Changelog for adagios-1.5.0-11.3.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Jul 24 14:00:00 2014 Danilo Godec - adapt the spec file for OpenSuSE build service
Wed Aug 28 14:00:00 2013 Pall Sigurdsson 1.2.4-1 - Fix syntax error in adagios.conf (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - More button made part of the action_buttons block (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/perfdata2 - fix link to services (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/hostgroups - checkboxes next to hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added more button for extra actions in status view (tommiAATTtommi.org) - New view /status/perfdata2 (palliAATTopensource.is) - hostgrouplist refactored to use snippet (palliAATTopensource.is) - status_detail layout changes (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update debian package (palliAATTopensource.is) - Moved WSGIProcessGroup within (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Debian package directory created (palliAATTopensource.is) - adagios.conf - Clarifications to default values (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py - python paths for apache fixes (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py - pep8 cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - BI - Fix reference to non-existing localhost (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updates to status_detail look (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser/forms.py pep8 cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - BI - cleanup in views.py (palliAATTopensource.is) - BI - urls.py allow for any process_type (palliAATTopensource.is) - BI: macro resolving updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Performance: adagios.bi resolve macros only once per instance (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: urls for pnp4nagios edit file (palliAATTopensource.is) - Minor updates to BI module (palliAATTopensource.is) - PEP8 fix (palliAATTopensource.is) - BI unit tests moved to tests.py (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: path issues in bi (palliAATTopensource.is) - Business Intelligence moved from status to its own module (palliAATTopensource.is) - bi: Macro support in human friendly status (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: links on static BI pages (palliAATTopensource.is) - added static BI view for iceland.adagios.org (palliAATTopensource.is) - cleanup for static BI pages (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - incremental updates to BI (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - scripts->static_businessprocess.py - incremental updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - status -> forms: pep8 cleanups (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: BI add graphs typo (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update status_error.html - Fix typo (mikecom32AATTgmail.com) - scripts directory created (palliAATTopensource.is) - status->services: Put a timed refresh on 30seconds (palliAATTopensource.is) - selectable class added to status.html and status_detail.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - selectable class added to status.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - enhanchement: links on state_history view (palliAATTopensource.is) - new status/rest function \'get\' (palliAATTopensource.is) - base status updates to javascript (palliAATTopensource.is) - javascript updates to select2 objects query (palliAATTopensource.is) - css: nomargin class added (palliAATTopensource.is) - update servicelist checkboxes to new status standard (palliAATTopensource.is) - checkboxes on perfdata metrics (palliAATTopensource.is) - add subprocess and add graphs improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - CSS: links are bold again (for now) except on left_sidemenu (palliAATTopensource.is) - Create servicegroups view (palliAATTopensource.is) - fix typo in bpi forms (palliAATTopensource.is) - error handler on businessprocess graphs (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: business process add now redirects to edit after save (palliAATTopensource.is) - PNP graphs now have last_value attribute (palliAATTopensource.is) - Business Intelligence support last value of graph (palliAATTopensource.is) - adagios.businessprocess - pep8 cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - Business intelligence dashboard headers improved (palliAATTopensource.is) - better graph support in business intelligence module (palliAATTopensource.is) - PEP8 remove linebreak (palliAATTopensource.is) - status.views pep8 cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix: rest/pynag delete_object was using obsolete pynag code (palliAATTopensource.is) - New modules for custom pages (palliAATTopensource.is)
Thu Jul 4 14:00:00 2013 Pall Sigurdsson 1.2.3-1 - Fix check_command editor when effective command line returns null (palliAATTopensource.is)
Fri May 24 14:00:00 2013 Your Name 1.2.1-2 - Remove remaining javascript alerts alert() (palliAATTopensource.is) - Host aliases displayed in status detail (palliAATTopensource.is) - clean up settings.py so unittests work again (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix select all functionality, using obsolete attr for clicked (tommiAATTtommi.org) - objectbrowser->status view, assume return code 1 is DOWN (palliAATTopensource.is) - DEPENDENCIES file deprecated by requirements.txt (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/overview: top_alert_producers spinner refactored (palliAATTopensource.is) - Remove direct access to /misc/edit_file (palliAATTopensource.is) - Dashboard, fix incorrect counting of network parents (palliAATTopensource.is) - nagios->Service better error handling (palliAATTopensource.is) - Friendlier error message for pnp4nagios errors (palliAATTopensource.is) - hostgroup_name changed from choicefield to textfield (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/error cosmetic changes (palliAATTopensource.is) - gitlog: run git.show internally instead of git.diff (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache config: Change apache auth name (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser: Unused cancel button removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix objectbrowser/advanced errors being lost (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/services: new querystring parameter: unhandled (palliAATTopensource.is) - edit nagios.cfg: Fix cache not being invalidated (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig->addtemplate Hide host templates from list of templates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix typo in smart_str (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/services -> include chat icon for comments (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/error -> update name of check-mk-livestatus deb package (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/detail - Reintroduce image preview on pnp4nagios graphs (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/error - minor cosmetic patch (palliAATTopensource.is) - nagios.cfg default location set to None (palliAATTopensource.is) - status/error/ friendlier error messages if livestatus is not running (palliAATTopensource.is) - /status/log/ mk-livestatus not needed in this view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix javascript errors on pages that don\'t have searchbox (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig install_agent error now has dynamic path to nsclient (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig/install - Friendlier error messages (palliAATTopensource.is) - update outdated rest function get_object() (palliAATTopensource.is) - bugfix in status/detail. Custom variable editing fixed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Changed version information on frontpage (palliAATTopensource.is) - Revert \"Removed editfile functionality, was not used anywhere.