Changelog for
mk-livestatus-1.2.6p16-lp150.6.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Mar 03 2015 update to 1.2.6 + Checks & Agents:
* 2050 FIX: netapp_api_if: Fixed invalid speed warning for virtual interface groups...
* 2086 FIX: apc_ats_status: Fixed exception when source different than selected source
* 2087 FIX: netapp_api_temp: Fixed exception when dealing with old discovered checks... 1.2.6b12: + Checks & Agents:
* 2039 mk_logwatch: new per-logfile-options maxfilesize and maxlinesize...
* 2048 FIX: netapp_api_fan, netapp_api_psu, netapp_api_temp: fixed typo in service description Shelfes -> Shelves NOTE: Please refer to the migration notes!
* 2021 FIX: if_lancom: Also used for checking ELSA/T-Systems branded devices
* 2023 FIX: if_lancom: Handle point-2-point interfaces of newer firmwares correctly
* 2027 FIX: fc_port: Fixed exception when wirespeed is reported as 0 by the device
* 1224 FIX: Fixed rare Bug in case of clusterd network interfaces...
* 2079 FIX: freebsd agent: Was unable to find ntpq command with FreeBSD10...
* 2082 FIX: jolokia_metrics.mem: Fixed levels on total memory usage + Multisite:
* 2024 FIX: Views: Fixed problem when filtering views by strings containing umlauts... + WATO:
* 1223 FIX: Fixed manual configuration of ntp peer check...
* 2025 FIX: Fixed exception when synchronising custom ldap attributes in distributed WATO setup
* 2026 FIX: Fixed exception when using umlauts in notification plugin descriptions...
* 2078 FIX: Fixed exception with some snapshots when using a localized GUI...
* 2080 FIX: Fixed UnicodeDecodeError when using a localized GUI on notification configuration page
* 2084 FIX: Disabled notification for a user is now shown on profile page even when not permitted to edit... + Notifications:
* 2081 FIX: Improved logging of mkeventd in error cases + BI:
* 2020 FIX: Fixed non working FOREACH_CHILD mechanism for BI rules
* Fri Feb 27 2015 update to 1.2.6b11 Core & Setup:
* 2014 FIX: Fixed different issues running Check_MK on CentOS 5.x
* 2037 FIX: Inventorize piggy back data even if access to normal agent fails
* 2016 FIX: Fixed service discovery / monitoring on hosts which have only piggyback data (e.g. ESX VMs)... Checks & Agents:
* 1947 agent_ucs_bladecenter: Monitors UCS Bladecenter via Web-API...
* 2017 FIX: Solaris-Agent: Prevent hanging agent in uptime section...
* 1890 FIX: cisco_temperature: Replaces cisco_temp_perf and cisco_temp_sensor... NOTE: Please refer to the migration notes!
* 2019 FIX: heartbeat_crm: Be compatible to yet unknown crm_mon output format WATO:
* 1946 FIX: WATO Web-API: edit host action does no longer unset all unspecified attributes... Notifications:
* 2015 FIX: Fixed sending notifications for services with umlauts in names...
* 2038 FIX: Log complete Email address into monitoring history when notifying explicity addresses For a complete listing of changes see: remove unused patches
* Sat Jan 24 2015 agent: + add systemd unit files for socket activation of agent instead of using xinetd activation + add separate package for caching-agent + add SuSEfirewall2 service for check_mk-agent- logwatch: + add logwatch dir to vardir, as logwatch keeps track of logfiles there- multisite: + move livestatus_webdir back to /var/lib/check_mk/web (from upstream) + include wato dirs in multisite subpackage + add %{livestatus_vardir}/web + add %{livestatus_sysconfdir}/multisite.d(/wato)- mkeventd: + fix permission of %{livestatus_sysconfdir}/multisite.d
* Tue Dec 30 2014 change nagios_startscript to %{_sbindir}/rcnagios for versions >= 1310, as /etc/init.d/nagios is not available there anymore
* Thu Jul 24 2014 add sudoers file for multisite, so apache can run check_mk- BuildRequire dietlibc for mkeventd binaries- complete mkeventd package- try to handle systemd serivce in postun in check_mk-agent- add compatibility for Nagios 4.x by providing livestatus-nagios4.o in /usr/lib/check_mk- added livestatus-README.SUSE for mk-livestatus package- install directories before calling - otherwise some files will not be installed- move livestatus.o out of the check_mk package
* Fri Jul 04 2014 update to 1.2.4p5: Core & Setup:
* 1035 FIX: Do not fail on errors in
*.mk files anymore - except in interactive mode... Checks & Agents:
* 0994 FIX: agent plugin smart: fixed syntax error
* 0989 FIX: Fix forwarding multiple messages via syslog/TCP...
