Changelog for mate-applet-dock-0.77-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 0.77:

* Applications can be added to the dock by dragging them off
menu applets (Main Menu, Menu Bar, Advanced Menu, Brisk Menu)
and onto the applet (Gtk3 only).

* If data is dragged from an app onto another running app\'s icon
the new app will be made active, allowing the dragged data to
dropped onto it (Gtk3 only).

* Add keyboard shortcuts to select and acticate applications in
the dock:
+ 1-0 for the first 10 apps in the dock
+ 1-0 for apps 10-20 in the dock
For the 5th application, it would be necessary to hold down
the Super key (i.e. the Windows key) and press 5. For the 12th
application, it would be necessary to hold bown both the Super
key and the Alt key and press 2.
The effect of these shortcuts is as follows:
+ If the application is not running, it will be started.
+ If the application is running and only has a single window
open, the window will cycled between minimised and activated
+ If the application is running and has multiple windows open,
each keypress will activate and display each window in turn.

* Update the About window to provide details of the new
drag and drop and keyboard shortcuut features.

* Fix a bug which prevented window and action lists from

Tue Mar 14 13:00:00 2017
- Switch to Gtk3.

Thu Jan 26 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 0.76:

* Add support for startup notification when launching

* Add a new indicator type - a single solid bar. On Gtk3 this
uses the active theme\'s highlight colour.

* Add new types of indicators and active icon backgrounds.

* Add new preferences options to allow the select the type of
indicator and active icon background, along with with a live

* Add a new preference item allowing the user to select a colour
to use when drawing bar indicators.

* About dialogue is reworked to hopefully be less ugly...

Thu Jan 19 13:00:00 2017
- Update to version 0.75:

* Fix a bug that caused window lists to sometimes span monitors
on multi monitor systems.

* Add Compiz support: the dock can now display window previews
(via the Scale and D-Bus plugins) when switching between
application windows rather than using the built in window list.

* Mouse clicks on an application\'s dock icon now work differently:
+ If the application is not running, or if the Shift key is
pressed while clicking, the application will be started / a
new instance will be started.
+ If the application has only one window open, the window will
be activated.
+ If the application has multiple windows open, the window list
will be shown or the Compiz scale plugin will be activated,
as appropriate.

* The configuration option to restore all of application\'s
windows or only the previously active one on a mouse click has
been removed, and replace with a new one which allows the user
to select between using the built in window list, or Compiz
window previews.

* The window list no longer contains application actions,
e.g. Pin/Unpin, or e.g. \'New Document\' for LibreOffice Writer).

* Application actions now appear in a separate popup window in
the same way that the window list used to, by hovering the
mouse over the dock icon. The actions are also available by
right clicking on the application icon and selecting them from
the panel popup menu.

* A new configuration option has been added to prevent the popup
windows appearing in case users want to select actions from the
right click menu only.

* GTK+3 only: the colour of window lists and action popups now
match the panel which contains the applet, whether the panel is
set to use a colour from the current theme or a custom colour.

Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.74:

* Correct position of window lists on non-expanded panels.

* Fix for window list flickering on bottom aligned panels on MATE
built with Gtk3.

* Increase the delay before window lists are shown when the mouse
hovers over an application icon. It was 0.5 seconds, and is now
1 second.

* Shortened pin/unpin window list text. It now says
\'Pin \' rather than
\'Pin to the dock\', and the Unpin text is
similarly shortened.

* Fix a bug that would cause Pin/Unpin actions to act upon
previously highlighted application icons, rather than the one
that is currently highlighted.

* When starting to drag an application icon, the window list is
now hidden.

* The applet can now display progress bars and counts on
application icons for applications which support this e.g. the
Ubuntu software updater.

* Fix for improved matching of binary packaged applications on

Fri Jul 22 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.73 (changes since 0.71):

* The applet now works on and can be built for both Gtk2 and Gtk3
versions of MATE.

* Gtk3: Reimplement drag and drop rearranging of dock icons.

* Rework window list which appears when the mouse hovers over a
dock icon.

Wed May 4 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.71:

* More improvements to matching applications with their .desktop

* Application icons can now be sourced from the \'hicolor\'

* The window list now displays the title of the active window in
bold and italicised text.

* Remove the options to display pinned applications from all or
only the current workspace as these were based on a
misunderstanding of a feature request. They have been replaced
with a new option to only show indicators and window list
items for windows which are on the current workspace and this
provides the requested functionality.

* Add a \'Hints and Tips\' window accessible from the About dialog
as a place to list useful keyboard shortcuts etc.
- Add missing python3-gobject-cairo, python3-gobject-Gdk

Sat Apr 9 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.70 (changes since 0.67):

* Fix for lp#1550392.

