Changelog for
efl-devel-1.11.5-6.2.i586.rpm :
Fri Nov 21 13:00:00 2014
- Bump to EFL 1.11.5 bugfix
* Eo id: Fix id security checks for invalid objects.
* Fix bug ecore_imf_context_cursor_position_set was not called when
- 1.11.4 bugfix release fixed 1 issue in 1.11.3
- Bump to 1.11.3 bugfix release
* Evas filters: Fix parsing of argument lists (T1615)
* edje_program: added signal \"focus,part,out\" when focus is discarded
* efl - vsync - deal with both broken and non-broken libdrm
* ecore_x_vsync - fix tiny leaklet of drmversion
* Evas Textblock: Fix bad empty line add on wrapping
* ecore vsync - fix up dual nvidia + dri/drm driver discovery
* eeze - sensors - ints for sensor events were decld in .h - and never .c
* Evas Textblock: Fix native width of BiDi text (T1532)
* ecore_imf/ibus : provide to get surrounding text
* evas: GL_X11 context need to always be with alpha or it will fail
to change.
Thu Sep 18 14:00:00 2014
- Don\'t disable neon-cflags.patch
- valgrind exists also on aarch64
Wed Sep 17 14:00:00 2014
- The bug effecting the doco build is #897122
Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- Disable but keep the neon-cflags.patch, will confirm with the author
that this was fixed properly upstream before removing the patch entirely
- Temporarly disable generating docs as factory is complaining of a missing epstopdf.
Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- Bump to 1.11.2 bugfix release
* shutup ecore-x vsync stupid log domain failures
* emotion - fix calling pos update cb for gst1 module in frame new
* emotion - audio volume - leave as-is on file open/init
* edje_cc now throws an error during link combination when the
current part has no name
* evas: fix build on armv7l. (T1620)
* edje embryo stop_program() should stop pending actions
* evas: let\'s freeze the canvas, shall we ?
Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2014
- Try and fix fedora build
Mon Sep 1 14:00:00 2014
- eolian.patch: remove unused patch
- neon-cflags.patch: use NEON_CFLAGS for all users of
- Disable elua subpackage if there is no luajit
Fri Aug 29 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 1.11.1
* Major packaging changes:
* Added elua package (efl luajit bindings)
* Setup efreet and ethumb systemd user daemons properly
* Major upstream changes
* Eolian passer rewrite
* ETC2 image decode support and etc2 texture format support
* New loader for the DDS image file format.
* elua (lua wrapper and bindings)
* Many coverty and other bugs fixed
- Include un approved Request 244211 (if i knew it existed i would have approved
It first
Mon Aug 11 11:48:25 UTC 2014 -
- Require luajit only for supported architectures
- eolian.patch: fix type mismatch
Thu Aug 7 14:00:00 2014
- re enable ephysics now that bullet is in factory
This means that a new libephysics1 package will be created
Wed Jul 23 14:00:00 2014
- remove shebang.patch and instead make the files -x
Python pretty printers don\'t need execute permissions
Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
* Update to 1.10.2
* evas/textblock: check item\'s type before returning result.
* Evas textblock: Fix issue with edje fonts not being used. (T1331)
* Evas/Textblock: Introduce PS deletion bug test and fix
* evas/gl - fix to render grayscale with transparency format in gl backened.
* edje: textblock style loading changed
* lz4: fix possible security issue. (CVE-2014-4611)
* Separate lz4 patch no longer required.
* 0001-lz4-fix-possible-security-issue.patch removed
Mon Jun 30 14:00:00 2014
- 0001-lz4-fix-possible-security-issue.patch
fix for CVE-2014-4611
Wed Jun 11 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.10.1
* recursively hide edje group objects on edje hide
* Evas textblock: Fix wrong advance calculation when bidi is disabled.
* Eolian: fix issue for Windows.
* evas loader - redo gif fix so it doesn\'t break everything
* Evas: Remove invalid cast and fix warning/bug on windows
* Win64: Fix a bunch of warnings
* eina/file - revert 18be4c50d9990c82ed9ce4269b7820e61f772699
* Eolian: Fix class look up.
* Evas textblock: Fix crash when cutting ligatures with formats. (T1308)
* eo: force zeroing memory on non Linux system.
* po: Set initial values for Language-Team in all po files
* po: Set initial language value in po file where it is missing
Mon May 26 14:00:00 2014
- add forgotten path
Mon May 26 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.10.0 release
* ecore-drm: Send proper keycode to ecore key event, and remove erroneous
* edje: Edje_Edit - fix wrong behaviour on draggable.event processing
while deleting parts.
