Changelog for libgtk-3-0-32bit-3.22.30-332.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Jul 24 2018 qkzhuAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-fix-wayland-csd-announce.patch: This fixes libreoffice under kwin, which would remove it\'s own headers as per the manager\'s request but not inform kwin leaving it in the even more broken state of having none. (boo#1099991) * Tue Jun 12 2018 fezhangAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-filechooserbutton-Fix-reserved-pointers.patch: Stop gcc from complaining about unnecessary parenthesis, fix gnucash build failures. * Tue Apr 24 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Mark /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini as config(noreplace): admins that update this file most likely want to keep their changes (boo#1087507) - and the distro does not have very frequent changes in this file. * Wed Apr 18 2018 luc14n0AATTlinuxmail.org- Update to version 3.22.30: + gtk-demo has a new \'Widgetbowl\' demo. + The wayland backend now supports the stable xdg-shell protocol. + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GTK#28, glgo#GNOME/GTK#83, glgo#GNOME/GTK#88, glgo#GNOME/GTK#114, glgo#GNOME/GTK#129, glgo#GNOME/GTK#132, glgo#GNOME/GTK#141, glgo#GNOME/GTK#146, glgo#GNOME/GTK#156, glgo#GNOME/GTK#157, glgo#GNOME/GTK#163, bgo#705509, bgo#745128, bgo#748784, bgo#791939, bgo#792632, bgo#793062. * Wed Apr 04 2018 fezhangAATTsuse.com- Clean up specfile: Enable Wayland unconditionally. * Thu Mar 22 2018 luc14n0AATTlinuxmail.org- Drop icon_theme_cache_ * and glib2_gsettings_schema_ * post/postun scriptlets, and glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro: their functionality has been moved to RPM file triggers (RPM 4.13, suse_version 1330).- Add cairo-gobject, gio-2.0, gio-unix-2.0 and harfbuzz pkgconfig modules BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependencies. * Tue Mar 20 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Unconditionally enable translation-update-upstream: on Tumbleweed, this results in a NOP and for Leap in SLE paid translations being used (boo#1086036). * Tue Mar 13 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.29: + Wayland: add an input method based on the text protocol. + File chooser: Stop activating without double-click. + Bugs fixed: bgo#710888, bgo#743975, bgo#775546, bgo#794008. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-restore-filechooser-click-behavior.patch: fixed upstream. * Wed Feb 28 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner * Mon Feb 26 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Package COPYING as %license instead of %doc. * Mon Feb 26 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Drop gtk3-path-local.patch: patch had been disabled since GTK August 2016 with nobody missing the feature. * Mon Feb 19 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.28: + Improve frame clock accuracy (bgo#787665). + Bugs fixed: bgo#793442. * Wed Feb 14 2018 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.27: + Require libcloudproviders 0.2.5. + The Emoji chooser can now be used with GtkTextView as well. + The Emoji chooser avoids fallback sequences that break the grid. + GTK+ is now using ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini when using Wayland without dconf. + Make fuse-mounted network filesystems show up in Other Locations. + The font chooser dialog supports search now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#737175, bgo#741633, bgo#771986, bgo#774248, bgo#779009, bgo#786123, bgo#786509, bgo#786528, bgo#787089, bgo#787128, bgo#789054, bgo#789160, bgo#789268, bgo#790029, bgo#790031, bgo#790033, bgo#790201, bgo#790270, bgo#790862, bgo#790963, bgo#791039, bgo#791062, bgo#791234, bgo#791281, bgo#791363, bgo#791549, bgo#791650, bgo#791710, bgo#791943, bgo#792279, bgo#792459, bgo#792624. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-placesview-Present-FUSE-reachable-network-shares-in-.patch: fixed upstream. * Fri Dec 29 2017 jengelhAATTinai.de- Sync summaries with gtk4. * Sat Nov 18 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.26: + Bugs fixed: bgo#785176, bgo#787142, bgo#788898, bgo#789134, bgo#789213, bgo#789630, bgo#789678, bgo#789733. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-wayland-distribute-server-decoration-xml.patch: fixed upstream.- Comment gnome-common Buildrequires and call to autogen.sh again: no currently applied patch changes the build system. * Fri Nov 17 2017 vliaskovitisAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-placesview-Present-FUSE-reachable-network-shares-in-.patch: Present FUSE reachable network shares in gtkplacesview (bgo#787128, bsc#1062879) * Tue Oct 31 2017 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Update to version 3.22.25: + The HighContrast theme has received numerous improvements. + Middle-click on scrollbars jumps to the position again. + Wayland: - Terminal sizing problems are fixed. - The Wayland backend now implemented the KDE server-side decorations protocol. + X11: Problems with menus on several X servers are fixed. + Bugs fixed: bgo#701296, bgo#728452, bgo#738387, bgo#763517, bgo#769877, bgo#769879, bgo#771279, bgo#775217, bgo#776793, bgo#777072, bgo#778811, bgo#778930, bgo#780101, bgo#781909, bgo#782396, bgo#783995, bgo#784314, bgo#784509, bgo#786220, bgo#786794, bgo#787274, bgo#787669, bgo#787866, bgo#788053, bgo#788458, bgo#788496, bgo#788505, bgo#788516, bgo#788573, bgo#788574, bgo#788575, bgo#788577, bgo#788580, bgo#788614, bgo#788841, bgo#788905, bgo#789141, bgo#789149, bgo#789327, bgo#789357. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-silence-log-spew-blank-cursors.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gtk3-wayland-distribute-server-decoration-xml.patch: Builds that include wayland fail unless gtk/wayland/protocol/server-decoration.xml is included in tarballs (bgo#789630). Patch touches Makefile.am, uncomment BuildRequires: gnome-common and ./autogen.sh before configure. * Wed Oct 11 2017 yfjiangAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-restore-filechooser-click-behavior.patch: The clicking behavior introduced by commit#fb0a13b has confused many users in the past 2 years. By reverting the commit, the patch makes the primary button clicking behave as consistent as most users has been used to (bgo#758065 bsc#1057471). * Wed Oct 04 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.24: + Combobox: Don\'t try to remove grabs on NULL devices. + Fix some issues with the new resizable tiling. * Wed Oct 04 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.23: + Bugs fixed: bgo#783669, bgo#784562. * Tue Oct 03 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.22: + Bugs fixed: bgo#639931, bgo#644248, bgo#775126, bgo#780758, bgo#781757, bgo#787021, bgo#787302, bgo#787303, bgo#787444, bgo#787531, bgo#787600, bgo#787757. + Updated translations. * Fri Sep 15 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-silence-log-spew-blank-cursors.patch wayland: Don\'t spew warnings for blank cursors. Patch from upstream bug (bgo#775217). * Mon Sep 11 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.21: + Bugs fixed: bgo#738893, bgo#786613, bgo#787172, bgo#787279, bgo#787280, bgo#787410. + Updated translations. * Mon Sep 04 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.20: + Add input hints for Emoji, that let applications indicate whether entries would benefit from Emoji support or not. + Add support for cloud services in GtkPlacesSidebar. This adds a new, optional dependency on libcloudproviders. + Buga fixed: bgo#468868, bgo#618160, bgo#705640, bgo#729651, bgo#759725, bgo#766909, bgo#774134, bgo#775074, bgo#776937, bgo#780750, bgo#783649, bgo#785306, bgo#785736, bgo#786029, bgo#786123, bgo#786209, bgo#786492, bgo#786553, bgo#786771, bgo#786841, bgo#786885, bgo#786932, bgo#786938, bgo#786940, bgo#786956, bgo#786960, bgo#786964, bgo#786966, bgo#786986, bgo#787103, bgo#787158, bgo#787195. + Updated translations.- Add (commented out) pkgconfig(cloudproviders) BuildRequires: new dependency for the cloud support integration. As upstream is not yet in a situation to make proper versioned releases, we do not enable it yet. * Tue Aug 22 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.19: + Add support for Emoji input, with an Emoji chooser. + Bugs fixed: bgo#773299, bgo#784016, bgo#784421, bgo#785999, bgo#786144, bgo#786209, bgo#786287, bgo#786400, bgo#786469, bgo#786480, bgo#786594. + Updated translations. * Tue Aug 08 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.18: + Support entering emoji by name, using Ctrl-Shift-E. + Wayland: - Add support for the shortcut inhibitor protocol. - Support Wacome tablet wheel scrolling. + Bugs fixed: bgo#771959, bgo#776903, bgo#776909, bgo#777333, bgo#777515, bgo#778188, bgo#780938, bgo#781246, bgo#782870, bgo#783343, bgo#783649, bgo#783716, bgo#783906, bgo#784624, bgo#785255, bgo#785375, bgo#785423, bgo#785672. + Updated translations. * Wed Jul 19 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.17: + Add native file chooser support for OS X. + Bugs fixed: bgo#766517, bgo#781583, bgo#781935, bgo#781936, bgo#782040, bgo#782325, bgo#784323, bgo#784723, bgo#784888. + Updated translations. * Thu Jul 06 2017 fvogtAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-revert-forced-xftdpi.patch: revert upstream commit breaking DPI autodetection (boo#1022830, fate#322401, fdo#98909, kde#367499, bmo#1269274). Aligns GTK\'s DPI detection code back to what GTK2 does. * Tue Jun 27 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Migrate %icon_theme_cache_post/postun macro from hicolor-icon-theme to gtk3-tools file triggers. Any package installing icons below /usr/share/icons will trigger. Each package will produce the cache for every icon theme being updated. The same trigger is also added to gtk2-tools, where only the one owning the current instance of /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache update-alternative link actually executes the update. * Wed Jun 21 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.16: + GtkEntryBuffer no longer emits changed events when input is truncated. + gtk3-icon-browser now offers to copy the icon name to the clipboard. + Bugs fixed: bgo#745289, bgo#759308, bgo#770513, bgo#778853, bgo#779078, bgo#781285, bgo#781945, bgo#782117, bgo#782283, bgo#782325, bgo#783047, bgo#783347, bgo#783397, bgo#783587. + Updated translations. * Fri May 19 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Change gettext-tools BuildRequires to gettext-tools-mini: the - mini package has all we need and it helps us get out of the bootstrap cycle. * Fri May 12 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.15: + Revert an unexpeted change in listbox behavior. + Improve the Adwaita style for tagged entries. * Wed May 10 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.14: + Fix build without sassc. + Fix clipboard handling of UTF8 text. * Wed May 10 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.13: + Bugs fixed: bgo#358970, bgo#771269, bgo#773814, bgo#778301, bgo#778617, bgo#779570, bgo#780301, bgo#781118, bgo#781162, bgo#781195, bgo#781214, bgo#781422, bgo#781605, bgo#781622, bgo#781737, bgo#781767, bgo#781814, bgo#781992, bgo#782109, bgo#782180, bgo#782202. + Updated translations. * Mon Apr 24 2017 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.12: + Bugs fixed: bgo#686838, bgo#734946, bgo#773228, bgo#776472, bgo#778853, bgo#779081, bgo#779184, bgo#780041, bgo#780234, bgo#780734, bgo#780735, bgo#780878, bgo#780994. + Updated translations. * Fri Mar 24 2017 sreevesAATTsuse.com- Add Requires gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg. bsc#1007453 We require adwaita-icon-theme so we need something to load the svg icons it provides. * Mon Mar 20 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.11: + Quartz: Fix build on osx < 10.12. + Cosmetic fixes. + Avoid a critical warning in the filechooser portal. * Tue Mar 14 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.10: + Theme: Improve styling for flow boxes. + Quartz: - Support fullscreen CSD windows. - Implement backdrop. - Implement gdk_window_set_functions. + Bugs fixed: bgo#778905, bgo#779073, bgo#779074, bgo#779317, bgo#779374, bgo#779383, bgo#779392. + Updated translations. * Tue Feb 28 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.9: + Bugs fixed: bgo#136059, bgo#776821, bgo#778203, bgo#778328, bgo#778534, bgo#778678, bgo#778726, bgo#778746, bgo#778835, bgo#778905, bgo#779005, bgo#136059, bgo#772505, bgo#774148, bgo#778019. + Updated translations. * Mon Feb 13 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.8: + Wayland: Avoid overlap between Alt and Meta. + Mir: - Implement window properties. - Track window focus. - Connect to content-hub and use it for copy/paste. - Use modal hint. + Bugs fixed: bgo#358970, bgo#765161, bgo#765410, bgo#770112, bgo#773686, bgo#775732, bgo#775864, bgo#777527, bgo#777547. + Updated translations. * Mon Jan 16 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.7: + Bugs fixed: bgo#165385, bgo#769214, bgo#769835, bgo#774726, bgo#775846, bgo#776031, bgo#776225, bgo#776485, bgo#776807, bgo#777031, bgo#777176. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-wayland-handle-subsurface-popup-parent.patch: Fixed upstream. * Sun Jan 08 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-wayland-handle-subsurface-popup-parent.patch: Handle subsurface as popup parent (bgo#776225). * Thu Jan 05 2017 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.6: + Fix GL checks to work better on OpenGL ES 2.0. + Avoid a possible crash in ::activate-url handlers. + scrolledwindow: Fix func summary being cut off in bindings using doxygen. + Bugs fixed: bgo#774534, bgo#776132, bgo#776187, bgo#776012, bgo#774784, bgo#776306, bgo#775808, bgo#776524, bgo#776560. + Updated translations. * Fri Dec 09 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.5: + gtk3-demo now has an example for using PangoTabArray to create a multi-column layout. + Bugs fixed: bgo#771242, bgo#774114, bgo#774265, bgo#774379, bgo#774686, bgo#774695, bgo#774699, bgo#774743, bgo#774760, bgo#774790, bgo#774893, bgo#774915, bgo#774917, bgo#774939, bgo#775212, bgo#775316, bgo#775319, bgo#775525. + Updated translations. * Fri Dec 09 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Split out glib schemas into gtk3-schema: gtk3 and gtk4 share the same schema (in order to sync their config changes). With this split we can have gtk4-schema provide/obsolete gtk3-schema and get around the two conflicting on file level.- Move relevant %gsettings macros from -data to -schema package.- Require gtk3-schema by libgtk-3-0.- Split out gettext-its-gtk3. * Sat Nov 19 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#767713, bgo#768081, bgo#768531, bgo#772075, bgo#772202, bgo#773587, bgo#773916, bgo#773979, bgo#774046, bgo#774066, bgo#774097, bgo#774185, bgo#774352. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-startupfix-wayland.patch: fixed upstream. * Mon Nov 07 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.3: + Deprecations have been added for APIs that will be removed in GTK+ 4. + gtk-demo has gained a new demo for showing (and testing) rendering preformance + Windows: - The GL support has been improved. Legacy contexts can now be created, and anti-aliasing is possible - Hi-DPI is now supported + Bugs fixed: bgo#768081, bgo#773274, bgo#773474, bgo#773479, bgo#773528, bgo#773799, bgo#773857, bgo#773885. + Updated translations. * Tue Nov 01 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-startupfix-wayland.patch: Fix slow startup notification for some gtk3 apps when running on wayland (bgo#768531). * Mon Oct 24 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.2: + Several improvements to the win32 theme. + Deprecations have been added for APIs that will be removed in GTK+ 4. + Bugs fixed: bgo#767713, bgo#771320, bgo#772345, bgo#772389, bgo#772415, bgo#772552, bgo#772683, bgo#772695, bgo#772775, bgo#772859, bgo#772922, bgo#772926, bgo#773029, bgo#773082, bgo#773113, bgo#773180, bgo#773246. + Updated translations. * Sat Oct 01 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.1: + Reduce runtime warnings. + Bugs fixed: bgo#765649, bgo#769500, bgo#769554, bgo#770388, bgo#771516, bgo#771553, bgo#771666, bgo#771812, bgo#771826, bgo#771915, bgo#771959, bgo#771963, bgo#772057, bgo#772215. + Updated translations.