Changelog for
publictransport-runner-0.11.beta-41.3.x86_64.rpm :
Fri May 22 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.11.beta
- Many crash/bug fixes, visual polishing,
(The script is actually unchanged, just select the
new version)
- changes from 0.11 alpha 2
- Providers are now hosted on, download via GHNS,
many fixes etc. See
(The script is actually unchanged, just select the
new version)
- changes from 0.11 alpha
- Many improvements, new features, GTFS support, etc.
- Update: Improved install script, automatically select latest
version for installation, show available versions sorted by
date, allow switching to another version when starting the
script again with the repository already cloned
- Update 2: Allow selecting git HEAD for installation again
(the script shows Current_Development_Version for it), HEAD
contains a fix for building with GTFS support but without
protocol buffers installed
- changes from 0.10 RC2
- Applet:
- Fix link errors
- Fix memory leaks
- Fix applet collapsing to popup icon in desktop
- Drawing performance improvements
- Use of KPixmapCache for vehicle type icons
- New monochrome icons, shown in the popup icon
- Add possibility to put the applet into the notification area
- Better layout adjustments for small sizes
- Change applet tooltip according to current departure group
in popup icon
- Shorter alarm names, alarm names in notifications
- Nicer alarm background
- Fix color groups and route time display for arrivals
- TimetableMate:
- Fix for missing KWebKitPart include file, it now uses
KWebView directly
- Library:
- Fix a crash with GraphicalTimetableLine
(missing null pointer check)
Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- Allow installation with workspaces < platform.
Sun Dec 30 13:00:00 2012
- update to latest version 0.11 alpha 2:
- Providers are now hosted on
- download via GHNS
- fixes build problems
- fixes crashes in data engine and runner
Sat Dec 22 13:00:00 2012
- update to latest version 0.11 alpha
- update soname
Wed Oct 3 14:00:00 2012
- Update to latest version
- Add new buildrequires: protobuf, marble
- Remove upstream removed helper package
- Fixed license text
Tue Mar 6 13:00:00 2012
- Update to latest version
Fri Nov 11 13:00:00 2011
- Switched to using %make_jobs after smp building was fixed
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- Changed kwebkitpart-devel buildrequires to kwebkitpart to fix
building on some targets
Mon Oct 24 14:00:00 2011
- Merged library and plasmoids into a single spec file. Thanks
to Friedrich Pülz for very quickly improving the build system to
make this possible.
- Reworked spec file to make use of the improved build process
Thu Oct 20 14:00:00 2011
- Rewrote most of spec file to work with new package structure
- Split off separate plasmoids and runner
- Put library and shared components in a separate package
(this is required since the library needs to be installed
in order to compile the plasmoids)
- Updated rpmlintrc file version number
Sat Apr 30 14:00:00 2011
- Spec file updates:
* Removed \"licenses\" package usage (obsolete).
Fri Jan 21 13:00:00 2011 - 0.9
- added timetablemate-cmakelist-fix.patch to fix the build on
KDE SC 4.6 and newer
Wed Jan 19 13:00:00 2011 - 0.9
- removed not working kde46-webview.patch
Wed Jan 19 13:00:00 2011 - 0.9
- added kde46-webview.patch
Thu Jan 6 13:00:00 2011 - 0.9
- updated publictransport to version 0.9
+ See ChangeLog file for further information
- updated timetablemat to version 0.2.1
+ See ChangeLog file for further information
Fri Apr 23 14:00:00 2010 - 0.8.3
- updated timetablemate to version 0.2 base package is version 0.8.3
+ New parser for java script.
+ Added tooltips for global parser functions, timetable info strings
and some function calls in the script source tab.
+ Now using KAuth to install accessors globally.
+ Localization of the name and description fields is now possible
using TimetableMate.
+ Added support for city name replacements and \"onlyUsePredefinedCities\".
+ The plasma previewer now automatically opens the configuration dialog
of the applet with the currently opened accessor selected.
Wed Apr 14 14:00:00 2010 - 0.8.3
- updated to version 0.8.3
+ The departure/journey views now show a message if they don\'t
contain any items (like \"waiting for departures...\").
