Changelog for
ktexteditor-5.23.0-1.5.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.23.0
* Fix default encoding to UTF-8 (kde#62604)
* Fix color configurability of default style \"Error\"
* Search & Replace: Fix replace background color (regression
introduced in v5.22) (kde#63441)
* New color scheme \"Breeze Dark\", see
* KateUndoManager::setUndoRedoCursorOfLastGroup(): pass Cursor
as const reference
* sql-postgresql.xml improve syntax highlighting by
ignoring multiline function bodies
* Add syntax highlighting for Elixir and Kotlin
* VHDL syntax highlighting in ktexteditor: add support for
functions inside architecture statements
* vimode: Don\'t crash when given a range for a nonexistent
command (kde#60418)
* Properly remove composed characters when using Indic locales
* For more details please see:
Sat May 7 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.22.0 (boo#980066)
* Use proper char syntax \'\"\' instead of \'\\\"\'
* doxygen.xml: Use default style dsAnnotation for \"Custom Tags\"
as well (less hard-coded colors)
* Add option to show the counter of words
* Improved foreground color contrast for search & replace
* Fix crash when closing Kate through dbus while the print
dialog is open (kde##356813)
* Cursor::isValid(): add note about isValidTextPosition()
* Add API {Cursor, Range}::{toString, static fromString}
* For more details please see:
Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.21.0 (boo#974793)
* Revert \"Open/Save config page: Use term \"Folder\" instead
of \"Directory\"\"
* Open/Save config page: Use term \"Folder\" instead of \"Directory\"
* kateschemaconfig.cpp: use correct filters with open/save dialogs
* c.xml: use default style for control flow keywords
* isocpp.xml: use default style \"dsControlFlow\" for control
flow keywords
* c/isocpp: add more C standard types
* KateRenderer::lineHeight() returns an int
* printing: use font size from selected printing schema
* cmake.xml speedup: Use WordDetect instead of RegExpr
* Change tab with to 4 instead of 8
* Fix changing the current line number color
* Fix selecting completion item with the mouse (kde#307052)
* Add syntax highlighting for gcode
* Fix the MiniMap selection background painting
* Fix encoding for gap.xml (use UTF-8)
* Fix nested comment blocks (kde#358692)
* Upgrade Qt version requirement to 5.4.0
* For more details please see:
- Drop upstreamed 0001-Fix-Clazy-fix-mistake-that-broke-selection-handling-.patch
Sun Mar 27 14:00:00 2016
- Added 0001-Fix-Clazy-fix-mistake-that-broke-selection-handling-.patch
Sun Mar 6 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.20.0 (boo#970856)
* Fix highlighting of all occurences in ReadOnlyPart
* Don\'t iterate over a QString as if it was a QStringList
* Properly initialize static QMaps
* Prefer toDisplayString(QUrl::PreferLocalFile)
* Support surrogate character sending from input method
* Do not crash on shutdown when text animation is still running
* For more details please see:
Sat Feb 6 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.19.0 (boo#967668)
* Better behaviour for \"insert braces around\" autobrace feature
* Change option key to enforce new default,
Newline at End of File = true
* Remove some suspicious setUpdatesEnabled calls (kde#353088)
* Delay emitting of verticalScrollPositionChanged until all stuff
is consistent for folding (kde#342512)
* Patch updating tag substitution (kde#330634)
* Only update the palette once for the change event
belonging to qApp (kde#358526)
* Append newlines at EOF by default
* Add NSIS syntax highlighting file
* For more details please see:
Sat Jan 2 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 5.18.0
* Syntax h/l for pli: builtin functions added, expandable regions added
* For more details please see:
Thu Dec 10 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.17.0
* Add syntax highlighting for TaskJuggler and PL/I
* Make it possible to disable keyword-completion via
the config interface.
* Resize the tree when the completion model got reset.
* For more details please see:
Sun Nov 8 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.16.0 (boo#955067)
* highlighting: gnuplot: add .plt extension
* fix validation hint, add hint about the compile time validation
* Don\'t crash when command is not available.
