Changelog for ruby2.6-rubygem-pry-0.12.2-lp150.55.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Nov 22 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 0.12.2 see installed [#]## [v0.12.2][v0.12.2] (November 12, 2018) [#]### Bug fixes
* Restore removed deprecations, which were removed by accident due to a bad rebase. [#]## [v0.12.1][v0.12.1] (November 12, 2018) [#]### Bug fixes
* Stopped creating a new hash each time `Pry::Prompt#[]` is invoked ([#1855](
* Fixed `less` pager not working when it\'s available ([#1861]( [#]## [v0.12.0][v0.12.0] (November 5, 2018) [#]### Major changes
* Dropped support for Rubinius ([#1785](
* Fri Nov 17 2017 updated to version 0.11.3 [#] Features - Deprecate Pry::Command#text. Please use black(), white(), etc directly instead (as you would with helper functions from BaseHelpers and CommandHelpers) - Add Pry::Testable, an improved modular replacement for PryTestHelpers. breaking change. - Add a new category module: \"Pry::Platform\". Loosely related to #1668 below. - Add mac_osx? and linux? utility functions to Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers. - Add utility functions for drawing colorised text on a colorised background. [#] Bug fixes - Fix a case of infinite recursion in Pry::Method::WeirdMethodLocator#find_method_in_superclass that users of the Hanami web framework experienced and reported since 2015. - Fix a bug where Method objects were not returned for setters inherited from a default (Pry::Config::Default). Eg, this is no longer an error: - Do not capture unused Proc objects in Text helper methods no_color and no_paging, for performance reasons. Improve the documentation of both methods. - Fix String#pp output color.
* Mon Oct 23 2017 updated to version 0.11.2 see installed
* Tue Sep 26 2017 updated to version 0.11.1 see installed
* Thu Sep 21 2017 updated to version 0.11.0 see installed
* Mon Jul 11 2016 updated to version 0.10.4 see installed
* Thu Oct 15 2015 updated to version 0.10.3 see installed [#]## 0.10.3
* cherry-pick 0d1d72b and e0e5c75 to fix the install of Pry on Windows.
* Fri Sep 25 2015 updated to version 0.10.2 see installed [#]## 0.10.2
* cherry-pick c2ed9ec135bd791a32c70fbe05cc0508ea17c4040e from master (fix inf. loop with prepended methods source retrieval)
* Update some specs for recent ruby versions (2.2+)
* Sun Oct 12 2014 updated to version 0.10.1, see
* Sun Oct 12 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging style
* Sat Feb 22 2014 updated to version
* Mon Nov 25 2013 updated to version, no changelog
* Fri Nov 22 2013 updated to version
* Mon May 13 2013 updated to version
* reload-code (with no args) should reload \'current file\', issue #920
* Wed Apr 24 2013 updated to version
* Fixes #890, workaround for jruby crash related to
* note this fix is just applied to the 0.9.12 tag, not master. However, master has this fix applied too.
* Wed Mar 20 2013 buildrequire rdoc (see
* Wed Mar 20 2013 updated to version 0.9.12 Bug fixes:
* Fix major bug where commands broke due to slop looking at ARGV instead of command parameters (#828)
* Fix bug where pager broke in some situations (#845)
* Fix broken rendering of some docs (#795)
* silence warnings during failed tab-completion attempts
* fix broken prompt when prompt is colored (#822 / #823)
* added reload-method alias for reload-code (for backwards compat)
* Reopen Readline.output if it is not a tty (see 1538bc0990) Features:
* added pry --gem (see 19bfc13aa)
* show-source now works on commands created with create_command
* add -m (method) -c (class) and -f (file) switches to \'whereami\' command
* show-source now falls back to superclass if can\'t find class code (displays warning)
* show-source/show-doc now indicate when -a option is available.
* Thu Jan 24 2013 updated to version
* fixed pager bug (wouldn\'t render color codes in some circumstances)
* added Pry.last_internal_error, useful for devs debugging commands
* fix Pry.run_command
* improve `ls` output
* add :requires_gem => \"jist\" to \'gist\' command (so deps can be installed via install-command)
* improve help for \'edit\' command
* minor bug fix for gist on windows, rescuing Jist::ClipboardError rather than letting the scary error spill out to users and potentially have them think the gist didnt post.
* fixed minor bug in \'gist\' command where i neglected to remove a call to a non-existent method (no_arg) which was called when `gist` is invoked with no parameters dependency changes:
* upgrade the slop gem to version ~> 3.4
* new optional dependency: Bond (you\'ll need to perform `gem install bond`).
* Thu Aug 30 2012 updated to version 0.9.10
* Sun Jul 15 2012 update to 0.9.10 dependency changes:
* #561 upgrade the slop gem to version 3
* #590 move to the jist gem from gist.
* upgrade method_source to 0.8 new features:
* #572 add --hist, -o and -k flags to gist command
* #584 support show-source/doc on methods defined in class-eval
* #585 support show-source/doc on gem methods defined in C
* #596 add --disable-plugin and --select-plugin options
* #597 allow \"cd -\" to switch between bindings
* #612 add Pry.config.should_load_local_rc to turn off ./.pryrc
* allow running a file of pry input with pry
* support colours in \"ri\" command
* add before_eval hook
* prompt now gets a lot more data when proc arity is 1 bug fixes &c.