+ Recently used journey searches are now also suggested when only
the stop name matches.
+ New tool: TimetableMate, a little IDE to create/edit/check
timetable accessors, ie. scripted publictransport data engine plugins.
- change BuildRequires to kdebase4-workspace-devel >= 4.3.87 because
since version 0.8 KDE 4.4 or newer is required
Wed Mar 31 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 0.8
- Added a button to start the journey search to the journey
search view.
- Added items to the journey search suggestions view to add/remove
keywords to/from the journey search line, eg. add \"in 5/15/30
minutes\" / \"tomorrow at 6:00\" or to change them, eg. \"30/60 minutes
- Hover effect for the departure/journey view and the journey
search suggestion view.
- Clear button for the journey search line, without letting the cursor
go under the clear button.
- Tooltip not showing on desktop or when the popup is shown.
- Sorting by arrival and duration now works as expected for the
journey view.
- Better column resizing behavior, to avoid having a horizontal
scrollbar shown (by adjusting the size of the last column).
- Bugfixes.
Fri Mar 19 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7
+ Alternating row colors for the departure view with a gradient
+ For departures with an alarm a special background is now drawn
again, but this time also for all children
+ Changed the background hint back from TranslucentBackground
to StandardBackground.
+ BugFix: The \"action buttons\" overlay showed a button to display
arrivals even if they aren\'t supported by the service provider.
+ Many other bugfixes
Thu Feb 25 13:00:00 2010
- fixed file list
Mon Feb 8 13:00:00 2010
- updated to version 0.6.9
+ Targets/Origins can now be filtered using wildcards/regular
+ The old RegExp-Accessors (without script file) can now also
parse stop weights.
+ BugFix: Stop suggestions didn\'t work for de_fahrplaner. It\'s now
using another url for stop suggestions, like de_db (same system),
with stop weights.
+ BugFix: sk_imhd didn\'t work because the web site has changed the
time format from \"\" to \"hh:mm\". The time parsing is now more
flexible and tries other time formats if the one specified in
the script doesn\'t work.
Sun Feb 7 13:00:00 2010
- updated to version 0.6.8
- Moved the credits label to the bottom (like in the weather applet).
It\'s now also translatable.
- Better title layout (stop names), especially with multiple or long
stop names.
- Better image quality when the applet is rotated.
- Sub-items in the departure/arrival-treeview can now be expanded/collapsed
with a single/double click on the whole item (currently only useful for
the route information item).
- Changed the advanced config page: The update timeout option is gone,
timeouts are managed by the data engine; Better layout.
- Removed the layout hack for the info label that is now on the bottom
of the applet.
- Even more intelligent timeouts :) Scripts can now tell, if delay
information is available for the timetable data, if it can parse that
somewhere from the document. If no delay infos are available (but delays
are a feature of the current accessor) the timeout no longer has a maximum
of 5 mins (leading to less traffic and less CPU usage by parsers).
- Less CPU usage when updating the timetable data in the applet.
- BugFix: The tooltip didn\'t show the next departure of all currently
activated stops.
- BugFix: Showing only results of the nth stop didn\'t work for n > 0
(all but the first stop).
- BugFix: When automatic updates are disabled the shown departures/journeys
are now updated every minute based on the available timetable data
- BugFix: Fixed the main layout of the applet, it expanded over the size of
the applet after some time.
- BugFix: The departure/arrival list is now trimmed to maximally contain
\"maximum departures\" items again. This now also works for multiple
- BugFix: The info label didn\'t show the latest update time when multiple
stops were used.
- BugFix: When the directory containing the accessor info xmls and parsers
got changed, all cached accessors are now deleted. This way you
can edit a script file and the data engine will load and use the
new version (just click \'refresh timetable\' in the applet).
- BugFix: Fixed the used home stop for journey searches to be the first in
the list of stops.
Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2010
- updated to version 0.6.7
- BugFix: The applet now stores departures seperately for each stop.
Previously only one departure list was used for all stops,
old departures weren\'t cleared when new data arrived and the
list of departures grew.
- BugFix: Passed un-decoded HTML data to accessor scripts.