* 0943 FIX: if.include: fixed incorrect traffic percentage values in the check output of if checks...
* 1037 FIX: bintec_info: support bintec RXL12500
* 0827 FIX: lnx_thermal: Not checking active trip points (e.g. cooling device triggers) anymore Multisite:
* 1036 FIX: doc/treasures/downtime: fix --url option, better error output WATO:
* 0990 FIX: Fix HTTP error handling in bulk inventory...
* 1004 FIX: Fix exception when saving rules, caused by empty item Event Console:
* 1040 FIX: Avoid sporadic errors when checking event state in Event Console... Livestatus:
* 0988 FIX: livedump: Fix exception in case no contact groups are defined for a service
* Tue Jun 24 2014 update to 1.2.4p4: Core & Setup:
* 0940 SEC: Fixed various core SIGSEGV when using malformed livestatus queries... Checks & Agents:
* 0932 FIX: prediction: fixed bug where predicted levels were not recalculated Multisite:
* 0982 SEC: Fix two XSS weaknesses according to CVSS 8.5 AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C...
* 0983 SEC: Fix security issue in code of row selections (checkboxes) (CVSS 4.9 AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:P)...
* 0166 FIX: mobile gui: Fixed colors of command list...
* 0820 FIX: Fixed wrong NagVis links in \"custom links\" snapin
* 0939 FIX: Fixed multisite exception caused by missing explanation text for a AUTODELETE event action WATO:
* 0984 Fix code injection for logged in users via automation url... NOTE: Please refer to the migration notes!
* 0817 FIX: Fixed error during creating new sites in WATO...- install mk-job- remove CVE-2014-0243 patches
* Mon Jun 02 2014 update to 1.2.4p3: Core & Setup:
* 0888 FIX: Fix SNMP inventory check in simulation mode Checks & Agents:
* 0889 FIX: logwatch: fix case where rule wouldn\'t be applied...
* 0832 FIX: solaris_mem: fixed invalid calculation of total swap...
* 0154 FIX: zfsget: Fixed inventory of filesystems
* 0155 FIX: mssql_counters: harded check agains odd agent output
* 0910 FIX: brocade.power: fixed an error where the check reports an UNKNOWN on power supply failure... Multisite:
* 0912 FIX: Multisite Views: Fixed bug where custom views could not get deleted
* 0923 FIX: json export: fixed bug not stripping html tags from output WATO:
* 0971 FIX: Fix missing authentication of PHP addons in D-WATO when activation mode is reload...
* 0972 FIX: Do not loose site specific global settings anymore when chaning a site\'s configuration... Notifications:
* 0964 FIX: Fix hanging shutdown of CMC on RedHat 5.X... BI:
* 0882 FIX: fix crash in case of non-ascii characters... Reporting & Availability:
* 0890 FIX: Fix availability computation for hosts...
* 0891 FIX: Fix HTML encoding of tootip in inline timeline of availability Event Console:
* 0902 FIX: event console view: fixed exception on rendering host tags for unknown hosts... The CMC itself:
* 8045 FIX: Do no increase notification number on recovery notifications...
