Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-expectations-3.5.0-38.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Jul 2 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 3.5.0
see installed
[#]## 3.5.0 / 2016-07-01
[Full Changelog](
*No user facing changes since beta4
[#]## 3.5.0.beta4 / 2016-06-05
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `include` matcher so that it provides a valid diff for hashes. (Yuji Nakayama, #916)
[#]## 3.5.0.beta3 / 2016-04-02
[Full Changelog](
* Make `rspec/expectations/minitest_integration` work on Minitest::Spec
5.6+. (Myron Marston, #904)
* Add an alias `having_attributes` for `have_attributes` matcher.
(Yuji Nakayama, #905)
* Improve `change` matcher error message when block is mis-used.
(Alex Altair, #908)
[#]## 3.5.0.beta2 / 2016-03-10
[Full Changelog](
* Add the ability to raise an error on encountering false positives via
`RSpec::Configuration#on_potential_false_positives = :raise`. (Jon Rowe, #900)
* When using the custom matcher DSL, support new
`notify_expectation_failures: true` option for the `match` method to
allow expectation failures to be raised as normal instead of being
converted into a `false` return value for `matches?`. (Jon Rowe, #892)
Bug Fixes:
* Allow `should` deprecation check to work on `BasicObject`s. (James Coleman, #898)
[#]## 3.5.0.beta1 / 2016-02-06
[Full Changelog](
* Make `match_when_negated` in custom matcher DSL support use of
expectations within the match logic. (Chris Arcand, #789)
Bug Fixes:
* Return `true` as expected from passing negated expectations
(such as `expect(\"foo\").not_to eq \"bar\"`), so they work
properly when used within a `match` or `match_when_negated`
block. (Chris Arcand, #789)
Fri Nov 13 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.4.0
see installed
[#]## 3.4.0 / 2015-11-11
[Full Changelog](
* Warn when `RSpec::Matchers` is included in a superclass after it has
already been included in a subclass on MRI 1.9, since that situation
can cause uses of `super` to trigger infinite recursion. (Myron Marston, #816)
* Stop rescuing `NoMemoryError`, `SignalExcepetion`, `Interrupt` and
`SystemExit`. It is dangerous to interfere with these. (Myron Marston, #845)
* Add `#with_captures` to the
[match matcher](
which allows a user to specify expected captures when matching a regex
against a string. (Sam Phippen, #848)
* Always print compound failure messages in the multi-line form. Trying
to print it all on a single line didn\'t read very well. (Myron Marston, #859)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix failure message from dynamic predicate matchers when the object
does not respond to the predicate so that it is inspected rather
than relying upon it\'s `to_s` -- that way for `nil`, `\"nil\"` is
printed rather than an empty string. (Myron Marston, #841)
* Fix SystemStackError raised when diffing an Enumerable object
whose `#each` includes the object itself. (Yuji Nakayama, #857)
Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.3.1
see installed
[#]## 3.3.1 / 2015-07-15
[Full Changelog](
Bug Fixes:
* Fix `be >`, `be <`, etc so that it fails rather than allowing an
argument error to be raised when compared against an object of the
wrong type. This allows it to be used in composed matcher expressions
against heterogeneous objects. (Dennis Günnewig, #809)
* Fix `respond_to` to work properly on target objects
that redefine the `method` method. (unmanbearpig, #821)
Sat Jun 13 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.3.0
see installed
[#]## 3.3.0 / 2015-06-12
[Full Changelog](
* Expose `RSpec::Matchers::EnglishPhrasing` to make it easier to write
nice failure messages in custom matchers. (Jared Beck, #736)
* Add `RSpec::Matchers::FailMatchers`, a mixin which provides
`fail`, `fail_with` and `fail_including` matchers for use in
specifying that an expectation fails for use by
extension/plugin authors. (Charlie Rudolph, #729)
* Avoid loading `tempfile` (and its dependencies) unless
it is absolutely needed. (Myron Marston, #735)
* Improve failure output when attempting to use `be_true` or `be_false`.
(Tim Wade, #744)
* Define `RSpec::Matchers#respond_to_missing?` so that
`RSpec::Matchers#respond_to?` and `RSpec::Matchers#method` handle
dynamic predicate matchers. (Andrei Botalov, #751)
* Use custom Time/DateTime/BigDecimal formatting for all matchers
so they are consistently represented in failure messages.
