Changelog for strus- :
Fri Dec 29 13:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.5-0.1 - fixed several build issues: Build with Clang, Fix bugs in travis build
Mon Dec 4 13:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.4-0.1 - changed paramater renaming option name in summarizer \'metadata\' and \'attribute\' - added -Wshadow for C++ build
Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.3-0.1 - RPath fixes and some CMake file reorganization - fixed missing check of meta data element names, causing a logic error in the commit
Wed Sep 27 14:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.2-0.1 - bring up travis build, some minor fixes
Mon Sep 4 14:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.1-0.1 - release to cleanup mess with missing CHANGELOG in 0.15.0
Sun Sep 3 14:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.15.0-0.1 - remove hardcoded setting of C++98 in CMake files - added method close() to vector storage client - fixed SEGFAULT under some circumstances after StorageClient::close hss been called - implemented posting join operator \'sequence_imm\' - some method renamings - added ACL reader interface and method to create it in storage client interface - fixed bug in user access restriction handling (storing ACLs) - fixed bug in docnoAllMatchItr: endless loop under some circumstances - added weighting function \'scalar\' that calculates a scalar function on constants, variables and document metadata defined as string - many CMake build fixes
Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.14.0-0.1 - added possibility to precalculate weights in weighting function \'constant\' - update for terms in forward index and search index - explicit specification of df for features (for example to sopecify df for forward index features)
Mon Feb 6 13:00:00 2017 Patrick Frey 0.13.0-0.1 - improve standard summarization and weighting functions - renamings of summarizer and weighting functions - new summarizer \'accunear\' that accumulates forward index features weighted by near matches of query features - improved vector interfaces - fixed some bugs in weighting and summarization - many build fixes
Sat Oct 1 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.12.0-0.1 - increment version parallel to analyzer (some interface files reorganization)
Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.11.1-0.1 - moved vector space model implementation into own project strusvector
Wed Sep 28 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.11.0-0.1 - integrated the armadillo library for fast linear algebra operations - define vector space model interface and implement standard vector space model for unsupervised learning of features from vectors
Tue Jul 5 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.10.0-0.1 - added support for cardinality in posting iterator intersect - many build fixes
Thu Jun 9 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.9.2-0.1 - adapted license change of CompactNodeTrie
Wed May 18 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.9.1-0.1 - fixed wrong counting of documents when deleting documents
Thu Apr 28 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.9.0-0.1 - changes in the object builder interfaces
Sun Apr 24 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.8.3-0.1 - put some restricting constants of weighting functions and summarizers into header files
Fri Apr 15 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.8.2-0.1 - moved numeric variant from strus to strus base
Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.8.1-0.1 - package fix: remove deployment instructions for files removed from this project
Wed Apr 13 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.8.0-0.1 - moved libstrus_utils (no named libstrus_base) and libstrus_error to new project strusbase (strus depends now on strusbase)
Fri Apr 1 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.7.4-0.1 - removed deprecated formula weighting function - added weighting function \'Smart\' that allows to specify weighting with a scalar function expression on ff,df,N (collection size) and document metadata
Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.7.3-0.1 - fixed missing dependency to libstrus_scalarproc
Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.7.2-0.1 - fixed missing dependency to libstrus_scalarproc
Wed Mar 30 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.7.1-0.1 - fixed bug in scalar functions in 0.7.0
Wed Mar 30 14:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.7.0-0.1 - introducing scalar function objects used for combining ranking functions or to pass functions to weighting functions or summarizers
Wed Mar 23 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.6.1-0.1 - improved BM25pff weighting function: Two more parameters for a proximity ff cap for feature occurrencies not fulfilling minimal proximity requirements
Mon Mar 21 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.6.0-0.1 - changed license from GPLv3 to MPLv2 (Mozilla Public License, Version 2)
Wed Mar 16 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.5.3-0.1 - some more normalization factors configurable in BM25pff - some small fixes in BM25 and Formula weighting method
Mon Mar 7 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.5.2-0.1 - more fixes for bringing up packages again
Mon Mar 7 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.5.1-0.1 - small fixes for bringing up packages again