* 8049 FIX: Fix exception of cmcrushd on RedHat 5.X...- remove CVE-2014-0243 patches: included upstream
* Sat May 31 2014 added check_mk-1.2.4p2-CVE-2014-0243-
*.patch to fix a security problem where any local use can read any file as root. see CVE-2014-0243 for details.
* Sat May 17 2014 require mysql-client instead of mysql-community-server to allow the use of mariadb
* Wed Apr 09 2014 disable build of mk-livestatus for Nagios 4: Icinga will be broken
* Tue Apr 08 2014 update to 1.2.4.p2: This patch release fixes bulk operations in WATO and a memory leak in livestatus when working with the statehist table. It also includes several important fixes for Inline-SNMP. Core & Setup:
* 0785 FIX: Availability: fixed memory leak in table statehist... WATO:
* 0784 Improved security of WATO bulk inventory by using transaction ids
* 0781 FIX: host diag page: fixed problem with update of diagnose subwindows...- fix ownership below /var/lib/check_mk/- building livestatus for Nagios 4+
* Wed Apr 02 2014 update to 1.2.4p1: + Contains several bugfixes in all components. For a detailed list, take a look at /usr/share/doc/packages/check_mk/ChangeLog + The most important changes are security patches for two CVEs (CVE-2014-2330 and CVE-2014-2331)- place /usr/share/check_mk/modules/defaults in /etc/check_mk and name it check_mk-defaults - this allows us to define this file as config file which should not replaced on update
* Wed Mar 12 2014 Add packaging for apache_status plugin- set require version for agent plugins
* Thu Feb 13 2014 update to 1.2.4 + Core & Setup:
* 0682 FIX: Allow overriding of active and custom checks by more specific rule...
* 0267 FIX: Fixed auth.serials permission problem in check_mk standalone installation... + Checks & Agents:
* 0694 wut_webtherm: Support new versions of WUT-Thermometer
* 0688 FIX: winperf_msx_queues: Support output of Exchange 2013
* 0689 FIX: postgres_sessions: fix empty agent section in case of 0 sessions...
* 0692 FIX: fileinfo: Avoid duplicate entries in Solaris agent
* 0693 FIX: hpux_lvm: avoid problem when alternative vgdisplay is installed + Multisite:
* 0270 FIX: Multisite host tag filter: Now uses exact match
* 0273 FIX: Fixed exceptions when modifying / cloning views
* 0274 FIX: Fixed exception when view title or description was missing + WATO:
* 0686 FIX: Fix replication with WATO if EC is enabled on master and disabled on slave
* 0129 FIX: Fixed permission bug in \"Edit user profile\" dialog....
* 0269 FIX: brocade_fcport: fixed problem on displaying check_parameters in WATO
* 0271 FIX: Fixed sorting in duallist element (two lists with interchangable elements)
* 0131 FIX: Error rates for network interfaces can now be set smaller then 0.1 when using Wato
* 0690 FIX: Fix language jumping to German when saving user profiles
* 0666 FIX: Minimum port for the mknotifyd is now 1024 (never use well known ports) + Notifications:
* 0133 FIX: Fixed mkeventd notification plugin + Livestatus:
* 0276 nagios4 livestatus support See ChangeLog for a complete listing of changes since 1.2.2p3- update for 1.2.4- remove livecheck- add vsphere package to handle python-pysphere depends
* Mon Nov 18 2013 Add packaging for Jolokia plugin
* Wed Nov 13 2013 set ownership on mysql.cfg and mkeventd_open514 for sles
* Wed Nov 13 2013 update to 1.2.2p3 + Core
* get_average(): Gracefully handle time anomlies of target systems
* notifications: /var/lib/check_mk/notify directory is now created correctly during setup from tgz file. (Without it notifications did not get sent out.)
