"goto line\", \"find\" and \"replace\" widgets (user request) + a commented line beginning by indent or spaces can now also be uncommented by the \"uncomment\" action of the \"edit\" menu + drag and drop for image files is now allowed in the editor (the \\includegraphics command will be automatically inserted) + a trouble while boldifying some structure items has been fixed + CS, ES, PL, SE and ZH_CN translations have been updated.
* Wed Jul 31 2013 Update to version 4.0.3: + Find-and-replace actions can now be applied to a selection only + Users can now check if a new version is available via a new option in the \"Help\" menu + A tool to convert source files to Unicode has been added + The user manual has been updated + UK, ES, LV, El, AR and IT translations have been updated + utf8 option has been added to the \"letter\" wizard.
* Thu May 09 2013 Update to version 4.0.2: + Structure tags (chapter, section, ...) are now totally boldified in the editor + \"Regular expression\" option is no more checked by default in the \"replace\" widget. + Session file is no more stored in the temp/ directory, but in the \"home/.cache\" directory + detection of acrobat reader 11 and ghostscript 9.07 has been added (for new users) + ar and lv translations has been added
* Sat Mar 16 2013 Update to version 4.0.1: + Bugs fixed: - Potential crash when synctex sends a bad page number has been fixed - An \'s\' character is no more inserted while using Ctrl+S shortcut with an unmodified document + Pdownload35 option has been added to the default dvips command for miktex- Pass smp_mflags to make to speed up build.
* Thu Mar 14 2013 Update to version 4.0: + Now supports Qt5 (this version can also be compiled on Qt>=4.7.2) + Ctrl+Shift+F2 keyboard shortcut for toggling between the master document and the current document + Continuous mode in the internal pdf viewer is not re-enabled automatically after a new compilation + Unix/MacOSX users can now add an option in the configuration dialog to the lp command for printing documents from the internal pdf viewer + a special \"quick build command\" has been added for the .asy files : if the current document has an .asy extension, this \"asymptote quick build command\" will be used with the F1 shortcut instead of the standard \"quick build command\" + while using the \"user tags\", AATTAATT will now be replaced by AATT (a single AATT is always used to set a place holder) + Bugs fixed : - A compilation trouble with gcc 4.8 has been fixed - A problem with the insertion of an user tag by using a keyboard trigger has been fixed - A bad column count in the editor has been fixed
* Fri Nov 09 2012 Update to version 3.5.2: + Bug fix: Fixes shortcut for QuickBuild.
* Mon Oct 29 2012 Update to version 3.5.1: + New features: - Wizard to export the current document to html, open document or mathml via TeX4ht has been added - In a command ## are now replaced by #, !! by !, %% by % and AATTAATT by AATT - Standard ouptut messages are now displayed for the bib(la)tex command - Xelatex has been added to the standard commands (with a new \"quick compilation\" mode : xelatex + view pdf) - With a new option in the configuration dialog, a directory can be added to the system PATH (Qt>=4.6 is required) + Bugs fixed : - Customization of the keyboard shorcuts fixed - The master mode is deactivated before loading a session file - An empty beamer block is no more displayed in the structure view - The detection of an already opened file has been improved.
* Tue Aug 21 2012 Update to version 3.5: - New pdf viewer: \"two pages\", \"discontinuous\" and \"presentation\" modes and page rotation have been added - A new option (-insert foo) has been added to the command line allowing an external program to insert a latex command to the current document while texmaker is running - Polish quotes mode has been added to the \"LaTeX/International quotes\" menu - The structure items detection has been improved - Captured text can be used in the \"Replace\" dialog while using regular expression ($1, $2...). Example : \\\\textit\\{([^}]
*)\\} for the \"find\" field and \\textbf{$1} for the \"replace\" field. - The CTRL+SHIFT+F8 shortcut has been added to the \"Restore previous session\" action (requested by users) - Bugs fixed: + .aux is not added after browsing the bib(la)tex command in the configuration dialog if this command is not bibtex + Structure view is reset after closing all documents + A trouble about completion between brackets has been fixed.
