Changelog for cutelyst-plugins-1.10.0-2.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Nov 2 13:00:00 2017
- enable build on CentOS 7
- fix uwsgi not building

Wed Nov 1 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.10.0
+ fix not working RoleACL plugin
+ increase unit testing coverage
+ bug fixes
- remove upstream patches
+ cutelyst-1.9.0-fix-cmake-package-version.patch

Thu Oct 12 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.9.0-fix-cmake-package-version.patch to fix wrong
version set in cmake package file

Thu Oct 12 14:00:00 2017
- remove build requirement for gcc6 on openSUSE Leap 42.x

Thu Oct 12 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.9.0
+ increase dispatcher logic performance by 30%
+ faster parsing of URL encoded data on some cases
+ context objects can now be instantiated by library users to allow
for example getting notifications from SQL databases and be able
to forward to Cutelyst actions or Views
+ improved pkg-config support
- remove upstream patches
+ cutelyst-1.8.0-fix-c++17-nodiscard.patch

Mon Aug 21 14:00:00 2017
- add patch cutelyst-1.8.0-fix-c++17-nodiscard.patch to fix Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
usage on newer Qt that uses C++17 [[nodiscard]]

Fri Jul 28 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.8.0
+ bug fixes
+ two new API additions
- remove obsolete cutelyst-1.7.1-fix-upstream-properly-return-status-when-rendering-views.patch
now included upstream

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.7.1-fix-upstream-properly-return-status-when-rendering-views.patch

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-rpmlintrc to suppress some warnings

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017
- require openssl-devel instead of pkgconfig(openssl) to build the
package, because of multiple providers of pkgconfig(openssl) on
Fedora 26
- use System/Libraries as group for the most sub packages
- update copyright header date

Wed Jul 12 14:00:00 2017
- use cmake(xxx) for BuildRequires where possible, because Fedora 26
seems not to expose pkgconfig(xxx) for all required packages anymore,
but provides cmake(xxx)

Wed Jun 7 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.7.1
+ fix session data not saved (issue #46)
- remove obsolete cutelyst-1.7.0-fix-fastcgi-leak.patch, now
included upstream

Tue Jun 6 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.7.0-fix-fastcgi-leak.patch to hopefully fix issue

Tue May 30 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.7.0
+ websocket support added
+ systemd socket activation support
+ fixes for using cutelyst-wsgi talking FastCGI to Apache
+ workaround QLocalServer closing down when an accept fail (very
common when used on prefork/threaded servers)
+ fixed when using cutelyst-wsgi on threaded mode, POST requests
would use the same buffer corrupting or crashing
- removed obsolete patches now included upstream
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-fcgi-envvars.patch
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-multiple-threads-on-socket-file.patch
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-disable-doxygen-timestamps.patch
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-upstream-qhglocation-option.patch
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-shared-libs-calls-exit.patch
+ cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-missing-call-to-setgroups-before-setuid.patch

Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-shared-libs-calls-exit.patch and

Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017
- fix requirements on Fedora

Tue May 9 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-opensuse-use-available-documentation.patch
and cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-fedora-use-available-documentation.patch
to use local available Qt API documentation and tags
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-upstream-qhglocation-option.patch to
set the path of the qhelpgenerator executable
- install documentation to Qt5 doc dir so that it is automatically
available in Qt Creator
- impove cross distribution building

Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017
- remove cutelyst-rpmlintrc from the list of sources

Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-feature-disable-doxygen-timestamps.patch to
disable timestamps in doxygen generated API documentation
- remove obsolete rpmlint configuration

Sun May 7 14:00:00 2017
- only build uwsgi plugin if wusgi is available
- only build session store memcache if libmemcached is available
- improve package summaries and descriptions
- move cutelyst-wgi in separate package
- change api docs installation dir

Fri May 5 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-multiple-threads-on-socket-file.patch to
fix issue #38 where multiple threads/processes fail on a FastCGI socket

Wed May 3 14:00:00 2017
- add cutelyst-1.6.0-fix-fcgi-envvars.patch to fix an issue with
FastCGI interfaces other than NGINX