* evas/text: fix abnormal ellipsis logic when harfbuzz is enabled.
Mon May 19 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.10.0-beta3
edje/Edje_Edit: _edje_edit_real_part_add init field of
fix ecore_con_url using 100% cpu and just let fd handler do
work (T1251)
fix behavior of edje entry to match other toolkit
entires (T1229)
fix ecore_thread_global_data_wait to work when no data exists
Eo: Fix deref after free. (CID1039898)
evas/render - fix segfault because of null cow access. (T1252)
Mon May 12 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.10.0-beta2
* eina: add eina_inarray_resize AATTfeature.
* eina: add eina_accessor_clone and update all Eina_Accessor to take
advantage of it.
* eina: add a C++ bindings to Eina AATTfeature.
* AATTfeature - Apply NEON intrisics improvement to rotation
* Evas textblock: Implemented mid-contextualization formatting.
* evas-drm: Add evas_drm to build order for Evas drm engine
* evas-drm: Add Evas Drm Engine (software only currently)
* evas-drm: Add option to enable drm hardware acceleration
* evas-drm: Start on hardware-accel support for drm
* evas-drm: Triple buffer by default.
* evas-drm: Fix opening of drm card
* evas-drm: Start on hardware Plane support
* evas-drm: Add vsync/non-vsync support to evas_drm code
* evas-drm: Ddd support for setting vsync with env variable.
* edje: AATTfeature to include license in edje file. (T1027)
* edje: add support of last input entered in password mode to be always
visible in entry.
* eio: make it possible to limit the amount of memory used by threads.
* eina: make Eina_Error thread safe.
* edje: add AUTHORS and more than one license file to Edje.
* ecore-drm: Add Ecore_Drm code
* ecore-drm: Add autofoo for ecore-drm
* Eet: Added vieet a tool to edit eet files.
* eina-cxx: Added eina_log support for C++, using IOStreams syntax
* ecore-drm: Add API function to return the vt fd
* ecore-drm: Add dependency on xkbcommon
* ecore-drm: Add code pass along key events to ecore_event
* ecore-drm: Set the window of the Ecore_Event_Key structure
* ecore-drm: Add code to handle modifiers in a key event
* ecore-drm: Add code to handle mouse input
* evas/font: Added evas_font_path_global_
* APIs.
* Eo: Made eo id for classes a bit more secure.
* ecore-drm: Add API function to return the drm device name
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for resize and move callbacks
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting focus_in & focus_out callbacks
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting the mouse in & mouse out
callbacks of the ecore_evas
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_move function
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_move_resize
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for rotation set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting the title of the ecore_evas
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_name_class_set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting size hints
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_object_cursor_set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_layer_set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_iconified_set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for ecore_evas_borderless_set
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for maximized, fullscreen, withdrawn, and
ignore_events settings
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for alpha & transparent setting
* ecore-evas-drm: Add support for setting aspect of ecore_evas
* edje_cc now supports program.targets keyword for adding N targets in one
* edje_cc now supports group.remove for removing parts from inherited groups
* edje_cc now supports part.inherit for copying attributes of parts within
a group more easily
* eeze_udev gets more helper functions
* edje_cc now supports program.sequence for more easily chaining programs
* edje_cc can now use group.program_remove to remove inherited programs
* edje_edit: function that will return the source code of the loaded edje
edit object.
* ecore-drm: Add API function for getting size of an output.
* eet-cxx: add implementation for eet C++.
* Eina: Fix mistake in a previous patch
* +eeze_udev_get()
* eina-cxx: Modified eina C++ log use syntax
* Move to Eo2 and adjust code accordingly
* Eo: eo_do now returns called func\'s value + default ret fix.
* Edje: Use LOSSY_ETC1 instead of LOSSY
* Evas TGV: Add direct copy mode for ETC1/ETC2 data
* Evas: Add support for ETC2 in the TGV loader
* Evas gl_x11: Add ETC2 support to the GL/X11 engine
* edje_cc now supports \"lazEDC\", a more concise version of EDC
* edje_cc now supports the group.inherit_only attribute
* edje_cc now supports targets for SIGNAL_EMIT actions
* edje_cc now has the program.groups and X.target_group keywords for target
* edje_cc now supports group.program_source for specifying a default source
in programs
* eina_hash now has helper functions for managing lists inside hashes
* edje_cc now supports for single line state changes
* edje now has the group.script_recursion flag for permitting unsafe embryo
recursion (T905)
* eolian_cxx: initial version of the EFL C++ Bindings Generator.