* add missing $DESTDIR to auth.serials in + Checks & Agents
* winperf_processor: fix case where CPU percent is exactly 100%
* blade_powerfan: fix mixup of default levels 50/40 -> 40/50
* Cleaned up graph rendering of Check_MK services
* zypper: deal with output from SLES 10
* zpool_status: Ignoring \"No known data errors\" text
* dmi_sysinfo: Handling \":\" in value correctly
* check_http: Fixed syntax error when monitoring certificates
* check_dns: parameter -A does not get an additional string
* diskstat: Fixed wrong values for IO/s computation on linux hosts
* blade_healts: Fixed wrong index checking resulting in exceptions
* notifications: /var/lib/check_mk/notify directory is now created correctly during setup from tgz file. (Without it notifications did not get sent out.) + Multisite
* LDAP: Disabling use of referrals in active directory configuration
* Fixed missing roles in auth.php (in some cases) which resulted in non visible pnp graphs and missing nagvis permissions
* Fixed label color of black toner perfometers when fuel is low
* Fixed wrong default settings of view filters in localized multisite
* Fixed exception when enabling sounds for views relying on e.g. alert statistics source
* Folder Tree Snapin: make folder filter also work for remote folders that do not exist locally
* correctly display sub-minute check/retry intervals
* fix logic of some numeric sorters
* Improved user provided variable validation in view code
* Escaping html code in plugin output painters + WATO
* fix layout of Auxiliary tags table
* avoid exception when called first time and first page ist host tags
* fix validation of time-of-day input field (24:00)
* automation users can now be deleted again (bug was introduced in 1.2.2p1)
* fix logwatch pattern analyzer message \"The host xyz is not managed by WATO.\" after direct access via snapin
* Fixed first toggle of flags in global settings when default is set to True
* fix exception and loss of hosts in a folder when deleting all site connections of a distributed WATO setup
* avoid Python exception for invalid parameters even in debug mode
* check_ldap: Removed duplicate \"-H\" definition
* Fixed some output encoding problem in snapshot restore / deletion code
* Improved user provided variable validation in snapshot handling code
* Improved user provided variable validation in inventory dialog + Event Console
* apply rewriting of application/hostname also when cancelling events
* check_mkevents now uses case insensitive host name matching + Livestatus
* fixed incorrect output formatting of comments_with_info column table statehist: fixed memory leak- Add support for systemd- Add %defattr for mkeventd %files- slight mod to
* Fri Aug 09 2013 no source8 committed to OBS which is causing build failures
* Thu Jul 18 2013 fix permissions file handling- recommend monitoring_daemon instead of nagios on openSUSE- use RPM macros to create needed users and groups- install permissions file for check_mk- point users to \'chkstat --system --set\' on newer systems
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Added packaging for MySQL plugin
* Tue Jun 25 2013 Added packaging for SMART plugin
* Mon Jun 17 2013 update to 1.2.2p2- enabled mkeventd and packaging- patch to resolve chown issues- added permissions.mkeventd for setting its permissions
* Tue Jun 04 2013 use %run_permissions if older then suse 1140
* Fri Apr 12 2013 adjust %set_permission so it\'s only run on SUSE
* Fri Apr 12 2013 Added missing %livestatus_socketdir- Added auth.serial to multisite- Use %set_permissions set perms on /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users for multisite/WATO- adjust for new rpm macros
* Mon Apr 08 2013 update top 1.2.2 + Core
* Added $HOSTURL$ and $SERVICEURL$ to notification macros which contain an URL to the host/service details views with /check_mk/... as base. Checks & Agents
* FIX: blade_bx_load: remove invalid WATO group
* FIX: lnx_bonding: handle also 802.3ad type bonds Notifications
* FIX: Removing GRAPH_CODE in html mails when not available
* Using plugin argument 1 for path to pnp4nagios index php to render graphs
* Little speedup of check_mk --notify Multisite
* FIX: Fixed umlaut handling in reloaded snapins WATO
* FIX: Fix several cases where WATO rule analyser did not hilite all matching rules
* Added tcp port parameter to SSL certificate check Event Console
* FIX: Syslog server is now able to parse RFC 5424 syslog messages
* Fri Mar 08 2013 Repacked source with livecheck.c build fix for openSUSE > 12.2 +#include
- Fixed cross distro build
* Tue Feb 12 2013 update to 1.2.0p4 +WATO
* fixed detection of existing groups when creating new groups
* allow email addresses like
* Fixed Password saving problem in user settings +Checks & Agents
* postgres_sessions: handle case of no active/no idle sessions
* winperf_processor: handle parameters \"None\" (as WATO creates)
* mssql_counters: remove debug output, fix bytes output
* mssql_tablespaces: gracefully handle garbled agent output +Multisite
* performeter_temparature now returns unicode string, because of °C
* output_format json in webservices now using \" as quotes +Livestatus
* fix two problems when reloading module in Icinga ( thanks to Ronny Biering) Mulitisite
* Wed Dec 19 2012 install a permissions file in /etc/permissions.d/ to allow creating the livestatus socket as icinga user. Enhanced the documentation (README.SuSE) for this.
