Changelog for libgtkmm-2_4-1-2.24.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.24.2:
+ Do not require mm-common when building from a tarball
- Changes from version 2.24.1:
+ Gtk:
- ComboBoxText:
. Correct the constructors (bgo#650673).
. prepend_text(): call prepend() instead of append()
+ Gdk:
- Rectangle: Add reference documentation.
- Remove --disable-documentation from configure as we can have
documentation again.

Thu Apr 28 14:00:00 2011
- Pass --disable-static to configure.
- Pass --disable-documentation to configure: this tarball was
generated with an old documentation setup that won\'t build
- Drop doc subpackage (as we don\'t build the doc right now), and
add Provides/Obsoletes for it to the devel subpackage: this will
ensure the old doc package doesn\'t stay around while it
shouldn\'t, and since we\'ll move the doc there when it builds
again, this makes sense.
- Change gtkmm2 Obsoletes from <= to < now that we have a new
upstream version.

Wed Apr 27 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.24.0:
+ Gtk:
- ComboBox and ComboBoxText now have a has-entry property, so
ComboBoxEntry and ComboBoxEntryText are deprecated.
- Range: Added get/set_round_digits()
+ Gdk:
- DragContext: Added drag_begin().
- Window: Added get_visual(), get_screen() and get_display().
- Changes from version 2.23.91:
+ Gtk:
- Button: undeprecated the clicked() method.
- ComboBox: Deprecate clear_items() in favour of remove_all().
- ComboEntryText: Add append(), prepend() and insert(),
deprecating append_text(), prepend_text() and insert_text().
- Image:
. Added const-correct constructor and a const-correct
set(IconSet, size) method, deprecating the existing ones.
. Added get_pixel(), deprecating get_mem().
- Range: Added get/set_round_digits() and property.
- Changes from version 2.23.90:
+ Gdk:
- Drawable: Deprecate get_visual(), get_screen() and
- Window: Added get_visual(), get_screen() and get_display().
- Display: Deprecate set_pointer_hooks() and
- DragContext: Deprecate create(), adding Window::drag_begin().
- Drawable: Deprecate the draw_
*() methods.
- Screen: Fix a typo, so the monitors_changed() signal really
uses the C signal.
+ Gtk:
- AboutDialog: Deprecate set_email/url_hook(), adding
- ComboBox:
. Added constructors with a bool has_entry property, and add
. Added get_has_entry(), set_entry_text_column() and
- ComobBoxText: Added append(), prepend() and insert(),
- ComboBoxEntryText: Deprecate in favour of ComboBoxText with
- LinkButton: Deprecate set_uri_hook() and unset_uri_hook() in
favour of Button::signal_clicked().
- ListViewText: Added append(), prepend() and insert(),
- Main: Deprecate signal_quit() and signal_run().
- Widget: Deprecated hide_all().
- Ruler, HRuler and VRuler: Deprecated
- Notebook:
. Deprecated get/set_group(), adding get/set_group_name().
. Deprecated set_window_creation_hook().
- PageSetupUnixDialog, Plug, PrintUnixDialog: Prevent us from
calling wrap_new() on these windows. (bgo#623137)
- Style: Fix the virtual functions. (bgo#633975, bgo#633689)
- Range: Deprecate get/set_update_policy().
- TreeViewColumn: Added get_first_cell(), deprecated
- Widget::set_window(): Increase the ref count of the
Gdk::Window. (This is not a complete fix yet. See bgo#606903)
- Window: Deprecate get/set_has_frame() and
+ Build:
- Depend on necessary versions of atkmm and pangomm instead of
repeating m4 files.
- Windows installer fixes.

Mon Oct 11 14:00:00 2010
- Update baselibs.conf to use libgtkmm-2_4-1 instead of gtkmm2.
- Add a Provides for gtkmm2 to libgtkmm-2_4-1 in baselibs.conf,
like in the .spec file.

Tue Sep 28 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.22.0:
+ Windows-only changes.

Sun Sep 26 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.21.9:
+ Gdk:
- Visual: Added get_visual_type(), get_depth(),
get_byte_order(), get_colormap_size(), get_bits_per_rgb(),
get_red_pixel_details(), get_green_pixel_details(),
- Added many properties.
+ Gtk:
- MenuBar: Added set/get_pack_direction() and
- SeparatorToolItem: Added get/set_draw().
- Added many properties.