- Drop patches fixed upstream: + gtk3-widget-warn-consistency-check-only.patch. + gtk3-add-missing-annotations.patch. + gtk3-wayland-always-sync-state.patch. + gtk3-wayland-avoid-negative-size-constraints.patch. * Tue Sep 27 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-wayland-avoid-negative-size-constraints.patch: Fix totem window misplaced after a state change (bgo#771915). * Mon Sep 26 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-wayland-always-sync-state.patch: wayland: always sync state after a frame is painted. Fix black areas in webkit based apps (bgo#771553). * Thu Sep 22 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-add-missing-annotations.patch: Add some missing (nullable) annotations (bgo#771826).- Rebase settings.ini, set Adwaita as gtk-fallback-icon-theme. * Tue Sep 20 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-widget-warn-consistency-check-only.patch: widget: Only warn about missing allocation if G_ENABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS. The previously chosen G_ENABLE_DEBUG is by default set on gtk+ unless it is explicitly disabled by configure --disable-debug. As the default is too noisy, we move it to a flag that is only switched on by configure --enable-debug. * Mon Sep 19 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.22.0: + Reduce some noisy warnings. + Improve positioning and sizing of popups on Wayland. + Update Adwaita assets. + Bugs fixed: bgo#602773, bgo#771117, bgo#771349, bgo#771568, bgo#771561. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 13 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.6: + GtkScrolledWindow sizing behavior has been changed back to the previous behavior, with new API to change it. + Some GtkPopover size allocation problems have been fixed. + Wayland: We require xdg-shell version 6 now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#764979, bgo#766569, bgo#767391, bgo#769498, bgo#770278, bgo#770508, bgo#770614, bgo#770624, bgo#770703, bgo#770745, bgo#770849, bgo#770906, bgo#771033. + Updated translations. * Tue Aug 30 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.5: + Make GtkShortcutLabel public. + Add an API to obtain window IDs for sharing. + Add explicit API to show/hide popovers with animation. + Wayland: - Switch to xdg-shell v6. - Use tablet pad protocol to support Wacom tablets fully. - Use the xdg_foreign protocol to export window handles. - Improve menu positioning. - Improve handling of tiled window state. + Add GtkPadController to bind GActions to tablet pad events. + Bugs fixed: bgo#569581, bgo#712760, bgo#755947, bgo#756579, bgo#762260, bgo#764413, bgo#768017, bgo#768081, bgo#768138, bgo#768722, bgo#768902, bgo#768930, bgo#768999, bgo#769003, bgo#769004, bgo#769047, bgo#769126, bgo#769162, bgo#769205, bgo#769236, bgo#769287, bgo#769402, bgo#769451, bgo#769485, bgo#769568, bgo#769601, bgo#769603, bgo#769706, bgo#769937, bgo#770026, bgo#770166, bgo#770236, bgo#770242, bgo#770332, bgo#770374, bgo#769788, bgo#770458, bgo#770550, bgo#770307. + Updated translations. * Wed Aug 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.4: + GtkHeaderBar supports expanding children. + GtkPrintDialog respects initially set capabilities. + GtkApplication supports registering with the Xfce session manager. + Keep firefox working after the introduction of GdkDrawingContext. + css: Support for background-blend-mode has been added. + Wayland: Fix some interoperability issues in clipboard handling. + Sandboxing: - GtkFileChooserNative gained portal support. - GtkPrintOperation gained portal support. - gtk_show_uri gained portal support. - GtkApplication gained portal support for inhibiting. + New APIs: - gtk_show_uri_on_window. - gtk_file_filter_to/from_gvariant. - gtk_file_chooser_add/remove/set/get_choice. - gtk_print_settings_to/from_gvariant. - gtk_paper_size_to/from_gvariant. - gtk_page_setup_to/from_gvariant. + Bugs fixed: bgo#693203, bgo#724332, bgo#767849, bgo#767851, bgo#767965, bgo#768016, bgo#768025, bgo#768082, bgo#768142, bgo#768184, bgo#768485, bgo#768499, bgo#768546, bgo#768657, bgo#768659, bgo#768756. + Updated translations.- Stop passing V=1 to make, debugging is local, no need to clutter obs build logs. * Wed Aug 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.3: + GtkStack now has its own accessible implementation which only shows the currently visible child. + The GtkSizeGroup::ignore-hidden property has been documented as not working. + GDK_SOURCE_TRACKPOINT has been added to the GdkInputSource enumeration to allow special-casing this kind of input device. + Wayland: - Use separate devices to differentiate between various sources of scroll events. - Fall back to using shm_open if memfds are unavailable. + Styling of text in GtkScale and GtkProgressBar can now be influenced by the proper CSS nodes. + GtkScrolledWindow has new max-content-width/height properties to control its size. + GtkFileChooser search has been fixed to work with trackers FTS5 syntax. + Bugs fixed: bgo#79229, bgo#118959, bgo#556254, bgo#578626, bgo#674215, bgo#708148, bgo#710471, bgo#742281, bgo#745622, bgo#751409, bgo#753202, bgo#764203, bgo#765410, bgo#765595, bgo#766341, bgo#766372, bgo#766569, bgo#766675, bgo#766860, bgo#766878, bgo#767052, bgo#767058, bgo#767093, bgo#767100, bgo#767108, bgo#767238, bgo#767241, bgo#767310, bgo#767312, bgo#767468, bgo#767705, bgo#767766, bgo#767795. + Updated translations. * Wed Aug 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.2: + GTK+ is now using upstream gettext instead of the GLib wrappers. This adds a requirement for the fairly recent gettext 0.19.7 release. + GDK has a new GdkMonitor api that offers richer information about connected outputs. + Bugs fixed: bgo#373745, bgo#682080, bgo#747206, bgo#756570, bgo#759037, bgo#763852, bgo#764395, bgo#765471, bgo#765579, bgo#765676, bgo#765700, bgo#765742, bgo#765790, bgo#765793, bgo#765858, bgo#765907, bgo#765922, bgo#765924, bgo#765939, bgo#765966, bgo#765973, bgo#765981, bgo#766049, bgo#766120, bgo#766166, bgo#766175, bgo#766207, bgo#766233, bgo#766314, bgo#766323, bgo#766336, bgo#766405, bgo#766440, bgo#766442, bgo#766458, bgo#766530, bgo#766566, bgo#766569, bgo#766642, bgo#766643, bgo#766737, bgo#766782. + Updated translations.- Disable gtk3-path-local.patch: It needs rebase again. Reverting patch to original we had before last rebase. * Wed Aug 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.21.1: + The GNU Affero General Public License has been added to the list of predefined licenses in GtkAboutDialog. + GtkShortcutWindow can now follow changes to accelerators. + GdkSeat and GdkDevice gained API for device tools, to support drawing tablets. + GtkInspector can now slow down (or speed up) animations. This functionality is also available via the GTK_SLOWDOWN environment variable. + GdkGLContext can now be instructed to use GLES. + CSS: - Inconsistencies in font size handling have been fixed. - The font shorthand is now parsed according to the CSS spec. + Windows: - Clipboard handling has been optimized. - The CSD implementation has been improved. + Wayland: - We print more debug information about pixel formats, outputs, etc. - The unstable tablet protocol is now supported. - Virtual modifier handling has been improved. - Reduce jitter in keyboard repeat. - Fix problems with multiple display connections. + Bugs fixed: bgo#573380, bgo#620065, bgo#693077, bgo#730821, bgo#743746, bgo#749405, bgo#761651, bgo#763013, bgo#763600, bgo#763627, bgo#763768, bgo#763783, bgo#763850, bgo#763851, bgo#763907, bgo#763913, bgo#764022, bgo#764060, bgo#764170, bgo#764210, bgo#764321, bgo#764376, bgo#764424, bgo#764664, bgo#764712, bgo#764845, bgo#764846, bgo#764863, bgo#764879, bgo#764925, bgo#764975, bgo#764996, bgo#765038, bgo#765065, bgo#765066, bgo#765100, bgo#765118, bgo#765122, bgo#765195, bgo#765213, bgo#765238, bgo#765259, bgo#765261, bgo#765270, bgo#765284, bgo#765486, bgo#765493, bgo#765496, bgo#765567, bgo#756570, bgo#765474, bgo#765565, bgo#765576, bgo#765577, bgo#765632, bgo#765640, bgo#765644. + Updated translations.- Rebase gtk3-path-local.patch.- Drop gtk3-gtkwindow-realize-toplevel-before-popover.patch: fixed upstream.- Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires and macro for non-openSUSE only. * Wed Aug 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.9: + Fix headerbar size allocation. + Use g_snprintf instead of snprintf. + Bugs fixed: bgo#769287, bgo#769603. + Updated translations. * Thu Aug 11 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Fix update-alternatives usage. * Thu Aug 04 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.8: + Revert an unintentional bump of the GLib requirement in 3.20.7. * Thu Aug 04 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.7: + Bugs fixed: bgo#118959, bgo#674215, bgo#708148, bgo#745622, bgo#747206, bgo#764060, bgo#764203, bgo#765924, bgo#766120, bgo#766122, bgo#766341, bgo#766643, bgo#766782, bgo#767058, bgo#767468, bgo#767705, bgo#767766, bgo#767795, bgo#767848, bgo#767851, bgo#768016, bgo#768025, bgo#768082, bgo#768142, bgo#768177, bgo#768485, bgo#768657, bgo#768930, bgo#769003, bgo#769047. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-gtkwindow-realize-toplevel-before-popover.patch: fixed upstream. * Mon Jul 04 2016 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Add gtk3-gtkwindow-realize-toplevel-before-popover.patch: GtkWindow: Ensure the toplevel is realized before realizing popovers; patch taken from upstream master (bgo#764060). * Mon May 23 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.6: + Bugs fixed: bgo#766694, bgo#766323, bgo#766336, bgo#766737.- Drop gtk3-bnc130159-bgo319483-async-font-selection.patch: It\'s been disabled since version 3.16.2 and upstream closed the bug as obsolete back in 2011. * Thu May 19 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#763852, bgo#765973, bgo#766175, bgo#766233, bgo#766440, bgo#766442. + Updated translations. * Fri May 13 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Fix libgtk-3-0 dependency on gtk-data: require the data package for the latest installed version of libgtk-3- . This is only needed for any eventual case where an ABI incompatible libgtk3 might ever appear in order to allow them to be parallel installable - something upstream knows to avoid doing. * Mon May 09 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#573380, bgo#620065, bgo#693077, bgo#749405, bgo#761651, bgo#762756, bgo#763768, bgo#764395, bgo#764424, bgo#764585, bgo#764825, bgo#764846, bgo#765038, bgo#765065, bgo#765066, bgo#765122, bgo#765213, bgo#765238, bgo#765261, bgo#765270, bgo#765284, bgo#765471, bgo#765474, bgo#765486, bgo#765493, bgo#765496, bgo#765565, bgo#765567, bgo#765592, bgo#765640, bgo#765644, bgo#765742, bgo#765790, bgo#765907, bgo#765922, bgo#765981, bgo#766166. + Updated translations. * Wed Apr 13 2016 idonmezAATTsuse.com- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572- Remove upstream patches: gtk3-icon-theme-reduce-io.patch, gtk3-icon-cache-index-only.patch, gtk3-bnc872820-headerbar-decoration-layout.patch, gtk3-bsc957399-gdkcairo-surface-error.patch, gtk3-bgo725733.patch, gtk3-bnc891647-generate-full-builtin-icon-cache.patch * Tue Apr 12 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#764174, bgo#764203, bgo#764204, bgo#764261, bgo#764374, bgo#764378, bgo#764540, bgo#764585, bgo#764664, bgo#764686, bgo#764710, bgo#764835. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-bgo764174-boo973416-no-undersize.patch, gtk3-Wayland-do-not-resize.patch and gtk3-stable-adwaita-fixes.patch: fixed upstream. * Tue Apr 05 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-Wayland-do-not-resize.patch: wayland: Do not resize with the same size, gnome-control-center is calling gtk_window_resize() on configure-event signals which leads to a busy loop (bgo#764374). * Sat Apr 02 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-stable-adwaita-fixes.patch: Add upstream adwaita fixes. * Fri Apr 01 2016 egeorgetAATTopenmailbox.org- Add gtk3-bgo764174-boo973416-no-undersize.patch: gtkwindow: Don\'t allow unresizable windows to be smaller than required. Patch from upstream git (bgo#764174, boo#973416). * Thu Mar 31 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.2: + Fix blue background in Emacs windows. + Fix a performance issue with excessive redraws. + Bugs fixed: bgo#763627, bgo#763783, bgo#763851, bgo#764022, bgo#764170, bgo#764210, bgo#764321, bgo#764376. + Updated translations. * Fri Mar 25 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.1: + Active GtkSwitch widgets now use the :checked state, to match GtkToggleButton. + Bugs fixed: bgo#641354, bgo#763350, bgo#763604, bgo#763659, bgo#763731, bgo#763741, bgo#763758, bgo#763779, bgo#763802, bgo#763804, bgo#763808, bgo#763859, bgo#763900, bgo#764118. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 21 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.20.0: + Themes: - The HighContrast theme has been brought back up to par with Adwaita. - Adwaita has received detail fixes for many widgets. - Adwaita now transitions to backdrop. + Bugs fixed: bgo#746490, bgo#763609, bgo#763610, bgo#763612, bgo#763613, bgo#763696, bgo#763706, bgo#763707, bgo#763749, bgo#763774, bgo#763775, bgo#763777, bgo#763781, bgo#763796, bgo#763797, bgo#763823, bgo#763835, bgo#763846, bgo#763955. + Updated translations. * Tue Mar 15 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.12: + GTK+ now respects default size even for windows that are not resizable. + GtkScale and GtkScrollbar have received multiple fixes for fallout from the gadget port. + GtkStackSwitcher will now switch pages when hovered during drag-and-drop. + Inspector: - The per-object CSS editor has been dropped; the global one is sufficient. - The sidebar has been replaced by a combo box. - Add a Show Layout option to the Visual tab. - CSS node tree and style properties are now on the same page. - The frame clock is shown in the Miscellaneous page. - Isolate the inspector from visual debugging effects. - Numerous smaller UI improvements. + Themes: - Windows theme: handle spin buttons and switches. - Adwaita: Fixes for scales, combo boxes, info bars, action bars, radio and check buttons, side bars, etc. - Adwaita has gained a new style of drop target highlighting. + Wayland: - Synchronize key repeat with server. - Add a bell request to gtk_shell and use it to implement gdk_window_beep. - Add a focus request to gtk_shell and use it to implement gtk_window_present. - Dropping tabs to create new windows is now supported. + Windows: - Use a custom drag-resize implementation. - Use layered windows. - Provide workarea information. + OS X: Native zoom and rotate gestures are now supported. + Bugs fixed: bgo#583780, bgo#699891, bgo#720950, bgo#748872, bgo#756450, bgo#757942, bgo#759899, bgo#760276, bgo#761629, bgo#762397, bgo#762811, bgo#762820, bgo#762891, bgo#762902, bgo#762907, bgo#762945, bgo#762974, bgo#762996, bgo#763001, bgo#763012, bgo#763017, bgo#763023, bgo#763080, bgo#763103, bgo#763216, bgo#763285, bgo#763287, bgo#763298, bgo#763351, bgo#763380, bgo#763387, bgo#763628, bgo#763650. + Updated translations. * Wed Mar 02 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.11: + GtkRange, GtkScale and GtkScrollbar have been ported to use gadgets. + Themes: Windows theme improvements. + Inspector: - Show input device information. - Update monitor information when it changes. + Wayland: Implement primary selection (using a private protocol with mutter for now). + Bugs fixed: bgo#756751, bgo#760482, bgo#761767, bgo#762123, bgo#762561, bgo#762593, bgo#762614, bgo#762629, bgo#762677, bgo#762713, bgo#762720, bgo#762755, bgo#762820, bgo#762887, bgo#762891, bgo#761156, bgo#761686, bgo#762468. + Updated translations. * Wed Feb 24 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.10: + GTK+ will now list included backends when seeing the environment variable GDK_BACKEND=help. + Themes: - Windows theme improvements. - Adwaita cleanups. + Wayland: Implement startup notification. + Bugs fixed: bgo#309300, bgo#723659, bgo#754743, bgo#756659, bgo#760714, bgo#761431, bgo#761432, bgo#761760, bgo#762258, bgo#762315, bgo#762319, bgo#762392. + Updated translations. * Wed Feb 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.9: + gtk-builder-tool can now preview .ui files with custom CSS. + gtk3-demo now demonstrates saving window sizes in the application example, and has many more widgets in the foreign drawing example. + CSS changes: - the rem unit is now supported. - calc() expressions are supported, too. + Themes: - Many fixes to Adwaita. - The Windows theme is now included on all platforms. + Windows - The Classic and XP themes have been dropped. - The remaining theme is being fixed to work with CSS nodes. - React to theme changes. + Quartz: Fix image retrieval from the clipboard. + Wayland: Fix a significant buffer leak. + Bugs fixed: bgo#677329, bgo#698652, bgo#754990, bgo#759657, bgo#760996, bgo#761209, bgo#761309, bgo#761312, bgo#761332, bgo#761339, bgo#761363, bgo#761381, bgo#761402, bgo#761428, bgo#761474, bgo#761476, bgo#761484, bgo#761552, bgo#761571, bgo#761686, bgo#761716, bgo#761757, bgo#761775, bgo#761778, bgo#761791, bgo#761792, bgo#761826, bgo#761828, bgo#761829, bgo#761838, bgo#761900, bgo#761903, bgo#761954, bgo#762021, bgo#762032, bgo#762036, bgo#762067, bgo#762080, bgo#753351, bgo#762120, bgo#762165. + Updated translations. * Wed Feb 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.8: + GtkEntry: - Complete gadget conversion for entries and spin buttons. - Add a visual hint for scrolling (\'undershoot\'). + GtkStack: Turn into a no-window widget. + CSS changes: - Allow loading svg images. - Fix baseline handling. - -gtk-recolor() works properly with hi-dpi now. - image() can be used in CSS now. + Themes: New radio / check implementation. + Tools: gtk-builder-tool can now preview .ui files. + Bugs fixed: bgo#464528, bgo#608865, bgo#688524, bgo#690791, bgo#727294, bgo#754868, bgo#754990, bgo#760522, bgo#760714, bgo#760754, bgo#760881, bgo#760891, bgo#760897, bgo#760933, bgo#760942, bgo#760967, bgo#761005, bgo#761095, bgo#761128, bgo#761254, bgo#761026, bgo#761318. + Updated translations. * Wed Feb 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.7: + GtkNotebook: - Has been converted to use gadgets. - Style properties have been deprecated. + GtkTextView: Offers (some) control over cursor blinking. + CSS changes: - Fix rendering of asymmetric borders. - Add CSS names to more widgets. - Support recoloring icons with -gtk-recolor. + Themes: Many Adwaita fixes. + GTK+ widget drawing scalability has been improved (for containers with many children, like large list boxes or flow boxes). + Drag-and-Drop has been rearchitected to move the input handling into GDK, where different backends can handle it according to their needs and capabilities. The new, \'managed\' DND is currently implemented for X11 and Wayland. + Wayland: - Support kinetic scrolling, using the new events in version 5 of the wl_pointer interface. - Suppport DND actions and drag cancellation that were added in version 3 of the wl_data_offer interface. + Bugs fixed: bgo#722727, bgo#722937, bgo#748327, bgo#756729, bgo#757503, bgo#759785, bgo#759898, bgo#760350, bgo#760388, bgo#760416, bgo#760427, bgo#760445, bgo#760509, bgo#760524, bgo#760525, bgo#760528, bgo#760536, bgo#760572, bgo#760596, bgo#760615, bgo#760640, bgo#760663, bgo#760668, bgo#760680, bgo#760748, bgo#760754, bgo#756729, bgo#760370. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-qemu-usb-tablet-is-no-real-touchscreen.patch: Fixed upstream. * Wed Feb 17 2016 damjanovic.ivoAATTgmail.com- Updated to version 3.19.6: + CSS changes: - CSS margins, border and padding are more consistently supported. - More widgets support min-width and min-height. - More style properties have been superseded by CSS properties. - Pseudo state names have been aligned with what CSS uses: :disabled instead of :insensitive, :indeterminate instead of :inconsistent and :drop(active) instead of :dnd. The old names still work. - GTK+ specific CSS properties have been prefixed with -gtk-. The old names still work. - The CSS syntax for Radial gradients is now supported. - CSS documentation has been rewritten and expanded. + Themes: GTK+ now includes a HighContrastInverse theme which is a dark variant of the HighContrast theme. + Inspector: The inspector can now highlight widgets that are causing resizes, which can be helpful in tracking down allocation loops. + Wayland: - Prefer subsurfaces for temporary windows when possible, to fix placement issues. - Improve handling of dialogs without transient parent. - Force a grab cursor while a popup is shown. + Bugs fixed: bgo#728344, bgo#753520, bgo#756618, bgo#757147, bgo#757411, bgo#759161, bgo#759299, bgo#759541, bgo#759567, bgo#759586, bgo#759607, bgo#759664, bgo#759668, bgo#759670, bgo#759705, bgo#759738, bgo#759764, bgo#759768, bgo#759771, bgo#759857, bgo#759905, bgo#759917, bgo#760018, bgo#760082, bgo#760097, bgo#760141, bgo#760148, bgo#760169, bgo#760188, bgo#760202, bgo#760213, bgo#760238, bgo#760314. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-fix-gtkborder-build-regression.patch: Fixed upstream.- Drop gtk3-revert-kp_decimal_handling.patch: fixed upstream. * Wed Feb 17 2016 fcrozatAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-fix-gtkborder-build-regression.patch: backport fix gtkborder build regression with some libraries/applications. * Wed Feb 17 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.5: + GtkShortcutsWindow: GtkShortcutsGesture has been removed, since GtkShortcutsShortcut can now document gestures. + GtkFileChooser: - The places view now shows the available space when that information is available. - Problems with remembering the dialog size have been fixed. + CSS changes: - CSS margins, border and padding are more consistently supported. - Many widgets now support min-width and min-height. - Many style properties have been superseded by CSS properties. + Adwaita: Some visual updates and fixes. + Wayland: DND with icon widgets is working properly. + GDK: - More of the DND implementation is now handled in GDK: creating the drag window, moving the window along with the cursor, the drag cancel animation. - GdkSeat is a new API that supersedes grabs on individual devices and is a better fit for backends like Wayland or Mir. + Bugs fixed: bgo#708394, bgo#729593, bgo#755947, bgo#756191, bgo#758929, bgo#759079, bgo#759081, bgo#759091, bgo#759092, bgo#759168, bgo#759225, bgo#759260, bgo#759309, bgo#759323.- Changes from version 3.19.4: + GtkPopover can now be instructed to stay within the toplevel window on platforms that don\'t already enforce this (such as Wayland). + Wayland: - Memory leak fixes. - Window positioning and sizing fixes. - Clipboard and DND fixes. - New build dependency: wayland-protocols. + CSS changes: - The -gtk-image-effect property was renamed to - gtk-icon-effect. - Active spinners are now :checked, not :active. - A -gtk-icontheme property has been added. - A -gtk-icon-palette has been added to allow recoloring symbolic icons. - Drag highlighting uses the new :dnd pseudoclass. + DND: - Make drag highlighting themable. - Stop using RGBA cursors for drag icons (this only ever worked on X11). - Change the handling of drag windows to work on Wayland. The drag window implementation has been moved to GDK, with the new function gdk_drag_context_get_drag_window. - Non-toplevel widgets can be used as drag widgets. + Bugs fixed: bgo#539944, bgo#732742, bgo#735847, bgo#747295, bgo#756618, bgo#757147, bgo#757282, bgo#757474, bgo#758483, bgo#758484, bgo#758563, bgo#758609, bgo#758634, bgo#758660, bgo#758661, bgo#758698, bgo#758713, bgo#758790, bgo#758901, bgo#758908, bgo#758930, bgo#758936, bgo#759018. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(wayland-protocols) BuildRequires: new dependency.- Drop Add gtk3-gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface.patch: Fixed upstream. * Wed Feb 17 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.19.3: + Theming changes: - Non-standard CSS properties have been renamed to have a -gtk- prefix (the old names still work, with a warning): gtk-key-bindings is now -gtk-key-bindings icon-shadow is now - gtk-icon-shadow. - CSS parsing errors and warnings are shown in the inspector + GtkShortcutsWindow: - Widgets are more complete, to allow supporting them in glade. - GtkShortcutsShortcut can now show gestures as well, GtkShortcutsGesture is no longer needed and will be removed soon. - GtkShortcutsShortcut supports standard gestures, with predefined icons and subtitles. + Bugs fixed: bgo#746745, bgo#758025, bgo#758094, bgo#758187, bgo#758367, bgo#758407, bgo#758442. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 3.19.2: + Most widgets have been ported to CSS nodes. The element names and the tree relationships are documented now. The Adwaita and HighContrast themes have been mostly kept up-to-date with these changes. Third-party themes and custom CSS will need adjustments. + The inspector now shows CSS nodes and allows to manipulate them. + Size allocation has been simplified to avoid excessive resizes of the entire window. + GtkShortcutsWindow can now display direction-dependent shortcuts and sequences of keys. + Support for native file chooser on Win32 when using the new GtkFileChooserNative API, and when using GtkFileChooserButton. + The GtkFileChooser interface prerequisite was changed from GtkWidget to GObject to allow non-widget filechooser implementations. + focus-on-click has been moved from various subclasses to GtkWidget, so it is now available for every widget, in particular GtkListBoxRow. + Bugs fixed: bgo#735341, bgo#748904, bgo#756618, bgo#756625, bgo#756670, bgo#756978, bgo#757221, bgo#757269, bgo#757324, bgo#757358, bgo#757377, bgo#757397, bgo#757805, bgo#757888, bgo#757950, bgo#757968, bgo#757984, bgo#758072, bgo#758087, bgo#758208, bgo#758327, bgo#758086, bgo#758175. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 3.19.1: + Support for help overlays to document keyboard shortcuts and gestures has been added. + GdkAppLaunchContext is now setting the DISPLAY environment variable for X11. + Support for GL legacy profiles has been added back. + GTK+ now loads compose tables in the format used by XLib from ~/.config/gtk-3.0/Compose, ~/.XCompose and the X11 locale information. + GtkBuilder can now create GFile objects, for use in e.g. GFileIcons. + New APIs: - GtkShortcutsWindow - gtk_text_tag_changed - gtk_settings_reset_property - gdk_rectangle_equal - gdk_gl_context_is_legacy + A new commandline utility, gtk-query-settings, to query GTK+ settings, has been added. + Theming: Element names are now supported. A number of widgets have already been changed to use element names for the widget itself and its various subelements. This effort will continue in next development releases. This change will require adjustments in themes and custom css - as part of this transition, the element names and style classes in use are documented and will be stable going forward. + Debugging: GtkInspector can now edit string-array-valued properties. + Wayland: - Fix transparent terminals. - Fix treeview search popups. - Fix CSD window resizing / moving. + Bugs fixed: bgo#721120, bgo#735341, bgo#753371, bgo#753992, bgo#754983, bgo#755008, bgo#755413, bgo#755416, bgo#755654, bgo#755791, bgo#755927, bgo#755988, bgo#756042, bgo#756142, bgo#756160, bgo#756174, bgo#756195, bgo#756338, bgo#756428, bgo#756439, bgo#756449, bgo#756496, bgo#756505, bgo#756568, bgo#756589, bgo#756618, bgo#756625, bgo#756751, bgo#756770, bgo#756852, bgo#756881, bgo#756886, bgo#756780, bgo#757147. + Updated translations. * Tue Feb 16 2016 fcrozatAATTsuse.com- Add patch gtk3-revert-kp_decimal_handling.patch: revert kp_decimal locale-based handling (already reverted upstream) (bgo#756751). * Thu Jan 28 2016 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.7: + Bugs fixed: bgo#688524, bgo#722937, bgo#728344, bgo#754868, bgo#757147, bgo#758908, bgo#758929, bgo#759079, bgo#759081, bgo#759091, bgo#759260, bgo#759757, bgo#760141, bgo#760169, bgo#760416, bgo#760445, bgo#760615, bgo#760680, bgo#760891, bgo#760897, bgo#760964, bgo#761005, bgo#761095. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-qemu-usb-tablet-is-no-real-touchscreen.patch and gtk3-gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface.patch: Fixed upstream. * Wed Jan 13 2016 mgorseAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-bgo725733.patch: don\'t use signals for a11y. Fixes a crash. Backported from upstream (bsc#960612). * Mon Jan 11 2016 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-qemu-usb-tablet-is-no-real-touchscreen.patch: The QEMU USB Tablet is not really a touchscreen - although it simulates it for VNC based viewers (making mouse-input more reliable). This patch fixes issues where openQA was not able to correctly handle the CTRL-ALT-DEL handler to show the logout dialog. * Sat Dec 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface.patch: Restore old behavior. * Sun Dec 06 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.6: + Bugs fixed: bgo#539944, bgo#732742, bgo#735847, bgo#746745, bgo#747295, bgo#748904, bgo#757358, bgo#758025, bgo#758072, bgo#758175, bgo#758327, bgo#758367, bgo#758407, bgo#758483, bgo#758484, bgo#758660, bgo#758661, bgo#758698, bgo#758790. + Updated translations. * Sat Dec 05 2015 mgorseAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-bsc957399-gdkcairo-surface-error.patch: don\'t abort when trying to paint a surface with an error (bsc#957399). * Mon Nov 16 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.5: + GtkFileChooser: - Make sure external drives show up either in the sidebar or the places view. - Ignore double-click events. + Avoid some crashes in CSS parsing error handling.- Drop gtk3-gtkplacessidebar-improve-heuristics-external-drives.patch: Fixed upstream. * Sat Nov 14 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-gtkplacessidebar-improve-heuristics-external-drives.patch: Add missed commit for the sidebar refactor, without this external drives are not shown anywhere (bgo#756589). * Thu Nov 12 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.4: + Revert a GtkTextBuffer change that broke binding API. + Properly refresh styles when widget names change. * Mon Nov 09 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#735342, bgo#753992, bgo#755654, bgo#756160, bgo#756385, bgo#756449, bgo#756496, bgo#756505, bgo#756568, bgo#756589, bgo#756625, bgo#756751, bgo#756780, bgo#756886, bgo#757147, bgo#757221, bgo#757298, bgo#757303, bgo#757324, bgo#757358, bgo#757377, bgo#757544. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-places-sidebar-no-crash.patch: Fixed upstream. * Thu Oct 29 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-places-sidebar-no-crash.patch: Do not crash if dragging something over the places sidebar, that has no valid URI (mostly coming from a host system into a guest system) (boo#952356, bgo#757298). * Mon Oct 12 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#753371, bgo#755413, bgo#755791, bgo#755927, bgo#755988, bgo#756042, bgo#756195, bgo#756338. + Updated translations. * Sun Oct 04 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.1: + Speed up rounded rectangle drawing by caching arcs. + Make popover animations faster. + Robustness fixes in GtkAppChooser. + Avoid showing duplicate entries in GtkAppChooser. + Inspector: ellipsize accessible names. + Bugs fixed: bgo#582747, bgo#751368, bgo#751787, bgo#753628, bgo#755038, bgo#755215, bgo#755268, bgo#755432, bgo#755435, bgo#755444, bgo#755455, bgo#755473, bgo#755528, bgo#755691, bgo#755692, bgo#755926, bgo#755931, bgo#755954. