Changelog for apache2-doc-2.4.23-22.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed Dec 27 13:00:00 2017
- update mod_http2 to 1.10.12 (from apache 2.4.29)
fixes: CVE-2017-9789 [bsc#1048575], CVE-2017-7659 [bsc#1045160]
+ apache2-mod_http2-1.10.12.patch

Fri Oct 27 14:00:00 2017
- gensslcert: fall back to \'localhost\' as hostname [bsc#1057406]

Tue Oct 3 14:00:00 2017
- full path to a2{en,dis}mod in apache-22-24-upgrade [bsc#1042037]

Fri Sep 15 14:00:00 2017
- security update

* CVE-2017-9798 [bsc#1058058]
+ apache2-CVE-2017-9798.patch

Mon Jul 17 14:00:00 2017
- start_apache2: include individual sysconfig.d files instead of
sysconfig.d dir, include sysconfig.d/include.conf after httpd.conf
is processed [bsc#1023616], [bsc#1043055]

Mon Jul 17 14:00:00 2017
- security update

* CVE-2017-9788 [bsc#1048576]
+ apache2-CVE-2017-9788.patch

Mon Jun 26 14:00:00 2017
- security update

* CVE-2017-7679 [bsc#1045060]
+ apache2-CVE-2017-7679.patch

* CVE-2017-3169 [bsc#1045062]
+ apache2-CVE-2017-3169.patch

* CVE-2017-3167 [bsc#1045065]
+ apache2-CVE-2017-3167.patch

Tue Jun 20 14:00:00 2017
- remove /usr/bin/http2 symlink only during apache2 package
uninstall, not upgrade [bsc#1041830]

Fri Jun 2 14:00:00 2017
- gensslcert: use hostname when fqdn is too long [bsc#1035829]

Fri Feb 24 13:00:00 2017
- security update

* CVE-2016-8743 [bsc#1016715]
+ apache2-CVE-2016-8743.patch
+ apache2-CVE-2016-8743-1.patch

* CVE-2016-0736 [bsc#1016712]
+ apache2-CVE-2016-0736.patch

* CVE-2016-2161 [bsc#1016714]
+ apache2-CVE-2016-2161.patch
- add missing copy of hcuri and hcexpr ftom the worker to the
health check worker [bsc#1019380]

Wed Dec 7 13:00:00 2016
- security update: CVE-2016-8740 [bsc#1013648]

* apache2-CVE-2016-8740.patch

Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2016
- add NotifyAccess=all to service files [bsc#980663]

Fri Aug 5 14:00:00 2016
- readd the support of multiple entries in APACHE_ACCESS_LOG

Wed Jul 13 14:00:00 2016
- Add apache2-cve-2016-5387.patch to fix CVE-2016-5387. Prior to
this patch, Apache would translate every header \"Foo: ...\"
received in the HTTP request into an environment variable called
$HTTP_FOO=\"...\". While useful in general, this feature could be
abused by sending specially crafted \"Proxy\" headers, which would
result in server code running in an environment where $HTTP_PROXY
points to an arbitrary, potentially hostile location. This update
modifies Apache to ignore the non-standard \"Proxy\" header
entirely so that HTTP_PROXY is never set by the server.

Mon Jul 11 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.4.23 to fix CVE-2016-4979 [bsc#987365]
- mod_proxy_fdpass needs explicit configure line now
- mod_proxy_hcheck was missing due to upstream bug
- removed note about ulimits in sysconfig file [bsc#976711]
- enable authnz_fcgi module

Thu May 26 14:00:00 2016
- remove Alias= from [Install] of the template service

Wed May 18 14:00:00 2016
- updated to 2.4.20 to fix CVE-2016-1546 [bsc#980370]
- removed httpd-2.4.18-missing-semicolon.patch (upstreamed)
- removed httpd-2.4.17-debug-crash.patch (httpd -X does not crash

Mon May 9 14:00:00 2016
- start apache services after remote-fs [bsc#978543]

Wed Jan 20 13:00:00 2016
- backport of HttpContentLengthHeadZero and HttpExpectStrict
+ httpd-2.4.x-fate317766-config-control-two-protocol-options.diff
(needed to be refreshed against 2.4.18)

Mon Dec 14 13:00:00 2015
- fix build for SLE_11_SP4:
+ httpd-2.4.18-missing-semicolon.patch

Sat Dec 12 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 2.4.18

* drop 2.4.17-protocols.patch in upstream.
- Change list too long to mention here see: for details.

Mon Dec 7 13:00:00 2015
- systemd: Set TasksMax=infinity for current systemd releases.
The default limit of 512 is too small and prevents the creation of
new server processes. Apache has its own runtime/harcoded limits.

Thu Dec 3 13:00:00 2015
- fix crash when for -X
+ httpd-2.4.17-debug-crash.patch

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015
- add a note: FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is neccessary
for RewriteRule in given dir [bnc#955701]

Fri Nov 6 13:00:00 2015
- restart apache once after the rpm or zypper transaction
- drop some old compat code from %post

Thu Nov 5 13:00:00 2015
- 2.4.17-protocols.patch from upstream http2 module:

* master conn_rec
* addition to conn_rec

* improved ALPN and Upgrade handling

* allowing requests for servers whose TLS configuration is compatible
to the SNI server ones

* disabling TLS renegotiation for slave connections

Wed Nov 4 13:00:00 2015
- LogLevel directive into correct config file, thanks Michael Calmer
for the fix [bsc#953329]

Mon Oct 26 13:00:00 2015
- do not build mod_http2 for older distros than 13.2 for now (nghttp2
does not build there)

Mon Oct 26 13:00:00 2015
- Include directives really into /etc/apache2/sysconfig.d/include.conf,
fix from Erik Wegner [bsc#951901]

Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2015
- gensslcert: CN now defaults to `hostname -f` [bnc#949766]
(internal), fix help [bnc#949771] (internal)

Sun Oct 18 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 2.4.17
- Enable mod_http2/ BuildRequire nghttp2
- MPMs: Support SO_REUSEPORT to create multiple duplicated listener
records for scalability
- mod_ssl: Support compilation against libssl built with OPENSSL_NO_SSL3
- For more changes see:

Mon Oct 12 14:00:00 2015
- start_apache2: reintroduce sysconfig.d, include it on
command line (not in httpd.conf) instead of individual directives
[bnc#949434] (internal), [bnc#941331]

Thu Aug 13 14:00:00 2015
- Fixup libdir in installed files

Tue Aug 11 14:00:00 2015
- fix Logjam vulnerability: change SSLCipherSuite cipherstring to
disable export cipher suites and deploy Ephemeral Elliptic-Curve
Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) ciphers. Adjust \'gensslcert\' script to
generate a strong and unique Diffie Hellman Group and append it
to the server certificate file [bnc#931723], [CVE-2015-4000]

Wed Jul 29 14:00:00 2015
- add reference upstream bug#58188 along httpd-2.4.12-lua-5.2.patch

Mon Jul 20 14:00:00 2015
- update to 2.4.16

* changes

* remove the following patches (fixed in 2.4.16)

* httpd-2.4.x-mod_lua_websocket_DoS.patch

* httpd-2.4.12-CVE-2015-0253.patch

* update httpd-2.4.12-lua-5.2.patch

Sat Jul 18 14:00:00 2015
- add patch: httpd-2.4.12-lua-5.2.patch

* lua_dump introduced a new strip option in 5.3, set it to 0
to get the old behavior

