Changelog for
asterisk-alsa-16.1.1-3.11.i586.rpm :
* Wed Dec 26 2018 Michael Ströder
- Update to new upstream release 16.1.1
* Fix for Regression: MWI polling no longer works
* Wed Dec 12 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 16.1.0
* Fix a buffer overflow for DNS SRV/NAPTR records
* Fix a crash when reading HTTP Upgrade request
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Hans-Peter Jansen - Enable app_macro build deprecated now, but missing it will break too many diaplans
* Tue Nov 20 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Update to new upstream release 16.0.1
* webrtc: Both REMB and NACK are now supported.
* Text messages sent through a conference bridge using ConfBridge will now be relayed to the other participants.
* app_originate: The \'a\' option has been added which asynchronously places calls. The application will return immediately instead of waiting for the originated channel to answer.
* app_queue: A wrapup time can now be configured on a per-member basis instead of on a per-queue basis for static members as defined in the configuration file.
* app_queue: Predial handler support has also been added so that subroutines can be invoked on the callee or caller channels.
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Hans-Peter Jansen - Add missing /usr/share/asterisk/keys directory for res_crypto- Adjust permissions of /var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov/
* Wed Oct 24 2018 Hans-Peter Jansen - Improve systemd unit to wait for network online state
* Sun Oct 21 2018 Hans-Peter Jansen - Don\'t install /etc/init.d script, if systemd driven
* Mon Oct 15 2018 Hans-Peter Jansen - Make adjusting asterisk.conf actually work, and prevent that perl expression from failing unnoticed ever again.
* Fri Sep 21 2018 Michael Ströder - Update to new upstream release 15.6.1
* AST-2018-009: Remote crash vulnerability in HTTP websocket upgrade
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Update to new upstream release 15.5.0 with following security fixes:
* [ASTERISK-27818] Username bruteforce is possible when using ACL with PJSIP
* [ASTERISK-27807] iostreams: Potential DoS when client connection closed prematurely
* Tue Jun 19 2018 drop pwlib-devel from BR as it is not going to be ported to OpenSSL 1.1 (boo#1074796)
* Tue Jun 12 2018 Update to new upstream release 15.4.1 with following security fixes:
* AST-2018-007: Infinite loop when reading iostreams
* AST-2018-008: PJSIP endpoint presence disclosure when using ACL
* Sat May 26 2018 Switch to bundled pjproject to avoid segmentation faults when using channel PJSIP
* Mon May 14 2018 Update to new upstream release 15.4.0 with following security fixes:
* [ASTERISK-27658] - WebSocket frames with 0 sized payload causes DoS
* [ASTERISK-27583] - Segmentation fault occurs in asterisk with an invalid SDP fmtp attribute
* [ASTERISK-27582] - Segmentation fault occurs in Asterisk with an invalid SDP media format description
* [ASTERISK-27618] - Crash occurs when sending a repeated number of INVITE messages over TCP or TLS transport
* [ASTERISK-27640] - SUBSCRIBE message with a large Accept value causes stack corruption
* Sun May 06 2018 Remove sqlite2-devel as BuildRequires, is no longer available
* Sun Mar 04 2018 Update to new upstream release 15.2.2
* The \"Data Retrieval API\" has been removed. This API was not actively maintained, was not added to new modules (such as res_pjsip), and there exist better alternatives to acquire the same information, such as the ARI. As a result, the \"DataGet\" AMI action as well as the \"data get\" CLI command have been removed.
* Streams, as a new concept for media flows, have been introduced.
* To simplify configuration for users a new option, webrtc, has been created which controls configuration options that are required for WebRTC.
