Changelog for
ruby-2.5-1.1.i586.rpm :
* Tue Nov 14 2017 switch the default ruby to 2.5
* Tue Jul 11 2017 switch the default ruby to 2.4
* Wed Feb 18 2015 bump version
* Wed Sep 10 2014 to make it easier to migrate from the old scheme to the new scheme BuildIgnore: ruby aswell
* Tue Sep 09 2014 cleaned up buildrequires/requires and added buildignore for rubygem-gem2rpm
* Mon Jun 23 2014 remove obsolete expand line
* Fri Jun 20 2014 remove the provides to avoid have choice
* Sat Jun 14 2014 migrated to just plain wrapper packages- patches moved to ruby2.1 package: rubygems-1.5.0_buildroot.patch ruby-1.9.2p290_tcl_no_stupid_rpaths.patch drop_content_size_check_in_xmlrpc.patch ruby19-export_init_prelude.patch
* Fri May 16 2014 Update to 2.1.2 - fix for a regression of Hash#reject in Ruby 2.1.1 - support for build with Readline-6.3 (see Bug #9578) - updated bundled version of libyaml with psych - some bug fixes.
* Sun Mar 02 2014 make api_version explicit in spec- adapt versions of embedded gems
* Fri Feb 28 2014 use api version 2.1.0 again to avoid dependency breakages
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Update to 2.1.1 Speedup and bugfixes (upstream bug ids): - rubygems 2.2.2 (#9489) - fix segfault at unpacking modified String (#9478) - Struct#send(:setter=, rhs) does not return rhs (#9470) - Array#uniq behavior change (#9470) - Timeout behavior change (#9470) - Hash lookup with #hash and #eql broken (#9470) - bigdecimal division issue (#9470) - SizedQueue not working (#9470) - BidDecimal division (#9316) - fix \'gem install --ignore-dependencies\' for remote gems (#9282) - Array#to_h should not ignore badly formed elements (#9270) - Method#arity for keyword arguments (#8072)
* Sat Feb 15 2014 add internal.h to ruby-devel-extra
* Mon Feb 10 2014 Don\'t require rpm-with-ruby-provide-hook on SLE11. It\'s not a runtime requirement but a build-time requirement for rubygems in SLE11. Buildservice will take care of that.
* Fri Feb 07 2014 reintroduce update-alternatives for rake, rdoc and ri as those can come from more uptodate gems
* Sat Feb 01 2014 readd old macros - for now at least
* Fri Jan 31 2014 generate provides for embedded rubygems
* Thu Jan 30 2014 merged ruby-common
* Sun Jan 19 2014 new package split - only single Ruby version installable ruby - binary libruby2_1-2_0 - ruby runtime library ruby-stdlib - ruby standard library ruby-doc - ruby documentation ruby-devel - ruby development
* Sun Jan 19 2014 revert the ruby split (ruby - ruby21) rename ruby21 to ruby, integrate \'ruby\' and \'ruby-common\'
* Thu Jan 09 2014 remove part of rubygems1.5 patch that modify mkmf which is already fixed upstream
* Wed Jan 08 2014 fix rb_arch in spec: append -gnu- fix native gem builds: create gem native extensions dir
* Mon Jan 06 2014 initial version for ruby 2.1.0 - changes to Ruby 2.0: VM (method cache) RGenGC (See ko1’s RubyKaigi presentation and RubyConf 2013 presentation) refinements #8481 #8571 syntax changes Rational/Complex Literal #8430 def’s return value #3753 Bignum use GMP #8796 String#scrub #8414 Socket.getifaddrs #8368 RDoc 4.1.0 and RubyGems 2.2.0 “literal”.freeze is now optimized #9042 add Exception#cause #8257 update libraries like BigDecimal, JSON, NKF, Rake, RubyGems, and RDoc remove curses #8584- initial patches: drop_content_size_check_in_xmlrpc.patch ruby-1.9.2p290_tcl_no_stupid_rpaths.patch ruby19-export_init_prelude.patch rubygems-1.5.0_buildroot.patch