* luaL_register was deprecated in 5.2, use luaL_setfuncs and
luaL_newlib instead

* luaL_optint was deprecated in 5.3, use luaL_optinteger instead

* lua_strlen and lua_objlen wad deprecated in 5.2, use lua_rawlen

Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2015
- change Provides: from suse_maintenance_mmn = # to

Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2015
- apache2 Suggests:, not Recommends: apache2-prefork; that means
for example, that `zypper in apache2-worker` will not pull
apache2-prefork also
- installing /usr/sbin/httpd link:

* do not try to install it in \'%post \' when apache2 (which
includes /usr/share/apache2/script-helpers) is not installed
yet (fixes installation on 11sp3)

* install it in \'%post\' if apache2 is installed after
apache2- to be sure it is there

Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 2015
- access_compat shared also for 11sp3

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- apache2-implicit-pointer-decl.patch renamed to
httpd-implicit-pointer-decl.patch to align with other
patches names

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- apachectl is now wrapper to start_apache2; therefore, it honors
HTTPD_INSTANCE variable, see README-instances.txt for details
+ httpd-apachectl.patch
- httpd-2.4.10-apachectl.patch

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- a2enmod/a2dismod and a2enflag/a2disflag now respect
HTTPD_INSTANCE= environment variable, which can be
used to specify apache instance name; sysconfig file is expected
at /etc/sysconfig/apache2AATT
(see README-instances.txt for details)

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- provides suse_maintenance_mmn symbol [bnc#915666] (internal)

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- credits to Roman Drahtmueller:

* add reference to /etc/permissions.local to output of %post if
setting the permissions of suexec2 fails

* do not enable mod_php5 by default any longer

* httpd-2.0.49-log_server_status.dif obsoleted

* apache2-mod_ssl_npn.patch removed because not used

* include mod_reqtimeout.conf in httpd.conf

* added cgid-timeout.conf, include
it in httpd.conf
- fix default value APACHE_MODULES in sysconfig file
- %service_
* macros for apache2AATT.service

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- reenable 690734.patch, it should be upstreamed by the author
(Adrian Schroeter) though
+ httpd-2.4.9-bnc690734.patch
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc690734.patch

Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2015
- drop startssl from start_apache2

Wed Jul 1 14:00:00 2015
- allow to run multiple instances of Apache on one system
[fate#317786] (internal)

* distributed httpd.conf no longer includes sysconfig.d, nor this
directory is shipped. httpd.conf includes loadmodule.conf and
global.conf which are former sysconfig.d/loadmodule.conf and
sysconfig.d/global.conf for default /etc/sysconfig/apache2
global.conf and loadmodule.conf are not included when
sysconfig variables could have been read by start_apache2
startup script (run with systemd services). Therefore, when
starting server via /usr/sbin/httpd, sysconfig variables
are not taken into account.

* some not-maintained scripts are moved from
/usr/share/apache2 to /usr/share/apache2/deprecated-scripts

* all modules comment in sysconfig file is not generated

* added README-instances.txt

* removed Sources:

* added Sources:

Thu Jun 25 14:00:00 2015
- add SSLHonorCipherOrder directive to apache2-ssl-global.conf
- adopt SSLCipherSuite directive value from SLE12
- remove default-vhost-ssl.conf and default-vhost.conf from
/etc/apache2. These two files are not (!) read by the
configuration framework, but are named
*.conf, which is
misleading. The files are almost identical with the vhost
templates in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/. The two templates there do
it right because they are not named
*.conf and are not sourced
either. apache\'s response with no explicit (eg. default, vanilla)
configuration is contained in /etc/apache2/default-server.conf.

* remove apache2-README.default-vhost as there are no
* files anymore.

Thu Jun 25 14:00:00 2015
- apache2.service: We have to use KillMode=mixed for the
graceful stop, restart to work properly.

Thu Jun 11 14:00:00 2015
- dropped 2.0 -> 2.2 modules transition during upgrade

* apache-20-22-upgrade renamed to apache-22-24-upgrade
- apache-
*-upgrade script is called in %posttrans now [bnc#927223]

Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2015
- fix find_mpm to echo mpm binary

Tue Jun 2 14:00:00 2015
- apache2.service: Only order us after and but not pull the units in.
- apache2.service: SSL requires correct system time to
work properly, order after

Tue May 26 14:00:00 2015
- align filenames with upstream names (and add compat symlinks)
- find_httpd2_includes renamed to find_httpd_includes

Mon May 25 14:00:00 2015
- access_compat now built as shared and disabled by default
- amend config to use also old syntax when access_compat is
- added apache2-README-access_compat.txt
- added apache-find-directive script
- see [bnc#896083] and its duplicates

Mon May 11 14:00:00 2015
- add httpd-2.4.12-CVE-2015-0253.patch to fix SECURITY: CVE-2015-0253
( core: Fix a crash introduced in with ErrorDocument
400 pointing to a local URL-path with the INCLUDES filter active,
introduced in 2.4.11. PR 57531. [Yann Ylavic]

Tue May 5 14:00:00 2015
- simplify apache2.logrotate, use sharedscripts [bnc#713581]

Tue May 5 14:00:00 2015
- remove curly brackets around format sequence \"%y\" in
`stat --format=\"%{y}\" %{SOURCE1}` that caused an incorrect
evaluation. Add escaping to proper spec-cleaner processing in
the future

Thu Apr 9 14:00:00 2015
- remove \'exit 0\' from the %post section in the specfile that was
placed here incorrectly and caused that the rest of the %post
section couldn\'t be executed.

Thu Apr 9 14:00:00 2015
- /etc/init.d/apache2 reload -> systemctl reload apache2.service
in apache2.logrotate [bnc#926523]

Mon Mar 30 14:00:00 2015
- authz_default -> authz_core in sysconfig.apache2/APACHE_MODULES

Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2015
- Add Requires(post) apache2 to the subpackage -worker, -event and
- prefork: their respective post scriptlets execute
/usr/share/apache2/get_module_list, which is shipped as part of
the main package. This script has the side-effect to call
find_mpm, which in turn creates the corresponding /usr/sbin/httpd2

Thu Feb 26 13:00:00 2015
- Patched get_module_list to ensure proper SELinux context for

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Pname -> name variable reduction
- Try to fix sle11 build

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Version bumpt o 2.4.12:

* ) mpm_winnt: Accept utf-8 (Unicode) service names and descriptions for
internationalization. [William Rowe]

* ) mpm_winnt: Normalize the error and status messages emitted by service.c,
the service control interface for Windows. [William Rowe]

* ) configure: Fix --enable-v4-mapped configuration on
*BSD. PR 53824.
[ olli hauer , Yann Ylavic ]

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Exit cleanly on end of the post and cleanup the update detection
- Remove Apache.xpm as it ain\'t used

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Cleanup init/unit decision making and provide just systemd service
on systemd systems

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Deprecate realver define as it is equal to version.
- Explicitely state MPM mods to ensure we don\'t lose some bnc#444878

Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Pass over spec-cleaner, there should be no actual technical
change in this just reduction of lines in the spec

Mon Feb 23 13:00:00 2015
- add httpd-2.4.x-mod_lua_websocket_DoS.patch to fix mod_lua bug
where a maliciously crafted websockets PING after a script calls
r:wsupgrade() can cause a child process crash
[CVE-2015-0228], [bnc#918352].

