Changelog for
mycroft-core-18.2.0beta-lp150.13.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Mar 07 2018 Removed many BuildDependencies that were not really required as well as the python-xmlrunner runtime dependency, which isn\'t actually a dependency at all.
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Added python-num2words to requirements
* Mon Mar 05 2018 Added a python3 fix for mycroft.skills.audioservice
* fix-installation-paths.patch- Set the default enclosure to \"kde\" in the user configuration template file and add some more data, so users can just modify the file easily for their systems.- Added patches for more skills:
* skills-skill-desktop-launcher.patch
* skills-fallback-duckduckgo.patch
* skills-skill-autogui.patch- Added more dependencies for the default skills, since changing the enclosure to kde added a few more default skills.- Moved vlc to Recommended instead of Required, since it\'s only used by some skills
* Sun Mar 04 2018 Add msm-add-local-patch-support.patch to be able to add patches to skills from within msm, just after installing them. The applied patches are then stored in ~/.mycroft/applied-skill-patches, so when msm is used to update a skill, the patch is removed, the skill is updated and then it\'s applied (if necessary).- Added skill patches for 4 skills. Note that these patches are not applied when packaging, but are distributed in the package as patches to be applied at runtime:
* skills-fallback-wolfram-alpha.patch
* skills-skill-reminder.patch
* skills-mycroft-music-skill.patch
* skills-mycroft-youtube.patch
* Sat Mar 03 2018 Update to 18.2.0beta- Update to 18.02 RC2
* Audio services startup . An error when loading the chromecast backend prevented all backends from loading. The backend loading code has been updated to be more tolerant against this kind of errors.
* Do not sync NTP on desktop. Remove NTP sync on desktop installations where this is not needed, This increases boot speed with 15 seconds.
* Handle repeating events better after hibernate. The repeating event would start triggering at 2 times per second if it falls behind the current time until it catches up. This occurs for example after hibernation. This is resolved by never allowing the next sceduled time to be in the future.
* Simplify version checking
* Remove redundant except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt) clauses
* Fix platform comment in config- Update to 18.02 RC1
* Adapt intent Bugfixes
* Fix Enable/Disable intents
* Fix Dynamic registration of vocabulary
* Precise update. The precise package that\'s downloaded has changed slightly, to accommodate these changes some mycroft-core code needed to be updated.
* Misc
* Documentation improvement in the default mycroft.conf- Rebase patches to apply correctly:
* 0003-Make-text-client-python2-3-compatible.patch
* 0006-Remove-backwards-compatibility-with-python-2.7.patch
* fix-installation-paths.patch- Fixed log filename for ~/.mycroft/mycroft-python-modules.log
* Tue Feb 27 2018 Add patches from the upstream\'s 18.02 branch which add support for python3
* 0002-Make-speech-client-python3-compatible.patch
* 0003-Make-text-client-python2-3-compatible.patch
* 0004-Fix-hashes-in-settings-for-python3.patch
* 0005-Fix-test-cases-under-python-3.patch
* 0006-Remove-backwards-compatibility-with-python-2.7.patch
* 0008-Fix-cli-crash-with-Python-3.patch
* 0010-Use-sorted-json-to-perform-hash-of-settings.patch
* 0013-Remove-backwards-compatibility-from-tests.patch- Rebase previous patches and move them over Patch1000 so they\'re applied after the upstream patches:
* fix-installation-paths.patch
* msm-use-python3.patch
* use-pycodestyle-instead-of-pep8.patch
* Thu Feb 22 2018 Fix Now it should create the ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf file correctly.
* Thu Feb 22 2018 Add python3-tornado and python3-PyYAML dependencies- Added recommended packages for skills that are not installed by default but are interesting to have: python3-wolframalpha, python3-dbus-python, python3-aiml and python3-arrow.
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Add TimeoutStopSec parameters to all services so they stop faster- More information written to the log file when installing a skill. Update patches and rename fix-installation-paths.diff to .patch:
* fix-installation-paths.patch
* msm-use-python3.patch
* use-pycodestyle-instead-of-pep8.patch
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to mycroft-core 0.9.17:
* Language support - Improve the Italian formating functions (Added nice_time and pronounce_number) - Update French dialogues and add French formatting and parsing functions - Add format and parsing methods for Swedish
* Reduce CLI log clutter - Most of the info messages from the skill settings were demoted to debug and the debug messages are filtered by default making it easier to check for errors and info logs from skills in development.
* Make keywords per skill to fix overlapping keyword names - To hinder skills from forcing new vocabulary on other skills when naming collisions occur the names are now mangled somewhat before sent to the intent service.
* Event scheduler improvements - schedule_repeating_event() start time defaults to current time + period - Non repeating events are automatically cancelled and event handlers are teared down
* Miscellaneous - Upgrade pip version to 9.0.1 - Fix bug in nice_time() for times before noon - Audio service: Add message on track start
* Thu Feb 15 2018 Update to mycroft-core 0.9.16:
* Update to fix issues du to changes in the backend.
* Adds sanity checks that both name and value are available before accessing them. This is now done when checking for update of settingsmeta and when attempting to save settings to disk.- Update to mycroft-core 0.9.15:
* Language support. Swedish (sv-fi and sv-se) dialogs were added and Italian parsing and formating functions were updated.
* Functions for displaying and speaking time and numbers added.
* Support for Deepspeech server. Deepspeech released a new model before Christmas and is getting pretty good. Mycroft now has an STT interface connecting to the deepspeech_server, a simple server hosting deep speech. The server can easily be setup locally for a user with decent hardware.
* List skills in CLI. The currently loaded skills can now be listed using the new command :skills.
* Messages at skill shutdown and load failed messages.
* Other misc changes.- Add patch so the python3-pep8 package is not required anymore, now that it\'s been renamed to pycodestyle.
* use-pycodestyle-instead-of-pep8.patch- When installing a skill, write to ~/.mycroft/mycroft-python-modules.log the required python modules since pip is not run
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Update to mycroft-core 0.9.14
* More TTS and STT modules
* Fix sphinx documentation
* Better handling of lists when reading from backend
* Limit CLI memory usage
* Wed Jan 10 2018 Update to mycroft-core 0.9.13- Drop fix-version-0.9.11.diff which is not needed anymore
* Thu Jan 04 2018 Update to mycroft-core 0.9.11- Add fix-version-0.9.11.diff- Rebase fix-installation-paths.diff
* Tue Nov 14 2017 Initial release of mycroft-core 0.9.6- Add fix-installation-paths.diff