* ecore: AATTfix race condition when using
* examples/evas: Set a proper format string for fprintf
* evas-drm: Set Magic on the Ecore_Evas
* evas-drm: Fix typo for drm hw accel argument
* evas-drm: Call framebuffer_set earlier in the process so that the screen
gets updated sooner.
* evas-drm: Fix opening of drm card
* evas-drm: Forgot to install the evas drm engine pkgconfig file
* evas-drm: cleanup outbuf structure and functions
* evas-drm: cleanup evas_engine code for drm sw engine
* evas-drm: Add vsync/non-vsync support to evas_drm code
* evas-drm: Ddd support for setting vsync with env variable.
* Evas: Fix build issue when building without drm
* ecore_avahi: AATTfix timeout to avoid pitfall of forever frozen timer.
* evas-drm: Fix evas drawing delay for cedric
* Evas filters: Avoid CRI message when using the GL engine
* Evas filters: fix black squares with the GL engine
* Evas filters: fix random cases of \'dancing text\'
* Evas filters: fix clip to target calculation
* edje: fix edje_watch to not pass the \'\
\' to eio_monitor.
* edje: let\'s allow to reset escaped text to NULL. (T821)
* evas-drm: Don\'t call framebuffer set from within send function
* evas-drm: Check buffer validity in swap function
* evas-drm: Fix setting cached image alpha flag
* ecore-evas-x: Fix resource leak from eina_str_split_full usage
* eo: memory waste at mixin class elaboration
* Edje entry: fix bug preedit text is committed in the next entry when Tab
key is pressed.
* edje/edje_edit: fix part add bug
* edje/edje_edit: Check for NULL
* evas-drm: Remove hardware acceleration fields from engine structure
* evas-drm: Add headers for hardware acceleration
* ecore-drm: Add missing define
* ecore-drm: Comment out Gbm Format
* efl: Fix installing ecore-drm pkgconfig file
* efl: Fix build with drm disabled
* evas/fb: avoid crashing it outbuf setup failed.
* evas: AATTfix convert to 24bits so dst_jump is used properly.
* evas/fb: expose and call fb_freemode() and fb_cleanup()
* ecore_fb: AATTfix use of uninitialized values reported by valgrind.
* evas/fb: use stride instead of width.
* eina: Fix bug in eina_convert_itoa (T1062)
* edje/entry: fix to not emit \"changed\" signal in unnecessary cases of
password mode.
* edje: do not leak in case of error. (CID1191310, CID1191311)
* evas-fb: Fix broken build of efl
* ecore-drm: Initialize ecore_event on ecore_drm_init
* edje - allow lager clipper space.
* eina-cxx: Fixes compilation errors and warnings in clang
* evas: Replace EINA_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE to while statement.
* evas: AATTfix use the correct composite op on lines with pixman
* Evas filters: Fix 1-D blurs on a single buffer
* Evas filters: Fix memory leak when destroying the object
* ecore-x: Predefine Ecore_X_Atom and Ecore_X_Icon
* ecore-evas: Predefine Ecore_X_Atom and Ecore_X_Icon
* evas: restore behavior of stack above and below when no rel is
specified. (CID1191907, CID1191906)
* Ecore x: Add back the two symbols removed in 1.9.
* eet: fix tokenizer\'s escape logic.
* Evas textblock: Don\'t include right margin/padding twice when aligning
* edje: check font change in edje text part cache infra.
* edje/util: set flag to all_part_change when edje class member is added.
* Evas cserve2: Fix client crashes when a file changed
* Evas gl: Fix clip in image_draw if it\'s not set
* ecore-drm: Fix ecore_drm_device_window_set to use an unsigned int
* ecore-evas-drm: Fix setting of the ecore_evas property window and
register the prop.window for events.
* evas-drm: Fix engine to use the output\'s framebuffer as window id
* ecore-wayland: Fix ecore_wl_init \'stalling\' when used in a server
* Eolian/Lexer: increase buffer length for .eo files
* Eolian/Generator: Don\'t generate sub ids structure if not needed.