Tue Feb 3 13:00:00 2015
- in rc.apache2 was wrong [bnc#898193]

Mon Jan 19 13:00:00 2015
- httpd-2.4.3-mod_systemd.patch find libsystemd-daemon
with pkg-config, this is the only correct way, in current
versions sd_notify is in libsystemd and in old products
in libsystemd-daemon.

Fri Jan 16 13:00:00 2015
- remove obsolete patches

* httpd-2.4.10-check_null_pointer_dereference.patch

* httpd-event-deadlock.patch

* httpd-2.4.x-bnc871310-CVE-2013-5704-mod_headers_chunked_requests.patch

* httpd-2.4.x-bnc909715-CVE-2014-8109-mod_lua_handling_of_Require_line.patch

Fri Jan 16 13:00:00 2015
- Apache 2.4.11

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2014-3583 (
mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix a potential crash due to buffer over-read, with
response headers\' size above 8K. [Yann Ylavic, Jeff Trawick]

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2014-3581 (
mod_cache: Avoid a crash when Content-Type has an empty value.
PR 56924. [Mark Montague , Jan Kaluza]

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2014-8109 (
mod_lua: Fix handling of the Require line when a LuaAuthzProvider is
used in multiple Require directives with different arguments.
PR57204 [Edward Lu ]

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2013-5704 (
core: HTTP trailers could be used to replace HTTP headers
late during request processing, potentially undoing or
otherwise confusing modules that examined or modified
request headers earlier. Adds \"MergeTrailers\" directive to restore
legacy behavior. [Edward Lu, Yann Ylavic, Joe Orton, Eric Covener]

* ) mod_ssl: New directive SSLSessionTickets (On|Off).
The directive controls the use of TLS session tickets (RFC 5077),
default value is \"On\" (unchanged behavior).
Session ticket creation uses a random key created during web
server startup and recreated during restarts. No other key
recreation mechanism is available currently. Therefore using session
tickets without restarting the web server with an appropriate frequency
(e.g. daily) compromises perfect forward secrecy. [Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Provide some basic alternate options for specifying
how PATH_INFO is passed to FastCGI backends by adding significance to
the value of proxy-fcgi-pathinfo. PR 55329. [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Enable UDS backends configured with SetHandler/RewriteRule
to opt-in to connection reuse and other Proxy options via explicitly
declared \"proxy workers\" ( [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_proxy: Add \"enablereuse\" option as the inverse of \"disablereuse\".
[Eric Covener]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Enable opt-in to TCP connection reuse by explicitly
setting proxy option disablereuse=off. [Eric Covener] PR 57378.

* ) event: Update the internal \"connection id\" when requests
move from thread to thread. Reuse can confuse modules like
mod_cgid. PR 57435. [Michael Thorpe ]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Remove proxy:balancer:// prefix from SCRIPT_FILENAME
passed to fastcgi backends. [Eric Covener]

* ) core: Configuration files with long lines and continuation characters
are not read properly. PR 55910. [Manuel Mausz ]

* ) mod_include: the \'env\' function was incorrectly handled as \'getenv\' if the
leading \'e\' was written in upper case in
statements. [Christophe Jaillet]

* ) split-logfile: Fix perl error: \'Can\'t use string (\"\")
as a symbol ref while \"strict refs\"\'. PR 56329.
[Holger Mauermann ]

* ) mod_proxy: Prevent ProxyPassReverse from doing a substitution when
the URL parameter interpolates to an empty string. PR 56603.

* ) core: Fix -D[efined] or [d] variables lifetime accross restarts.
PR 57328. [Armin Abfalterer , Yann Ylavic].

* ) mod_proxy: Preserve original request headers even if they differ
from the ones to be forwarded to the backend. PR 45387.
[Yann Ylavic]

* ) mod_ssl: dump SSL IO/state for the write side of the connection(s),
like reads (level TRACE4). [Yann Ylavic]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Ignore body data from backend for 304 responses. PR 57198.
[Jan Kaluza]

* ) mod_ssl: Do not crash when looking up SSL related variables during
expression evaluation on non SSL connections. PR 57070 [Ruediger Pluem]

* ) mod_proxy_ajp: Fix handling of the default port (8009) in the
ProxyPass and configurations. PR 57259. [Yann Ylavic]

* ) mpm_event: Avoid a possible use after free when notifying the end of
connection during lingering close. PR 57268. [Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]

* ) mod_ssl: Fix recognition of OCSP stapling responses that are encoded
improperly or too large. [Jeff Trawick]

* ) core: Add ap_log_data(), ap_log_rdata(), etc. for logging buffers.
[Jeff Trawick]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi, mod_authnz_fcgi: stop reading the response and issue an
error when parsing or forwarding the response fails. [Yann Ylavic]

* ) mod_ssl: Fix a memory leak in case of graceful restarts with OpenSSL >= 0.9.8e
PR 53435 [tadanori , Sebastian Wiedenroth ]

* ) mod_proxy_connect: Don\'t issue AH02447 on sockets hangups, let the read
determine whether it is a normal close or a real error. PR 57168. [Yann

* ) mod_proxy_wstunnel: abort backend connection on polling error to avoid
further processing. [Yann Ylavic]

* ) core: Support custom ErrorDocuments for HTTP 501 and 414 status codes.
PR 57167 [Edward Lu ]

* ) mod_proxy_connect: Fix ProxyRemote to https:// backends on EBCDIC
systems. PR 57092 [Edward Lu ]

* ) mod_cache: Avoid a 304 response to an unconditional requst when an AH00752
CacheLock error occurs during cache revalidation. [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_ssl: Move OCSP stapling information from a per-certificate store to
a per-server hash. PR 54357, PR 56919. [Alex Bligh ,
Yann Ylavic, Kaspar Brand]

* ) mod_cache_socache: Change average object size hint from 32 bytes to
2048 bytes. [Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_cache_socache: Add cache status to server-status. [Rainer Jung]

* ) event: Fix worker-listener deadlock in graceful restart.
PR 56960.

* ) Concat strings at compile time when possible. PR 53741.

* ) mod_substitute: Restrict configuration in .htaccess to
FileInfo as documented. [Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_substitute: Make maximum line length configurable. [Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_substitute: Fix line length limitation in case of regexp plus flatten.
[Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_proxy: Truncated character worker names are no longer fatal
errors. PR53218. [Jim Jagielski]

* ) mod_dav: Set r->status_line in dav_error_response. PR 55426.

