Changelog for featherpad-lang-0.9.0-lp150.6.2.noarch.rpm :

* Wed Aug 08 2018 Ensure neutrality of descriptions.
* Tue May 22 2018 Update to 0.9:
* Added an option for the text tab size in terms of spaces.
* Added \"To Upper Case\" and \"To Lower Case\".
* Disable the language button for documents that are made uneditable because of their contents.
* Open the files of the last window instead of starting with all recent files (if the related option is checked).
* Restore cursor positions with last window files too.
* Remove the lock file only at the end, when the config is written, because writing may take some time with cursor positions.
* Before focusing an existing side-pane with its toggling shortcut, ensure its visibility.
* Added the overwrite mode, which is toggled by pressing the Insert key.
* Added an option for saving unmodified files.
* Added an option for closing a window on closing its last tab.
* Fixed a regression in recognizing special files (started when QRegExp was replaced by QRegularExpression).
* Added Ctrl+Up/Down for scrolling by one line without moving the cursor.
* Added Meta+Up/Down for going to the same position in the previous/next unwrapped line.
* Added shortcuts (Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down) for moving lines.
* Added a history popup to the search bar.
* Set the window title to the path.
* Also open paths that point to nonexistent files (to save them later).
* Don\'t show the warning bar when there\'s a modal dialog.
* Added command-line options for cursor position.
* Deal with relative paths completely.
* Added an option to not permit opening of non-text files.
* Added the number of pages to tab/side-item context menu.
* Made Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Meta+Tab and Shift+Tab really align the text.
* Covered regex inside QML too (with syntax highlighting).
* Never remove trailing spaces with diff files.
* Made highlighting of JavaScript regex faster and fixed some bugs in it.
* Added an option for thick text cursor.
* Made the current line number bold and added a marker for wrapped lines. Also made the line highlighter much milder.
* Center the current line on clicking inside the line number strip.
* Toggle side-pane by middle clicking an empty space inside it or inside the tab-bar.
* Put the line number strip on the right with an RTL layout.
* Sun May 20 2018 Run spec-cleaner- Delete _service file- Remove desktop and icon cache update- Update to 0.8:
* Close the warning-bar when the text is scrolled.
* Fixed highlighting and markdown.
* Added the symlink \"fpad\".
* Added an options for auto-saving of opened files (disabled by default).
* Add a new tab on double clicking an empty space of the tabbar.
* An option for showing the cursor position on the statusbar (disabled by default).
* Support syntax override (disabled by default).
* An option for vertical position lines.
* Open hyperlinks of highlighted texts by left-clikcing them while the Ctrl key is pressed and also with an item in the context menu.
* Added an option for removing trailing spaces on saving (Markdown\'s trailing double spaces are taken care of).
* Added Undo/Redo to custom shortcuts, although their default shortcuts are hard-coded in Qt.
* Show whitespaces or line/document ends with normal texts too (by using the URL syntax highlighting).
* Never show the horizontal scrollbar on wrapping (when whitespaces are visible).
* Handle \""\", \">\" and \"<\", especially in XML.
* Support hard-coded symbolic icons that change their colors appropriately (adapted from Cantata).
* Bug fixes
* Tue Jan 30 2018 update to version 0.7
* Tue Jan 02 2018 update to version 0.6.3
* Sun Apr 16 2017 initial package (version 0.5.8) for openSUSE