* Fix kde##307107
* Haskell highlighting variables starting with _
* simplify git2 init, given we require recent enough version
* bundle default configs in resource
* syntax highlighting (d-g): use default styles instead of
hard-coded colors
* better scripts search, first user local stuff, then the stuff
in our resources, then all other stuff, that way the user can
overwrite our shipped scripts with local ones
* package all js stuff in resources, too, only 3 config files
missing and ktexteditor could be just used as a library without
any bundled files
* next try: put all bundled xml syntax files into a resource
* add input mode switch shortcut (kde#347769)
* bundle xml files in resource
* syntax highlighting (a-c): migrate to new default styles, remove
hard-coded colors
* syntax highlighting: remove hard-coded colors and use
default styles instead
* syntax highlighting: use new default styles
(removes hard-coded colors)
* Better \"Import\" default style
* Introduce \"Save As with Encoding\" to save a file with different
encoding, using the nice grouped encoding menu we have and
replacing all save dialogs with the correct ones of the
operating system without loosing this important feature.
* bundle ui file into lib, using my extension to xmlgui
* Printing again honors the selected font & color schema
* Use breeze colors for saved and modified lines
* Improved icon border default colors of scheme \"Normal\"
* autobrace: only insert brace when next letter is empty or
not alphanumeric
* autobrace: if removing start parenthesis with backspace,
remove end as well
* autobrace: only establish connection once
* Autobrace: eat closing parentheses under some conditions
* Fix shortcutoverride not being forwarded to the mainwindow
* Bug 342659 - Default \"bracket highlighting\" color is hard to see
(Normal schema fixed) (kde#342659)
* Add proper default colors for \"Current Line Number\" color
* bracket matching & auto-brackets: share code
* bracket matching: guard against negative maxLines
* bracket matching: just because the new range matches the old
doesn\'t mean no update is required
* Add the width of half a space to allow painting the cursor at EOL
* fix some HiDPI issues in the icon border
* fix kde##310712: remove trailing spaces also on line with cursor
* only display \"mark set\" message when vi input mode is active
* remove & from button text (kde#345937)
* fix update of current line number color (kde#340363)
* implement brackets insert on writing a bracket over a selection
* auto brackets (kde#350317)
* fix alert HL (kde#344442)
* no column scrolling with dyn word wrap on
* remember if highlighting was set by user over sessions to not
loose it on save after restore (kde#332605)
* fix folding for tex (kde#328348)
* fixed kde##327842: End of C-style comment is misdetected (kde#327842)
* save/restore dyn word wrap on session save/restore (kde#284250)
* For more details please see:
Mon Oct 5 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.15.0
* Validate more regexp
* Fix regexps in HL files (kde#352662)
* Sync ocaml HL with state of
before google code is down, some small bugfixes
* Add word-break (kde#352258)
* Validate line before calling folding stuff (kde#339894)
* Fix Kate word count issues by listening to DocumentPrivate
instead of Document (kde#353258)
* Update Kconfig syntax highlighting: add new operators from Linux 4.2
* Sync w/ KDE/4.14 kate branch
* Minimap: Fix scrollbar handle not being drawn with
scrollmarks off. (kde#352641)
* Syntax: Add git-user option for kdesrc-buildrc
* For more details please see:
Tue Sep 8 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.14.0
* Merge allocation of TextLineData and ref count block.
* Change default keyboard shortcut for \"go to previous editing line\"
* Syntax highlighting Haskell comment fixes
* Speed up code-completion pop-up appearance
* minimap: Attempt to improve the look and feel (kde#309553)
* nested comments in Haskell syntax highlighting
* Fix problem with wrong unindent for python (kde#351190)
* For more details please see:
Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.13.0
* The Qt version requirement has been bumped from 5.2 to 5.3
* Debug output has been ported to categorized output, for less
noise by default
* Docbook documentation has been reviewed and updated
* Guard default log level for Qt < 5.4.0, fix log cat name
* Add hl for Xonotic (kde#342265)
* Add Groovy HL (kde#329320)
* Update J highlighting (kde#346386)
* Make compile with MSVC2015
* Less iconloader use, fix more pixelated icons
* Enable/disable find all button on pattern changes
* Improved search & replace bar
* Remove useless ruler from powermode
* More slim search bar
* vi: Fix misreading of markType01 flag
* Use correct qualification to call base method.
* Remove checks, QMetaObject::invokeMethod guards itself
against that already.
* Fix HiDPI issues with color pickers
* Cleanup coe: QMetaObject::invokeMethod is nullptr safe.
* More comments
* Change the way the interfaces are null safe
* Only output warnings and above per default
* Remove todos from the past
* Use QVarLengthArray to save the temporary QVector iteration.
