Changelog for ruby2.2-rubygem-capybara-doc-2.5.0-3.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 2.5.0
see installed
[#] Version 2.5.0
Release date: 2015-08-25
[#]## Fixed

* Error message now raised correctly when invalid options passed to \'have_text\'/\'have_content\' [Tom Walpole]

* Rack-test driver correctly gets document title when elements on the page have nested title elements (SVG) [Tom Walpole]

* \'save_page\' no longer errors when using Capybara.asset_host if the page has no \\ element [Travis Grathwell]

* rack-test driver will ignore clicks on links with href starting with \'#\' or \'javascript:\'
[#]## Added

* has_current_path? and associated asserts/matchers added [Tom Walpole]

* Implement Node#path in selenium driver [Soutaro Matsumoto]

* \'using_session\' is now nestable [Tom Walpole]

* \'switch_to_window\' will now use waiting behavior for a matching window to appear [Tom Walpole]

* Capybara.default_wait_time deprecated in favor of Capybara.default_max_wait_time to more clearly explain its purpose [Paul Pettengill]

* Warning when attempting to select a disabled option

* Capybara matchers are now available in RSpec view specs by default [Joshua Clayton]

* \'have_link\' and \'click_link\' now accept Regexp for href matching [Yaniv Savir]

* \'find_all\' as an alias of \'all\' due to collision with RSpec

* Capybara.wait_on_first_by_default setting (default is false)
If set to true \'first\' will use Capybaras waiting behavior to wait for at least one element to appear by default

* Capybara waiting behavior uses the monotonic clock if supported to ease restrictions on freezing time in tests [Dmitry Maksyoma, Tom Walpole]

* Capybara.server_errors setting that allows to configure what type of errors will be raised from the server thread [Tom Walpole]

* Node#send_keys to allow for sending keypresses directly to elements [Tom Walpole]

* \'formmethod\' attribute support in RackTest driver [Emilia Andrzejewska]

* Clear field using backspaces in Selenium driver by using `:fill_options => { :clear => :backspace }` [Joe Lencioni]

Tue Oct 14 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.4.4

* Test for visit behavior updated [Phil Baker]

* Removed concurrency prevention in favor of a note in the README - due to load order issues
[#] Version 2.4.3
Relase date: 2014-09-21

* Update concurrency prevention to match Rails 4.2 behavior
[#] Version 2.4.2
Release date: 2014-09-20
[#]## Fixed

* Prevent concurrency issue when testing Rails app with default test environment [Thomas Walpole]

* Tags for windows API tests fixed [Dmitry Vorotilin]

* Documentation Fixes [Andrey Botalov]

* Always convert visit url to string, fixes issue with visit when always_include_port was enabled [Jake Goulding]

* Check correct rspec version before including ::RSpec::Matchers::Composable in Capybara RSpec matchers [Thomas Walpole, Justin Ko]

Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging

Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.4.1
[#]## Added

* \'assert_text\', \'assert_no_text\', \'assert_title\', \'assert_no_title\' methods added [Andrey Botalov]

* have_title matcher now supports :wait option [Andrey Botalov]

* More descriptive have_text error messages [Andrey Botalov]

* New modal API (\'accept_alert\', \'accept_confirm\', \'dismiss_confirm\', \'accept_prompt\', \'dismiss_prompt\') - [Mike Pack, Thomas Walpole]

* Warning when attempting to set contents of a readonly element

* Suport for and/or compounding of Capybara\'s RSpec matchers for RSpec 3 [Thomas Walpole]

* :fill_options option for \'fill_in\' method that propagates to \'set\' to allow for driver specific modification of how fields are filled in [Gabriel Sobrinho, Thomas Walpole]

* Improved selector/filter description in failure messages [Thomas Walpole]
[#]## Fixed

* HaveText error message now shows the text checked all the time

* RackTest driver no longer attempts to follow an anchor tag without an href attribute

