Changelog for gnu_parallel-20170622-82.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Jul 7 14:00:00 2017
- update to 20170622:

* The command line can now contain \\257 (Macron) or UTF
characters containing \\257.
- includes changes from 20170522:

* --timeout can now use s=second,m=minute,h=hour,d=day.

* --dr is now an alias for --dry-run.
- remove donation nag screen, add parallel-remove-nag-screen.patch
See \"man 1 parallel\" or \"parallel --citation\" for the upstream
request for citation or project donation.

Mon May 8 14:00:00 2017
- update to 20170422:

* --halt supports done in addition to success and fail.

* parset will set variables in parallel in Bash.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- includes changes from 20170322:

* --rpl can now take arguments by adding \'(regexp)\' in the
replacement string.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- includes changes from 20170222:

* env_parallel now supports /bin/sh, ash, dash.

* --tee will pipe all data to all jobs. Used with --pipe/
- -pipepart and :::. Small example: seq 3333 | parallel --pipe
- -tee --tag \'grep {} | wc -l\' ::: {0..9}

* If --results {replstr} ends in /: save in dir. Otherwise save
as file. Example: parallel --results {} echo {} ::: a b c

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- includes changes from 20170206alpha:

* --tee introduced.

Mon Jan 23 13:00:00 2017
- Update to new upstream release 20170122

* sql now uses a temporary credentials file for MySQL to avoid

* --sqlmaster and --sqlworker have been reworked.

* --sqlworker only reads from the DBURL: any command and any
arguments are ignored.

* --sqlmaster +DBURL will append commands to the DBURL and not
erase the table.

* If --results contain a replacement string, no tree structure
with args will be generated.

* --fg --tmux or --fg --tmuxpane will connect to the tmux.

Sun Jan 1 13:00:00 2017
- Update to new upstream release 20161222

* --results foo.csv will save output as a CSV-file. Can be
directly imported into R or LibreCalc.

* When using --pipepart a negative --block-size is not
interpreted as a block size but as the number of blocks each
jobslot should have.

* --sqlmaster/--sqlandworker will append jobs to the DBURL if the
DBURL is prepended with +.

Wed Nov 23 13:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20161122

* --record-env can now be used with env_parallel for bash, ksh,
pdksh, and zsh.

Mon Oct 24 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 20161022:

* First command no longer gets stdin as it causes unpredictable

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- Changes for version 20160922

* parcat - cat files or fifos in parallel

Tue Aug 30 14:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160822

* --tmuxpane opens jobs in panes in tmux. Useful if you want to
monitor progress of less than 100 simultaneous jobs.

* --linebuffer now treats \\r as line ending, too.

* Perl changes forces use of floats to be given with leading
zero, so 0.1 and not .1

* --xapply renamed to --link.

Sun Jul 31 14:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160722

* env_parallel is now ready for wider testing. It is still beta

* env_parallel is heavily modified for all shells and testing has
been increased.

* Selectively choosing what to export using --env now works for
env_parallel (bash, csh, fish, ksh, pdksh, tcsh, zsh).

* --round-robin now gives more work to a job that processes
faster instead of same amount to all jobs.

* --pipepart works on block devices on GNU/Linux.

Wed Jun 22 14:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160622

* $PATH can now be exported using --env PATH. Useful if GNU
Parallel is not in your path on remote machines.

* If --block is left out, --pipepart will use a block size that
will result in 10 jobs per jobslot.

Sun May 22 14:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160522

* niceload --net pauses the program if the internet connection
is overloaded.

Thu Apr 21 14:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160422

* :::+ and ::::+ work like ::: and :::: but links this input source
to the previous input source in a --xapply fashion. Contrary to
- -xapply values do not wrap: The shortest input source determines
the length.

* --line-buffer --keep-order now outputs continuously from the
oldest job still running. This is more what you would expect than
the earlier behaviour where --keep-order had no effect with
- -line-buffer.

* env_parallel supports tcsh, csh, pdksh. In fish it now supports
arrays. In csh/tcsh it now supports variables, aliases, and
arrays with no special chars. In pdksh it supports aliases,
functions, variables, and arrays.

Tue Mar 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to new upstream release 20160322

* env_parallel is a function that exports the environment
(functions, aliases, variables, and arrays) to GNU Parallel.

* niceload --prg now searches for substrings if no process with the
name is found.

Mon Feb 22 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 20160222

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Sun Jan 24 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 20160122

* --sql DBURL uses DBURL as storage for jobs and output. It does
not run any jobs so it requires at least one --sqlworker. DBURL
must point to a table.

