Changelog for dbeaver-5.3.4-lp150.1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Feb 05 2019 update to 5.3.4
* Wed Jan 09 2019 update to 5.3.2
* Tue Dec 11 2018 update to 5.3.0
* Tue Nov 20 2018 update to 5.2.5
* SQL Server (MSSQL) database extension was added: - Native SQL Server metadata - Table/columns/indexes/constraints editor - View/edit objects\' comments
* Connection invalidate/reconnect action was redesigned (now forces reconnect always)
* Data viewer: - Cell rendering was fixed in the plaintext view - Data save/reject key bindings were fixed - Support of right align for numbers and dates in plaintext view was added
* SQL editor: - Tabs management was redesigned (now all tabs are pinnable and closeable) - SQL completion was significantly improved/fixed - Additional configuration for SQL formatter
* Object editor: - Problem with \"jumping\" focus was fixed - Links rendering was fixed - Checkboxes are now grouped together
* Data transfer: problem with multiple tables mappings was fixed
* Read-only connections now restrict metadata edit
* Driver properties editor UI was improved (password properties masking)
* Project explorer UI was fixed (header column sizes)
* PostgreSQL: - View and functions rename support was added - PostGIS support improved (now supports creation of new geometry values) - Data type DDL was added - Functions DDL was improved (comments) - JDBC driver default version changed to 42.2.5
* MySQL: - Multiple/excluding schema filters were fixed - Presto: table elements reading was fixed (performance) - DB2 z/OS: driver config was fixed (foreign keys reading) - A lot of minor UI fixes- changes from 5.2.4
* Results viewer: - Ordering confirmation config was fixed (issue with “unsortable” results fixed) - Toolbars layout was changed - Grid presentation: columns width stretching (fit screen/value) commands were added - Plaintext presentation: tabs support was fixed
* SQL editor: - Associated connection info can be placed in the first line of script (can be shared between different users) - Unnecessary objects information reading was disabled (completion performance was greatly improved) - Auto-completion was fixed (identifier replacement) - Use different syntax for store functions and procedures invocation - Fix for the “Search inside names” option support
* Object editor: - Property editor form was redesigned/fixed - Glitch with jumping cursor fixed - Grid visibility config was added
* Read-only connections detection was fixed
* Light theme is now default DBeaver theme (instead of Classic)
* Preferences pages were reorganized. SQL scripts processing pref page was added.
* Driver selection page: new design (optional)
* Linked folder/file handling was fixed (do not delete broken links)
* Data transfer wizard: progress monitor was fixed
* Greenplum: - Functions header/footer was added to DDL - Table DDL generation was enhanced
* SQL Server: procedure names fixed in auto-completion
* AWS Athena: connection page was fixed
* ORacle: do not use DBA_
* views by default
* Mock data generation wizard was improved: - Possibility to skip columns - Column generator settings save/load was fixed - Skip auto-generated columns by default
* Darkest Dark theme support was fixed
* German language localization update (thanks to Bullnados)
* Chinese language localization update (thanks to fengchao)
* Maven configuration was redesigned (now Maven project nature can be used in Eclipse)
* A lot of minor UI fixes
* Wed Oct 24 2018 update to 5.2.3
* Object (tables, columns, etc) editor was redesigned
* Statistics/misc tab was added to object editors
* Data transfer supports document-oriented databases now
* Table rename procedure is available from the table editor (MySQL, PG, Oracle, DB2)
* Long operations canceling was fixed
* \"Tip of the day\" popup was added
* Java 11 support was added
* Azure SQL driver was added
* AWS Athena support was significantly improved
* AWS Redshift: - Spectrum and external tables support was added - Columns and foreign keys metadata reading was fixed
* Cockroach: foreign keys reading was fixed (for ERD)
* Vertica: performance for data reading from big tables was improved
* PostgreSQL: support transactions in tools (Truncate and others) was added
* Oracle: TIMESTAMPTZ and TIMESTAMPLTZ data types support was fixed
* Greenplum: session manager was added
* SQL Server: sequences info reading was fixed
* Clickhouse: GROUP BY/ORDER BY functions in grouping panel were fixed
* Eclipse 2018-09 is now the default platform.