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 22 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.18.0: + Speed up shadow drawing by caching corner shadows. + Memory leak fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#681965, bgo#754098, bgo#754629, bgo#754745, bgo#754952, bgo#755021, bgo#755274, bgo#755352, + Updated translations. * Wed Sep 16 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.9: + GtkPopover has been changed back to not inherit its style from the widget it is attached to. + The Ctrl-K key binding has been dropped from GtkEntry to avoid conflict with a firefox shortcut. + Theme: - Adwaita: fixes for rubberbanding, icon view highlighting. - HighContrast: fixes for path bar, linked entries, color button. + Wayland: Fix assertions when using GL. + gtk3-demo can now launch individual demos from the commandline. + Various optimizations: - Use g_object_notify_by_pspec. - Reduce g_return_if_fail in internal APIs. - Speed up some bitmask operations. - Avoid some copies in inner loops. - Make better use of GQuarks. - Use CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR when possible. - Avoid allocations and referencing during repaint. - Stop sending Expose events for most widgets. - Avoid ::draw and ::size-allocate signal overhead when possible. + Bugs fixed: bgo#753431, bgo#753628, bgo#754143, bgo#754410, bgo#754411, bgo#754535, bgo#754559, bgo#754658, bgo#754687, bgo#754746, bgo#754770, bgo#754854, bgo#754866, bgo#754928, bgo#754987, bgo#754839. + Updated translations. * Thu Sep 03 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.8: + GtkFileChooser: - Show network:/// in the places view. - Provide better loading feedback. + GtkTextView: Fix fallout from margin/padding addition. + GtkOverlay: Always align widgets relative to the overlay, not to the main widget. + GtkListBox: Support focusable headers. + Theme: - Improve performance of GtkListBox. - Better GtkCalendar theming. + Wayland: - Make most tests work under Wayland. - Closing displays works now. - Fix key repeat sometimes running wild. + Bugs fixed: bgo#345345, bgo#736125, bgo#752615, bgo#753185, bgo#753357, bgo#753495, bgo#753644, bgo#753694, bgo#753786, bgo#753815, bgo#753856, bgo#753925, bgo#753969, bgo#754022, bgo#754086, bgo#754133, bgo#754150, bgo#754158, bgo#754410, bgo#754421. + Updated translations. * Tue Aug 18 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.7: + GtkFileChooser: Various refinements to the places view. + GtkFontChooser: - Make Escape stop search. - Various other keynav improvements. + GtkColorChooser: Make it possible to start with the editor. + GtkTextView: - Support top margins. - Use CSS padding from the theme. + GtkFlowBox: Allow using a GListModel. + GtkCellRendererText: Support alpha in foreground color. + Theme and CSS: HighContrast theme improvements. + GDK: Add support for touchpad gesture events. + OS X: Implement CSD resize for all corners and edges. + Wayland: Support touchpad gestures. + Bugs fixed: bgo#737804, bgo#752814, bgo#753329, bgo#753357, bgo#753391, bgo#753392, bgo#753451, bgo#753568, bgo#753621, bgo#406159, bgo#746435. + Updated translations. * Thu Aug 06 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.6: + GtkFileChooser: - Handle ., / and ~ in the location entry. - Improve keyboard navigation in save mode. - Don\'t search recursively in remote locations. - Allow activating without double-click. + GtkFontChooser: Bring back a lazy loading optimization that was lost. + GtkWindow: - Fix handling of window states before the window is mapped. - Add API to fullscreen on a given monitor. + GtkTextView: Support font features on tags. + Theme and CSS - Various HighContrast theme fixes and improvements. - Reduce redraws caused by irrelevant style changes. + gtk-demo gained some more examples. + GtkInspector - Show wayland display information. - Show monitor information. - Preserve the selected object when rescanning the object tree. + X11: Make copy-paste work across multiple screens again. + Bugs fixed: bgo#579466, bgo#610925, bgo#652085, bgo#721398, bgo#734984, bgo#741685, bgo#746491, bgo#748772, bgo#749339, bgo#751721, bgo#752327, bgo#752577, bgo#752633, bgo#752638, bgo#752664, bgo#752677, bgo#752707, bgo#752708, bgo#752761, bgo#752765, bgo#752810, bgo#752875, bgo#752920, bgo#752960, bgo#752965, bgo#752969, bgo#752975, bgo#752977, bgo#752978, bgo#753048, bgo#753051, bgo#753060, bgo#753130, bgo#753138, bgo#753142, bgo#753230, bgo#753256, bgo#753284. + Updated translations. * Thu Jul 23 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.5: + GtkFileChooser: - Always search in the current location, and indicate this in the subtitle. Show progress for long searches, and show a nice empty state. - Make search in recent files work. - Fix sorting order of recent files and search results. - Various improvements to keyboard navigation: . Ctrl-F toggles search. . . opens location entry. . Alt-P focuses the sidebar. . Escape stops search and closes the location entry. - Move the name entry to the header bar in Save modes. - Don\'t show Trash and Recent in the sidebar in Save modes. - Allow renaming and deleting files in Save modes. - Improved sizing behavior of columns. - Improved formatting of the time and location columns. - Time column can show date and time. - Move fixed and network drives and volumes from the sidebar to a new view that also allows to connect to remote servers. - Use popovers for context menus and support long press to make them accessible with touch. + GtkScrolledWindow: - Keep scrollbars below treeview headers. - Switch the roles of secondary and middle click on scrollbar steppers: . Primary click starts low-speed autoscrolling. . Secondary click start high-speed autoscrolling. . Middle click scrolls to the end. - Tweak button bindings on scrollbars (and scales): . Primary click warps to the location. . Primary click with Shift jumps by pages. . Secondary click starts variable-speed autoscrolling. + Theme and CSS: - GtkSwitch has a new slider-height style property to make square switches possible. - Support CSS letter-spacing for labels and entries. - Partial support for CSS text-decoration. + Font handling: Per-widget font options and font maps are supported now. + gtk-demo has various new and improved examples. + X11: Fix rendering stalls over remote ssh connections. + Wayland: - Various fixes to make Copy-Paste and Drag-and-Drop work better. - Ignore size increments for maximized and fullscreen windows. - Fix cursor handling in hi-dpi. + Mir: Various fixes and improvements. + Broadway: Windows can now be maximized: + Bugs fixed: bgo#325150, bgo#593372, bgo#720684, bgo#741800, bgo#748892, bgo#750870, bgo#750994, bgo#751341, bgo#751368, bgo#751401, bgo#751414, bgo#751443, bgo#751447, bgo#751448, bgo#751625, bgo#751677, bgo#751689, bgo#751739, bgo#751752, bgo#751754, bgo#751793, bgo#751800, bgo#751805, bgo#751811, bgo#751877, bgo#751910, bgo#752000, bgo#752016, bgo#752025, bgo#752034, bgo#752088, bgo#752093, bgo#752131, bgo#752509, bgo#752520, bgo#309300, bgo#725551, bgo#751812, bgo#752502, bgo#752616, bgo#752599. + Updated translations. * Thu Jul 23 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.4: + GtkStack animates size changes + GtkListBox and GtkFlowBox support positional css selectors like :first-child, :last-child and :nth-child + GtkPlacesSidebar has been rewritten to use GtkListBox + Touch selection in GtkTextView and GtkEntry has been greatly improved + There\'s now a way to have output-only windows, and this is used by GtkOverlay for pass-through overlays + Bugs fixed: bgo#724506, bgo#725441, bgo#745957, bgo#747793, bgo#748951, bgo#749650, bgo#749717, bgo#749737, bgo#750058, bgo#750068, bgo#750338, bgo#750343, bgo#750384, bgo#750396, bgo#750424, bgo#750477, bgo#750489, bgo#750505, bgo#750568, bgo#750605, bgo#750631, bgo#750690, bgo#750692, bgo#750718, bgo#750741, bgo#750883, bgo#750888, bgo#750892, bgo#750993, bgo#751018, bgo#751050, bgo#751082, bgo#751084, bgo#751098, bgo#751099, bgo#751169, bgo#751341. + Updated translations.- Rebase gtk3-path-local.patch. * Thu Jul 23 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.3: + Respin to fix the tarball. * Thu Jul 23 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.2: + GtkFontChooser: - Allow custom font maps, to support application-specific fonts. - Improve the \'no search results\' page. + GtkFileChooser: - Change simple search engine to search breadth-first. - Make the simple search engine use GIO, so it works on remote shares too. - Merge results from the tracker and simple search engines. - Add a \'no search results\' page. + GtkPlacesSidebar: Use a popover for renaming bookmarks. + GtkPopover: Add support for default widgets. + GtkScrolledWindow: Support kinetic scrolling on touchpads. + GtkBuilder: - Improve error reporting. - gtk-builder-tool can validate templates. - gtk-builder-tool can enumerate named objects. + gtk3-demo: - New cursors demo. - New page setup demo. - Builder demo ported away from GtkUIManager. + GDK: Make css cursor names work across backends. + Windows: - Require Vista or newer. - Support RGBA windows. - Support css cursor names. - Support animated cursors. - Add cursor theme support. To take advantage of this, you will need a new adwaita-icon-theme with Windows cursors. + Wayland: - Remove assumptions on ordering of globals in startup. - Improve DND support in various places. - Support css cursor names. + X11: - Support XRANDR 1.5 monitor objects. - Support css cursor names. + OS X: Support css cursor names. + Bugs fixed: bgo#619493, bgo#693738, bgo#719683, bgo#719819, bgo#727316, bgo#744086, bgo#746916, bgo#747150, bgo#747634, bgo#747664, bgo#748234, bgo#748615, bgo#748640, bgo#748763, bgo#748771, bgo#748782, bgo#748783, bgo#748784, bgo#748833, bgo#749009, bgo#749012, bgo#749021, bgo#749178, bgo#749425, bgo#749451, bgo#749593, bgo#749679, bgo#749770, bgo#749893. + Updated translations. * Thu Jul 23 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.17.1: + Themes: - Many HighContrast theme improvements. - Stronger entry focus in Adwaita. - Improve client-side decorations without a compositor. + Scrolling: - Support horizontal wheel scrolling with Shift. - Make indicators pop up reliably. - Detect more trackpoints. - Handle pens, erasers and similar devices. + GtkTextView: Support underline and strikethrough color. + GtkFileChooser: - Open location entry more easily. - Ensure a directory is loaded. - Use a popover for new folder names. + GtkBuilder: - Improve error messages. - Add a gtk-builder-tool utility for ui file validation. + Inspector: - Show accessible name and description. - Add a tab for CSS nodes. + Wayland: - DND and clipboard fixes. - Support attached modal dialogs with mutter. + Windows: - Drop XP support. - Support horizontal mouse wheel scrolling. + Bugs fixed: bgo#132197, bgo#402168, bgo#671362, bgo#723394, bgo#734741, bgo#737175, bgo#741849, bgo#745721, bgo#746149, bgo#746188, bgo#746202, bgo#746301, bgo#746358, bgo#746368, bgo#746369, bgo#746370, bgo#746386, bgo#746435, bgo#746468, bgo#746493, bgo#746586, bgo#746602, bgo#746668, bgo#746688, bgo#746706, bgo#746712, bgo#746746, bgo#746784, bgo#746817, bgo#746821, bgo#746862, bgo#746893, bgo#746904, bgo#746925, bgo#746961, bgo#747096, bgo#747121, bgo#747133, bgo#747288, bgo#747305, bgo#747406, bgo#747407, bgo#747469, bgo#747471, bgo#747524, bgo#747539, bgo#747553, bgo#747560, bgo#747604, bgo#747608, bgo#747689, bgo#747805, bgo#747808, bgo#747827, bgo#748013, bgo#748014, bgo#748061, bgo#748156, bgo#748341, bgo#748346, bgo#748500, bgo#748509. + Updated translations. * Tue Jul 21 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.6: + OS X: Partial aspect ratio support. + Revert a problematic change to scroll event handling. + Bugs fixed: bgo#741800, bgo#751401, bgo#751625, bgo#752016, bgo#752093, bgo#752520. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-Revert-x11-Query-pointer-devices-scroll-valuators.patch: Fixed upstream. * Wed Jul 15 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-Revert-x11-Query-pointer-devices-scroll-valuators.patch: Revert a commit as it makes hardware mouse-wheel scrolling unreliable (bgo#752184). * Tue Jul 07 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.5: + Fix ridge/groove border rendering. + GtkListBoxRow: propagate in the draw vfunc. + Bugs fixed: bgo#750489, bgo#750605, bgo#750690, bgo#750718, bgo#750870, bgo#750888, bgo#750994, bgo#751018, bgo#751050, bgo#751082, bgo#751227, bgo#751443, bgo#751739, bgo#751752, bgo#751754. + Updated translations. * Thu Jun 18 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Move pkgconfig(epoxy) BuildRequires out of with_wayland condition: it is used independent of wayland support. * Wed Jun 10 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#693738, bgo#719683, bgo#745957, bgo#749451, bgo#749593, bgo#749893, bgo#750058, bgo#750384, bgo#750477, bgo#750505. + Updated translations. * Tue May 12 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#737175, bgo#746916, bgo#746925, bgo#747634, bgo#747805, bgo#747808, bgo#748013, bgo#748014, bgo#748061, bgo#748341, bgo#748346, bgo#748500, bgo#748615, bgo#748640, bgo#748782, bgo#748783, bgo#748992, bgo#749009, bgo#749012, bgo#749021. + Updated translations. * Tue Apr 14 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.2: + Avoid a crash in GtkApplication. + Avoid a crash with GtkTreeview rubberbanding. + GtkApplication: Prevent more crashes around shutdown. + Prevent tab close button size changes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#746706, bgo#747288, bgo#747471, bgo#747539, bgo#747608, bgo#747689. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch: Not needed anymore.- Disable gtk3-bnc130159-bgo319483-async-font-selection.patch: Upstream bug was closed as obsolete in 2011, lets disable for now and see if anyone misses it. * Wed Apr 08 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.1: + Improve client-side decorations without a compositor. + Bugs fixed: bgo#132197, bgo#402168, bgo#613833, bgo#671362, bgo#734741, bgo#737175, bgo#746222, bgo#746253, bgo#746301, bgo#746391, bgo#746468, bgo#746586, bgo#746602, bgo#746688, bgo#746712, bgo#746746, bgo#746784, bgo#746817, bgo#746821, bgo#746862, bgo#746893, bgo#746904, bgo#746961, bgo#747096, bgo#747133, bgo#747305, bgo#747406, bgo#747407. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 23 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.16.0: + Theming: Fixes for the HighContrast theme. + Wayland: Fix Clipboard handling. + Bugs fixed: bgo#746148, bgo#746149, bgo#746188, bgo#746358, bgo#746368, bgo#746369, bgo#746370, bgo#746386. + Updated translations. * Thu Mar 19 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Rebase and re-enable gtk3-path-local.patch. * Tue Mar 17 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.12: + GtkMenuButton: Improve accessible names. + GtkCellRendererPixbuf: Always follow state changes, the ::follow-state property is now ignored. This is necessary to make HighContrast and symbolic icons remain visible e.g. in selected rows. + GtkEntry: Rework the size allocation code to be less arcane. This changed the semantics of the get_frame_size() vfunc. GtkEntry subclasses that override this vfunc may need adjustment. + Wayland: Support hi-dpi cursors. + Bugs fixed: bgo#745829, bgo#746141, bgo#746192, bgo#746201, bgo#746202, bgo#746205, bgo#746282, bgo#746301. + Updated translations. * Thu Mar 12 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.11: + Go back to requiring GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS support for CSD, to fix shadow problems in KDE. + Print dialog: Fix icons in HighContrast. + Fix selected menu items in HighContrast. + App chooser: Fix icons in HighContrast. + Bugs fixed: bgo#535929, bgo#577862, bgo#669008, bgo#712760, bgo#739070, bgo#744288, bgo#744589, bgo#745065, bgo#745463, bgo#745479, bgo#745562, bgo#745578, bgo#745622, bgo#745721, bgo#745918, bgo#745969, bgo#746013. + Updated translations. * Tue Mar 03 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.10: + GtkFileChooser: - Don\'t start search too eagerly. - Use fts with tracker. - Make tracker queries more similar to nautilus. + GtkWindow: Improve window dragging on header bars. + Printing: - Make avahi-browsed printers work. - Set printer state correctly. + Wayland: - Exit cleanly if the compositor goes away. - Don\'t ignore early maximization/fullscreening. - Make subsurface popovers work under Weston. + GL: Port GdkGears example to modern OpenGL. + Bugs fixed: bgo#703610, bgo#729366, bgo#741511, bgo#743323, bgo#743427, bgo#744879, bgo#745225, bgo#745263, bgo#745289, bgo#745303, bgo#745315, bgo#745344, bgo#745400. + Updated translations. * Thu Feb 26 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.9: + GtkScrolledWindow: - Avoid \'jumping\' when zoom scrolling kicks in. - Make zoom scrolling less easy to trigger. - Make steppers use smooth autoscrolling. + Input methods can now be turned off entirely, which can be useful to free up the Ctrl-Shift-u shortcut. + Add some DND support to gtk3-icon-browser. + Bugs fixed: bgo#696505, bgo#744942, bgo#744991, bgo#745052, bgo#745076. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) and pkgconfig(rest-0.7) BuildRequires: used to enable cloud printing.- Add explicit gettext-tools BuildRequires: the build uses msgfmt, but in some rare occasions, gettext-tools-mini is favored, which does not provide this tool. * Thu Feb 26 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.8: + CSS: Support animated font weight changes. + GtkScrolledWindow: Ensure indicators appear in the correct place. + Wayland: DND fixes. + GtkPopover: has a map/unmap animation now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#743647, bgo#744054, bgo#744683. + Updated translations. * Thu Feb 26 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.7: + GtkListBox now supports models with gtk_list_box_bind_model. + GtkNotebook has a new function to support tab dnd. + GtkSidebar was renamed to GtkStackSidebar to better convey what it does. + GtkFileChooser now has a location column for search. + GdkGLProfile has been removed. + Bugs fixed: bgo#695945, bgo#708320, bgo#741946, bgo#743350, bgo#744148, bgo#744172, bgo#744204, bgo#744394, bgo#744400, bgo#744407, bgo#744455. + Updated translations. * Thu Feb 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.6: + stylecontext: Don\'t use cache when unsaved. Fixes image-load-from-file reftest.- Changes from version 3.15.5: + GTK+ types now support the GLib g_autoptr() facility for automatic cleanup of automatic variables. GTK+ itself does not use g_autoptr() internally. + GtkSearchEntry has gained ::next-match, ::previous-match and ::stop-search signals and a gtk_search_entry_handle_event() function, which help in providing a richer search experience and make search entries usable outside of GtkSearchBar. + GtkFileChooser: - The search has been reintegrated in the UI, there is now a toggle button on the header bar to go to search mode, in addition to the Alt-S shortcut. - The file chooser button now accepts files by drag-and-drop properly. + GtkScrolledWindow has gained a new ::edge-reached signal, which triggers when the edge of the scrollable area is reached. + CSS: Performance improvements. + OpenGL: - It is now possible to specify the required GL version, as well as some other options (debug, forward compatible) when creating a GdkGLContext. - Support for the OpenGL legacy profile has been dropped. Most examples have been updated, with the exception of gdkgears, which will be fixed in the next snapshot. - Use shader version 1.50. + Mir backend: Many improvements. + Bugs fixed: bgo#712752, bgo#725164, bgo#732051, bgo#735316, bgo#740336, bgo#740613, bgo#742636, bgo#742953, bgo#743146, bgo#743193, bgo#743229, bgo#743257, bgo#743286, bgo#743330, bgo#743341, bgo#743393, bgo#743422, bgo#743451, bgo#743592, bgo#743593, bgo#743633, bgo#743638, bgo#743647, bgo#743659, bgo#743660, bgo#743680, bgo#613833, bgo#741946, bgo#742566, bgo#742848, bgo#743395, bgo#743640, bgo#743770, bgo#743894, bgo#743917, bgo#743975, bgo#744203, bgo#744212. + Updated translations. * Thu Feb 26 2015 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.4: + GtkTextView: - Allow to customize multi-click behaviors, using the new ::extend-selection signal. - Selection can now be extended by scrolling. - Better behavior and appearance for text selection with touch. + GtkApplication: - Use app menu fallback with ssh connections. - Provide a mechanism to hide unnecessary app menu items on OS X, so a single menu file can be used across platforms. + GtkCalendar: - Show other months in a different color under Adwaita again. - Ensure we always show a bit of the other month on both ends. + GtkScrolledWindow: Make overlay scrollbars more dynamic. + GtkFileChooser: - Make bookmark DND insert at the right location. - Make \'~\' and \'/\' work in recent mode. - Make Ctrl-L work in recent mode. - Re-integrate search. + CSS: - Introduce immutable style nodes. - Performance improvements. - Reduced memory consumption. + GtkInspector: - Add a magnifier for the selected widget. - Show more display information. - Show memory address of objects. + Wayland: - Use subsurfaces for popovers, so popovers can extend beyond the window boundaries. - Prefer the Wayland backend over X11 if both are available. + GL: - Fix interaction with hi-dpi. - Add OpenGL support to the Windows backend. + Bugs fixed: bgo#111503, bgo#301835, bgo#477454, bgo#671802, bgo#671895, bgo#674537, bgo#705582, bgo#710612, bgo#738338, bgo#738891, bgo#739038, bgo#740758, bgo#740795, bgo#741259, bgo#741569, bgo#741610, bgo#741652, bgo#741702, bgo#741827, bgo#741897, bgo#741969, bgo#742010, bgo#742170, bgo#742181, bgo#742243, bgo#742311, bgo#742343, bgo#742518, bgo#742631, bgo#742646, bgo#742653, bgo#742664, bgo#742702, bgo#742704, bgo#742727, bgo#742764, bgo#742771, bgo#742774, bgo#742778, bgo#742785, bgo#742786, bgo#742940, bgo#742980, bgo#743037, bgo#743101, bgo#743117, bgo#743157. + Updated translations. * Thu Feb 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.3: + GtkTextView: - Font fallback and letter spacing can be controlled with tags now. - Pango markup can be inserted in text buffers. + GtkEntry now has API to grab focus without selecting the contents. + GtkWindow now starts from the focused widget when looking for actions that are activated by accelerators. + GtkScrolledWindow draws an indication where an edge if hiding some content that can be scrolled in. + GtkStack has gained GtkNotebook-like focus handling. + Theming: - Support :not() in CSS. - GtkRange now supports :hover for the whole widget. - The HighContrast theme has caught up with some never GTK+ features. - Avoid excessive shadow redraws. + Build: - gtk3-update-icon-cache is no longer used at build time, and the --enable-gtk2-dependency configure option has been removed. - The examples that are used in the documentation can now be built standalone. + Inspector: - Allow extension with loadable modules, the first use for this is gjs-inspector, which adds a JavaScript prompt. - Allow testing cursor theme changes. + Bugs fixed:Â bgo#59390, bgo#364566, bgo#461249, bgo#674537, bgo#708857, bgo#710793, bgo#721939, bgo#722781, bgo#729927, bgo#730232, bgo#730364, bgo#735122, bgo#735838, bgo#739453, bgo#739729, bgo#739977, bgo#740162, bgo#740287, bgo#740358, bgo#740374, bgo#740438, bgo#740447, bgo#740537, bgo#740605, bgo#740612, bgo#740613, bgo#740642, bgo#740682, bgo#740742, bgo#740770, bgo#740812, bgo#740851, bgo#740857, bgo#740860, bgo#740862, bgo#740863, bgo#740876, bgo#740896, bgo#740904, bgo#740954, bgo#740983, bgo#741027, bgo#741041, bgo#741117, bgo#741130, bog#741185, bgo#741249, bgo#741250, bgo#741251, bgo#741252, bgo#741254, bgo#741314, bgo#741375.- Drop gtk3-support-cups-older-than-1.6.patch: Fixed upstream.- Rebase gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch. * Thu Feb 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.2: + GtkPopoverMenu: A GtkPopover subclass that makes it easy to manually build menu-like popovers which can include arbitrary controls. + GtkModelButton: A button widget that is optimized for use inside popovers with a GAction as \'model\'. + GL support: - Try harder to pick good visuals. - Rework the way GL rendering is done in GtkGLArea. - Support input events in GtkGLArea. - Use shaders. - The GDK_GL environment variable can be used for debugging. + Inspector: - Make picking widgets work in Wayland. - Rework search in all pages. - Improve space use. - Support GL information and debug flags. - Shield the inspector window from more debug settings. - Hide empty tabs. + Theming: - Include the HighContrast theme. - Add borders to menus in non-composited environments. - Load themes from versioned directories like .../themes/Emerald/gtk-3-14/. + Wayland: - Make window opacity work. - Propagate clipboard owner changes. + Mir: - Improved event handling. - Support cursors. - Enable CSD. - Better monitor support. - Add OpenGL support. + Deprecations: - gdk_cursor_new. - gdk_device_grab_info_libgtk_only. - gdk_display_open_default_libgtk_only. - gdk_add_option_entries_libgtk_only. - gdk_pre_parse_libgtk_only. + Bugs fixed: bgo#687963, bgo#734140, bgo#737891, bgo#738321, bgo#738648, bgo#738670, bgo#738800, bgo#738887, bgo#739474, bgo#739750, bgo#739781, bgo#739885, bgo#739977, bgo#740011, bgo#740346. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-Dont-crash-if-invisible-files-are-deleted.patch: Fixed upstream. * Thu Feb 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.15.1: + An experimental mir backend has been added. Use - -enable-mir-backend to build it. + Inspector: - Show more information. - Use a separate display connection. + Deprecations: GtkStyleProperties. + Bugs fixed: bgo#707695, bgo#738982, bgo#739001 bgo#739150.- Changes from version 3.15.0: + GDK supports rendering windows using OpenGL; currently this is implemented for X11 and Wayland using libepoxy. + GtkGLArea: A new widget for rendering with OpenGL. + GtkSidebar: A new switcher for GtkStack that looks like a sidebar. + Better typography: In many places, we now use proper Unicode characters for dashes, quotes, multiplication signs and the like, instead of ASCII approximations. + Theming: - Context menus use the default font instead of inheriting from the widget they are attached to. - Theming engines are no longer used. - Backdrop style has been fine-tuned to make the difference to the active window more evident without affecting readability. + Inspector: - Show nested tree models. - Add a checkbox to disable the warning dialog. - Rearrange the UI to gain space. - Show object counts. + GtkTextView has a monospace property. + GtkPaned has a wide-handle property. + GtkPrintUnixDialog: - Has improved appearance without headerbars. - Better rendering of sheet icons. - No more missing icons. + GtkScrolledWindow: - A new policy, GTK_POLICY_EXTERNAL, which allows scrolling without showing a scrollbar. - Scroll events can now overshoot as well. - The new signal ::edge-overshot is emitted when the scrolled window is fully overshot. - Scrollbars will be overlayed as narrow indicators when there is no mouse. + Deprecations: - gdk_window_set_static_gravities. - gdk_window_set_composited. - gtk_style_context_get_background_color. - gtk_style_context_get_border_color. - gtk_settings_set_string/long/double_property. - gtk_settings_install_property.- Add pkgconfig(wayland-egl) and pkgconfig(epoxy), new dependencies.- Add gtk3-support-cups-older-than-1.6.patch: Fix building with cups older than 1.6. Taken from upstream git. * Thu Feb 26 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.9 (boo#916784): + GtkScrolledWindow: - Avoid \'jumping\' when zoom scrolling kicks in. - Make zoom scrolling less easy to trigger. + Fix crash and miscalculation in css bitmask manipulation. + Fix a crash due to too large surfaces. + Update on text scale factor changes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#743323, bgo#744172, bgo#744683, bgo#744942, bgo#744991, bgo#745052. + Updated translations. * Sat Jan 31 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.8: + Bugs fixed; bgo#613833, bgo#732051, bgo#735316, bgo#740613, bgo#741259, bgo#742181, bgo#742636, bgo#742664, bgo#742727, bgo#742764, bgo#742771, bgo#742774, bgo#742785, bgo#742786, bgo#742980, bgo#743229, bgo#743330, bgo#743422, bgo#743451, bgo#743592, bgo#743593. + Updated translations. * Sun Jan 11 2015 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.7: + GtkFileChooser: Don\'t crash if invisible files are deleted. + Bugs fixed: bgo#477454, bgo#705582, bgo#735122, bgo#739038, bgo#739729, bgo#741130, bgo#741652, bgo#741702, bgo#741827, bgo#741897, bgo#741969, bgo#742010, bgo#742170, bgo#742311, bgo#742343, bgo#742631, bgo#742653, bgo#742664. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-Dont-crash-if-invisible-files-are-deleted.patch: Fixed upstream. * Fri Dec 12 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.6: + Redraw problems with cairo 1.14. + Avoid excessive redraws due to CSD shadows. + Bugs fixed: bgo#364566, bgo#461249, bgo#721939, bgo#722781, bgo#730232, bgo#739453, bgo#739885, bgo#739977, bgo#740287, bgo#740374, bgo#740612, bgo#740613, bgo#740642, bgo#740742, bgo#740770, bgo#740896, bgo#741249, bgo#741250, bgo#741251, bgo#741252, bgo#741254, bgo#741314. + Updated translations.- Add gtk3-Dont-crash-if-invisible-files-are-deleted.patch: Do not crash application using gtk file chooser when deleting file via an other app (patch from upstream git). * Fri Dec 12 2014 fcrozatAATTsuse.com- Disable wayland on SLE12. * Tue Nov 11 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#726316, bgo#737561, bgo#737891, bgo#738321, bgo#738648, bgo#738650, bgo#738886, bgo#738955, bgo#739005, bgo#739111. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-fix-screen-changes-csd.patch: Fixed upstream. * Sun Nov 09 2014 Led - fix bashism in post script * Mon Nov 03 2014 badshah400AATTgmail.com- Add gtk3-fix-screen-changes-csd.patch: fixes a problem with screen changes and csd that caused some applications to launch with ugly black borders (bgo#739812). * Tue Oct 21 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#730893, bgo#737986, bgo#738636, bgo#738873, boo#900854. + Updated translations. * Mon Oct 13 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#724096, bgo#737981, bgo#737983, bgo#737985, bgo#738158. + Updated translations. * Wed Oct 08 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.2: + GtkInspector now shows nested tree models. + Bugs fixed: bgo#737670, bgo#737679, bgo#737952, bgo#737929, bgo#737777. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 30 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#635258, bgo#654051, bgo#708206, bgo#719936, bgo#729782, bgo#734879, bgo#735054, bgo#735338, bgo#735749, bgo#736193, bgo#736338, bgo#736557, bgo#736702, bgo#736830, bgo#736971, bgo#737251, bgo#737297, bgo#737363, bgo#737386, bgo#737439, bgo#737517. + Updated translations. * Mon Sep 22 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.14.0: + GtkMisc::xalign has been undeprecated for now, it is still needed. + GtkIconView: - Always draw cell background. - Fix handling of prelight items. + GtkWindow: Fix growing nautilus windows. + Bugs fixed: bgo#736338, bgo#736622, bgo#736927, bgo#737000, bgo#737026, bgo#737027. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 16 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.9: + Adwaita: - Use sass functions more. - Theme .app-notification instead of .app-notification.frame. - Lots of button fine-tuning. - Avoid double background rendering in tooltips. + Inspector: - Show widget allocations. - Show hidden windows. - Fix initial state of dark switch. + Bugs fixed: bgo#328449, bgo#528800, bgo#579625, bgo#668258, bgo#698031, bgo#732916, bgo#735240, bgo#735953, bgo#735959, bgo#735965, bgo#736004, bgo#736056, bgo#736064, bgo#736121, bgo#736131, bgo#736155, bgo#736173, bgo#736178, bgo#736191, bgo#736201, bgo#736203, bgo#736205, bgo#736250, bgo#736269, bgo#736307, bgo#736512, bgo#736535, bgo#736557. + Updated translations.