* --sqlworker DBURL gets jobs from DBURL and stores the result
back to DBURL.

* --sqlandworker is a shorthand for --sql and --sqlworker.

* --sqlworker requires the output of a single job to fit in

* --results now also saves a file called \'seq\' containing the
sequence number.

* If $PARALLEL_ENV is a file, then that file will be read into

* man parallel_tutorial has been given an overhaul.

* --workdir now accepts replacementstrings.

Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 20151222

* --transfer is now an alias for --transferfile {}.

* --transferfile works like --transfer, but takes an argument
like --return. This makes it possible to combine transferring
files with multiple input sources:
parallel -S server --tf {1} wc {2} {1} :::
* ::: -l -w -c

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 20151122

* Automating large numbers of tasks

* Max out your IOPs with GNU Parallel

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Sat Oct 24 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 20151022

* --plus makes it possible to use {##} as a short had for {=
$_=$Global::JobQueue->total_jobs() =} which gives the the
number of jobs to run.

* {= $_=$Global::JobQueue->total_jobs() =} is incompatible with
- X, -m, and --xargs.

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 20150922

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 20150822

* If $job->skip() is called in {= =} the job will not be run.

* AATTarg can now be used in {= =}: parallel echo \'{= $arg[2] < 5
and $_=\"j\" =}\' ::: 1 2 3 ::: 4 5 6

Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150722:

* If a record fits in a block, --block only reads upto the size
of --block. If not: --block reads a full --block more.

* Due to widely spread distributions still using --tollef even
after a year of being retired following a year of being
obsolete, --tollef now gives an error unless used with --gnu.

* --nice now uses a perl wrapper instead of the nice command.

Sun Jul 19 14:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150622:

* --halt has been rewritten completely. You can now combine
percentages with success or fail. See the man page.

* Exit values 102..254 have been removed. 101 means more than 100
jobs failed.

* Killing through --timeout, --memfree, or --halt is now done as
a process group.

* --termseq determines which signals are sent when a job is

* An empty argument would previously cause no string to be
inserted. This is now changed to \'\' being inserted, thus
prepending a space to the output of: parallel echo {} b ::: \'\'

* $PARALLEL_ENV can now be set to an environment prepending the
command. Used in env_parallel as mentioned in the manpage.

* --retry-failed will retry all failed jobs in a joblog. It will
ignore any command given.

* --ssh and $PARALLEL_SSH can be used to set the command used for
ssh. The command is assumed to behave the same way as ssh.

* --fifo now works in csh, too.

* Q(...) can be used in {= =} to shell quote a string.

Sat May 23 14:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150522: [boo#932143]

* Security: The security issue for --sshlogin + --fifo/--cat has
been fixed. Thereby all issues with
have been fixed.

* Security: After further security analysis the issue fixed in
20150422 also fixed the problem for --tmux.

Sun Apr 26 14:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150422:

* Security fix: A local attacker could make a user overwrite one
of his own files with a single byte when using --compress,
- -tmux, --pipe, --cat or --fifo when guessing random file names
within a time window of 15 ms. [boo#928664]

* --shuf will generate all jobs, and shuffle them before running
them. This is useful to get a quick preview of the results before
running the full batch.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Sun Mar 22 13:00:00 2015
- Avoid SLE11SP3 build failure by not mixing %doc with %_docdir/%name
in the files list.
- Split documentation (82%) into separate package per
rpmlint suggestion

Sun Mar 22 13:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150322:

* --number-of-cores respects \'taskset\' on GNU/Linux.

* --joblog --pipe gives the data send and received in the log.

* GNU Parallel was tested to support 100 GB sized records in
- -pipe. A few bugs was fixed to support >2 GB records. It works,
but is rather slow.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- remove fdupes, not required

Thu Mar 5 13:00:00 2015
- GNU parallel 20150222:

* --tmux has gotten a major overhaul.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.
- includes changes from 20150122:

* Remote jobs now send stderr (standard error) to stderr
(standard error) instead of stdout (standard output).

* Remote execution command is now packed using base64 encoded
bzip2. This means that big environments (app. 100 KB) can be
transferred. This change makes remote execution alpha quality.

* --semaphoretimeout now takes a negative value. This means give
up if the semaphore is not gotten within the timeout.

* --halt -1 and -2 now means halt if a job succeeds (so the
opposite of 1 and 2).

* --no-keep-order will reverse --keep-order.

* Bash\'s second fix of shellshock caused --env to break again
when exporting functions. This has been fixed again.

