Changelog for retro-gtk-devel-0.16.0-59.6.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Sep 26 2018 Update to version 0.16.0: + Update
* Mon Jul 30 2018 Update to version 0.15.90: + RetroMainLoop: - Lower the priority of the loop to prevent a lagging game from freezing the rendering of its video. - Prevent reference leaking when destroying the loop while it\'s not stopped by not giving a reference to the loop\'s callback. + RetroGLDisplay: Take the UI\'s scale into account, making it usable in Hi-DPI. + Prepare RetroGLDisplay for GTK+ 4: - Don\'t clear depth buffer as we don\'t use it and as this would cause glitches in GTK+ 4. - Explicitly use glClearColor(). - Call glBindTexture() on every frame to ensure that we\'re always working with the right texture, which is needed for GTK+ 4. + Fix reference cycles in retro-demo to avoid memory leaks.
* Sat Jul 28 2018 Update to version 0.15.3: + Build: - Replace the Autotools by Meson. - Replace intltool for gettext. - Replace the update-gameinfo build target by the script. - Add a development profile, settable by passing the `-Dprofile=development` parameter to Meson. This profile makes it clear the application is a development version by appending ` (Development)` to the application name, by appending `Devel` to the application ID, by changing the style of the header bar and by appending the commit tag or `-devel` to the version number. + UI: - Allow to set the keyboard to gamepad mapping from the preferences Controllers page. - Make searching for local covers less greedy and asynchronous, speeding up the loading time of the collection. - Move the application menu to the collection view\'s header bar. - Add the Help application menu entry, opening Games\' documentation on the GNOME wiki. - Add the Shortcuts application menu entry displaying a shortcuts window. - Display small thumbnails if the window is narrow to display more of games. - Correctly update the selected media number on the media selector. - Drop the shadow in the collection view\'s scrolled window. + Libretro backend: - Add support for .options keyfiles listing options to be set on a Libretro core at initialization time. - Add predefined options for DeSmuME and DeSmuME 2015. + Supported games: - Add support for Virtual Boy games. - Use a dedicated MIME type for Neo Geo Pocket Color instead of the Neo Geo Pocket one. - Use a phony TurboGrafx-CD MIME type to fetch information from Grilo. + Allow to read cue sheets in other formats than UTF-8, avoiding the application to crash when parsing a file in UTF-16 or other encoding. + Update the authors lists. + Update the appdata to the latest specifications, OARS metadata and update gitlab links. + Updated translations.- Bump namever define to 0_14-0 following upstreams changes.
* Sun Mar 11 2018 Update to version 0.14.0: + Add dependency on libepoxy. + RetroCoreView: - Render the video with OpenGL instead of Cairo. - Drop the \'pixbuf\' property, but keep the pixbuf accessor functions. - Grab the focus when clicked, avoiding to miss the player\'s keyboard events to control the game. - Allow it to be the default widget by default bt setting the \'can-default\' property to TRUE on construction. + Add internal support for GLSL based video filters and port the existing ones to GLSL so they can work with the OpenGL renderer. + Add RETRO_VIDEO_FILTER_CRT, a RetroVideoFilter demanding the video display to mimick a CRT TV screen. + RetroPixdata: - Add retro_pixdata_get_width/height() and retro_pixdata_load_gl_texture(), allowing to export the pixel data to an OpenGL texture and to draw it at the expected size. - Don\'t fail when constructing with a non-zero rowstride, as these are valid values. + Add the set_rumble_state() virtual method to RetroController and implement it in RetroCoreViewController. + Build system change: make retro-gtk-demo properly depend on retro-gtk. + Bugs fixed: bgo#790454.- Add pkgconfig(epoxy) BuildRequires: new dependency.
* Mon Feb 26 2018 Use SPDX3.0 license tags and package COPYING as %license.
* Mon Nov 13 2017 Update to version 0.13.2: + Port the build system to Meson, requiring version 0.43.0 and drop the Autotools. + Drop retro_core_remove_controller(), to remove a controller instead set it to NULL. + Make retro_core_poll_controllers(), retro_core_get_controller_input_state() and retro_core_get_controller_capabilities() private as they are meant to be used by the Libretro core and not the end users. + Add: - retro_core_set_default_controller() to set controllers to be used by default when there is no controller with the requested capability in the requested port. - retro_core_view_set_as_default_controller() to easily set the controllers of a RetroCoreView as the default controllers of a RetroCore. retro-demo now uses these. - retro_controller_has_capability() to easily check if a controller has the given RetroControllerType capability. - Add RetroInput to encapsulate the inputs used in an input state query. It is used in retro_controller_get_input_state() and retro_core_view_get_input_state(). - Add a count enumeration value to RetroControllerType and the various controller code enumerations. + Replace gboolean by bool in get_variable_update() to avoid crashes. + Better check the creation of the PuleAudio sound output to avoid crashes.- Replace configure, make, make_install macros by meson, meson_build and meson_install macros following upstream port to Meson Build System.- Rename library from libretro-gtk0 to libretro-gtk-0_14 since upstream dropped and replaced by Drop intltool BuildRequires: it\'s not needed since retro-gtk do not use translations.- Add %namever and %libver macros to facilitate updatings.
