Changelog for libtesseract3-3.04.00-4.3.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Oct 2 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 3.04.00:

* Added OpenCL support (experimental).

* Many bug fixes.
From version 3.03.00:

* Added new training tool text2image to generate box/tif file
pairs from text and truetype fonts.

* Added support for PDF output with searchable text.

* Removed entire IMAGE class and all code in image directory.

* Tesseract executable: support for output to stdout; limited
support for one page images from stdin (especially on Windows)

* Added Renderer to API to allow document-level processing and
output of document formats, like hOCR, PDF.

* Major refactor of word-level recognition, beam search,
eliminating dead code.

* Refactored classifier to make it easier to add new ones.

* Generalized feature extractor to allow feature extraction from

* Improved sub/superscript treatment.

* Improved baseline fit.

* Added set_unicharset_properties to training tools.

* Many bug fixes.

* More training source data included.
- Added new build requirements cairo-devel, doxygen, libicu-devel
and pango-devel.
- Recommend tesseract-ocr-traineddata-english instead of
tesseract-ocr-traineddata-american (based on new (3.04.00)
tesseract-ocr traineddata files).

Mon Sep 14 14:00:00 2015
- Fix Recommends: entry to tesseract-ocr-traineddata-american.

Sat Jun 20 14:00:00 2015
- rename to match upstream tarball and fix boo#900303

Sat Jun 22 14:00:00 2013
- Split library into separate package (libtesseract3).
- Removed debuginfo package (not needed).
- There is no need anymore to regenerate the build system (removed automake and
libtool build requirements).
- Added pkg-config build requirement (fix for rpmlint error
\"no-pkg-config-provides\"). Removed also not needed
\"Provides: pkgconfig(%{name})\" entry.

Mon May 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update license, some files are GPL-2.0+ licensed

Mon Oct 29 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.02.02

* untested
- Notable features:

* Hebrew with BiDi support.

* More languages.
- removed upstreamed patch0

Mon Jun 25 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.01:

* Removed old/dead serialise/deserialze methods on
*LISTIZED classes.

* Total rewrite of DENORM to better encapsulate operation and make
for potential to extract features from images.

* Thread-safety! Moved all critical globals and statics to
members of the appropriate class. Tesseract is now
thread-safe (multiple instances can be used in parallel
in multiple threads.) with the minor exception that some
control parameters are still global and affect all threads.

* Added Cube, a new recognizer for Arabic. Cube can also be
used in combination with normal Tesseract for other languages
with an improvement in accuracy at the cost of (much) lower speed.
There is no training module for Cube yet.

* OcrEngineMode in Init replaces AccuracyVSpeed to control cube.

* Greatly improved segmentation search with consequent accuracy and
speed improvements, especially for Chinese.

* Added PageIterator and ResultIterator as cleaner ways to get the
full results out of Tesseract, that are not currently provided
by any of the TessBaseAPI::Get
* methods.
All other methods, such as the ETEXT_STRUCT in particular are
deprecated and will be deleted in the future.

* ApplyBoxes totally rewritten to make training easier.
It can now cope with touching/overlapping training characters,
and a new boxfile format allows word boxes instead of character
boxes, BUT to use that you have to have already boostrapped the
language with character boxes. \"Cyclic dependency\" on traineddata.

* Auto orientation and script detection added to page layout analysis.

* Deleted
* of dead code.

* Fixxht module replaced with scalable data-driven module.

* Output font characteristics accuracy improved.

* Removed the double conversion at each classification.

* Upgraded oldest structs to be classes and deprecated PBLOB.

* Removed non-deterministic baseline fit.

* Added fixed length dawgs for Chinese.

* Handling of vertical text improved.

* Handling of leader dots improved.

* Table detection greatly improved.
- Removed the various languages traineddata subpackages (to be included in a
separate package \"tesseract-traineddata\").
- Changed License to Apache-2.0 (SPDX style).
- Removed libtiff-devel build dependency (not needed anymore).
- Added new build dependency liblept-devel, required now by the package.
- Added automake and libtool build dependencies in order to regenerate the
build system because of missing
- Removed tesseract-traineddata-deu from recommended entries.
- Removed nonvoid.patch (fixed upstream).
- Added a patch (svutil.cpp_fix.patch) to fix compilation due to missing
includes (taken from upstream).
- Disabled compilation of static libraries.

Mon Oct 25 14:00:00 2010
- fixed missing returns in nonvoid functions (nonvoid.patch)
- added missing post/postun scripts calling ldconfig

Thu Sep 23 14:00:00 2010
- update to tesseract-3.00
- added plenty od new supported languages
- created which will, hopefully, make future
updates easier

Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2009
- update to tesseract-2.04

* Integrated bug fixes and patches and misc changes for portability.

* Integrated a patch to remove some of the \"access\" macros.

* Removed dependence on lua from the viewer, speeding it up

* Fixed the viewer so it compiles and runs properly!

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