Changelog for
ruby-atk-3.0.8-1.21.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Apr 17 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 3.0.8.
* Droped Ruby 2.0.0 support.
- For more changes read the NEWS file.
Sun Oct 18 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.0.7.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that `xxx_yyy` enum name isn\'t accepted.
+ Fixed a bug that internal Ruby API is used.
Sun Oct 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.0.6.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Supported (({GLib.format_size})) on 32bit.
+ Supported (({GLib.format_size_for_display})) on 32bit.
+ Added (({GLib::Version.or_later?})).
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Added (({GObjectIntrospection::Version.or_later?})).
+ Supported (({GSList})) for filename.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Gio::Version.or_later?})).
+ Made (({Gio::APplicationCommandLine#attributes})) Rubyish.
* Ruby/Pango
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Pango::Version.or_later?})).
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Gtk::Version.or_later?})).
- Changes in 3.0.5.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that (({g_object_ref_sink()})) isn\'t called for
instance of (({type_register}))ed class.
- Changes in 3.0.4.
* Ruby/ATK
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Atk::Version.or_later?}))
* Ruby/GdkPixbuf2
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Gdk::Pixbuf::Version.or_later?})).
- Changes in 3.0.3.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported
+ Supported
- Changes in 3.0.2.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported void pointer.
+ Added
- Changes in 3.0.0.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Added new APIs:
- (({rbg_rval2glist}))
- (({rbg_rval2gslist}))
- (({rbg_name_to_nick}))
- (({rbgobj_class_init_func}))
- (({rbgobj_register_type}))
+ Changed (({RVAL2CSTR})) to return (({NULL})) terminated
string. If you want to get raw string that may not be
terminated by (({NULL})), use (({RVAL2CSTR_PTR})).
+ Supported (({Symbol})) as flag value.
+ Added (({windows_platform?})).
+ Supported (({})) without value.
+ Supported array of flag value as (({}))
+ Supported name, nick and (({GLib::Enum})) as
(({})) input.
+ Migrated to Markdown for README markup.
+ Supported (({GVariantType})).
+ Supported (({GVariant})).
+ Supported (({GBinding})).
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that (({GLib.format_size})) doesn\'t work 32bit
over integer value.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported non GObject struct as return value.
+ Supported (({list_XXX})) method name.
+ Supported freeing (({GList
+ Supported array of struct as input argument.
+ Supported auto native package install on CentOS 7.
+ Supported (({can_XXX?})) predicate.
+ Supported the number of array as input argument.
+ Supported array of (({GValue})) as input argument.
+ Supported array as return value.
+ Supported (({GClosure})) as input argument.
+ Supported (({GSList*>})) as input argument.
+ Supported (({GSList*>})) as output argument.
+ Supported union as input argument.
+ Supported array of (({guint8})) as input argument.
+ Supported array of (({gint32})) as input argument.
+ Supported class methods defined in (({XXXClass})).
+ Supported (({GList*>})) as output argument.
+ Supported (({GList*>})) as return value.
+ Supported (({GVariant})) as return value.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that (({GList*>})) return type method
always returns nil.
+ Fixed a bug that not predicate is treated as predicate.
+ Fixed a bug that (({self})) is different.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Supported (({GAsyncReadyCallback})).
+ Added (({ActionMap#add_actions})).
* Ruby/Pango
- Improvements:
+ Added (({Pango::Language#sample_string})).
Sun Oct 4 14:00:00 2015
- Fix build errors on 13.2 and Tumbleweed. Change BuildRequires:
rubygem(cairo), rubygem(pkg-config) -> %{rubygem cairo},
%{rubygem pkg-config}.
Sun Apr 26 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 2.2.5.
* It is a GLib 2.44 support release.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Supported GLib 2.44.
Fri Jan 2 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 2.2.4.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Stopped to call g_thread_init() for GLib 2.32.0 or later
because g_thread_init() is called automatically.
+ Added GLib.format_size.
+ Added GLib::Source#name.
+ Added GLib::Source#name=.
+ Added GLib::Source#ready_time.
+ Added GLib::Source#ready_time=.
+ Added GLib::Source#destroy.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that wrong converter is used on bigendian
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Added Gio::DBus.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that Gio::ContentType#executable? isn\'t defined
by correct name.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Gtk::AboutDialog#show: Supported license_type option.
- Fixes:
+ Gtk::AboutDialog#show: Fixed a bug that wrap_license option
doesn\'t work.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported prefix removing from method name.
+ Supported GList of UTF-8.
+ Added documentation.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that out only argument is required.
Sun Oct 26 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 2.2.3.