- More intelligent update timeouts (for less traffic). The minimal
wait time is one third of the time from now until the last departure
time. When delay information is available, the maximal wait time
is 5 mins. The \"overall\" min wait time is set to the one specified
in the accessor info xml, if there is one.
- The credit tooltip now isn\'t shown when no credit info is given in
the accessor info xml ( tag). The tag should only be included in accessor
info xmls if the service provider has permitted it\'s use in publicTransport.
- Additional information is now shown/hidden with single/double click
depending on KDEs global settings.
Thu Feb 4 13:00:00 2010
- updated to version 0.6.6
* New accessors: Italia (Emilia-Romagna and Liguria).
* Multiple stops can now be used in a single applet. It shows
the departures/arrivals for all stops or just for one of them
at a time.
* Fixed another memory leak in the applet (not deleted widgets,
when not currently in a layout).
* BugFix: When using the data engine for more stops of the same
service provider, the received data could get mixed up.
Sun Jan 31 13:00:00 2010
- updated to version 0.6.5
+ Fixed memory leaks in the applet:
+ Fixed memory leaks in the data engine:
Sat Jan 30 13:00:00 2010 - 0.6.4
- updated to version 0.6.4
+ Better journey search
+ more accessors now scripted.
+ using Kross: python and ruby scripts possible.
+ new features for ch_sbb.
+ Accessors for Belgium, Denmark, Southern Pennsylvania, France.
+ Filter Configurations.
+ Recent journey searches.
+ KCompletion for stop name completion.
+ Rewritten accessor info xml reader.
+ Action buttons\" shown on click on the top-left icon.
+ more credit infos.
Wed Jan 13 13:00:00 2010 - 0.6.1
- updated to version 0.6.1
+ Data source names are no longer case sensitive.
* Using associated application URL (KDE4.4 only).
* Accessors are now scriptable.
* Added a new \"vehicle type\": Feet (by feet).
* Added support for multiple round trips with journey searches
* Added a seperate data source for stop suggestions
* The sorting of stop suggestions from providers is now used as is.
Mon Jan 11 13:00:00 2010 - 0.5.5
- updated to version 0.5.5
+ Added GHNS-support.
+ Added localization to the accessor info xml files.
+ Added binary translations for some languages to the source archive.
+ Added the possibility to filter by lines (in the same way as with
directions, including context menu entries).
+ Better layout for the context menu, filter entries are now grouped
in two submenu. One to add filters and one to remove filters.
+ Added a popup menu entry to switch to the journey search mode to
make this feature more visible to users.
+ Added date and time input to the journey search.
+ Added an option to the appearance config page to set a global
size factor for the applet (using a slider).
+ Now using standard icon installation method (kde4_install_icons
in cmake).
Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2009 - 0.5.4
- Updated to version 0.5.4
+ Added a signal-slot-connection in qt designer to enable the
QTimeEdit for a custom first departure time, when the accompanying
radio button is checked.
+ Fixed the raw url of de_db to get delays again
+ Fixed strings overlapping the lower border in the
departure / arrival list for some fonts. For example \"DejaVu Sans\"
now works better with two lines per row.
+ In the location combobox in the config dialog there is now an item
at the bottom, showing all errornous accessor info XMLs. Previously
it just showed a test error message with no connection to the data engine.
Mon Jul 27 14:00:00 2009 - 0.5.3
- updated to version 0.5.3
+ New supported service providers: \"Austria (\", \"International
flights (\" and \"Slovakia (\"
+ New vehicle types: Metro, trolley bus, ferry, plane.
+ Simpler configuration.
+ Added new accessor info sk_atlas.xml (for slovakia, thanks to
takanowaka, the xml is based on cz_idnes).
+ Added stop autocompletion for new sk_atlas accessor info and
for cz_idnes (same regexp).
+ Added list of possible cities to cz_idnes (thanks to takanowaka).
+ Added new accessor-info at_oebb.xml (for austria), with stop
+ Added a new accessor-info-xml tag: , to be put into . Can be
used, if the service provider has a special site for stop suggestions.
+ Added another new accessor-info-xml tag: . All departures / journeys
without a vehicle type get this vehicle type.