* Thu Oct 11 2012 update to 1.2.0p3 + Mulitisite:
* Added \"view\" parameter to dashlet_pnpgraph webservice + WATO:
* FIX: It is now possible to create clusters in empty folders
* FIX: Fixed problem with complaining empty ListOf() valuespecs + Livestatus:
* FIX: comments_with_info in service table was always empty
* Thu Jul 12 2012 added missing %{livestatus_vardir}/wato directories- fix perms on %{livestatus_vardir}/wato
* Wed Jul 11 2012 update to 1.2.0p2: + Core:
* simulation_mode: legacy_checks, custom_checks and active_checks are replaced with dummy checks always being OK
* FIX: Precisely define order of reading of configuration files. This fixes a WATO rule precedence problem + Checks & Agents:
* FIX: Fixed syntax errors in a bunch of man pages
* if_lancom: silently ignore Point-To-Point interfaces
* if_lancom: add SSID to logical WLAN interface names
* Added a collection of MSSQL checks for monitoring MSSQL servers (backups, tablespaces, counters)
* New check wut_webio_io: Monitor the IO input channels on W&T Web-IO devices
* nfsmounts: reclassify \"Stale NFS handle\" from WARN to CRIT
* ORACLE agent/checks: better error handling. Let SQL errors get through into check output, output sections even if no database is running.
* oracle_version: new check outputting the version of an ORACLE database - and using uncached direct SQL output.
* ORACLE agent: fix handling of EXCLUDE, new variable ONLY_SIDS for explicitely listing SIDs to monitor
* mk_logwatch on Linux: new options regex and iregex for file selection
* remove obsolete ORACLE checks where no agent plugins where available
* FIX: printer_supply: Fix problem on DELL printers with \"S/N\" in output (thanks to Sebastian Talmon)
* FIX: winperf_phydisk: Fix typo (lead to WATO rule not being applied)
* Windows agent: new [global] option crash_debug (see online docu)
* AIX agent: new check for LVM volume status in rootvg. + Multisite:
* Show number of rows and number of selected rows in header line (also for WATO hosts table)
* FIX: fix problem in showing exceptions (due to help function)
* FIX: fixed several localization problems in view/command processing
* FIX: fixed duplicated settings in WATO when using localisation
* FIX: fixed exception when refering to a language which does not exist
* FIX: Removing all downtimes of a host/service is now possible again
* FIX: The refresh time in footer is updated now when changing the value
* FIX: view editor shows \"(Mobile)\" hint in view titles when linking to views + WATO:
* Main menu of ruleeditor (Host & Service Parameters) now has a topic for \"Used rules\" - a short overview of all non-empty rulesets.
* FIX: add missing context help to host details dialog
* FIX: set new site dirty is host move due to change of folder attributes
* FIX: fix exception on unknown value in DropdownChoice
* FIX: add service specification to ruleset Delay service notifications
* FIX: fixed problem with disabled sites in WATO
* FIX: massive speedup when changing roles/users and activing changes (especially when you have a larger number of users and folders)
* Add variable CONTACTPAGER to allowed macros in notifications
* FIX: fixed default setting if \"Hide names of configuration variables\" in WATO
* FIX: ListOfString Textboxes (e.g. parents of folders) do now extend in IE + BI:
* FIX: fix handling of FOREACH_ in leaf nodes (remove hard coded $HOST$, replace with $1$, $2$, ..., apply argument substitution)
* New logical datatable for aggregations that have the same name as a host. Converted view \"BI Boxes\" to this new table. This allows for Host-Aggregations containing data of other hosts as well.
