Changelog for
libapr-util1-1.5.4-1.12.i586.rpm :
Sat Oct 18 14:00:00 2014
- fix requires after spec-cleaner
Thu Oct 16 14:00:00 2014
- Clean up with spec-cleaner
- Kill support of sle10 and sle9
- Remove unused configure switches
Wed Sep 17 14:00:00 2014
- version 1.5.4
* MySQL driver: Fix incorrect handling of bad parameter.
* apr_crypto_get_driver(): Fix invalid storage reference on error path.
- docs: Tell doxygen not to store timestamps in files.
Thu Nov 21 13:00:00 2013
- version 1.5.3
* Add support to apr_memcache for unix domain sockets.
* Add support for Berkeley DB 6.0.
Wed Aug 28 14:00:00 2013
- Use compiler symbol visibility
- libapr1 does not have symbol
* so requires_ge it
Mon Jul 22 14:00:00 2013
- Update to apr-util 1.5.2
* apr_uri_parse(): Do not accept invalid characters in the scheme.
* Fix memory leak in hook sorting function.
* Fix password validation failure for all crypt and crypt_r based
* Fix potential data corruption in apr_brigade_write()
* Fixes for ap_crypto,memcache etc.. see
Tue Jul 16 14:00:00 2013
- get rid of --parents in doc section
Fri Aug 17 14:00:00 2012
- Needs libuud-devel now
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- Apache 2.4.x complains \"Your APR does not include SSL/EVP support.\"
Indeed, that\'s the case, fix it.
Sat Feb 18 13:00:00 2012
- updated to 1.4.1
- fixed crash in memtest testcase. Patch sent upstreams
- removed obsolete libapr-util1-1.3.12-gcc46.patch
- Changes with 1.4.1:
* ) Apply Windows build fixes for the apr_crypto API.
Changes with 1.4.0:
* ) apr_ldap_init: Pass secure=1 to ldapssl_init() with Solaris LDAP SDK. PR: 42682
* ) apr_memcache_server_create: Fix possible segfault. PR 51064.
* ) apr_thread_pool: Fix thread unsafe pool usage.
* ) Do not include apr.h and apr_errno.h from system search path in
apu_errno.h. PR 46487
* ) Add optional dbm, openssl and nss subpackages to the RPM spec file.
* ) apr_dbd_freetds: The sybdb.h header file might be freetds/sybdb.h
or sybdb.h.
* ) Add apr_crypto implementations for OpenSSL and Mozilla NSS. Add a unit
test to verify the interoperability of the two modules. Builds default
to disabled unless explicitly enabled.
* ) Add the apr_crypto interface, a rewrite of the earlier apr_ssl code,
based on the modular dso interface used for dbd and ldap. Initially,
the interface supports symmetrical encryption and decryption. The
purpose of the interface is to offer portable and interoperable
access to basic crypto using the native crypto libraries present on
each platform.
* ) Add trace probes to hooks, making it easier to inspect APR Hook based
applications with DTrace or other such mechanisms.
* ) Implement resource list when threads are unavailable. PR 24325
Changes with 1.3.13:
* ) Fix a failure of configure to detect ldap_set_rebind_proc(),
encountered on Fedora 15 with gcc 4.6.
* ) apr_thread_pool: Fix thread unsafe pool usage.
* ) Improve platform detection for bundled expat by updating
config.guess and config.sub.
* ) Sync libtool handling of bundled expat from APR.
Fri Jan 20 13:00:00 2012
- add Group tag to subpackages
Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2011
- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
Mon Oct 17 14:00:00 2011
- disable testsuite on qemu builds
Wed Oct 12 14:00:00 2011
- fix build on Factory
Thu Sep 15 14:00:00 2011
- set -DLDAP_SET_REBIND_PROC_THREE for callback setting in Factory.
Thu Sep 1 14:00:00 2011
- disable the (void)tmp; cast from %patch1.
Thu May 26 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.3.12, single bugfix release
* ) apr_ldap: Fix crash because of NULL cleanup registered by
apr_ldap_rebind_init(). [Rainer Jung]
Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011
- run make check
- fix pkgconfig build requires for auto dependencies
Fri May 20 14:00:00 2011
- Update to aprutil 1.3.11
* SECURITY: CVE-2010-1623 (
* SECURITY: CVE-2009-3560, CVE-2009-3720 (
* apr_thread_pool: Fix some potential deadlock situations. PR 49709.
* apr_thread_pool_create: Fix pool corruption caused by multithreaded
use of the pool when multiple initial threads are created.
Wed May 18 14:00:00 2011
- license update: Apache-2.0
Updating to syntax
Thu Apr 28 14:00:00 2011
- Add libapr-util1-1.3.9-gcc46.patch: fix ldap_set_rebind_proc
detection with gcc 4.6
Tue Dec 15 13:00:00 2009
- add baselibs for SPARC
- add baselibs.conf as a source
Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.3.9:
* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2412 (
Fix overflow in rmm, where size alignment was taking place.
* ) Make sure that \"make check\" is used in the RPM spec file, so that
the crypto, dbd and dbm tests pass.
* ) Make sure the mysql version of dbd_mysql_get_entry() respects the
rule that if the column number exceeds the number of columns, we
return NULL.
* ) Ensure the dbm module is packaged up correctly in the RPM.
* ) Clarify the error messages within the dbd tests.
Wed Jul 8 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.3.8:
* ) Use locally scoped variables in PostgreSQL driver to avoid stomping
on return codes. PR 47431
* ) Fix race conditions in initialisation of DBD, DBM and DSO.
* ) Expose DBM libs in apu-1-config by default. To avoid that, use
apu-1-config --avoid-dbm --libs. To get just DBM libs, use
apu-1-config --dbm-libs.
* ) Make sure --without-ldap works.
Mon Jun 8 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.3.7
Fix a denial of service attack against the apr_xml_
* interface
using the \"billion laughs\" entity expansion technique.
* ) Minor build and bug fixes.
* ) SECURITY: CVE-2009-0023 (
Fix underflow in apr_strmatch_precompile.
* ) Fix off by one overflow in apr_brigade_vprintf.
* ) APR_LDAP_SIZELIMIT should prefer LDAP_DEFAULT_LIMIT/-1 when the
SDK supports it, but in the absence of LDAP_DEFAULT_LIMIT (and
LDAP_NO_LIMIT/0) it is not safe to use a literal -1.
* ) Clean up ODBC types. Warnings seen when compiling packages for
Fedora 11.
* ) Use of my_init() requires my_global.h and my_sys.h.
* ) Fix apr_memcache_multgetp memory corruption and incorrect error
* ) Fix memcache memory leak with persistent connections.
* ) Add Oracle 11 support.
* ) apr_dbd_freetds: Avoid segfault when process is NULL.
Do no print diagnostics to stderr. Never allow driver to exit
* ) apr_dbd_freetds: The sybdb.h header file might be freetds/sybdb.h
or sybdb.h.
* ) LDAP detection improvements: --with-ldap now supports library names
containing non-alphanumeric characters, such as New
option --with-lber can be used to override the default liblber name.
Fix a problem reporting the lber library from apu-N-config.
* ) Suppress pgsql column-out-of-range warning.
* ) Fix a buffer overrun and password matching for SHA passwords.
* ) Introduce DSO handling of the db, gdbm and ndbm drivers, so these are
loaded as .so\'s on first demand, unless --disable-util-dso is configured.
* ) Fix a segfault in the DBD testcase when the DBD modules were not present.
- package %{dso_libdir}/apr_dbm_db
Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2009
- enable build on CentOS5 and RHEL5