+ Removed the tag from the accessor-info-xmls. The country is now
determined from the xml file name, starting with the country code,
followed by \"_\". There are two other possible values, that aren\'t
a country code: \"international\", \"unknown\".
+ Added vehicle type \"ferry\" with icon and enabled ferry-data on de_db.
+ Added vehicle type \"plane\" with icon and added an accesor info
xml for
+ Added vehicle type \"metro\" and \"trolleybus\" (with icons)
+ Added filters for the new vehicle types, unknown vehicle types
can now also be hidden.
+ Changed the config dialog again: Theres now a location field
(\"international\", \"germany\", \"austria\", ...), to filter the
available service providers.
+ Added kbflags-icons for the new location field.
+ For complete changelog see Changelog file.
Fri Jul 17 14:00:00 2009 - 0.5
- updated to version 0.5
+ Added APIDOX documentation
+ Changed \"Filter out trams\" to \"Hide trams\"
+ Now using XML files for accessor information (one XML file for
each accessor).
+ Changed the raw url placeholder syntax.
+ Changed the data source names of the data engine (see
+ Changed the layout of the configuration dialog.
+ Fixes:
++ Added missing icon files to the CMakeLists.txt of the
++ RegExps are now parsed only once, not every time it is needed.
++ Now using QHash instead of QMap in the data engine.
++ Optimized the regular expression of a bit.
++ Fixed titel capitalization in the config dialogs (thanks to
Panagiotis Papadopoulos)
- removed obsolete install-all-icons.patch, now included upstream
Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.8
- updated to version 0.4.8
+ Added a journey search mode, where you can search for journeys
from or to your \"home stop\".
+ The journey search input has autocompletion.
+ Added an option to hide the header of the tree view or just the
target / origin column.
+ Changed the layout of the title, containing the stop name, last
updated and a link to the service provider. New is an icon on the left.
+ The new icon in the top left corner of the applet is clickable,
to change between departure/arrival list and journey list. The
icon also indicates the status of data receiving and gets painted
disabled when there was an error.
+ The predicted departure / arrival (with delay added) time is now
shown in the departure / arrival column.
+ Changed the sub-items in the tree view to span the whole row.
+ The font family can now be changed.
+ Seperated all settings related code from the applet class.
+ Added state flags to the applet, to make it easier to keep track
of the applets current state.
+ Fixes:
++ Fixed the regular expression for
++ The country of imhd is now correctly set to \"slovakia\" instead
of \"germany\" as it was previously.
++ Imhd service provider is now usable for different cities in slovakia.
++ Fixed \"resize to contents\" of the columns by putting the html-formatted
data into an extra data role and setting the items text to plain text.
++ The \"busy widget\" is now shown when data was requested until an answer
comes in.
+ For details see Changelog file.
Sat Jul 4 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.7
- updated to version 0.4.7
+ Added a \"Show all vehicle types\" context menu entry. It\'s only
shown if there are filtered vehicle types.
+ Added AUTHORS and INSTALL files, changed README files.
+ Fix:
++ \"Applet needs config\"-message isn\'t shown anymore when there are
downloaded departures / arrivals and then a parsing error occured
(most probably because of a lost network connection).
++ The \"popup-icon-information\" about the next alarm is now also
displayed if there is an inactive (already fired) alarm first.
++ The model of the tree view is now updated without network
connection (so remaining minutes get updated and old departures /
arrivals are filtered out).
++ The service provider link is now displayed again (wasn\'t in 0.4.6).
++ Fixed a crash in geometryChanged()?
- added license linking, added therefore licenses to BuildRequires
and Requires
- added Patch install-all-icons.patch
- recompressed source tarball with bzip2
Sat Jul 4 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.6
- updated to version 0.4.6
+ Added config options for \"time of first departure\" and
\"maximum number of departures\".
+ Added a context menu for the treeview. Items for setting/removing
alarms, adding/removing targets to/from the filter, hide by
vehicle type, expand/collapse items.
+ Added alarms, can be set with a new \"set/remove alarm for departure\"
context menu.
+ The service provider combo box now also uses the delegate for
html text that is used by the main tree view.
+ Added sorting and group titles for countries to the service
provider combo box
+ Added Plasma::FrameSvg drawing to the html delegate.