\" (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix bug where host commands where treated as service commands in status_detail (palliAATTopensource.is) - Removed editfile functionality, was not used anywhere. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fix unhandled exception in git eventhandler integration (palliAATTopensource.is) - Make PNP path configurable (palliAATTopensource.is) - New config option: enable_authorization (palliAATTopensource.is) - Meta refresh removed from base_status (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - clean extra middleware (palliAATTopensource.is) - Issue #119 - json based updating of variables after jquery update broken (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - send email.. properly check all checkboxes (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Issue #90 - Removed alert from a couple more places (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Issue #90 - Removed alert from run check command (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Updated descriptions (tommiAATTtommi.org) - okconfig->addservice display service_description (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser->edit host fix typos (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updated links to project site and bug reports (palliAATTopensource.is) - Temporarily disable access control (palliAATTopensource.is) - README.md - drop link to github issue tracker (palliAATTopensource.is) - status.utils.get_hosts() (palliAATTopensource.is) - adding requirements.txt (palliAATTopensource.is) - README.md - Fix typo (thanks lebean) (palliAATTopensource.is) - send email -> message is now optional (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig -> fix broken link in breadcrumbs (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix unhandled traceback when services_with_info does not exist in livestatus. (palliAATTopensource.is) - /misc/mail/ add option to acknowledge problems when emails are sent out (palliAATTopensource.is) - /rest/: switch to non-greedy regex to avoid trailing-slash errors (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix unicode error handling in object browser (palliAATTopensource.is) - Javascript template update (palliAATTopensource.is) - adagios/init: code cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - rest/views: cleanup extra print statements (palliAATTopensource.is) - REST: fix unhandled exception in host acknowledgements (palliAATTopensource.is) - adagiostags - duration should say days when in plural (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Apr 30 14:00:00 2013 Pall Sigurdsson 1.2.0-2 - Moved time selection in downtime to back (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added datetimepicker to adagios.js and implmented downtime (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fix link to nagiosaurus web interface (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes to layout for datetimepicker and disabled slider (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Status view: Fix traceback when okconfig is installed, but no config files present (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'gh-pages\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Updates demo website URL (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Create gh-pages branch via GitHub (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Create gh-pages branch via GitHub (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Create gh-pages branch via GitHub (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Create README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - /rest/pynag/add_object method created (palliAATTopensource.is) - Allow columns=False parameter to livestatus. Workaround for livestatus bug (palliAATTopensource.is) - google map, fix link to service checks (palliAATTopensource.is) - Big screen problems renamed to dashboard (palliAATTopensource.is) - CNAME: Removed www. from adagios.org (palliAATTopensource.is) - adagios.org domains added to CNAME (palliAATTopensource.is) - Create gh-pages branch via GitHub (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Create gh-pages branch via GitHub (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added slider for time selection (tommiAATTtommi.org) - minor changes to send email feature (palliAATTopensource.is) - updated layout for emails (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Google map, added polylines for network parents (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Bugfix in send_mail, add_myself_to_cc was not read (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updated Send mail feature, add_myself_to_cc added (palliAATTopensource.is) - http referer updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updates to send mail feature (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updated \"send email\" feature (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Updates to host lists and hostgroup lists (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added bootstrap-datepicker for previous patch (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added datepicker to Status / Log (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - error handlers added on all status views (palliAATTopensource.is) - Layout expirements for big screen view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Layout expirements for big screen view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Layout expirements for big screen view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Performance tuning for overview and services (palliAATTopensource.is) - contactgroup detail page and contact detail page updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - problems view now uses default table (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix zero divisionerror in frontpage (palliAATTopensource.is) - remove unneeded class=1 query parameter (palliAATTopensource.is) - improvements to problems view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Prevent run check command event firing when no id (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Unhandled problems now excludes downtime in top header (palliAATTopensource.is) - Send mail to field changed to select2 field (palliAATTopensource.is) - Send email button added to base status (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix for csrf token code (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added cookie based csrf protection for posts (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fix hardcoded paths in /status/overview/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Closes #98 Clear error in run_plugin (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed obsolete .live for .on (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixed a href selector for tab selection (tommiAATTtommi.org) - remove extra print statements (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - More work on send email functionality (palliAATTopensource.is) - Remove stale table.table modifications (palliAATTopensource.is) - Remove spinner from unhandled problems (palliAATTopensource.is) - Removed datepicker reference, not used. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed reference to old pnp/js code (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Upgraded to jquery 1.9.1 (tommiAATTtommi.org) - /status/ performance tuning (palliAATTopensource.is) - Prototype of send email form (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix check_nagios_running() fail on first load (palliAATTopensource.is) - Layout tweaks for rest module (palliAATTopensource.is) - Performance tweaks for status view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Disable plugin execution in demo environment. (palliAATTopensource.is) - rest calls created for log fetching (palliAATTopensource.is) - /rest/status/hosts and /rest/status/services (palliAATTopensource.is) - search box works again for _status_combined (palliAATTopensource.is) - Network parent tree in status_detail (palliAATTopensource.is) - error handler minor bugfixes (palliAATTopensource.is) - misc/service view migrated to base_status look (palliAATTopensource.is) - fix google chrome btn group wrap bug (palliAATTopensource.is) - Startup() code in adagios module moved to objectbrowser (palliAATTopensource.is) - First installment of error_page decorator (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor improvements to error page (palliAATTopensource.is) - Copy service now supports changing service_description (palliAATTopensource.is) - 90sec refresh set to all status pages. (palliAATTopensource.is) - bugfix, keyerror when host has no services (palliAATTopensource.is) - reapply search box feature (palliAATTopensource.is) - sort order for hostgruops changed (palliAATTopensource.is) - hostgroup updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - New css class progress-bar-unknown (palliAATTopensource.is) - pynag.Utils.grep now used for services and hostgroup views (palliAATTopensource.is) - UTF-8 handling applied to all forms in objectbrowser and okconfig (palliAATTopensource.is) - incremental updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix traceback in LogFiles() when nagios.cfg is not in a common place. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Format fix, spaces in calculations (tommiAATTtommi.org) - improve git log layout (palliAATTopensource.is) - Show host custom variables in service detail (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix unhandled exception when invalid check_command is defined (palliAATTopensource.is) - Colored coded diff in gitlog (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig automatic git commit on add templates (needs latest okconfig) (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser.Forms now use Attributelist to split contact_groups style fields (palliAATTopensource.is) - New view: /misc/images/ for the old nagios icon_images (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Experimental Perfdata view added (palliAATTopensource.is) - More descriptive placeholder for timestamp fields (palliAATTopensource.is) - More unittests added (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser -> Forms -> Default value for single choice fields is now a blank value (palliAATTopensource.is) - font-size for host table now same as services and hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - changes to sidemenu (palliAATTopensource.is) - Unit Tests added for troubleshooting purposes. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Single hostgroup view improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - status_contact comment feed now uses the new snippet (palliAATTopensource.is) - updates to hostgroup view for a single hostgroup. status_contact updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Put a placeholder with inherited value (palliAATTopensource.is) - Inherited attributes visible in objectbrowser (palliAATTopensource.is) - Minor improvements to git log. Git log now available in the contact_detail view (palliAATTopensource.is) - incremental updates. New Comments and Downtime views added (palliAATTopensource.is) - Make sure status views honor nagios.cfg location set in adagios.conf file (palliAATTopensource.is) - misc.helpers should always use the nagios.cfg specified in adagios.conf (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser custom variable and advanced tab improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - Some performance tweaks for large number of services if livestatus is enabled. (palliAATTopensource.is) - viewing contact details, now shows the services they can see (palliAATTopensource.is) - Incremental updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix broken links in okconfig/addcomplete (palliAATTopensource.is) - incremental changes (palliAATTopensource.is) - Improvements to comments and contacts views (palliAATTopensource.is) - Comments added back to services view (palliAATTopensource.is) - Don\'t try to display logs if there are no recent log entries. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Resolved conflicts (palliAATTopensource.is) - Resolved conflicts (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Status view now has contact information (palliAATTopensource.is) - Status view now has contact information (palliAATTopensource.is) - Log view moved from experimental. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Autocomplete api in /rest/status/autocomplete (palliAATTopensource.is) - top_alert_producers number now includes only log messages with state other than OK (palliAATTopensource.is) - Incremental updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Host down not shown if host parent is also down (palliAATTopensource.is) - url pattern changed for states detail to avoid double slash problem (palliAATTopensource.is) - releasers updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - status overview, top alert number now links to log (palliAATTopensource.is) - Daily dosage of improvements * Fix google maps issues with bootstrap * Delete object now works with shortnames, delete object button works now in status_detail * status circles now spin if problem is unhandled * status_detail history now more accurate * status_log now very functional (palliAATTopensource.is) - unneeded js cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - add new marker now creates popup by default (palliAATTopensource.is) - big update on status.. new map. Expirement with tiles instead of boxes (palliAATTopensource.is) - improvements to state history (palliAATTopensource.is) - rest/status/edit should save() (palliAATTopensource.is) - changed css class block so that shadows are now minor (palliAATTopensource.is) - remove keyerror (palliAATTopensource.is) - general status module improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - hook for unhandled problems added (palliAATTopensource.is) - extra print statements removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - notification tray removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Better titles for boxes (palliAATTopensource.is) - switched to white background (palliAATTopensource.is) - Log view added. Default page changed to status_index (palliAATTopensource.is) - New view: State History (palliAATTopensource.is) - match hostnames correctly when service_description has multiple / (palliAATTopensource.is) - layout tweaks for monitor01 (palliAATTopensource.is) - status improvements, new base1.