* Move the hack to indent group labels to construction time.
* Fixup some serious issues with the KateCompletionModel in
tree mode.
* Fix broken model design, which relied on Qt 4 behavior.
* Obey umask rules when saving new file (kde#343158)
* Add meson HL
* As Varnish 4.x introduces various syntax changes compared to
Varnish 3.x, I wrote additional, separate syntax highlighting
files for Varnish 4 (varnish4.xml, varnishtest4.xml).
* Fix HiDPI issues
* vimode: don\'t crash if the
command gets executed in the
end of a document. (kde#350299)
* Support QML multi-line strings.
* Fix syntax of oors.xml
* Add CartoCSS hl by Lukas Sommer (kde#340756)
* Fix floating point HL, use the inbuilt Float like in C
* Split directions did got reversed (kde#348845)
* Bug 348317 - [PATCH] Katepart syntax highlighting should
recognize \\u0123 style escapes for JavaScript (kde#348317)
* Add
*.cljs (kde#349844)
* Update the GLSL highlighting file.
* Fixed default colors to be more distinguishable
* For more details please see:
Sun Jul 5 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.12.0
* debianchangelog.xml: add Debian/Stretch, Debian/Buster, Ubuntu-Wily
* Fix for UTF-16 surrogate pair backspace/delete behavior.
* Let QScrollBar handle the WheelEvents (kde#340936)
* Apply patch from KWrite devel top update pure basic HL
* For more details please see:
Sun Jun 7 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.11.0
* Allow like in KDE 4.x times 3rdparty apps/plugins to install
own highlighting XML files into katepart5/syntax
* Add KTextEditor::Document::searchText()
* Bring back use of KEncodingFileDialog (kde#343255)
* For more details please see:
Sun May 3 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.10.0
* For more details please see:
Sat Apr 4 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.9.0
* Add kdesrc-buildrc highlighting file
* syntax: added support for binary integer literals in the PHP
highlighting file
* For more details please see:
Thu Mar 19 13:00:00 2015
- Add explicit kiconthemes-devel BuildRequires
Sat Mar 7 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.8.0
* Add word count statistics in statusbar
* vimode: fix crash when removing last line in Visual Line mode
* For more details please see:
Sun Feb 8 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.7.0
* Fixed high-precision touchpad scrolling
* Do not emit documentUrlChanged during reload
* Do not break cursor position on document reload in
lines with tabs
* Do not re(un)fold the first line if it was
manually (un)folded
* vimode: command history through arrow keys
* Do not try to create a digest when we get
a KDirWatch::deleted() signal
* Performance: remove global initializations
* For more details please see:
Sat Jan 3 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 5.6.0
* Fix build on MSVC.
* vimode bugfixes
* add syntax file for Oracle PL/SQL
* ppd highlighting: better support for multiline values
* For more details please see:
Sat Dec 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.5.0
* Fix kde#340212: incorrect soft-tabs alignment after
* Add libgit2 compile-time check for threads support
* For more details please see:
Sun Nov 2 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.4.0
* Implement \"go to last editing position\" action
* Guard against a possibly broken code folding state on disk
* For more details please see:
Sat Oct 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.0
* Multiple memory leaks fixed
* Avoid auto-completion to interfere with search/replace text
(kde#339130), and more autocompletion fixes
* Many fixes to the VIM mode
* For more details please see:
- Added libgit2-devel BuildRequires
Tue Sep 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.2.0
* For more details please see:
- Added pkgconfig(Qt5Xml) and pkgconfig(Qt5XmlPatterns) BuildRequires
Sat Aug 2 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.1.0
* For more details please see:
Fri Jul 11 14:00:00 2014
- Define kf5_version within package
Tue Jul 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.0.0
* Final release of KDE Frameworks 5
* API improvements and cleanups
* Buildsystem fixes
* For more details please see:
Sun Jun 1 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 4.100.0
* API improvements and cleanups
* Buildsystem fixes
* For more details please see:
- Add baselibs.conf
Sun May 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 4.99.0
* API improvements and cleanups
* Buildsystem fixes
* For more details please see:
Tue Apr 22 14:00:00 2014
- Removed sonnet-devel from devel package requires, not needed
Sat Mar 29 13:00:00 2014
- Activate KTextEditor package