Changelog for python3-basemap-1.0.8.dev2414.gitf70b00c-lp150.6.32.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Jun 14 2017 Add conficts to python2 packages
* Tue Sep 15 2015 Updated to release 2414+gitf70b00c; Version 1.0.8
* add \'textcolor\' kwarg to drawmeridians and drawparallels (issue 145).
* don\'t assume grid is regular with adding cyclic point in addcyclic. New kwarg \'cyclic_dimension\' added, with a default of 360. Partially addresses issue 139.
* fix for coastline drawing glitch (issue 123).
* update to version 1.2.0 from Add back in modification clobbered in upgrade to version 1.1.7 (issue 30).
* added \'facecolor\' keyword argument to drawcounties() method; gives user ability to fill countries with specified matplotlib color argument.
* fix drawgreatcircle bug so that lines exiting and reentering a projection region don\'t draw horizontally across the map.
* on non-windows platforms, only link against libgeos C API (and not against C++ API anymore; issue 140). This is recommended by the authors/maintainers of GEOS. Also, this means that on e.g. Debian Linux, basemap can now be installed from source simply using \'pip install basemap\' when the libgeos packages are installed globally using the package management.
* Sat Sep 21 2013 Updated to release 2336; version 1.0.7
* include mpl_toolkits/, since the one installed by matplotlib is now inaccessible inside an egg (in 1.4.x). Make basemap a \'namespace package\'. Issue 114.
* fix drawmeridians so meridians reach edge of plot when map projection region is
* small (issue 113).
* update pyproj (with fixes to geodesic calculations).
* support for rotated pole transformation (projection = \'rotpole\').
* fix warpimage with projection = \'hammer\' (issue 100).
* fix tolerances for detecting jumps in meridians and parallels for cyl and rotpole projections (issue 108).
* fix clipping to map projection region done in contourf and contour methods so it doesn\'t assume x and y are increasing (issue 110).
* Sat Jun 29 2013 Updated to release 2311; version 1.0.6
* fix drawcounties for Python 3.3.
* update pyproj to version 1.9.3 (remove geographiclib python code, replace with C code from proj4).
* in contourf and contour, all points outside the map projection region were masked. This meant that if a grid cell was partly inside and partly outside the map projection region, nothing was drawn, leaving a gap along the edge of the map. This was particularly noticeable for very coarse resolution grids. This commit only masks those points more than one grid length beyond the edge of the map projection region. Fixes issue 88.
* allow for latitude values slightly greater than 90 to exist in shapefiles, (by truncating to 90). Still raise exception if latitude exceeds 90.01.
* added \'wmsimage\' method for displaying background image retrieved from a OGC-compliant WMS server using OWSLib ( (requires using \'epsg\' keyword to define projection).
* fix drawing of meridians and parallels for very small map regions (issue 79).
* add module variable \'latlon_default\' that can be used to switch default value of latlon kwarg to True so plotting methods can be passed lats and lons (geographic coordinatsin degrees) instead of x,y (projection coordinates).
* have drawcoastlines use line segments instead of coastline polygons, to avoid \'thickening\' of lines around edges of map.
* added support for cylindrical equal area (\'cea\') projection.
* add \'arcgisimage\' method for displaying background image retrieved from an ArcGIS server using the REST API (requires using \'epsg\' keyword to define projection).
* add \'epsg\' keyword for defining projections.
* add \'ellps\' keyword (rsphere ignored if ellps given).
* fixed shiftdata method so it shifts mask along with data (
* added linestyle keyword to all draw
* methods.
* added \'drawcounties\' method ( thanks to Patrick Marsh.
* fix bug that caused plotting to fail when latlon keyword is explicitly set to False (
* add latlon keyword to plot and scatter methods (
* Sun Aug 12 2012 updated to release 2149; version 1.0.5
* fix bug triggered when drawlsmask method called more than once.
* fix error in contour method that caused a bogus mask to be applied to the data (issue 58).
* fix further corner cases with splitting of parallels that cross the dateline (issue 40).
* add latlon keyword to plotting methods. If latlon=True, x and y values are assumed to longitudes and latitudes in degrees. The data and longitudes are shifted to the map projection region (for cylindrical and pseudo-cylindrical projections) using the shiftdata method, and lons/lats are converted to map projection coords. Default value is False. Addresses issue 54. New example added to illustrate usage.
* fix bluemarble and warpimage methods to account for change in orientation of arrays returned to matplotlib\'s pil_to_array (issue 51)
* fix glitch with drawing meridians and filling coastline polygons with omerc projection that includes pole.
* Tue Jun 26 2012 updated to release 2076; version 1.0.4
* fix bug that caused Europe coastlines to disappear from some maps (evident from example).
* fix splitting of parallels in conic projections that cross the dateline (issue 40).
* Wed May 30 2012 updated to release 2052; version 1.0.3
* fix some more python 3 compatibility issues (all examples now work with python 3.2).
* added alpha keyword to fillcontinents (to set transparency).
* update geos from 3.3.1 to 3.3.3.
* upgrade proj4 source to version 4.8.0, pyproj to version 1.9.2.
* add k_0 keyword for projection = \'tmerc\' so UTM zones can be created. Also can be used with \'lcc\',\'omerc\' and \'stere\'.
* Added \"\" example.
* add streamplot method, along with example.
* add boundarylats, boundarylons Basemap attributes (arrays describing map boundaries - useful for illustrating map projection region on another map). Example illustrating usage ( added.