* Warnings under RSpec 3

* Handle URI schemes like about: correctly [Andrey Botalov]

* RSpecs expose_dsl_globally option is now followed [Myron Marston, Thomas Walpole]
[#] Version 2.3.0
Release date: 2014-06-02
[#]## Added

* New window management API [Andrey Botalov]

* Speed improvement for visible text detection in RackTest [Thomas Walpole]
Thanks to Phillipe Creux for instigating this

* RSpec 3 compatability

* \'save_and_open_screenshot\' functionality [Greg Lazarev]

* Server errors raised on visit and synchronize [Jonas Nicklas]
[#]## Fixed

* CSSHandlers now derives from BasicObject so globally included functions (concat, etc) shouldn\'t cause issues [Thomas Walpole]

* touched reset after session is reset [lesliepc16]
[#] Version 2.2.1
Release date: 2014-01-06
[#]## Fixed

* Reverted a change in 2.2.0 which navigates to an empty file on `reset`.
Capybara, now visits `about:blank` like it did before. [Jonas Nicklas]

Mon Jan 20 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.2.1
This is a bug fix release which reverts a change in 2.2.0 whereby
resetting the page navigated to an empty file under Selenium

Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.2.0
[#]## Added

* Add `go_back` and `go_forward` methods. [Vasiliy Ermolovich]

* Support RSpec 3 [Thomas Holmes]

* `has_button?`, `has_checked_field?` and `has_unchecked_field?` accept
options, like other matchers. [Carol Nichols]

* The `assert_selector` and `has_text?` methods now support the `:wait` option
[Vasiliy Ermolovich]

* RackTest\'s visible? method now checks for the HTML5 `hidden` attribute.

* Results from `#all` now delegate the `sample` method. [Phil Lee]

* The `set` method now works for contenteditable attributes under Selenium.
[Jon Rowe]

* radio buttons and check boxes can be filtered by option value, useful when
selecting by name [Jonas Nicklas]

* feature blocks can be nested within other feature blocks in RSpec tests
[Travis Gaff]
[#]## Fixed

* Fixed race conditions causing stale element errors when filtering by text.
[Jonas Nicklas]

* Resetting the page is now synchronous and navigates to an empty HTML file,
instead of `about:blank`, fixing hanging issues in JRuby. [Jonas Nicklas]

* Fixed cookies not being set when path is blank under RackTest [Thomas Walpole]

* Clearing fields now correctly causes change events [Jonas Nicklas]

* Navigating to an absolut URI without trailing slash now works as expected
under RackTest [Jonas Nicklas]

* Checkboxes without assigned value default to `on` under RackTest [Nigel Sheridan-Smith]

* Clicks on buttons with no form associated with them are ignored in RackTest
instead of raising an obscure exception. [Thomas Walpole]

* execute_script is now a session method [Andrey Botalov]

* Nesting `within_window` and `within_frame` inside `within` resets the scope
so that they behave like a user would expect [Thomas Walpole]

* Improve handling of newlines in textareas [Thomas Walpole]

* `Capybara::Result` delegates its inspect method, so as not to confuse users
[Sam Rawlins]

* save_page always returns a full path, fixes problems with Launchy [Jonas Nicklas]

* Selenium driver\'s `quit` method does nothing when browser hasn\'t been loaded

* Capybara\'s WEBRick server now propertly respects the server_host option
[Dmitry Vorotilin]

* gemspec now includes license information [Jonas Nicklas]

Fri Apr 12 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.1.0
[#]## Changed

* Hard version requirement on Ruby >= 1.9.3. Capybara will no longer install
on 1.8.7. [Felix Schäfer]

* Capybara no longer depends on the `selenium-webdriver` gem. Add it to
your Gemfile if you wish to use the Selenium driver. [Jonas Nicklas]

* `Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements` defaults to `true`. [Jonas Nicklas]

* In case of multiple matches `smart` matching is used by default. Set
`Capybara.match = :one` to revert to old behaviour. [Jonas Nicklas].