+ Added \"What\'s This\" entries to the config dialog.
+ Added possibility to change between departures and arrivals.
+ Added icon in the tree view for departures / arrivals containing
journey news.
+ Further shortened the remaining time string. If the departure/arrival
is \"on schedule\" the departure time painted in dark green.
+ If an alarm is pending, the popup icon of the applet displays in
how many minutes the next alarm will be fired
+ The departure / arrival list now isn\'t cleared, when the document
can\'t be downloaded or the downloaded document can\'t be parsed.
Departures / arrivals in the past get filtered out.
+ Changed \"direction\" to \"target\" / \"origin\".
+ Code cleanups.
+ Fixes:
++ Sorting now includes delays.
++ Delayed departures are now displayed until the predicted
departure time (=departure+delay) has passed.
++ Departure items can now be expanded/collapsed with a double click
anywhere in a row.
++ Guessing dates of departures/arrivals by request time and
departure/arrival time.
++ The moving buttons of the train type filter selector are now
enabled if an item is selected.
+ For details see web page...
Sat Jun 27 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.5
- updated to version 0.4.5
+ Support for (poland) with autocompletion
+ Parse and use stop ID when available instead of stop name
(eliminates some ambiguities of stop names)
+ Wrote a delegate to paint html-text in the treeview, added the
possibility to change the lines per row
+ Delays are now colored red using the new html delegate
+ The departure list is now updated instead of clearing and newly
filling it each time
+ Improved the automatic column resizing
+ Added an info dialog for the service providers
+ Now using the favicons-dataengine to get favicons of the service
providers when available
+ Added vehicle type parsing to RMV
+ Added other train icons
+ Fixes:
++ Added recheck of the stop name when the service provider changes
++ Accessor names now using i18n
++ Wrong green led in config dialog
++ The tooltip now shows the first not filtered departure
++ Journey news now working for RMV
Tue Jun 23 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.4
- updated to version 0.4.4
+ Support (czechia)
+ Autocompletion for,,
Delay + Platform for JourneyNews for
+ Implemented TypeOfVehicle parsing for by adding a
+ Made strings for remaining minutes shorter
+ Changed the header-resizing of the tree view. Columns \"line\"
and \"departure\" stay as set by the user, \"direction\" will
shrink/grow as needed
+ Placed a link to the service provider in the plasmoid
+ Changed the UI for filtering vehicle types to use KActionSelector
instead of many checkboxes
+ Fixes:
++ Tree view is no longer editable
++ Decoding of HTML-pages using QTextCodec::codecForHtml() or
QTextCodec::codecForName() with a regexp-matched charset as
fallback (needed by
++ Percent-encoding of stop names using a charset other than UTF-8
with my own toPercentEncoding()-method (needed by
++ Using QDateTime instead of QTime for storing when the data was
last updated. Without this there were no updates after 0:00
++ Autocompletion was missing stops when they contain html-entities
(e.g. þ), fixed
+ Other:
++ Made an easier template for new accessors in
Sat Jun 20 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.3
- updated to version 0.4.3
+ Changed the data engine to only request a new HTML page from
the server when the old data is too old
+ Added new vehicle types for trains (icons not ready yet)
+ Added filtering possibilities for subways/trains
+ Fixed filtering by line, so that trains with high numbers
(e.g. \"RE 28324\") are not filtered. I restricted filtering by
line to trams/buses/subways/interurban trains (max line number is 999)
+ Added initial delay/\"journey news\" and platform parsing for
You can see this info by double clicking on a row in the TreeView.
The platform should be shown where available
- removed obsolete no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch, now inclued
Thu Jun 18 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.2
- updated to version 0.4.2
+ Added icons for vehicle types
+ Added vehicle type parsing to
+ Added the possibility to only have one input field for accessors
(not city and stop but one field containing both).
For some accessors there is now only one field.
+ Fixed the regexp for
+ Added a KLed to the config dialog that shines green when the
entered stop is valid (so you will get a departure board)
+ The data origin is now displayed in the plasmoid
+ Added COPYING files containing the GPL license
- added no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch
Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2009 - 0.4.1
- initial package
- version 0.4.1