Changelog for
cqrlog-2.3.0-2.9.i586.rpm :
* Wed Jun 20 2018 update to version 2.3.0 wsjt-x: stop TX if split answer to CQ not accepted by caller (Saku, OH1KH) Preferences button in eQSL up&dn load opened wrong tab TRXcontrol: M_Wri-button. Sets memory entry from current rig frequency and mode (Saku, OH1KH) Wsjt-x CQ-monitor: new features Wsjt-map ColorBack and xplanet support. (Saku, OH1KH) Cq-monitor: Overtimed entries turn silvergray in Follow and \"no history\" (Saku, OH1KH) Band selector to Filter windows added (Saku, OH1KH) CQ-monitor Delta Freqyency instead of Time when \"no history\" checked (Saku, OH1KH) TRXConterol window. Buttons for Power ON/OFF/STANDBY. Sends corrsponding rigctld cmds to current rig (Saku, OH1KH) Start and stop scripts. Called when cqrlog is up and running and before closing all down. (Saku, OH1KH) StartConnectCommand added to DXCluster (Saku, OH1KH) when remote preferences open to fldigi/wsjt tab (Saku, OH1KH) auto update membership files added (has to be enabled in Prefereces, first) mode field can now store 12 characters (was 10), added mode DIGITALVOICE (Jonas, SM2VSD) support for satellite QSO added eQSL ADIF import now also uses submodes from the ADIF specification to match qsos in log (Jonas, SM2VSD) eQSL ADIf import now also uses timestamp from log (+/-60min) together with timestamp from eQSL to match qsos (Jonas, SM2VSD) CWtype/letter mode: doubling a .. z removed (Saku, OH1KH) Worked grids map: Mode selector did not load user\'s additions (digimodes) (Saku, OH1KH) Filter section QSL. Controls over group box. Tighter setting of controls (Saku, OH1KH) xplanet support/DXCluster was reversing colors RGB to BGR (Saku, OH1KH) grid map: loc and qso counters fixed. Default start fixed as all/any. Default save as jpg (Saku, OH1KH) QSO Filter layout fixed (Saku, OH1KH) DXCluster/WEB Font button not connected to acFont (no action). Fixed (Saku, OH1KH) wsjtx logging take start and stop times to log (before just stop time) (Saku, OH1KH) fldigi remote socket checking fixed (Saku, OH1KH) loading libbsl library didn\'t work on 32bit system - fixed LoTW import bug when having multiple QSOs with the same station, on the same band and day fixed (Jonas, SM2VSD) export QSO for LoTW to local adif file fixed problem with number rewrite in report field fixed after edit call/freq/mode/rst_s/rst_r qso were uploaded and deleted from online log several times - fixed
* Sat Dec 30 2017 update to version 2.2.0
* wsjt remote mode improvements (Saku, OH1KH)
* CQ-monitor now remembers showing state (Saku, OH1KH)
* \"My Alert\" is now compared oppsite way: This should fit also compound callsign XX/YOURCALL or YOURCALL/XX (Saku, OH1KH)
* CQ-monitor: Country names (cut to length 15) are now displayed instead of callsign prefixes. (Saku, OH1KH)
* \"Show only active band\" checkbox addec to Band map filter for quick access. (Saku, OH1KH)
* \"Re/Set\" button added to Export \"Choose fields to export\" dialog for set/reset all check boxes in one go. (Saku, OH1KH)
* a lot of CQ monitor improvements (Saku, OH1KH)
* remote wsjt: Short cut key Ctrl+J (Saku, OH1KH)
* help files updated (Saku, OH1KH)
* Voice keyer works now also with FM and AM modes and also from CWkeys windows. (Saku, OH1KH)
* QSO in QSO list window can be sorted in ascending date/time order (oldes QSO first). (Jörg, DL8DTL)
* CQRLOG should work correcly on HiDPI monitors
* 630M definition was missing in some functions (Saku, OH1KH)
* ADIF upload didn\'t work when name or QTH were too long
* Wed Aug 09 2017 update to version 2.1.0
* wsjt remote mode improvements (Saku, OH1KH)
* wsjt cq monitor added (Saku, OH1KH)
* worked grids map added (Saku, OH1KH)
* simple Contest window added (Saku, OH1KH)
* dx cluster window improved
* propagation from DK0WCY added (Saku, OH1KH)
* reminder added (Saku, OH1KH)
* CTRL+Z in dx cluster command line scrolls back last 5 commands (Saku, OH1KH)
* callsign for DX cluster alert can be defined using regular expressions (Saku, OH1KH)
* dx cluster alert now allows partial callsigns (e.g. OL200, OK etc.)