* Fri Jul 20 2012 Update to version 3.4.1: + Enhancement: On the GNOME desktop, themed icons are used for standard actions + Bug fixed: A bad layout of the buttons for the configuration of the commands has been fixed
* Mon Jul 16 2012 Update to version 3.4: + Enhancements : - Option \"Use a \'build\' subdirectory for output files\" has been added for the (pdf)latex command - A words counter has been added to the internal pdf viewer (contextual menu) - An \"Open Terminal\" command has been added to the \"Tool\" menu - Regular expression support has been added in the \"find/replace\" dialogs - A pdf page can now be exported to a png image in the internal pdf viewer (contextual menu) - A \"Save a copy\" command has been added to the \"File\" menu - The optionals fields for the biblatex entries has been added (\"Bibliography\" menu) - The labels list in the structure view stays opened or closed as the user sets it while saving the document or adding a new label item - Standard output is displayed only for the asymptote command - The \"sectioning\", \"size\", \"references\" combo boxes (main toolbar) has been replaced by icons in the editor vertical toolbar. - Support for macosx lion fullscreen mode has been added + Bugs fixed : - A critical bug while restoring a session with a file which has been deleted has been fixed - The bug about double-indentation of user tags has been fixed
* Thu May 24 2012 Update to version 3.3.4: + Enhancements : - Equation, align, multline and gather environments are now highlighted as mathematicals environments - The ambiguous english translation of the \"save and close\" dialog has been modified - Insertion of multiline tags will now respect the indentation - Session file can now be opened by drag and drop and with the command line - URL links can now be opened in the integrated pdf viewer - Editor keeps now the focus by default after launching the \"View Pdf\" action - The paths to texlive 2012, miktex 3.0 and ghostscript 9.04 & 9.05 has been added - Polish dictionary has been added - Polish, hungarian, swedish and portuguese translations have been updated + Bugs fixed : - A critical bug about \"undo\" operations in particular circumstances has been fixed.
* Sat Apr 07 2012 Update to version 3.3.3: + New Features: - A light session management has been added - In the pdf viewer, the horizontal position is restored after compilation and the zoom factor is restored after a restart of texmaker - It is now possible to modify a \"user tag\" - User tags can now be reordered by dragging items - Us english dictionary has been added - AATTelectronic has been added to the bibliography items detection + Bugs fixed: - The bad detection of the path of a file displayed in the log panel has been fixed - The # parameter is no more used if okular is used as pdf viewer - Shift(ctrl)+Ins doesn\'t anymore set the editor to overwrite mode - A bug about the number of copies while printing a pdf has been fixed
* Tue Apr 03 2012 Update to version 3.3.2: + Bug fixed: Bad detection of the \\part{} structure fixed + Added Swedish translation + An additionnal parameter (!) for the current directory is available for the commands
* Wed Feb 29 2012 Update to version 3.3.1: + Bug fixed: A critical bug about the spelling and grammar checker of the integrated pdf viewer has been fixed. + Rebase texmaker-correct-doc-location.patch for version 3.3.1.- Changes from version 3.3: + New features: - Users can now define an unlimited number of tags via a new panel in the \"structure view\" - In the integrated pdf viewer, it\'s now possible to check spelling and grammar the text extracted from a pdf page - Main biblatex entries can now be inserted via the bibliography menu - The structure of .Rnw files are now checked like the .tex documents - \\foo{} is now displayed before \\foo
*{} in the completion - Commented structure entries are no more used in the structure view - Colors are now more hard coded (dark desktop themes can now be used) - Overwrite mode can now be used in the editor. + Many bug fixes (see for a full list) + Building now requires libpoppler-qt4-devel >= 0.16; hence does not build for openSUSE < 12.1.
* Tue Jan 17 2012 Update to version 3.2.2 + New Features: - Shortcuts of the \"Tool\" and \"Edit\" menus can now be modified - While using the \"New by copying an existing file\" command, directory of the file is now stored - The list of asymptote and tikz tags has been completed - Users can now hide the pstricks/metapost/tikz/asymptote icons in the structure panels - Users can now hide some commands in the left tool bar of the editor - \"underline\" tag is replaced by the \"emphasis\" tag in the toolbar of the editor - If errors are detected, the log file is now displayed even if the \"quick build\" command is not used - After setting a document as \"master\", the structure and bibliography are rescanned. + Bugs fixed: - Fix a critical bug about the syntax highlighting - Fix a bug in the detection of the language for the user manual - Fix a regression in highlighting of search results - Fix the syntax highlighting with \\verb
* and \\begin{verbatim
*} commands.
* Sun Jan 01 2012 Update to version 3.2.1: + New features: - Faster syntax highlighting and structure checking - Additional parameter (#) for the current file name - The log panel can now be closed directly with the escape key. + Bugs fixed: - Pdf synchronization with child files has been fixed - Ctrl+x now works with block selection - No longer crash whith ctrl+F with no opened documents - Bad code for french and german quotes has been fixed - Syntax highlighting in the \\verb environment has been fixed - Drag and drop with .asy files is now supported.
* Sun Dec 18 2011 Update to version 3.2 (summary of major features; for full list see + New features: - Block selection mode has been added (alt+mouse) - \"Search in folders\" dialog has been added - The settings file can now be saved, deleted or loaded - All the colors for the syntax highlighting can now be changed (a preconfigured dark theme is available) - Graphics environments and .asy files have their own syntax highlighting mode - A selected piece of text can now be surrounded by french/german quotes - A panel can be added in the structure view to show the list of opened files (\"View\" menu) - The Texdoc tool can be launched directly via the Help menu - The list of label and bibliography items can now be used to customize the completion - The \"recent files\" list can now be cleaned - The shortcuts of some commands can now be changed -
*.asy files can now be opened directly without using the \"all files\" filter -
*.jpeg has been added to the list of the \"includegraphics wizard\" - .thm and .pre files are now deleted while using the \"clean\" command + Several minor bugs fixed.