Tue May 2 14:00:00 2017
- add directory for storing cutelyst applications

Wed Apr 26 14:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.6.0
+ performance improvements
+ bug fixes
+ scalability improvements
+ simple load balancer for cutelyst-wsgi
- remove obsolete cutelyst-1.5.0-fix-qt58-qdatetime-timet.patch,
now included upstream

Wed Apr 12 14:00:00 2017
- fix build on Fedora
- enable -O3 optimization level

Wed Mar 15 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.5.0
+ improve internationalization support
+ cutelyst-wsgi supports HTTPS
+ cutelyst-wsgi supports --umask, --pidfile, --pidfile2 and --stop
that will send a signal to stop the instance based on the pidfile
+ fixes for respawning and cheaping workers in cutelyst-uwsgi
+ fixes for FastCGI
- add patch cutelyst-1.5.0-fix-cxx11-abi.patch to fix incompatible
cxx11 ABI
- add cutelyst-1.5.0-fix-qt58-qdatetime-timet.patch to fix build on
Qt 5.8 or newer

Fri Feb 17 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.4.0
+ new memcached session backend
+ finally working translations for Grantlee templates
+ cutelyst-wsgi

* new options -socket-timeout and -lazy

* use jemalloc for memory allocation

* many fixes
+ bug fixes and performance improvements

Thu Jan 26 13:00:00 2017
- fixed dependencies for devel package

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.3.0
+ input validator plugin
+ cutelyst-wsgi gaines FastCGI support
+ added more unit tests
+ bug fixes

Tue Jan 3 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.2.0
+ Test coverage got some additions to avoid breaks in future.
+ Responses without content-length (chunked or close) are now
handled properly.
+ StatusMessage plugin got new methods easier to use and has the
first deprecated API too.
+ Engine class now has a struct with the request subclass should
create, benchmarks showed this as a micro optimization but I’ve
heard function with many arguments (as it was before) are bad on
ARM so I guess this is the first optimization for ARM.
+ Chained dispatcher finally got a performance improvement,
I didn’t benchmark it but it should be much faster now.
+ Increased the usage of lambdas when the called function was
small/simple, for some reason they reduce the library size so I
guess it’s a good thing.
+ Sql helper classes can now use QThread::objectName() which has the
worker thread id as it’s name so writing thread safe code is easier.
+ WSGI got static-map and static-map2 options both work the same way
as in uWSGI allowing you to serve static files without the need of
uWSGI or a webserver.
+ WSGI got both auto-reload and touch-reload implemented, which help
a lot on the development process.
+ Request::addressString() was added to make it easier to get the
string representation of the client IP also removing the IPv6 prefix
if IPv4 conversion succeeds.
+ Grantlee::View now exposes the Grantlee::Engine pointer so one can
add filters to it (usefull for i18n).
+ Context got a locale() method to help dealing with translations.
+ Cutelyst::Core got ~25k smaller.
+ Some other small bug fixes and optimizations.

Thu Dec 29 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.1.2
+ EPoll event loop was added to Linux builds, this is supposedly
to be faster than default GLib but I couldn\'t measure the
difference properly, this is optional and requires
CUTELYST_EVENT_LOOP_EPOLL=1 environment to be set.
+ ViewEmail got methods to set/get authentication method and
connection type
SO_RCVBUF on command line, these use the same name as in uwsgi
+ Documentation was improved a bit and can be generated now with
make docs, which doesn\'t require me to changing Cutelyst version
manually anymore
+ fixed broken lazy evaluation of Request methods
+ WSGI: fixed loading configs and parsing command line option
- new subpackage libcutelyst_qt_eventloop_epoll0
- removed obsolete documentation script, patch and tarball

Mon Nov 14 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.0.0
+ first stable release
+ new SessionStoreFile class
+ fixed segmentation fault in the new Cutelyst WSGI threaded mode
+ many other small bug fixes

Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 0.13.3
+ wsgi: Fix do not listen on the process that forks new ones
- update to version 0.13.2
+ Fix not including \'?\' into query string
- update to version 0.13.1
+ uwsgi plugin was acidentally calling post fork

Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2016
- remove recommended package because it is required by library
dependency anyway

Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2016
- fix dependecy issue caused by wrong name for requirement

Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 0.13.0
+ cutelyst-wsgi
+ improved speed of Context::uriFor() making Cutelyst now require
Qt 5.6 due a behavior change in QUrl
+ improved speed and memory usage of Url query parser
+ C++ for ranged loops, all our Q_FOREACH & friends were
replaced with for ranged loops
+ use of new reverse and equal_range iterators
+ use QHash for storing headers
+ replaced most QList with QVector, and internally std::vector
+ multipart/form-data got faster
+ add a few more unit tests

Tue Jun 21 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 0.12.0
+ proper handling of uwsgi --async for
non-blocking web servers
+ new StatusMessage plugin that generates an ID which you will
use when redirecting to some other page and the message is only
displayed once
+ upload parser for Content-Type mulitpart/form-data got a huge
boost in performanc
+ several fixes for chunked repsonses and one great improvement
which will allow to use it with classes like QXmlStreamWriter
by just passing the Response class to it\'s contructor or
+ a pagination class is also available to easy the work needed to
write paginaiton
+ the Core behavior is now extensively tested with more than 200
- new subpakage: libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_statusmessage
- remove obsolete cutelyst-0.10.0-plugins-install-path-fix.patch

Sat Apr 2 14:00:00 2016
- new subpackage: libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_view_json

Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2016
- fixed requirements for libcutelyst-qt5-devel

Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 0.11.0
+ View::Email allows for sending emails using data provided on the
stash, being able to chain the rendering of the email to another
Cutelyst::View so for example you can have your email template in
Grantlee format which gets rendered and sent via email (requires
simple-mail-qt which is a fork of SmtpClient-for-Qt with a sane
API, the View::Email hides simple-mail-qt API)
+ Utils::Sql provides a set of functions to be used with QSql classes,
most importantly are serializing QSqlQuery to QVariantList of
QVariantMap (or Hashes), allowing for accessing the query data on
a View, and the preparedSqlQuery() method which comes with a macro
CPreparedSqlQuery, that is a lambda that keeps your prepared
statement into a static QSqlQuery, this avoids the need of QSqlQuery
pointers to keep the prepared queries around (which are a boost
for performance)
+ A macro CActionFor which resolves the Action into a static Action
object inside a lambda removing the need to keep resolving a name
to an Action
+ Unit tests at the moment a very limited testing is done, but Header
class has nearly 100% of coverage now
+ Upload parser got a fix to properly find the multipart boundary,
spotted due Qt client sending boundaries a bit different from Chrome
and FF, this also resulted in the removal of QRegularExpression to
match the boundary part on the header with a simple search that is
5 times faster
+ Require Qt 5.5 (this allows for removal of workaround for
QJson::fromHash and allows for the use of Q_ENUM and qCInfo)
+ Fixed crashes, and a memory leak is Stats where enabled
+ Improved usage of QStringLiteral and QLatin1String with clazy help
+ Added CMake support for setting the plugins install directory
+ Added more \'const\' and \'auto\'
+ Removed uwsgi --cutelyst-reload option which never worked and can
be replaced by --touch-reload and --lazy
+ Improvements and fixes on cutelyst command line tool
+ Many small bugs fixed
- update developer documentation
- build now requires Qt 5.5 or newer as well as Qt5Sql and Qt5Test
- new subpackage: libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_utils_pagination and
- remove cutelyst-0.10.0-plugins-install-path-fix.patch, now included