- Rebase gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch. * Mon Sep 08 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.8: + Wayland: - Implement Drag-and-Drop. - Use subsurfaces for entry completion popups. - Use subsurfaces for tooltips. + Bugs fixed: bgo#156164, bgo#346886, bgo#415415, bgo#602443, bgo#641638, bgo#658722, bgo#674264, bgo#680067, bgo#695504, bgo#697855, bgo#720269, bgo#729215, bgo#731380, bgo#733967, bgo#734290, bgo#734374, bgo#734753, bgo#734961, bgo#735012, bgo#735014, bgo#735034, bgo#735119, bgo#735223, bgo#735226, bgo#735253, bgo#735294, bgo#735300, bgo#735301, bgo#735310, bgo#735321, bgo#735337, bgo#735353, bgo#735368, bgo#735389, bgo#735401, bgo#735428, bgo#735531, bgo#735545, bgo#735593, bgo#735830, bgo#735831. + Updated translations. * Sun Aug 17 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.7: + To align better with css, button and menuitem subclasses now use a :checked state to indicate their checkedness, instead of :active or :selected. + Deprecations: GtkStatusIcon, GtkThemingEngine. + Bugs fixed: bgo#724281, bgo#731013, bgo#731443, bgo#734143, bgo#734357, bgo#734420, bgo#734614, bgo#734641, bgo#734649, bgo#734651, bgo#734660, bgo#734668, bgo#734709, bgo#734735, bgo#734736, bgo#734737, bgo#734778, bgo#570414, bgo#665711, bgo#724996, bgo#733832, bgo#733967, bgo#734738, bgo#734826. + Updated translations. * Fri Aug 15 2014 federicoAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-bnc872820-headerbar-decoration-layout.patch: When applications run in Classic mode, and they use GtkHeaderBar for a client-side window\'s decoration, they lacked minimize/maximize buttons like those in \"traditional\" windows which are completely decorated by the window manager. This patch adds support for setting those buttons depending on the mode in which the desktop is running (bnc#872820). * Wed Aug 13 2014 hpjAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-bnc891647-generate-full-builtin-icon-cache.patch (bnc#891647). This fixes the missing builtin icon cache data caused by the fix for bgo#721895. * Mon Aug 11 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.6: + Theme: - Many Adwaita improvements in details. - Much faster blur implementation for shadows. - Support symbolic, recolorable pngs. + GtkFileChooser: - Fix editing of bookmarks. - Use symbolic icons in the path bar. + GtkTextView: Add a vfunc to allow subclasses to draw above/below text. + GtkImage: Support scale factor when loading from resources. + Inspector: - Show some widget states and buildable ids. - Add GtkTreeSelection to object tree. + Wayland: Support newer protocol versions. + Windows: - Fix handling of input shapes. - Support font scaling. - Dialog theming fixes. - Several crash fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#624791, bgo#638709, bgo#641638, bgo#705054, bgo#715176, bgo#721367, bgo#726224, bgo#729140, bgo#729636, bgo#729809, bgo#729924, bgo#730450, bgo#732137, bgo#733312, bgo#733406, bgo#733416, bgo#733610, bgo#733671, bgo#733679, bgo#733766, bgo#733767, bgo#733768, bgo#733769, bgo#733773, bgo#733782, bgo#733923, bgo#733925, bgo#733965, bgo#733979, bgo#734033, bgo#734038, bgo#734053, bgo#734129, bgo#734213, bgo#734292, bgo#734485, bgo#734526. + Updated translations. * Thu Aug 07 2014 hpjAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-icon-theme-reduce-io.patch (bgo#721895). This reduces the amount of I/O performed in order to load individual icon images. * Thu Aug 07 2014 hpjAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-icon-cache-index-only.patch (bgo#721895). This makes it generate an index-only icon cache without image data, in line with what the most recent gtk2 does. It can save as much as 100MB on disk and a corresponding amount of VM space per process. * Tue Jul 22 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.5: + Adwaita: - Many improvements in details. - Style .needs-attention in GtkStackSwitcher. + CSS: Selectors can now match state pseudo classes on all elements. + GtkListBox: Rows now have a selectable property and will be styled accordingly. + Inspector: - Add an easy way to change the font. - Show widget state and other misc. info. + Wayland: - Fix repaint artifacts. - Update xdg-shell. + Windows: Fix icon theme loading. + Bugs fixed: bgo#591258, bgo#618852, bgo#707153, bgo#731582, bgo#733099, bgo#733174, bgo#733189, bgo#733321, bgo#733360, bgo#733361, bgo#733407, bgo#733431, bgo#733441. + Updated translations.- No longger obsolete gtk3-metatheme-adwaita by libgtk-3-0: the package has been re-introduced by gnome-themes-standard. * Wed Jul 16 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.4: + Theming: - Adwaita is much more complete. - Shadows, reliefs and frames in GtkScrolledWindow, GtkViewport, GtkButton, GtkEntry, GtkFrame, etc are now translated to style classes and themed. + GtkApplication: - gtk_application_prefers_app_menu is a new function to facility adapting UIs to platform expectations. - GtkApplication now tries to load menus from resources in the resource path that is defined by GApplication. - GtkApplication set up a resource path for loading icons as well. + GtkScrolledWindow: - Scrolling in response to user input (scrollbar clicks, keynav) is now animated. - The displacement animation has been replaced edge gradients. + GtkScaleButton: - The orientation is now changed on the fly to make the popup fit into small windows. + GtkEntry: Activity mode progress is now smooth. + Client-side decorations: - The default button layout includes minimize and maximize again. - Dialogs are no longer using client-side decorations when use-header-bar is unset. + GTK+ now ships a simple icon theme browser, gtk3-icon-browser. + GtkInspector: - Can change hi-dpi scale on the fly. - Can simulate touchscreen at runtime. - Shows style properties. - Ctrl-Shift-I selects the widget under the pointer. - Property editors show property and settings bindings. + Wayland: - Always use CSD under Wayland. - Avoid a crash on pointer-less systems. - Context menus work now. + Deprecations, removals: - GtkWindow no longer supports resize grips. - builtin icons have been deprecated in favor of loading icons from resources. + Bugs fixed: bgo#484640, bgo#618852, bgo#629129, bgo#672676, bgo#680885, bgo#710449, bgo#722092, bgo#722633, bgo#724084, bgo#726566, bgo#729620, bgo#730730, bgo#730893, bgo#731158, bgo#731297, bgo#731463, bgo#731711, bgo#732134, bgo#732206, bgo#732229, bgo#732256, bgo#732298, bgo#732330, bgo#732433, bgo#732441, bgo#732443, bgo#732454, bgo#732494, bgo#732667, bgo#732681, bgo#732861, bgo#732894, bgo#732900, bgo#732933, bgo#732970, bgo#732991, bgo#733027, bgo#733076, bgo#733092, bgo#733099, bgo#733112. + Updated translations. * Sat Jul 12 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.13.3: + GtkInspector: - Support saving custom CSS. - Show GMenus and GActions. - Show combobox menus and submenus. - Lower the inspector window when picking. - Misc. navigation improvements. + Gestures: Convert most widgets to use gestures internally. + Theming: - Use client-side shadows for menus and tooltips. - Include the Adwaita theme. - The default theme is now Adwaita. - Icon loading now respects limits specified in the icon theme, unless GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE is set. - Don\'t include image content in icon caches, to avoid huge caches. - GtkSwitch gained a hover state. + Widget factory: Improve coverage of GTK+ features. + Wayland: Support GNOME classic mode. + Deprecations: - Style regions. - Support for .icon files. - gdk_window_flush, drawing outside of begin/end paint. + Bugs fixed: bgo#721895, bgo#729820, bgo#730615, bgo#730745, bgo#730767, bgo#730833, bgo#730924, bgo#731016, bgo#731020, bgo#731187, bgo#731273, bgo#731299, bgo#731371, bgo#731377, bgo#731382, bgo#731429, bgo#731602, bgo#731658, bgo#731790, bgo#731834, bgo#731866, bgo#731908.- Changes from version 3.13.2: + Interactive debugging support. + Gesture support has landed. + GTK+ widgets can now draw outside their allocation, by setting a clip with gtk_widget_set_clip(). + GtkStack has added a few more transition types. + GtkProgressBar is now narrower. + CSS: - Support outline-radius in CSS. - Implement \'unset\' and \'all\'. - Support -gtk-icontheme. - Support -gtk-icon-source. - Add -gtk-icon-transform, supporting the 2D parts of CSS transforms. - Support -gtk-icon-style. + Theme: - Use outlines to render focus rings. - Use icons to render spinners, expanders and arrows. - GtkIconTheme can force symbolic or regular icon variants. - GtkIconTheme will automatically load rtl icon variants. + Win32: Theme improvements. + Wayland: Update to the latest xdg-shell protocol. + Bugs fixed: bgo#119906, bgo#525206, bgo#614717, bgo#636695, bgo#641836, bgo#645966, bgo#698396, bgo#700030, bgo#708037, bgo#720330, bgo#721069, bgo#726676, bgo#727147, bgo#727994, bgo#728135, bgo#728284, bgo#729346, bgo#729353, bgo#729451, bgo#729461, bgo#729473, bgo#729475, bgo#729496, bgo#729564, bgo#729594, bgo#729598, bgo#729607, bgo#729670, bgo#729817, bgo#729834, bgo#729915, bgo#729983, bgo#730007, bgo#730008, bgo#730035, bgo#730043, bgo#730095, bgo#730142, bgo#730183, bgo#730306, bgo#730353, bgo#730526.- Changes from version 3.13.1: + GtkListBox can now do multi-selection. + GtkSwitch has a way to delay state changes. + GtkMenuButton is using a popover for menu models by default. + GtkPopover can have horizontal sections. + GtkFileChooser received some design improvements. + GtkBuilder: - Supports property binding. - Supports dialog actions. + Client-side decorations: - The requirement for _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS has been dropped to avoid \'double headers\' with most window managers. - Drawing of DND highlights around the entire window works. + Windows backend: - *Many * theme improvements. - Add popover theming. - Enable introspection. + Wayland backend: - Updates for xdg_shell protocol changes. - Touch support. + Broadway backend: Now builds on OpenBSD. + Bugs fixed: bgo#495105, bgo#654417, bgo#686170, bgo#712752, bgo#722058, bgo#722211, bgo#722817, bgo#723963, bgo#725648, bgo#726179, bgo#726271, bgo#726298, bgo#726475, bgo#726592, bgo#726859, bgo#726870, bgo#726871, bgo#726996, bgo#727009, bgo#727022, bgo#727035, bgo#727036, bgo#727037, bgo#727075, bgo#727078, bgo#727080, bgo#727210, bgo#727211, bgo#727213, bgo#727244, bgo#727245, bgo#727313, bgo#727322, bgo#727391, bgo#727410, bgo#727414, bgo#727487, bgo#727643, bgo#727644, bgo#727662, bgo#727908, bgo#727973, bgo#728023, bgo#728054, bgo#728073, bgo#728140, bgo#728165, bgo#728183, bgo#728272, bgo#728426, bgo#728745, bgo#728806, bgo#728807, bgo#728808, bgo#728810, bgo#728846, bgo#728992, bgo#729013, bgo#729095, bgo#729097. + Updated translations.- Add adwaita-icon-theme requires to libgtk-3-0: Upstream promises that any icon from the adwaita themeset is available to any GTK application.- Obsolete gtk3-metatheme-adwaita by libgtk-3-0: anything that is not part of the icon-theme is embedded as gresource into the library.- Extend gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch also over gtk/inspector. * Sat May 17 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.12.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#495105, bgo#686170, bgo#726592, bgo#727487, bgo#728093, bgo#728140, bgo#728183, bgo#728272, bgo#728284, bgo#728526, bgo#728745, bgo#728806, bgo#728807, bgo#728808, bgo#728810, bgo#728992, bgo#729346, bgo#729451, bgo#729670. + Updated translations. * Sun Apr 13 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.12.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#712752, bgo#722058, bgo#722817, bgo#726298, bgo#726475, bgo#726859, bgo#726870, bgo#726871, bgo#726996, bgo#727009, bgo#727022, bgo#727035, bgo#727036, bgo#727037, bgo#727075, bgo#727078, bgo#727080, bgo#727210, bgo#727211, bgo#727213, bgo#727244, bgo#727245, bgo#727313, bgo#727322, bgo#727391, bgo#727410, bgo#727414, bgo#727643, bgo#727662, bgo#727973, bgo#728023, bgo#727644. + Updated translations. * Tue Mar 25 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.12.0: + Wayland: - Add support for input regions. - Correctly report display capabilities. - Fix resizing from the north-east corner. + Bugs fixed: bgo#723045, bgo#724728, bgo#726369, bgo#726476, bgo#726717, bgo#726749, bgo#726825, bgo#726838, bgo#726855, bgo#726858, bgo#726900. + Updated translations. * Wed Mar 19 2014 mgorseAATTsuse.com- Add gtk3-gtkwindow-cleanup.patch -- remove delete-event idle function on finalize (bgo#723771). * Tue Mar 18 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.9: + GtkPopover: - Improve focus and grab handling. - Add accessibility support. + Client-side decorations: - Make F10 move focus to the header bar. - Make header bars draggable on touch systems. - Make shadows unclickable. + Bugs fixed: bgo#591258, bgo#693200, bgo#701884, bgo#709914, bgo#723668, bgo#724785, bgo#725141, bgo#725727, bgo#725733, bgo#725754, bgo#725824, bgo#725864, bgo#725866, bgo#726125, bgo#726135, bgo#726136, bgo#726149, bgo#726187, bgo#726209, bgo#726492. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 10 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.8: + Printing: Google cloud print support. + Documentation: Update screenshots. + Bugs fixed: bgo#724742, bgo#724895, bgo#481073, bgo#547988, bgo#554618, bgo#723368, bgo#723438, bgo#724411, bgo#724799, bgo#724891, bgo#724921, bgo#724968, bgo#724999, bgo#725089, bgo#725172, bgo#725205, bgo#725225, bgo#725345, bgo#725559, bgo#725560. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 10 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.7: + GtkActionBar: Fix theming. + GtkBox: - Allow setting center widget to NULL. - Fix a size-allocation error. + GtkPopover: - Fix a crash with text handles (bgo#724392). - Allow resetting relative-to (bgo#724407). + Wayland: - Use new xdg-shell ping. - Use new xdg-shell focus methods. + Printing: Fix a small memory leak (bgo#724631). * Mon Mar 10 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.6: + GtkActionBar is a new widget that is meant to be used for actions at the bottom of a window. + GtkPopover: - A ::closed signal has been added. - Style propagation to popovers has been fixed. - Popovers can now be populated from a menu model. - GtkMenuButton can use popovers instead of menus. + GtkAppChooserDialog has been redesigned. + GtkBox can now place a widget centered, regardless of the sizes of children on either side, similar to GtkHeaderBar. + The API documentation has been converted to markdown, and many cleanups and improvements have been made at the same time. + Bugs fixed: bgo#706515, bgo#707999, bgo#721309, bgo#723014, bgo#723394, bug#723627, bgo#723637, bgo#723672, bgo#723716, bgo#723771, bgo#723863, bgo#723929, bgo#724008, bgo#724094, bgo#724218, bgo#724411, bgo#724503, bgo#724539, bgo#724541. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 10 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.5: + GtkPopover: A new widget that is can be used for transient views, as an alternative to menus or dialogs. + Dialogs: - Dialogs have been modernized, can use a header bar now. - Built-in dialogs react to a setting, gtk-dialogs-use-header for this, dialogs derived from GtkDialog: default to no headerbar. - GtkAssistant also respects the setting. + Theming: - GTK+ now uses RGBA visuals by default. - Notebook tabs now support a prelight state. - Reorderable notebook tabs can be themed differently. + Documentation: - The API documentation has seen numerous fixes and improvements. - Docbook markup is being phased out in favor of markdown. + OS X Fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#350190, bgo#566945, bgo#630217, bgo#634793, bgo#636594, bgo#665928, bgo#692931, bgo#699224, bgo#704456, bgo#711298, bgo#720059, bgo#720552, bgo#721895, bgo#722429, bgo#722515, bgo#722574, bgo#722588, bgo#722638, bgo#722642, bgo#722722, bgo#722919, bgo#723119, bgo#723121, bgo#723157, bgo#723159, bgo#723181, bgo#723183, bgo#723212, bgo#723366, bgo#723390, bgo#723402, bgo#723555. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 10 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.4: + GtkActionBar: A new container, which has a centered child like GtkHeaderBar. It can be used in places where header bar theming is not suitable. + GtkAppChooser: The online support has been simplified and modernized. + GtkHeaderBar button theming has been changed to be more flexible. There is now a gtk-decoraton-layout setting and a decoration-layout property. + Accessibility: - Links in labels are now accessible. - Model-based menus are accessible. - Accessible roles of several widgets have been fixed. - GtkColorChooser accessibility is improved. + Theming: The Raleigh theme has been updated for several new features, including client-side decorations. + Model-based menus now support a hidden-when attribute on items that allows them to be hidden on various conditions. + Bugs fixed: bgo#688421, bgo#698248, bgo#698786, bgo#706119, bgo#707729, bgo#709491, bgo#710315, bgo#710351, bgo#711552, bgo#711826, bgo#720264, bgo#720357, bgo#720401, bgo#720535, bgo#720551, bgo#720554, bgo#720939, bgo#720945, bgo#720983, bgo#721045, bgo#721048, bgo#721086, bgo#721119, bgo#721304, bgo#721317, bgo#721346, bgo#721406, bgo#721407, bgo#721410, bgo#721421, bgo#721480, bgo#721530, bgo#721633, bgo#721665, bgo#721700, bgo#721800, bgo#721836, bgo#722029, bgo#722030, bgo#722070, bgo#722076, bgo#722106. + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 10 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.2: + Theming: - A number of containers have been changed to draw backgrounds and borders. By default these are fully transparent, so nothing should change: GtkBox GtkFixed GtkGrid GtkEventBox. - Link colors are not rendered using the :visited and :link states instead of the link-color and visited-link-color style properties. + Broadway: - Use client-side decorations. - Implement window movement, raise/lower. - Use rolling hashes for optimizing scrolling. - Use click-to-focus. - Support touch events. - Support IPad on-screen keyboard. + GtkFileChooser: - Respect local-only in the places sidebar. - Filter out duplicate application shortcuts. - Show unmounted bookmarks. + GtkProgressBar: - Activity mode is now using a tick callback to move the block smoothly. + GtkWindow: - Fix size allocation for the fallback menubar. - Improve application menu fallback if we have client-side decorations or a header bar. + GtkBuilder: - No longer requires every object to have an id. + Bugs fixed: bgo#577642, bgo#635499, bgo#668598, bgo#679019, bgo#693227, bgo#699574, bgo#700419, bgo#702392, bgo#703784, bgo#705176, bgo#709629, bgo#710238, bgo#710533, bgo#710909, bgo#710987, bgo#711110, bgo#711158, bgo#711255, bgo#711324, bgo#711354, bgo#711494, bgo#711545, bgo#711548, bgo#711553, bgo#711574, bgo#711611, bgo#711636, bgo#712164, bgo#712302. + Updated translations.- Add hicolor-icon-theme BuildRequires: needed in order to have %icon_theme_cache_post available and for directory ownership.- Split out new subpackage immodule-broadway. * Mon Mar 10 2014 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.11.0: + New notebook tab styling: GtkNotebook now offers a way for themes to opt out of the tab rendering, with the \'has-tab-gap\' style property. The Adwaita theme is using this to achieve a more modern tab appearance. + GtkFlowBox: A container that its children in a reflowing grid, which can be oriented horizontally or vertically. + GtkStack: children can now indicate that they require attention by setting the needs-attention child property. + Broadway now requires binary array buffers and modern WebSocket protocol support. + Autoscrolling in range widgets has been improved to work more reliably in maximized windows. + GtkSpinner has been changed to render in in a limited set of sizes. + GtkApplication now stores and handles accelerators for GActions itself. + GtkIconTheme now falls back to the gnome icontheme to fix problems with the availability of symbolic icons in other icon themes. + GTK+ respects the deprecated gtk-button-images and gtk-menu-images settings again. + Bugs fixed: bgo#168530, bgo#341146, bgo#467720, bgo#586107, bgo#643914, bgo#651224, bgo#681484, bgo#691163, bgo#693586, bgo#697031, bgo#702196, bgo#703062, bgo#703603, bgo#707132, bgo#707187, bgo#707524, bgo#707920, bgo#708019, bgo#708024, bgo#708414, bgo#708423, bgo#708547, bgo#708583, bgo#708584, bgo#708787, bgo#709049, bgo#709212, bgo#709215, bgo#709264, bgo#709323, bgo#709420, bgo#709522, bgo#709613, bgo#709687, bgo#709854, bgo#710134. + Updated translations.- No longer delete gtk-shell-client-protocol.h and gtk-shell-protocol.c: they are no longer part of the tarball. * Sun Mar 09 2014 mgorseAATTsuse.com- Update to version 3.10.9: + Bugs fixed: bgo#495105, bgo#709914, bgo#721119, bgo#727487, bgo#728992, bgo#729670, bgo#566945, bgo#591258, bgo#692931, bgo#693200, bgo#701884, bgo#704456, bgo#712752, bgo#722058, bgo#722722, bgo#723121, bgo#723159, bgo#723183, bgo#723366, bgo#723390, bgo#723555, bgo#723621, bgo#723771, bgo#724008, bgo#724541, bgo#724631, bgo#724891, bgo#724895, bgo#725089, bgo#725172, bgo#725205, bgo#725225, bgo#725754, bgo#725824, bgo#725866, bgo#726136, bgo#726476, bgo#726717, bgo#726858, bgo#726859, bgo#726871, bgo#726996, bgo#727643 + Translation updates: Catalan, Kannada, Russian, Scottish Gaelic- Drop gtk3-gtkwindow-cleanup.patch: fixed upstream. * Sat Mar 08 2014 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.7: + Bugs fixed: bgo#386569, bgo#709491, bgo#711298, bgo#719314, bgo#719970, bgo#719977, bgo#721700. + Updated translations.- No longer delete gtk-shell-client-protocol.h and gtk-shell-protocol.c: they are no longer part of the tarball. * Sat Dec 07 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.6: + Bugs fixed: bgo#709027, bgo#711715, bgo#719469, bgo#719505, bgo#719510, bgo#719516, bgo#719568, bgo#719569, bgo#719595, bgo#719762.- Changes from version 3.10.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#691974, bgo#694859, bgo#699574, bgo#702663, bgo#705203, bgo#709716, bgo#712302, bgo#712632, bgo#712760, bgo#712799, bgo#715029. + Updated translations.- Delete gtk-shell-client-protocol.h and gtk-shell-protocol.c before building: those are generated files, based on wayland versions. * Sun Nov 17 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.4 (bnc#849913): + Bugs fixed: bgo#705176, bgo#710909, bgo#711545, bgo#711548, bgo#711574, bgo#711636, bgo#712164, bgo#712213, bgo#712302. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 3.10.3: + Theme support - Always fall back to \'gnome\' icon theme in addition to \'hicolor\'. - Respect deprecated gtk-button-images setting. - Respect deprecated gtk-menu-images setting. + Bugs fixed: bgo#577642, bgo#693227, bgo#703784, bgo#710389, bgo#710411, bgo#710666, bgo#710958, bgo#711110, bgo#711255, bgo#711553, bgo#711611. + Updated translations.- Rebase gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch.- Enable building of wayland support: set build_wayland_backend 1. * Wed Oct 16 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#168530, bgo#698730, bgo#708163, bgo#708346, bgo#709621, bgo#709697, bgo#709854, bgo#709939, bgo#709967, bgo#710073, bgo#710096, bgo#710141. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-enable-mnemonics.patch: fixed upstream. * Mon Oct 14 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-enable-mnemonics.patch: Revert missing parts to allow apps to override disabling mnemonics (like gnome-terminal does) (bgo#709764, bgo#708346, bnc#844929). * Fri Oct 11 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.1 (bnc#845548): + Bugs fixed: bgo#341146, bgo#586107, bgo#681484, bgo#684076, bgo#702196, bgo#703062, bgo#707524, bgo#708019, bgo#708024, bgo#708414, bgo#708423, bgo#708547, bgo#709049, bgo#709056, bgo#709212, bgo#709264, bgo#709522, bgo#709613, bgo#709745. + Updated translations. * Mon Sep 23 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.10.0: + Accessibility improvements: - Add accessible names to csd window buttons. - Mark GtkLinkButton as visited when appropriate. - Add a GtkListBoxRow accessible. + Bugs fixed: bgo#692258, bgo#702681, bgo#704087, bgo#708320, bgo#708384. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 17 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.16: + Bugs fixed: bgo#339539, bgo#513812, bgo#696756, bgo#702034, bgo#702423, bgo#706269, bgo#706345, bgo#706708, bgo#707129, bgo#707244, bgo#707328, bgo#707445, bgo#707488, bgo#707519, bgo#707659, bgo#707704, bgo#707778, bgo#707786, bgo#707844, bgo#707872, bgo#707915, bgo#707926, bgo#707981, bgo#708012, bgo#708067, bgo#708076, bgo#708128, bgo#708150. + Updated translations. * Tue Sep 03 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.14: + GtkLabel can now ellipsize just the last line, ellipsized in multi-line labels. + Bugs fixed: bgo#680953, bgo#700428, bgo#701125, bgo#704278, bgo#705980, bgo#706323, bgo#706448, bgo#706451, bgo#706493, bgo#706529, bgo#706563, bgo#706592, bgo#706722, bgo#706728, bgo#706740, bgo#706756, bgo#706778, bgo#706802, bgo#706870, bgo#706922, bgo#706929, bgo#706938, bgo#707051, bgo#707201. + Updated translations.- Drop gtk3-password-hint-timeout.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gtk3-build-without-wayland.patch: fixed upstream. * Thu Aug 22 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Add gtk3-password-hint-timeout.patch: Revert the removal of password-hint-timeout: We do go with upstreams defined 600ms to show the last character of the password (stay close), but we do want to keep the configure option. Users that are really worried about this can change the settings in .gtkrc.- Add the default configure value as comment in settings.ini, to make it easier discoverable. * Wed Aug 21 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.12: + GtkInfoBar now uses a GtkRevealer internally to slide in place. + GtkHeaderBar can now add a window close button. + The fine adjustment mode for scrolling has been revamped to be easier discoverable, and visual feedback and autoscrolling has been added. + GtkIconTheme now supports 2x scaled icons for hi-dpi displays. + The Wayland and X11 clipboard implementations can now coexist. + Bugs fixed: bgo#448637, bgo#672220, bgo#674108, bgo#680926, bgo#688738, bgo#692548, bgo#694831, bgo#697127, bgo#697399, bgo#700029, bgo#701571, bgo#702144, bgo#702971, bgo#704173, bgo#704334, bgo#704703, bgo#705068, bgo#705181, bgo#705182, bgo#705215, bgo#705320, bgo#705372, bgo#705443, bgo#705498, bgo#705524, bgo#705529, bgo#705558, bgo#705601, bgo#705605, bgo#705624, bgo#705640, bgo#705672, bgo#705692, bgo#705750, bgo#705765, bgo#705809, bgo#705918, bgo#706014, bgo#706045, bgo#706152, bgo#706220, bgo#706028, bgo#706335. + Updated translations.- Add gtk3-build-without-wayland.patch: Fix build without wayland. * Tue Jul 30 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.10: + GtkInfoBar updates: - Turn action area horizontal. - Fix spacing. - Add an easy way to add a close button. + Updated documentations. + Deprecations: tear-off menuitems. + Bugs fixed: bgo#684558, bgo#694086. bgo#698758, bgo#700229, bgo#700896, bgo#700898, bgo#701332, bgo#701365, bgo#701613, bgo#702563, bgo#704104, bgo#704164, bgo#704171, bgo#704216, bgo#704274, bgo#704392, bgo#704554, bgo#704700, bgo#704747, bgo#704894, bgo#704937, bgo#705060. + Updated translations.- Remove language handling targetted at openSUSE <= 11.3. * Wed Jul 10 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.8: + Started deprecating GtkStock apis. + The GtkSettings cleanup that was discussed at the recent GTK+ hackfest has started to land. + Initial support for scaled output (on high-dpi screens) has been added. + Bugs fixed: bgo#390048, bgo#672271, bgo#696498, bgo#701119, bgo#702332, bgo#702831, bgo#702913, bgo#702977, bgo#702981, bgo#702996, bgo#703069, bgo#703154, bgo#703220, bgo#703313, bgo#703406, bgo#703533, bgo#703606, bgo#703616, bgo#703618, bgo#703656, bgo#703765, bgo#703827. + Updated translations. * Sun Jun 23 2013 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.6: + GtkListBox: - Handle double-clicks properly. - Add an example in gtk3-demo. + Bugs fixed: bgo#390048, bgo#560337, bgo#649390, bgo#679930, bgo#698183, bgo#701174, bgo#702598, bgo#702695, bgo#702763. + Updated translations. * Fri Jun 21 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.4: + GtkSearchBar: a toolbar that will popup automatically when searches should be started, and dismissed when they are finished. + GtkListBox a vertical container that can sort and filter its children. + GtkStack has gained position dependent transitions (left-right and up-down). + The Broadway GDK backend can be built on Windows now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#593079, bgo#692638, bgo#699673, bgo#700185, bgo#700444, bgo#700779, bgo#701463, bgo#701840, bgo#702370. + Updated translations. * Wed May 29 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.2: + The GDK initialization code has been refactored. GdkDisplayManager is no longer backend-specific. + The symbol exporting functionality has been refactored. We no longer use .symbols files, and instead rely on explicit header annotations for every exported symbol. the abicheck scripts are no longer used. + The GDK drawing and scrolling has been simplified. We no longer use XCopyArea for scrolling, instead an offscreen cache is used. There is a new debug flag, GTK_DEBUG=pixel-cache for this. + Window sizing issues have been addressed. + Implement height-for-width for GtkEventBox and GtkCheckButton. + Custom titlebars can now be set from GtkBuilder files. + Optionally install tests, when configured with - -enable-installed-tests. To run these tests, gnome-desktop-testing-runner can be used. + Native input methods are supported on OS X now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#360131, bgo#561221, bgo#591969, bgo#628902, bgo#667759, bgo#691921, bgo#694273, bgo#695120, bgo#696001, bgo#696640, bgo#698051, bgo#698361, bgo#698933, bgo#699104, bgo#699140, bgo#699239, bgo#699289, bgo#699633, bgo#699690, bgo#699739, bgo#699750, bgo#699901, bgo#699929, bgo#699970, bgo#700007, bgo#700053, bgo#700054, bgo#700056, bgo#700079, bgo#700233, bgo#700301, bgo#700465, bgo#700575, bgo#700578, bgo#700737, bgo#700787, bgo#700844, bgo#700864, bgo#700979. * Mon May 06 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.9.0: + GtkFileChooser: - Always show fuse-mounted locations in shortcuts. - GtkFileChooserButton has received a lot of fixes and tests have been added for many of them. + GtkWindow: - Initial support for client-side decorations has been added. - gtk_window_set_titlebar: A new function that can set a custom, client-side titlebar on toplevel windows. + Wayland: - Use client-side decorations. - Implement maximization. - Improve cursor handling. - Improve multi-monitor handling. - Support most GtkSettings (for now by reading GSettings directly). - Complete the keymap implementation. + Broadway: - Improve window size handling. - Implement frame synchronization. * Mon Apr 15 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.8.1: + Broadway backend improvements: - Ensure window sizes are synched right. - Sync surface updates with paint clock. - Add support for password authentication. - Reuse surfaces passed to server. + CSS improvements: - Add cycle detection to color resolving + Bugs fixed: bgo#675649, bgo#681446, bgo#685419, bgo#685420, bgo#690275, bgo#696370, bgo#696622, bgo#696623, bgo#696882, bgo#697144, bgo#697263, bgo#697427. + Updated translations. * Fri Mar 29 2013 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Disable building of wayland backend, and conditionally apply gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch as it\'s only needed when building wayland backend. * Tue Mar 26 2013 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.8.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#674759, bgo#695493, bgo#696051, bgo#696171, bgo#696202, bgo#696232, bgo#696405, bgo#696546, bgo#696553. + Updated translations. * Sun Mar 24 2013 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Add build_wayland_backend define and set it to 1. Build the wayland backend.- Conditionally, based on %{build_wayland_backend}, + Pass --enable-wayland-backend to configure. + BuildRequire pkgconfig(wayland-client, wayland-cursor and xkbcommon).- Add gtk3-find-wayland-includedir.patch, build does not find our wayland headerfiles since they are in a non standard includedir (bgo#696507). * Thu Mar 21 2013 sbrabecAATTsuse.cz- Check completeness of translations sets introduced by translation-update-upstream (bnc#690180). * Tue Mar 19 2013 sbrabecAATTsuse.cz- Add support for translation-update-upstream. * Tue Mar 19 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.14: + A lot of filechooser button fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#586367, bgo#671939, bgo#674759, bgo#691040, bgo#694339, bgo#695200, bgo#695278, bgo#695304, bgo#695312, bgo#695375, bgo#695391, bgo#695473, bgo#695482, bgo#695682, bgo#695714, bgo#695715, bgo#695772, bgo#695783, bgo#695874, bgo#695948. + Updated translations.