* Show QSO older then user defined date with different color
* JT4, JT9 and FT8 modes added (Saku, OH1KH)
* grid field can store 10 charactes (was 6)
* position storage of New QSO and LoTW import fixed
* auto backup didn\'t work for callsigns with / character fixed
* even CQ/ITU zone 0 from QRZ replaced zone from log - fixed
* Mon Mar 13 2017 update to version 2.0.5
* sort by gridsquare added to filter
* new log number is choosen automatically
* parity parameter for rigctld should be serial_parity
* Fri Jan 13 2017 update to version 2.0.4
* fixed crash after startup
* new icon courtesy by Serge, ON4AA
* \"Remarks\" renamed to \"Comment to QSO\" in group edit
* Group edit of Comment to QSO was always converted to uppercase
* RST_S and RST_R default walues from Preferences have been ignored
* cqrlog crashed after recent DXCC tables update - fixed
* Tue Aug 30 2016 update to version 2.0.2
* QSLMSG added to ADIF export for eQSL
* CW type window didn\'t show - fixed
* TRX control set LSB to 60M instead of USB - fixed
* CW type window didn\'t show - fixed
* Sat Jul 09 2016 update to version 2.0.1
* fixed \"TApplication.HandleException TControl.InvalidatePreferredSize loop\"
* frequency memories didn\'t switch between AM and FM when radio is on USB or LSB - fixed
* bandmap didn\'t show CW spots when radio was in CWR mode - fixed
* statistics and filter with group by didn\'t work on MySQL 5.7 - fixed
* rigctld where not closed after closing cqrlog - fixed (Bill, WK2X)
* RBN monitor window was always opened after program started - fixed
* loading FromDate and ToDate from membership files fixed
* fixed compiling for ARM64, powerpc and other non x86 platforms- version 2.0.0
* MariaDB 10.1 support added
* Frequency memories added
* list of previous QSO should be much faster on older computers
* \"Always overwrite only CQ, ITU zones, county and US state from callbook\" option added
* callbook is used for better DXCC and state recognition
* new database connection error window with small how to
* the db error window can open mysql.err
* Do NOT upload changes to online logs\" option to Rebuild membership added
* all comments to callsign can be modified (NewQSO window -> File -> Comment to callsigns)
* transverter support added (you can set RX and TX offset for each band)
* connection to database improved (MySQL 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and MariaDB 10.0.x, 10.1 should work)
* you can choose which fields will be exported also just before export
* export has CTRL+E shortcut
* CW type window was not sizeable - fixed
* password to LoTW/eQSL could not have special characters - fixed
* program crashed after opening Preferences when path to rigctl was empty - fixed
* RBN monitor didn\'t show any data when RBN didn\'t send any operating mode
* callbook data always replaced data from previous QSO - fixed
* cqrlog didn\'t start with broken TRX/Rotor control configuration - fixed
* fixed loading of MASTER.SCP after downloading new DXCC tables
* QSO with mode in lower case was market as error and not imported - fixed
* band map didn\'t show any data on SSB - fixed
* after change \"Default frequencies\", related button in TRX control window didn\'t go red - fixed
* QSO count with active filter was wrong after delete or update
* Remove dupes from the log didn\'t work - fixed
* QTH profile was not imported from ADIF - fixed
* Fri Jan 01 2016 update to version 1.9.1
* support sending CW via HamLib library added
* CW type window is not modal window anymore
* RBN monitor added
* TRX configuration improved (you can choose rig from a list instead of entering Hamlib rig ID)
* Remote mode for wsjt added (thanks to Saku, OH1KH)
* Auto connect to DX cluster added (must be enabled in Preferences)
* New propagation data courtesy of Paul, N0NBH
* WAZ and ITU zones are taken from callbook as well
* export for SOTA version 2 added
* Export configuration of opened log doesn\'t reflect recent changes - fixed
* station that were not added to DX cluster window (because of filter criteria) were added to bandmap - fixed
* station name and QTH is replaced automatically when callsign is edited during the qso
* after edit QSO QTH profile was set to wrong position
* when trx was tuned on after program started, trx contol didn\'t work - fixed
* fixed country recognition for e.g. OK2CQR/XE1, it\'s XE not OK
* autobackup failed when QTH profile was not set
* fixed libmysqlclient dependency
* Thu Mar 05 2015 update to version 1.9.0
* configuration can be stored into database or local computer only
* second directory path to auto backup added
* Ignore changes caused by LoTW/eQSL upload or download option added
* CQ and ITU zones are taken from previous QSO if exists
* added new band map filter
* CALLSIGN, BAND, MODE, FREQ macros to dxcluster allert command added
* \"Capitalise first letter in QTH field\" option added
* Propagation window improved, now shows more information (Saku, OH1KH)
* after change of callsign, report, date or time, the QSO was still marked as uploaded to LotW/eQSL - fixed
* LoTW upload - when Export all QSO was selected, only 500 QSO were exported - fixed
* buttons caption in CW type window didn\'t use values from settings
* online log upload of edited QSO fixed
* uploading QSO to HamQTH fixed
* downloading data for web dx cluster fixed
* Tue Jan 06 2015 update to version 1.8.3
* Added support for setting the QTH Nickname in download dialog (Florian, DF2ET)
* buttons fom bottom of Preferences window moved to to right side
* MariaDB 10 support added
* Rebuild membership statistic dialog was broken - fixed
* clock icon next to QSO time didn\'t work in offline mode - fixed
* after saving Long note \"Transaction already active\" appeard - fixed
* loading of dx prediction data fixed
* sometimes eqsl_sentdate was not filled after upload - fixed
* \"Mark QSLs sent after export\" in export for label printing didn\'t work - fixed # after program starts it\'s waiting for a MySQL server in a loop, every second is trying to connect to local database, maximum is 8 tries