* count_ok: allow percentages, e.g. \"count_ok!70%!50%\"- add more README
* and
*.bat files for other Operating Systems to the rpmlintrc file
* Wed Jun 27 2012 export wwwuser- fix to make proper sudo call from wato
* Wed Jun 27 2012 replace _datarootdir macro with _datadir so is builds on SLE- added conditional unzip buildrequire for SLE- suppress bytecode version test for SLE
* Wed Jun 06 2012 update to 1.2.0p1 + Core Added macros $DATE$, $SHORTDATETIME$ and $LONGDATETIME$\' to notification macros + Checks & Agents FIX: diskstat: handle output \'No Devices Found\' - avoiding exception + Multisite FIX: fix severe exception in all views on older Python versions (like RedHat 5.5). +WATO FIX: fix order of rule execution: subfolders now take precedence as they should.-- 1.2.0 changes + Setup FIX: fix building of RPM packages (due to mk_mysql, mk_postgres) + Core FIX: fix error message in case of duplicate custom check + WATO FIX: add missing icon on cluster hosts to WATO in Multisite views FIX: fix search field in host table if more than 10 hosts are shown FIX: fix bulk edit and form properties (visibility of attributes was broken) FIX: fix negating hosts in rule editor + Checks & Agents fileinfo: added this check to Linux agent. Simply put your file patterns into /etc/check_mk/fileinfo.cfg for configuration. mysql.sessions: New check for MySQL sessions (need new plugin mk_mysql) mysql.innodb_io: New check for Disk-IO of InnoDB mysql_capacity: New check for used/free capacity of MySQL databases postgres_sessions: New check for PostgreSQL number of sessions postgres_stat_database: New check for PostgreSQL database statistics postgres_stat_database.size: New check for PostgreSQL database size FIX: hpux_if: convert_to_hex was missing on non-SNMP-hosts -replace with inline implementation tcp_conn_stats: handle state BOUND (found on Solaris) diskstat: support for checking latency, LVM and VxVM on Linux (needs updated agent) avoid duplicate checks cisco_temp_perf and cisco_sensor_temp- updated check_mk-no_chgrp.patch for 1.2.0- various %files updates-- check_mk_templates.cfg move from $docdir to %{_datarootdir}/check_mk-- removed %pnp4nagios_sysconfdir, RRA-configuration files dropped in version 1.1.13i1-- added livecheck, added version 1.1.13i1-- add dirs for wato- add export for check_result_path- added README.SUSE doc- add %fdupes to cleanup images/icons- include and add FollowSymlinks in the apache config
* Fri May 04 2012 updated .spec to use command %macros consistently
* Tue Feb 28 2012 update to 1.1.12p7 + Core, Setup, etc. FIX: honor extra_summary_host_conf (was ignored) FIX: handle buggy SNMP devices with non-consecutive OIDS (such as BINTEC routers) + Multisite FIX: detail view of host was missing column headers FIX: fix problem on IE with background color \'white\' FIX: fix hitting enter in host search form on IE FIX: fix problem in ipmi_sensors perfometer + Checks & Agents FIX: fixed man pages of h3c_lanswitch_sensors and statgrab_cpu FIX: netapp_volumes: added raid4 as allowed state (thanks to Michaël Coquard) FIX: HP-UX Agent: fix mrpe (remove echo -e and test -e, thanks to Philipp Lemke) FIX: ntp checks: output numeric data also if stratum too high FIX: if/if64: omit check result on counter wrap if bandwidth traffic levels are used. FIX: hpux_if: fix missing default parameter errors FIX: fix inventory of f5_bigip_temp hr_mem: handle rare case where more than one entry is present (this prevents an exception of pfSense) Livestatus FIX: fix type column in \'GET columns\' for dict-type columns (bug found by Gerhard Lausser)- Added packaging for oracle plugin- Changed source from bz2 to gz so there\'s no need to recompress- Set license to an OSI compliant per:
* Fri Feb 03 2012 Added missing cache, counters, logwatch, rrd, and web directories which belong under /var/lib/check_mk to %files- Create /var/lib/check_mk/rrd in %install
* Thu Jan 05 2012 Reinserted installation of mk_logwatch in %install so it\'s installed to the correct location- Update agent-logwatch %files to reflect the proper installation location of mk_logwatch
* Tue Jan 03 2012 Updated to 1.1.12p6- Removed agent Recommends which triggered the automatic selection of \"check_mk nagios nagios-plugins nagios-www\" upon installation of agent.