Wed Sep 22 14:00:00 2010
- fix baselibs.conf

Mon Sep 20 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Gtk:
- IconView: Added tooltip-column and reorderable and
item-padding properties.
- MessageDialog: Added message-area properties.
- TextBuffer: Added get_copy_target_list() and
- AlignmentEnum: Add ALIGN_START and ALIGN_END to match
gtkmm 3, to help future porting.
- Improved API reference documentation.

Tue Sep 14 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.21.8:
+ Gtk:
- IconView: Added get/set_item_orientation().
- MessageDialog: Added get_message_area().
- MenuItem: Added unset_submenu().
- PaperSize: Added get_paper_sizes().
- PrintOperation: Added run_page_setup_dialog() overloads
- Style: Added copy().
+ Documentation:
- Several API reference documentation improvements.

Thu Sep 2 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.21.7:
+ Gtk:
- Button: Added get_event_window().
- Expander: Added get/set_label_fill() and property.
- Notebook:
. Deprecated pages().
. Added get_tab_hborder() and get_tab_vborder().
- PrintUnixDialog: Added get_manual_capabilities().
- StatusBar: Added remove_all_messages().
- Table:
. Deprecated children().
. Added get_size().
- TextView: Added get_hadjustment(), get_vadjustment(),
im_context_filter_keypress(), reset_im_context().
- Viewport: Added get_view_window().
- Widget:
. Added send_focus_change().
. Added const version of get_accessible().
+ Gdk:
- Color: Deprecate rgb_find_color().
- Cursor: Added get_cursor_type().
- Device: Added get_key(), get_axis_use(), get_n_axes().
- RgbCMap: Deprecated.
- Window: Added get_composited(), is_input_only(), is_shaped(),
has_native(), get_modal_hint(), get_background_pattern(),
coords_to_parent(), coords_from_parent(),
get_effective_parent(), get_effective_toplevel(),
create_similar_surface(), get_accept_focus(),
+ Build:
- MSVC++ and installer fixes.

Fri Aug 6 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.21.5:
+ Adapt to recent GDK and Gtk+ deprecations.
You may need to include gtkmm/box, gtkmm/dialog.h,
gtkmm/main.h, gtkmm/treepath, or gtkmm.h before other gtkmm or
gtk+ includes to build with disabled deprecations and warnings
as errors.
+ PrintOperation: get_default_page_setup(): refcount fix.
- Changes from version 2.21.1:
+ atkmm is now a separate tarball module.
+ Remove support for these glibmm build options via ifdefs:
- -enable-api-exceptions
- -enable-api-properties
- -enable-api-default-signal-handlers
(All this gtkmm API is now always present.)
+ Assistant: Added commit().
+ Entry: Added im_context_filter_keypress() and
- Add atkmm-devel BuildRequires and remove update-desktop-files
- Remove explicit Requires from devel package: they will get
automatically added with pkgconfig()-style Requires.
- Respect the shared library packaging policy and create a
libgtkmm-2_4-1 package.
- Fix self-obsoletion issues, to make rpmlint happy.

Thu Jun 10 14:00:00 2010
- build 32bit-package

Fri May 7 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.20.3:
+ Documentation: Added main page text at index.html.
- Changes from version 2.20.2:
+ Documentation: Strip out the gobject-introspection annotations,
and use other improvements made to

Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.20.1:
+ Gtk:
- RecentAction: Fix the constructor that takes a RecentManager.
- TreeRowReference::get_model(): Correct the reference
counting. bgo#611814
+ Documentation:
- Builder: Complete the exceptions thrown documentation.
- Remove gobject-introspection annoations.
- Correct some newin/since doyxgen tags.
+ Build:
- Updates for the Windows installer.

Mon Mar 29 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.20.0:
+ ToolPalette
- Derive from ToolShell.
- Added a const version of get_drop_item().
- Added properties.
+ ToolItemGroup: Added properties.
+ OffscreenWindow:
- Added const versions of get_pixbuf() and get_pixmap()
- Added properties.
+ Range: Make get_slider_range() const.
+ Demos: Don\'t use deprecated API.

