Changelog for
libfreeimage3-3.15.4-4.37.i586.rpm :
* Sat Jun 22 2013 Corrected the license
* FreeImage Open Source Dual-License
* FreeImage is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 (GPLv2) or version 3.0 (GPLv3), and the FreeImage Public License (FIPL)
* Use the liberal FreeImage Public License to use FreeImage commercially or
* Use the GNU General Public License to use FreeImage into your open source project.
* Fri Jan 04 2013 updated to version 3.15.4
* see
* Sun Oct 28 2012 Removed libpng fixes from use_system_libs.patch and instead added two patches (use_system_libs_libpng14.patch and use_system_libs_libpng15.patch) to support both libpng14 and libpng15 (currently in Factory).
* Sat Mar 31 2012 Update to version 3.15.3:
* Lots of changes (see for details).- Removed fPIC.diff and freeimage-3100-x86_64.diff patches (fixed upstream).- Replaced noroot.diff with makefiles_fixes.patch (include also fixes for CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS, remove -s (strip) option, add missing symlinks for libfreeimageplus).- Added the following patches:
* doxygen.patch: Fix documentation building
* use_system_libs.patch: Use system libraries (except except libjpeg and libtiff)
* use_system_libs_openjpeg.patch: Use system libraries (openjpeg)- Spec file updates:
* Added OpenEXR-devel, libpng-devel, libraw-devel, libraw-devel-static (for openSUSE 11.4), openjpeg-devel (for openSUSE > 12.1) and zlib-devel build requirements since the package now needs these system libraries to compile.
* Added doxygen and unzip build requirements to build the documentation and extract the package sources.
* Renamed libfreeimage-devel to freeimage-devel and added the necessary Provides/Obsoletes entries for libfreeimage-devel.
* Added a libfreeimageplus3 subpackage.
* Remove static libraries.
* Fri Mar 23 2012 .cpp files indicate that FIPL is used (contains a disclaimer clause that is untypical of GPL, but can be found in FIPL). No notice in the source files that GPL is an alternative.
* Sat Jul 02 2011 Remove conflicting %debug_package: OBS deals with that already- Remove unnecessary %clean section- Use %_smp_mflags