(Gavin Miller, #740)
* Add configuration to turn off warnings about matcher combinations that
may cause false positives. (Jon Rowe, #768)
* Warn when using a bare `raise_error` matcher that you may be subject to
false positives. (Jon Rowe, #768)
* Warn rather than raise when using the`raise_error` matcher in negative
expectations that may be subject to false positives. (Jon Rowe, #775)
* Improve failure message for `include(a, b, c)` so that if `a` and `b`
are included the failure message only mentions `c`. (Chris Arcand, #780)
* Allow `satisfy` matcher to take an optional description argument
that will be used in the `description`, `failure_message` and
`failure_message_when_negated` in place of the undescriptive
\"sastify block\". (Chris Arcand, #783)
* Add new `aggregate_failures` API that allows multiple independent
expectations to all fail and be listed in the failure output, rather
than the example aborting on the first failure. (Myron Marston, #776)
* Improve `raise_error` matcher so that it can accept a matcher as a single argument
that matches the message. (Time Wade, #782)
Bug Fixes:
* Make `contain_exactly` / `match_array` work with strict test doubles
that have not defined `<=>`. (Myron Marston, #758)
* Fix `include` matcher so that it omits the diff when it would
confusingly highlight items that are actually included but are not
an exact match in a line-by-line diff. (Tim Wade, #763)
* Fix `match` matcher so that it does not blow up when matching a string
or regex against another matcher (rather than a string or regex).
(Myron Marston, #772)
* Silence whitespace-only diffs. (Myron Marston, #801)
Sat Apr 11 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.2.1
Bug Fixes:
* Prevent `Range`s from being enumerated when generating matcher
descriptions. (Jon Rowe, #755)
* Ensure exception messages are compared as strings in the `raise_error`
matcher. (Jon Rowe, #755)
Fri Feb 6 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.2.0
* Add `block_arg` method to custom matcher API, which allows you to
access the block passed to a custom matcher, if there is one.
(Mike Dalton, #645)
* Provide more detail in failure message of `yield_control` matcher.
(Jon Rowe, #650)
* Add a shorthand syntax for `chain` in the matcher DSL which assigns values
for use elsewhere, for example `chain :and_smaller_than, :small_value`
creates an `attr_reader` for `small_value` (Tom Stuart, #644)
* Provide a more helpful deprecation message when using the `should` syntax.
(Elia Schito, #663)
* Provide more detail in the `have_attributes` matcher failure message.
(Jon Rowe, #668)
* Make the `have_attributes` matcher diffable.
(Jon Rowe, Alexey Fedorov, #668)
* Add `output(...).to_std(out|err)_from_any_process` as alternatives
to `output(...).to_std(out|err)`. The latter doesn\'t work when a sub
process writes to the named stream but is much faster.
(Alex Genco, #700)
* Improve compound matchers (created by `and` and `or`) so that diffs
are included in failures when one or more of their matchers
are diffable. (Alexey Fedorov, #713)
Bug Fixes:
* Avoid calling `private_methods` from the `be` predicate matcher on
the target object if the object publicly responds to the predicate
method. This avoids a possible error that can occur if the object
raises errors from `private_methods` (which can happen with celluloid
objects). (AATTchapmajs, #670)
* Make `yield_control` (with no modifier) default to
`at_least(:once)` rather than raising a confusing error
when multiple yields are encountered.
(Myron Marston, #675)
Tue Jan 20 13:00:00 2015
- update to 3.1.2:
* Rails 4.1 enablement
[ full changelog is very long, see
for details ]
Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging
Thu Feb 6 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 2.14.5
Bug fixes
* Fix wrong matcher descriptions with falsey expected value (yujinakayama)
Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.14.4
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Make the `match` matcher produce a diff output. (Jon Rowe, Ben Moss)
* Choose encoding for diff\'s more intelligently, and when all else fails fall
back to default internal encoding with replacing characters. (Jon Rowe)
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.14.3
Bug fixes
* Fix operator matchers (`should` syntax) when `method` is redefined on target.
(Brandon Turner)
* Fix diffing of hashes with object based keys. (Jon Rowe)
* Fix operator matchers (`should` syntax) when operator is defined via
`method_missing` (Jon Rowe)
Mon Aug 26 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.14.2
Bug fixes
* Fix `be_
` matcher to not support operator chaining like the
`be` matcher does (e.g. `be == 5`). This led to some odd behaviors
since `be_ == anything` returned a `BeComparedTo` matcher
and was thus always truthy. This was a consequence of the implementation
(e.g. subclassing the basic `Be` matcher) and was not intended behavior.
(Myron Marston).