* ) mod_proxy_http, mod_cache: Avoid (unlikely) accesses to freed memory.
[Yann Ylavic, Christophe Jaillet]

* ) http_protocol: fix logic in ap_method_list_(add|remove) in order:
- to correctly reset bits
- not to modify the \'method_mask\' bitfield unnecessarily
[Christophe Jaillet]

* ) mod_slotmem_shm: Increase log level for some originally debug messages.
[Jim Jagielski]

* ) mod_ldap: In 2.4.10, some LDAP searches or comparisons might be done with
the wrong credentials when a backend connection is reused.
[Eric Covener]

* ) mod_macro: Add missing APLOGNO for some Warning log messages.
[Christophe Jaillet]

* ) mod_cache: Avoid sending 304 responses during failed revalidations
PR56881. [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_status: Honor client IP address using mod_remoteip. PR 55886.
[Jim Jagielski]

* ) cmake-based build for Windows: Fix incompatibility with cmake 2.8.12
and later. PR 56615. [Chuck Liu , Jeff Trawick]

* ) mod_ratelimit: Drop severity of AH01455 and AH01457 (ap_pass_brigade
failed) messages from ERROR to TRACE1. Other filters do not bother
re-reporting failures from lower level filters. PR56832. [Eric Covener]

* ) core: Avoid useless warning message when parsing a section guarded by
if $(foo) is used within the section.
PR 56503 [Christophe Jaillet]

* ) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix faulty logging of large amounts of stderr from the
application. PR 56858. [Manuel Mausz ]

* ) mod_proxy_http: Proxy responses with error status and
\"ProxyErrorOverride On\" hang until proxy timeout.
PR53420 [Rainer Jung]

* ) mod_log_config: Allow three character log formats to be registered. For
backwards compatibility, the first character of a three-character format
must be the \'^\' (caret) character. [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_lua: Don\'t quote Expires and Path values. PR 56734.
[Keith Mashinter, ]

* ) mod_authz_core: Allow \'es to be seen from auth
stanzas under virtual hosts. PR 56870. [Eric Covener]

Mon Jan 12 13:00:00 2015
- Redone lost patch to fix boo#859439
+ service reload can cause log data to be lost with logrotate
under some circumstances: remove \"-t\" from service reload.

Thu Jan 8 13:00:00 2015
- Fix URL syntax in various files

Mon Dec 29 13:00:00 2014
- fix IfModule directive around SSLSessionCache [bnc#842377c#11]

Mon Dec 15 13:00:00 2014
- added httpd-2.4.x-bnc871310-CVE-2013-5704-mod_headers_chunked_requests.patch
to fix flaw in the way mod_headers handled chunked requests. Adds
\"MergeTrailers\" directive to restore legacy behavior
[bnc#871310], [CVE-2013-5704].

Fri Dec 12 13:00:00 2014
- added httpd-2.4.x-bnc909715-CVE-2014-8109-mod_lua_handling_of_Require_line.patch
that fixes handling of the Require line when a LuaAuthzProvider is
used in multiple Require directives with different arguments
[bnc#909715], [CVE-2014-8109].

Fri Dec 5 13:00:00 2014
- fixed start at boot for ssl and encrypted key [bnc#792309]

Sat Nov 29 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix shebang in start_apache2 script that contains bash-specific

Thu Nov 27 13:00:00 2014
- small improvement of ssl instructions [bnc#891813]

Sun Nov 9 13:00:00 2014 Led
- fix bashisms in post scripts

Fri Nov 7 13:00:00 2014
- added httpd-2.4.10-check_null_pointer_dereference.patch to avoid
a crash when Content-Type has an empty value [bnc#899836],

Fri Oct 31 13:00:00 2014
- httpd-event-deadlock.patch: Fix worker-listener
deadlock in graceful restart.

Sat Oct 18 14:00:00 2014 Led
- httpd-2.1.9-apachectl.dif renamed to httpd-2.4.10-apachectl.patch
and updated (fixed bashism).

Thu Oct 16 14:00:00 2014
- drop (turned off) itk mpm spec file code as mpm-itk is now
provided as a separate module, not via patch
(see and [bnc#851229])

Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- enable mod_imagemap [bnc#866366]

Fri Oct 10 14:00:00 2014
- fixed link to Apache quickstart [bnc#624681], [bnc#789806]

Mon Oct 6 14:00:00 2014
- the following unused patches were removed from the package:

* apache2-mod_ssl_npn.patch

* httpd-2.0.49-log_server_status.dif

Mon Sep 29 14:00:00 2014
- 700 permissions for /usr/sbin/apache2-systemd-ask-pass and
/usr/sbin/start_apache2 [bnc#851627]

Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2014
- allow only TCP ports in Yast2 firewall files

Fri Sep 26 14:00:00 2014
- more 2.2 -> 2.4 [bnc#862058]

Thu Sep 25 14:00:00 2014
- ServerSignature=Off and ServerTokens=Prod by request from
security team [bnc#716495]

Wed Sep 24 14:00:00 2014
- fix documentation links 2.2 -> 2.4 [bnc#888163] (internal)

Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
- Update package Summary and Description.
- version 2.4.10

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-0117 (

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-3523 (

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-0226 (

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-0118 (

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-0231 (

* Multiple bugfixes to mod_ssl, mod_cache, mod_deflate, mod_lua

* mod_proxy_fcgi supports unix sockets.

Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
- provide httpd.service as alias for apache2.service for
compatibility reasons (bnc#888093)

Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2014
- move most ssl options to ssl-global.conf. There is usually no need
for every vhost to re-define the ciphers for example (bnc#865582).
Drop some commented entries that only lead to confusion.

Thu Mar 27 13:00:00 2014
- version 2.4.9

* SECURITY: CVE-2014-0098

* SECURITY: CVE-2013-6438

* multiple bugfixes and improvements to mod_ssl, mod_lua,
mod_session and core, see CHANGES for details.

Mon Feb 17 13:00:00 2014
- /etc/sysconfig/apache2: add socache_shmcb to the list of modules
that are enabled.
/etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf: make SSLSessionCache shmcb...
conditional on IfModule socache_shmcb.
The same applies to SSLSessionCache dmb:
* via module socache_dbm
in commented section of same file. [bnc#864185]
- /etc/sysconfig/apache2: remove reference to non-existing script
/usr/share/doc/packages/apache2/, which was only a
wrapper to anyways. [bnc#864185]

Mon Nov 25 13:00:00 2013
- update to apache 2.4.7, important changes:

* This release requires both apr and apr-util 1.5.x series
and therefore will no longer build in older released products

* mod_ssl: Improve handling of ephemeral DH and ECDH keys
(obsoletes httpd-mod_ssl_ephemeralkeyhandling.patch)

* event MPM: Fix possible crashes

* mod_deflate: Improve error detection

* core: Add open_htaccess hook in conjunction with dirwalk_stat.

* mod_rewrite: Make rewrite websocket-aware to allow proxying.

* mod_ssl: drop support for export-grade ciphers with ephemeral RSA
keys, and unconditionally disable aNULL, eNULL and EXP ciphers
(not overridable via SSLCipherSuite)

* core, mod_ssl: Enable the ability for a module to reverse the
sense of a poll event from a read to a write or vice versa
(obsoletes httpd-event-ssl.patch)

* see CHANGES for more details

Sat Nov 16 13:00:00 2013
- httpd-mod_ssl_ephemeralkeyhandling.patch obsoletes
mod_ssl-2.4.x-ekh.diff this new patch is the final
form of the rework, merged for 2.4.7.

Mon Nov 4 13:00:00 2013
- Removed obsolete directive DefaultType
- Changed all access control to new Require directive

Fri Oct 25 14:00:00 2013
- reenable mod_ssl-2.4.x-ekh.diff

Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013
- Correct build in old distros.

Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013
- disable (revert) mod_ssl changes in the previous
commit so it does not end in factory or 13.1 yet.

Tue Oct 22 14:00:00 2013
- make mod_systemd static so scenarios described in
[bnc#846897] do not happen again.