* Mon Jul 25 2011 Update to version 3.1 + The \"tabular\" wizard has been completed and improved + A document can now be opened (in read-only mode) beside the editor for easy copy and paste operations + The \"R Sweave\" command has been added to the predefined commands + Wizard to help set user commands + Option to replace tab with spaces + \"replace\" and \"goto line\" forms are now embedded + \"Quick document\" wizard is now complete + Searching for words in the help-browser + New translations: Polish and Hungarian + Watching for external changes is now optional (disabled by default) + Backup opened documents every 10 mins + The texmaker.desktop file is now compatible with gnome 3 + Several important bug fixes
* Wed Apr 27 2011 Update to version 3.0.2 + Bug fixes: - Critical bug: Encoding detection while loading non-unicode/latin1 files - Wrong detection of some filenames in the log file - Bad layout of the \"inputgraphics dialog\"
* Mon Apr 18 2011 Update to version 3.0.1 + Internal pdf viewer can now be embedded in the main window irrespective of screen width + Button to launch external pdf viewer + Bug fixes: - Memory leak about the syntax highlighting for .bib files has been fixed - Extra closing bracket with the auto-completion of \\begin{} environment no longer appears - Bug with \"jump to next error\" command has been fixed - Columns in the \"Log\" panel are resizable again - Multiline \"user tags\" respect now current line indentation - Bug with \"latexmk+view pdf\" option in Quickbuild has been fixed - Some keyboard shortcuts were not working
* Mon Apr 04 2011 Update to version 3.0 + Major interface changes:- - Do not use tabs for the editor - Pdf viewer is now fully embedded into the main application for resolutions greater than 1400 - New fullscreen mode - Show latex code for mathematical symbols in a tooltip when hovering over the symbols palette + A critical bug fix in the editor + Bug about the \"latex+asymptote+latex+dvips+viewps\" mode for the \"quick build\" command has been fixed + The \\addbibresource{} command is now detected like \\bibliography{} + New keyboard shortcuts + The obsolete \"export to html\" command has been removed + Users can now add items to the auto-complete commands list + Labels are now checked in the \"child\" documents while using the \"master mode\" (for one level only) + The preamble can now be collapsed- Removed texmaker-pdflatex-synctex-by-default.patch; included upstream- Rebase texmaker-correct-doc-location.patch for version 3.0
* Mon Mar 14 2011 Update to version 2.3: + Contextual code folding has been added + Document structure now updates automatically when typing + Latexmk option for the quick build command + Pdf viewer: zoom is now centered on the center of the current view + Warn users if an open document has been changed by an external application + Bibliography items are now listed for auto-completion for \\cite + Better spell checker compatibility + Tabs can now be moved and rearranged in the editor
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Update to version 2.2.2 + Bug fixes and minor improvements to pdf viewer + History manager with \'back\' and \'forward\' buttons in pdf-viewer + Allow opening multiple files simultaneously + Improvements to the \"clean\" command + Disable killing of compilation process
* Sun Jan 30 2011 Update to version 2.2.1 + Bug fixes + Updated translations
* Wed Jan 26 2011 Update to version 2.2 + Improvements to integrated pdf viewer, including continuous display of pages and the ability to print documents + New: Document selector in the main window + Syntax highlighter recognizes verbatim, sweave, pspicture, tikzpicture, and asy environments + Automatically compile .asy files + Completion is now less intrusive + \"Options\" has been added to the \"includegraphics\" dialog
* Fri Dec 03 2010 Improve handling of doc entries, making them go into standard doc location
* Wed Dec 01 2010 Include texmaker-pdflatex-synctex-by-default.patch to enable source and pdf syncing into pdflatex builds
* Wed Oct 27 2010 Update to version 2.1 - synctex support has been added - the bug about searching an empty text in the pdf viewer has been fixed - after a new compilation, the pdf viewer stays at the same page - the bug about the completion while typing \"\\begin{\" has been fixed - the recent files menu can now contain 10 items- Install appropriate doc files: license, copying, changelog- Correct URL in spec file
* Tue Aug 10 2010 Cleanup spec file and add detailed changes to changelog file
* Sat Jul 31 2010 Update to upstream version 2.0 - new: a built-in pdf viewer has been added - new: option to the quick build command has been added, which prevents texmaker from launching a new instance of the dvi/ps/pdf viewer if the file is already opened. - new: user can now directly create a new document by copying an existing one. - new: a new wizard to set the \"user quick build command\". - the \"tabular\" assistant has been completed :
* option to add a vertical margin after a \\hline (for big math formulae)
* new options for the \"p{}\" column alignment (center and left alignment : \\usepackage{array} is required) - the required blank space at the end of the metapost command is verified if the user changed manually this command - the \"AMS align\" tag has been added to the \"Math\" menu. - bug-fix: the crash when texmaker is compiled with hunspell and gcc 4.5 has been fixed.
* Wed Jul 14 2010 Spec file cleanup- Initial package with upstream version 1.9.9