* Extra command line parameters were added
* German and Russian localizations were significantly improved
* A lot of minor UI fixes
* Tue Oct 16 2018 update to 5.2.2
* Google BigQuery extension was added
* DBF files driver was added
* SOCKS proxy: support for proxies on localhost
* New version release checker was fixed (NPE)
* SQL editor: - Selection occurrences highlighting was improved - Auto-completion: fuzzy completion is now used for all database objects - Extra formatting configuration was added - Active query tab switch bug was fixed - SQL joins auto-completion was fixed (quote column names)
* Results viewer: - Filtering + ORDER BY was fixed - All long string editors now support xml/json formatting - Native date/time formatting support was added - Date/time columns justify config was added - Bit string values support was fixed
* Data transfer: - Max string column length is respected when generating DDL - TXT format support was fixed (column widths)
* Query/long tasks canceling was improved (configuration)
* Connection default transaction isolation level configuration was fixed
* Driver version selector was fixed (MacOS)
* Apache Hive/Spark/Impala: - Table data edit support was added - Table/view source reading was implemented - Driver version was upgraded (2.6.5)
* Firebird: table columns rename/reorder/edit is now supported
* PostgreSQL: - Indexes predicate support was added - Domain data types (timestamp) resolve was fixed
* Oracle 11: NULL timestamp bug was fixed
* Clickhouse: driver config was fixed (catalogs)
* SQL Server: native driver version upgrade (7.0.0)
* Generic driver connection page UI was fixed (long URLs problem)
* Many minor UI fixes
* Tue Sep 25 2018 update to 5.2.1
* SQL editor: highlighting all occurrences of selected word (configurable)
* DBeaver extensions installer was improved: admin permissions are not required any more
* Color Theme extension support was added including Solarized Dark/Light themes
* Problem with upgrade from DBeaver 3.x was fixed
* Server session manager was improved: - UI was redesigned - Session manager is now present in Tools menu - \"Explain execution plan\" tab was added - Long operations panel was added - Oracle: many additional session properties were added
* RPM package was fixed (with newer RPM packager)
* Data transfer: option \"Selected columns/rows only\" were fixed
* \"Read data in SQL console\" behaviour was fixed (use SQL scripts instead of console)
* Extra commands were added to Database navigator context menu: for data edit, ERD, etc
* Grouping panel was improved: default ordering, duplicates finder, SQL Server syntax support
* UI for the connection selection dialog was improved
* Procedures editor was fixed (Generic driver)
* Results viewer: - Columns widths resize issue was fixed - Row deletion for custom SQL without unique key was fixed
* SQL Editor: - Paste from source code - formatting was improved (line feeds) - SQL indentation was fixed (DDL statements) - Formatter preferences page was redesigned - SQL Workbench formatter was added
* ERD editor: note delete command was fixed
* Generic connections (Impala and some others) create was fixed (buttons enablement)
* Oracle: \"Connections has timed out\" error was fixed
* SQL Server: IPv6 hosts support was added
* Vertica: tables metadata reading performance was greatly increased
* PostgreSQL: generic (Legacy) driver metadata reading was fixed
* Redshift/PostgreSQL: array data types support was improved (NULL arrays)
* Added localization for many UI strings
* Many minor UI fixes- drop rpmlintrc- use dbeaver.desktop from upstream- changes from 5.2.0
* New connection wizard was significantly simplified
* Database navigator now loads long table lists by segments (configurable)
* Problem with data transfer wizard and connection wizard auto-resize was fixed
* Results viewer: - Show error when cell value can’t be read from a database (instead of NULL) - Plaintext renderer was fixed (NULL values render) - Actions enable/disable state was fixed - Export to Excel now respects filters and orderings
* Mock data: - Wizard was fixed (error with missing native client) - Batch size configuration was added - UUID data type support was added - String generator was fixed
* CSV import: - Column mappings were fixed - Support literal for NULL mark
* SQL editor: - Problem with procedures/views editor cursor reset on save was fixed - SQL formatter was fixed (spaces after brackets) - Completion of fully-qualified names was fixed - Error position highlight was improved
* Long LOB values editor fix
* New version check dialog can be suppressed for a particular version
* ERD: show table/constraint comments
* CockroachDB extension was added
* PostgreSQL: - Active database switch was fixed - Native client selector was fixed. Binaries were upgraded to PG 10.5 version. - Improved support of PostgreSQL 7.x and 8.x - Allow to select directory in restore wizard
* MySQL: - Problem with zeroDatetimeBehavior property was fixed - Duration data type support
* Elasticsearch: driver version updated to 6.4
* Redshift: - Native Redshift table DDL generator was added - Driver version update to 1.2.16 (now use Maven artifact)
* SQLite: custom unique key editor was fixed
