Changelog for libtorque2-4.2.7-2.2.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Apr 18 14:00:00 2014
- update to 4.2.7 release

Sun Mar 16 13:00:00 2014
- fix error in server init script introduced with init.patch
- create missing credentials directory not created by make install

Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 2014
- enable NUMA support on SLE 11 which is often used on high end

Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2014
- update to torque version 4.1.7

* Make job_starter work for parallel jobs as well as serial.

* Fix one issue with being able to submit jobs to the cray while

* Add mom parameter job_oom_score_adjust - affects the oom score
for jobs run by this mom. Positive means more likely to be

* Add mom parameter mom_oom_immunize, making the mom immune to
being killed in out of memory conditions. Default is now true.

* Don\'t count completed jobs against max_user_queuable. TRQ-1420.

* make pbs_track compatible with display_job_server_suffix = false.
The user has to set NO_SERVER_SUFFIX in the environment.

* Fix the way we monitor if a thread is active.

* TRQ-1751. Add some code to handle a corrupted job file where the
job file says it is running but there is no exec host list.
These jobs now will receive a system hold

* Cray: nppn wasn\'t being specified in reservations. Fix this.

* TRQ-1653. Arrays depending on non-array jobs were broken.
Fix this.

* Add retries on transient failures to setuid and seteuid calls.

* Add a timeout for mother superior when cleaning up a job.
Instead of waiting infinitely for sisters to confirm that a job
has exited, consider the job dead after 10 minutes. This time
can be adjusted by setting $job_exit_wait_time in the mom\'s
config file (time in seconds). This prevents jobs from being
stuck infinitely if a compute node crashes or if a mom daemon
becomes unresponsive. TRQ-1776.

* If privileged ports are disabled, make pbs_moms not check if
incoming connections from mother superior are on privileged
ports. TRQ-1669.

* Add two mom config parameters: max_join_job_wait_time and
resent_join_job_wait_time. TRQ-1790.

* TRQ-1709. Fix parsing of -l gpus=X,other_things parsing

* TRQ-1826. mppdepth is now passed correctly to the ALPS

* TRQ-1802. Make the environment variable $PBS_NUM_NODES
accurate for multi-req jobs.

* TRQ-1832. Add the ability to add a login_property to a job at
the queue level by setting required_login_property on the queue.
- add SuSEfirewall configuration files
- enable systemd support for 12.2 an higher
- add patch torque-
- add patch torque-4.1.7-fix-tcl-interp.patch

Sat Apr 6 14:00:00 2013
- update to version

* If the job is no long valid after attempting to lock the array
in get_jobs_array(), make sure the array is valid before
attempting to unlock it. TRQ-1598.

* Don\'t log an invalid connection message when close_conn() is
called on 65535 (PBS_LOCAL_CONNECTION). TRQ-1557.

* Don\'t strip quotes from values in scripts before specific
processing. TRQ-1632

* Fix a deadlock when submitting two large arrays consecutively,
the second depending on the first. TRQ-1646 (reported by Jorg
Blank, 4.2.1).

* Changed communication between clients and trqauthd to use
only unix domain sockets

* Fix a segfault in req_jobobit due to an off-by-one error.

* Fix a race condition in mom hierarchy reporting. TRQ-1378.

* Fixed pbs_mom so epilogue will only run once. TRQ-1134.

* Fix some debug output escaping into job output.TRQ-1360.

* Changed momctl to do retries to get connections to make it more
robust on busy systems. TRQ-1328.

* Fix crashes due to unprotected array accesses. TRQ-1395.

* Fixed segfault in req_movejob where the job ji_qhdr was NULL.

* Many many other bug fixes end enhancements. See CHANGELOG file
for a full list
- enable gpu support since more users have gpus and mom works
fine even if no gpus are detected
- enable cpuset support in order to get better performances
on multicores cpus

Sat Nov 17 13:00:00 2012
- version 4.1.3

* fix a security loophole that potentially allowed an interactive
job to run as root due to not resetting a value when
$attempt_to_make_dir and $tmpdir are set. TRQ-1078.

* Have pbs_server save the queues each time before exiting so that
legacy formats are converted to xml after upgrading. TRQ-1120.

* Make issue_Drequest wait for the reply and have functions
continue processing immediately after instead of the added
overhead of using the threadpool.

* tm_adopt() calls caused pbs_mom to crash. Fix this. TRQ-1210.

* Modfied output for qstat -r. Expanded Req\'d Time to include
seconds and centered Elap Time over it\'s column.

* Fix mismanagement of the ji_globid. TRQ-1262.

* Setting display_job_server_suffix=false crashed with job arrays.
Fixed. bugzilla #216

* Made it so pbs_server will come up even if a job cannot recover
because of a missing job dependency. TRQ-1287

* Retry cleanup with the mom every 20 seconds for jobs that are
stuck in an exiting state. TRQ-1299.