Fri Sep 25 14:00:00 2015
- fixed cutelyst-0.10.0-plugins-install-path-fix.patch

Wed Sep 16 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.10.0
+ Reduce CMake requirement to cmake 2.8.12
+ Use some Qt compile definitions to have more strict building
+ Add a JSON view which gets stash data and returns it\'s data as JSON
+ Split out components, Core, View::Grantlee, View::JSON...
+ Make special Action classes loadable plugins ActionREST
+ Fix memory aliment of uWSGI plugin
+ Make Authentication methods static for convenience
+ Expose engine threads/cores information
+ Align memory of some classes
+ Fix compiling on Qt 5.5
+ Rework Session handling and extend it to match Catalyst::Plugin::Session
+ Now Controllers, Views, Plugins and DispatchTypes get automatically
registered if they are children of Cutelyst::Application
+ Fix Session cookie expires
+ Require Qt 5.4 due QString::splitRef()
+ Add some more documentation
+ Removed ViewEngine class
- renamed packages
+ cutelyst-grantlee into libcutelyst_view_grantlee0
+ cutelyst-clearsilver into libcutelyst_view_clearsilver0
+ cutelyst-common into cuteylst-plugins
+ new packages
+ libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_authentication0
+ libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_session0
+ libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_staticsimple0
+ libcutelyst_qt5_plugin_view_json0
+ add cutelyst-0.10.0-plugins-install-path-fix.patch to install plugins
in correct architecture library directory

Fri Jun 26 14:00:00 2015
- set required minimum Qt version to 5.4.0

Fri Jun 26 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.9.0
+ Some small performance improvements with QStringRef usage and
pre-cached _DISPATCH actions
+ Fixes when using uWSGI in threaded mode
+ Speedup uWSGI threaded mode, still slower than pre-forked
but quite close
+ Fixes for the session handling as well as having static methods
to make the code cleaner
+ Fix uWSGI –lazy-apps mode
+ Use PBKDF2 on Authentication plugin
+ Requite CMake 3.0 and it’s policy
+ Add Request::mangleParams() and Request::uriWith() so that
Request API now covers all of Catalyst’s
+ Documented some functions

Wed Apr 29 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.8.0
+ better stats via Cutelyst::Stats class
+ more debugging information
+ finer grained debugging and logging settings
+ support for chunked HTTP/1.1 responses
+ easier way to declare action arguments or capture arguments via
:AutoArgs and :AutoCaptureArgs
+ bug fixes

Wed Apr 22 14:00:00 2015
- create Doxygen tags file

Tue Mar 24 13:00:00 2015
- add cutelyst to libcutelyst-qt5 recommends
- add libcutelyst-qt5 to cutelyst requires

Tue Mar 24 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.7.0
+ Request::bodyData() can return a QJsonDocument is content-type is application/json
+ Chained dispatcher
+ Fixes on QStringListeral and QLatin1String usage
+ More debug information
+ Some API changes to match Catalyst’s
+ Some rework on the API handlying Plugins (not the best thing yet)
+ Moved to Gitlab (due to the gitorious being acquired by it)
+ “cutelyst” command line tool
- remove obsolete pachtes, now integrated upstream
+ cutelyst-0.6.0-findcap-typo-fix.patch
+ cutelyst-0.6.0-fix-cmake-install-libdir.patch
+ cutelyst-0.6.0-fix-uwsgi-path.patch
+ cutelyst-0.6.0-install-paths-fixes.patch
+ cutelyst-0.6.0-no-return-in-nonvoid-function-fix.patch

Sat Feb 28 13:00:00 2015
- move ownership of plugins and apps directory to cutelyst-common

Fri Feb 27 13:00:00 2015
- use prebuild documentation instead of build time built docs,
remove doxygen_footer.html, readd cutelyst-rpmlintrc

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- add clearsilver-devel as build requirement and build the clearsilver

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- remove cutelyst-rpmlintrc
- add custom doxygen_footer.html to no write the build time into the
documentation footer

Fri Feb 20 13:00:00 2015
- create cutelyst-doc package
+ create doxygen html documentation
+ create qt help file

Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2015
- add cutelyst-0.6.0-fix-cmake-install-libdir.patch to fix cmake
module library directory path

Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2015
- add more specific BuildRequires (minimum versions)

Wed Feb 18 13:00:00 2015
- initial package