* Vertica: SELECT INTO limit problem was fixed
* H2: schema browser was fixed
* MSSQL and Generic driver: support filters for procedures/packages
* Misc minor UI problems were fixed
* Tue Aug 28 2018 update to 5.1.6
* Generic driver: new objects creation was fixed
* Foreign keys creation was fixed
* Schema loading was fixed (Generic driver)
* Native client download feature was added (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)
* Database objects search was fixed
* Long CLOB value editor was fixed
* Configuration for edit toolbar visibility was added (toolbar is disabled by default)
* Keyboard shortcuts activation was fixed
* Security: - SSH tunnel initialization fix (NPE) - SSH keyboard-interactive method: now use saved password - Advanced security (BouncyCastle) is now used for SSL/SSH cryptography by default (if present) - ed25519 support was updated
* SQL editor: - Auto-completion was improved (fully-qualified names) - Source code paste transformer was improved - Indentation was fixed
* Redshift: - PostgreSQL driver is used for connection - Data editor was fixed (read-only state)
* Vertica: table list loading performance issue was fixed
* MySQL: zeroDateTime configuration was fixed (solves performance issue)
* PostgreSQL: - Table DDL was fixed (GRANT commands) - Foreign table DDL was fixed (OPTIONS clause)
* SQL Server: BIT data type editor was fixed
* SQLite: datatime/numbers formatting support was added
* Many minor UI fixes
* After all we have reverted to Eclipse 4.7 platform. There were too many bugs and problems with latest version. Especially with Linux platforms
* Tue Aug 14 2018 update to 5.1.5
* Data import from CSV was added
* Connection edit dialog was redesigned (General page)
* SSH tunnel: - Support of SOCKS proxy for tunnel connections was added - Support of \'keyboard interactive\' authentication was added
* Results viewer: - SQL script generation was fixed - Number -> Epoch time transformer was fixed - Plaintext presentation render was fixed - Tab name detection for new tabs was fixed - Panel and dialog value editors now use monospace font
* SQL and ERD editors glitch was fixed on Linux (GTK)
* SQL editor: - File rename glitch was fixed - Auto-complete was fixed (string replace) - Parameters binding dialog additional configuration was added
* Configuration for connection/schema selectors was added
* Metadata search page was fixed
* Basic edit actions toolbar was added
* Data export in plaintext format was added
* PostgreSQL: - Database create function was fixed - Databases refresh function was fixed - Error position extraction was fixed for localized client drivers - Dump restore (from directory) option was fixed
* SQL Server: synonyms reading was added
* Hive: driver was updated (get rid of huge and unstable Maven driver)
* Vertica: connection page was fixed
* Snowflake: - Connection page was fixed - Valid table/view DDL extraction was added
* SQLite connection dialog was updated (get rid of user/password fields)
* All jar files are now signed with code-sign certificate (important for Eclipse plugin version)
* Meta-information (appdata) was added in Debian packages
* Big number of minor UI and localization fixes- changes from 5.1.4
* Data viewer: - Foreign keys/references navigation was improved - Unique key detection was changed (ROWID is used only if no natural key was found) - String filter editor was fixed
* Full-text search history navigation was fixed
* SQL formatter was fixed/improved
* ERD: self-referencing tables rendering was fixed
* Error dialog was enhanced (scrollable text for all errors, default focus is on Ok button)
* Database navigator double-click behavior was extended (open new editor)
* Database driver search was improved (search in descriptions)
* Snowflake connection configuration UI was added in CE
* Elastic Search driver configuration was added
* AWS Athena driver configuration was added
* Exasol extension now relies on v6 driver
* PostgreSQL: - Multiple databases filter was fixed - Active database detection was fixed - Function list reading was fixed for PG < 8.4 - Foreign server user mapping was added (thanks to AATTjohnatanDM) - Permission editor UI was fixed - Many minor UI fixes
* MariaDB/Galera: users editor was improved
* MySQL/MariaDB: view creation was fixed
* Oracle: - DATE data type support was fixed - Table statistics/storage information was added - Synonyms support was added in metadata extraction - Extra columns were added to Explain Plan nodes - Multiline editor for table/column comments
* Firebird: sequences and triggers reading was fixed for older FB versions
* Phoenix: metadata reading bug was fixed (databases with single schema)
* Shortcuts with Ctrl+Alt were changed on Ctrl+Shift
* DBeaver was migrated to Eclipse 4.8 platform. Besides other improvements this fixes a few old UI bugs on MacOS and Linux- changes from 5.1.3
* Database objects search fixed (GoTo object dialog)
* Database full-text search was improved (state loading, bug were fixed, search history was fixed)
* Default error dialog was redesigned (allow message copy-paste and scrolling)
* Drivers download errors was fixed (missing Maven artifacts handling)
* ERD looks-and-feel was fixed. Extra configuration was added.