* Options in select boxes use smart matching and no longer need to match
exactly. Set `Capybara.exact_options = false` to revert to old behaviour.
[Jonas Nicklas].

* Visibility of text depends on `Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements` instead of
always returning only visible text. Set `Capybara.visible_text_only = true`
to revert to old behaviour. [Jonas Nicklas]

* Cucumber cleans up session after scenario instead. This is consistent with
RSpec and makes more sense, since we raise server errors in `reset!`.
[Jonas Nicklas]
[#]## Added

* All actions (`click_link`, `fill_in`, etc...) and finders now take an options
hash, which is passed through to `find`. [Jonas Nicklas]

* CSS selectors are sent straight through to driver instead of being converted
to XPath first. Enables the use of some pseudo selectors, such as `invalid`
in some drivers. [Thomas Walpole]

* `Capybara.asset_host` option, which inserts a `base` tag into the page on
`save_and_open_page`, eases debugging with the Rails asset pipeline.
[Steve Hull]

* `exact` option, can specify whether to match substrings or entire text.
[Jonas Nicklas]

* `match` option, can specify behaviour in case of multiple matches.
[Jonas Nicklas]

* `wait` option, can specify how long to wait for a given action/finder.
[Jonas Nicklas]

* Config option which disables bubbling of errors raised inside server.
[Jonas Nicklas]

* `text` now takes a parameter which makes it possible to return either all
text or only visible text. The default depends on
`Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements`. `Capybara.visible_text_only` option is
available for compatibility. [Jonas Nicklas]

* `has_content?` and `has_text?` now take the same count options as `has_selector?`
[Andrey Botalov]

* `current_scope` is now public API, returns the current element when `within`
is used. [Martijn Walraven]

* `find(\"input\").disabled?` returns true if a node is disabled. [Ben Lovell]

* Find disabled fields and buttons with `:disabled => false`. [Jonas Nicklas]

* `find(\"input\").hover` moves the mouse to the element in supported drivers.
[Thomas Walpole]

* RackTest driver now support `form` attribute on form elements.
[Thomas Walpole]

* `page.title` returns the page title. [Terry Progetto]

* `has_title?` matcher to assert on page title. [Jonas Nicklas]

* The gem is now signed with a certicficate. The public key is available in the
repo. [Jonas Nicklas]

* `:select` and `:textarea` are valid options for the `:type` filter on `find_field`
and `has_field?`. [Yann Plancqueel]
[#]## Fixed

* Fixed race conditions when synchronizing across multiple nodes [Jonas Nicklas]

Wed Jan 2 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.0.2
[#]## Changed

* Capybara no longer uses thin as a server if it is available, due to thread
safety issues. Now Capybara always defaults to WEBrick. [Jonas Nicklas]
[#]## Fixed

* Suppress several warnings [Kouhei Sutou]

* Fix default host becoming nil [Brian Cardarella]

* Fix regression in 2.0.1 which caused node comparisons with non node objects
to throw an exception [Kouhei Sotou]

* A few changes to the specs, only relevant to driver authors [Jonas Nicklas]

* Encoding error under JRuby [Piotr Krawiec]

* Ruby 2 encoding fix [Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi]

* Catch correct exception on server timeout [Jonathan del Strother]

Mon Nov 26 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.0.1
[#]## Changed

* Move the RackTest driver override with the `:respect_data_method` option
enabled from capybara/rspec to capybara/rails, so that it is enabled in
Rails projects that don\'t use RSpec. [Carlos Antonio da Silva]

* Source is now an alias for `body`. RackTest no longer returns modifications
to `body`. This basically codifies the behaviour which we\'ve had for a while
anyway, and should have minimal impact for end users. It is important to
driver authors though. [Jonas Nicklas]
[#]## Fixed

