Changelog for libgpod-sharp-0.8.3-8.7.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Oct 23 14:00:00 2015
- Added patch that prevents segfault when using newer iPod and iPhone (< iOS 5)
- Added patch that corrects few strings
- Added patch that corrects compiling with newer libplist

Sun Jun 21 14:00:00 2015
- Use libusb-1_0-devel as BuildRequires not libusb-devel
as the old libusb compatibility layer is not used.

Tue Mar 24 13:00:00 2015
- Change bcond back again.. It turned out to be that mono bindings
are wanted by the openSUSE community.

Fri Mar 20 13:00:00 2015
- Build without Mono by default

Mon Jan 26 13:00:00 2015
- Add libgpod-swig-3.0.patch: Fix build with SWIG 3.0.

Sun Dec 22 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.8.3:
+ Add support for libimobiledevice 1.1.5.
+ Remove use of some deprecated glib functions.
+ Fix various issues found using clang/cppcheck.
+ Improve robustness of the iphone callout.
- Drop libgpod-libimobiledevice-fix.patch, fixed upstream.
- Stop passing --enable-udev to configure, now default enabled.
- Remove conditional BuildRequires for obsolete openSUSE versions
(11.2 and older, no longer supported as evergreen either).
- Stop passing --with-hal-callouts-dir=%{_libexecdir}/hal and
and --disable-udev only needed for obsolete openSUSE versions.

Mon Jul 15 14:00:00 2013
- fix build in factory by porting to new libimobiledevice api

Fri Mar 22 13:00:00 2013
- Move %{_libdir}/libgpod to sharp subpackage

Tue Mar 19 13:00:00 2013
- make mono dependency optional (still enabled by default)

Tue Nov 27 13:00:00 2012
- install the udev rules in /usr/lib/udev for factory and above

Thu Aug 4 14:00:00 2011
- spec mods

* add libsoname macro

* one License info is enough ;)
- fix deps
o doc pkg does not really need libgpod4

Wed Jul 27 14:00:00 2011
- Add baselibs.conf as source in .spec.

Sun Jul 24 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.8.2:
+ Fix mono binding on 32 bit systems
+ Better iOS 4.3 support
+ Dynamic loader for, which can be used for
iPhone 4/iPod Touch 4/iPad/Nano 6g support
+ Make smartplaylists case-insensitive to match what iTunes does
+ More robust Shuffle support in udev helper
+ Various compilation fixes and build system improvements
+ Bug fixes
+ Updated translations.
- Drop fix-mono-alignment.patch: fixed upstream.
- Move ownership of %{_libdir}/libgpod from libgpod-sharp to
libgpod4, as it\'ll make it easier for people to manually copy there.

Sun May 1 14:00:00 2011
- Added 32bit compatibility libraries

Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2011
- Fix Mono alignment issue causing broken C# bindings
+ Add fix-mono-alignment.patch

Mon Mar 28 14:00:00 2011
- fix libgpod-sharp to depend on libgpod4 (bnc#683171)

Wed Dec 8 13:00:00 2010
- disable silent rules, break post build checks
- fix -devel package dependencies

Wed Oct 13 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.8.0:
+ Shuffle 3g/4g bug fixes
+ Bug fixes related to the addition of the new ipod models
+ Silence some useless runtime warnings

Fri Oct 8 14:00:00 2010
- Make libgpod4 provide libgpod to make libgpod-lang installable.
- Change libgpod Requires to libgpod4 in libgpod-doc.
- Change supplements of libgpod-tools to reference libgpod4 too.

Thu Sep 30 14:00:00 2010
- Don\'t require libimobiledevice on older distros

Thu Sep 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7.95:
+ Improvements to the generation of the sqlite databases (used by
iOS devices), in particular improved playcounts handling.
+ Bug fixes and playlist support for mono bindings
+ Small itdb_start_sync/itdb_stop_sync behaviour change, now the
calls need to be paired, but itdb_start_sync can be called N
times, and the \"Sync in Progress\" screen will only go away
after the Nth call to itdb_stop_sync
+ Be more smart when auto-guessing whether to use iPod_Control or
+ Improve error handling in itdb_init and itdb_write, before that
there were error cases that were not properly reported to the

Sat Sep 11 14:00:00 2010
- Add mono-devel and gtk-sharp2 BuildRequires to build .NET
- Create libgpod-sharp subpackage.
- Improve summaries and descriptions.
- Remove explicit glib2-devel and gtk2-devel Requires of devel
package: they will automatically get added with the
pkgconfig()-style Requires.
- Remove check for obsolete version of openSUSE (10.3).