* SQL editor: - Query comments processing was fixed - Left toolbar rendering was fixed (background color issue) - SQL formatter for sub-selects was fixed
* Results viewer: - Presentation switch error was fixed - Sorting by ambiguous columns was fixed - Visualize read-only columns in grid header (different background color + tooltip) - Value view panel read-only state handling was fixed - Search in value view panels was added - Execution log and output panel toggle shortcuts were changed
* PostgreSQL: - Driver version updated to 42.2.3 - Multi-database support was improved (no need to switch active database on access) - Foreign table DDL was fixed - Materialized view DDL was fixed - Domain data types resolution was fixed (problems with date/time types) - Debug perspective switch was fixed
* MySQL: - New driver for MySQL 8.x was added - Timestamp time zone issue was resolved
* Oracle: - Tablespace storage information was fixed
* Yellowbrick driver configuration was added
* Timescale driver connection page was fixed
* SAP HANA: activate database switch was added
* Data export in SQL: null table name issue was fixed
* Data transfer by segments + table truncate was fixed
* Database output log contents filtering was added (zero characters)
* Database navigator: icons position was fixed
* New table columns rename was fixed
* MacOS installer was fixed (CE and EE version on the same machine issue)
* Debug logging was fixed (do not log secure information)
* Many minor UI fixes
* Wed Jul 04 2018 update to 5.1.2
* SQL editor: - Commands toolbar was redesigned - SQL formatting for JOINs was fixed - Indentation in auto-formatter was fixed - Vertical editor selection bug was fixed - Support multiple values in AATTSET command - Command shortcut processing was fixed
* Results viewer: - Filter editor behavior was fixed (Enter key processing) - Glitch with text edit panel (CLOBs) was fixed - Column (row) drag-n-drop in record mode is now supported
* ERD: - Entity render was improved - Associations (foreign keys) resolution was fixed
* PostgreSQL: - Active database switching was fixed - Metadata editor was improved (materialized views tablespace, table extra options) - Materialized views refresh tool - Explain plan conditions formatting was added - Index columns view was improved
* MariaDB/MySQL: - Server time zone selected add in connection edit page (MySQL only) - Show view algorithm in metadata viewer - Save view was fixed - Save Trigger was fixed - Permissions grant was fixed for HISTORY privilege (MariaDB)
* Oracle: - Show used/available space for tablespaces - View source extraction was fixed (extra semicolon issue) - Procedures auto-completion was fixed - DB2: sequence creation was fixed - SQLite: sequence reading was fixed - SAP HANA: procedures and functions were separated - Timescale: driver configuration was added - GoTo database object dialog: connection health checking was added - Row count calculation for custom queries was fixed - Metadata editor supports dialog with multiline editor for comments/remarks - Output log viewer auto-clear option was added - Connection invalidate was fixed (do not show notifications for alive connections) - Many minor UI and localization fixes
* Sat May 19 2018 update to 5.0.5 - PostgreSQL procedures debugger was added in CE - Search in query history feature was added - Query manager view was redesigned - DBUnit data export format support was added - Eclipse Mars (and earlier) support was fixed - Foreign key values browser was improved (progress visualizing, values ordering) - Results viewer/editor key bindings activation was fixed - Results viewer now respects database navigator filters (default column visibility) - Results viewer shortcuts (fetch page/fetch all) were changed to avoid conflicts with Linux def shortcuts - XLS data exporter was improved (column comments support) - SQL formatter was fixed (special characters processing) - SQL Editor: auto-completion was fixed for Generic driver (including SQL Server and Informix) - Connect, disconnect and invalidate timeouts were added - PostgreSQL: view comments and permissions support was added - PostgreSQL: asynchronous server output reading is now supported - PostgreSQL: schema create was fixed - MariaDB: packages support was added, procedures read was fixed - DB2: table columns create/edit supports was added - Oracle CASE statement parsing was fixed - Misc minor UI bugfixes- changes from 5.0.4 - Different action icons were fixed (results viewer, SQL editor, file operations) - Results viewer: context menu was redesigned (compacted) - Results viewer: scrolling shortcuts were changed - HighDPI support: composite icons rendering was fixed - Data export: SQL INSERT format support for custom SQL queries - Mockdata: commands contributions (menu and toolbar) was fixed - SQL editor: object search now can search inside object names - SQL editor: auto-indent was fixed (identifier replace issue) - SQL editor: “to upper case/to lower case” command shortcuts were fixed - SQL editor: bold font style configuration - Bookmarks drag-n-drop inserts real object name - Database objects create: mixed case identifiers support was fixed - Database aliases support was added (DB2, Oracle) - Diagram viewer: support aliases drag-n-drop - Diagram viewer: tables/columns copy action was added, context menu was redesigned - Table truncate support (for data transfer, mock data generators, etc) - Oracle: default driver version changed to 12.2 - Oracle: expired passwords change UI - Oracle: DROP INDEX was fixed - PostgreSQL: permissions reading was redesigned - PostgreSQL: table columns permissions view/edit support was added - PostgreSQL: create function dialog redesign - PostgreSQL: schema DDL support was added - PostgreSQL: schema comments edit support was added - PostgreSQL: tablespace edit support was added - PostgreSQL: constraint indexes support - PostgreSQL: default schema change was fixed - PostgreSQL: trigger attribute view - MySQL: enum columns parser was fixed - SQLite: read-only connections support was added - Firebird: driver version was updated. 2.x driver was removed. - Firebird: SET TERM command evaluation was fixed - Vertica: tables, projections and columns comments support was added - Clickhouse: metadata read fix - Misc minor UI bugfixes
* Tue Apr 17 2018 update to 5.0.3 - Event notification UI was added (commit/rollback/reconnect events) - Results viewer: status bar update fixed (re-layout) - Results viewer: filters reset action enablement was fixed - Results viewer: ordered UUID transformer was added - Results viewer: support of grid columns drag-n-drop in text editor was added - Results viewer: filter dictionary reading was fixed (include NULL values) - Results editor: script generation was improved (column values are now correctly rendered) - Results editor: complex data type (structures, arrays) editor UI was fixed - SQL editor: autocomplete was fixed (word replacement) - SQL formatter: keyword case configuration UI was fixed - PostgreSQL: function permissions editor was added - PostgreSQL: active schema switching was fixed (search_path patching) - PostgreSQL: support of PG <= 8.4 (data types info reading) - PostgreSQL: table comments added in DDL - Oracle: synonyms reading was fixed (include broken synonyms) - Oracle: NUMBER data type scale/precision editor was added - Oracle: convert query line feeds for ORacle <= 10 - SQL Server: procedures drop was added - SQL Server: table comments reading was added - Connection invalidate job was fixed (disable disconnect on first failure) - Connection editor was fixed (folder list) - Autocommit toolbar button state refresh was fixed (on editor switch) - CLI: connections duplications bug was fixed - Query manager colors configuration was added - Data transfer: extra output file name template variables were added - Global column filters support was added - ERD: fully qualified table names option was added - ERD: export in GraphML was fixed (column data type) - XLSX exporter was improved (configuration UI) - SSHJ extension was repackaged - Full text searcher UI was fixed (messages) - Mockdata wizard UI was improved - RPM package dependencies fix (Java 8) - Misc minor UI fixes- changes from 5.0.2
* SQL editor: - Empty script close behavior config was enhanced - Resources leak (thread + memory) was fixed - Results viewer: plaintext + record mode error was fixed
* PostgreSQL: - Permission grants in table DDL - Constraints comments support was added - Foreign keys comments support was added - Sequences support (v10) was fixed - Sequences comments support was added - Functions permissions UI was added - Triggers DDL was added - Inherited tables DDL was fixed - Foreign servers DDL was added - Foreign wrappers DDL was added - Database rename support was added