* A semibig refactoring of big functions. All non-trivial
functions are now less than 100 lines. The refactoring makes
this release beta quality.

* A description of the design decisions for GNU Parallel can be
found in \'man parallel_design\'.

* A bug fix in replacement strings caused rewrite of the
replacement function. This makes use of replacement strings
alpha quality.

* Bug fixes and man page updates.

Mon Dec 8 13:00:00 2014
- Update to new upstream release 20141122

* Remote systems can be divided into hostgroups (e.g. web and db)
by prepending \'AATTgroupname/\' to the sshlogin. Multiple groups can
be given by separating groups with \'+\'.
E.g. AATTweb/www1 AATTweb+db/www2 AATTdb/mariadb

* Remote execution can be restricted to servers that are part of
one or more groups by \'AATTgroupname\' as an sshlogin. Multiple
groups can be given by separating groups with \'+\'.
E.g. -S AATTweb or -S AATTdb+web

Wed Aug 6 14:00:00 2014
- Update to new upstream release 20140722

* {= perl expression =} can be used as replacement string. The
expression should modify $_. E.g. {= s/\\.gz$// =} to remove .gz
from the string. This makes replacement strings extremely flexible.

* Positional perl expressions (similar to {2}) are given as
{=2 perl expression=} where 2 is the position.

* One small backwards incompatability: {1}_{2} will replace {2}
with the empty string if there is only one argument. Previously,
{2} would have been left untouched.

* Replacement strings can be defined using --rpl. E.g. parallel
- -rpl \'{.gz} s/\\.gz$//\' echo {.gz} :::

* --tmux will direct the output to a tmux session instead of files.
Each running jobs will be in its own window.

* --halt 10% will stop spawning new jobs if 10% failed so far.

Sat Jun 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to new upstream release 20140622

* The \"--pipepart\" option works with \"--header\", \"--regexp\",
\"--cat\" and \"--fifo\".

* \"{%}\" works as job slot.

Mon May 26 14:00:00 2014
- Update to new upstream release 20130522

* --tollef has been retired. The format of --eta and --joblog has
changed slightly.

* added --pipepart, a highly efficient alternative to --pipe if the
input is a real file and not a pipe. If using --cat or --fifo
with --pipe, the {} in the command will be replaced with the name
of a physical file and a fifo respectively containing the block
from --pipe.

* --controlmaster is no longer experimental.

* --env is now copied when determining CPUs on remote system. It is
useful for copying $PATH if parallel is not in the normal path.

* --results now chops the argument if the argument is longer than
the allowed path length.

Sat Nov 23 13:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20131122

* A citation notice is printed on stderr only if stderr is a
terminal, the user has not specified --no-notice, and the user
has not run --bibtex once.

* --compress will compress temporary files.

* --compress-program controls which program to use for compressing
temporary files.

* --bar shows progress as a progress bar compatible with zenity.

* --resume can now be used with --result:
jobs already run will be skipped.

* --transfer and --basefile support paths relative to the --workdir
by inserting /./ into the path.

Mon Oct 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20131022

* Using --transfer with files containing /./ in the path will copy
the files relative to the --workdir. The maximal command length
is now cached in a file, halving the startup time.

Mon Sep 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20130922

* PDF-files of documentation is now included. Bugfixes and man page
updates have been made.
- Remove fix-pod-syntax.diff (merged upstream)

Wed Aug 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20130722

* --round-robin with --pipe will now write all blocks to
already-running jobs.

* --env can now transfer the Bash function for remote execution.

Sun Jun 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20130522

* --ctrlc is now the default if --pipe is not used, making it
possible to kill remotely-started jobs simply by pressing Ctrl-C.

* --timeout 200% now means \"kill jobs which take more than twice
the time of the median runtime of a job\".

* Jobs are now distributed round-robin when having mulitiple
- -sshlogin, instead of filling up one --sshlogin at a time.
- Update to new upstream release 20130622

* --xapply now recycles arguments if an input source has more
arguments than others.

* The sleep time between jobs is now both increased and decreased

Thu Jun 20 14:00:00 2013
- add fix-pod-syntax.diff to fix build with perl 5.18

Wed May 8 14:00:00 2013
- Update to new upstream release 20130422

* --ctrlc will send SIGINT to tasks running on remote computers and
thus killing them.

* --load now uses `ps` to see immediately see the number of running
processes instead of `uptime` thus making --load react much faster.

* --retries works with --onall.

* --nice works under tcsh.
- Ship license file and do tarball signature verification

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013
- Initial package (version 20130222) for