Mon Oct 21 14:00:00 2013
- mod_ssl: improve ephemeral key handling in particular, support DH params
with more than 1024 bits, and allow custom configuration.
This patch adjust DH parameters according to the relevant RFC
recommendations and permanently disables the usage of \"export\"
and \"NULL\" ciphers no matter what the user configuration is
(mod_ssl-2.4.x-ekh.diff, to be in 2.4.7)

Mon Oct 21 14:00:00 2013
- fix [bnc#846897] problems building kiwi images due to
systemd not being running in chroot. (submit to 13.1 ASAP)

Mon Oct 14 14:00:00 2013
- Fix SUSE spelling.

Tue Sep 3 14:00:00 2013
- Also fix subtle non-obvious systemd unit confusion
we really mean -DFOREGROUND not -DNO_DETACH the latter only
inhibits the parent from forking, not quite the same as
running in well.. the foreground as required.

Tue Sep 3 14:00:00 2013
- Ensure we only use /run and not /var/run

Fri Aug 30 14:00:00 2013
- Really use %requires_ge for libapr1 and libapr-util1
mentioned but not implemented in the previous commit.

Wed Aug 28 14:00:00 2013
- Use %requires_ge for libapr1 and libapr-util1
- apache2-default-server.conf: Need to use IncludeOptional
- apache-20-22-upgrade: also load authz_core
- httpd-visibility.patch: Use compiler symbol visibility.

Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- Make the default keysize in the sample gensslcerts 2048 bits to match
government recommendations.

Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Enable mod_proxy_html, mod_xml2enc and mod_lua (missed BuildRequires)

Mon Jul 29 14:00:00 2013
- provide and obsolete mod_macro
- upgrade: some people complain that log_config module
is not enabled by default sometimes, fix that.
- upgrade : \"SSLMutex\" no longer exists.
- Toogle EnableSendfile on because now apache defaults to off
due to kernel bugs. that\'s a silly thing to do here
as kernel bugs have to be fixed at their source, not worked around
in applications.

Mon Jul 22 14:00:00 2013
- httpd-event-ssl.patch: from upstream
Lift the restriction that prevents mod_ssl taking
full advantage of the event MPM.

Mon Jul 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2.4.6

* SECURITY: CVE-2013-1896 (

* SECURITY: CVE-2013-2249 (

* Major updates to mod_lua

* Support for proxying websocket requests

* Higher performant shm-based cache implementation

* Addition of mod_macro for easier configuration management

* As well as several exciting fixes, especially those related to RFC edge
cases in mod_cache and mod_proxy.
- IMPORTANT : With the current packaging scheme, we can no longer
Include the ITK MPM, therefore it has been disabled. This is because
this MPM can now only be provided as a loadable module but we do
not currently build MPMs as shared modules but as independant
binaries and all helpers/startup scripts depend on that behaviour.
It will be fixed in the upcoming weeks/months.

Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- apache-20-22-upgrade: still no cookie, module authn_file
is ok and must not be disabled on update.
authn_core must however be enabled too.

Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- fix apache_mmn spec macro, otherwise all modules down
the chain will have broken dependencies

Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- remove After=mysql.service php-fpm.service postgresql.service
which were added in the previous change, those must be added
as Before=apache2.service in the respective services.

Fri Jun 14 14:00:00 2013
- Include mod_systemd for more complete integration with
systemd, turn the service to Typé=notify as required
- Disable SSL NPN patch for now, it is required for mod_spdy
but mod_spdy does not support apache 2.4

Sat Jun 1 14:00:00 2013
- apache 2.4.4

* fix for CVE-2012-3499

* fix for the CRIME attack (disable ssl compression by default)

* many other bugfies

* build access_compat amd unixd as static modules and solve
some other upgrade quirks (bnc#813705)

Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Install apache2.service accordingly (/usr/lib/systemd for 12.3
and up or /lib/systemd for older versions).

Sat Jan 26 13:00:00 2013
- Apache 2.4.3

* SECURITY: CVE-2012-3502

* SECURITY: CVE-2012-2687

* mod_cache: Set content type in case we return stale content.

* lots of bugfixes see

Sat Jan 26 13:00:00 2013
- Improve systemd unit file (tested for months)

Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- use %set_permissions instead %run_permissions (bnc#764097)

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Fix factory-auto (aka r2dbag) complains about URL.
- Provide a symlink for apxs2 new location otherwise
all buggy spec files of external modules will break.

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- BuildRequire xz explicitly, fix build in !Factory
- Drop more old, unused patches

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Upgrade to apache 2.4.2

* ATTENTION, before installing this update YOU MUST
CAREFULLY otherwise your server will most likely
fail to start due to backward incompatible changes.

* You can read the huge complete list of changes

Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 2012
- gensslcert: Use 0400 permissions for generated SSL certificate files
instead of 0644

Fri Jul 6 14:00:00 2012
- modified apache2.2-mpm-itk-20090414-00.patch to fix
itk running as root. bnc#681176 / CVE-2011-1176

Fri Jul 6 14:00:00 2012
- remove the insecure LD_LIBRARY_PATH line. bnc#757710

Sun Apr 22 14:00:00 2012
- Add apache2-mod_ssl_npn.patch: Add npn support to mod_ssl, which
is needed by spdy.
- Provide apache2(mod_ssl+npn), indicating that our mod_ssl does
have the npn patch. This can be used by mod_spdy to ensure a
compatible apache/mod_ssl is installed.

Tue Mar 20 13:00:00 2012
- fix truncating and resulting paniking of answer headers (bnc#690734)

Sat Feb 18 13:00:00 2012
- update to 2.2.22

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3368 (
Reject requests where the request-URI does not match the HTTP
specification, preventing unexpected expansion of target URLs in
some reverse proxy configurations.

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2011-3607 (
Fix integer overflow in ap_pregsub() which, when the mod_setenvif module
is enabled, could allow local users to gain privileges via a .htaccess

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2011-4317 (
Resolve additional cases of URL rewriting with ProxyPassMatch or
RewriteRule, where particular request-URIs could result in undesired
backend network exposure in some configurations.

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0021 (
mod_log_config: Fix segfault (crash) when the \'%{cookiename}C\' log format
string is in use and a client sends a nameless, valueless cookie, causing
a denial of service. The issue existed since version 2.2.17. PR 52256.

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0031 (
Fix scoreboard issue which could allow an unprivileged child process
could cause the parent to crash at shutdown rather than terminate

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2012-0053 (
Fix an issue in error responses that could expose \"httpOnly\" cookies
when no custom ErrorDocument is specified for status code 400.

* ) mod_proxy_ajp: Try to prevent a single long request from marking a worker
in error.

* ) config: Update the default mod_ssl configuration: Disable SSLv2, only
allow >= 128bit ciphers, add commented example for speed optimized cipher
list, limit MSIE workaround to MSIE <= 5.

* ) core: Fix segfault in ap_send_interim_response(). PR 52315.

* ) mod_log_config: Prevent segfault. PR 50861.

* ) mod_win32: Invert logic for env var UTF-8 fixing.
Now we exclude a list of vars which we know for sure they dont hold UTF-8
chars; all other vars will be fixed. This has the benefit that now also
all vars from 3rd-party modules will be fixed. PR 13029 / 34985.

* ) core: Fix hook sorting for Perl modules, a regression introduced in
2.2.21. PR: 45076.

* ) Fix a regression introduced by the CVE-2011-3192 byterange fix in 2.2.20:
A range of \'0-\' will now return 206 instead of 200. PR 51878.

* ) Example configuration: Fix entry for MaxRanges (use \"unlimited\" instead
of \"0\").

