Changelog for
ice-python-3.4.2-34.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009 Mark Spruiell
- Updates for the Ice 3.4b release.
Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2009 Bernard Normier 3.3.1
- Minor updates for the Ice 3.3.1 release.
Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2008 Bernard Normier 3.3b-1
- Updates for Ice 3.3b release:
- Split main ice rpm into ice noarch (license and Slice files), ice-libs
(C++ runtime libraries), ice-utils (admin tools & utilities), ice-servers
(icegridregistry, icebox etc.). This way, ice-libs 3.3.0 can coexist with
ice-libs 3.4.0. The same is true for ice-mono, and to a lesser extent
other ice runtime packages
- Many updates derived from Mary Ellen Foster ()\'s
Fedora RPM spec for Ice.
- The Ice jar files are now installed in %{_javalibdir}, with
jpackage-compliant names
- New icegridgui shell script to launch the IceGrid GUI
- The .NET files are now packaged using gacutil with the -root option.
- ice-servers creates a new user (ice) and installs three init.d services:
icegridregistry, icegridnode and glacier2router.
- Python, Ruby and PHP files are now installed in the correct directories.
Fri Jul 27 14:00:00 2007 Bernard Normier 3.2.1-1
- Updated for Ice 3.2.1 release
Wed Jun 13 14:00:00 2007 Bernard Normier
- Added patch with new IceGrid.Node.AllowRunningServersAsRoot property.