* It is a bug fix release.
* All
- Improvements:
+ Supported auto native package install on SuSE.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed infinite loop bug on Ruby 2.1 or later.
Mon Oct 20 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 2.2.1.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Added GObject#unref to free large object immediately.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that signal handler doesn\'t work on Ruby 2.1.
+ Fixed free function (free -> xfree).
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported instantiating union.
+ Accepted 5 or more the number of signals. It may be
increased for later GIO version.
+ Added \"?\" to boolean field value reader.
+ Supported mapping function info to method.
+ Don\'t handle MethodInfo as FunctionInfo.
+ Accepted not GType struct as an input argument.
+ Accepted getting a field value from not GType but GType
descendant sruct.
+ Added Loader.register_constant_rename_map.
+ Supported in GType array.
+ Don\'t require needless array length argument.
+ Supported finding suitable method that has optional
- Fixes:
+ Fixed wrong argument index for Ruby objects.
+ Fixed a bug that ArgInfo isn\'t passed.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Supported GLib 2.42.0. Annotation for GObject Introspection
is added to g_pollable_input_stream_read_nonblocking() since
GLib 2.42.0.
+ Supported GLib <= 2.36.0.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that .pc isn\'t installed.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Fixed wrong property value on ppc64 and s390x.
Sun Mar 9 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 2.2.0.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Stopped to use deprecated API internally in
+ Reduced locking on object creation.
+ Exported rbg_inspect().
+ Created code level error.
+ Raised code level error instead of domain level error.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that wrong error code may be used.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Suppressed warnings on startup.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that Gdk::EventAny related methods aren\'t used
by other Gdk::Event classes.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Migrated to Ruby/GObjectIntrospection based bindings.
+ Supported Gio::ContentType.guess.
+ Added Gio::Resources.lookup_data.
+ Added Gio::Resources.open_stream.
+ Added Gio::Resources.enumerate_children.
+ Added Gio::Resources.get_info.
+ Added Gio::Resources.register.
+ Added Gio::Resources.unregister.
- Changes:
+ Removed Gio::Socket#create_source. Use
Gio::InputStream#create_source or
Gio::OutputStream#create_source instead.
+ Removed Gio::InetAddress.new_from_string. Use instead.
+ Removed Gio::InetAddress.new_any. Use Gio::InetAddress.any
+ Removed Gio::InetAddress.new_l. Use Gio::InetAddress.any
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug that Gio::ContentType module functions raises
\"no implicit conversion\" error.
* Ruby/Pango
- Improvements:
+ Re-supported build on CentOS 5.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Suppressed warnings on armv7hl.
+ Supported freeing interface.
+ Supported freeing struct.
+ Supported String as void
* value for value.
+ Supported freeing array of int8.
+ Supported freeing array of uint8.
+ Supported defining errors.
+ Improved guessing target method for overloaded method.
+ Supported array length.
+ Supported inout array.
+ Converted GBytes to String instead of wrapped GBytes.
+ Supported all exception types rather than GLib::Error.
- Changes:
+ Changed returned value of inout array to an array from an
array and array length.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed test failures on i686 environment.
Sun Feb 23 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 2.1.0.
* All
- Improvements:
+ Removed Ruby 1.8 from supported Ruby in READMEs.
+ Supported Ruby 2.1.0.
+ Made rcairo optional to required because we dropped old
GTK+ that doesn\'t use cairo. Cairo isn\'t used library such
as GLib doesn\'t require rcairo.
+ Updated LGPL 2.1 files.
+ Supported tests on Travis CI.
+ Supported rake-compiler 0.9.1.
+ Set license information to gem.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Set UTF-8 encoding to exception message.
+ Added GLib::GetText.bindtextdomain.
+ Dropped GLib < 2.12 because CentOS 5 has GLib 2.12.3.
+ Added GValue#to_s.
* Ruby/GObjectIntrospection
- Improvements:
+ Supported GList return type.
+ Supported freeing UTF-8 return type.
+ Supported freeing array return type.
+ Supported NULL as array return value.
+ Supported freeing GObject return value.
+ Supported freeing structure return value.
+ Supported NULL character for gint8 array.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed type conversion from VALUE to GType.
* Ruby/ATK
- Improvements:
+ Dropped ATK < 1.12 support because CentOS 5 has GTK+
* Ruby/Pango
- Improvements:
+ Supported cairo 1.6.
+ Dropped Pango < 1.14 support because CentOS 5 has GTK+
+ Added Pango::Layout#height=.
+ Added Pango::Layout#ellipsized.