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - layout updates ; new views in status (palliAATTopensource.is) - Various improvements to reschedule and acknowledge in status view (palliAATTopensource.is) - more work on acknowledge and schedule buttons (palliAATTopensource.is) - path fixes for status rest interface (palliAATTopensource.is) - status rest interface start. button functionality (palliAATTopensource.is) - hostgroup view changed into proper hierarchy. Service List condensed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Graph loading javascript made firefox compatible (palliAATTopensource.is) - Comments for service checks now pretty (palliAATTopensource.is) - multiselect selectbox added (palliAATTopensource.is) - Titles fixed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Tooltip added to progress bar (palliAATTopensource.is) - Firefox support for progress bars (palliAATTopensource.is) - switched to condensed tables (palliAATTopensource.is) - more layout changes in status. Network Parents added (palliAATTopensource.is) - hostgroup hosts hidden by default. hide empty hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - ajaxy graph loading (palliAATTopensource.is) - show check_command for hosts (palliAATTopensource.is) - needs_reload status is now changed directly after a reload (palliAATTopensource.is) - layout changes in status module (palliAATTopensource.is) - deprecation of base.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - PNP moved to seperate module (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor workarounds when no permission to run pnp, templatetags dded (palliAATTopensource.is) - PNP Integration. Status Improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - more status and livestatus updates (needs pynag master) (palliAATTopensource.is) - overall layout improvements in status module (palliAATTopensource.is) - status views moved to a seperate module (palliAATTopensource.is) - Event log and extra information added to host status (palliAATTopensource.is) - localhost:8000/misc/status/ improvements (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added jqplot (again... ) (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Enable advanced and geek to save new objects (palliAATTopensource.is) - Servicegroup view created and Service list fixed in sidebar (palliAATTopensource.is) - PNP Integration made visible in misc menubar Closes #58 (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser search no longer imports oldinvalid javascripts. Closes #83 (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor improvements to contactgroup hierarchy (palliAATTopensource.is) - Test implementation of jqplot (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Reworked view for editing hostgroup. Improved help texts for hosts and hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - Reworked view for editing contactgroup. Improved help texts for contacts and contactgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - test with contactgroup hierarchy (palliAATTopensource.is) - bugfix: Always use generic name when available if copying a template. Closes - Bugfix: host_name field incorrectly clean in objectbrowser->copy->service. Closes #84. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix sorting of keys in nagios.cfg (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added better looking objectbrowser/search (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added fataError javascript function (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #82 - Remove alert if unable to fetch new version (tommiAATTtommi.org) - objectbrowser->copy_object now handles templates better than before (palliAATTopensource.is) - pnp view bugfixes (palliAATTopensource.is) - improvements to pnp integration (palliAATTopensource.is) - elif removed from nagios_service view since it is not compatible with django 1.3.x (palliAATTopensource.is) - checkbox to wide patch from tomas re-applied (palliAATTopensource.is) - removed nagios_pid print statements (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor layout tweaks for pnp (palliAATTopensource.is) - merged (palliAATTopensource.is) - PNP Integration prototype (palliAATTopensource.is) - Textarea css for edit_file form (palliAATTopensource.is) - nagios_cfg variable exposed to all templates. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Closes #77 Unbind click handler before assigning new click handler (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #78 checkbox should not have width. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes to status and reload buttons (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #80 Fix bug where compared values were off (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - removed extra print statements (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - First pages commit (tommiAATTtommi.org)
Fri Oct 26 14:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.1.2-2 - fix block=smallheader boilerplates in misc module (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor cosmetic fixes in status cgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - Macro editing for hosts and services in objectbrowser (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Adding git reference to testing rpms (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - size patch for select2 fields (palliAATTopensource.is) - merged frontpage description with version check (palliAATTopensource.is) - frontpage description updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #56 - Implmented jsonp version checking (tommiAATTtommi.org) - tomhom (palliAATTopensource.is) - INSTALL removed in favour of README.md (palliAATTopensource.is) - Nagios service reload button reintroduced (palliAATTopensource.is) - pycharm inspection updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Nagios Service view now displays a notice if service needs to be reloaded (palliAATTopensource.is) - Bugfix where sudo was removed from init script path if provided. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added select2 functionality (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - ensure_ascii set to False for simplejson (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Improvements to objectbrowser/delete/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixes responsive design of ob->list->service shortname (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #75 - Removed hardcoded path for url resolver (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Minor cosmetic patch (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #31 - Major rework of IDs to fix jump on location.hash change (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - status.html added (palliAATTopensource.is) - exception handling broadened on objectbrowser views (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser unicode strings converted to bytestrings before being passed to pynag (palliAATTopensource.is) - Responsive - show service shortname on small devices (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes to responsive ob list (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Various fixes related to get_effective_contactgroups and get_effective_hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - experimental status view added and settings bugfix (palliAATTopensource.is) - Resize ob list working, implemented hiding column (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #61 - Implemented run_commands for okconfig/edithost (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Typo in warning message regarding uncommitted changes (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed dismissal of notifications and failure handling (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #72 - inconsistant labels on level=\"\" (tommiAATTtommi.org)