* Add code to allow new instances of applications to be started
by middle clicking their dock icons (lp#1554128).

* Fix a bug that would prevent applications from launching if
they were in a directory structure which contained a space
character e.g. ~/foo bar/.

* Fix a bug which associated newly opened windows with incorrect
applications and which occurred when the wm_class_name of the
window was not set (lp#1555324).

* Settings from previous instances of the applet are now imported
silently (previously the user was presented with a dialog
asking the user if they wanted to import the settings). The
change is to prevent problems when switching to the Mutiny
desktop layout via MATE Tweak.

* When saving custom launchers the ~/.local/share/applications
directory will be created if it doesn\'t already exist.

Thu Feb 11 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.67:

* Panel colour changing now occurs smoothly over 0.5s rather
than abruptly.

* Big cleanup of git repository.

Mon Jan 11 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 0.66:

* Improve matching applications with their .desktop files, in
particular Opera and Chrome.

* Dock icons now pulse when a new window is opened for a running

* Minimise targets are now recalculated when the applet is moved
or changes panel, so that windows always minimise to the
correct place on the dock.

* Add option to change MATE panel colour according to the
current desktop wallpaper (note: this works for images only,
not slideshows, gradients, or solid colour backgrounds). The
colour can be applied to all panels or just the panel
containing the dock. The applet now depends on the
Python Imaging Library and SciPy packages because of this

* Add new preferences to options to both activate panel colour
changing and to limit it to the dock panel panel only.

* Add option to not display indicators under running applications.

* Add option to not display in the dock running pinned
applications which are not on the current workspace.

* Using the mouse wheel on a dock icon to scroll through the
application\'s windows will now change workspace if the new
window is not on the current workspace.

* Selecting an application\'s window from the pop-up window list
will now change workspace if the window is not on the current

* Preferences dialog reworked because of new options added in
this version.
- Add missing python3-gobject and python3-cairo dependencies.

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.65:

* Dock icons now blink when an application needs attention.

* Change to window activation code for applet to work with
MATE 1.12.

Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.64:

* Fix a bug that would sometimes prevent a window from being
focused when a dock icon was clicked.

* Many changes to improve detection of .desktop files from
running applications and linking to dock icons.

* Right click options (e.g. \'Open new Window\' and Open new
incognito window with Chromium) are now read from .desktop
files and appear on the dock icon right click menu.

* Custom launchers now set the Type field of the .desktop files
they create to \'Application\' and also set the NoDisplay field
to \'true\' so that the launcher is not displayed in the MATE menu.

* Customer launchers now write .desktop files that do not contain
spaces in the filename, as per the GNOME developer docs.

* Application icons can now be sourced from ~/.local/share/icons/.

Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.63:

* Remove the tooltip that appears when the mouse hovers over a
docked app and replace it with a list of the app\'s open windows.
For each window, the list displays the app icon, an indicator
showing which window is currently active, the window title, and
a close icon.

* Clicking the close icon closes the window, clicking anywhere
else makes the window active.

* Remove the list of app windows from the applet right click menu
as they are no longer required.

* Change the way the applet works when a running app\'s dock icon
is clicked. This no longer minimizes/maximises all windows, but
simply activates the app\'s last active window.

* Using the mouse scroll wheel over a running app\'s dock icon now
scrolls through each of the app\'s open windows, unminimizing
them and activating them as necessary .desktop files located in
the user\'s home directory now take precedence over those
located elsewhere in the filesystem. This allows users to create
their own .desktop files (e.g. to customize an app\'s icon) and
have them recognized by the applet.

* Change factory service file to explicitly invoke applet with
python 3.

* The applet now saves its settings in
~/.config/mate_dock_applet.conf as well as in dconf. On first
being added to a panel, the applet checks to see if this file
exists and if it does it offers to use this configuration. This
allows e.g. an easy way to restore the applet after an
accidental deletion from the panel, and also a way to move
applet configurations from one computer to another.

Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2015
- license update: GPL-2.0+
No GPL-3.0 instances found

Tue Jun 16 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 0.62:

* Fix app icon drawing on non-composited displays.

* For apps which the applet does not recognise (their names or
icons are incorrect) add a new right click menu option on the
dock to create a custom launcher for the app. This displays a
dialog (like the one for the MATE panel) allowing the app\'s
command line, name, and icon to be specified. For user
convenience, the applet will automatically fill in as many of
these details as it can. Once the new launcher has been created,
the application needs to be closed and reopened for it to be
recognised by the dock. Typically, this option will only be
needed for applications which have not been installed into the
usual locations within the Linux filesystem.

* When an applications windows are minimised by clicking on the
applications dock icon and then maximised by clicking it again,
the application window that was previously active is made
active again.

Thu May 28 14:00:00 2015
- Initial package.