* Ruby/GdkPixbuf2
- Improvements:
+ Dropped GTK+ < 2.10 support because CentOS 5 has GTK+
Fri May 17 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 2.0.0.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Moved lib/gnome2-
*.rb files to lib/gnome2/ directory.
+ Supported GLib 2.34.
* Ruby/GdkPixbuf2
- Fixes:
+ [ruby-gnoem2-devel-ja]
- Changes in 1.2.6.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Removed deprecated GLib::Completion.
+ Removed deprecated g_source_get_current_time() use.
- Changes in 1.2.5.
* All
- Fixes:
+ Fixed crash bugs.
- Changes in 1.2.4.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Reduce needless GBoxed object copy.
* Ruby/GdkPixbuf2
- Fixes:
+ Fix build error by a typo.
- Changes in 1.2.3.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Changes:
+ Remove needless signale handlers restore.
- Changes in 1.2.2.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Supported test on Ruby 2.0.0.
- Build ruby-gobject-introspection package for openSUSE >= 12.1.
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gobject-introspection-1.0).
- Add COPYING.LIB files to the packages.
Sun Mar 3 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.2.1.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Supported custom sudo prompt on auto native package install.
+ Started to support JRuby (it is not completed yet).
+ Accepted unsigned long int size GType.
+ Removed DL support.
+ Don\'t call deprecated g_type_init() for GLib >= 2.35.1.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a memory leak related Gtk::TreeIter.
- Changes in 1.2.0.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Supported custom VALUE <-> GBoxed conversion.
+ Supported VALUE <-> GBoxed conversion by RVAL2GOBJ.
+ Added GLib::Source::REMOVE.
+ Added GLib::Source::CONTINUE.
+ Added rbgobj_make_boxed_raw().
+ Added GLib::Value? for internal use.
- Changes:
+ Removed deprecated
+ Removed deprecated
+ Added user_data to RGConvertTable callbacks.
+ rbgobj_convert_define() copies passed RGConvertTable.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Installed headers.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Removed needless not copy flag from Allocation.
- Changes in 1.1.9.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
G_DEF_CLASS4 is still usable but it is deprecated.
- Changes in 1.1.6.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ Improved portability a bit. \'$,\' is used instead of
* Ruby/GIO2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a crash bug on i386.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Added Gtk::TreeModel#iter_root.
+ Added Gtk::TreeModel#iter_next.
* Ruby/GdkPixbuf2
- Fixes:
+ Fixed build errors with old gdk-pixbuf.
- Changes in 1.1.5.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Added Gio::TlsCertificate.
+ Added Gio::TlsCertificateFlags.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Added Gtk.show_uri.
- Fixes:
+ Gtk::TreeStore#reorder: Fixed wrong the number of reorder
values check.
- Build requires rubygem(cairo-devel) for openSUSE > 12.2.
Mon Aug 20 14:00:00 2012
- Build requires rubygem(pkg-config) for openSUSE > 12.2.
Thu Aug 16 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.1.4.
* All
- Improvements:
+ Supported automatic required native packages install.
* Ruby/GLib2
- Improvements:
+ mkenums: Supported \"/
* < flags >
*/\" tag.
+ mkenums: Supported two or more upper case characters such
as \"IO\".
* Before: GIOStatus -> g_iostatus
* After: GIOStatus -> g_io_status
* GIOCondition: Changed to GLib::Boxed object from integer.
* GLib::Source#attach doesn\'t require context.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed wrong type conversion for GIOCondition.
* Ruby/GIO2
- Improvements:
+ Gio::Socket#create_source: Supported callback.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed return values.
+ Fixed wrong type conversions.
* Ruby/GTK2
- Improvements:
+ Re-supported GTK+ 2.10.0.
- Fixes:
+ Fixed a typo in test script.
Fri May 25 14:00:00 2012
- Fix ruby macros.
Tue May 1 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.1.3.
* Bug fix release of 1.1.2 (see NEWS file).
- Dropped \"glib\" patch (fixed upstream).
Sat Mar 24 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.1.2.
* Bug fix release of 1.1.1 (see NEWS file).
- Changes in 1.1.1.
* Bug fix release of 1.1.0 (see NEWS file).
- Patch to fix build with GLib 2.31.
Sun Jan 8 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 1.1.0.
* A lot of changes (see NEWS file).
- Build new package ruby-gio2.
- Build requires ruby(pkg-config).
Fri Oct 14 14:00:00 2011
- Fix dependencies (ruby-pango and ruby-gdkpixbuf2 require
- Remove obsolete \"clean\" section.
- Correct License tag.
Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- Initial package created - 0.19.4.