Thu Mar 18 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.19.7:
+ Gdk:
- Screen: Added get_primary_monitor().
- Window: Added flush().
+ Gtk:
- StatusBar: Added get_message_area().
- Printer: get_hard_margins().
- ToolItem: Added get_ellipsize_mode(), get_text_alignment(),
get_text_orientation() and get_text_size_group().
- ToolItemGroup: Added get_label_widget().
- ToolPalette: Make get_expand() and get_icon_size() const.
- ToolShell: Added get_text_orientation(),
get_text_alignment(), get_ellipsize_mode(),
- Viewport: Added get_bin_window().
+ Window:
- Added get_window_type(), deprecating get_is_toplevel() and
get_is_popup(). Removed get_is_dialog() because it never had
any implmentation anyway.
- Added unset_transient_for().

Fri Feb 26 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.19.6:
+ Gtk:
- Action: Do not deprecate connect_proxy(), disconnect_proxy(),
block_activate_from() and unblock_activate_from(), because we
cannot yet derive existing classes from Activatable until we
can break ABI, bgo#608109
- EntryBuffer: Actually use GtkEntryBuffer.
- Paned: Added get_handle_window().
- ToolTip: Added set_icon(Gio::Icon).
- Widget:
. Added set/get_realized(), set/get_mapped() and
. get_requisition(): Reimplemented with the new
gtk_widget_get_requisition() function.
. Un-deprecate get_action() because we cannot yet derive
existing classes from Activatable until we can break ABI.
- Use Glib::wrap() instead of ->gobj() in some places, so we
are generally more forgiving of null RefPtrs<>.

Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.19.4:
+ Gtk:
- Action: Added get/set_always_show_image() and property.
- EntryBuffer: Added this class.
- Entry:
. Use EntryBuffer in a constructor and get/set_buffer() and
. Added get_text_window() and get_icon_window().
- FontSelection.hg:
. Added get_family() and get_face(), get_family_list(),
get_face_list(), get_size_list().
. Reimplemented get_size_entry() and get_preview_entry()
using new functions.
- OffscreenWindow: Added this class.
- PrintContext: Added get_hard_margins().
- Range: Added get/set_slider_size_fixed(),
get/set_min_slider_size(), get_slider_range(),
- ToolItememGroup: Added insert() with no position parameter
and made get_item_position() const.
- ToolPalette: set_drag_source(), add_drag_dest(): Add suitable
default parameter values.
- StatusIcon: Added set_name().
- Widget: Added has_rc_style(), deprecating rc_style().
- Window:
. Added get_icon_name() and icon_name property.
. Added get/set_mnemonics_visible() and property.
. Added accept-focus, and focus-on-map properties.

Thu Jan 7 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.19.2:
+ Gdk:
- PixbufAnimationIter: Make the methods public
- Window: Added get/set_offscreen_embedder() and
+ Gtk:
- Added CellRendererSpin and Spinner (bgo#598715)
- Added ToolPalette
- Dialog: Added get_widget_for_response() (bgo#600411)
- Move the Gtk::Border typedef into its own header and add a
Glib::Value specialization (bgo#603926)
- Gdk::Window: get_default_root_window(): Correct the
reference counting (bgo#603852)
- Windows build fixes.
- Fix the build when exceptions, vfuncs, etc. are disabled

Mon Nov 16 13:00:00 2009
- Mark doc subpackage as noarch.

Sun Oct 4 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.18.2:
+ Reintroduce accidentally removed API methods
Gtk::Widget::can_default() and Gtk::Widget::can_focus().
+ Include infobar.h from main gtkmm.h header.

Wed Sep 30 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.18.1:
+ RecentManager: Undeprecate get_default().
- Changes from version 2.18.0:
+ Clipboard: wait_for_targets): Fix a crash. bgo#586626
+ Window: Added set_icon_name().
+ Build:
- Require a recent pangomm. bgo#593049
- Style: Fix a compiler error with the Intel C++ compiler.
- Fix recently-introduced problems with disable-deprecated

Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.17.11:
+ Gdk:
- Window: Added redirect_to_drawable(), remove_redirection(),
geometry_changed(), get_root_coords(), restack().
+ Gtk:
- Range: Added get/set_flippable().
- Widget: Added get_is_toplevel(), get_is_drawable(),
get/set_receives_default(), wrapping the new C functions,
deprecating the hand-coded non get-prefixed versions.