* #554 removed the \"req\" command
* #567 fix rendering bugs when starting pry
* #568 fix Array#pretty_print on Jruby
* #575 fix \"edit\" on windows
* #576 fix \"find-method\" in the presence of badly behaved objects
* #580 fix \"whereami\" in erb files on rails
* #632 raise fewer exceptions while tab completing
* #605 dont immediately quite pry when an error happens in readline
* #606 support for ansicon to give jruby windows users colour
* #613 massive speed improvements to show-source for modules
* #620 improve whereami command when not in a binding.pry
* #622 support embedded documents (=begin ... =end)
* #627 support editing files with spaces in the name
* changed __binding_impl__ to __pry__
* support for absolute paths in $EDITOR
* fix \"cat\" command on files with unknown extensions
* many many internal refactorings and tidyings
* Sun Jul 15 2012 update to
* fixed ZeroDivisionError in correct_indentation, bug #558
* fix double highlighting in rdoc, bug #562
* autocreate configuration for plugins, bug #548
* fixed `NoMethodError: undefined method `winsize\' for #>`, bug #549
* fixes for jruby
* breakage on `exit` syntax error, fixes, #550
* heredoc content no longer auto-indented
* show-doc would fail on some core classes, i.e `show-doc Bignum`. This is now fixed and show allow a wider range of core documentation to be viewed directly in Pry.
* make correct_indentation\'s auto-colorization respect Pry.color
* cleared up confusion in show-source/show-doc docs that -a switch applies to classes as well as modules MAJOR NEW FEATURES
* lines of input are syntax highlighted upon \'enter\' keypress
* show-source command can now show class/module sourcecode (use -a to see all monkeypatches). Hard dependency on ruby18_source_location gem in MRI 1.8
* show-doc command can show class/module docs (use -a to see docs for all monkeypatches) Hard dependency on ruby18_source_location gem in MRI 1.8.
* new `find-method` command, performs a recursive search in a namespace for the existence of methods.
* pry-coolline now works properly with Pry (
* alias_command method now much more powerful, e.g: alias_command \"lM\", \"ls -M\"
* `whereami` is now more intelligent, automatically showing entire sourcecode of current method if current context is a method (thanks robgleeson).
* new `raise-up` command. Allows you to raise an exception that will bubble out of pry (ending the session) and escape into enclosing program. remaining items:
* fixed windows crashing bug when paging
* lines ending with \\ are incomplete (kudos to fowl)
* `edit-method -n` no longer blocks (thanks misfo)s
* show instance methods of modules by default in ls
* docs for REPL defined methods can now be displayed using show-doc
* autoload ruby18_source_location on mri18, when available (
* tab completion should work on first line now (historic bug fixed)
* :quiet => true option added to `Pry.start`, turns off whereami
* another easter egg added
* show unloaded constants in yellow for ls
* improved documentation for Pry.config options
* improved auto indentation
* JRuby: heuristics used to clean up \'ls\' output (less internal methods polluting output)
* Fri Apr 20 2012 Provide rubygem-pry-0_9 for rubygem-pry_debug (and probably others)
* Thu Apr 19 2012 Don\'t split out doc package (fix last commit), because there is also rubygem-pry-doc
* Thu Apr 12 2012 Update to version
* ~/.pry_history wasnt being created (if it did not exist)! FIXED
* `hist --save` saved colors! FIXED
* added Pry#add_sticky_local API for adding sticky locals to individual pry instances- Changes from version
* various tweaks to improve rbx support
* commands now support optional block arguments
* much improved help command
* updated method_source dependencya
* added wtf command
* jruby should now work in windows (though without color)- Changes from version
* fixed bugs related to --super
* upgraded slop dependency
* added edit -c (edit current line)
* edit now respects Pry.config.disable_autoreload option- Changes from version
* fixed broken --no-plugins option
* Ensure ARGV is not mutated during option parsing.
* Use a more rbx-friendly test for unicodeness
* Use rbx-{18,19}mode as indicated
* Don\'t explode in gem-list [Fixes #453, #454]
* Check for command-name collision on assignment [Fixes #450]
* Fri Jan 27 2012 update to 0.9.8 /usr/lib
* Thu Sep 15 2011 update to 0.9.5 - JRuby support, including show-method/edit-method and editor integration on both 1.8 and 1.9 versions - extended cd syntax: cd ../AATTx/y - play command now works much better with _in_ array (this is a very powerful feature, esp with Pry::NAV_PROMPT) - history saving/loading is now lightning fast - \'edit\' (entered by itself) now opens current lines in input buffer in an editor, and evals on exit - \'edit\' command is also, in general more intelligent - ls output no longer in array format, and colors can be configured, e.g: = :bright_blue - new switch-to command for moving around the binding stack without exiting out of sessions - more sophisticated prompts, Pry::NAV_PROMPT to ease deep spelunking of code - major bug fix for windows systems - much better support for huge objects, should no longer hang pry (see #245) - cat --ex and edit --ex now work better for all changes see /usr/lib
*/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/pry-0.9.5/CHANGELOG- dont split out the docs anymore: package conflicts with pry-doc gem
* Tue Jul 05 2011 update to 0.9.2 - fixed string interpolation bug (caused valid ruby code not to execute, sorry!) - fixed `ls` command, so it can properly display members of Object and classes, and BasicObject, etc - added a few git related commands to experimental command set, blame and diff - plugin system - regex commands - show-method works on methods defined in REPL - new command system/API - rubinius core support - more backports to ruby 1.8 - inp/out special locals - _ex_ backtrace navigation object (_ex_.line, _ex_.file) - readline history saving/loading - prompt stack - more hooks - amend-line - play - show-input - edit - much more comprehensive test suite - support for new and old rubygems API - changed -s behaviour of ls (now excludes Object methods) - removed eval-file, lls, lcd, and a few other commands
* Wed Apr 27 2011 recommend gist.
* Tue Apr 26 2011 initial package (0.8.3)