* Oracle: - DBA views resolve was fixed - Standard function names highlight was fixed - Exasol: table row count support was added - SQL Server: URL generation (explicit port value) was fixed - Greenplum driver configuration was added - Data export: XLS format (NULL cell values, column comments) was fixed - Minor UI bugfixes- changes from 5.0.1 - Data export: markdown (wiki, confluence) format support - Data export: extra configuration for CSV format - Data export: auto-size clumns in XLS - Mockdata generator: UI redesign, extra configuration - Connection selector dialog was redesigned - ERD: save to image was fixed (image bounds) - SQL generate: queries unwrap (configurable) - SSH tunnel: external SSHJ implementation (ed25519 support, bouncy castle) - Generic driver configuration was fixed - PostgreSQL: table DDL fix (include table comment) - MySQL: global server privileges edit fixed - Oracle: PL/SQL parser was fixed - Oracle: float data type support was fixed - ERD in SVG format support was fixed - Many minor UI fixes- changes from 5.0.0 - Mock data generator extension release. UI changes, lots of bugfixes. - PostgreSQL debugger (beta version) - PostgreSQL: constraints DDL was fixed - PostgreSQL: PostGIS support was fixed (array of geometry type) - Vertica: UDF support (read-only) - Vertica: flex tables support (read-only) - Oracle: include comments in view DDL - Auto-reconnect after connection failure feature was added (configurable) - Auto-refresh for sessions and transaction lock views was added - SQL editor: auto-complete for JOIN was fixed/improved - Metadata search was fixed (NPE) - Results viewer: grid background colour shows cells state - Results viewer: column header render was fixed - Excel export: support of column descriptions in header - Settings for the page switch saving on the connection page were fixed - Keyboard shortcuts for the SQL editor opening were fixed - Entity editor save/revert changes actions were fixed (refresh contents) - Decimal part rendering is now configurable for the numeric data type - Command line handling (-con) was fixed (drivers search) - Fixes for the driver editor dialog were implemented: NPE fixes, show driver ID - Edit connection dialog was fixed (dialog layout glitch) - Dialog for errors was fixed – now default button is Stop - Numerous localization fixes - Many minor UI fixes- changes from 4.3.5 - Full UI localization (Chinese, Russian, German, French) - Mock data generator: additional generators and bug fixes
* Changes for SQL Editor: - JOIN table/condition auto-complete - SQL Editor: UI for results/editor/panels switching was fixed - “open editor” and “switch panels” shortcuts were changed - warning on the “Execute in separate tabs” command for big scripts was added - “extract SQL from source code” command was fixed
* Changes for Result viewer: - icon visibility options were added - rendering of floating point numbers was fixed (fraction digits are shown according to column scale) - JSON/XML panel editor was fixed (dirty mark on text selection) - Driver editor dialog was fixed (custom jars for Maven-enabled drivers)
* Changes for MacOS X installer (pkg): - support of CE and EE versions on the same machine - allows to install DBeaver extensions
* Changes for PostgreSQL: - Postgis support was added - HStore support was fixed (in string form) - UI for permission management was fixed - table DDL (costraints) was fixed (constraint name)
* Changes for MySQL: - support of geometry (GIS) types was added - session manager view was improved - triggers DDL was fixed: trigger creation now omits database name