* Visiting relative URLs when `app_host` is set and no server is running works
as expected. [Jonas Nicklas]

* `fill_in` works properly under Selenium again when the caret is not at the
end of the field before the method is called. [Douwe Maan, Jonas Nicklas, Jari

* `attach_file` can once again be given a Pathname [Jake Goulding]

Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.0.0, see

Wed Oct 31 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.1.3

Thu Jan 5 13:00:00 2012
- update to 1.1.2

* Fix: Make attach_file work with selenium-webdriver >=2.12
- move part of summary to description as it was too long
- rubygem-selenium-webdriver-2 is provided by rubygem-selenium-webdriver

Fri Sep 9 14:00:00 2011
- update to 1.1.0
- Fixed

* Sensible inspect for Capybara::Session

* Fix headers and host on redirect

* using_driver now restores the old driver instead of
reverting to the default

* Errors when following links relative to the root path under

* Make sure exit codes are propagated properly
- Changed

* resynchronization is off by default under Selenium
- Added

* Elements are automatically reloaded (including parents)
during wait

* Rescue driver specific element errors, such as the dreaded
ObsoleteElementError and retry

* Raise an error if something has frozen time

* Allow within to take a node instead of a selector

* Using wait_time_time to change wait time for a block of code

* Option for rack-test driver to disable data-method hack

Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- Resolve multiple choices conflict caused by json_pure.

Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- update to 1.0.1
- Fixed

* Dependend on selenium-webdriver ~>2.0 and fix deprecations [Thomas Walpole, Jo Liss]

* Depend on Launch 2.0 [Jeremy Hinegardner]

* Rack-Test ignores fill in on fields with maxlength=\"\"
- Version 1.0.0
- Added

* Added DSL for acceptance tests, inspired by Luismi Cavallé\'s Steak [Luismi Cavalle and Jonas Nicklas]

* Selenium driver automatically waits for AJAX requests to finish [mgiambalvo, Nicklas Ramhöj and Jonas Nicklas]

* Support for switching between multiple named sessions [Tristan Dunn]

* failure_message can be specified for Selectors [Jonas Nicklas]

* RSpec matchers [David Chelimsky and Jonas Nicklas]

* Added save_page to save tempfile without opening in browser [Jeff Kreeftmeijer]

* Cucumber now switches automatically to a registered driver if the tag matches the name [Jonas Nicklas]

* Added Session#text [Jonas Nicklas and Scott Cytacki]

* Added Session#html as an alias for Session#body [Jo Liss]

* Added Session#current_host method [Jonas Nicklas]

* Buttons can now be clicked by title [Javier Martin]

* :headers option for RackTest driver to set custom HTTP headers [Jonas Nicklas]
- Removed

* Culerity and Celerity drivers have been removed and split into separate gems [Gabriel Sobrinho]
- Deprecated

* `include Capybara` has been deprecated in favour of `include Capybara::DSL` [Jonas Nicklas]
- Changed

* Rack test driver class has been renamed from Capybara::Driver::RackTest to Capybara::RackTest::Driver [Jonas Nicklas]

* Selenium driver class has been renamed from Capybara::Driver::Selenium to Capybara::Selenium::Driver [Jonas Nicklas]

* Capybara now prefers visible elements over hidden elements, disable by setting Capybara.prefer_visible_elements = false [Jonas Nicklas and Nicklas Ramhöj]

* For RSpec, :type => :request is now supported (and preferred over :acceptance) [Jo Liss]

* Selenium driver tried to wait for AJAX requests to finish before proceeding [Jonas Nicklas and Nicklas Ramhöj]

* Session no longer uses method missing, uses explicit delegates instead [Jonas Nicklas]
- Fixed

* The Rack::Test driver now respects maxlength on text fields [Guilherme Carvalho]

* Allow for more than one save_and_open_page call per second [Jo Liss]

* Automatically convert options to :count, :minimum, :maximum, etc. to integers [Keith Marcum]