Tue Sep 7 14:00:00 2010
- fix requires of -devel package

Wed Sep 1 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7.94:
+ Shuffle 3g and 4g support
+ CLI bindings
+ artwork fixes
+ various bug fixes

Wed Sep 1 14:00:00 2010
- Change lang package Requires to Recommends since it is not
mandatory at runtime.

Thu May 27 14:00:00 2010
- Add libimobiledevice-devel BuildRequires for iPod touch / iPhone
support. This is fate#308282.

Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7.93 changed 80-libgpod.rules to 90-libgpod.rules
+ various bug fixes in HAL/udev iPhone callout which would make it
fail to dump SysInfoExtended more often than not.
+ fix iPod Classic 80GB support (Joeny Ang).
+ handle TV Shows, Movies and Music Videos on iPhone better
(Joel Smith)
+ fix python bindings for the iPhone (Adrian Sampson).
+ fix OnTheGo playlist parsing (the 1st on-the-go playlist was
always ignored).
+ automatically call itdb_shuffle_write when itdb_write is
called if needed.
+ some gint32/guint32 changes were made in the public API,
+ lower udev rule priority so that it runs after the usbmux
udev rule.

Sat Mar 27 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7.92:
+ make the temporary mountpoint used by the HAL/udev callouts
configurable at compile time. This is helpful for distros who
use SELinux to restrict what the callouts can do.
+ tag .mov files as video files
+ add itdb_start_sync and itdb_stop_sync functions to show/hide
the \"Sync in progress\" screen on iPhones and iPod Touch (this
is a no-op on other devices)
+ set udisks-compliant names for icons in the udev callout
instead of using the old devicekit-disks names
+ prefix libgpod udev rule with a number (80-) since it\'s the
usual way of naming rules
- Changes from version 0.7.91:
+ add udev callout, to replace the HAL one
+ fix playback order when sorting by composer
+ fix handling of nano5g with the latest firmware
+ various bug fixes
- Changes from version 0.7.90:
+ iPhoneOS 3.x support (iPhone and iPod Touch), thanks to the
libimobiledevice stack
+ iPod Nano 5G support
+ iPod Classic 3G support
+ fix iPod Nano 4G 4GB serial number (bgo#599772)
+ properly read timezone information from iPod Classic and Nano 4G
+ artwork writing bug fixes
+ iTunesDB reading bug fixes
+ add code sample showing how to copy a file to the iPod
+ export podsleuth-like information to HAL
- Remove perl-XML-Parser, python-eyeD3 BuildRequires.
- Add glib2-devel, libplist-devel, libusb-devel, sqlite3-devel
- Only build hal support on 11.2 and earlier, and use udev support
instead on 11.3 and later.
- Rename libgpod-python to python-gpod, and add appropriate
- Add py_requires to python-gpod.
- Clean up packaging.

Mon Jul 27 14:00:00 2009
- do not exclude files not in other subpackages

Sat Jul 25 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 0.7.2

* fix crash when generating the album list when a track has a NULL album

* prevent iTunes from thinking that the database on the iPhone is corrupt

* fix nano3g/ipod classic artwork information

* test if an iPod supports podcasts or not

* test if an iPod support chapter images or not

* add ipod time sync support using information from the rockbox project.
It\'s still preliminary

* Update translations

* bug fixes and code cleanup all over the place

Thu Jul 23 14:00:00 2009
- Using variable for %{_libexecdir} to ensure the LSB standards

Sun Jul 12 14:00:00 2009
- Changed the configure option to ensure that all files are placed
in the correct directories conform lsb standards

Wed Jun 3 14:00:00 2009
- Add gtk2-devel as a requirement for libgpod-devel. This is needed
to satisfy a pkg-config dependency on gdk-pixbuf-2.0

Mon May 25 14:00:00 2009
- use %name-lang - otherwise the shared library policy is not