* Wed Feb 21 2018 Update to new upstream release 14.7.6
* AST-2018-001: Crash when receiving unnegotiated dynamic payload
* AST-2018-002: Crash when given an invalid SDP media format description
* AST-2018-003: Crash with an invalid SDP fmtp attribute
* AST-2018-004: Crash when receiving SUBSCRIBE request
* AST-2018-005: Crash when large numbers of TCP connections are closed suddenly
* AST-2018-006: WebSocket frames with 0 sized payload causes DoS
* Sat Dec 23 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.7.5
* AST-2017-014: Crash in PJSIP resource when missing a contact header
* Thu Dec 14 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.7.4 AST-2017-012: Remote Crash Vulnerability in RTCP Stack
* Fri Dec 01 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.7.3
* AST-2017-013: DOS Vulnerability in Asterisk chan_skinny
* Tue Sep 19 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.6.2 with security fix: AST-2017-008: RTP/RTCP information leak- HTTPS source download links
* Wed Sep 06 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.6.1 with security fixes:
* AST-2017-007: Remote Crash Vulerability in res_pjsip
* AST-2017-006: Shell access command injection in app_minivm
* AST-2017-005: Media takeover in RTP stack
* Wed Jul 12 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.6.0
* Tue May 30 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.5.0
* Mon May 22 2017 separate doc package (with ~26 MB)
* Sat May 20 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.4.1 with security fixes:
* AST-2017-002: Ensure transaction key buffer is large enough
* AST-2017-003: Handle zero-length body parts correctly
* AST-2017-004: chan_skinny: Add EOF check in skinny_session
* Fri Apr 07 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.4.0
* Tue Feb 21 2017 asterisk won\'t start without the sound directory (so make sure it is always there)
* Mon Feb 13 2017 Update to new upstream release 14.3.0
* Tue Jan 17 2017 Enable app_meetme
* Thu Dec 08 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.2.1 with security fixes:
* AST-2016-008: Crash on SDP offer or answer from endpoint using Opus
* AST-2016-009: Remote unauthenticated sessions in chan_sip
* Wed Nov 23 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.2.0
* Thu Nov 10 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.1.2
* Wed Oct 26 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.1.1
* Sat Oct 01 2016 Add asterisk-cflags.diff to drop -march=native again [boo#1002419]
* Sat Oct 01 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.0.2
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.0.1
* Mon Sep 26 2016 Update to new upstream release 14.0.0
* Fri May 13 2016 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.9.1
* Wed Mar 30 2016 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.9.0
* Sat Feb 06 2016 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.7.2
* Fri Feb 05 2016 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.7.1 with security fixes:
* AST-2016-001: BEAST vulnerability in HTTP server
* AST-2016-002: File descriptor exhaustion in chan_sip
* AST-2016-003: Remote crash vulnerability when receiving UDPTL FAX data.- Added build dependencies:
* libv4l-devel
* libSDL2-devel
* Thu Dec 10 2015 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.6.0
* Thu Aug 13 2015 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.5.0
* Mon Jun 08 2015 Update to new upstream maintenenace release 13.4.0
* Thu Apr 09 2015 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.3.2
* fix for CVE-2015-3008 asterisk: TLS Certificate Common name NULL byte exploit
* Mon Mar 16 2015 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.2
* Sat Jan 03 2015 Update to new upstream maintenance release 13.1
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Build version 13.0.1
* Thu Nov 20 2014 Corrected the file paths- Added missing files- Added excludes
* Mon Nov 17 2014 Update to new upstream release 13
* Asterisk security events are now provided via AMI, allowing end users to monitor their Asterisk system in real time for security related issues.
* Both AMI and ARI now allow external systems to control the state of a mailbox. Using AMI actions or ARI resources, external systems can programmatically trigger Message Waiting Indicators (MWI) on subscribed phones. This is of particular use to those who want to build their own VoiceMail application using ARI.
* ARI now supports the reception/transmission of out of call text messages using any supported channel driver/protocol stack through ARI. Users receive out of call text messages as JSON events over the ARI websocket connection, and can send out of call text messages using HTTP requests.
* The PJSIP stack now supports RFC 4662 Resource Lists, allowing Asterisk to act as a Resource List Server. This includes defining lists of presence state, mailbox state, or lists of presence state/mailbox state; managing subscriptions to lists; and batched delivery of NOTIFY requests to subscribers.
* The PJSIP stack can now be used as a means of distributing device state or mailbox state via PUBLISH requests to other Asterisk instances. This is analogous to Asterisk\'s clustering support using XMPP or Corosync; unlike existing clustering mechanisms, using the PJSIP stack to perform the distribution of state does not rely on another daemon or server to perform the work.