* ecore-drm: Fix absolute motion coordinate calculation
* edje_cc no longer fails on{}
* edje_cc now correctly handles lack of state int in STATE_SET action
* edje_cc also checks min args correctly for STATE_SET actions
* Evas filters: fix potential memory leak
* eio monitors no longer trigger a CRI error during free
* edje_cc uses macros for some of its handler setup
* evas/gl - fill up missed blend mode.
* evas: Fixed warning for uninitialized variables
* edje_cc now correctly handles group inheriting when the inherit is after
a part/program
* build: Disallow non-working sdl + opengl ES combination (T856)
* Evas Textblock: increase ref of format before work
* evas/proxy - redraw proxy source properly.
* Eolian: move the beta API ifdef to cover all the H types and functions.
* Eolian: fix virtual pure support.
* Eolian/Lexer: fix function names parsing.
* edje_cc: Fix the crash when compiled wrong edc file containing empty part
* evas - fix incorrect object reset.
* evas-drm: Add trapping for a canvas below framebuffer size
* ecore-evas-drm: Add better support for ecore_evas_fullscreen_set
* ecore-drm: Fix mouse wheel to not be inverted
* emotion: fix memory leak
* edje_cc: fix group inheriting with scripts. (group.script and
* ecore-evas - fix object cursor to not delete the same cursor when set
* ecore_evas_extn: give proper event data to callbacks
* ecore_evas_extn: fix doxygen sample
* evas-drm: Default async page flip to false as this can cause tearing
* evas-drm: Remove all async_page_flip options/references
* ecore-con - deal with internal buffer growing over 2g in size
* fix swap buffers with damage to not detect if ext str is not there
* ecore-wl: Optimize opaque region setting for surface and reduce
unnecessary calls to surface commit.
* ecore-wl: Optimize setting of window input region
* ecore-evas-wl: Reduce useless compositor redraws during render update and
update input & opaque regions after resizing.
* ecore_evas_extn: initialize server handle on server deletion
* ecore_evas_extn: update plug image object after disconnection
* Eo: eo_do now returns called func\'s value + default ret fix.
* Fixed a problem with e wl server that sent invalid key value to wl client.
* ecore-evas-wl: Ooops, Fix opaque & input regions being set to incorrect values
* ecore-wl: Don\'t create an input cursor surface unless the input has
pointer capability.
* ecore-wl: Check for existance of data device manager
* eo: fix broken children iterator, remove redundant fields.
* ecore: Fixed se of EINA_MAIN_LOOP_CHECK_RETURN macros with functions with
return types
* emotion: fix triggering condition of fallback module loading (T1025)
* edje now correctly forces ellipsis setting on text parts
* emotion: play set before file open callback bug fix
* emotion: use eina stringshare not strdup
* configure: Only allow wayland + egl with opengl ES (T1202)
* eldbus-codegen no longer passes garbage values to error callbacks
* fix emotion_test signal emit object
* evas-wayland-shm: Use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if available for creating mmap\'d
buffer file.
* evas-wayland-shm: Fix \'oopsie/typo\' in temporary file name template
* ecore-x - fix setting protocol atoms for icccm for 64bit
- add shebang.patch (add shebangs to python scripts to shut up rpmlint)
Fri Apr 18 14:00:00 2014
- Reenable luajit now its in factory
Thu Apr 17 14:00:00 2014
- We don\'t use XCB as with respect to enlightenment XCB is only
useful in some embedded cases where openGL is not present
- Fedora doesn\'t support xine
Wed Apr 16 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.9.3
* build: Disallow non-working sdl + opengl ES combination (T856)
* evas/proxy - redraw proxy source properly.
* edje_cc: Fix the crash when compiled wrong edc file containing empty part
* evas - fix incorrect object reset.
* ecore-evas - fix object cursor to not delete the same cursor when set
* Evas cserve2: Fix crash in elm_test GLView
* ecore-con - deal with internal buffer growing over 2g in size
* fix swap buffers with damage to not detect if ext str is not there
Sat Apr 12 14:00:00 2014
- Only use valgrind when it exists
Tue Apr 8 14:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.9.2
* Fixes 2 Api breaks introduced in 1.9.0
* Evas filters: Fix 1-D blurs on a single buffer
* Evas filters: Fix memory leak when destroying the object
* Ecore x: Add back the two symbols removed in 1.9.
* eet: fix tokenizer\'s escape logic.
* edje: check font change in edje text part cache infra.