* Changes for Impala: - driver configuration was fixed - SQL dialect/syntax highlighting was fixed - Many minor UI fixes (edited)- changes from 4.3.4 - Mock data generator extension (beta version) - Import/export/script wizard allows multiple run - SQL formatter was fixed (comments and expressions) - Data export in SQL INSERT format was fixed (auto-increment columns) - SQL generator: JOIN support - Results viewer: “Fetch All” command was fixed - Content editor: value saving/activation was fixed - ERD editor: context menu was enhanced (populated with standard table commands) - SQL Server 2000 and earlier: schema reading was fixed - Sybase: procedure body reading was fixed - Sybase: database metadata reading was fixed - PostgreSQL: database switch support was added - PostgreSQL: identity column support was added - PostgreSQL: sequence management - PostgreSQL: default driver version was updated (42.2.0) - PostgreSQL: permission management was improved (sequences support) and fixed (role name escaping) - PostgreSQL: index comments were added to DDL - PostgreSQL: trigger name column was added - Oracle: view definition reading was fixed - MySQL: table filters were fixed - MySQL: database restore wizard was fixed (UTF encoding) - Firebird: stored procedure execution was fixed - Snowflake driver config was added - A few icons were fixed - Keyboard shortcuts were fixed (commit, rollback, results panels toggle) - Many minor UI fixes- changes from - Fix of NSIS installer (install in Program Files with Admin privileges) - Fix of SQL processor for PostgreSQL dialect (NPE)- changes from 4.3.3 - SQL editor: query extraction was fixed (trailing delimiter) - SQL editor: variables support was added (${varName}, configurable) - SQL editor: embedded mode was fixed (UI freeze on editor refresh) - Results viewer: column drop-down filter was added - Numeric cell value dialog editor was fixed - Ref cursor cell value dialog viewer was fixed - Main toolbar was fixed (now it is visible only in DBeaver perspective) - UI of checkbox inline editor was fixed - Environment variables substitution now works for all network configurations - External Eclipse extension installer was fixed - Git integration was implemented with Eclipse Git plugin - External plugin repository list was enhanced (Office, SVG, Git, Eclipse Oxygen) - Command line support was fixed (-con + connection properties) - CSV export: value quoting config was added - PostgreSQL: syntax highlighting was improved - MariaDB: default column value editor was fixed - SQL Server: schema list reading was fixed - SQL Server: procedures source reading was fixed - Oracle: view definition (truncated) reading was fixed - Sybase: error handling was fixed (for queries with multiple results) - Firebird: 3.x driver configuration was fixed (default encoding is UTF-8) - Windows installer was improved - “All Users” mode was removed - /S and /D options were fixed - Controls internationalization was improved - Chinese, Russian and French localizations were improved - Many minor UI fixes
* Sat Jan 20 2018 update to 4.3.2 - UI language selector was added in preferences - Active schema selector UI was enhanced (filter) - Foreign/ref key navigation icon render was fixed - String cell value can be opened in a separate text editor - Plaintext rendering was enhanced (NULL values, delimiters) - Data export: export of selected columns/rows is now supported - SQL editor: support backslash escape in SQL strings/quoted identifiers - DB2: connection properties dialog was fixed (settings load) - SQL Server: Windows authentication option was added - Sybase/SQL Server: schema list read/filter was fixed - Sybase/SAP ASE: native jConnect driver configuration was added - MySQL/MariaDB: big query results fetching was fixed (for complex custom SQL) - PostgreSQL: procedure creation was fixed - PostgreSQL: role create/drop actions - PostgreSQL: permission management UI was added - PostgreSQL: table DDL generation was fixed (column comments) - Redis: connection properties dialog was fixed (settings load) - Extra CLI options for MySQL/PostgreSQL native export/import wizards - French localization was added (thanks to madcollector) - Chinese localization was updated - Many minor UI fixes