* Tue Dec 13 2011 update to 1.1.12p4: + Multisite: FIX: sidebar snapin Hostgroups and Servicegroups sometimes failed with non-existing \"available_views\". FIX: Fix host related WATO context button links to point to the hosts site FIX: Fixed view editor redirection to new view after changing the view_name FIX: Made icon painter usable when displaying hostgroup rows Logwatch: Switched strings in logwatch to i18n strings Logwatch: Fixed styling of context button when acknowleding log messages Logwatch: Implemented overview page to show all problematic logfiles + WATO: FIX: add missing icon_csv.png FIX: WATO did not write values of custom macros to extra_host_conf definitions
* Tue Nov 29 2011 update to 1.1.12p3: + Core, Setup, etc. FIX: really suppress precompiling on PING-only hosts now FIX: fix handling of empty suboids FIX: do not create precomiled checks for host without Check_MK services FIX: fix aggregate_check_mk (Summary host agent status) + Multisite FIX: fix critical but with missing \"wato_enabled\". You can now set \"wato_enabled = False\" in in order to completely disable WATO. FIX: Fixed styling of view header in older IE browsers FIX: Do not show WATO button in views if WATO is disabled FIX: Remove WATO Folder filter if WATO is disabled FIX: Snapin \'Performance\': fix text align for numbers FIX: Disallow setting downtimes that end in the past FIX: Fix links to downtime services in dashboard FIX: Fix popup help of reschedule icon FIX: finally fixed long-wanted \"NagStaMon create hundreds of Apache processes\" problem! FIX: query crashed when sorting after a join columns without an explicit title. FIX: filter for WATO file/folder was not always working. Added filter for hard services states to search and service problems view FIX: Added id parameter to render_statistics() method to allow more than one pie dashlet for host/service stats FIX: dashboard problem views now ignore notification period, just as tactical overview and normal problem views do FIX: Fixed styling of view header in older IE browsers FIX: Loading dashboard plugins in dashboard module + Checks & Agents FIX: Default levels now works, check not always OK FIX: blade_health: fix OID specification FIX: blade_bays: fix naming of item and man page FIX: mk_oracle now also detects XE databases FIX: printer_alerts: handle 0-entries of Brother printers FIX: printer_supply: fix Perf-O-Meter if no max known FIX: Added id parameter to render_statistics() method to allow more than one pie dashlet for host/service stats FIX: drbd: fixed inventory functions FIX: printer_supply: handle output of Brother printers FIX: ps.perf PNP template: show memory usage per process and not summed up. This is needed in situations where one process forks itself in irregular intervals and rates but you are interested just in the memory usage of the main process.
* Sun Nov 06 2011 complete rewrite of the package based on the work from deadpoint: + use the script to build all needed things and export the needed variables for building during %%install- update to 1.1.12- split into the following (sub-)packages: + check_mk (main package) + check_mk-multisite (multiside web GUI) + check_mk-agent-logwatch (logwatch extension for agent) + check_mk-agent (linux agent) + mk-livestatus (access Nagios status data)
* Fri Nov 13 2009 initial packaging