* ) mod_substitute: Fix buffer overrun.
- adjusted SSL template/default config for upstream changes, and added
MaxRanges example to apache2-server-tuning.conf
- fixed installation of (moved) man pages

Sat Feb 11 13:00:00 2012
- compile with pcre 8.30 - patch taken from apache bugzilla

Sat Jan 21 13:00:00 2012
- enable mod_reqtimeout by default via APACHE_MODULES in
/etc/sysconfig/apache2, configuration
/etc/apache2/mod_reqtimeout.conf .
Of course, the existing configuration remains unchanged.

Fri Dec 16 13:00:00 2011
- add default vhost configs

* default-vhost.conf, default-vhost-ssl.conf, README.default-vhost

Sat Dec 10 13:00:00 2011
- openldap2 is not necessary, just openldap2-devel as buildrequires

Fri Dec 2 13:00:00 2011
- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency

Fri Nov 18 13:00:00 2011
- update to /etc/init.d/apache2: handle reload with deleted
binaries after package update more thoughtfully: If the binaries
have been replaced, then a dlopen(3) on the apache modules is
prone to fail. => Don\'t reload then, but complain and fail.
Especially important for logrotate!

Fri Oct 7 14:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368-server_protocl_c.diff fixes mod_proxy
reverse exposure via RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch directives.
This is CVE-2011-3368.

Fri Oct 7 14:00:00 2011
- Ensure service_add_pre macro is correctly called for
openSUSE 12.1 or later.

Tue Sep 27 14:00:00 2011
- Fix systemd files packaging, %ghost is not a good idea.
- Use systemd rpm macros for openSUSE 12.1 and later.

Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 2011
- don\'t create $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d twice in %install.

Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.2.21. News therein:

* re-worked CVE-2011-3192 (byterange_filter.c) with a regression
fix. New config option: MaxRanges (PR 51748)

* multi fixes in mod_filter, mod_proxy_ajp, mod_dav_fs,
mod_alias, mod_rewrite. As always, see CHANGES file.
- added httpd-%{realver}.tar.bz2.asc to source, along with
60C5442D.key which the tarball was signed with.

Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011
- need to add %ghost /lib/systemd to satisfy distributions that
have no systemd yet.

Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2011
- Add apache2-systemd-ask-pass / apache2.service / start_apache2
and modify apache2-ssl-global.conf for systemd support

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.2.20, fix CVE-2011-3192
mod_deflate D.o.S.

Fri Aug 5 14:00:00 2011
- Fix apache PR 45076

Sun Jul 17 14:00:00 2011
- Use SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS to reduce mod_ssl memory usage

Wed Jun 22 14:00:00 2011
- Add 2 patches from the \"low hanging fruit\" warnings in apache
STATUS page.

* mod_deflate: Stop compressing HEAD requests
if there is not Content-Length header

* mod_reqtimeout: Disable keep-alive after read timeout

Fri Jun 10 14:00:00 2011
- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS, no longer needed.

Wed Jun 8 14:00:00 2011
- Allow KeepAliveTimeout to be expressed in miliseconds
sometimes one second is too long, upstream r733557.

Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2011
- When linux changes to version 3.x configure tests are gonna break.
remove version check, assuming kernel 2.2 or later.

Thu May 26 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 2.2.19, only one bugfix.

* ) Revert ABI breakage in 2.2.18 caused by the function signature change
of ap_unescape_url_keep2f(). This release restores the signature from
2.2.17 and prior, and introduces ap_unescape_url_keep2f_ex().
[Eric Covener]

Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011
- Remove SSLv2 disabled patch, already in upstream.
- Update to version 2.2.18

* mod_ssl, ab: Support OpenSSL compiled without SSLv2 support.

* core: Treat timeout reading request as 408 error, not 400.

* core: Only log a 408 if it is no keepalive timeout.

* mod_rewrite: Allow to unset environment variables.

* prefork: Update MPM state in children during a graceful restart.

* Other fixes in mod_cache,mod_dav,mod_proxy se NEWS for detail.

Wed Apr 20 14:00:00 2011
- Fix regular expression in vhost ssl template IE workaround
it is obsolete see
You should apply this update to fix painfully slow SSL
connections when using IE.

Mon Apr 11 14:00:00 2011
- Allow usage of an openSSL library compiled without SSlv2

Fri Apr 8 14:00:00 2011
- set sane default cipher string in apache2-vhost-ssl.template
- remove useless example snakeoil certs
- remove broken mkcert script

Thu Feb 17 13:00:00 2011
- Tag boot script as interactive as systemd uses it

Mon Feb 7 13:00:00 2011
- recommend the default mpm package (bnc#670027)

Tue Oct 19 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.2.17:
SECURITY: CVE-2010-1623 (
Fix a denial of service attack against apr_brigade_split_line().
[Actual fix is in the libapr 1.3 line, which we don\'t use // poeml]
SECURITY: CVE-2009-3560, CVE-2009-3720 (
Fix two buffer over-read flaws in the bundled copy of expat which could
cause applications to crash while parsing specially-crafted XML documents.
[We build with system expat library // poeml]
prefork MPM: Run cleanups for final request when process exits gracefully
to work around a flaw in apr-util. PR 43857
- check symlink ownership if both FollowSymlinks and
SymlinksIfOwnerMatch are set
- fix origin checking in SymlinksIfOwnerMatch PR 36783
- (re)-introduce -T commandline option to suppress documentroot
check at startup. PR 41887
- A purely-numeric Host: header should not be treated as a port. PR 44979
- Fix possible buffer overflow if admin configures a
mongo log file path.
Proxy balancer: support setting error status according to HTTP response
code from a backend. PR 48939.
- If AuthLDAPCharsetConfig is set, also convert the
password to UTF-8. PR 45318.
mod_dir, mod_negotiation:
- Pass the output filter information to newly created sub requests; as these
are later on used as true requests with an internal redirect. This allows
for mod_cache to trap the results of the redirect. PR 17629, 43939
- Enable multi-match-and-replace edit option PR 46594
- Make ${cookie}C correctly match whole cookie names
instead of substrings. PR 28037.
- Do not wrongly enforce timeouts for mod_proxy\'s backend
connections and other protocol handlers (like mod_ftp). Enforce the
timeout for AP_MODE_GETLINE. If there is a timeout, shorten the lingering
close time from 30 to 2 seconds.
- Do not do overlapping memcpy. PR 45444

Tue Oct 5 14:00:00 2010
- Add missing libcap-devel to BuildRequires, wanted by \"itk\" MPM.