Sun Mar 6 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.5.0-0.1 - add upperbound seek with upper key restriction to database interface (not used yet in storage) - change return value of document term iterator skipDoc from boolean to document number - more helpers for posting iterator implementations (just a start) and reorganize code in posting join operator iterators (eliminate copy paste code) - changed logarithm base in weighting from e to 10, fixed summarizer metadata - fixed metadata summarizer: could not extract first metadata element - rewrote posting set join of the \'contains\', \'sequence\' and \'within\' operators - fixed bug in \'randoc\' test: cases for within were not correctly generated in case of position conflicts in strict case - implemented browse posting iterator with metadata restriction for browsing documents matching a boolean condition without query evaluation involved - changed query interface: result is now a structure containing also some statistical information like the number of matching documents and not only a vector of ranks - use unordered_map instead of compact node trie for keymaps. They are about 30% slower, but the problem with memory limits and an overflow map, that eats up any performance gain, does not appear (much better) - do not read keymaps during insertion (performance gain in bulk insert of factors) - added new weighting function BM25pff (BM25 with proximity based ff)
Tue Feb 9 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.4.3-0.1 - changed return value of weighting function from float to double
Sun Jan 17 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.4.2-0.1 - fix build errors
Sun Jan 17 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.4.1-0.1 - change default forward index block size to 128 - fix typos in src license reference
Sat Jan 2 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.4.0-0.1 - changed posting iterator interface: new method skipDocCandidate that does what skipDoc was doing before and method skipDoc that always delivers a real match and not only a candidate, removed obsolete method subExpressions
Fri Jan 1 13:00:00 2016 Patrick Frey 0.3.5-0.1 - fixed bug in Reference::reset() - changed type of document frequency from GlobalCounter to Index - fixed new segfault in case of no statistics populated
Thu Dec 24 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.3.4-0.1 - fixed bug in transaction: statistics number of documents (collection size) was not set correctly
Thu Dec 24 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.3.3-0.1 - fixed bug in statistics viewer: wrong decoding of global number of documents (collection size)
Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.3.2-0.1 - fixing bug in metadata cache layout: was completely broken
Mon Dec 21 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.3.1-0.1 - fixing versioning problems of the Open Suse build cluster
Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.3.0-0.1 - better introspection for functions - removed docno allocator interface and fdatasync on every new document insert when not using the docno allocator
Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.6-0.1 - added interfaces for introspection (user names, docids, term types, term values)
Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.5-0.1 - define method PeerMessageQueue start for register/deregister of peers - change way how peer message processor is passed to storage: Now an argument of createClient and an argument of StorageClient::createPeerMessageQueue - reimplemented peer message processing interface completely (because we are still prealpha only a patch version number increment) - fixed: throw error instead of segfaulting when peer message methods called without peer message processor defined - fixed bug in storage transaction: cleanup of forward index not complete when only documents deleted in a transaction
Thu Nov 26 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.4-0.1 - incremented version to 0.2.4 to resolve OBS trouble with dependencies
Tue Nov 24 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.3-0.1 - ABI change. StorageClient::documentNumber( const std::string&) returns 0, if document does not exist
Tue Nov 24 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.2-0.1 - more info in corrupt index error message. - better summarization for first sentences in summarizer match phrase (abstracting) - fix bug in summarizer: if end of sentence was not existing in a document, then the end of sentence of the previous document was taken - packaging fixes: fixed a type in 12.04 DSC file, some date fixes in redhat spec file, cmake patches the version now, also adapted the changelogs - fixed error in summarizer match variables and accumulate variables: fetch from forward index only if element exists
Sun Nov 15 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.1-0.1 - added posting join operator \"inrange\" (like \"within\", but not strict, different positions) - added new summarizer \"accuvariable\" to accumulate weights of variable references - remove weighting method \'BM23_dpfc\' from core (moved to module in wikipedia demo project)