* Fix `change` matcher to compare using `==` in addition to `===`. This
is important for an expression like:
`expect {}.to change { a.class }.from(ClassA).to(ClassB)` because
`SomeClass === SomeClass` returns false. (Myron Marston)
[#]## 2.14.1 / 2013-08-08
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Ensure diff output uses the same encoding as the encoding of
the string being diff\'d to prevent `Encoding::UndefinedConversionError`
Wed Jul 31 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.14.0
Bug fixes
* Values that are not matchers use `#inspect`, rather than `#description` for
documentation output (Andy Lindeman, Sam Phippen).
* Make `expect(a).to be_within(x).percent_of(y)` work with negative y
(Katsuhiko Nishimra).
* Make the `be_predicate` matcher work as expected used with `expect{...}.to
change...` (Sam Phippen).
[#]## 2.14.0.rc1 / 2013-05-27
[full changelog](
* Enhance `yield_control` so that you can specify an exact or relative
number of times: `expect { }.to yield_control.exactly(3).times`,
`expect { }.to yield_control.at_least(2).times`, etc (Bartek
* Make the differ that is used when an expectation fails better handle arrays
by splitting each element of the array onto its own line. (Sam Phippen)
* Accept duck-typed strings that respond to `:to_str` as expectation messages.
(Toby Ovod-Everett)
Bug fixes
* Fix differ to not raise errors when dealing with differently-encoded
strings (Jon Rowe).
* Fix `expect(something).to be_within(x).percent_of(y)` where x and y are both
integers (Sam Phippen).
* Fix `have` matcher to handle the fact that on ruby 2.0,
`Enumerator#size` may return nil (Kenta Murata).
* Fix `expect { raise s }.to raise_error(s)` where s is an error instance
on ruby 2.0 (Sam Phippen).
* Fix `expect(object).to raise_error` passing. This now warns the user and
fails the spec (tomykaira).
* Deprecate `expect { }.not_to raise_error(SpecificErrorClass)` or
`expect { }.not_to raise_error(\"some specific message\")`. Using
these was prone to hiding failures as they would allow _any other
error_ to pass. (Sam Phippen and David Chelimsky)
Sun Mar 3 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.13.0
* Add support for percent deltas to `be_within` matcher:
`expect(value).to be_within(10).percent_of(expected)`
(Myron Marston).
* Add support to `include` matcher to allow it to be given a list
of matchers as the expecteds to match against (Luke Redpath).
Bug fixes
* Fix `change` matcher so that it dups strings in order to handle
mutated strings (Myron Marston).
* Fix `should be =~ /some regex/` / `expect(...).to be =~ /some regex/`.
Previously, these either failed with a confusing `undefined method
matches?\' for false:FalseClass` error or were no-ops that didn\'t
actually verify anything (Myron Marston).
* Add compatibility for diff-lcs 1.2 and relax the version
constraint (Peter Goldstein).
* Fix DSL-generated matchers to allow multiple instances of the
same matcher in the same example to have different description
and failure messages based on the expected value (Myron Marston).
* Prevent `undefined method #split for Array` error when dumping
the diff of an array of multiline strings (Myron Marston).
* Don\'t blow up when comparing strings that are in an encoding
that is not ASCII compatible (Myron Marston).
* Remove confusing \"Check the implementation of #==\" message
printed for empty diffs (Myron Marston).
Tue Dec 18 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.12.1
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Improve the failure message for an expression like
`{}.should =~ {}`. (Myron Marston and Andy Lindeman)
* Provide a `match_regex` alias so that custom matchers
built using the matcher DSL can use it (since `match`
is a different method in that context).
(Steven Harman)
Tue Nov 13 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.12.0
* Colorize diffs if the `--color` option is configured. (Alex Coplan)
* Include backtraces in unexpected errors handled by `raise_error`
matcher (Myron Marston)
* Print a warning when users accidentally pass a non-string argument
as an expectation message (Sam Phippen)
* `=~` and `match_array` matchers output a more useful error message when
the actual value is not an array (or an object that responds to `#to_ary`)
(Sam Phippen)
Bug fixes
* Fix `include` matcher so that `expect({}).to include(:a => nil)`
fails as it should (Sam Phippen).
* Fix `be_an_instance_of` matcher so that `Class#to_s` is used in the
description rather than `Class#inspect`, since some classes (like
`ActiveRecord::Base`) define a long, verbose `#inspect`.
(Tom Stuart)
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.11.3
[full changelog](
Bug fixes
* Fix (and deprecate) `expect { }.should` syntax so that it works even
though it was never a documented or intended syntax. It worked as a
consequence of the implementation of `expect` in RSpec 2.10 and
earlier. (Myron Marston)
* Ensure #== is defined on build in matchers so that they can be composed.
For example:
expect {
}.to change { user.last_emailed_at }.to be_within(1.second).of(
Sun Jul 29 14:00:00 2012
- initial package