Thu Jul 29 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.2.16:
SECURITY: CVE-2010-1452 (
mod_dav, mod_cache: Fix Handling of requests without a path segment.
PR: 49246
SECURITY: CVE-2010-2068 (
mod_proxy_ajp, mod_proxy_http, mod_reqtimeout: Fix timeout detection
for platforms Windows, Netware and OS2. PR: 49417.
- Filter init functions are now run strictly once per request
before handler invocation. The init functions are no longer run
for connection filters. PR 49328.
- enable it to act on non-200 responses. PR 48377
- LDAP caching was suppressed (and ldap-status handler returns
title page only) when any mod_ldap directives were used in VirtualHost
- Fix segfault at startup if proxy client certs are shared
across multiple vhosts. PR 39915.
- Log the port of the remote server in various messages.
PR 48812.
- Fix -A and -a options to ignore whitespace in httpd.conf
- add FallbackResource directive, to enable admin to specify
an action to happen when a URL maps to no file, without resorting
to ErrorDocument or mod_rewrite. PR 47184
- Allow to set environment variables without explicitely
giving a value.
- add Requires and BuildRequires on libapr1 >= 1.4.2. In the past, libapr1 >=
1.0 was sufficient. But since 2.2.16, a failure to create listen sockets can
occur, unless newer libapr1 is used. See
- remove obsolete httpd-2.2.15-deprecated_use_of_build_in_variable.patch

Mon May 17 14:00:00 2010
- add type and encoding for zipped SVG images (.svgz)
Thanks to Sebastian Siebert (via Submit Request #40059)

Tue May 11 14:00:00 2010
- fix deprecated usage of $[ in apxs2

Fri May 7 14:00:00 2010
- Do not compile in build time but use mtime of changes file instead.
This allows build-compare to identify that no changes have happened.

Tue Mar 30 14:00:00 2010
- add apache2-prefork to the Requires of apache2-devel, because apxs2 will
build for prefork, if not called as apxs2-worker (which should rarely be the
case). Also added gcc to the Requires.

Mon Mar 8 13:00:00 2010
- update to 2.2.15:
SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (
mod_ssl: Comprehensive fix of the TLS renegotiation prefix injection
attack when compiled against OpenSSL version 0.9.8m or later. Introduces
the \'SSLInsecureRenegotiation\' directive to reopen this vulnerability and
offer unsafe legacy renegotiation with clients which do not yet support
the new secure renegotiation protocol, RFC 5746.
SECURITY: CVE-2009-3555 (
mod_ssl: A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack
by rejecting any client-initiated renegotiations. Forcibly disable
keepalive for the connection if there is any buffered data readable. Any
configuration which requires renegotiation for per-directory/location
access control is still vulnerable, unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l.
SECURITY: CVE-2010-0408 (
mod_proxy_ajp: Respond with HTTP_BAD_REQUEST when the body is not sent
when request headers indicate a request body is incoming; not a case of
SECURITY: CVE-2010-0425 (
mod_isapi: Do not unload an isapi .dll module until the request processing
is completed, avoiding orphaned callback pointers.
SECURITY: CVE-2010-0434 (
Ensure each subrequest has a shallow copy of headers_in so that the parent
request headers are not corrupted. Elimiates a problematic optimization
in the case of no request body. PR 48359
- New module to set timeouts and minimum data rates for receiving requests
from the client.
- Fix potential memory leaks by making sure to not destroy bucket brigades
that have been created by earlier filters.
- Return APR_EOF if request body is shorter than the length announced by the
client. PR 33098
- Preserve Port information over internal redirects PR 35999
- Build: fix --with-module to work as documented PR 43881
- Don\'t report server has reached MaxClients until it has. Add message when
server gets within MinSpareThreads of MaxClients. PR 46996.
ab, mod_ssl:
- Restore compatibility with OpenSSL < 0.9.7g.
- Add AuthLDAPBindAuthoritative to allow Authentication to try other
providers in the case of an LDAP bind failure. PR 46608
- Failures to map a username to a DN, or to check a user password now result
in an informational level log entry instead of warning level.
- Introduce the thundering herd lock, a mechanism to keep the flood of
requests at bay that strike a backend webserver as a cached entity goes
- correctly consider s-maxage in cacheability decisions.
mod_disk_cache, mod_mem_cache:
- don\'t cache incomplete responses, per RFC 2616, 13.8. PR15866.
- Honor \'CharsetOptions NoImplicitAdd\'.
- fix FilterProvider matching where \"dispatch\" string doesn\'t exist. PR 48054
- Allow fine control over the removal of Last-Modified and ETag headers
within the INCLUDES filter, making it possible to cache responses if
desired. Fix the default value of the SSIAccessEnable directive.
- If LDAPSharedCacheSize is too small, try harder to purge some cache
entries and log a warning. Also increase the default LDAPSharedCacheSize
to 500000. This is a more realistic size suitable for the default values
of 1024 for LdapCacheEntries/LdapOpCacheEntries. PR 46749.
- Add the R option to log the handler used within the request.
- Make RemoveType override the info from TypesConfig. PR 38330.
- Detect invalid use of MultiviewsMatch inside Location and LocationMatch
sections. PR 47754.
- Preserve query string over multiviews negotiation. This buglet was fixed
for type maps in 2.2.6, but the same issue affected multiviews and was
overlooked. PR 33112
- unable to connect to a backend is SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, rather than
BAD_GATEWAY or (especially) NOT_FOUND. PR 46971
mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http:
- Support remote https proxies by using HTTP CONNECT. PR 19188.
- Make sure that when an ErrorDocument is served from a reverse proxied URL,
that the subrequest respects the status of the original request. This
brings the behaviour of proxy_handler in line with default_handler. PR
- Really regard the operation a success, when the client aborted the
connection. In addition adjust the log message if the client aborted the
- Make sure that a hostname:port isn\'t fully qualified if the request is a
CONNECT request. PR 47928
- Add scgi scheme detection.
- Fix a potential I/O hang if a long list of trusted CAs is configured for
client cert auth. PR 46952.
- When extracting certificate subject/issuer names to the SSL_
variables, handle RDNs with duplicate tags by exporting multiple
varialables with an \"_n\" integer suffix. PR 45875.
- obsolete patch CVE-2009-3555-2.2.patch removed

Fri Mar 5 13:00:00 2010
- readd whitespace removed by autobuild

Wed Dec 16 13:00:00 2009
- package documentation as noarch

Sat Nov 7 13:00:00 2009
- add patch for CVE-2009-3555 (
A partial fix for the TLS renegotiation prefix injection attack by rejecting
any client-initiated renegotiations. Any configuration which requires
renegotiation for per-directory/location access control is still vulnerable,
unless using OpenSSL >= 0.9.8l.

Mon Oct 26 13:00:00 2009
- update to 2.2.14:

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2699 (
Fixed in APR 1.3.9. Faulty error handling in the Solaris pollset support
(Event Port backend) which could trigger hangs in the prefork and event
MPMs on that platform. PR 47645. [Jeff Trawick]

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3095 (
mod_proxy_ftp: sanity check authn credentials.
[Stefan Fritsch , Joe Orton]

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-3094 (
mod_proxy_ftp: NULL pointer dereference on error paths.
[Stefan Fritsch , Joe Orton]

* ) mod_proxy_scgi: Backport from trunk. [André Malo]

* ) mod_ldap: Don\'t try to resolve file-based user ids to a DN when AuthLDAPURL
has been defined at a very high level. PR 45946. [Eric Covener]

* ) htcacheclean: 19 ways to fail, 1 error message. Fixed. [Graham Leggett]

* ) mod_ldap: Bring the LDAPCacheEntries and LDAPOpCacheEntries
usage() in synch with the manual and the implementation (0 and -1
both disable the cache). [Eric Covener]

* ) mod_ssl: The error message when SSLCertificateFile is missing should
at least give the name or position of the problematic virtual host
definition. [Stefan Fritsch sf]

* ) htdbm: Fix possible buffer overflow if dbm database has very
long values. PR 30586 [Dan Poirier]

* ) Add support for HTTP PUT to ab. [Jeff Barnes ]

* ) mod_ssl: Fix SSL_
*_DN_UID variables to use the \'userID\' attribute
type. PR 45107. [Michael Ströder ,
Peter Sylvester ]

* ) mod_cache: Add CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers directive to ignore
defined session identifiers encoded in the URL when caching.
[Ruediger Pluem]

* ) mod_mem_cache: fix seg fault under load due to pool concurrency problem
PR: 47672 [Dan Poirier ]

* ) mod_autoindex: Correctly create an empty cell if the description
for a file is missing. PR 47682 [Peter Poeml ]

Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.2.13:

* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2412 (
Distributed with APR 1.3.8 and APR-util 1.3.9 to fix potential overflow
in pools and rmm, where size alignment was taking place.