Thu Nov 12 13:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey 0.2.0-0.1 - make ranked document list deterministic (docno is 2nd sort criterion) - removed \'pushDuplicate\' method in queryInterface - fixed bug in parsing helper method: string was not extracted correctly in extractStringFromConfigString - make aligned malloc more portable - make debug output of weighting formula weighting scheme more readable - renamed fixedStructAllocator to fixedSizeStructAllocator - weighting also weight of title in BM23_dpfc - better error messages for mixing feature parameters with numeric or string values in summarizers and weighting functions - fixed missing default initialization of max nof ranks in query - fixed bug in accumulator: Specifying an evaluation set with Query::addDocumentEvaluationSet could cause an endless loop - fixed bug in metadata record (unsigned integers of 8 and 16 bit were not assigned correctly (mapped to an integer) - fixed bug in forward index iterator: return illegal chunks - remove hardcoded doclen meta data element (has to be explicitely defined now with an aggregator) - fixed description of summarizer match phrase - fixed missing initialization of error handler in forward iterator (causing a segfault) - fixed bug in new string maps used in storage: calling C++ delete of memory block allocated with C malloc - better error messages for formula interpreter in formula weighting method - improve visibility of error position in messages for formula weighting scheme - better error message in formula weighting scheme - added all boost libraries when linking in randoc test not only boost_thread (because of missing boost_atomic) - added a missing boost_system in testLoggingMalloc - added a missing strus_private_utils library dependency for formula test - strus_database_leveldb depends on leveldb only not on snappy too - updated OBS package build support - fixed seek of alternative matches in struct join operators - fixed some small bugs in reversed struct withing - make backwards sequence work - added join operator chain and struct_chain, that do not require a strict ordering of the member elements - added weight as parameter to summarizer - make summarizer \'matchvariables\' work - added methods for retrieving description of functions - implement printing of floats and doubles with precision in strus_snprintf - reorganise \'contains\' iterator join - added new expression parameter \'cardinality\' - do not checkin cmake generated files - (origin/memfrag, memfrag) fix segfault (error in last checkins) - (origin) remove string maps also from forward index - replace STL string map with StringMap - replace map of strings in transaction and peer storage transaction by new StringMap, for better memory management, prevent heap fragmentation - fixing missing dependency to private utils in logging malloc library test - added new library that logs malloc call statistics (to be used with LD_PRELOAD) - added error buffer method to change the maximum number of threads - set default max nof threads default in error buffer - delete all objects passed with ownership to functions that have no return value. caller cannot always determine if function was successful - make createStorage return bool (success/failure) - make error buffer run in multithreaded environment - exception free interfaces (also change guidelines) - fixed missing linking to private_utils static library in weighing - revert visibility of linked symbols after merge with master - fix a bug in ranker: segfault when retrieving more than 128 results. Do not build summarizers if result is empty - added weighting function defined by formula specified as string - added test for formula parser - added formula interpreter for weighting functions with formula defined from string - copy variable assignments too with pushDuplicate - fixed bad memory management in query (came in with last checkin) - implicitely define order of elements in subset query - add possibility to evaluate query on a subset of documents. This allows us to make a multi pass query evaluation like evaluating a query on the N best results of a BM25 query - added an unreliable malloc library that fails every N-th malloc (to use with LD_PRELOAD) for testing - fixed typos and updated documentation - adapted dependency description in online documentation
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.6-0.1 - increased default maximum key size in keymap cache - updated wegpage with language logos - updated landing page and documentation - throw is there is no selection feature defined in the query - test also random order insert in peer message processor - redesigned storage peer message processing completely. You do not pass an interface to a messaging, but just an interface for packing and unpacking messages. The peer message processing is passive: You fetch messages that have to be sent to peers and you push messages from peers - added flags to peer message processor - added start/rollback to peer message builder - added library for packing unpacking of peer storage messages - put common CMAKE stuff of all strus relaed projects into includes - some small storage peer interface changes and documentation - some changes in peer storage interface
Sun Aug 2 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.5-0.1 - fixed bug in expression evaluation in query.cpp (causing UMR) - updated utilities documentation
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.4-0.1 - added dependency to libboost_atomic needed by ARM for boost 1.54 (see https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8810)
Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.3-0.1 - skip entries starting with \'.\' in read files/directories (fileio.cpp) - fixed segfault (due to latest changes) - incremented patch version number - extended fileio with function to read directory only (assumed in programs that directories do not have a file extension - HACK) - some documentation adapted
Thu Jul 9 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.2-0.1 - added exists check to database interface - reverted create option (latest changes) because it is bullshit - added boolean option \'create\' to database client configuration: true=create database implicitely if it does not exist yet
Fri Jul 3 14:00:00 2015 Patrick Frey v0.1.1-0.1 - Initial revision