Changelog for
python2-kombu-4.2.2.post1-41.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Updated to 4.2.2.post1: - Support both Redis client version 2.x and version 3.x.
* Wed Aug 15 2018 Updated to 4.2.1
* The 4.2.0 release contained remains of the ``async`` module by accident. This is now fixed.
* Handle librabbitmq fileno raising a ValueError when socket is not connected.
* Now passing ``max_retries``, ``interval_start``, ``interval_step``, ``interval_max`` parameters from broker ``transport_options`` to :meth:`~kombu.Connection.ensure_connection` when returning :meth:`~kombu.Connection.default_connection` (Issue #765).
* Qpid: messages are now durable by default
* Kombu now requires version 2.10.4 or greater of the redis library, in line with Celery
* Fixed ImportError in some environments with outdated simplejson
* MongoDB: fixed failure on MongoDB versions with an \"-rc\" tag
* Ensure periodic polling frequency does not exceed timeout in virtual transport
* Fixed string handling when using python-future module
* Replaced \"async\" with \"asynchronous\" in preparation for Python 3.7
* Allow removing pool size limit when in use
* Codebase improvements and fixes
* Documentation improvements- added python as requirement for ssl module is needed by amqp
* Wed May 23 2018 Clean up SPEC and obsolete python-carrot- Remove superfluous python-devel
* Tue Jan 30 2018 update to 4.1.0: - RabbitMQ: Ensured safer encoding of queue arguments. - Added fallback to :func:``uuid.uuid5`` in :func:``generate_oid`` if - Added Python 3.6 to CI testing - Fixed bug around modifying dictionary size while iterating over it
* Wed Jun 28 2017 convert the package to singlespec- import changes from python3-kombu:
* add AUTHORS to the package documentation
* use a more precise file list- drop test BuildRequires mock, nose-cover3 and unittest2: not needed anymore- add fdupes as BuildRequires and call it after install- skip the tests for python3 since they fail with python 3.6 (#675)
* Thu Mar 16 2017 update to 4.0.2: - Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 2.0. The new py-amqp version have been refactored for better performance, using modern Python socket conventions, and API consistency. - No longer depends on :mod:`anyjson`. Kombu will now only choose between :pypi:`simplejson` and the built-in :mod:`json`. - Removed transports that are no longer supported in this version: - Django ORM transport - SQLAlchemy ORM transport - Beanstalk transport - ZeroMQ transport - amqplib transport (use pyamqp).
* Mon Nov 14 2016 update to 3.0.35: - msgpack: msgpack support now requires msgpack-python > 0.4.7. - Redis: TimeoutError was no longer handled as a recoverable error. - msgpack: Fixes support for binary/unicode data - Qpid: Adds async error handling. - msgpack: Use binary encoding instead of utf-8 (Issue #570).
* Wed Jan 13 2016 Update to 3.0.33:
* Now depends on :mod:`amqp` 1.4.9
* Redis: Fixed problem with auxilliary connections causing the main consumer connection to be closed (Issue #550)
* Qpid: No longer uses threads to operate, to ensure compatibility with all environments (Issue #531)- See /usr/share/doc/packages/python-kombu/Changelog for changes introduced between 3.0.27 and 3.0.32- Remove fix-tests.patch
* Mon Sep 14 2015 Add fix-tests.patch to fix testcases with newer python-mock.
* Fri Jul 24 2015 fix non-SUSE build by conditionalizing Suggests: tag
* Thu May 07 2015 update to 3.0.26:
* Fixed compatibility with py-redis versions before 2.10.3 (Issue #470)- update project URL- set a minimum version for python-anyjson in BuildRequires- add back python-msgpack-python as test requirement- pass -q to test to avoid spamming the build log
* Wed Apr 22 2015 update to 3.0.25: - pyamqp/librabbitmq now uses 5671 as default port when SSL is enabled (Issue #459). - Redis: Now supports passwords in ``redis+socket://:passAATThost:port`` URLs (Issue #460). - ``Producer.publish`` now defines the ``expiration`` property in support of the `RabbitMQ per-message TTL extension`_. - Connection transport attribute now set correctly for all transports. - qpid: Fixed bug where the connectionw as not being closed properly. - :class:`~kombu.entity.bindings` is now JSON serializable (Issue #453). - Fixed typo in error when yaml is not installed (said ``msgpack``). - Redis: Now properly handles ``TimeoutError raised by py-redis. - qpid: Adds additional string to check for when connecting to qpid. When we connect to qpid, we need to ensure that we skip to the next SASL mechanism if the current mechanism fails. Otherwise, we will keep retrying the connection with a non-working mech. - qpid: Handle ``NotFound`` exceptions. - :class:`Queue.__repr__` now makes sure return value is not unicode (Issue #440). - qpid: ``Queue.purge`` incorrectly raised :exc:`AttributeErrror` if the does not exist (Issue #439). - Linux: Now ignores permission errors on epoll unregister.
* Thu Nov 20 2014 update to version 3.0.24: - The `Qpid
`_ broker is supported for Python 2.x environments. The Qpid transport includes full SSL support within Kombu. See the :mod:`kombu.transport.qpid` docs for more info. - Dependencies: extra[librabbitmq] now requires librabbitmq 1.6.0 - Docstrings for :class:`~kombu.utils.limit.TokenBucket` did not match implementation. - :func:`~kombu.common.oid_from` accidentally called ``uuid.getnode()`` but did not use the return value. - Redis: Now ignores errors when cosing the underlying connection. - Redis: Restoring messages will now use a single connection. - ``kombu.five.monotonic``: Can now be imported even if ctypes is not available for some reason (e.g. App Engine) - Documentation: Improved example to use the ``declare`` argument to ``Producer`` (Issue #423). - Django: Fixed ``app_label`` for older Django versions (``< 1.7``). (Issue #414).- fixed python-amqp BuildRequire