Fri Oct 26 14:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson - fix block=smallheader boilerplates in misc module (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor cosmetic fixes in status cgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - Macro editing for hosts and services in objectbrowser (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Adding git reference to testing rpms (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - size patch for select2 fields (palliAATTopensource.is) - merged frontpage description with version check (palliAATTopensource.is) - frontpage description updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #56 - Implmented jsonp version checking (tommiAATTtommi.org) - tomhom (palliAATTopensource.is) - INSTALL removed in favour of README.md (palliAATTopensource.is) - Nagios service reload button reintroduced (palliAATTopensource.is) - pycharm inspection updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Nagios Service view now displays a notice if service needs to be reloaded (palliAATTopensource.is) - Bugfix where sudo was removed from init script path if provided. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added select2 functionality (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - ensure_ascii set to False for simplejson (palliAATTopensource.is) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Improvements to objectbrowser/delete/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixes responsive design of ob->list->service shortname (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #75 - Removed hardcoded path for url resolver (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Minor cosmetic patch (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #31 - Major rework of IDs to fix jump on location.hash change (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - status.html added (palliAATTopensource.is) - exception handling broadened on objectbrowser views (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser unicode strings converted to bytestrings before being passed to pynag (palliAATTopensource.is) - Responsive - show service shortname on small devices (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes to responsive ob list (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Various fixes related to get_effective_contactgroups and get_effective_hostgroups (palliAATTopensource.is) - experimental status view added and settings bugfix (palliAATTopensource.is) - Resize ob list working, implemented hiding column (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #61 - Implemented run_commands for okconfig/edithost (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Typo in warning message regarding uncommitted changes (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed dismissal of notifications and failure handling (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #72 - inconsistant labels on level=\"\" (tommiAATTtommi.org)
Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.1.1-2 - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - reload_nagios button implemented (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixed multiple replace of adagios and ownership of files (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - added missing okconfig.conf (palliAATTopensource.is) - Modified file permissions on installed files in spec (tommiAATTtommi.org) - path fix in spec file (palliAATTopensource.is) - Removed line height for tables, sticking with defaults (tommiAATTtommi.org) - edithost redesigned, should be fully functional (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - template cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - Notify user if selinux is active (Closes #24) (palliAATTopensource.is) - help text improved for install_agent form (palliAATTopensource.is) - Rest module now raises exception if format is invalid. (palliAATTopensource.is) - Submit button added on edit_contact notification tab (palliAATTopensource.is) - Reorganized top navigation items (palliAATTopensource.is) - reload_nagios button implemented (palliAATTopensource.is) - New notification system for notification area on top-right (palliAATTopensource.is) - ObjectBrowser Add/Edit/Delete always visible when something is selected (tommiAATTtommi.org) - bulk copy feature implemented (palliAATTopensource.is) - Made click action more specific (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Moved actions to top of objectbrowser from sidebar and added copy (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Some more objectbrowser filter optimizations (tommiAATTtommi.org) - javascript converted to coffee and tuned objectbrowser and toolbar (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Pynag radiobuttons are now all have the same style (palliAATTopensource.is) - experimental new look for forms (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixes for numerous usability issues in ObjectBrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed mass select and datatables problems in Objectbrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - README updated to include features and link to project page (palliAATTopensource.is)
Sat Aug 18 14:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.1.0-2 - removed weird reference to unmangled version (palliAATTopensource.is)
Fri Aug 17 14:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.1.0-1 - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed okconfig/edit_host (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Update README.md (palli-githubAATTminor.is) - Added white glyphicons (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #12 New filtering and select all method for objectbrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - README updated to include features and link to project page (palliAATTopensource.is) - README updated to include features and link to project page (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fix tag mismatch in apache config file (palliAATTopensource.is) - pythonpath no longer hardcoded in apache config file (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #6 WSGI sitelib fix and added auth (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - error handling improved if wrong hostname specified (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added background image in gimp format. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Test mockup of okconfig_/edit_host (palliAATTopensource.is) - Error handling moved into main content (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Error handling for get_effective_command_line to catch invalid check_command references. (Closes #21) (palliAATTopensource.is) - avoid saving objects if only multichoicefield order has changed. (Closes #18) (palliAATTopensource.is) - link for view diff renamed to \'diff\' (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added gimp file for background (tommiAATTtommi.org) - * Monitor from main navigation now loads \"nagios_url\" * Delete button now accessable from sidebar for a single object * Effective check_command now displayed in sidebar * install_agent is now passwordfield (palliAATTopensource.is) - Changed display size of objectbrowser list (tommiAATTtommi.org) - New background which doesn\'t tile ugly (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed scrolling on objectbrowser list (tommiAATTtommi.org) - form/form fixed (palliAATTopensource.is) - improved error handling in okconfig add * forms. Closes issue #16 (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixed inverted condition for Force (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes invalid variable names from commit 220698125ce (tommiAATTtommi.org) - removed deprecated remove log (palliAATTopensource.is) - spec file rename of README and useradd adagios removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - sorrry (palliAATTopensource.is) - sorrry (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - added empty service as default in addservicetohost (palliAATTopensource.is) - glyph icons added to tabs in list_object_types (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Closes #15 - Implemented service macro javascript (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - addservicetoHost form now successfully accepts common macros (palliAATTopensource.is) - Closes #5 - Changed wsgi user to nagios from adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - #15 - Updates javascript code for service macros (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - multichoice select now have a default empty value. multichoice selects are now refreshed on every page lookup (palliAATTopensource.is) - Closes Issue #10 - Implemented global chosen on all select nodes (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Catching of IOErrors in views.py (palliAATTopensource.is) - add_service moved from objectbrowser to okconfig (palliAATTopensource.is) - Objectbrowser fields bootstrap standardized (palliAATTopensource.is) - various readme updates (this should close issue #9) (palliAATTopensource.is) - various readme updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - syntax fix (palliAATTopensource.is) - Readme updated to md format (palliAATTopensource.is) - gitlog added to menu under new working name object history (palliAATTopensource.is) - Bulk delete implemented. (palliAATTopensource.is) - /rest/pynag/copy_object implemented. (palliAATTopensource.is) - get_objects helper docstring clarified for issue #15 (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - inline_help_text attribute added to pynagmultichoicefield. fixes issue #14 (palliAATTopensource.is) - notification_options are now different for host and service. Fixes issue #3 (palliAATTopensource.is) - gitlog box removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - ObjectDefinition.get_id() changed from md5sum (palliAATTopensource.is) - filename argument removed in set_maincfg_attribute (palliAATTopensource.is) - \"contact us\" link changed to an email address (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge remote-tracking branch \'github/master\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Re-arranged objectbrowser list tabs (tommiAATTtommi.org) - radiobuttons, now use all of PynagRadioWidget (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of github.com:opinkerfi/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - PynagRadioWidget now has an initial state (fixes issue #4) (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added nagios.cfg save functionality. (tommiAATTopensource.is) - New objectbrowser/nagios.cfg (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Progress bar green and andded span11 to inputs (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed form placement on tabs in OB (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Tab overflow fix and Django 1.3 compatibility (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Added servicestate to top bar in edit service (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Added progressbar for longer checks (tommiAATTtommi.org) - run_check_command jquery\'ized. Fixed bug with refresh. (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Badly formatted html quote fixed (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Run Check Command, fix javascript and formatting (tommiAATTtommi.org) - fixed typo (palliAATTopensource.is) - sidebar only shows geek edit if there is an object (palliAATTopensource.is) - refactoring and bugfixes related to advanced_form (palliAATTopensource.is) - prototype for new gitlog view using dulwich python module (palliAATTopensource.is) - templates for every hosttype added bugfixes in pynagform (palliAATTopensource.is) - footer block added (palliAATTopensource.is) - fixed tab-spacing issues (palliAATTopensource.is) - Error notification code moved from base to header.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - exception clause to broad (palliAATTopensource.is) - cleanup and minor refactoring of templates (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Started working on edit_configfile for nagios.cfg (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Removed bootstrap-modal, not used (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - minor cleanup in config_health (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixed no right margin (tommiAATTtommi.org) - More fixes to layout after mega merge (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixes to newly added html files with bad URLs (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Major cleanup of media/ and converted to bootstrap fluid layout (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Fixes after an unsuccessful merge (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Changed layout of run check plugin and added support for stderr (tommiAATTopensource.is) - nagios_url added to template view. effective_parents now visible on page (palliAATTopensource.is) - effective command_line reintroduced (palliAATTopensource.is) - menubar updates (palliAATTopensource.is) - sidebar extended to display related objects (palliAATTopensource.is) - Relative URLs for usage through WSGI and subdirs enabled (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - Minor cosmetic changes (palliAATTopensource.is) - Settings page reworked. (palliAATTopensource.is) - okconfig sidebar moved from snippet to block sidebar in base_okconfig.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser sidebar moved from snippet to block sidebar in base_objectbrowser.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - titles on all pages fixed (palliAATTopensource.is) - timeperiod support improved (and more) (palliAATTopensource.is) - objectbrowser snippified (palliAATTopensource.is) - Install instructions for rhel6 (palliAATTopensource.is) - list of templates and groups is now refreshed every time a form is loaded (palliAATTopensource.is) - Removed contact_us and put up links to adagios website (tommiAATTtommi.org) - cleanup of print statements (palliAATTopensource.is) - template cleanups related to new base2.