* Fix a double free if the same chan is stored on two tasks for a
job. TRQ-1299.

* Many bug fixes. See CHANGELOG file for a full list.

Thu Oct 25 14:00:00 2012
- Add libtorque2 in the devel package requirements

Wed Oct 24 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 4.1.2

* Changelog to long. See CHANGELOG file included with this
package in /usr/share/doc/packages/torque/CHANGELOG
- spec file reformating

Fri Nov 11 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.9

* A new torque.cfg option as added named TRQ_IFNAME. This
option allows the administrator to select the outbound tcp
interface by interface name for qsub commands.

* Noteable bug fixes:
. Added function DIS_tcp_close which frees buffer memory used
for sending and receiving tcp data. This reduces the running
memory size of TORQUE.
. Fix for a server seg-fault when using the record_job_info.
. Fix for afteranyarray and afterokarry where dependent jobs
would not run after the dependent array requirements were
. Fix to delete .AR array files from the
$TORQUE_HOME/server_priv/arrays directory.
. Fix to recover previous state of job arrays between restarts
of pbs_server
. Fix to prevent the server from hanging when moving jobs from
one server to another server
. Fix to stop a segfault if using munge and the munge daemon
was not running
. Security fix to munge authorization to prevent users from
gaining access to TORQUE when munge was not running.
. Fix to allow pam_pbssimpleauth to work properly.

* To see a compelete list of changes please see the CHANGELOG.

Sun Sep 4 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.8

* Several bugs fixes.

Thu Jun 30 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.7

* Added new qsub argument -F. This argument takes a quoted string
as an argument. The string is a list of space separated
commandline arguments which are available to the job script.

* Added an option to asynchronously delete jobs (currently cannot
work for qdel -a all due to limitations of single threads)

* Several bug fixes.

Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.6

* Added new symbol JOB_EXEC_OVERLIMIT. When a job exceeds a limit
(i.e. walltime) the job will fail with the JOB_EXEC_OVERLIMIT
value and also produce an abort case for mailing purposes.
Previous to this change a job exceeding a limit returned 0 on
success and no mail was sent to the user if requested on abort.

* Added a new queue resource named procct. procct allows the
administrator to set queue limits based on the number of total
processors requested in a job.

* Allow more than 5 concurrent connections to TORQUE using
pbsD_connect. Increase it to 10.

* Allow an administator using the proxy user submission to also
set the job id to be used in TORQUE. This makes TORQUE easier
to use in grid configurations.

* Added the ability to detect Nvidia gpus using nvidia-smi
(default) or NVML. (Not enabled in in this RPM.)

* The -e and -o options of qsub allow a user to specify a path
or optionally a filename for output. If the path given by the
user ended with a directory name but no \'/\' character at the
end then TORQUE was confused and would not convert the .OU or
.ER file to the final output/error file. The code has now been
changed to stat the path to see if the end path element is a
path or directory and handled appropriately.

* Added new MOM configuration option $rpp_throttle. The syntax
for this in the $TORQUE_HOME/mom_priv/config file is
$rpp_throttle where value is a long representing
microseconds. Setting this values causes rpp data to pause
after every sendto for microseconds. This may help
with large jobs where full data does not arrive at sister

* Several bug fixes

Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- Fix spec

Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2011
- Fix spec

Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.4

* Added submit_host and init_work_dir as job attributes,
displayed by qstat -f.

* If a host in the nodes file cannot be resolved at startup the
server will try once every 5 minutes until the node will
resolve and it will add it to the nodes list.

* Add code to verify the group list as well when VALIDATEGROUPS
is set in torque.cfg

* Several bug fixes.
- Remove obsoleted patch

Thu Jan 6 13:00:00 2011
- Fix syntax in pbs_server init script.

Thu Jan 6 13:00:00 2011
- RPMlint fixes in the .spec file

Thu Jan 6 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.5.4

* Added the ability to track gpus. Users set gpus=X in the
nodes file for relevant node, and then request gpus in the
nodes request: -l nodes=X[:ppn=Y][:gpus=Z].

* Fix potential buffer overrun in pbs_sched (Bugzilla #98).

* Check if a process still exists before killing it and sleeping.
This speeds up the time for killing a task exponentially.

Tue Nov 9 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.5.3

* Add the variables PBS_NUM_NODES and PBS_NUM_PPN to
the job environment.

* Security bug on the way checkpoint is being handled (Bug 84).

* Change so checkpoint files are transfered as the user,
not as root.

* Created the ability to log all jobs to a file.

* qpeek now has the options --ssh, --rsh, --spool, --host,
- o, and -e.