* update coastlines, rivers, political boundaries to GSHHS 2.2.0/GMT 4.5.7. The fillcontinents bug (filling the outside instead of the inside of a coastline polygon) is now much harder to trigger.
* add \'round\' keyword keyword to Basemap.__init__ for pole-centered projections to make them round (clipped at boundinglat) instead of square.
* added hexbin method.
* drawmapboundary now uses axes bgcolor as default fill_color. If no color fill wanted, set fill_color=\'none\' (a string).
* clip coastlines for nplaea,npaeqd,splaea,spaeqd in stereographic coordinates to avoid S. America disappearing in some south polar plots.
* add \'round\' keyword to Basemap.__init__ for pole-centered projections to make them round (clipped at boundinglat) instead of square.
* fix broken daynight terminator function.
* added kav7 (Kavrayskiy VII) and eck4 (Eckert IV) projections (
* update pyproj source from Includes new more robust and accurate pure python code for geodesic computations from geographiclib.
* bug fixes for celestial projections, and non-standard sphere radii (
* fix bug in drawparallels that results in \'KeyError\' when drawing parallels very close together (0.1 degrees).
* fix constant in Robinson projection (update PJ_robin.c from proj4 svn).
* fix typo in (replace \"!= [\'sdist\',\'clean\']\" with \"not in [\'sdist\',\'clean\']\").
* make sure drawmeridians can handle wrap-around (so that if projection is defined in -180 to 0 and user asks for meridians from 180 to 360 to be drawn, it should work). Only affects projections \'mill\',\'gall\',\'merc\' and \'cyl\'.
* Fri Nov 25 2011 updated to release 1840
* fix constant in Robinson projection (update PJ_robin.c from proj4 svn).
* Mon Nov 14 2011 updated to release 1838
* fix typo in (replace \"!= [\'sdist\',\'clean\']\" with \"not in [\'sdist\',\'clean\']\").
* Sat Nov 05 2011 updated to release 1832
* update include geos from 3.2.0 to 3.3.1 so it compiles with gcc 4.6.
* Sat Oct 29 2011 updated to release 1828
* added colorbar method that uses axes_grid toolkit to create colorbar axes.
* Sat Oct 22 2011 updated to release 1822
* replace hasattr(arr,\'mask\') with
* Sat Oct 15 2011 updated to release 1801
* docs updated, moved to
* added optional 1.25, 2.5 and 10 minute land/sea masks (derived from crude, intermediate and low resolution coastline data). \'resolution\' and \'grid\' kwargs added to drawlsmask and maskoceans. \'resolution\' can be \'c\',\'l\' or \'i\', grid can be 1.25,2.5,5 or 10.
* Mon Oct 10 2011 updated to release 1768
* update from to r72.
* Thu Oct 06 2011 updated to release 1767
* Sat Sep 24 2011 updated to release 1762
* Sat Aug 06 2011 updated to release 1761
* change default land-sea mask (now 2.5 minute resolution).
* add etopo method (similar to bluemarble, but plots etopo relief image from as a map bac ground).
* add shadedrelief method (similar to bluemarble, but plots shaded relief image from as a map background).
* replace pyshapelib with pure python from Allows full python 3 compatibility.
* fix doc/ to use inheritance_diagram from Sphinx, not matplotlib.
* fix drawlsmask so cylindrical projections work correctly when longitude range outside of -180 to 180.
* python 3 compatibility.
* added to examples (line integral convolution, requires scikit.vectorplot).
* removed deprecated NetCDFFile.
* added zorder keyword to drawmapscale.
* Mon Mar 14 2011 added patch to fixe pyproj_datadir
* Sat Mar 12 2011 updated to revision 1734 (GIT)
* Sat Feb 19 2011 updated to revision 8988
* Sat Feb 12 2011 updated to revision 8982; version 1.0.2
* Sat Feb 05 2011 updated to svn revision 8945
* Thu Jan 06 2011 updated to svn revision 8900
* Sun Jan 02 2011 updated to svn revision 8868
* Sun Dec 05 2010 updated to svn release 8814
* Fri Nov 12 2010 updated to svn 8797
* Sat Oct 23 2010 updated to svn 8763
* Sun Oct 10 2010 fix datadir patch
* Wed Oct 06 2010 update to 8731
* Tue Jun 29 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8477
* Mon Jun 21 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8450
* Tue May 25 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8335
* Wed May 19 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8323
* Wed Apr 07 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8226
* Fri Mar 12 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 1.0- svn 8189
* Fri Mar 05 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 0.99.5- latest svn
* Wed Feb 17 2010 Filipe Fernandes - 0.99.5- latest svn- added python-ImagingLib to requirements- basemap and basemap data were merged into one specfile
* Fri Dec 11 2009 Jon Ciesla - 0.99.4-1- Update to latest upstream.- Dropped datadir patch, now handled with environment variable.
* Fri Sep 04 2009 Filipe Fernandes - 0.99.4- remove dup files pyc/pyo- remove shapelib dependency (let it install default)- remove data dir (lib/mpl_toolkits/basemap/data/) from source- upgrade to version 0.99.4- update libgeos-devel, libproj-devel- new patch python-basemap-0.99.4-datadir.patch- change gz to bz2
* Wed Sep 02 2009 Filipe Fernandes - 0.99.2- first release
* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99.2-5- Rebuilt for
* Mon Jul 20 2009 Caolán McNamara - 0.99.2-4- Resolves: rhbz#511576 FTBFS showimg numpy -> numpy-f2py