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - various pep8 fixes. forms.py cleanups (palliAATTopensource.is) - Missing templates/snippets/sidebar.html added (palliAATTopensource.is) - django.core.context_processors.tz removed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Changes template to new base2.html template (palliAATTopensource.is) - template name added to addhost form (palliAATTopensource.is) - fixed evil brokenness (palliAATTopensource.is) - Checked update on select visible (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added \"Select Visible\" to objectbrowser (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Various fixes to css and javascript, pycharm corrections (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Bulk edit enabled and bulk delete as well (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Edit many enabled from objectbrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added datatable to edit_many, fixed delete_many url (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Default to bootstrap headers for datatables (tommiAATTopensource.is) - Removed static URLs for url addobject and bulk functions (tommiAATTtommi.org) - On demand loading of OB and # anchor bookmarkable (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added missing file from previous commit (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Implemented active navigation item (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed /misc/ from urls.py (tommiAATTtommi.org) - setuptools files ignored (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added default objectbrowser list length, 48 rows (tommiAATTtommi.org) - cleanup of old unused templates (palliAATTopensource.is) - deprecated configurator module moved (palliAATTopensource.is) - Code cleanup, pycharm inspection cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - helpers.py moved from configurator module to misc module (palliAATTopensource.is) - dnslookup() cleanup (palliAATTopensource.is) - Revoke all the evil that was inflicted on us in 9f460665f5b7e305ef4ce524e805df050c002b01 (palliAATTopensource.is) - geek_edit complete erronously redirected you to add new object page (palliAATTopensource.is) - Cleanup and removed \"run any module\" feature. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Minor code cleanup (tommiAATTtommi.org) - dnslookup now returns error on failure (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed erroneous filter (tommiAATTtommi.org) - missing delete_object.html added (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - delete object support added (palliAATTopensource.is) - Datatable id fixed and column ordering and filter (tommiAATTtommi.org) - use, register and name fields hardcoded into pynagform (palliAATTopensource.is) - Link changed for delete object (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added lookup of services within a template. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed unused code. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - .idea settings file put to .gitignore (palliAATTopensource.is) - choosehost template added (palliAATTopensource.is) - boostrap style forms now have bootstrap tooltip like objectbrowser implemented previously (palliAATTopensource.is) - PynagRadioWidget created to handle 0/1 attributes (palliAATTopensource.is) - edit host templates feature polished and added to menu (palliAATTopensource.is) - edit_many bugfixed and streamlined (palliAATTopensource.is) - Made some tests with layout of \'use\' inheritance (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Make \"Run Check Plugin\" not display for templates (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fix top spacing on navigation for narrow browsers (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed debug print statements (tommiAATTtommi.org) - DNS resolve host_name in addhost and chosen form (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Moved rest URLs from urls.py and re-fitted dnslookups in rest (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added dependencies file (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - bulk edit prototype put in (palliAATTopensource.is) - forms updated to use a new snipped bootstrap_fields (palliAATTopensource.is) - url updated for bulk edit (palliAATTopensource.is) - help_text set on form fields in okconfig (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Frontpage made nicer. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - removed peculiar print statement (palliAATTopensource.is) - Problem badge added, removed OB debug box, styling (tommiAATTtommi.org) - ObjectBrowser now loads services first (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Cleanup of javascript code (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added preloading of objects on startup (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added preloading of pynag objects on startup (tommiAATTtommi.org) - view_parents and view_nagioscfg were previously renamed to edit_. Fixed (palliAATTopensource.is) - Renamed view_ functions to edit_ (palliAATTopensource.is) - Made error messages visible again. TODO: Change location (palliAATTopensource.is) - support for adding new object via web interface (palliAATTopensource.is) - url updated for adding new object (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Autoindent and moved actions to the right (tommiAATTopensource.is) - releasers.conf updated to include source tarballs (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - releasers.conf updated and is now split into production and testing (palliAATTopensource.is) - Autoindent and moved actions to the right (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Javascript cleanup and rename to ob_ (tommiAATTopensource.is) - bugfix: multichoice fields treated as charfields (palliAATTopensource.is) - add complete form updated to new formfields look (palliAATTopensource.is) - removed hardcoded path to nagios.cfg (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Syntax fixes and cleanups from pycharm suggestions (tommiAATTtommi.org) - test with new template boilerplates (palliAATTopensource.is) - geek and advanced edit are now seperate functions in views.py. Template fixed for view_host and view_object. PynagForm now accepts parameter simple to turn every field into charfield (palliAATTopensource.is) - Suggestion for new generic page boilerplate. Tommi please review (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge branch \'master\' of http://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios (palliAATTopensource.is) - url to advanced forms and geek edit forms updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added bulk functionaility to object list. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added initial Add HTML to the objectbrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed tooltip bug when paging in datatables Various cleanups, duplicate definititions (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Break up html and javascript for services (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Styled Nagios iframe to fit a little better (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'formfields\' (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added pretty radio buttons on [0/1/undef] fields (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'formfields\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios into formfields (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Newline formatting Unknown object ID error shown Run Check Plugin refresh now working (tommiAATTtommi.org) - templates polished, fields updated (palliAATTopensource.is) - menubar updated, nagios link added (palliAATTopensource.is) - New Feature: Add single service to host (palliAATTopensource.is) - Newly added features stuffed in the menubar (palliAATTopensource.is) - fixed python spacing (palliAATTopensource.is) - rpm package now requires Django (palliAATTopensource.is) - Added refresh button to run plugin modal (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added first design of run check plugin (tommiAATTtommi.org) - make sure cache is reloaded if manual edit has been made (palliAATTopensource.is) - Parsers.config.errors now appears on the confighealth page (palliAATTopensource.is) - .settings added to .gitignore (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge (palliAATTopensource.is) - service_description fixed in edittemplate.