* Sun Jan 07 2018 update to 4.3.1 - New custom DBeaver icon set was added. - 32x32 icons for HighDPI minotors - Entity editor UI was improved (properties panel) - Stored procedures execute console - Referencing tables navigation fix - Unique key create dialog was fixed - Quick filter for procedures - Object delete dialog was improved (CASCADE delete support) - Main menu localization was fixed - SQL Server/Sybase: schema list read was fixed - PostgreSQL: child tables navigation was fixed - PostgreSQL: money data type support - PostgreSQL: table DDL generate fix - Oracle: table DDL generate fix - Oracle: queues metadata (read-only) - Firebird: separate drivers for 2.x and 3.x - HANA: views/procedures DDL extraction - Generic: show all table triggers in catalog/schema - Main window title rendering was fixed (confiruable) - Minor UI fixes- update to 4.3.0 - UI localizations (Chinese, Russian, German) were added back - Database navigator: new objects (tables, views, columns) create was fixed - SQL Editor: active query extraction/parse was fixed - SQL Editor: proposals auto-activation was fixed - SQL Editor: compact SQL formatter was added - Results viewer: data types coloring support was added - Results viewer: cell value editor - Results viewer: dictionary edit dialog was fixed (custom criteria) - Driver manager dialog was improved (driver copy, sorting) - Main toolbar was slightly redesigned - Support environment variables in connection properties - Navicat connections configuration import was added - Some icons were updated (application, SQL editor) - Find/replace dialog was added in text edit fields (from context menu) - PostgreSQL: basic partitions and inheritance support in database navigator - PostgreSQL: view edit/create was fixed - Vertica: 7.x-9.x driver configuration - Neo4j driver configuration was added- update to 4.2.6 - Results view: referencing tables view (ctrl+1) - Results view: plain text presentation configuration - Results view: column ordering shortcut (ctrl+0) - Results view: boolean value editor was fixed (MacOS) - Results view: editor activation fix (caps lock handle) - SQL editor: auto-complete was fixed - SQL editor: query extraction was fixed (parameters position) - SQL formatter fix - MacOS installer with bundled JRE - Active schema switcher command (ctrl+shift+a) - Navigator: connections color render was fixed - SQL query row count function was fixed (SQL transformation) - Older Eclipse version support was fixed (API invocations) - Vertica: new metadata browser (projections, nodes, sequences, procedures source) - PostgreSQL: constraints DDL reading was fixed, access methods model was fixed - PostgreSQL: database restore command line parameters fixed - PostgreSQL: array value render eas fixed - PostgreSQL: data export fixed (multi-row format) - Oracle: show expressions for function-based indexes - Oracle: DATE data type render was fixed - DB2: DECIMAL parameters binding was fixed - SQL Server: sequences viewer was added - SQL Server: fix autocompletion for table with AATT and # characters - Apache Solr driver was added - Internationalization and localization (Chinese) were enhanced. - Misc UI fixes- update to 4.2.5 - Connection/schema selectors UI was improved - Shortcuts for connection schema select (CTRL+9, CTRL+0) - SQL error handle was fixed (error type detection, reconnect activation) - SELECT COUNT(
*) transformer was fixed - SQL completion: multiple bug fixes - SQL editor: single line comment toggle was fixed - SQL editor: script execution UI config (editor pane maximize is now configurable) - SQL editor: support association with connections from another project - Database editor: auto-save doesn\'t affect data editors - Results viewer: varchar to binary column view transformer - Results viewer: status label was fixed - Results viewer: timestamp value editor was fixed - PostgreSQL: view DDL was fixed (for alter view) - MySQL/MariaDB: quoted schema name handle fixed - Oracle: DATE data type support was fixed - Oracle: execution plan for queries with parameters - Oracle: sessions SQL read was improved - SQL Server: native timestamp format fixed - Data search: UI was fixed (performance) - MetaData search: UI was fixed (tree structure) - ER diagrams: datasource info in project explorer - SSH tunnel config enhanced (local port number) - i18n model enhancement - Chinese localization - Hex editor UI was fixed (hex panel stretching, preferences) - Keyboard shortcuts were fixed (conflicts with other Eclipse solutions) - Cloudera Impala driver config was added - CUBRID driver config was added - Office and SVG extensions moved to separate update sites (marketplace) - Misc UI fixes
* Tue Oct 31 2017 Update to version 4.2.4- specfile cleanup Sat Feb 6 00:00:00 UTC 2016 - Mad-Soft- updated to 3.5.9 Sun Nov 15 00:00:00 UTC 2015 - Mad-Soft- updated to 3.5.3 Sat Nov 15 00:00:00 UTC 2014 - Mad-Soft- updated to 3.0.2