* Evas cserve2: Fix client crashes when a file changed
* Evas gl: Fix clip in image_draw if it\'s not set
* edje_cc no longer fails on{}
* edje_cc now correctly handles lack of state int in STATE_SET action
* edje_cc also checks min args correctly for STATE_SET actions
* Evas filters: fix potential memory leak
* edje_cc uses macros for some of its handler setup
* evas/gl - fill up missed blend mode.
Wed Feb 26 13:00:00 2014
- bump to 1.9.0
* New Features
* Use GStreamer 1.0 instead of 0.10
* Evas Text filters
* ecore-avadhi
* Many bugfixes
Tue Jan 28 13:00:00 2014
- Feedback from SR: 213817
* conflicts with older efreet
* efl-devel requires bullet which is not in factory yet
Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- Disable building man pages, they conflict with many other man pages
/usr/share/evas/checkme is now in devel as it was in there in 1.7.
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014
- Minor bugfix release including fixing a api break (missing symbols)
Fri Jan 10 13:00:00 2014
- Disable physics module as bullet isn\'t in factory atm.
Will re add it
Wed Jan 1 13:00:00 2014
- remove with_xlib and with_xcb again
Sat Dec 21 13:00:00 2013
- bump to 1.8.3
Changes since 1.8.2:
* evas: no loader should ever close an Eina_File anymore.
(T674 and T668)
* evas - tiler - fix missing clip of first rect to outbuf size
* Evas textblock: Fixed range_deletion bug with multiple
visible formats.
* Evas test textblock: Added a test for a broken range_delete
* emotion: revert to fast sed to use the right eina log domain.
* eldbus: code generator struct members named \"proxy\" should not
be passed to eina_value_free.
* eldbus: make eldbus generated code not crash on every single
generated vent
* Evas textblock: Fixed deletion of ranges ending with visual
* Evas textblock: Added more range_delete tests.
* emotion: use emotion log domain instead of eina one.
* emotion: fix potential memory leak when webcam register fail.
* emotion: lower warning on webcam access error to information
(Not critical anyway).
* evas - fix gif loader drop of image data sometimes (image
* evas gif loader - address animated always being true
* gif loader - handle theoretical NULL loader_data case
autotools: let\'s try this variant for detecting c++ compiler
* availability.
* Evas tests: Add invalid markup test
* Evas textblock: Fix crash with empty markups values
* evas - fix gif loader cpu overuse - used too much cpu to
decode anims
* ecore_imf/wayland: Only call hide_input_panel on
im_context_hide(). (T237)
* autotools: work around buggy macro to force C++ compiler detection.
* ecore_evas/wayland: Update withdrawn property, and inform
* Evas/cserve2: Fix crash during shutdown
* Evas: Fix crash in GL engine(s) during preload cancel
* Fix opaque windows becoming transparent after hide() then
show(). (T611)
Wed Dec 18 13:00:00 2013
- XCB is unfortunatelly useless - get rid of it again
Tue Dec 17 13:00:00 2013
- few attempts to fix build against SLE_11_
- disable XCB for Fedora 17 (doesn\'t have xcb-renderutil)
- added egl and glesv2 build dependencies
Tue Dec 17 13:00:00 2013
- create easy way to not build documentation (useful for pkg
development as it takes most of time)
- specificaly use XCB for openSUSE new enough and for Fedoras,
use Xlib for the rest
- fix example subpackage path (/usr/share/efl/examples/examples)
Tue Dec 17 13:00:00 2013
- autoreconf is really needed, put it back
Tue Dec 17 13:00:00 2013
- require bullet >= 2.80
- cleanup of commented code
Sun Dec 15 13:00:00 2013
- adding direct requirement of embryo in efl-devel, even though it
is already required through edje package
- changing to pkgconfig dependencies wherever possible
- make the spec more organized
- properly escape percents in date command
Sat Dec 14 13:00:00 2013
- as there is edje and embryo subpackage, do not provide the symbol
in efl
Sat Dec 14 13:00:00 2013
- separate embryo to subpackage
- edje requires embryo
- added last forgotten file to edje
Sat Dec 14 13:00:00 2013
- move also forgotten edje part
Sat Dec 14 13:00:00 2013
- fix URL
- separate edje_
* commands to separate subpackage
- create examples subpackage
Mon Dec 9 13:00:00 2013
- efl 1.8.2 with some bug fixes and not much of a change log
Mon Dec 2 13:00:00 2013
- bump to 1.8.1 release
* Fixed build problem which named shared libs as \"release\".
Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- Create the first version from rev 140 in X11:Enlightenment:Nightly