* ) mod_ssl, ab: improve compatibility with OpenSSL 1.0.0 betas. Report
warnings compiling mod_ssl against OpenSSL to the httpd developers.

* ) mod_cgid: Do not add an empty argument when calling the CGI script.
PR 46380

* ) Fix potential segfaults with use of the legacy ap_rputs() etc
interfaces, in cases where an output filter fails. PR 36780.

Mon Jul 27 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.2.12:
SECURITY: CVE-2009-1891 (
Fix a potential Denial-of-Service attack against mod_deflate or other
modules, by forcing the server to consume CPU time in compressing a
large file after a client disconnects. PR 39605.
SECURITY: CVE-2009-1195 (
Prevent the \"Includes\" Option from being enabled in an .htaccess
file if the AllowOverride restrictions do not permit it.
SECURITY: CVE-2009-1890 (
Fix a potential Denial-of-Service attack against mod_proxy in a
reverse proxy configuration, where a remote attacker can force a
proxy process to consume CPU time indefinitely.
SECURITY: CVE-2009-1191 (
mod_proxy_ajp: Avoid delivering content from a previous request which
failed to send a request body. PR 46949
SECURITY: CVE-2009-0023, CVE-2009-1955, CVE-2009-1956 (
The bundled copy of the APR-util library has been updated, fixing three
different security issues which may affect particular configurations
and third-party modules.
- New piped log syntax: Use \"||process args\" to launch the given process
without invoking the shell/command interpreter. Use \"|$command line\"
(the default behavior of \"|command line\" in 2.2) to invoke using shell,
consuming an additional shell process for the lifetime of the logging
pipe program but granting additional process invocation flexibility.
- prefork: Fix child process hang during graceful restart/stop in
configurations with multiple listening sockets. PR 42829.
- Translate the status line to ASCII on EBCDIC platforms in
ap_send_interim_response() and for locally generated \"100
Continue\" responses.
- CGI: return 504 (Gateway timeout) rather than 500 when a
script times out before returning status line/headers. PR 42190
- prefork: Log an error instead of segfaulting when child startup fails
due to pollset creation failures. PR 46467.
- core/utils: Enhance ap_escape_html API to support escaping non-ASCII chars
- Set Listen protocol to \"https\" if port is set to 443 and no proto is specified
(as documented but not implemented). PR 46066
- Output -M and -S dumps (modules and vhosts) to stdout instead of stderr.
PR 42571 and PR 44266 (dup).
- check sanity in Redirect arguments. PR 44729
- Ensure Redirect emits HTTP-compliant URLs. PR 44020
- Reduce number of initialization debug messages and make
information more clear. PR 46342
- Introduce \'no-cache\' per-request environment variable to
prevent the saving of an otherwise cacheable response.
- Correctly save Content-Encoding of cachable entity. PR 46401
- When an explicit Expires or Cache-Control header is set, cache
normally non-cacheable response statuses. PR 46346.
- fix segfault problem on solaris. PR 39332
- The module now turns off sendfile support if \'EnableSendfile
off\' is defined globally. PR 41218.
- Fix handling of CacheIgnoreHeaders directive to correctly
remove headers before storing them.
- revert changes in 2.2.8 that caused an invalid etag to be
emitted for on-the-fly gzip content-encoding. PR 39727 will
require larger fixes and this fix was far more harmful than
the original code. PR 45023.
- fix error handling when the filter prog fails to start, and
introduce an onfail configuration option to abort the request
or to remove the broken filter and continue. PR 41120
- fix potential segfault when handling back references on an
empty SSI variable.
- Prevent a case of SSI timefmt-smashing with filter chains
including multiple INCLUDES filters. PR 39369
- support generating non-ASCII characters as entities in SSI PR
- Avoid a segfault when result->rc is checked in
uldap_connection_init when result is NULL. This could happen
if LDAP initialization failed. PR 45994.
- Escape pathes of filenames in 406 responses to avoid HTML
injections and HTTP response splitting. PR 46837.
- Complete ProxyPassReverse to handle balancer URL\'s. Given;
BalancerMember balancer://alias
ProxyPassReverse /bash balancer://alias/bar backend url is now translated /bash/that
- Check more strictly that the backend follows the AJP protocol.
- Forward remote port information by default.
- fix Host: header for literal IPv6 addresses. PR 47177
- fix case sensitivity checking transfer encoding PR 47383
- Remove locking for writing to the rewritelog. PR 46942
- Fix the error string returned by RewriteRule. RewriteRule
returned \"RewriteCond: bad flag delimiters\" when the 3rd
argument of RewriteRule was not started with \"[\" or not ended
with \"]\". PR 45082
- When evaluating a proxy rule in directory context, do escape
the filename by default. PR 46428
- Introduce DiscardPathInfo|DPI flag to stop the troublesome way
that per-directory rewrites append the previous notion of
PATH_INFO to each substitution before evaluating subsequent
rules. PR38642
- fix \"B\" flag breakage by reverting r589343 PR 45529
- Add server name indication support (RFC 4366) and better
support for name based virtual hosts with SSL. PR 34607
- Add SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire and SSLProxyCheckPeerCN directives
to enable stricter checking of remote server certificates.
- Add SSLRenegBufferSize directive to allow changing the size of
the buffer used for the request-body where necessary during a
per-dir renegotiation. PR 39243.
- Fix a memory leak. PR 44948

Tue Jul 14 14:00:00 2009
- Fix missing -Y option in gensslcert [bnc#416888]

Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2009
- merge changes from openSUSE:Factory:
- trailing spaces removed from robots.txt
- moved Snakeoil certificates to separate subpackage
example-certificates [bnc#419601]
- removed outdated ca-bundle.crt
- NOT merging the change from [bnc#301380] (setting TraceEnable
Off), since there is no reason to deviate from upstream

Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2009
- avoid useless (and potentially irritating) messages from usermod
called in %post when updating the package - this should probably
only be run when updating from very old installs anyway.
- likewise, avoid similar useless messages about creation of the
httpd user when installing on Fedora.

Tue May 5 14:00:00 2009
- fix hyperref to the quickstart howto in the installed httpd.conf
[bnc#500938] Thanks, Frank!

Mon Apr 27 14:00:00 2009
- add ITK MPM (apache2.2-mpm-itk-20090414-00.patch)

Mon Apr 27 14:00:00 2009
- buildfix (from Factory): replace \"shadow\" by \"pwdutils\" in requires

Thu Mar 12 13:00:00 2009
- update apache2-vhost.template mod_php4 references [bnc#444205]

Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2009
- fixed the ed script which turns apxs into
apxs-{prefork,worker,event) to work on Fedora, by using - instead
of ^ to go \"up\" one line. Thereby fixing Fedora build. (Package
probably needs further tuning to fit into a Fedora environment.)