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merge (palliAATTopensource.is) - Merged plugin execution (palliAATTopensource.is) - Revert \"make sure cache is reloaded if manual edit has been made\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"Parsers.config.errors now appears on the confighealth page\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"form support for installing agent remotely\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"Fixed broken merge\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \".settings added to .gitignore\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"Feature: run_check_command() feature added to pynag helpers\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"kreb\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - kreb (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Feature: run_check_command() feature added to pynag helpers (palliAATTopensource.is) - .settings added to .gitignore (palliAATTopensource.is) - Fixed broken merge (tommiAATTtommi.org) - form support for installing agent remotely (palliAATTopensource.is) - Parsers.config.errors now appears on the confighealth page (palliAATTopensource.is) - make sure cache is reloaded if manual edit has been made (palliAATTopensource.is) - Manual edit to geekedit and finish service editor (tommiAATTtommi.org) - make sure cache is reloaded if manual edit has been made (palliAATTopensource.is) - form support for installing agent remotely (palliAATTopensource.is) - TBS (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed bug where git comment included colon. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Parsers.config.errors now appears on the confighealth page (palliAATTopensource.is) - .settings added to .gitignore (palliAATTopensource.is) - Feature: run_check_command() feature added to pynag helpers (palliAATTopensource.is) - BS (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Revert \"REST: added no client side caching\" (tommiAATTtommi.org) - BS shizzle (tommiAATTtommi.org) - TB hostdetail (tommiAATTtommi.org) - REST: added no client side caching (tommiAATTtommi.org) - delete_object() helper method created (palliAATTopensource.is) - TB changes (tommiAATTtommi.org) - service_description fixed in edittemplate.html (palliAATTopensource.is) - Feature: Edit of okconfig templates (palliAATTopensource.is) - TB service form and chosen. Cleanups of unneeded code. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Breadcrumbs and object browser service view in TB (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Enabled pagination in tables, performance increase (tommiAATTtommi.org) - More DataTables optimizations (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Fixed column width and sizing issues. Performance optimizations for datatables. (tommiAATTtommi.org) - twitter bootstrap migration - object browser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - More bulk changes to twitter bootstrap (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added contacts tab (tommiAATTtommi.org) - ObjectBrowser ajaxified, multiple changes (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Styling changes and added tabs (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Merge branch \'formfields\' of https://opensource.ok.is/git/adagios into formfields (tommiAATTtommi.org) - CSS Style Changes (git log) view and added header to overview (tommiAATTtommi.org) - delete_object() helper method created (palliAATTopensource.is) - Reset djangopath to discovery (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Better guessing for git directory (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Added git log capability and changes to objectbrowser (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Implementing twitter bootstrap framework (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Removed old style.css (tommiAATTtommi.org) - re-enabled okconfig/urls (palliAATTopensource.is) - Changed href links to use template url tags for navigation (tommiAATTtommi.org) - Moved from WSGI embedded to daemon with apache (tommiAATTtommi.org)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.0.0-1 - tito releasers added (palliAATTopensource.is) - copied wsgi configuration from fpaste.wsgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - conf/ renamed to apache/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache wsgi configuration added (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py modified to take recursive copy of source directory (palliAATTopensource.is) - manage.py no longer executable in site-lib (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson - tito releasers added (palliAATTopensource.is) - copied wsgi configuration from fpaste.wsgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - conf/ renamed to apache/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache wsgi configuration added (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py modified to take recursive copy of source directory (palliAATTopensource.is) - manage.py no longer executable in site-lib (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson - copied wsgi configuration from fpaste.wsgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - conf/ renamed to apache/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache wsgi configuration added (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py modified to take recursive copy of source directory (palliAATTopensource.is) - manage.py no longer executable in site-lib (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson - copied wsgi configuration from fpaste.wsgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - conf/ renamed to apache/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache wsgi configuration added (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py modified to take recursive copy of source directory (palliAATTopensource.is) - manage.py no longer executable in site-lib (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson - copied wsgi configuration from fpaste.wsgi (palliAATTopensource.is) - conf/ renamed to apache/ (palliAATTopensource.is) - apache wsgi configuration added (palliAATTopensource.is) - setup.py modified to take recursive copy of source directory (palliAATTopensource.is) - manage.py no longer executable in site-lib (palliAATTopensource.is)
Tue Mar 13 13:00:00 2012 Pall Sigurdsson 1.0-1 - new package built with tito
Wed Aug 10 14:00:00 2011 Clint Savage 0.2-1 - Cleaned up pathing and config files
Mon Apr 11 14:00:00 2011 Clint Savage 0.1-3 - Added dist macro to release line.
Mon Mar 7 13:00:00 2011 Clint Savage 0.1-2 - Fixed rpmlint errors and warnings.
Tue Feb 8 13:00:00 2011 Clint Savage 0.1-1 - Initial package build