- Remove enable_avahi_browsing: upstream removed the avahi browsing capability again: + No longer pass --enable-avahi-browsing to configure. + Drop cups-devel >= 1.6 BuildRequires. * Wed Mar 06 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.12: + We now support touch friendly popups on entries and text views in place of context menus, on touch devices. + The print dialog now shows printers that are discovered using avahi, if configured with --enable-avahi-browsing. + Bugs fixed: bgo#650424, bgo#674207, bgo#675333, bgo#688956, bgo#691426, bgo#692955, bgo#693995, bgo#694059, bgo#694162, bgo#694217, bgo#694274, bgo#694302, bgo#694395, bgo#694406, bgo#694451, bgo#694732, bgo#694742, bgo#694924, bgo#694925, bgo#694968, bgo#694990, bgo#695131. + Updated translations.- Conditionally, based on %{enable_avahi_browsing}, + pass --enable-avahi-browsing to configure for the new avahi based printer autodetection. + BuildRequire cups-devel >= 1.6- Define enable_avahi_browsing to 0, as cups 1.6 is not available in Factory yet. * Tue Feb 19 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.10: + We now support the Window Manager frame synchronization protocol draft. + We now support setting an opacity to any GtkWidget. + GtkIconTheme gained asynchronous loaders for GtkIconInfo objects. + GtkIconInfo has changed from being a boxed type to a GObject. + Bugs fixed: bgo#590325, bgo#673243, bgo#681578, bgo#683311, bgo#685460, bgo#687842, bgo#690247, bgo#692411, bgo#692728, bgo#693251, bgo#693253, bgo#693256, bgo#693257, bgo#693313, bgo#693338, bgo#693400, bgo#693709, bgo#693724, bgo#693802, bgo#693912, bgo#693913, bgo#693934, bgo#694022, bgo#694075. + Updated translations.- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to autogen.sh: gtk3-path-local.patch actually touches the build system (and with automake 1.13, an automatic bootstrap would be triggered). * Mon Feb 04 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.8: + GtkTreeView and GtkIconView allow single-click activation. + GtkImage can be set from a resource. + GdkWaylandDisplay is now public. + gdk_window_set_fullscreen_mode: new function to let windows be fullscreened across multiple monitors. + Bugs fixed: bgo#345023, bgo#687025, bgo#691572, bgo#691592, bgo#691639, bgo#691751, bgo#691842, bgo#691856, bgo#692163, bgo#692188, bgo#692203, bgo#692467, bgo#692481, bgo#692605, bgo#692659, bgo#692766, bgo#692844, bgo#692934, bgo#682824, bgo#692637, bgo#692823, bgo#692899, bgo#693015, bgo#693066, bgo#525226, bgo#553334, bgo#658148, bgo#680048, bgo#687825, bgo#693050. + Updated translations. * Tue Jan 15 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.6: + We now use state flags for text direction: GTK_STATE_FLAG_LTR/RTL. gtk_style_context_set_direction() has been deprecated. + We install headers for accessible implementations of GTK+ widgets. + Invisible widgets now return a size of 0x0. + GtkFrame now draws a background. + The Broadway backend now installs a separate server: broadwayd. + Bugs fixed: bgo#687025, bgo#687633, bgo#688140, bgo#688362, bgo#689810, bgo#690305, bgo#691186, bgo#691301, bgo#691515, bgo#691677. + Updated translations. * Tue Jan 08 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.4: + GtkBuilder now lets you refer to external objects from a ui file if the objects have been exported with the new function gtk_builder_expose_object(). + Font handling has been improved. + GTK+ now uses proper Unicode ellipses in strings. + The releases includes several noticable performance improvements. + Various deprecations. + Bugs fixed: bgo#132333, bgo#371034, bgo#447972, bgo#548793, bgo#595615, bgo#626499, bgo#668239, bgo#677339, bgo#680065, bgo#687065, bgo#687816, bgo#688710, bgo#688744, bgo#688884, bgo#689012, bgo#689047, bgo#689081, bgo#689168, bgo#689401, bgo#689584, bgo#689847, bgo#689923, bgo#690099, bgo#690266. + Updated translations. * Tue Jan 08 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.2: + Accessibility: Make entry icons accessible. + Filechooser: - Don\'t add duplicate bookmarks. - Remember sidebar width. + Geometry management: - Size groups now handle height-for-width. - Fix corner cases in label size allocation. + Theming: - Improve touch text handle theming. - Always draw background of menuitems. + Bugs fixed: bgo#524295, bgo#577806, bgo#677609, bgo#683896, bgo#686021, bgo#686347, bgo#687059, bgo#687196, bgo#687467, bgo#687842, bgo#687872, bgo#687977. + Updated translations. * Mon Jan 07 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.7.0: + Add an \"inverted\" property to GtkLevelBar + Support RTL flipping in GtkLevelBar + Various memory leak fixes + Wayland: Update for protocol changes + Bugs fixed: bgo#684288, bgo#684415, bgo#684980, bgo#686013, bgo#686152, bgo#686209, bgo#686265, bgo#686280, bgo#686366. + Updated translations. * Mon Jan 07 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.6.4: + Stylecontext: Make font hack not crash (bgo#691186). * Fri Jan 04 2013 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.6.3: + The Wayland backend works with Wayland 1.0.0 now. + Bugs fixed: bgo#132333, bgo#371034, bgo#548793, bgo#577806, bgo#626499, bgo#668239, bgo#672193, bgo#677339, bgo#683072, bgo#687065, bgo#687816, bgo#688710, bgo#688884, bgo#689235, bgo#690266. + Updated translations. * Fri Nov 23 2012 jengelhAATTinai.de- Make gtk3-devel-32bit available on all arches- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile * Tue Nov 13 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.6.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#677609, bgo#686021, bgo#686265, bgo#686280, bgo#687196, bgo#687467, bgo#687872. + Updated translations. * Tue Oct 16 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.6.1: + Broadway: - use binary websockets when available + CSS: - huge refactoring to avoid computing wrong values - treeview: Invalidate children properly - treeview: Fix computing child paths + Bugs fixed: bgo#646221, bgo#682395, bgo#684517, bgo#684639, bgo#684984, bgo#685449, bgo#685996 + updated translations. * Tue Sep 25 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.6.0: + Add support for blur to CSS shadows + Bugs fixed: bgo#679883, bgo#684258, bgo#684606, bgo#684607 + Updated translations. * Wed Sep 19 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.18: + GMenu: - Support namespaces for actions - Allow submenus to have actions for opening - New function: gtk_menu_shell_bind_model + CSS: - Parse and support CSS animations - Support cross-fading and transitions + OS X: - Adjust scrollbar and scale behavior according to platform + Bugs fixed: bgo#643611, bgo#658694, bgo#670390, bgo#671786, bgo#674108, bgo#676890, bgo#677559, bgo#680962, bgo#682630, bgo#682831, bgo#683474, bgo#683627, bgo#683718, bgo#683738, bgo#683874, bgo#683896, bgo#684038, bgo#684076, bgo#684096, bgo#684156. + Updated translations. * Wed Sep 05 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.16: + Fix critical warnings on startup of nautilus. * Tue Sep 04 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.14: + Input method support - Propagate input purpose and hints to individual IMs - Add a hint to suppress on-screen keyboards + GtkEntry can now set Pango attributes for its text + GtkEntry and GtkTextView show \'selection handles\' when used with touch devices + GtkSpinButton can be oriented vertically + Bugs fixed: bgo#645065, bgo#661973, bgo#672046, bgo#672431, bgo#676787, bgo#679144, bgo#681617, bgo#682129, bgo#682291, bgo#682552, bgo#682662, bgo#682724, bgo#682825, bgo#682919, bgo#683001, bgo#683168 + Updated translations. * Tue Aug 21 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.12: + GtkApplication: - Add gtk_application_get_active_window to get the active window - Add gtk_widget_insert_action_group to allow more flexibility when associating widgets with actions + GtkMenuButton: - The gtk_menu_button_set_menu function is getting renamed to gtk_menu_button_set_popup. The old name is still available for now, but will be removed before 3.6 + GtkToolbar: - Use CSS properties instead of style properties for padding + Input method support: - GtkEntry and GtkTextView now have input-purpose and input-hints properties that let applications provide useful hints to input methods, like \'this entry is for a phone nr\'. + Bugs fixed: bgo#373279, bgo#651244, bgo#673478, bgo#681577, bgo#681591, bgo#681613, bgo#682193, bgo#682235 + Updated translations. * Tue Aug 07 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.10: + Wayland: - Add keyboard handling - Improve clipboard handling - Add default settings implementation + GDK thread support has been deprecated + Bugs fixed: bgo#679910, bgo#679978, bgo#680754, bgo#680803, bgo#680822, bgo#680901, bgo#680949, bgo#680988, bgo#681005, bgo#681006, bgo#681064 + Updated translations.- Add docbook-xsl-stylesheets and xsltproc BuildRequires: new dependencies in order to build the man pages. * Tue Jul 17 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.8: + gtk-launch: A new commandline utility to launch an application from its desktop file + GtkStrengthBar: A new widget for displaying the strength or level or some quantity + Wayland: Updates for changes in the Wayland protocol + Bugs fixed: bgo#667808, bgo#671437, bgo#671817, bgo#675990, bgo#677347, bgo#677491, bgo#678828, bgo#678829, bgo#679092, bgo#679166, bgo#679228, bgo#679409, bgo#679449, bgo#679454, bgo#679537, bgo#679705, bgo#677892, bgo#679342. + Updated translations. * Mon Jul 16 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.6: + GtkSearchEntry is a subclass of GtkEntry that is set up to be used as a search entry + GtkMenuButton is button that pops up a menu. The menu can be generated from a GMenu or provided manually + The GtkMountOperation code will now use gnome-shell to present a system-modal mount dialog when available + The accessibility bridge code that exports accessible objects on the bus is used by default. + Bugs fixed: bgo#613561, bgo#652809, bgo#668013, bgo#669986, bgo#670369, bgo#674963, bgo#676077, bgo#677491, bgo#677551, bgo#677649, bgo#677774, bgo#677809, bgo#677915, bgo#677941, bgo#677943, bgo#678175, bgo#678407, bgo#678418. + Updated translations.- Add pkgconfig(atk-bridge-2.0) BuildRequires: new dependency for the accessibility support. * Mon Jul 16 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.4: + GtkIconView size allocation has been rewritten to support height-for-width and work better. + The theming code now supports multiple backgrounds and transitions. + Bugs fixed: bgo#162865, bgo#460908, bgo#478344, bgo#531319, bgo#571254, bgo#587873, bgo#643490, bgo#645514, bgo#646798, bgo#647779, bgo#649569, bgo#652304, bgo#657322, bgo#659613, bgo#663072, bgo#663991, bgo#664646, bgo#665243, bgo#670449, bgo#671025, bgo#671249, bgo#672947, bgo#673237, bgo#673749, bgo#674192, bgo#674409, bgo#674549, bgo#675365, bgo#675421, bgo#675423, bgo#675501, bgo#675535, bgo#675809, bgo#675895, bgo#675899, bgo#675951, bgo#676087, bgo#676196, bgo#676198, bgo#676243, bgo#676329, bgo#676356, bgo#676429, bgo#677055, bgo#677109, bgo#677202, bgo#677203, bgo#677293, bgo#677363. + Updated translations. * Mon Jul 16 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.5.2: + Wayland: - Allow the wayland backend to be used without cairo-gl - Expose GdkWaylandDisplayManager for runtime checks + Theming: - Optimizations to style invalidation - Support CSS animatable properties + Bugs fixed: bgo#563688, bgo#646631, bgo#672361, bgo#672993, bgo#674468, bgo#674577, bgo#674808, bgo#674809. + Updated translations.- Rebase Patches: + gtk3-GTK_PATH64.patch + gtk3-path-local.patch. + gtk3-bnc130159-bgo319483-async-font-selection.patch * Sun Jul 15 2012 zaitorAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.4.4: + GtkIconView: Fallout from the layout rewrite has been fixed. + Bugs fixed: bgo#531319, bgo#571254, bgo#613561, bgo#643490, bgo#646798, bgo#647779, bgo#649569, bgo#659613, bgo#663991, bgo#664646, bgo#667808, bgo#670369, bgo#671437, bgo#671817, bgo#673749, bgo#675167, bgo#675423, bgo#675535, bgo#675809, bgo#675899, bgo#675990, bgo#676077, bgo#676243, bgo#676262, bgo#676329, bgo#677127, bgo#677293, bgo#677363, bgo#677551, bgo#677649, bgo#677774, bgo#677775, bgo#677809, bgo#677915, bgo#677941, bgo#678175, bgo#678407, bgo#678829, bgo#679166, bgo#679228, bgo#679409, bgo#679454, bgo#679537. + Updated translations. * Tue May 15 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.4.3: + GtkIconView: The sizing and layout has been rewritten. + Bugs fixed: bgo#478344, bgo#587873, bgo#663072, bgo#670449, bgo#672947, bgo#673237, bgo#674192, bgo#674549, bgo#675421, bgo#675501 + Updated translations. * Sun May 06 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.4.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#668931, bgo#669989, bgo#670373, bgo#671249, bgo#672789, bgo#673259, bgo#673644, bgo#673650, bgo#674050, bgo#674102, bgo#674118, bgo#674200, bgo#674286, bgo#674326, bgo#674587, bgo#674806, bgo#674807, bgo#674890 + Updated translations. * Sat Apr 14 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.4.1: + Win32 fixes + OS X fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#587441, bgo#672133, bgo#672358, bgo#672544, bgo#672961, bgo#673090, bgo#673125, bgo#673139, bgo#673200, bgo#673328, bgo#673440, bgo#673441, bgo#673458, bgo#673693, bgo#673882 + Updated translations. * Mon Mar 26 2012 vuntzAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.4.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#658875, bgo#671006, bgo#672163, bgo#672587, bgo#672763. + Updated translations. * Tue Mar 20 2012 dimstarAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.3.20: + Theming: - Reduced memory consumption in the css parser - Fixed Windows theme rendering under XP - Support for background-position + Bugs fixed: bgo#657385, bgo#662023, bgo#670176, bgo#671065, bgo#671453, bgo#671488, bgo#671588, bgo#671659, bgo#671819, bgo#671898, bgo#672009, bgo#672117, bgo#672125, bgo#672173, bgo#672182, bgo#672367. * Tue Mar 06 2012 vuntzAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.3.18: + Add support for touch devices: - New device types GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN and GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHPAD for direct and indirect touch devices - New event GdkEventTouch and GDK_TOUCH_MASK - New signal GtkWidget::touch-event + Add support for smooth scrolling: - Scroll events can contain scroll deltas, obtainable via gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas() - Scroll direction for such events is GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH - To receive scroll events, widgets must now set either GDK_SCROLL_MASK or GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK + GtkScrolledWindow will do kinetic scrolling with touch devices + XInput2 is now required for building the X11 backend, support for XInput1 has been removed + Deprecations are now versioned, and new API is marked with the version it was introduced. Use these with GDK_VERSION_{MIN,MAX}_REQUIRED + Theming: - Memory consumption of the CSS parser has been reduced - CSS selectors of the form \"a + b\" and \"a ~ b\" work now + Bugs fixed: bgo#650693, bgo#655065, bgo#668141, bgo#669335, bgo#669342, bgo#670555, bgo#670881, bgo#671057, bgo#671070, bgo#671170. + Updated translations. * Tue Feb 21 2012 vuntzAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.3.16: + The widget-factory theme test is now installed as a demo named gtk3-widget-factory + The Raleigh theme is now a pure fallback theme that doesn\'t share any CSS with other themes anymore + GtkColorSelectionDialog has been deprecated in favor of a new color chooser widget named GtkColorChooserDialog + The GtkApplication session support has been simplified + Bugs fixed: bgo#612283, bgo#668114, bgo#669116, bgo#669208, bgo#669511, bgo#669636, bgo#669638, bgo#669794, bgo#669947, bgo#670077, bgo#670078, bgo#670400. + Updated translations. * Tue Feb 07 2012 vuntzAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.3.14: + Theming: - Fixes for border handling in GtkEntry, GtkCellRendererText, GtkComboBox - Parse values more carefully, supporting percentages, angles - Implement CSS linear-gradient syntax - Support background-size - Support a gtk.gresource file in themes + Bugs fixed: bgo#543520, bgo#649121, bgo#669176. + Updated translations.- Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system. * Tue Jan 31 2012 vuntzAATTopensuse.org- Update to version 3.3.12: + GtkApplication: - Add API to create menus from models - New format for |