Fri Aug 28 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Change public documentation location to for
the pkg-config files as well.
+ Change public documentation location to

Fri Aug 28 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version
+ Reenable the per-class hierarchy graphs in the reference
+ Drop the custom HTML header and footer, and use the shared
doxygen.css file from mm-common.

Thu Aug 27 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.17.9:
+ Gtk:
- Added InfoBar widget
- bgo3589267 - Builder: get_widget(): Fix a crash when the
widget is not found
- CellRenderer: Added get/set_alignment(), get/set_padding(),
get/set_visible(), get/set_sensitive()
- CellRendererToggle: Added set/get_activatable()
- FileChooser: Added get/set_create_folders() and property
- Label: Added get/set_track_visited_links() and property
- Menu: Added get/set_reserve_toggle_size() and property
- PrintOperation: Added update_custom_widget signal and added
get/set_embed_page_setup() and get_n_pages_to_print() and
- PrintUnixDialgo: Added set/get_support_selection(),
set/get_support_selection(), set/get_has_selection(),
set/get_embed_page_setup(), s/get_embed_page_setup(), and
- RecentInfo::get_application_info(): Change the app_exec
parameter to a ustring& instead of a container. This could
not have been used before
- StatusIcon: Added get/set_title() and property
- Widget: Added some get
*() methods, deprecating old methods
without the get prefix
- Build: Reworked build system to improve the build and
installation and interlinking of reference documentation
- Adjust install section to align with new build system.

Tue Jul 21 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.17.2:
+ Gtk:
- Containter: Avoid unnecessary warnings about an unimplemented
remove vfunc in custom container widget classes.
+ Gdk:
- Pixbuf: Added create_for_stream() and
create_for_stream_at_scale() for reading pixbufs from Gio
file streams.
- Changes from version 2.17.1:
+ Gtk:
- IconView: get_model(): Correct the reference-counting. bgo#583037
- Added InfoBar
- RecentManager::add_item(): Fixed a crash. bgo#585521.
- TextBuffer: Actually implement the get_text(bool) const
method. These fix undefined symbol linker errors.
- TreeModel::Path::empty(): Correct the check for a NULL
underlying GtkTreePath.
- StatusIcon:get_geometry(): Correct the reference-counting.
- StockID: Actually implement operator bool().
- Fix the build with GTK+ 2.17 (A const change in the
gtk_recent_info_get_application_info() API).
- Fix the build when exceptions are disabled in glibmm.
- Win32 installer fixes.
- Documentation: Stock API documentation improvements.

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009
- Remove BuildRequires on devhelp: it\'s only needed for directory
ownership, and we can own the directories anyway.

Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.16.0:
+ Gtk:
- Builder:

* get_widget_derived(): Reference-counting correction.

* create_from_file(), add_from_file(), create_from_string(),

* add_from_string(): Add method overloads that take a char
for the object ID, to avoid ambiguity with the two other
overloads that take ustring or StringArrayHandle.
- Entry:

* methods(): Rearrange parameters to make these
consistent and so we can have more default parameter

* Added icon_press and icon_release signals.
- FileChooserButton: Added the file_set signal.
- Style: Added get_style_property_value() and templated
- Added Orientable and Activatable interfaces, though they
cannot be used yet because that would break ABI of existing
+ Gdk:
- PixbufAnimation: create_from_file(): Throw an exception when
the GError is not null.
+ Maemo-specific API:
- TextBuffer: get/set_rich_text_format(),
set_rich_text_format_all(), get/set_can_paste_rich_text():
Remove these Maemo-specific methods which have been
superseded by the generic TextBuffer serialization functions.
- Enums

* Added Maemo-specific Gtk::HildonSizeType, wrapping
HildonSizeType, which was inexplicably added to GTK+ in
Maemo 5.

* Likewise added Gtk::Hildon::InputMode, wrapping
- Remove AutoReqProv: it\'s default now.

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.15.5:
+ Activatable: reset_vfunc() renamed to
+ Builder:
- create_from_file(), add_from_file(), create_from_string():
Add method overloads that take char
* to avoid ambiguity.
- get_widget_derived(): Correct reference-counting.
+ FileChooserButton: Add file_set signal.
+ Added interfaces, but we can\'t use them yet without breaking
ABI: Activatable, Orientation.