* Mon Oct 16 2017 Update to version 0.13.1: + This version ports retro-gtk from Vala to C and simnplifies the API a lot. It comes with lots of API breaks, so many that it would be simpler to list what remained similar to the 0.12 branch than what changed. + The API will keep changing during the 0.14 development cycle, but it is hoped to lead to less API breaks after that.- Replace BuildRequires vala with BuildRequires pkgconfig(vapigen) as retro-gtk is now a C library compiling a VAPI.- Rename subpackage typelib-1_0-Retro-0_12 to typelib-1_0-Retro-0_14 following upstream changes.
* Tue Oct 03 2017 Drop no longer used tar scm service, upstream releases tarballs now.
* Mon Oct 02 2017 Update to version 0.12.1: + Core: - Fix a memory leak in the destructor. - Support partially setting memory regions. + CoreView: Reset inputs when losing focus.
* Mon Sep 11 2017 Update to version 0.12.0: + CoreViewInputDevice: Don\'t log errors when \'view\' is NULL. + GameInfo: Remove some free to avoid uselessly trying to free an already freed RetroGameInfo.
* Mon Sep 04 2017 Update to version 0.11.92: + Core: - Remove the barely used system-info property. - Use Gdk.EventKey for keyboard inputs. - Make the init singal an error-throwing method. - Implement disk handling directly. + CoreView can be exposed as a joypad, a mouse or a pointer. + retro-demo: add pointer support from CoreView. + Make all error domains internal. + Make internal and port to C: - GameInfo. - Module. - SystemAvInfo. - SystemInfo. - most of Core. - keyboard keys. + Remove unused symbols: - DiskControl. - GamepadConfiguration. - GamepadButtonType. - Keyboard. - KeyboardState. - MemDesc. - MemoryDescriptor. - MemoryMap. - Mouse. - VirtualGamepad. - get_system_info (). - SNES specific memory types from MemoryType.
* Mon Jul 17 2017 Update to version + A demo application has been added, it allows to directly test the without the need of an external tool. + Loading games: - Add the set_medias(), load_medias() and set_current_media() methods to Core and load the given medias (if any) in Core.init(). - Remove load_game() and prepare() Core methods from the public API as they are now used indirectly. - This should simplify loading games for the users of the library. + Logging: - Add the Core.log() signal which will emit a GLib compatible logging message with the Libretro core\'s name as the log domain. - Add retro_g_log() to simply handle Core.log() by outputing the logs in the expected unstructured GLib fashion. - Remove LogLevel, Log and FileStreamLog as they are now useless. + Add CoreView as a prototype of a single widget to handle most inputs and outputs of a core and use it in the demo. + Add CoreDescriptor.get_uri(). + Make CairoDisplay.set_core() and Make PaPlayer.set_core() accept null. + Fix the transmission of keyboard events to the Libretro core. + Rotation and many methods of Core are ported to C.- Rename subpackage typelib-1_0-Retro-0_10 to typelib-1_0-Retro-0_12 following upstream changes.
* Mon Mar 20 2017 Update to version 0.10.0: + Save the expected ratio as DPI of the video frames. + Bugs fixed: bgo#769833, bgo#779924, bgo#779987.
* Mon Mar 13 2017 Update to version 0.9.92: + Allow recursive iteration through Libretro cores of a directory.- Drop _service: upstream publishes proper tarballs now.- Drop libtool BuildRequires and no longer call no longer needed since we use a botstrapped tarball.
* Tue Feb 28 2017 Update to version 0.9.91: + Deduplicate some documentation. + Add missing MouseId values. + Remove deprecated input device types. + Allow core descriptors to check the firmwares. + Add an helper method to core descriptors tocheck the supported MIME types. + Add a module iterator, allowing sync and async module browsing. + Remove the now useless foreach function to browse the modules. + Add methods to Core to handle standalone cores more easily. + Fix an integer division when computing the aspect ratio. + Add a script to update libretro.h.- Remove retro-gtk-fix-build-deps.patch as it already is in the new sources.
* Tue Feb 14 2017 Update to version 0.9.90: + Merge the retro-gobject module into retro-gtk. + Merge the RetroGtk namespace into Retro. + Remove many unused types and functions. + Refactor many types and functions. + Make the API overall simpler. + Search modules from their Libretro Core Descriptor. + Search Libretro modules in paths from the LIBRETRO_PLUGIN_PATH env variable. + Drop the ancient module query mechanisms. + Drop the ancient Libretro core path env variable. + Allow to set a smooth or sharp rendering to CairoDisplay.- Drop libretro-gobject0 and typelib-1_0-Retro-0_0 subpackage: functionality has been merged into the Gtk parts.- Rename typelib-1_0-RetroGtk-0_8 subpackage to typelib-1_0-RetroGtk-0_10, following upstream.- Add retro-gtk-fix-build-deps.patch which ensures the internal header is compiled before the files using it.
* Fri Sep 23 2016 Improve the description and summary.
* Wed Sep 21 2016 Initial package, version 0.8.1.