* Rack::Test driver honours maxlength on input fields [Guilherme Carvalho]

* Rack::Test now works as expected with domains and subdomains [Jonas Nicklas]

* Session is reset more thoroughly between tests. [Jonas Nicklas]

* Raise error when uploading non-existant file [Jonas Nicklas]

* Rack reponse body should respond to #each [Piotr Sarnacki]

* Deprecation warnings with selenium webdriver 0.2.0 [Aaron Gibraltar]

* Selenium Chrome no longer YELLS tagname [Carl Jackson & David W. Frank]

* Capybara no longer strips encoding before sending to Rack [Jonas Nicklas]

* Improve handling of relative URLs [John Barton]

* Readd and fix build_rack_mock_session [Jonas Nicklas, Jon Leighton]

Wed Mar 30 14:00:00 2011
- update to
- See
for changes since 0.3.9
- remove patch for issues#69 as browser can be registered
using register_driver now
- remove patch for radiobutton bug

Wed Oct 27 14:00:00 2010
- add capybara-0.3.9-radiobutton-fix.dif
add :with option to choose

Thu Aug 5 14:00:00 2010
- update to 0.3.9
- status_code which returns the HTTP status code of the last response
(no Selenium!)
- Capybara.save_and_open_page to store tempfiles
- RackTest and Culerity drivers now clean up after themselves properly
- When no rack app is set and the app is called, a more descriptive error
is raised
- select now works with optgroups
- Don\'t submit image buttons unless they were clicked under rack-test
- Support custom field types under Selenium
- Support input fields without a type, treat them as though they were text
- Redirect now throws an error after 5 redirects, as per RFC
- Selenium now properly raises an error when Node#trigger is called
- Node#value now returns the correct value for textareas under rack-test

Wed Jun 30 14:00:00 2010
- add fix for issue#69: Ability to access AATTdriver variable

Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 0.3.8
- Within_frame method to execute a block of code within a
particular iframe (Selenium only!)
- Single quotes are properly escaped with `select` under
rack-test and Selenium.
- The :text option for searches now escapes regexp special
characters when a string is given.
- Selenium now correctly checks already checked checkboxes (same
with uncheck)
- Timing issue which caused Selenium to hang under certain
- Selenium now resolves attributes even if they are given as a
- additional changes from version 0.3.7
- RackTest scans for data-method which rails3 uses to change the
request method
- Don\'t hang when starting server on Windoze
- The driver and session specs are now located inside lib! Driver
authors can simply require them.
- additional changes from version 0.3.6
- It\'s now possible to load in external drivers
- has_content? ignores whitespace
- Trigger events when choosing radios and checking checkboxes
under Selenium
- Make totally optional when running without server
- Changed fallback host so it matches the one set up by Rails\'
integration tests
- additional changes from version 0.3.5
This is a mostly backwards compatible release, it does break the
API in some minor places, which should hopefully not affect too
many users, please read the release notes carefully!
- Breaking
- Relative searching in a node (e.g. find(\'//p\').all(\'//a\'))
will now follow XPath standard this means that if you want to
find descendant nodes only, you\'ll need to prefix a dot!
- `visit` now accepts fully qualified URLs for drivers that
support it.
- Capybara will always try to run a rack server, unless you set
Capybara.run_sever = false
- thin is preferred over mongrel and webrick, since it is Ruby
1.9 compatible
- click_button and click will find ,
clicking them does nothing in RackTest
- Much improved error messages in a multitude of places
- More semantic page querying with has_link?, has_button?, etc...
- Option to ignore hidden elements when querying and interacting
with the page
- Support for multiple selects
- find_by_id is no longer broken
- clicking links where the image\'s alt attribute contains the
text is now possible
- within_fieldset and within_table work when the default selector
is CSS
- boolean attributes work the same across drivers (return

Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro

Sun Feb 14 13:00:00 2010
- initial package for 0.3.0