* Added the server parameters job_log_file_max_size,
job_log_file_roll_depth and job_log_keep_days to help
manage job log files.

* Serverdb is optionally in XML format.
(Not enabled in this build.)

* Added support for munge authentication.
(Not enabled in this build.)

Wed Sep 8 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.5.2

* Allow the nodes file to use the syntax node[0-100] for
nodes node0, node1, ..., node100 and node[000-100] for
node000, node001, ... node100.

* Allow input of walltime in the format of [DD]:HH:MM:SS

* Several bug fixes.
- Remove unlink patch for bug 61, which is included in 2.5.1.

Mon Aug 16 14:00:00 2010
- Security fix: Use proper effective UID/GUI when unlinking files
( bug #61)

Thu Jul 22 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.5.1

* Improved job arrays (not backward compatible, drain all job
arrays before upgrading). Includes: slot limits, job
dependencies based on entire and arrays and on individual jobs.

* Improved wildcard support for queue and server parameters.

* New server config option alias_server_name to be able to handle
alias ip addresses.

* Enabled TORQUE to be able to parse the -l procs=x node spec.

* Created permission checking of submitted jobs

* Added new qmgr server attributes (clone_batch_size,
clone_batch_delay, checkpoint_defaults, job_start_timeout).

* Allow users to delete a range of jobs from the job array
(qdel -t).

* Added a slot limit to the job arrays - this restricts the
number of jobs that can concurrently run from one job array.

* By default show only a single entry in qstat output for the
whole array.

* Changed array names from jobid-index to jobid[index] for

* Added server parameter job_force_cancel_time.

* Expand acl host checking to allow
* in the middle of
hostnames, not just at the beginning. Also allow ranges like
a[10-15] to mean a10, a11, ..., a15.

Fri Jun 25 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.4.8

* added QSUBSENDGROUPLIST to qsub. This allows the server to know the
correct group name when disable_server_id_check is set to true and
the user doesn\'t exist on the server.

* mapped \'qsub -P user:group\' to qsub -P user -W group_list=group

* smaller additions and bug fixes

Mon Apr 12 14:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.4.7

* Added -P to qsub for running as root.

* Asynchronous option -a for qsig.

* qsub\'s -W can now parse attributes with quoted lists, for example:
qsub script -W attr=\"foo,foo1,foo2,foo3\" will set foo,foo1,foo2,foo3
as attr\'s value.

* added two server parameters: display_job_server_suffix and job_suffix_alias.
The first defaults to true and is whether or not jobs should be appended
by .server_name. The second defaults to NULL, but if it is defined it
will be appended at the end of the jobid, i.e. jobid.job_suffix_alias.

* added -l option to qstat so that it will display a server name and an
alias if both are used. If these aren\'t used, -l has no effect.

Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2.4.4:

* Added qmgr server attribute job_start_timeout, specifies timeout to be
used for sending job to mom. If not set, tcp_timeout is used.

* Bug fixes.

Fri Jan 22 13:00:00 2010
- Revert: Build torque.rpm as noarch as it does seem to affect
all RPMs
- Update to 2.4.3:

* Added logging for email events

* Bug fixes

Tue Jan 19 13:00:00 2010
- Mark torque.rpm as noarch.

Mon Dec 14 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 2.4.3

* Bug fixes, especially for \"torque 2.4.X breaks OSC\'s mpiexec\"

Wed Nov 25 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 2.4.2

* pbs_mom -p is now the default option, -q can be used for the
previous behavior

* add qchkpt command

* add RERUNNABLEBYDEFAULT parameter to torque.cfg

* new boolean queue attribute \"is_transit\" that allows jobs to
exceede server resource limits (queue limits are respected)

* allow the user to request a specific processor geometry for
their job using a bitmap, and then bind their jobs to those
processors using cpusets.

* add administrator customizable email notifications (see
manpage for pbs_server_attributes)

* new fifo scheduler config option. ignore_queue: queue_name
allows the scheduler to be instructed to ignore up to 16
queues on the server

* change so queued jobs that get deleted go to complete and get
displayed in qstat based on keep_completed

* changed TORQUE_MAXCONNECTTIMEOUT to be a global variable that
is nowchanged by the MOM to be smaller than the pbs_server and
is also configurable on the MOM ($max_conn_timeout_micro_sec)

* added new parameter \"log_keep_days\" to both pbs_server and

* added qmgr option accounting_keep_days, specifies how long to
keep accounting files.

* added a \"-w\" option to qsub to override the working directory

* added a prologue and epilogue option to the list of resources
for qsub -l which allows a per job prologue or epilogue script.
The syntax for the new option is
qsub -l prologue= epilogue=

* Added a new server parameter np_default. This allows the
administrator to change the number of processors to a unified
value dynamically for the entire cluster.
- rpmlint fixes